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Mundus Refugee Council Office
« on: September 01, 2017, 03:16:41 PM »
Spoiler: Mundus Refugee Council Charter • show
The Refugee Council shall be a multi-national non governmental organisation under the umbrella of the CTO.


For the purpose of this document a refugee shall be defined as any who; owing to well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

In the case of a person who has more than one nationality, the term “the country of his nationality” shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, and a person shall not be deemed to be lacking the protection of the country of his nationality if, without any valid reason based on well-founded fear, he has not availed himself of the protection of one of the countries of which he is a national.


1. To provide a framework to allow refugees to receive timely and organised aid
2. To put in place provision for the safe movement of refugees
3. To maintain a database of refugees
4. To aid refugees in returning, whenever possible, to the county of his nationality.
5. To liase with nations affected by refugees
6. To liase with nations and agencies involved with aiding refugees
7. To act as a guardian for the rights of refugees


1. Any nation who is a member of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation (CTO) and who has ratified this charter is considered a full member.

2. Nations who are not CTO members may apply for Observer status should they receive support of 75% of all full members and ratified this charter. An observer may propose actions to the council, take a full part in debates but shall not be permitted to vote.

3. The organisation shall consist of a Council and shall appoint a Council Chair.

4. The council consists of one representative authorised by each full member and observer nation.

5. The Council Chair shall be appointed by the Council using a majority vote.

6. A Council Chair shall serve for a term of six years[1] and may not serve consecutive terms

7. The Council Chair shall be required to undertake the following duties.

i) Make an annual report to the General Assembly as well as any additional requested reports
ii)Present proposals to the Council for debate.
iii)Chair Council meetings
iv)Ensure accurate records of council meetings are kept
v) Represent the organisation in talks with national governments
vi)Liaise with other agencies to fulfil the organisations aims.
vii) Promote Refugee Rights in all nations

8. The Refugee Council shall be required to undertake the following duties.

i) Hold the Council Chair to account. The Council may replace the Chair should 75% of all Full members support a vote of no confidence.
ii)Work to promote Refugee Rights within their home nation.
iii)Liaise with agencies within their home nations
iv) Make an annual report to the chair about the state of refugees within their nation.
v) Present proposals to the Council for debate
vi) Provide support to the Chair if requested.

9. The Refugee Council shall be permitted to issue, as a matter of last resort, a CTO Passport to refugees.

10. A Refugee shall have the following responsibilities.

a) To comply with the laws of the nation in which they are residing
b) To register as a refugee as soon as they are no longer in danger
c) To inform the government of the nation they reside in of any change in circumstances

11. A refugee shall have the following rights

a) To be treated no less favourably than a foreign citizen residing in the host nation.
b) To be permitted to obtain material possessions
c) To be permitted to gain lawful employment in accordance with the host nations laws.
d) To have full access to courts of law
e) To have the right to communicate with the Refugee Council or its Council Chair

12. The Refugee Council shall recruit its own staff who may not hold any position within the government or military of their home nation.

13. The Refugee Council shall be funded by a combination of donations by member nations and private donors. All private donors must be declared to the CTO General Assembly.

14. The Refugee Council may operate it is own fleet of aircraft and naval vessels. This shall be registered in the Union of Nordic People, however should circumstances dictate they may be registered in any Full Member nation deemed fit by the Council Chair

15. A refugee is advised to wait until the circumstances that made them a refugee have ceased to exist before returning home. They may return home in advance of such a moment but if they choose to do so then they do so at their own risk.

Current Chair of Mundus Refugee Council: Melissa Lusk