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Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« on: April 23, 2019, 09:51:21 PM »

Kingdom of Tytor
Titorriako Erresuma
タイター王国 (Taitā Ōkoku)
Aupuni o Kaikole

Government: Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 78,450,314 (2013 census)
Capital: Tsargrad
Largest city: Williamshaven
Motto: "Ad Regem et in Terra" (Latin: "For King and Country")
Royal anthem: Royal March (instrumental only)
National anthem: Tytor, Our Homeland (lyrics below)
Official language: English
Recognized minority languages: Floodwaterian Creole, Old Tytoric, Rokkenjiman, Native Floodwaterian
Demonym: Tytorian, Tytoric (rarely)
Religion: Christianity, Judaism, Rosarity, Baha'i
Average life expectancy: 79 years
HDI: 0.912 (very high)
Currency: Tytorian crown (₡)
Exchange rate: ₡1.00 = $0.56
GDP (per capita): $3,528,381,322,464 ($44,976)
Driving side: left
Calling code: +37
Internet TLD: .ty
Date format: mm/dd/yyyy
Mains electricity: 120 V–60 Hz
Patron saint: Erasmus (St Elmo)

Head of State: King Michael I
Head of Government: Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher
Legislature: Parliament of the Kingdom of Tytor
Upper Body: House of Nobles
Lower Body: House of Commons

Provinces - with capitals:
East Crownlands (EC) - Tsargrad
West Crownlands (WC) - Williamshaven
Decapolis (DE) - Aquilae
Northmark (NM) - Ravensfort
Southmark (SM) - Vigil
Floodwater IAR (FW) - Port Monsoon

10 largest cities (2013 census):

1. Williamshaven, West Crownlands (population: 1,115,057)

2. St. Elmo's City, Decapolis (population: 1,070,381)

3. Christiansburg, Decapolis (population: 923,506)

4. Ravensfort, Northmark (population: 719,922)

5. Vigil, Southmark (population: 708,004)

6. Tsargrad, East Crownlands (population: 657,890)

7. Farmington, Decapolis (population: 500,193)

8. Aquilae, Decapolis (population: 472,488)

9. Port Monsoon, Floodwater IAR (population: 437,016)

10. Newcharter, Decapolis (population: 428,902)

National holidays:
New Year's Day - January 1st
Unification Day - February 14th
King Michael's Birthday - March 27th
Memorial Day - April 25th
St Elmo's Day - June 2nd
Kingdom Day - September 15th
Thanksgiving Day - October 22nd
Remembrance Day - November 11th
Christmas Day - December 25th

National symbols:
Colors - black, gold, and green
Bird - brown falcon
Mammal - Tytorian beaver
Reptile - hawksbill sea turtle
Insect - two-spotted ladybug
Fish - leopard shark
Flower - scarlet pimpernel
Tree - sugar maple
Fossil - Smilodon fatalis
Dinosaur - Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis

Orders of chivalry:
Order of the Crown - Est. 1679, revived 1948
Order of the Scepter - Est. 1679, revived 1948
Order of Aquilae - Est. 2014
Order of the Cross - Est. 1356, revived 1948
Order of the Falcon - Est. 1821
Order of Merit - Est. 1948

Demographics (2013 census):

Religious Affiliation:


First Language:

Tytor, Our Homeland
Written by Janae Ricks, 1960
Composed by Edmund St. George, 1944




East to the mountains, west to the ocean,
South to the hills and north to the plain,
Tytor stands ready, noble and steady,
As we go forth, singing loud our refrain:

Ours is this land which has ever been blessed,
Ours is the hope that we'll ever be free!
|:Reaching for greatness, prizing our oneness,
We stand for Tytor and our liberty!:|

Tytor, our nation, bless'd with salvation
From evil men who sought naught but gain--
God has deliver'd all that is in her,
That all may sing and join in the refrain:

Ours is this land which has ever been blessed,
Ours is the hope that we'll ever be free!
|:Reaching for greatness, prizing our oneness,
We stand for Tytor and our liberty!:|

Thru ev'ry trial, each rugged mile,
Tytor has press'd, no matter the pain--
So that our kingdom might have the freedom
To stand triumphant and shout this refrain:

Ours is this land which has ever been blessed,
Ours is the hope that we'll ever be free!
|:Reaching for greatness, prizing our oneness,
We stand for Tytor and our liberty!:|

Spoiler: Carry On, national anthem 1946-1960 • show
Carry On
Written and composed by Thomas Duvall, 1923




Firm as the mountains around us,
Stalwart and brave we stand
On the rock our fathers planted
For us in this goodly land--
The rock of honor and virtue,
Of faith in the living God.
They raised their banner triumphant--
Over the verdant sod.

And we hear the forests singing:
Carry on, carry on, carry on!
Hills and vales and mountains ringing:
Carry on, carry on, carry on!
Holding aloft our colors,
We march in the glorious dawn.
Oh heirs of the noble birthright,
Carry on, carry on, carry on!

We'll build on the rock they planted
A nation strong and bold,
And rouse in all its citizens
Great courage as of old.
Notwithstanding many trials,
We will gain in honest wealth,
And secure for us the blessings
Of love and joy and health.

And we hear the forests singing:
Carry on, carry on, carry on!
Hills and vales and mountains ringing:
Carry on, carry on, carry on!
Holding aloft our colors,
We march in the glorious dawn.
Oh heirs of the noble birthright,
Carry on, carry on, carry on!

(OOC: These lyrics are based off of the hymn "Carry On", written by Ruth May Fox in 1930.  The tune, taken from the same hymn, was composed by Alfred M. Durham.)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 03:35:40 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2019, 10:17:31 PM »

Early History - 1204-1521

Artist's Impression of the Decapolitan Declaration of Independence

Little is known of the history of what would become Tytor before the arrival of Ardian explorers, and so the nation can ultimately trace its origins to the twin colonies of Ravensfort and Decapolis, established by the Ardian Empire in 1204 and 1223, respectively.  Ravensfort lasted until 1467, when tribal raiders from the north and east sacked and razed the already dwindling military outpost, slaughtering its remaining inhabitants.  Decapolis flourished as an Imperial Ardian colony until 1472, when disaffected colonists declared independence, taking advantage of a political crisis back on the Ardian mainland.  After a brief civil war between revolutionaries and loyalists, the Most Serene Republic of Decapolis was formed, with the city of Aquilae, founded in 1278, as its capital.  Decapolis, a mildly authoritarian state despite its generally republican outlook, experienced a rather uneventful first five decades, with little of note recorded of the period.

Eight Principalities - 1521-1585

Portrait of Edward I

Early in the year 1521, a group of Decapolitan aristocrats got into a dispute with the government of Chancellor Louis Dampier over a recent legislative vote.  The government prevailed, forcing the dissenters into exile in what is now the Crownlands.  There, they founded the Eight Principalities of Tytor: Williamshaven, Tarrenburg, Falconrest, Rosemark, Westmark, Eastmark, Highmark, and Tsargrad.  The Principalities were at least nominally allied with one another until 1538, when the murder of the Prince of Tarrenburg at a Eastmarkian banquet sparked the Oath Wars, which lasted for most of the next decade, ending in 1547.  A period of relative peace followed, lasting until 1569, when the Principalities were forced to band together once more in order to repulse a Decapolitan invasion, which ended with the bloody Battle of Rosewood.  With the invasion defeated and the peace broken, the Principalities quickly fell into petty squabbles, which ultimately blossomed into a full-scale war.

Prince Edward of Tsargrad published his intent to unite the warring states into a single realm in 1572, purposely timing his declaration to coincide with the centennial of the independence of Decapolis.  Edward made good his promise, defeating Prince Alexander of Highmark in 1579.  Prince Alexander fled with what was left of his army and swore fealty to Prince James II of Williamshaven.  He served under Prince James until 1581, when he launched a revolt and installed himself as ruler of Williamshaven, gaining the epithet "the Usurper" in the process.  All the while, the Prince of Tsargrad continued his war of unification, though Highmark was his only conquest until Prince Michael of Tarrenburg, apparently deciding that further resistance would merely delay the inevitable, surrendered his lands and castle in 1582 with the understanding that he would given a position of authority in a united Tytor.  However, he was killed by a bandit soon after his surrender, and thus was unable to claim his reward.

Prince Alexander was not idle either.  Hoping above everything else to regain his family's seat in Highmark, the Usurper of Williamshaven solidified his position before marching on and sacking Rosemark in 1583.  He then proceeded to forge an alliance with the Princes of Eastmark and Westmark and a combined army marched on Tsargrad in 1584.  The Triple Alliance met the forces of Prince Edward in what was at that point the largest battle in Tytorian history, and Edward's forces won the day.  Both the Usurper and Prince Malcolm of Eastmark were killed in the fighting, and Prince Owen of Westmark, the last of the original exiles, surrendered what was left of the combined force to his adversary.  Prince Edward then marched to Falconrest, where he spent the better part of a year in negotiations with the prince there.  Falconrest finally agreed to submit, and Edward was crowned King of Tytor in the cathedral at Tsargrad in 1585.  He would become known as Edward the Unifier.

House de Roy - 1585-1717

Portrait of Edward VII

With the crowning of Prince Edward of Tsargrad as the one and only Tytorian ruler, Tytor entered a golden age of peace and prosperity that lasted through the rest of Edward's reign until 1627, when King Edward IV launched an unprovoked invasion of Decapolis, which fell after a six-year-long war that devastated both countries and led indirectly to the incredibly short, but otherwise un-notable, reign of King Edward V, also known as Edward the Uncrowned.  The ensuing period of reconstruction was followed by another period of expansion, the beginning of which was marked by the first in a series of conflicts with the Ardian Empire.  In 1666, while in Astros, the Ardian capital, to sign a peace treaty, King Edward VII was seized by a mob and burned alive after refusing to renounce his Christian faith.  He would thereafter be known as Edward the Martyr.

Edward VII's murder led directly to another war with Imperial Ardia, though it would prove to be the last.  After the war ended, Tytor resumed its expansion.  King Richard I would oversee the establishment of the city of Vigil on Tytor's southern frontier in 1677, shortly before his death.  However, despite the fact that the Unifier's direct line had brought Tytor to its greatest level of power yet, it was not to last.  Richard I had no children, and so he left the throne to his nephew, who became William II.  William had no sons, and so upon his death in 1695, the throne passed to each of his daughters in turn.  The elder ruled for four years as Jane II, while the younger, Rachel, who was next in line, ruled until 1717.  Her death brought about the extinction of House de Roy, as she too was without issue.  Thus, the throne passed to a cousin, William de Tarrenburg, direct ancestor of the royal house today.  However, as the Tarrenburgs had married into House de Roy three generations back, the line of the Unifier continued to hold the crown.

House de Tarrenburg - 1717-1873

Portrait of William IV

The accession of William III marked the end of an era.  At the time, the Tarrenburgs were much more popular than the Roys, due to a perception that they were closer to the people.  However, they were not immune to disaster.  In 1729, Floodwater was subjugated, and Ravensfort was resettled in order to secure the northern border eleven years later, but peace held only until 1785, when an army revolt turned into a full-scale civil war.  The war, in which the Tytorian tricolor was first raised, raged for three years before the rebels took Tsargrad.  King Edward IX was forced to abdicate and, after a show trial, was executed by decapitation on the steps of his palace, beginning the Interregnum, a period of instability and continued warfare which would last for fourteen months.  In 1789, Benjamin de Tarrenburg, eldest surviving son of the late King Edward, defeated the rebels and had himself crowned in Tsargrad Cathedral.

In order to prevent such a revolt from happening again, King Benjamin instituted Tytor's first-ever parliament, relinquishing some of the crown's power and granting ordinary citizens certain rights.  These rights, along with several more, were guaranteed in law during the reign of King Richard II with the signing of the Bill of Rights in 1815.  General unrest in 1848 forced the abdication of King William IV in favor of his more liberal son, Christian I, who immediately pressed for a series of social reforms, though they did little to improve the monarchy's slipping image.  However, it was not until Christian's son became King William V, often referred to as William the Unfortunate, that the crown's troubles really got out of control.  William V was considerably more conservative than his father, and many saw him as a repeat of his unpopular grandfather.  Most of his policies were blocked by an increasingly belligerent Parliament, and, in 1873, he finally attempted to dismiss the legislative body altogether.  This proved to be a mistake.  Parliament revolted, and the king ended up deposed.  He spent the rest of his life in exile.

Republic, Restoration, and Revolution - 1873-1922

Photograph of Richard III

1873 was a momentous year.  Supported by republican army officers, Parliament seized control of the country and established the First Tytorian Federal Republic.  By year's end, the Tarrenburgs, once lauded as advocates for the common man, were in exile in the Ardian Empire.  There was a new order in power, one which was almost violently opposed to all facets of the old.  Yet, despite outward appearances, the First Republic turned out to be no more democratic than the monarchy it had replaced; if anything, it was less so.  Only a month after Parliament's assumption of power, it experienced an internal power play.  The House of Nobles forcibly disbanded the House of Commons, making itself a unicameral legislature and appointing Richard Howe, one of its number, Lord Protector.  The already elderly Howe ruled as king in all but name for two years, before resigning due to poor health.

Before retiring, Howe appointed his successor, setting a precedent that the Republic followed for the rest of its existence.  Though seats in the House of Nobles were technically not hereditary, its members commonly appointed their eldest sons to succeed them as legislators, whether said sons were qualified or not.  The Lord Protector, however, did not do the same; instead, he would name one of the other members of Parliament as his successor upon his retirement.  However, when Lord Protector Franklin R. Peabody died in office in 1909, he had not named a successor.  Thus, Parliament was forced to hold an emergency session to elect a replacement.  That replacement, Roger Underwood, was a weak-willed man.  Monarchists in the army sensed this, and a military coup the next year destroyed Parliament's power.  Richard de Tarrenburg, grandson of William V, was invited back to Tytor to be crowned king.

When Richard III became king, he quickly solidified an alliance with the Ardian Empire, the country where he and his family had lived so long in exile.  Four years later, however, the Empire became involved in what would become known as the First World War.  Tytor was dragged into the conflict, but ultimately dropped out early in 1917 after the military forced Richard III to abdicate in favor of his eldest son, who became King Christian II.  Christian II was unprepared for the sudden responsibility of running a war-weary country, and it showed.  His first reign lasted only five years before Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Granger, who had been the driving force behind Richard III's abdication, launched yet another coup.  This time, Granger declared that the monarchy's time had passed.  In its place, he established the short-lived Second Tytorian Federal Republic.

Communist Period - 1922-1946

Photograph of Josiah Granger

A staunch republican at this point, Granger was determined to avoid the mistakes of the First Republic.  Once the Tarrenburgs were safely in exile again in Dartfordia, he held the first direct election in Tytorian history.  He won election as Premier by a comfortable margin, but he only managed a single two-year term.  In 1924, the communist People's Revolutionary Party used intimidation and vote fraud to unseat Granger, a radical centrist.  Suspecting nothing, Granger retired from politics and returned to the army with a general's commission.  He realized his mistake when, four years later, Oliver Wallis announced the formation of the Tytorian People's Republic.  Despite merely being a puppet of Party Chairman Tobias Smith, Wallis remained in office for seventeen years, while Granger bided his time, patiently waiting for an opportunity to strike.

In 1940, the Tytorian People's Republic entered World War II, deploying troops and ships to locations around the globe.  However, in 1941, Wallis had a public falling out with Smith, and an aging Smith seized direct control of the People's Republic, forcing the popular Wallis into an early retirement.  After Smith's coup, a wave of anti-war demonstrations began.  The demonstrations gave way to civil disobedience, protesting the repressive nature of Smith's regime.  In 1942, Granger decided that the time had come.  He conducted a march on Tsargrad which, while not successful in capturing the city, brought down the People's Republic.  Setting up shop in Williamshaven, Granger declared the establishment of the Third Tytorian Federal Republic, and the Second Tytorian Civil War began in earnest, forcing Tytor out of World War II.

For three years, Granger fought a communist insurgency.  Tsargrad was fully taken after intense street-to-street fighting in the middle of 1944, but it changed hands twice more before the war ended.  In 1945, however, the grizzled veteran of three wars and a revolution suffered a fatal heart attack after surviving a botched assassination attempt.  The Federalist cause took a huge hit to morale after Granger's death, but his successor, a Royalist exile by the name of Thomas Warwick, quickly rallied Federalist and Royalist alike.  Warwick was a pragmatist above all else, despite his Royalist leanings, and he realized that bringing the royal family back too soon would alienate his Federalist support base.  For that reason, he spent several months quietly utilizing propaganda in an attempt to warm Federalists up to the idea of a second Restoration.  Finally, in the summer of 1946, he stepped aside as Chief of State, appointing the exiled former monarch as his successor.  King Christian II landed at Williamshaven within a fortnight, holding an official re-coronation three months later.

Modern State - 1946-present

Photograph of Christian II

The Second Tytorian Civil War technically didn't end until the year after Christian II's restoration, but it had been reduced to little more than a clean-up operation by the time the Tarrenburgs returned from Dartfordia.  Warwick had quite efficiently broken the fighting spirit of the far left, and he ended up appointed provisional prime minister of the newly reestablished Kingdom of Tytor.  Over the next few years, Tytor engaged in reconstruction.  Much of the country had been ravaged by war, and repairing the damage was the provisional government's first priority.  However, when the provisional government reached the middle of its eighth year in office, unrest began showing.  The king ordered Prime Minister Warwick to organize a constitutional convention, and in 1956, following several months of debate, Tytor officially became a constitutional monarchy.

Prime Minister Warwick, by that time an earl, declared his intention to lead his reactionary Royalist Front into the very next general elections, the first since the dissolution of the Second Republic.  Unfortunately for both him and his party, he was assassinated while on the campaign trail, and the Royalist Front splintered.  The Front's near-death experience lost it the elections to a dead-center coalition between the Christian Democratic, Social Democratic, and National Parties.  The governing coalition proved unstable, however, and it broke up prematurely after only a few weeks.  Over the next several election cycles, the major parties coalesced into the political alliances that dominate Tytorian politics today.

The rest of Christian II's reign was peaceful.  Easily the most popular Tytorian monarch in history by the time of his death, he was succeeded by each of his three sons in turn, the last of which, William VI, was followed by his own son, who reigned as Richard IV.  Richard IV died of natural causes in 1998, to be succeeded by his son Michael, who reigned only a single year as king before calling for a second constitutional convention, the results of which remain in force today.  It was at this time that succession was changed from male-preference to absolute primogeniture.  King Michael's reign has not been as serene as he might have hoped, however.  Since his ascension, international politics have been flaring up, and, in 2013, the centuries-old city of Aquilae was nearly completely destroyed when both a munitions factory and the Royal Army's largest arsenal blew up, instantly leveling the city center and sparking a blaze that quickly engulfed the entire rest of the city.  Despite these and other issues, including a corporate coup attempt, views on King Michael's reign remain positive, and the country looks hopefully to the future.

Spoiler: List of Tytorian Heads of State, 1585-Present • show
Kingdom of Tytor under House de Roy (1585-1717)
1585-1589 - King Edward I "the Unifier"
1589-1598 - King Edward II
1598-1615 - Queen Jane I
1615-1626 - King Edward III
1626-1634 - King Edward IV
1634-1635 - King Edward V "the Uncrowned"
1635-1641 - King William I
1641-1656 - King Edward VI
1656-1666 - King Edward VII "the Martyr"
1666-1677 - King Richard I
1677-1695 - King William II
1695-1699 - Queen Jane II
1699-1717 - Queen Rachel

Kingdom of Tytor under House de Tarrenburg (1717-1788)
1717-1739 - King William III
1739-1751 - King Edward VIII
1751-1788 - King Edward IX

Interregnum (1788-1789)
1788-1789 - Prince Regent Edmund Dampier

Kingdom of Tytor (1789-1873)
1789-1801 - King Benjamin
1801-1829 - King Richard II
1829-1848 - King William IV
1848-1860 - King Christian I
1860-1873 - King William V "the Unfortunate"

First Tytorian Federal Republic (1873-1910)
1873-1875 - Lord Protector Richard Howe
1875-1880 - Lord Protector William Thompson
1880-1909 - Lord Protector Franklin R. Peabody
1909-1910 - Lord Protector Roger Underwood

Kingdom of Tytor (1910-1922)
1910-1917 - King Richard III
1917-1922 - King Christian II

Second Tytorian Federal Republic (1922-1928)
1922-1924 - Premier Josiah Granger
1924-1928 - Premier Oliver Wallis

Tytorian People's Republic (1928-1942)
1928-1941 - Premier Oliver Wallis
1941-1942 - Premier Tobias Smith

Third Tytorian Federal Republic (1942-1946)
1942-1945 - Chief of State Josiah Granger
1945-1946 - Chief of State Thomas Warwick
1946 - Chief of State Christian de Tarrenburg (titular)

Kingdom of Tytor (1946-Present)
1946-1959 - King Christian II
1959-1961 - King Christian III
1961-1979 - King George I
1979-1982 - King William VI
1982-1998 - King Richard IV
1998-Present - King Michael I
Spoiler: List of Tytorian Heads of Government, 1789-Present • show
Kingdom of Tytor (1789-1873)
1789-1808 - Prime Minister Lord Edward Wellesley, 3rd Duke of Pembroke
1808-1813 - Prime Minister Sir Charles Turner
1813-1822 - Prime Minister Sir Josiah North
1822 - Prime Minister Henry Markingham
1822-1829 - Prime Minister George Walton
1829-1830 - Prime Minister Sir Aaron Rich
1830-1843 - Prime Minister Arthur Gladstone
1843-1844 - Prime Minister Rutherford Johnson
1844 - Prime Minister Walter T. Humphries
1844-1848 - Prime Minister Benjamin Lewis
1848 - Prime Minister Rutherford Johnson (second time)
1848-1849 - Prime Minister Benjamin Lewis (second time)
1849-1854 - Prime Minister Rutherford Johnson (third time)
1854-1858 - Prime Minister Marriner H. Merrill
1858-1873 - Prime Minister Sir Hamilton G. Smith

First Tytorian Federal Republic (1873-1910)
1873-1875 - Lord Protector Richard Howe
1875-1880 - Lord Protector William Thompson
1880-1909 - Lord Protector Franklin R. Peabody
1909-1910 - Lord Protector Roger Underwood

Kingdom of Tytor (1910-1922)
1910-1914 - Prime Minister Gregory Alan Walton
1914 - Prime Minister Franklin Usher
1914-1922 - Prime Minister Sylvester A. Cox

Second Tytorian Federal Republic (1922-1928)
1922-1924 - Premier Josiah Granger
1924-1928 - Premier Oliver Wallis

Tytorian People's Republic (1928-1942)
1928-1941 General Secretary Tobias Smith
1941-1942 General Secretary Preston B. Fleming

Third Tytorian Federal Republic (1942-1946)
1942-1945 - Chief of State Josiah Granger
1945-1946 - Chief of State Thomas Warwick
1946 - Chief of State Christian de Tarrenburg (titular)

Kingdom of Tytor (1946-Present)
1946-1957 - Prime Minister Lord Thomas Warwick, 1st Earl Warwick
1957 - Prime Minister David C. Young
1957 - Prime Minister M. Victor Birch
1957-1958 - Prime Minister Armand G. Forrest
1958-1960 - Prime Minister Sir Benjamin Pulham
1960-1961 - Prime Minister Lord William Dawes, 7th Earl of Burlingham
1961-1966 - Prime Minister Sir Albert J. Buckley
1966-1969 - Prime Minister Sam Brown, Sr.
1969-1974 - Prime Minister Augustine R. Morris
1974-1983 - Prime Minister Sir Oliver James
1983-1985 - Prime Minister Ronald E. Darlington
1985-1992 - Prime Minister Sir Oliver James (second time)
1992 - Prime Minister Harold Farthingham
1992-1998 - Prime Minister Samuel Gordon Brown, Jr.
1998-2011 - Prime Minister Reginald St. George
2011-2015 - Prime Minister Lord Joseph Cornwallis, 1st Baronet Cornwallis
2015 - Prime Minister John H. Goodfellow
2015-Present - Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 10:07:52 PM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2019, 10:21:16 PM »
Tytorian Royal Army

Main equipment:
Rifle: Bastion M1996 Automatic Rifle
Introduced 1996

Side arm: Javelin M1937 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Introduced 1937

Machine gun: Yeoman M1962 Machine Gun
Introduced 1962

Sniper rifle: Yeoman M1989 Marksman Rifle
Introduced 1989

Rocket launcher: Bastion M1977 Reusable Rocket Launcher
Introduced: 1977

Main battle tank: Strategic Defense TM-95 Sabaoth
Introduced 1995

Infantry fighting vehicle: Strategic Defense IFV-97 Vixen
Introduced 1997

Artillery: Williams SPA-99 Onager
Introduced 1999

Armored personnel carrier: Strategic Defense APC-87 Timberwolf
Introduced 1987

Light utility vehicle: Tri-Star LMV-98 Lynx
Introduced 1998

Field Army: varies by command
Corps: varies by command
Division: 2 brigades (9,600 men)
Brigade: 4 battalions (4,800 men)
Battalion: 10 companies (1,200 men)
Company: 5 platoons (120 men)
Platoon: 3 squads (24 men)
Squad: 2 fireteams (8 men)
Fireteam: 4 men
Regiment: 1,200 men (equivalent to battalion; only used by Royal Guard, which has its own system)

Overall commander: Field Marshal Sir John Percy
Overall HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
March: Anthem of the Royal Army
Total personnel: 93,600

Army of the Crownlands
HQ: Fort Rose, West Crownlands
Commander: General Sir Nathaniel Forrester
Personnel: 49,200
2 corps
3 infantry divisions
1 armored division
2 artillery brigades
1 Royal Guard regiment

Army of the Northmark
HQ: Ravensfort, Northmark
Commander: General Sir George Waverly
Personnel: 44,400
2 corps
3 infantry divisions
1 armored division
1 artillery brigade
1 engineer battalion
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 03:52:07 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2019, 10:27:23 PM »
Tytorian Royal Air Force

Main aircraft:
Stealth fighter: Tri-Star AS-60 Raven
Introduced 2006

Air superiority fighter: Royal Aeronautics AS-51 Cobra
Introduced 1970

Interceptor: Royal Aeronautics I-19 Wasp
Introduced 1997

Ground attack fighter: Royal Aeronautics GA-7 Wildcat
Introduced 1979

Electronic warfare fighter: Tri-Star ECM-4 Firefly
Introduced 1983

Strategic bomber: Tri-Star SB-82 Hammer
Introduced 1971

Tactical airlifter: Royal Aeronautics TC-112 Goldenrod
Introduced 2001

Strategic airlifter: Tri-Star SC-31 Stratolifter
Introduced 1976

Aerial tanker: Tri-Star AR-31 Stratotanker
Introduced 1977

Early warning aircraft: Royal Aeronautics AEW-3 Snoop
Introduced 1965

Attack helicopter: Royal Aeronautics AH-23 Liberty
Introduced 2013

Utility helicopter: Tri-Star UH-15 Decapolitan
Introduced 1974

Trainer: Tri-Star T-42 Terrapin
Introduced 1990

Royal air transport: Royal Aeronautics VC-8 Falcon
Introduced 1995

Royal Air Force
HQ: Riverford Air Force Base, West Crownlands
Commander: Air Marshal Sir Thomas Grant
March: The Royal Air Force
Total personnel: 27,653
2 stealth fighter squadrons
8 air superiority squadrons
9 interceptor squadrons
5 ground attack squadrons
3 electronic warfare squadrons
2 strategic bomber squadrons
3 tactical airlifter squadrons
1 strategic airlifter squadron
2 aerial tanker squadrons
2 early warning squadrons
28 attack helicopters
42 utility helicopters/gunships
1 trainer squadron
4 royal air transports
530 total aircraft
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 03:51:35 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2019, 11:02:34 PM »
Tytorian Royal Navy

2 Pendragon-class dedicated command ships

HTMS Pendragon (commissioned 1971)
HTMS Mount Carmichael (commissioned 1973)

1 Monarch-class aircraft carrier

HTMS Monarch (commissioned 2020)

2 Tarrenburg-class light aircraft carriers

HTMS Tarrenburg (commissioned 1989)
HTMS Edward VII (commissioned 1992)

1 Christian II-class cruiser

HTMS Christian II (commissioned 1966, modernized 1991)

3 Steadfast-class cruisers (licensed from Rokkenjima)

HTMS Persephone (commissioned 2014)
HTMS Europa (commissioned 2015)
HTMS Andromeda (commissioned 2017)

4 Hoplite-class destroyers

HTMS Hoplite (commissioned 2014)
HTMS Phalanx (commissioned 2016)
HTMS Legionnaire (commissioned 2017)
HTMS Praetorian (commissioned 2018)

8 Warwick-class destroyers

HTMS Warwick (commissioned 1994)
HTMS Towers (commissioned 1995)
HTMS Pitt (commissioned 1995)
HTMS Lancelyn (commissioned 1996)
HTMS Underhill (commissioned 1996)
HTMS Percy (commissioned 1996)
HTMS Burke (commissioned 1997)
HTMS Vinson (commissioned 1999)

6 St. Peter-class frigates

HTMS St. Peter (commissioned 1986)
HTMS St. James (commissioned 1987)
HTMS St. John (commissioned 1989)
HTMS St. Philip (commissioned 1990)
HTMS St. Bartholomew (commissioned 1990)
HTMS St. Jude (commissioned 1991)

5 St. Andrew-class frigates

HTMS St. Andrew (commissioned 1982)
HTMS St. Matthew (commissioned 1982)
HTMS St. Thomas (commissioned 1983)
HTMS St. Mark (commissioned 1985)
HTMS St. Luke (commissioned 1985)

3 St. Alban-class frigates

HTMS St. Alban (commissioned 1983)
HTMS St. George (commissioned 1984)
HTMS St. Paul (commissioned 1986)

7 Fox-class corvettes

HTMS Fox (commissioned 1999)
HTMS Squirrel (commissioned 2000)
HTMS Bulldog (commissioned 2000)
HTMS Parrot (commissioned 2001)
HTMS Shark (commissioned 2002)
HTMS Butterfly (commissioned 2003)
HTMS Hare (commissioned 2005)

3 Remembrance-class submarines

HTMS Remembrance (commissioned 2020)
HTMS Victory (commissioned 2020)
HTMS Implacable (commissioned 2021)

6 Vanguard-class submarines

HTMS Vanguard (commissioned 1995)
HTMS Hammer (commissioned 1996)
HTMS Goliath (commissioned 1996)
HTMS Dominance (commissioned 1997)
HTMS James Pike (commissioned 1998)
HTMS Dreadful (commissioned 2001)

4 Swordfish-class submarines

HTMS Swordfish (commissioned 1973)
HTMS Dolphin (commissioned 1973)
HTMS Tigershark (commissioned 1975)
HTMS Stingray (commissioned 1976)

3 Tsargrad-class submarines

HTMS Tsargrad (commissioned 1959, modernized 2010)
HTMS Williamshaven (commissioned 1960, modernized 2011)
HTMS Aquilae (commissioned 1962, modernized 2011)

8 Sovereign of the Seas-class submarines

HTMS Sovereign of the Seas (commissioned 1981)
HTMS Invincible (commissioned 1982)
HTMS Renown (commissioned 1983)
HTMS Endurance (commissioned 1984)
HTMS Warspite (commissioned 1984)
HTMS Royal October (commissioned 1985)
HTMS Rose (commissioned 1987)
HTMS Illustrious (commissioned 1987)

1 St. Elmo-class frigate

HTMS St. Joseph (commissioned 1795, in perpetual commission since 1917)

2 Rescue-class hospital ships

HTMHS Rescue (commissioned 2006)
HTMHS Hope (commissioned 2008)

1 Tri-Star Nautical custom-built luxury motor yacht

HTMY Witch of Endor (obtained 1985; honorary commission, privately owned by King Michael)

Overall commander: Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards
Overall HQ: Williamshaven, West Crownlands
March: Royal Navy March
Total personnel: 32,015

Royal Navy Home Fleet
Commander: Admiral Sir James Morgan
HQ: Williamshaven, West Crownlands
HTMS Pendragon (command ship)
HTMS Tarrenburg (aircraft carrier)
HTMS Edward VII (aircraft carrier)
HTMS Persephone (cruiser)
HTMS Andromeda (cruiser)
HTMS Phalanx (destroyer)
HTMS Praetorian (destroyer)
HTMS Warwick (destroyer)
HTMS Pitt (destroyer)
HTMS Lancelyn (destroyer)
HTMS Percy (destroyer)
HTMS Vinson (destroyer)
HTMS St. Peter (frigate)
HTMS St. John (frigate)
HTMS St. Bartholomew (frigate)
HTMS St. Jude (frigate)
HTMS St. Andrew (frigate)
HTMS St. Thomas (frigate)
HTMS St. Luke (frigate)
HTMS St. George (frigate)
HTMS St. Paul (frigate)
HTMS Fox (corvette)
HTMS Squirrel (corvette)
HTMS Shark (corvette)
HTMS Butterfly (corvette)
HTMS Hare (corvette)
HTMS Rescue (hospital ship)
HTMS St. Joseph (sail frigate)

Royal Navy Kyne Fleet
Commander: Admiral Sir Thomas Richardson
HQ: Port Monsoon, Floodwater IAR
HTMS Mount Carmichael (command ship)
HTMS Monarch (aircraft carrier)
HTMS Christian II (cruiser)
HTMS Europa (cruiser)
HTMS Hoplite (destroyer)
HTMS Legionnaire (destroyer)
HTMS Towers (destroyer)
HTMS Underhill (destroyer)
HTMS Burke (destroyer)
HTMS St. James (frigate)
HTMS St. Philip (frigate)
HTMS St. Matthew (frigate)
HTMS St. Mark (frigate)
HTMS St. Alban (frigate)
HTMS Bulldog (corvette)
HTMS Parrot (corvette)
HTMS Hope (hospital ship)

Royal Navy Submarine Command
Commander: Admiral Sir Cecil Fitzroy
HQ: Ravensport, Northmark
HTMS Remembrance (attack submarine)
HTMS Victory (attack submarine)
HTMS Implacable (attack submarine)
HTMS Vanguard (attack submarine)
HTMS Hammer (attack submarine)
HTMS Goliath (attack submarine)
HTMS Dominance (attack submarine)
HTMS James Pike (attack submarine)
HTMS Dreadful (attack submarine)
HTMS Swordfish (attack submarine)
HTMS Dolphin (attack submarine)
HTMS Tigershark (attack submarine)
HTMS Stingray (attack submarine)
HTMS Tsargrad (attack submarine)
HTMS Williamshaven (attack submarine)
HTMS Aquilae (attack submarine)
HTMS Sovereign of the Seas (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Invincible (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Renown (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Endurance (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Warspite (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Royal October (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Rose (ballistic missile submarine)
HTMS Illustrious (ballistic missile submarine)

Royal Navy Air Arm

HTMS Monarch Air Wing:
Tri-Star AS-60N Raven (6)
Royal Aeronautics AS-51 Cobra (18)
Royal Aeronautics I-19N Wasp (20)
Royal Aeronautics AEW-3 Snoop (6)
Tri-Star UH-15 Decapolitan (15)
Tri-Star T-42 Terrapin (3)
68 total aircraft

HTMS Tarrenburg Air Wing:
Royal Aeronautics I-19N Wasp (14)
Tri-Star UH-15 Decapolitan (13)
Tri-Star T-42 Terrapin (2)
29 total aircraft

HTMS Edward VII Air Wing:
Royal Aeronautics I-19N Wasp (14)
Tri-Star UH-15 Decapolitan (13)
Tri-Star T-42 Terrapin (2)
29 total aircraft

126 total aircraft overall
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 09:22:25 PM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2019, 11:04:06 PM »
Tytorian Royal Coast Guard

Overall commander: Rear Admiral J. Harold Doolittle
HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
March: His Majesty's Coast Guard
Total personnel: 6,702

5 Guardian-class cutters

HTMCGC Guardian (commissioned 2001)
HTMCGC Sentinel (commissioned 2001)
HTMCGC Protector (commissioned 2002)
HTMCGC Vigilant (commissioned 2002
HTMCGC Enforcer (commissioned 2004)

2 Response-class coastal buoy tenders

HTMCGC Response (commissioned 1995)
HTMCGC Reaction (commissioned 1998)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 03:54:42 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2019, 11:12:05 PM »
Tytorian Museum Ships


1 Admiral-class aircraft carrier

Admiral (commissioned 1950-2020)

1 Ravensfort-class battleship

Ravensfort (commissioned 1897-1923)

1 Crown Prince-class battleship

Vigil (commissioned 1912-1968)

2 Defender-class battlecruisers

Defender (commissioned 1944-1988)
Repulse (commissioned 1945-1986)

1 Northmark-class armored cruiser

Decapolis (commissioned 1911-1953)

4 Freedom-class light cruisers

Freedom (commissioned 1936-1978)
November (commissioned 1937-1980)
Indefatigable (commissioned 1938-1977)
Captain (commissioned 1939-1977)

4 Hurricane-class destroyers

Hurricane (commissioned 1935-1972)
Monsoon (commissioned 1935-1969)
Typhoon (commissioned 1936-1971)
Thunderstorm (commissioned 1937-1970)

1 Caspian-class destroyer

Locksley (commissioned 1939-1976)

1 MS-14-class minesweeper

MS-18 (commissioned 1937-1961)

2 Archer-class submarines

Archer (commissioned 1952-2020)
Crossbow (commissioned 1953-2020)

1 Revolution-class submarine

Proletariat (commissioned 1934-1942)

1 St. Januarius-class sloop-of-war

St. Januarius (commissioned 1854-1926)

1 St. Augustine-class frigate

St. Linus (commissioned 1818-1896)

1 St. Elmo-class frigate

HTMS St. Joseph (commissioned 1795-present; given perpetual commission in 1917)

1 Royal Edward-class two-decker

Royal Edward (commissioned July-August 1628)

Civilian Vessels

1 replica 1740s-era East Aranyeman

Gem of Innsmouth (original vessel in service 1746-1753; replica built 1990)

1 replica 1600s-era merchant ship

Fortune (original vessel in service approx. 1605-1615; replica built 1989)

1 1940s-era passenger paddle steamer

Hannah (in service 1948-present)

1 1860s-era clipper ship

Peregrine Falcon (in service 1869-1954)

1 1960s-era steam cruise ship

Princess of Shaw (in service 1960-2010)

1 1950s-era ocean liner

Tarrenburg Castle (in service 1958-2001)

1 1860s-era cargo ship

Sea Witch (in service 1863-1926)

1 1840s-era whaler

Jim Jones (in service 1842-1925)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 10:16:50 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2019, 11:20:06 PM »
Tytorian Royal Family
and line of succession

House de Tarrenburg

Historic Residence: Tarrenburg Castle, East Crownlands

King Michael I
Born: March 27, 1955 (66)
Father: King Richard IV (1931-1998)
Mother: Rachel, the Queen Mother (b. 1933)
Spouse: Mary Rose (1957-1989)

Prince George
Born: September 15, 1985 (35)
Father: King Michael I (b. 1955)
Mother: Mary Rose (1957-1989)
Spouse: Elizabeth Warner (b. 1987)

Princess Elizabeth
Born: May 4, 2006 (15)
Father: Prince George (b. 1985)
Mother: Elizabeth Warner (b. 1987)

Prince Edward
Born: December 19, 2009 (11)
Father: Prince George (b. 1985)
Mother: Elizabeth Warner (b. 1987)

Prince James
Born: October 2, 2017 (3)
Father: Prince George (b. 1985)
Mother: Elizabeth Warner (b. 1987)

Prince Charles
Born: November 3, 1988 (32)
Father: King Michael I (b. 1955)
Mother: Mary Rose (1957-1989)
Spouse: Theresa Hales (b. 1989)

Prince Harold
Born: March 27, 1955 (66)
Father: King Richard IV (1931-1998)
Mother: Rachel, the Queen Mother (b. 1933)
Spouse: Annabel Partridge (b. 1956)

Princess Annabel
Born: June 14, 1977 (43)
Father: Prince Harold (b. 1955)
Mother: Annabel Partridge (b. 1956)
Spouse: Duke Robert Waverly-Edwards of Vigil (b. 1974)

Princess Adelaide
Born: August 2, 1979 (41)
Father: Prince Harold (b. 1955)
Mother: Annabel Partridge (b. 1956)
Spouse: Lord Joseph Cornwallis (b. 1977)

Princess Rachel
Born: February 28, 1983 (38)
Father: Prince Harold (b. 1955)
Mother: Annabel Partridge (b. 1956)
Spouse: Field Marshal Sir John Percy (b. 1980)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 07:52:07 PM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2019, 11:21:35 PM »
Tytorian Parliament

Political Parties

Popular Front
Tytorian People's Party - Harry Brown (Trotskyist)
All-Tytor Democratic Front - George E. Lee (Anarchist)
Communist Party of Tytor - Matt Hopkins (Maoist)
Union of Independent Communists - Karl M. Peabody (Marxist-Leninist)
United Socialist Party - Benjamin Morales (Democratic Socialist)

Coalition for Democracy
Social Democratic Party - Abraham Gray (Social Democratic)
Liberal Party - E. Clarence Scrubb (Social Liberal)
United Democratic Party - Madeline Thatcher (Progressive)
Tytorian Green Party - Deidre Skye (Green)

Conservative Alliance
Christian Democratic Party - Miriam Godwinson (Christian Democratic)
Conservative Party - John H. Goodfellow (Traditionalist Conservative)
National Party - J. Jonah Johnson (National Conservative)
Tytorian Liberty Party - Rachel Smith (Market Liberal)
Union Party - Harriet Gunn (Social Conservative)
Royalist Front - L. James Kimberly (Reactionary)

Freedom Party - Adlai E. Fezziwig III (Radical Centrist)
Floodwater Independence Party - Isabella Clearwater (Progressive; limited to Floodwater IAR)
Sixth Province Party - Bud Scott (Single-Issue; limited to Floodwater IAR)
Libertarian Party - J. Edmund Baker (Libertarian)
Quinnist Party of Tytor - Robert Dumai (Quinnist)
Tytorian Union of Fascists - Alexander Mosley (Fascist)
National Socialist Front - Nicholas J. Kuhn (Neo-Nazi)
Christian Fundamentalist Party - Terry Underwood (Religious Conservative)
Republican Party of Tytor - James T. Jones (Radical Right)
Pirate Party - Richard Teach (Pirate)

People's Revolutionary Party - 1917-1953 (Marxist-Leninist)
Federalist Party - 1920-1949 (Radical Right)
Tytorian Suffrage League - 1876-1925 (Classical Liberal)
Socialist Party of Tytor - 1889-1977 (Democratic Socialist)
Social-Labor Party - 1948-1977 (Democratic Socialist)
Tytorian Workers' Party - 1897-1992 (Social Democratic)
Prohibition Party - 1866-2007 (Single-Issue)

Parliamentary Procedures


Significant Legislation

Tytorian Constitution of 1999
The 1999 constitution replaced King Christian II's 1956 constitution and is currently in force.  Much of the language of this document was borrowed from its predecessor, along with its several amendments.  The text follows:
Spoiler: Tytorian Constitution of 1999 • show
We the Representatives of the Tytorian People in Convention assembled, by the Grace of God and our Sovereign, in order to secure Life, Liberty, Peace, and Prosperity to this people, now and forever, do unite our voices to establish this Constitution for the Kingdom of Tytor, God Himself being witness to it.

Article I - Definitions
Section 1
The official name of the Tytorian Nation, for which this Constitution is intended, is and shall be the Kingdom of Tytor.
Section 2
The Kingdom of Tytor is hereby defined as a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, with Tsargrad as its royal capital and seat of government.
Section 3
The Government of the Kingdom of Tytor is hereby divided into three branches: the Monarchy, or Executive Branch; the Parliament, or Legislative Branch; and the Supreme Court, or Judicial Branch.
Section 4
A citizen of the Kingdom of Tytor is hereby defined as a person who has (A) been born to a citizen of the Kingdom of Tytor whether or not they currently reside within its borders, (B) been naturalized by taking an oath of citizenship, or (C) been granted citizenship by order of the Monarch; citizens are those to whom all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities defined by law apply.
Section 5
This Constitution is henceforth the supreme authority in all legal matters, public or private, domestic or otherwise.

Article II - The Monarchy
Section 1
The Kingdom of Tytor is to be ruled over and guided by a King or Queen, herein called the Monarch, as the case may be.
Section 2
The Monarch is the Head of State of the Kingdom of Tytor, and presides over and represents the Nation in all matters, domestic or diplomatic, except where otherwise noted.
Section 3
The Monarch has prerogative to approve or disapprove any law passed with effect over his Subjects, and remains the final authority in all domestic matters.
Section 4
The Monarch shall have sole authority to create and maintain knighthoods, orders of chivalry, and titles of nobility, and shall remain at all times the highest-ranking of these.
Section 5
The Monarch shall rule for life, save in the case of abdication or removal; upon the death, abdication, or other removal of the Monarch from rule, succession shall be determined by way of absolute primogeniture, unless previously determined by the Monarch.

Article III - The Legislature
Section 1
The Kingdom of Tytor shall by governed by a Parliament, herein called the Legislature, equal in power and authority to that of the Monarch.
Section 2
The Legislature shall have all power to enact laws, with the consent of the Monarch, and shall be the chief governing body of the Nation.
Section 3
The Legislature shall be divided into two bodies, or houses, equal in power and authority one to the other: the House of Nobles, or Upper House; and the House of Commons, or Lower House.
Section 4
The Upper House shall be composed of members of knighthoods and orders of chivalry, and holders of titles of nobility, as chosen by their peers and the people of the areas where they reside, and shall be presided over by the Monarch as President, with a Speaker being selected by the Monarch and approved by the membership for times when the Monarch is not present.
Section 5
The Lower House shall be composed of representatives of the common people, as chosen by their peers, and shall be presided over by a Prime Minister, selected by the Monarch and approved by its membership.
Section 6
The Prime Minister is the Head of Government, with all of the rights, powers, and responsibilities that come with that title, as established by law.
Section 7
The Legislature, under the leadership of the Prime Minister and with the consent of the Monarch, shall have sole prerogative for declarations of war, for budgets, and for all other things pertaining to the administration of the Nation.
Section 8
The Legislature is authorized to form, equip, and maintain a standing military, to be composed of, at minimum, an Army and a Navy, with other branches as deemed necessary, and to be a permanent national defense against threats both foreign and domestic.
Section 9
The Legislature shall hold elections for its membership at the discretion of the Prime Minister, which elections shall be held no less than one year and no more than five years apart.
Section 10
The Legislature may, with three-quarters support from the membership of both houses, recommend the removal of the Monarch to the Supreme Court.

Article IV - The Judiciary
Section 1
The Kingdom of Tytor is to be judged by courts of law, culminating in a Supreme Court, herein called the Judiciary, equal in power and authority to that of the Monarch and the Parliament.
Section 2
The Judiciary shall be composed of one Chief Justice and six Associate Justices, to be selected by the Monarch at the counsel and advice of the Legislature.
Section 3
The Judiciary shall be the court of highest appeal in all domestic matters, and shall be the final authority in all cases that come before it.
Section 4
The Judiciary shall have the prerogative, when cases of law shall be brought before it, to review the constitutionality of the law of the land in dispute.
Section 5
The Justices of which the Judiciary shall be composed shall serve for life, unless poor health necessitates resignation, or poor behavior necessitates removal by the Legislature with approval from the Monarch.
Section 6
The Judiciary may, upon recommendation from the Legislature and with unanimous approval from its Justices, remove the Monarch from the Tytorian Throne; in the event of such a removal, succession shall occur as previously defined.

Article V - The Provinces
Section 1
The Kingdom of Tytor, though one nation, is composed of five provinces: East Crownlands, West Crownlands, Decapolis, Northmark, and Southmark.
Section 2
The Provinces shall be presided over by Governors, who shall be elected by the people in a manner defined by law by the Legislature.
Section 3
The Provinces shall have autonomy as far as the Legislature shall permit, but shall be integral parts of the Kingdom of Tytor in perpetuity regardless of any autonomy granted.
Section 4
The Floodwater Integral Autonomous Region, currently attached to the Kingdom of Tytor politically, economically, and otherwise, shall be entitled to become a sixth province as its people desire, or to become an independent nation as its people desire, subject to referenda on the matter at the discretion of the Legislature.

Article VI - The Bill of Rights
Section 1
Parliament shall make no law restricting the right of the people to worship Deity or deities according to the dictates of their own conscience, the legal status of the Church of Tytor notwithstanding.
Section 2
Parliament shall make no law restricting the right of the people to the freedom of speech, of assembly, of petition, or of the press.
Section 3
Parliament shall make no law restricting the right of the citizenry to vote in properly organized elections and referenda based on race, ethnicity, religion, or sex.
Section 4
Every citizen shall have the right to fair trial under the law for whatsoever charges may be directed at him or her; the right to trial by a jury of one's peers shall also not be abridged.
Section 5
No person on trial for any charge at any level shall be required to witness against himself or herself, or to make any statement that could be taken as evidence against that person.
Section 6
The people shall be protected from unwarranted search and seizure, from cruel and unusual punishment, and from imprisonment without lawful charge.
Section 7
Parliament shall make no law restricting any of the rights and privileges of citizenship based on race, ethnicity, religion, or sex.
Section 8
No person shall be required to enlist in the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Tytor against his or her own free will and choice, except as authorized by the Judiciary in war and other times of national crisis.
Section 9
Parliament shall make no law restricting the free exchange of lawful merchandise between willing persons within the Kingdom of Tytor.
Section 10
Marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman, Parliament shall make no law restricting the right of the people to enter into such unions based on race, ethnicity, or religion.

Article VII - Ratification
Section 1
This Constitution may be amended by action of the Legislature, with consent from the Monarch, when such action is supported through a referendum among the people.
Section 2
This Constitution shall take effect upon approval by the people in referendum, with three-fifths majority required for such an approval to take force.
Section 3
This Constitution may be repealed only if replaced and superseded by another such document.

We the undersigned members of the Constitutional Convention in Tsargrad, assembled in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine, do affix our signatures to this document as a witness of our dedication to the cause it represents, and we accordingly pledge thereto our very lives and our sacred honor.

East Crownlands
-Prince Harold de Tarrenburg
-James K. Lane
-Cecil Worthington
-Sarah E. Hooper
-Edward Thomas

West Crownlands
-H. David Parkinson
-Valerie Gibson
-Zachary S. Nance
-Oliver P. B. Grant
-Janae Ricks

-Winston Dudley
-Hal Dillon
-Nancy Usher
-O. Henry Wilkinson
-Samantha Hardee

-Susanna Chalkhurst
-Samuel F. Jay
-Armand Z. Foster
-Gabriella Justice
-Vincent J. Carter III

-Diana Richardson
-Lionel Waverly-Edwards
-Edward D. Franklin
-Olivia S. Hull
-Patricia P. Petersen

Gender Equality Act of 2006
The Gender Equality Act, originally written and proposed by Abraham Gray of the Social Democratic Party, is meant to ensure equal rights for all people, both male and female.  The act was debated fiercely for several months before being passed by a slim margin.  Some highlights:
  • Two genders, male and female, are defined, along with "non-binary", for administrative and census purposes.
  • The rights laid out in the 1999 constitution are guaranteed to all Tytorian citizens, regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • LGBT people are given the ability to serve openly in the armed forces.
  • An amendment, passed in 2014, outlined the establishment of "partnership licenses", which granted the same benefits, privileges, and obligations as traditional marriage licenses.  Religious leaders were given the right to refuse to officiate at partnership ceremonies on religious grounds, if they so chose.  The amendment was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2019.

Treaties (OOC: This section is subject to change, as I haven't yet looked at the state of Mundus as of April 23, 2019.  Accordingly, take everything here with a grain of salt.)

Tytor's stance toward international treaties tends toward wariness, as Tytorians value their sovereignty and resent nations and governments that try to enforce their rules and definitions upon others.  However, Tytor also sees value in being part of the international community, and thus has entered into alliances and international organizations in the past.  Tytor's stance toward individual treaties and organizations follows.

Cross-Straits Treaty Organization
Tytor is a CSTO member.

Cross-Straits Union
Due to the CSU's stringent requirements, and in order to preserve its sovereignty, Tytor has declined to become a full CSU member and is instead an observer.

Cultural Exchange Treaty Organization
Tytor is a CETO member.

Joint Emergency Team
Tytor is a founding member and dedicated patron of the JET.  Tytor hosts the JET HQ in Port Monsoon, Floodwater.

Mundus Convention on Universal Rights
Despite pressure from other nations, Tytor has adamantly refused to sign the MCUR due to conflicts with existing Tytorian legislation, including the constitution.  Tytor currently has in place the vast majority of the provisions of the Convention, but does not comply with others.

Fair Seas Concordat
Tytor is a signatory of the FSC.

Wild Mundus Organization
Tytor is not a member of the WMO.

Commonwealth Treaty Organization
Tytor is a member of the CTO Security Council.

Pan-Albion Congress
Tytor is a founding member of the Pan-Albion Congress.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 06:02:00 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2019, 07:01:02 AM »

The Church of Tytor

The Church of Tytor is the majority faith in Tytor, claiming almost sixty percent of the population as members, and maintains a close relationship with the Tytorian government due to its legal status as the country's state religion.  While this status is highly prestigious, it has very little effect in practice due to firm guarantees of religious freedom in the 1999 constitution.  The church's origins can be traced to King Edward VI's historic split with Pope Urban VIII in 1643.  Though Protestant, the Church of Tytor retains much of the doctrine and organization of the Roman Catholic Church, with the most significant difference being that the Archbishop of Tsargrad is head of the church instead of the pope.  When the Archbishop of Tsargrad dies, the church's other bishops gather in a conclave to elect a successor, much like the Catholic college of cardinals.  Technically, any member of the clergy can be elected, but the conclave usually chooses one of its own number.

The current leader of the Church of Tytor is Archbishop Richard Valance.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

{This text to be written}

The Tytorian Reformed Church

Predating the Church of Tytor by over fifty years, the Tytorian Reformed Church is Tytor's first homegrown Protestant denomination.  Claiming less than two percent of Tytor's population, the Tytorian Reformed Church is considerably larger overseas, particularly in Tytor's former colonies.  Strongly Calvinistic in theology, the church is administratively very decentralized, with most authority placed in synods and local congregations.  However, the church also has a preeminent governing body, known as the Ecclesiastic Council, which acts a a sort of regulatory force to check the whims of individual pastors.  The council is composed of the leaders of each synod, who elect one of their number in turn to the position of high prelate.  The high prelate acts as head of the church, serving a renewable ten-year term in office.

The current head of the Tytorian Reformed Church is High Prelate John Michael Dulles.

(OOC: More to come...)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 01:42:50 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2019, 07:02:15 AM »
Tytorian Government Agencies

Royal Intelligence Service (RIS):
Duties: intelligence, internal security
Leader: Director
HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
Established: 1940 (as People's Security Agency), 1949 (modern form)

Tytorian Aerospace Ministry:
Duties: aerospace exploration and research
Leader: Executive Administrator
HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
Established: 1955

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Duties: international relations
Leader: Minister of Foreign Affairs
HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
Established: 1835

Ministry of Defense:
Duties: defense, internal security
Leader: Minister of Defense
HQ: Tsargrad, East Crownlands
Established: 1835 (as Ministry of War), 1917 (modern form)
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2019, 07:03:11 AM »
Tytorian Landmarks

Disneyland Tytor
Location: Aquilae, DE
Completed: 2016

Decapolis Twin Towers
Location: St. Elmo's City, DE
Completed: 1975 (destroyed 2019)

Christiansburg Tower
Location: Christiansburg, DE
Completed: 1978

Royal Palace of Tsargrad
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1850

Houses of Parliament
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1871

Palace of Rothbury
Location: Rothbury, DE
Completed: 1695 (current form)

Tarrenburg Castle
Location: Tarrenburg, EC
Completed: 1833 (current form)

Falcon Hall
Location: Falconrest, EC
Completed: 1544

Palm Court
Location: Port Monsoon, FW
Completed: 1869

St. Mary's Cathedral
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1556

St. Philip's Cathedral
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1982

St. Matthew's Cathedral
Location: Tarrenburg, EC
Completed: 1567

St. John's Cathedral
Location: Ravensfort, NM
Completed: 1772

St. Augustine's Cathedral
Location: Williamshaven, WC
Completed: 1919 (current form)

St. Elmo's Cathedral
Location: St. Elmo's City, DE
Completed: 1948

St. Mark's Cathedral
Location: Aquilae, DE
Completed: 2018

Old St. Mark's Cathedral
Location: Aquilae, DE
Completed: 1399 (mostly destroyed, 2013)

St. Januarius's Cathedral
Location: Vigil, SM
Completed: 1690

St. Paul's Cathedral
Location: Falconrest, EC
Completed: 1577

St. Patrick's Cathedral
Location: Rosemark, EC
Completed: 1565

St. Michael's Cathedral
Location: Westmark, WC
Completed: 1561

St. George's Cathedral
Location: Eastmark, EC
Completed: 1539

St. Joseph's Cathedral
Location: Highmark, WC
Completed: 1868 (current form)

St. Peter's Cathedral
Location: Christiansburg, DE
Completed: 1714

St. David's Cathedral
Location: Farmington, DE
Completed: 1592

St. Helena's Cathedral
Location: Newcharter, DE
Completed: 1921

St. James's Cathedral
Location: Port Monsoon, FW
Completed: 1776

Vigil Temple
Location: Vigil, SM
Completed: 1893

Tsargrad East Crownlands Temple
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1974

Nauvoo Decapolis Temple
Location: Nauvoo, DE
Completed: 2002 (current form)

Kirtland Temple
Location: Kirtland, DE
Completed: 1836

Laie Floodwater Temple
Location: Laie, FW
Completed: 1919

Vigil Conference Center
Location: Vigil, SM
Completed: 2000

Williamshaven Baha'i House of Worship
Location: Williamshaven, WC
Completed: 1953

Islamic Center of Tsargrad
Location: Tsargrad, EC
Completed: 1957
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 03:28:16 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2019, 07:07:29 AM »
Major Tytorian Universities and Museums

Aquilae University - Est. 1596 (Aquilae, DE)
Tsargrad University - Est. 1612 (Tsargrad, EC)
Highmark University - Est. 1640 (Highmark, WC)
University of Williamshaven - Est. 1752 (Williamshaven, WC)
St. James University - Est. 1780 (Christiansburg, DE)
Northmark University - Est. 1803 (Ravensfort, NM)
Southmark University - Est. 1805 (Vigil, SM)
Tarrenburg University - Est. 1833 (Tarrenburg, EC)
Orrin Smith University - Est. 1875 (Provost City, SM)
University of Decapolis - Est. 1885 (Newcharter, DE)
University of Floodwater - Est. 1918 (Port Monsoon, FW)
University of Tytor - Est. 1961 (St. Elmo's City, DE)
(OOC: For all intents and purposes, this is the Tytorian Ivy League)

Bensonian Institute Museums
Royal Gallery - Tsargrad, EC
Natural History Museum - Tsargrad, EC
Tytorian History Museum - Tsargrad, EC
National Museum of War - Tsargrad, EC
Royal Archeological Museum - Tsargrad, EC
Museum of Architecture - Tsargrad, EC
Religious History Museum - Tsargrad, EC
Criminal Justice Museum - Tsargrad, EC
National Museum of Art - Williamshaven, WC
National Aerospace Museum - Highmark, WC
Other Government Museums
Royal Library - Tsargrad, EC
Royal Army Museum - Tsargrad, EC
Royal Navy Museum - Williamshaven, WC
Royal Air Force Museum - Ravensfort, NM
Royal Marine Corps Museum - Tsargrad, EC
Royal Coast Guard Museum - Kingston, FW
Unaffiliated Museums
Decapolitan Museum of Art - Aquilae, DE
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 05:52:40 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2019, 07:10:57 AM »
Tytorian Corporations

FBTGroup subsidiaries:
For a Better Tomorrow - construction
Radioville - television/radio manufacturing/parts
Tri-Star Automotive - automobile parts/construction
Tri-Star Air - aircraft parts/construction
Tri-Star Nautical - shipbuilding
AgriTech - agricultural science
Dragonfly (ex-Davis Industrial) - heavy machinery manufacturing/parts
Strategic Defense, Inc. - arms manufacturing
The Aquilae Express - newspaper
The St. Elmo's City Pilot - newspaper

Independent companies:
Quality Auto Supplies - automobile parts/construction
Royal Aeronautics Co. - aircraft parts/construction
Tytorian Broadcasting Service - tv/internet news
Albion Broadcasting Corporation - tv/internet news
Consolidated News Network - tv/internet news
Tytorian Airways - civilian air transport
Tytorian World Airlines - civilian air transport
AlbionAir - civilian air transport
Floodwater Airlines - civilian air transport
Royal Tytorian Shell - fuel
Allinol, Inc. - fuel
Buy-n-Large - fuel/batteries
Western Energy - fuel/energy production
Albion 76 - fuel
Ishtar Unlimited - computer manufacturing/parts
Motorola, Inc. - telecommunications
Murphy House - publishing
Harper & Lawrence - bookselling
Moby Dick's - fast food (seafood)
TagMart - retail
Firebrand Stores - retail
Jackson Square - retail
Jason Adams & Co. - fine clothing
Imperial Studios - filmmaking
Touchstone Animation - filmmaking
Blockbuster LLC - video rental/streaming
Randolph Maynes & Co. - construction
Countryside Estates - real estate
B&J's Family Bed & Breakfast - lodging
Bastion Arms - arms manufacturing
Yeoman Repeating Arms Co. - arms manufacturing
Javelin Firearms, Ltd. - arms manufacturing
Williams Weapons Manufacturing - arms manufacturing
Yarrow, Nance, & Associates - prosecution/legal defense
The Tsargrad Times - newspaper
The Tsargrad Review - newspaper
The Tsargrad Register - newspaper
The Tsargrad Citizen - newspaper
The Williamshaven Gazette - newspaper
The Williamshaven Observer - newspaper
The Williamshaven Reporter - newspaper
The Williamshaven World - newspaper
The Williamshaven Inquirer - newspaper
The Vigil Post - newspaper
The Vigil Guardian - newspaper
The Ravensfort Tribune - newspaper
The Highmark Monitor - newspaper
The Aquilae Herald - newspaper
The St. Elmo's City Examiner - newspaper
The St. Elmo's City Globe - newspaper
The St. Elmo's City Ledger - newspaper
The Falconrest Sentinel - newspaper
The Tarrenburg Chronicle - newspaper
The Port Monsoon Star - newspaper
The Floodwater Advertiser - newspaper
The Northpoint Islander - newspaper
The Tytorian Worker - newspaper
The National Telegram - newspaper
Tytor Today - newspaper

Foreign-owned corporations:
Standard Oil of Tytor - fuel [subsidiary of the Imperial Standard Oil Corporation]
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 01:39:50 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2019, 12:43:59 AM »
Tytorian Sports Teams

Baseball (United Baseball Association, National League):
Tsargrad Nationals (Tsargrad, EC)
Williamshaven White Sox (Williamshaven, WC)
Aquilae All-Stars (Aquilae, DE)
Vigil Vigilantes (Vigil, SM)
Ravensfort Guardians (Ravensfort, NM)
Highmark Falcons (Highmark, WC)
Port Monsoon Islanders (Port Monsoon, FW)
Tarrenburg Titans (Tarrenburg, EC)
St. Elmo's City Corporates (St. Elmo's City, DE)
Newcharter Knights (Newcharter, DE)
Farmington Harvesters (Farmington, DE)
Christiansburg Giants (Christiansburg, DE)
Rosemark Partisans (Rosemark, EC)
Burlingham Bandits (Burlingham, WC)
Westmark Wolves (Westmark, WC)
Acadia Blue Jays (Acadia, AM, Rokkenjima)

Baseball (United Baseball Association, Royal League):
St. Elmo's City Mets (St. Elmo's City, DE)
Christiansburg Dodgers (Christiansburg, DE)
Adderwood Avengers (Adderwood, NM)
Williamshaven Warriors (Williamshaven, WC)
Ravensport Marlins (Ravensport, NM)
Provost City Bees (Provost City, SM)
Falconrest Friars (Falconrest, EC)
Northpoint Volcanics (Northpoint, FW)
Aquilae Angels (Aquilae, SM)
Eastmark Tigers (Eastmark, EC)
Rothbury Orioles (Rothbury, DE)
Southford Cardinals (Southford, EC)
Arovia Expos (Arovia, AM, Rokkenjima)
Centerville Steamers (Centerville, SM)
Rustington Sluggers (Rustington-on-Sea, WC)
Kingston Phantoms (Kingston, FW)

Basketball (Royal Basketball Federation):
Tsargrad Minutemen (Tsargrad, EC)
St. Elmo's City Knicks (St. Elmo's City, DE)
Ravensfort Raiders (Ravensfort, NM)
Aquilae Cavaliers (Aquilae, DE)
Vigil Jazz (Vigil, SM)
Williamshaven Ballers (Williamshaven, WC)
Christiansburg Nets (Christiansburg, DE)
Floodwater Lightning (Port Monsoon, FW)
Farmington Suns (Farmington, DE)
Newcharter Loggers (Newcharter, DE)
Tarrenburg Crowns (Tarrenburg, EC)
Centerville Hornets (Centerville, SM
Burlingham Mavericks (Burlingham, WC)
Rotherford Gulls (Rotherford-on-Sea, SM)
Provost City Hawks (Provost City, SM)
St. Elmo's City Magic (St. Elmo's City, DE)

Hockey (Royal Hockey League):
Williamshaven Wizards (Williamshaven, WC)
Tsargrad Kings (Tsargrad, EC)
Southmark Ravens (Vigil, SM)
Decapolis Saints (Christiansburg, DE)
Aquilae Ducks (Aquilae, DE)
Newcharter Avalanche (Newcharter, DE)
Floodwater Typhoon (Port Monsoon, FW)
Acadia Kraken (Acadia, AM, Rokkenjima)
Provost City Blues (Provost City, SM)
Farmington Jets (Farmington, DE)
Centerville Rangers (Centerville, SM)
Adderwood Vipers (Adderwood, NM)
Highmark Rockets (Highmark, WC)
St. Elmo's City Predators (St. Elmo's City, DE)
Ravensfort Devils (Ravensfort, NM)
Tarrenburg Sabers (Tarrenburg, EC)

Football/Soccer (Royal Tytorian Football Association):
Royal Tsargrad (Tsargrad, EC)
Williamshaven FC (Williamshaven, WC)
Aquilae United (Aquilae, DE)
St. Elmo's Fire (St. Elmo's City, DE)
FC Ravensfort (Ravensfort, NM)
Vigil FC (Vigil, SM)
Highmark Thunder (Highmark, WC)
FC Farmington (Farmington, DE)
Floodwater Monsoon (Port Monsoon, FW)
Northpoint Tsunami (Northpoint, FW)
Tarrenburg Royal (Tarrenburg, EC)
Rosemark Federated (Rosemark, EC)
FC Kingston (Kingston, FW)
Burlingham United (Burlingham, WC)
Centerville Stampede (Centerville, WC)
Mount Pisgah Ridgeline (Mount Pisgah, FW)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 10:20:25 PM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2019, 07:45:43 AM »

The following is an incomplete list of the Tytorian government's legal stance on various issues.  Many stances do not apply to Floodwater.

Abortion: Illegal in most cases.  Exceptions are made for instances of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy.
Age of Consent: Ranges from 16 to 18, depending on the province.
Age of Majority: 18 for most purposes.  Children can be claimed as dependents until age 26.
Alcohol: Legal for consumption above the age of 21.
Birth Control: Legal.  Regulations exist in some provinces.
Capital Punishment: Legal for specific severe crimes.  Recommendations for the death penalty are customarily referred to national-level courts of appeal.
Divorce: Legal.
Double Jeopardy: Prohibited.
Driving Age: Ranges from 15 to 17, depending on the province.
Dual Citizenship: Legal.
Education: Mandatory to age 16.  Homeschooling permitted and somewhat widely practiced.  College students can be eligible for government financial aid.
Eminent Domain: No formal nationwide stance.  Provincial laws vary.
Euthanasia: No formal nationwide stance.  Prohibited in a majority of provinces.
Felony Disenfranchisement: No, except for those currently imprisoned.
Flag Desecration: Protected as a form of expression.
Gambling: Legal on a personal level.  Casino gambling and lotteries are prohibited.
Gender: Two genders, male and female, legally recognized.  "Non-binary" included on government forms for census purposes.
Gun Control: Gun ownership legal from age 21, with exceptions for current and former military servicemen/women.  Mandatory background checks on all firearm purchases.  Civilian ownership of automatic weapons and assault rifles strictly prohibited.
Human Cloning: No formal nationwide stance.  Illegal on provincial level in all provinces.
Lèse-majesté: Some severe forms included under libel and anti-terrorism laws.  All others protected under freedom of speech.
Mandatory Minimum Sentencing: Rarely used except for particularly severe crimes.
Marijuana: Illegal for recreational use.  Medical uses allowed under strict guidelines.
Marriageable Age: Ranges from 16 to 18, depending on the province.
Military Service: Open to citizens and permanent residents above the age of 18.  No conscription.
Narcotics: Strictly controlled.  Recreational use prohibited.
Net Neutrality: No formal nationwide stance.  Provincial laws vary.
Political Parties: Legal.  Restriction of political ideology by the government is prohibited.
Polygamy: Constitutionally prohibited.
Pornography: Illegal, though law is rarely enforced.
Postal Services: Government-operated as an essential service.  Private parcel carriers operate both in competition and in concert with the post office.
Prostitution: Illegal.
Religious Expression: Encouraged, except in cases of violence.
Same-sex Marriage: Constitutionally prohibited.
Sex-change Therapy: Illegal.  Doctors in violation are subject to fines and possible jail time.
Slavery: Illegal in all forms.
State Religion: Officially the Church of Tytor.  In practice, all religions have received equal treatment since the Church of Tytor requested an end to government financial support in 1960.
Stem Cell Research: No formal nationwide stance.  Provincial laws vary.
Tobacco Use: Legal above the age of 21.
Torture: Illegal.
Trial by Jury: Required in most cases above misdemeanor.  Exceptions primarily extend to military trials.
Voting Rights: Extended to all citizens above the age of 18.  Denial of voting rights punishable by fines.
Whistleblowing: Protected under freedom of speech and the press, except in cases of stolen documents and extreme national security risks.

Spoiler: Floodwater Integral Autonomous Region • show
Abortion: Legal when administered by a qualified professional.  Regulations exist.
Age of Consent: 16.
Age of Majority: 18 for most purposes.  Children can be claimed as dependents until age 26.
Alcohol: Legal for consumption above the age of 21.
Birth Control: Legal.
Capital Punishment: Abolished.
Divorce: Legal.
Double Jeopardy: Prohibited.
Driving Age: 16.
Dual Citizenship: Tytorian national citizenship laws apply.
Education: Mandatory to age 16.  Homeschooling permitted and somewhat widely practiced.  College students can be eligible for government financial aid.
Eminent Domain: Legal, but only within stringent guidelines.
Euthanasia: Legal.
Felony Disenfranchisement: No, except for those currently imprisoned.
Flag Desecration: Protected as a form of expression.
Gambling: Legal on a personal level.  Casino gambling and lotteries are prohibited.
Gender: Two genders, male and female, legally recognized, along with "non-binary", which serves as a catch-all for other identities.
Gun Control: Gun ownership legal from age 21, with exceptions for current and former military servicemen/women.  Mandatory background checks on all firearm purchases.  Civilian ownership of automatic weapons and assault rifles strictly prohibited.
Human Cloning: Illegal.
Lèse-majesté: Some severe forms included under libel and anti-terrorism laws.  All others protected under freedom of speech.
Mandatory Minimum Sentencing: Rarely used except for particularly severe crimes.
Marijuana: Legal for some recreational use.  Medical uses allowed.
Marriageable Age: 16 with parental consent, 18 otherwise.
Military Service: Open to citizens and permanent residents above the age of 18.  No conscription.
Narcotics: Moderately controlled.  Recreational use permitted under certain regulations.
Net Neutrality: Strictly enforced.
Political Parties: Legal.  Restriction of political ideology by the government is prohibited.
Polygamy: Illegal.
Pornography: Legal.
Postal Services: Government-operated as an essential service.  Private parcel carriers operate both in competition and in concert with the post office.
Prostitution: Legal, but highly regulated.
Religious Expression: Encouraged, except in cases of violence.
Same-sex Marriage: Legal.
Sex-change Therapy: Legal.
Slavery: Illegal in all forms.
State Religion: None.
Stem Cell Research: Legal.
Tobacco Use: Legal above the age of 21.
Torture: Illegal.
Trial by Jury: Required in most cases above misdemeanor.  Exceptions primarily extend to military trials.
Voting Rights: Extended to all citizens above the age of 18.  Denial of voting rights punishable by fines.
Whistleblowing: Protected under freedom of speech and the press.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 01:24:26 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2019, 08:32:58 PM »
General fixes and updates throughout.  Also, rearranged three posts and added landmarks to post #12, including Disneyland Tytor, several cathedrals, and the Royal Palace.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2019, 11:33:33 PM »
Military redone, including (but not limited to) reducing the ridiculously large Tytorian Royal Army by well over 75%, increasing the size of the Tytorian Royal Air Force, and replacing one heavily-outdated surface vessel in the Tytorian Royal Navy with something slightly more modern.  A handful of other edits throughout.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2019, 01:49:02 AM »
Demographics breakdown added to post #1.  Approximately one fifth of all Tytorians are now LDS.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2019, 02:37:46 AM »
Added mechanism for removal of the monarch to articles III and IV of the constitution in post #10.  Also adjusted formatting.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2019, 02:07:14 AM »
Added GDP of $3.528 trillion ($44,976 per capita) to post #1.  Additional edits included.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2019, 01:45:07 AM »
Moved significant legislation and treaties to the end of post #9 and added religious information to post #10 in its place.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2019, 05:20:32 AM »
Realized that Floodwaterian Creole was rather odd without the existence of a native Floodwaterian language; that has been rectified.  Also switched out Maternism for Islam and added reference links in the demographics section of post #1.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2019, 01:32:53 AM »
Added official names in recognized minority languages (aside from Floodwaterian Creole) to post #1.  May adjust later.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2019, 06:02:06 AM »
Added government policies on various issues to post #16.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2019, 08:48:11 AM »
Added average life expectancy and HDI to post #1.  Also modified the list of museum ships in post #7 and updated post #8's record of he royal family.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2019, 09:44:14 AM »
Added a few national symbols to post #1.  Also specified Tytor's electric voltage and frequency in the same post.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2020, 04:43:18 AM »
Expanded and revised the Tytorian Royal Air Force's lineup of aircraft in post #4, mostly to add functionality to it.  Also added an infantry fighting vehicle to post #3.  Additional minor changes made throughout.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2020, 09:20:16 AM »
Added new national anthem in post #1, set to the tune of "My Belarusy" and written by yours truly.  The old anthem is still available for perusal, but it has been relegated to the position of historical footnote.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Factbook of the Kingdom of Tytor
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2020, 06:05:09 AM »
Added Floodwater's stances on issues to post #16.  I plan to eventually add stances for the mainland provinces, but that has not yet happened.

Also, changed all known instances of "genderqueer" to "non-binary".  If I missed any, please let me know.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
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"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire