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Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:00:42 PM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Supreme Court Strikes Down Equality Act Amendment

TSARGRAD -- Following weeks of hearings and debate, the Supreme Court this afternoon announced a final ruling on Usher v. Dennison, striking down 2014's amendment to the Gender Equality Act of 2006 as unconstitutional, 5-2.  The amendment in question established civil unions for same-sex couples with the same legal benefits as marriage for opposite-sex couples.  The civil unions enacted under the amendment were to be recorded in the 2023 census, changes that are now void due to the supreme court ruling just announced.

Dame Susanna Chalkhurst, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and one of the court's most consistent conservatives, wrote the majority opinion, which states in part: "...Inasmuch as the Constitution of the Kingdom of Tytor has been ratified by the voice of the people, and inasmuch as the said document defines marriage as being between one man and one woman, we of the majority of the Supreme Court do declare in great solemnity that there remains no reason under Heaven for any exception to that constitutionally enshrined definition.... Furthermore, it has been brought to our attention that the aforementioned amendment is intended to extend certain privileges to those who do not wish to abide by the constitutional definition of marriage by creating a variation of marriage called civil union, legally indistinguishable from marriage in rights, privileges, and advantages, but differing in name and format.  We declare ... that marriage remains fixed between one man and one woman, regardless of laws passed to circumvent that definition.... The document in question, defying as it does constitutional law, is hereby declared unconstitutional and void, and any and all civil unions entered into under its provisions are hereby legally abolished...."

The dissenting opinion, written by Associate Justice Quentin Tremaine, Associate Justice Gabrielle Rickman concurring, states in part: "...As members of the Supreme Court, it is our duty to apply and interpret the law of the land in such a way as to guarantee the liberty of the people, regardless of personal preferences or opinions.... The Constitution of the Kingdom of Tytor says nothing regarding the civil unions perpetuated by this law.  It is, in our eyes, both constitutional and fair to all involved...."

Reaction from the public has been both immediate and mixed, echoing the controversy seen when the amendment  was originally implemented.  Social media exploded directly following the announcement, with some praising Chief Justice Chalkhurst and the Supreme Court, and others criticizing the same.  Reactions to the dissent of Justices Tremaine and Rickman were similarly mixed.

The office of Richard Valance, Archbishop of Tsargrad, issued a statement commending the ruling.  It reads in part: "...The Church of Tytor applauds the integrity shown by the Supreme Court in putting an end to this error of man.  It is not our place, but God's, to place a definition on marriage, and He has made His intentions clear.  Marriage is to be between one man and one woman regardless of what general consensus, or even the world at large, may decide it wants...."

Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher spoke to the press less than five minutes after the ruling was issued.  She said in part: "...This ruling represents a blow to the equality and progress this country has striven so diligently to achieve.  Despite this fact, however, I intend to abide by the Supreme Court's decision.  Members of the Coalition for Democracy will attempt no legal action against the Supreme Court, no matter how disappointed they may be; there will be no mass protests against this or any other ruling by the Supreme Court; and there will certainly be no constitutional amendment intended to circumvent the Supreme Court's authority.... We stand today united with the global community in many respects.  This is no longer one of them.  We ask our friends and associates to respect and honor our  laws, regardless of any differences between us...."

The international community has yet to show any major reaction to this turn of events.  Only time will tell what it will mean for Tytor's international relations.  The full text of each statement quoted here may be found at
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 08:00:52 PM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 09:33:37 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Atlas 9 Launch Deemed Successful

HIGHMARK -- The Tytorian Aerospace Ministry claimed a major victory yesterday afternoon as the launch of Atlas 9 went off without a hitch. Atlas 9 is expected to take three days to reach the moon. The Atlas 9 launch is the first Project Atlas mission since the ill-fated Atlas 8 was forced to abort its planned moon landing in 1974. Executive Administrator Mackenzie Collins was unavailable for comment. TBS will broadcast the landing live in three days time.

(OOC: This news item was originally posted on the old forum on April 12th, 2017.  It's been retconned to today.)

Prince Charles Announces Engagement

TSARGRAD -- Prince Charles took to Twitter last night to publicly announce his engagement to Lady Theresa Hales, daughter of Sir Albert Hales, Earl of Covington and member of the House of Nobles.  Details of the proposal are scarce, as members of the royal family are generally not available to the press, but a source within the palace who spoke on condition of anonymity said that it took place in the Royal Palace's ballroom, and that several members of the royal family were present at the time.  Mutual interest between Prince Charles and Lady Theresa became known to the public only recently, though rumors have been circulating through social media for months anyway.  Public reaction to the engagement announcement has been generally positive, with most Tytorians wishing the soon-to-be couple well.

New Charity Aims to Help Urban Poor

ST. ELMO'S CITY -- St. Margaret's Altruistic Relief Team, a newly-established non-profit organization sponsored by the Church of Tytor, has the declared objective of "abolishing, once and for all, the oppressive reality of inner-city poverty".  SMART, as it is affectionately known by its members, has already set up four soup kitchens, two homeless shelters, and a food bank in various St. Elmo's City neighborhoods.  Reverend John Nichols, the vicar in charge of the project, expressed his enthusiasm for the work SMART is performing.  "There's nothing I'd rather be doing," he said at a press conference on Tuesday, "Our intent is to do what the Savior Himself would do if put in our place, and the zeal with which our volunteers have tackled the job is truly inspiring.  I have confidence that we will yet do much good in our work."
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2019, 07:59:30 PM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Atlas 9 Reaches the Moon - Public Ecstatic

HIGHMARK -- In what is almost universally regarded as the climax of the Tytorian space program, cosmonauts C. Evan Anderson and Peter Travers set foot on the moon early this morning.  The pair are the first Tytorians to reach the moon since the late Dr. Matthew Howard, as well as the first to do so in a Tytorian mission.  In a live feed broadcast from their spacecraft and equipment, each expressed their sentiments to the world, the full text of which of which can be found at  They then planted the Tytorian flag some distance from the lander.  A few hours later, Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher spoke to the cosmonauts in a phone call.  She congratulated them and discussed plans for the mission and its return from the moon, which, according to a source within the Aerospace Ministry, involves the aircraft carrier HTMS Admiral.

Public response to the landing has been overwhelmingly positive, with many Tytorians taking to the streets in celebration of the news across the nation.  Tytorian social media in particular had a highly celebratory mood, with many expressing jubilation at the developments.

More on this story as it develops.

Southmark Priest Declares Independence from Church

VIGIL -- Parish priest Emmanuel Sutherland of Little Princeton, Southmark, announced on Sunday that his congregation would no longer be affiliated with the Church of Tytor.  The announcement, made over the internet and on local radio and television stations, includes a list of forty-six grievances against the nationally sponsored church and denounces its head, Archbishop Richard Valance, as an "old fraud".  Church officials say that Sutherland's accusations are "nothing new", and that he has appeared before disciplinary councils in the past due to the fiery rhetoric he tends to use in his sermons.  Bishop Theodore Dunklin of Vigil, in whose diocese Little Princeton is located, further stated that he would be sending a new priest to take Sutherland's place as soon as a suitable candidate could be identified.

Tsargrad Mayor Targeted in Assassination Attempt

TSARGRAD -- Police are investigating a series of gunshots in an apparent attempt on the life of Mayor Thaddeus O. Kundick of Tsargrad.  The incident, which occurred about noon today, resulted in no injuries, though one shot broke a window in Mayor Kundick's then-unoccupied office.  Kundick, Mayor of Tsargrad since 2008, was in a meeting the next floor down and was due to go to lunch as soon as it let out.  Speculation is rife on the shooter, who is currently unidentified, though Kundick has a track record of anti-corruption initiatives and is credited with the 2012 capture of Tsargrad mafioso "Boss" Jordan.  Social media has already noted similarities between this incident and the 2015 assassination of Decapolis Governor Hal Dillon by mafia agents.  Governor Dillon was known for similar initiatives and had survived assassination attempts in the past.  Police gave no indication that the two incidents could be linked.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2019, 05:28:11 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Rokkenjima Tops Foreign Relations Poll

TSARGRAD -- For the sixth year running, Rokkenjima has topped The National Telegram's Foreign Relations Poll, according to an announcement on the newspaper's website yesterday evening.  The annual poll, started in 1970, gauges the Tytorian public's view of various international powers, with factors such as trust, reliability, and even, occasionally, fashion sense being given consideration.  Most observers expressed little surprise, given that Rokkenjima has consistently been Tytor's most vocal ally since at least 2014.  Other placings on the poll have been met with similar reactions, such as Nya Åland's poor showing due to a perceived lack of tolerance for religions other than the state-backed Odinist faith.  More of a surprise has been East Moreland's drop in popularity, sustained since last year's poll.  Other major powers, most notably Achkaerin, have tended to retain moderate to high levels of public support from Tytorians polled.

It remains to be seen whether this poll will have any long-term effects on Tytorian foreign policy.  The full rankings may be found at

Fire Destroys Historic Chapel in Ravensfort

RAVENSFORT -- Late Tuesday evening, firefighters responded to a three-alarm fire in downtown Ravensfort.  The fire damaged several buildings to varying degrees, and the chapel for the local congregation of the Tytorian Reformed Church was declared a total loss.  The building was at the center of the blaze, which is believed to have been intentional.  Pastor J. Warren Handley told reporters that he felt "no ill will toward whoever is responsible.  Buildings can be replaced; I'm just glad no one was hurt".

The chapel, long known to congregants as the Old Stone Church, was built in 1746 and had been in continual use since then.  It was extensively refurbished in 2016 in conjunction with the 270th anniversary of its original dedication.  Damages from the fire have been tentatively estimated at T₡2.5 million, though estimates may change as the investigation continues.

Prince Harold Nominated for Parliament

TSARGRAD -- The parliamentary byelection triggered by the appointment of Sir Archibald Foster, MP, as ambassador to Dartfordia has begun to become competitive.  This morning brought further surprises when the Conservative Party announced Prince Harold of the ruling House of Tarrenburg as their candidate for the seat.  This marks the first ever instance of a member of the royal family becoming a major contender for a Tytorian election.  If elected, Prince Harold will also become the first member of the royal family to be seated in the House of Commons.  Public response to the announcement has been understandably mixed.  Lord Joseph Cornwallis, former prime minister and sitting member of the House of Nobles, praised the prince's desire to get involved with the running of his country, saying that "even royalty needs to be aware of the issues of the day".  Conversely, Benjamin Morales, leader of the Popular Front, denounced the Conservative Party's nomination, saying that "royalty and politics should not mix".  Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher's office did not respond to a request for comment.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2019, 03:33:11 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Prime Minister Responds to Statement by Rokkenjiman Government

TSARGRAD -- Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher issued a statement this evening in reply to a similar statement issued by the First Empire of Rokkenjima yesterday morning.  The statements, included below, reflect the evident strength of Tytor's relationship with its closest ally, and suggest that representatives of the two nations may sit down in the near future to solidify that alliance with a new treaty.  Speculation is rife over what form such a treaty will take, but, as neither government has elaborated, the details remain unconfirmed.  Whatever the exact parameters of a new treaty may be, it is decidedly clear that Tytor's relationship with Rokkenjima remains strong.

Quote from: Rokkenjiman Press Statement
The First Empire sends its mutual joy to the People of Tytor on the success of Atlas 9 and the engagement of Prince Charles. Throughout recent history Rokkenjima and Tytor have celebrated many triumphs and tribulations together, and these developments should be no different. The successful exploration of the common heritage of space is always a cause to celebrate, but to also witness the union between two souls, this can only be described as a most blessed and joyful time for Tytor! It is unfortunate that the troubles which ail all societies must also tinge this news, as evidenced by the attempted assassination of Mayor Thaddeus O. Kundick. It is fortunate news that no one was harmed in the attempted assassination, and I am confident that those responsible will be brought to face justice.

With the cessation of the Cross-Straits Treaty Organisation, the First Empire believes it is crucial that our two nations form a new, robust foundation in the continuation of our strong bi-lateral relationship. A new Treaty, one which signifies historic ties and looks to the future, is hereby proposed for discussions at the leisure of the Tytorian Government. Although separated by the Strait of Arovium our Peoples have shared a common set of principles and views on foreign policy, and this is something I feel should continue as Tytor re-emerges in this new era. The strength of the Cross-Strai ts relationship endures, just as the spirit of friendship and support for the Kingdom and People of Tytor shines as brightly as ever.

Let us re-affirm our mutual bonds and see that they continue into yet another era.
Quote from: Prime Minister's Press Statement
In response to the well-wishes from Pyrena Castle early yesterday, we wish to express our thanks to the First Empire of Rokkenjima.  We have long been friends with the Rokkenjiman people, what with there being a rather sizable community of Rokkenjiman expatriates across the country.  Besides this, Tytor has long found Rokkenjima to be a firm and consistent ally, despite occasional disruptions by such persons as Frederick Davis and Paul Winthrop.  It is with great pleasure, therefore, that the Tytorian government accepts the proposal for the discussion of a new bilateral treaty between our two nations, one which will, with any luck, lead to even stronger ties of friendship.  The Prime Minister's office will, of course, see to arranging a venue for these talks with the Rokkenjiman government, and we will be seeking input on such from them in the near future.

It is my hope that the spirit of cooperation once evident in the functions of the now-defunct Cross-Straits Treaty Organization will continue to be reflected in Tytorian-Rokkenjiman bilateral relations.

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Euthanasia Laws

TSARGRAD -- The Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Tytor handed down a unanimous ruling today finding four provincial anti-euthanasia laws constitutional.  The laws, targeted as part of a highly publicized recent lawsuit, ban both doctor-administered euthanasia and assisted suicide as being legally equivalent to manslaughter.  In authoring the decision, Chief Justice Dame Susanna Chalkhurst wrote, in part:

"...Euthanasia has no place in civilized society.  No government has the right to inflict death on its own citizens, except where extreme criminal actions require such measures for public safety.  In other cases, where the only life in question is that of a hospital patient, both euthanasia and assisted suicide are morally wrong.... It is the opinion of this court that such things should be done away, and that neither this government nor any of its agencies have the authority to end human life except where public safety is concerned.  This is not so much a question of mercy as it is a question of the sanctity of human life."

Reactions to the ruling have been mixed, though generally positive.  Conservative Alliance leadership issued a statement praising the decision as "a great step forward out of barbarity", while Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher called it "progressive in the best sense of the word".  These press statements, along with the full text of the ruling, can be found at

Williamshaven Library Receives Corporate Grant

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- Corporate giant FBTGroup has inaugurated a new educational funding program by way of a grant to the Albert J. Buckley Public Library in Williamshaven, a company representative told reporters on Friday.  The program, announced to the press in November of 2018, has the stated aim of "enhancing literacy rates through better schools and libraries nationwide".  The Bright Future Foundation, a non-profit corporate entity established by FBTGroup to handle the funding program, is not set to begin operations until the beginning of next month, so this initial grant is being made by FBTGroup itself.

Some observers have expressed concern over the program due to general public mistrust of so-called megacorporations like FBTGroup, a sentiment dating to Davis Industrial's attempted coup several years ago.  FBTGroup CEO William D. MacArthur took to social media in January to describe the comparison as "unfounded", stating that "nothing could be further from the truth".  Despite his statement, however, public approval of FBTGroup's movement remain mixed at best.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2019, 07:44:39 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Exclusive Interview with Prince Harold

TSARGRAD -- The eyes of the nation are fixed this month on a single byelection for a single seat in the House of Commons.  Normally, only the people affected directly by the vote would pay it any mind, but this time one of the major contenders is a member of the royal family, something that has never happened before.  A reporter from TBS recently had the chance to sit down with Prince Harold, who is the current favorite to win due to his personal popularity.  An excerpt of the interview follows.

TBS: "Thank you for being willing to meet with me.  I'm really excited for this interview."

Prince Harold: "You're most certainly welcome.  It's good to be with you."

TBS: "I appreciate that.  So, to begin, no member of the royal family has ever sought elected office like this before.  What made you decide to run for Parliament?"

PH: "Well, you see, growing up I'd always admired those old folks who got together in that big old building by Forrest Park, bickering and arguing but still managing to pass stuff anyway.  I'd always wanted to be like them.  Then, one afternoon last year, I looked in the mirror and realized I was finally old myself, and ever since then I've just been waiting for an opportunity."

TBS: "Really?"

PH: "Nah, I'm just kidding.  I've been paying attention to the issues on debate recently, and I feel like this country really needs a good solid shot of common sense.  There's so much we could be doing--that we should be doing--that we aren't doing.  I hope to be able to help this country get back on track; back to the standards and principles of compassionate government that have brought us so far in this modern global society."

TBS: "And you feel that you are the right person to help make that change happen?"

PH: "Yes, I do.  We'll see if the voters agree with me come election time."

TBS: "I see.  Could you elaborate a little bit on the changes you want to see happen?"

PH: "Certainly.  For one thing, I think that Parliament has recently been relying too much on what the world defines as a progressive modern society rather than taking a good serious look at what's best for this country and this people.  Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not being isolationistic or proposing anti-globalist policies.  No, nothing like that.  We live in a global society, and I think that's a good thing; it helps keep nations accountable.  But when the international community is advocating so-called reforms that run contrary to our moral values, or even pushing for inaction when action is required, then we need to choose to make a stand, even if it means that we stand alone."

TBS: "Might it be a little dangerous to abandon Tytor's partnerships and commitments?"

PH: "Oh, that's not what I'm proposing.  As I said, we live in a global community now, and we'll never again be able to do without allies and international treaties.  But when there are those who make friendship conditional upon their idea of how we Tytorians should run our nation, then perhaps we need to reconsider being friends with them."

TBS: "Are you referring to a particular nation or group?"

PH: "No, not really.  I simply think that this country needs to be careful.  You could, after all, make the argument that the world remains a dangerous place."

The full interview can be found at

(OOC: I'll be posting it all from Prince Harold's point of view as a vignette here soonish.)
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2019, 10:30:12 PM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Royal Wedding Announced for Early July

TSARGRAD -- In an announcement this afternoon, Prince Charles, the Duke of Parksfield, revealed the date and time of his impending marriage to Lady Theresa Hales, daughter of the Earl of Covington.  The wedding, first announced last month, will be taking place on July 3rd at St. Mary's Cathedral in Tsargrad, the traditional site of coronation for Tytorian monarchs.  Immediately following the announcement, the office of Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher confirmed to the press that she will be in attendance, and several other fixtures of Tytorian society have made similar moves.  Sir Howard Flake, Royal Household Chief of Staff, gave a statement thereafter with the clarification that the wedding will be paid for entirely through the royal family's personal funds, so as to minimize impact on Tytorian taxpayers.

Project Challenger to be Resumed

TSARGRAD -- Executive Administrator Mackenzie Collins announced today that the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry will be resuming Project Challenger, the reusable spacecraft initiative that was suspended after the explosion of the Challenger a few years ago.  With the recent successful conclusion of the Atlas 9 moon mission, the Aerospace Ministry's confidence appears boosted.  Speaking to the press, Collins stated his enthusiasm for his work, saying that "as the Ministry and the country move together into this new era of space exploration, great things are in store for all humanity".  Also announced was the decision to rechristen the Discovery, first of the Challenger's planned successors, as the Challenger II; as well as the authorization of another spacecraft to take the original Challenger's place in the line up, bringing the planned count back up to four.

Current plans for Project Challenger call for the completion and use of four reusable spacecraft, to be available for temporary lease to other international space agencies.  Three of the craft were under construction at varying stages of completion at the time of the Challenger tragedy in June of 2015, and were suspended with the rest of the program.  They will be completed as the Challenger II, the Excelsior, and the Albion, and will be joined by another to be built starting immediately and christened as the Endeavor.  Plans also call for the program to be sustained indefinitely, with new spacecraft built as older ones are retired.  The scientific community has yet to react to the news, but a spokesman for the palace hailed the announcement shortly thereafter as "a positive step forward in this enlightened age."

Contracts for the building of the Endeavor have not yet been awarded, but it is likely that the construction of the spacecraft will begin soon.  In the meantime, the Aerospace Ministry looks to be poised on the edge of even greater heights.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2019, 03:18:08 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Prince Harold Wins Seat in Parliament

TSARGRAD -- The results of yesterday's parliamentary byelection in the Westham Park constituency are in, and the Tytorian National Election Commission has announced that HRH Prince Harold, Duke of Bridgeport, has emerged as the winner, taking 59% of the vote and edging out his two main rivals in the process.  Prince Harold's victory has come as little of a surprise to observers; he has long been popular in the Tsargrad suburb where he makes his permanent home, and his "careful and considerate approach to campaigning", as one commentator put it this morning, won him great voter support.

The Duke of Bridgeport's entry into politics is unprecedented, as members of the royal family have traditionally remained separate from "such mundane matters", as King William VI, the duke's late grandfather, put it so famously during his three-year reign.  Sources within the royal household stated to TBS that the palace intends to "keep some distance" from Prince Harold in order to avoid potential charges of meddling.  Whether this stance will have its desired effect remains to be seen.

Prince Charles Married

TSARGRAD -- The nation's most eligible bachelor has finally tied the knot.  In a ceremony at St. Mary's Cathedral in Tsargrad this morning, Prince Charles, the Duke of Parksfield, was married to Lady Theresa Hales, daughter of the Earl of Covington.  The marriage was performed by Archbishop Richard Valance of Tsargrad and was attended by representatives of several foreign nations, most notably the reigning monarchs of Krimeon and Rokkenjima.  Public response to the wedding has been overwhelmingly positive, especially on social media, where congratulatory messages were posted constantly for about an hour and a half following the service.

As had been announced in the lead-up to the wedding date, there were no press representatives at the ceremony itself.  However, Prince Charles did speak briefly late this afternoon to assembled reporters on his way with his new bride to the airport, from whence they departed on their honeymoon.  His statement, along with additional details about the wedding, may be found at

National Aerospace Museum Announced for Highmark

TSARGRAD -- The Tytorian Aerospace Ministry announced Monday afternoon that a museum will be built at Highmark Cosmodrome, honoring various parts of the Tytorian space program, along with Tytorian aeronautical history.  The National Aerospace Museum, as the project has been named, is expected to be completed sometime next year, with a tentative opening date of December 1.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2019, 05:34:10 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Breaking: Hurricane Eileen Strengthens to Category 5 - Landfall Declared Imminent

PORT MONSOON -- Hurricane Eileen has strengthened to Category 5, increasing the expected damage to Floodwater, which lies directly in the hurricane's path.  Officials in Floodwater have declared a state of emergency in preparation for landfall, currently projected for tomorrow afternoon.  This follows a statement from the Royal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration identifying Eileen as "perhaps the most dangerous storm to threaten the country this decade".  The office of Shelby Forthright, Speaker of the People's Assembly of Floodwater, has also issued a statement urging Floodwaterians to "take adequate precautions" ahead of Eileen's arrival.

What is now Hurricane Eileen formed as a tropical storm toward the end of last month, reaching hurricane intensity on Monday.  Assuming the storm maintains its current intensity and projected course, Eileen will be the first Category 5 hurricane to hit Floodwater on record.  Current projections also have Eileen making landfall on the Tytorian mainland, with Northmark and East Crownlands taking the brunt of the storm.  Renowned hurricane expert Dr. Jason Jones, currently one of Tytor's representatives at the headquarters  of the Joint Emergency Team, stated his belief to reporters that Eileen will weaken considerably as a result of impacting Floodwater and will hit Tytor as "probably no more than a Category 3 hurricane".  Even if this proves to be the case, Dr. Jones continued, Eileen could easily still be "one of the strongest hurricanes to hit mainland Tytor in the past fifty years".

Live updates on the status of the storm are accessible online at, as well as  We will continue to report on this story as the situation develops.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2019, 10:11:57 PM »

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Breaking: Hurricane Eileen Hammers Floodwater, Threatens Northmark

RAVENSFORT -- In what may turn out to be one of the costliest natural disasters in Tytorian history, Hurricane Eileen has pummeled Floodwater for most of the past twenty-four hours.  While the extent of damage to the island has yet to be determined, initial reports have confirmed at least twelve people have died as a result of the storm; that number is expected to rise as relief efforts continue.  Now, the Royal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has issued a hurricane advisory for most of Northmark and a large portion of East Crownlands, both within the area considered at highest risk of being hit by the storm under current projections.

Hurricanes are rare in Tytor; the last one to hit the mainland, Hurricane Mitch, did so in 1993.  Mitch dealt an estimated T₡55 billion in damage in Southmark and Decapolis before dissipating just south of Aquilae.  However, Eileen has the potential to be considerably more destructive.  Eileen has weakened to a Category 3 hurricane as a result of impacting Floodwater, but some scientists working at the ROAA have expressed worries to TBS that the storm's path across the southern Sea of Kyne could strengthen it again.  Whether this happens remains to be seen, but Eileen seems likely to be very destructive to northern Tytor one way or the other.

Live updates of this situation continue to be posted online at both and  We will continue to report on the progress of the storm as the story develops.

Joint Emergency Team Offers Hurricane Relief

TSARGRAD  -- Representatives of the Joint Emergency Team, or JET, have offered the use of resources assigned to the organization for disaster relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Eileen.  The composition of these assets, earmarked for deployment in Noobia prior to that nation's refusal to accept international aid, is unconfirmed, but Shelby Forthright, Speaker of Floodwater's People's Assembly, told a TBS reporter that "every little bit helps".  It is expected that the JET's offer will be accepted, though Prime Minister Thatcher's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Supersonic Air Travel to Link Tytor with New Derusmia

WILLIAMSHAVEN  -- Minister of Transportation Ollie Chapman confirmed on Friday that approval had been given for New Derusmian International Airways (NDIA) to begin flights to and from Tytor with the new Matteus 500 supersonic airliner.  These flights, planned for Williamshaven's Kimberly-Barnes International Airport and Tsargrad's Thomas Warwick Memorial Airport, have been delayed until after the passing of Hurricane Eileen, though neither destination is within the projected path of the storm.

Some members of the international community have expressed concerns about the pollution effects of supersonic transportation, particularly as New Derusmia has committed to reducing air transport pollution dramatically in the next several years, but NDIA CEO Martin Shoburgen rejected those concerns in a statement to the press this morning.  Whether this dispute will affect the airline's international standing is yet to be determined.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2019, 05:31:49 AM »

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Breaking: Eileen Makes Landfall in Northmark as Category 4 Hurricane

TSARGRAD -- Hurricane Eileen has made landfall for the second time.  The storm took longer than expected to cross the Sea of Kyne, briefly weakening to Category 2 before accelerating again.  Now, favorable conditions have strengthened Eileen once again, and it reached Category 4 shortly before landfall this morning.  On Wednesday, Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher declared a state of emergency in Northmark in anticipation of Eileen's arrival.  In a statement released to the press, the prime minister expressed concern for those living in the hurricane's path and pledged to "do everything necessary to ensure the relief of all who are affected by this disaster".

Hurricane experts at the ROAA noted to TBS that Eileen's movements have been highly unusual, though entirely within projections, and pointed to climate change as an explanation of the storm's rapid increase in intensity on Wednesday.  "Rising oceanic temperatures have the potential of increasing the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones like Eileen, even in the Kyne," meteorologist Dr. Jason Delaney said, "Unless something is done to combat temperature increase, I suspect that severe hurricanes may well become a normal part of Tytorian life."  Similar statements from members of the Tytorian scientific community can be found online at

Both TBS and the ROAA will continue to provide updates as the storm situation develops.

Floodwater Death Toll Increases to More Than 80

PORT MONSOON -- Officials in Floodwater have confirmed that the official death toll from Hurricane Eileen has exceeded eighty, mostly in the city of Northpoint.  Eileen was a Category 5 hurricane when it hit northwestern Floodwater Saturday evening, though it weakened considerably as it crossed the island over the course of the following twenty-four hours.  Now, as first responders and aid workers sort through the aftermath, the death count is expected to continue to rise.  Eileen is also expected to be the most destructive storm in Tytorian history, surpassing even 1967's Hurricane Lionel, the current record holder.

Former Priest Calls Hurricane "Divine Correction"

VIGIL -- Former Church of Tytor parish priest Emmanuel Sutherland called Hurricane Eileen "tangible proof of God's disfavor" in a video posted online this afternoon.  Sutherland, excommunicated in May following a denunciation of Archbishop Richard Valance and other senior church leaders, declared that "Tytor is sick with sin", and that "this nation's leaders must heed the divine correction they have received, lest they bring upon themselves the calamities foretold in holy writ".  Shortly after the video was released, the Diocese of Vigil issued a press release dismissed it as "mere talk, with as much scripture behind it as the idea that the moon is made of cheese".
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2019, 05:16:47 AM »

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Government Criticized for Hurricane Response

TSARGRAD -- Several junior members of the Conservative Alliance bloc in parliament offered denunciations of Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher today for her government's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Eileen.  The hurricane, which devastated Floodwater and coastal Northmark earlier this month, has a confirmed death toll of at least two hundred.  The criticism centers on aid sent to the affected areas, with Roger Smethwick, MP for Highmark West, stating that the reconstruction effort is "remarkable only in its deficiencies".  Edmund Markhurst, MP for Cloverfield-on-Ash, further stated that "the honorable prime minister's government ought to be ashamed of itself; to have failed so miserably in something as important as cleaning up after a hurricane is almost certainly unprecedented".  This criticism seems to stem from frustrations over perceived lack of progress, something Willard Cambridge, Minister of Internal Affairs, called "inevitable" in a press conference this afternoon.  The Internal Affairs Ministry has been given full responsibility for cleanup and reconstruction in Eileen's wake, and the regions hardest hit by the storm remain designated disaster areas.

Neither Prime Minister Thatcher nor John H. Goodfellow, current leader of the Conservative Alliance, responded to requests for comment.

Tsargrad Mayor Survives Second Assassination Attempt

TSARGRAD -- Mayor Thaddeus O. Kundick of Tsargrad has survived what seems to be his second assassination attempt in five months.  A source in the Tsargrad Police Department familiar with the incident told TBS that three gunshots were fired into the mayor's car soon after he arrived at city hall this morning.  No injuries were reported.  As with the previous attempt in May, no suspects or motives have been identified, though the same source said that police are now attempting to investigate convicted Tsargrad mafioso "Boss" Jordan's former organization, believed to still be operating in the city.  Mayor Kundick declined to comment on the case.

Tytorian Submarine to Conduct Goodwill Tour

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards, ranking admiral of the Tytorian Royal Navy, announced in a press briefing on Wednesday that Tytor will be sending the submarine HTMS Archer on a global goodwill tour.  The Archer, originally commissioned in 1952, was Tytor's first nuclear-powered warship.  News of its tour comes amid rumors that the Navy is debating plans to replace the nation's two Archer-class submarines; Navy officials have thus far refused to either confirm or deny whether such debates are occurring.  According to Admiral Waverly-Edwards, the cruise will begin on October 10th and is expected to include a circumnavigation of the globe.  While no ports of call were definitively stated, Waverly-Edwards said that the itinerary likely would include stops in Rokkenjima, Novincia, and Dartfordia, all historical Tytorian allies.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2019, 08:13:13 PM »

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Parliament Ratifies Cross-Straits Treaty

TSARGRAD -- In a historic joint session this morning, both houses of parliament have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a revised version of the Cross-Straits Treaty.  This move, coupled with similar actions from Novincia and Rokkenjima, reestablishes the Cross-Straits Treaty Organization three years after its dissolution.  "This is a great day for Tytor's international presence," Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher said to the press after the session, "It has been too long since the CSTO's disbandment; now, that error has been corrected, and we look forward to the future, hand in hand with our firmest allies."

Recent polls have shown high levels of support, averaging at 82% in favor, for a formal military alliance with Rokkenjima, long considered one of Tytor's closest partners.  Public support for a formal alliance with Novincia is only slightly lower, averaging at 78%.  With this kind of popular backing, analysts expect the new CSTO to remain a major part of Tytorian foreign policy for years to come.

Man Arrested in Apparent Terrorist Plot

NEWCHARTER -- A Southmark man has been arrested for trespassing while in possession of large quantities of explosive material, police said this afternoon.  Quentin Finster, resident of Vigil, was apprehended in the underground garage of the Bank of Tytor Tower in downtown Newcharter, reportedly while exiting a rented van filled with improvised explosives.  Police said they were acting on a tip from an anonymous source; any connection between the source and the apparent bombing attempt are unknown.  Finster, age 39, was most recently employed as a security guard at a hotel in Vigil, though he has been unemployed since May; his motives have yet to be determined.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2019, 05:17:01 AM »

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Government Confirms Rokkenjiman Submarine Purchase

TSARGRAD -- In a brief statement to reporters on Saturday, Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher's office confirmed reports of the impending purchase of five nuclear-powered attack submarines from the First Empire of Rokkenjima.  The submarines are expected to be transferred in the near future, though neither the purchase price nor the names of the submarines in question are currently available to the press.  News of the planned sale emerged earlier on Saturday in a story published by RBS.  Some speculation has been reported that the new submarines could be intended to replace the Archer and Tsargrad classes, which have been in service since the 1950s and are showing their age, despite more recent modernizations.

Suspect in Newcharter Bombing Attempt Found Dead in Cell

ST. ELMO'S CITY -- Quentin Finster, arrested late last month while attempting to carry out an apparent plan to blow up the Bank of Tytor Tower in downtown Newcharter, has been discovered dead in his cell at Decapolis Provincial Penitentiary just outside St. Elmo's City.  Finster, a resident of Vigil, Southmark, was being held without bail pending trial on a number of charges, most notably attempted domestic terrorism, a high-level felony with a minimum sentence of ten years in prison.  Cause of death has not been determined, but police have not ruled out homicide, despite the fact that Finster had been placed in solitary confinement for his protection leading up to trial.  This is a breaking story and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Goodwill Tour Delayed for Submarine Repairs

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- A spokesman for the Navy stated that delays in the departure of HTMS Archer for the submarine's planned round-the-world goodwill tour were caused by emergency repairs to the vessel's propulsion system.  The exact nature of the needed repairs was not revealed, due primarily to national security concerns, but estimates put the new departure time at about noon on Wednesday the 16th.  A planned itinerary has been released and can be viewed on the official navy website,
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2019, 06:58:39 AM »

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HTMS Archer Leaves on Goodwill Tour

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- Despite emergency maintenance issues which have delayed departure for more than a week, HTMS Archer has finally left on its round-the-world goodwill tour.  Archer will put in at Port Monsoon, Floodwater, before leaving Tytorian territorial waters for the length of the trip.  A navy spokesman confirmed that ports of call will include, among others[1], Ashinxao, Rokkenjima; Cescedia, Allied States of Ardia[2]; Takeda, Toshikawa[3]; Lacuna, Nueva Ardia[4]; Montaulon, Marseilles[5]; Ardem City, New Derusmia; Huángwēi and Guīwān, Sinsu; Huoshui, SICR; and Innsmouth, Centralia.  After all ports of call have been visited, Archer will return to Tytor and regular service in the Tytorian Royal Navy for the immediate future.

Ravensfort Church Fire Ruled to be Arson

RAVENSFORT -- Following a months-long investigation, authorities have determined that the fire which destroyed the Old Stone Church in Ravensfort this past May was definitely set intentionally.  Ravensfort police chief Don Macclesfield told reporters that the arsonist, who remains unidentified, "clearly knew what they were doing", based in part on the length of time the investigation took.  Macclesfield also said that the Ravensfort Police Department had no leads at that time, a situation which seems likely to persist.

 1. OOC: If anyone's feeling left out, let me know and I can include you.  And yes, that includes nation's that usually aren't on good terms with Tytor.  It is a goodwill tour, after all.
 2. OOC: There's no information on whether Cescedia is a port, so I'm just assuming.  I can change it if I need to.
 3. OOC: Same as above.
 4. OOC: See above.
 5. OOC: See above.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 07:27:21 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2019, 02:09:14 AM »

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Rokkenjiman Submarine Purchase Suspended

TSARGRAD -- The purchase of five Rokkenjiman attack submarines, announced earlier this month, has been put on hold, a government spokesperson told reporters this evening.  The deal, still pending at the time of its suspension, has come under fire from parts of the international community, with the Bakkermayan government in particular denouncing it as a breach by Rokkenjima of the treaty which established the Mundus Atomic Energy Agency (MAEA).  That treaty, not currently adhered to by the Kingdom of Tytor, stipulates restrictions on the sale and transfer of nuclear materials by its signatories to non-MAEA states.  According to an individual familiar with the situation, speaking on condition of anonymity, Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher had intended to present the treaty for consideration by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee early next month, something the individual said is now unlikely to happen.  Instead, the individual said that the prime minister is looking at alternative proposals for new Tytorian submarines that were discarded
when the decision was made to purchase the Rokkenjiman vessels, with this process being given greater priority than potential ratification of the MAEA.

Reactions in parliament to the Bakkermayan criticism has been almost universally negative, with J. Jonah Johnson, MP for Newcharter South, even calling the MAEA "yet another tool for the degradation of Tytor's national sovereignty".  Most backlash, however, has focused on what Prince Harold de Tarrenburg, MP for Westham Park, called the Bakkermayan government "leaping to conclusions without taking any of the steps necessary to get there".  Similar sentiment was espoused by Abraham Gray, MP for Rotherford-on-Sea, who stated his opinion that "the Bakkermayan government has no business attempting to act as spokesman for the entirety of any international organization"; as well as Harriet Gunn, MP for Adderwood, who said that "Bakkermaya has simply made itself look petty".

When asked about the suspension of Tytor's trade deal with Rokkenjima, opinions were more mixed, with some saying that the deal should have gone forward.  Others agreed more with Sir Gregory Major, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who explained that "the last thing this government wants is to cause our allies to fail to live up to their treaty obligations".

HTMS Archer Arrives in Rokkenjima

ASHINXAO -- Royal Navy submarine HTMS Archer arrived late this afternoon in Ashinxao, Rokkenjima, its first foreign stop on its round-the-world goodwill tour.  Archer will remain in Ashinxao for the next few days, with non-sensitive parts of the vessel open to guided tours by the crew during that time.  Similar arrangements are planned for each of Archer's succeeding stops.

HTMS Archer, Tytor's first nuclear-powered submarine, is under the command of Captain Amanda Wilkinson.  Accompanying her on the tour are Terrence Cahill, MP for Foggy Bottom, and Dwight P. Barnhurst, MP for Williamshaven East.  The two lawmakers both have experience with foreign policy; Barnhurst served as ambassador to Achkaerin from 1992 to 1999, while Cahill is a sitting member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee.  It is expected that Cahill and Barnhurst will interact with any foreign government officials who visit Archer during the tour.

TBS will continue to report on this story as it develops.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 05:35:16 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2019, 09:26:29 PM »

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HTMS Archer Arrives in Novincia

NAVAL STATION VODI -- At the end of the third leg of its goodwill tour, HTMS Archer has arrived at Naval Station Vodi in Novincia.  The submarine's visit follows similar stops in Port Monsoon, Floodwater, and Ashinxao, Rokkenjima.  As with the previous two stops, Archer is expected to stay for several days before moving on to Cescedia, capital of the Allied States of Ardia.

Additional destinations for HTMS Archer will include Takeda, Toshikawa; Lacuna, Nueva Ardia; Montaulon, Marseilles; Ardem City, New Derusmia; Huángwēi and Guīwān, Sinsu; Huoshui, SICR; and Innsmouth, Centralia.  Foreign dignitaries and the general public will continue to be hosted on board the submarine for the duration of the tour.

TBS will continue to report on this story as it develops.

Police Arrest Self-Proclaimed "Doomsday Prophet"

VIGIL -- Early Saturday night, police arrested a man wearing what appeared to be a homemade suicide vest outside a nightclub in downtown Vigil.  The man, who has identified himself simply as a "doomsday prophet", was shouting threats and obscenities in the direction of the entrance, reportedly claiming that Vigil will be "struck by fire from on high", among other things.  Upon the arrival of police on the scene, he is believed to have attempted to detonate his vest, which failed to go off, and was quickly subdued.  The suspect, once identified, is expected to be charged which attempted domestic terrorism; if convicted, he will face a minimum of ten years in prison.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2019, 09:34:23 PM »

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Breaking: Terrorist Attacks Rock Tytor, Thousands Feared Dead

TSARGRAD -- Between 12:46 and 1:22 PM, West Albion Standard Time, unidentified terrorists attacked at least seventeen targets across Tytor.  Initial estimates are putting civilian casualties between two and five thousand.

TBS will continue to report on this story as the situation develops.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2019, 05:16:19 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Tytor Mourns Victims of Remembrance Day Terror Attacks, Prime Minister Vows Action

TSARGRAD -- Over less than an hour this afternoon, terrorists attacked the Decapolis Twin Towers in St. Elmo's City and sixteen other targets across Tytor.  The attackers crashed hijacked airliners into the Twin Towers and set off bombs at the other locations.  The Decapolis Twin Towers both collapsed as a result of the attacks compromising their structural integrity.  In addition, in today's eighteenth attack, gunmen stormed City Hall in Tsargrad, killing Mayor Thaddeus O. Kundick and two others.  Finally, authorities stopped four additional attacks prior to their execution.  Sources within the intelligence community have expressed the belief that two other attacks were planned: those which were foiled in late September and this past Saturday.

While a total death toll has not yet been released, revised estimates place the death toll between three and six thousand, with more than thirty thousand injuries.  Most fatalities and injuries are believed to have occurred in St Elmo's City; reports indicate that well over 14,000 people are usually in the Twin Tower complex each day by 12:45 PM, the time today's attacks began.  It is unknown how many of the victims are foreign nationals.

No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, leading to speculation on the part of many in both the media and the intelligence community.  Several groups, which have not been identified due to national security concerns, have been placed under suspicion by the Royal Intelligence Service and the Bureau of Domestic Investigation.  It is expected that the first arrests in connection with the attacks will take place within the next few weeks.

Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher, joined by several members of parliament, issued a televised statement about the attacks at approximately 7:30 this evening.  In this statement, the prime minister denounced the attackers while praising the response of the Tytorian people and thanking world leaders for their messages of support.  She also promised that the Tytorian government will "find those responsible and ... bring them to justice".  A statement by Prince Harold de Tarrenburg, MP for Westham Park, put particular emphasis on the response of the people of Ravensfort, Northmark, which is still recovering from Hurricane Eileen in September.  As a mark of the response being alluded to, the Tytorian Red Cross has noted a sharp increase in blood donations over the course of the last several hours.

A full list of the day's attacks, with their times and locations, follows.  All times are in Western Albion Standard Time.

01. Decapolis Twin Towers, St. Elmo's City - 12:46 PM
02. National Museum of War, Tsargrad - 1:04 PM
03. Kingshaven Tower, Williamshaven - 1:04 PM
04. Orrin P. Ferris Building, Vigil - 1:05 PM
05. Blaine Street Market, Ravensfort - 1:05 PM
06. St. Elmo's City Stock Exchange, St. Elmo's City - 1:06 PM
07. Religious History Museum, Tsargrad - 1:08 PM
08. St. Helena's Cathedral, Newcharter - 1:08 PM
09. Paul Wilcox International Airport, Christiansburg - 1:09 PM
10. Farmington City Hall, Farmington - 1:10 PM
11. Fort Rose, Rosemark - 1:11 PM
12. Highmark Cosmodrome, Highmark - 1:13 PM
13. Riverford Air Force Base, Riverford - 1:15 PM
14. Royal Pantheon Theater, Aquilae - 1:16 PM
15. 1 Centerville Plaza, Centerville - 1:16 PM
16. Camperdown Field, Burlingham - 1:18 PM
17. Tarrenburg Castle, Tarrenburg - 1:22 PM
18. Tsargrad City Hall, Tsargrad - 2:03 PM

This is a developing story.  TBS will continue to provide updates as details emerge.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 05:24:44 AM by Tytor »
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2019, 07:20:22 AM »

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Prime Minister Thanks Aid Workers

TSARGRAD -- Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher addressed reporters Saturday afternoon, expressing thanks to the various nations, organizations, and individuals who provided assistance to Tytor in the immediate aftermath of last month's Remembrance Day attacks.  "Our nation is indebted to those brave souls who risked their health and safety to come to our aid in these dark times," she said in part, "We will always remember their selflessness, even as we move past the need for their help.  With their assistance, we have succeeded in initial recovery efforts, and we are incredibly grateful for this."  The prime minister continued by addressing several specific people by name, mentioning, for example, efforts by Crown Princess Adriana of Rokkenjima in blood drives and other relief initiatives.  The full speech may be viewed at

Mister Rogers Biopic Breaks Box Office Records

CHRISTIANSBURG -- National Box Office Association officials confirmed Thursday that Imperial Studios' A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood now holds the live-action record for first-month domestic earnings.  The film, featuring Tom Hanks as beloved children's television personality Fred Rogers, has grossed ₡353.2 million thus far, breaking the first-month record previously held by 1998's The Truman Show, also by Imperial Studios.  Critical reception has been overwhelmingly positive, with most praise directed at Hanks's performance.  A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood continues to play in theaters nationwide.

Krokom Embassy Unveils Life Size Nativity Scene

KROKOM -- Sir Craig Larson, Tytorian Ambassador to Nya Åland, presided over a dedication ceremony Saturday evening for new Christmas decorations displayed at the embassy in Krokom.  Most attention went to a lighted nativity scene erected in the yard in front of the building.  The nativity, composed of life sized figures dressed in clothes intended to be as historically authentic as possible, is the result of a funding campaign spearheaded by the Church of Tytor's Diocese of Farmington, which has jurisdiction over church members visiting or living in Nya Åland.  The display is seen by observers in Tytor as a not-so-subtle protest against Nya Åland's religious policies, which prohibit the public expression of any belief system other than Odinism and are largely seen as discriminatory toward religious minorities.  In his statement to the press at the dedication, Ambassador Larson noted that the embassy is considered to be sovereign Tytorian territory and urged Ålander Christians to adhere to the current laws of their country until such time as they could be legally repealed.  Nya Åland's government has not yet responded to this event, though it is expected that a response will be forthcoming.

HTMS Archer Arrives in New Derusmia

ARDEM CITY -- The submarine HTMS Archer arrived late Saturday night in Ardem City, New Derusmia, the latest stop on its round-the-world goodwill tour.  The vessel's chaplain will host a public church service Sunday morning, and the submarine will open for limited tours thereafter.  It is expected that HTMS Archer will remain in New Derusmia over Christmas, departing for Huoshui in the SICR on the 26th of December.

Navy Confirms Rumors of Naval Modernization Program

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- In a press conference on Friday, Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards confirmed that the Tytorian Royal Navy been authorized to begin constructing a new class of nuclear-powered attack submarines to replace the aging Archer and Tsargrad classes.  In the same press conference, Waverly-Edwards also announced plans to construct a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to replace HTMS Admiral, which was originally commissioned in 1950.  This confirms rumors that have circulated in recent weeks, stating that such confirmation was impending.  Further details are expected to be released in the near future.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2019, 05:58:08 AM »

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Ambassador to Nya Åland Authorizes Christmas Banner

KROKOM -- In response to the erection of a barrier allegedly intended to block the view of a nativity scene recently installed on embassy grounds, Sir Craig Larson, Ambassador to Nya Åland, authorized the raising this morning of a Christmas-themed banner on the outside of the embassy's top floor.  The banner, hung along the entire building's uppermost story, bears the following message in Norse: "A Very Merry Christmas to All Our Nordic Friends!"  In somewhat smaller writing, the banner continues: "Pray For the Restoration of Religious Freedom in Nya Åland!"  It is further decorated with a nativity scene in silhouette form, with the stable, shepherds, and star on one end and the three wise men on the other.

When asked whether this move could be seen as provocative, Ambassador Larson told reporters, "I sincerely hope it is.  The government in Krokom has for too long been given tacit approval from the international community in the maintaining of their discriminatory religious policies.  The country somehow manages to remain seen as a valid arbiter in international negotiations and disputes, rather than being seen as the pariah it certainly ought to be.  In fact, many nations seem to think that Nya Åland is simply a continuation of the old UNP, a now-former country that had legitimate claim to the reputation Nya Åland now holds in pretense."

Sir Gregory Major, Minister of Foreign Affairs, released a statement shortly after the banner was raised, confirming the Foreign Ministry's support of Ambassador Larson's actions over the last few days.  Major additionally revealed that his office had planned to send a representative to the meeting creating the Mundus Atomic Energy Agency (MAEA), but then suspended its participation when the venue was moved to Ulmberg.  Major's office did not respond to a request for further comment.

King Michael Invites New Pope to Visit Tsargrad

TSARGRAD -- His Majesty King Michael extended a formal invitation this afternoon for Pope John Francis I to visit Tytor early in the new year.  The invitation, which is not known to have been officially responded to at present, marks the first diplomatic communication between Tytor and the new papal administration.  If the proposal is accepted, it will be the first visit of any pope to Tytor in almost fifty years; the last one was that of Pope Paul VI in 1971.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2020, 06:14:46 AM »

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Tytor Leads Takedown of Dark Web Child Exploitation Site

TSARGRAD -- In what is possibly the most notable exploitation bust in history, an international criminal investigation has taken down the largest child pornography site in the world.  The Ministry of Justice, the Royal Intelligence Service (RIS), the Royal Bureau of Revenue's Criminal Investigation Division (RBR-CID), and the Decapolis Provincial Attorney's Office held a joint press conference this afternoon announcing the results of the online raid.  Reporters were informed that several Tytorian users of the site had been arrested, with two more committing suicide to evade capture, though no names have yet been released.  The takedown was an international endeavor, with support from the Achkaerin Intelligence Service (AIS), Rokkenjima's Imperial Naval Intelligence Service (INIS), and Centralia's Office of Strategic Services (OSS).  The extent and results of this foreign involvement is not yet public knowledge, but it has been confirmed that the website was based in Centralia.  Arrests are expected to occur around the world as child pornography is illegal in most countries, and the user list found on the site's servers included traceable information from an international clientele.  According to a handout given to reporters, the RIS has contacted several foreign intelligence services that were not involved in the operation with pertinent information gleaned therefrom.  It remains to be seen how these other nations will react to this development, though the expectation is that all users of this site will ultimately be apprehended.

Rumors that this operation was intended to target those responsible for last year's Remembrance Day terrorist attacks remain unsubstantiated at present.

Project Challenger to Resume Operation in March

HIGHMARK -- Mackenzie Collins, Executive Administrator of the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry, announced this evening that Project Challenger has been given the green light for moving forward with manned missions.  The first such mission, to be undertaken by SS Challenger II, is intended to simply pick up where the first Challenger left off, performing several orbits of Mundus before returning to Tytor.  However, future missions will involve such things as placing the long-delayed William Patterson Space Telescope into orbit, conducting experiments involving the effects of microgravity, and servicing existing Tytorian government satellites as needed.  In the press conference announcing the resumption of operations, Administrator Collins also shared plans to look into using the Challenger vehicles to conduct clean up operations, disposing of decommissioned satellites as is found necessary.  This part of the announcement is believed to be in response to remarks earlier today by Professor Guiseppe Kessler of the Allied States of Ardia about the dangers of what he referred to as "micro-debris", which could potentially form through collision of two or more derelict satellites.  It remains to be seen whether anything will come of this idea; presumably, discussions will take place at the Aerospace Ministry soon.

Tytor Prepares for Papal Visit

TSARGRAD -- Preparations are mostly complete ahead of the planned visit of Pope John Francis I later this week.  According to information given to the press, the head of the Catholic Church is to arrive via plane at Tsargrad's Thomas Warwick Memorial Airport on Friday, February 21st, at which time he will begin his stay with a visit to the Royal Palace.  The papal tour is expected to include stops at each of Tytor's ten largest cities, a papal mass held at St. Philip's Cathedral in Tsargrad on the 23rd, and an address to a joint session of Parliament on the 26th, among other things.  The visit will conclude with the pope's departure on the morning of the 27th.  A full schedule can be found online at

King to Visit Rokkenjima

TSARGRAD -- With the recent announcement of abdication by Empress Beatrice of Rokkenjima, the Royal Palace announced plans for His Majesty King Michael to visit Pyrettania "in the very near future".  Details of the trip have not yet been released, but it can be reasonably assumed that it will include a visit to the now-former empress, a close personal friend of the King.

Plans Released for New Navy Warships

Line drawing of the planned HTMS Monarch

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- In a press release issued Friday afternoon, the Admiralty announced the names and overall design plans for the aircraft carrier and five submarines announced in late December.  The carrier, to be named HTMS Monarch, will succeed HTMS Admiral as flagship of the Home Fleet and Tytor's largest surface warship; Admiral is expected to be converted into a museum ship in Williamshaven following its decommissioning.  The submarines, which will replace the Archer and Tsargrad classes, will be named HTMS Remembrance, HTMS Victory, HTMS Implacable, HTMS Formidable, and HTMS Matthew Howard.  The last is in honor of the late cosmonaut of the same name, first Tytorian on the moon and commander of the ill-fated first and only mission of the space shuttle Challenger.  The Admiralty has not yet released a timetable for the ships' construction, only stating that this forms the Tytorian Royal Navy's highest current priority.

HTMS Archer Arrives in the SICR

HUOSHUI -- HTMS Archer, Tytor's first nuclear-powered submarine, arrived today in Huoshui, a port in the Second Imperial Chinese Republic and the vessel's last stop in Ardia.  Archer is expected to remain in Huoshui until the 24th, at which point the submarine will cross the Karifan Ocean en route for Innsmouth, Centralia.  Innsmouth being the last port of call included as part of Archer's round-the-world goodwill tour, the vessel will then return to Tytor, where it will return to service until the completion of its replacement, HTMS Remembrance.

(OOC: Ignore the ridiculously large gap between Archer's arrival in New Derusmia and its arrival here.  Originally, it was going to visit two ports in the now-nonexistent Republic of Sinsu.  That, and I forgot to post this update in a more timely manner.)
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2020, 05:34:47 AM »

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Pope Meets LDS Church Leader

VIGIL -- In a historic first, President Howard K. Fisher of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Tytor's second-largest religious denomination, met briefly with Pope John Francis I in the course of the latter's visit this morning to Vigil, Southmark.  The pair spoke for approximately ten minutes during a papal audience with local Catholic faithful and community leaders.  The topic of discussion is not known, though Fisher, accompanied by apostle Alonzo C. Smith, told reporters afterward that the meeting had been "both illuminating and productive".  This marks the first time in history that an LDS Church president has met with a pope for any reason.

Pope John Francis I arrived in Tsargrad on Friday, and he has since visited Williamshaven, Vigil, and Port Monsoon.  As of the time of writing, he has returned to Tsargrad where he will hold mass tomorrow morning.  His visit will last until the evening of Thursday, February 27th, at which time he is scheduled to head back to the Ecclesiastic State.  The full, updated schedule can be found online at

Tytorian Short Film Wins Ozzie

OSTLAKE -- Wings, an animated short film produced by Touchstone Animation, has won Best International Short Film at the Ostlake Movie Awards in East Moreland.  This marks Tytorian cinema's successful return to the Ozzies, following a two-year hiatus.  The award was presented by East Moreland's Royal Artist in Residence, Jocelyn Hopkins, who said, "In a day and age when the art of story telling can be lost in an effort of making special effect action packed extravaganza's there is something beautifully sweet and simple about this. The fact it could have been done with amazing CGI yet is done so beautifully by hand makes it something new and different yet looking retro."

Not all news coming out of the Ozzies was entirely welcome for Tytorian filmmakers, however; both A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood and Little Women, each a Tytorian picture nominated for Best International Film, lost out to A Time of DarknessA Time of Darkness, a historical drama from acclaimed Tamoran director Samira Hanifnejad, depicts the Soviet occupation of Clysperis from 1949 to 1977, along with its immediate aftermath.  This marks the first time a director has won an Ozzie two years in a row; Hanifnejad's previous film, Silence, won Best International Film in 2019.

Murphy House Faced with Possible Hostile Takeover

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- Representatives of long-operating publisher Murphy House disclosed a possible hostile takeover bid today.  Murphy House has apparently been targeted by billionaire E. H. "Hal" Morgan, who reportedly told board members that he had acquired 17.5% of the company's shares over the past six months.  If confirmed, this would mark the first high-profile hostile takeover bid since the successful acquisition of Strategic Defense, Inc. by infamous corporate raider Frederick Davis in 2011.  No details are yet available as to what measures, if any, are being taken by Murphy House to avoid takeover.  Mr. Morgan did not respond to a request for comment.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2020, 06:37:37 AM »

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Archbishop Valance Sits Down with Pope

TSARGRAD -- Mere days after a historic meeting with LDS Church leader Howard K. Fisher, Pope John Francis I made Tytorian religious history once again via a ninety-minute discussion with Archbishop Richard Valance, head of the Church of Tytor.  Today's meeting marks the first between a pope and an Archbishop of Tsargrad since the 1643 beginning of the Tytorian Reformation during the reign of King Edward VI.  What was discussed remains unknown, but Archbishop Valance has scheduled a joint press conference next week with his Catholic counterpart, Archbishop Roland Maybury of Southford.[1]  Due to the timing of the announcement, it is expected that the conference will involve some sort of ecumenical initiative.  More on this story as it develops.

New Aircraft Carrier Laid Down

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- In a previously-unannounced ceremony, the Tytorian Royal Navy's new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, to be christened HTMS Monarch upon completion, was laid down Monday afternoon at the Williamshaven Navy Yard.  The admiralty simultaneously disclosed plans to begin construction of the Remembrance class of nuclear attack submarines over the course of the next few months.  Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards, the Navy's raking officer, told reporters that "these additions to the Tytorian fleet will boost national defensive capabilities far beyond their current levels", adding that "modernization is the key to the future". 

Clysperi Artifacts Seized by Customs Officials

AQUILAE -- Customs officials at three international airports in Decapolis seized cultural artifacts from Clysperis in an apparent smuggling bust this morning.  The artifacts, mostly small statues and estimated at a value of over ₡4.2 million, arrived in the country in direct contravention of cultural preservation laws, among them a recent ordinance banning the importation and sale of such items of Clysperi origin.  The accused smugglers, including a Tytorian and at least three Clysperi nationals, are being held pending trial.  No formal extradition treaty exists between Tytor and Clysperis, so it remains to be seen how their charges will be handled.  This is a developing story and will be updated.

 1. OOC note: The Archbishop of Southford has been the de facto head of the Catholic Church in Tytor more or less consistently since the reestablishment of Catholic hierarchy there in the mid-1800s.  In a sense, the Archbishop of Southford is to the Archbishop of Tsargrad what the Archbishop of Westminster is to the Archbishop of Canterbury in real-world England.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2020, 06:41:08 PM »

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Investigation Into Remembrance Day Attacks Bears Little Fruit

TSARGRAD -- In a press conference this morning, Donovan Langley, Director of the Bureau of Domestic Investigation, disclosed to reporters that "we are no nearer knowing who carried out the Remembrance Day attacks now than we were the day it happened".  Langley went on to say that BDI agents are continuing to follow every lead available to them, and that the Royal Intelligence Service is investigating claims that the attacks may have been conducted by an unknown foreign organization.  "In many ways, this could be like the hijacking of TWA-93 by Maternist militants," he said, "There are, of course, differences in scale, along with more apparent domestic involvement, but the principle remains the same.  Like TWA-93, the reprehensible Remembrance Day attacks were designed to sow fear and distrust within Tytor, but in that regard they will not -- and dare I say cannot -- succeed."  The full text of Director Langley's remarks can be found online at

In related news, a BDI raid on Emmanuel Sutherland's Southmark home brought no results.  Sutherland, a former Church of Tytor parish priest, is wanted for questioning due to comments he made in the months prior to the Remembrance Day attacks.  There is no direct evidence linking him to the attacks, but--

<Signal interrupted; rogue broadcast begins>

"Good day, Tytor.  Most of you do not know me now, but you will.  I am Legion, for we are many.  My followers stand ready to fight the oppressive regime of Richard Valance, Howard Fisher, and the supposed king, Michael de Tarrenburg.  Rapture is among you, and we will strike where you least expect it; no unbeliever is safe.  We will knock down your false churches, your heathen temples, and your secular monuments.  We will deliver this people.

"As you saw on November 11th of last year, our reach is great.  The Decapolis Twin Towers, like the Tower of Babel of old, were a symbol of decadence in the modern age.  Rapture destroyed them, as it will the hubris of this nation's secular and religious rulers.  With each victory against the heretics in government, our movement grows.  Soon, Rapture will deliver all of Tytor from its bonds; thereafter, we will continue until we have delivered the entire world into the waiting arms of Our Lord.  Every knee shall bend, and every tongue confess.

"We are Rapture, and we will triumph in the name of the Lord."

<Rogue broadcast ends; newscast resumes>
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2020, 04:29:26 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Arrest Warrant Issued for Emmanuel Sutherland

ST. ELMO'S CITY -- Following the unanticipated interruption of regular broadcasting in Tytor on Wednesday, March 4, the Bureau of Domestic Investigation has issued a warrant for the arrest of Emmanuel Sutherland, believed to be behind the terrorist attacks of November 11, 2019.  In the mass media interruption earlier this month, a man threatened further terrorist attacks by a group he called "Rapture", presumably if unspecified demands are not met.  BDI analysis of the recording led to an identification of this man as Sutherland, a former parish priest who left the Church of Tytor close to a year ago.  Sutherland is wanted in connection with the Remembrance Day attacks, which he has apparently claimed credit for.  Any sighting of Sutherland is to be reported to either the police or the BDI; under no circumstances should he be approached.

Project Challenger Officially Resumes

SS Challenger II during launch

HIGHMARK -- With as much fanfare as could be mustered by the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry, Project Challenger officially resumed this morning with the launch of SS Challenger IIChallenger II achieved orbit successfully and will make a planned thirty six orbits before returning to Mundus.  In command is veteran cosmonaut Peter Travers, famous for his participation in last year's Atlas 9 moon mission.  Due in part to the catastrophe that was the original Challenger's attempted launch, Travers is accompanied by only one other cosmonaut, Hamilton Fox.

Executive Administrator Mackenzie Collins was not available for comment by press time, but he is expected to issue a press release at some point in the near future.  With the resumption of operations of Project Challenger, the Tytorian space program stands poised for additional breakthroughs over the coming months and years.  In particular, experts expect the launch of the long-delayed William Patterson Space Telescope, inclusion of non-Tytorian cosmonauts, and possibly a Tytorian space station.

TBS will continue to provide coverage of Project Challenger as news arises.

HTMS Archer Arrives in Centralia

INNSMOUTH -- Tytor's oldest nuclear-powered submarine pulled into Innsmouth, Centralia, early this evening.  This marks the last port of call for HTMS Archer's round-the-world goodwill tour, and current plans call for the vessel to leave Innsmouth on Thursday in order to return to Williamshaven and complete the trip.  Archer will subsequently return to active service until the completion of its replacement, the planned HTMS Remembrance.

Prime Minister Reaffirms Support for Izhitsa

TSARGRAD -- Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher told reporters on Monday that Tytor will remain committed to supporting the restoration of peace and democracy in Izhitsa, specifically referring to the country's provisional government.  "Tamora's concerns, while rooted in experience, prove to be little more than paranoia on their behalf," she said in Monday morning's press conference, "To label the only possible government of Izhitsa illegitimate simply because one of the parties involved holds to a form of communism is remarkably short-sighted in the 21st Century.  We have seen that those calling themselves communist rarely fall into easily definable categories; yes, the USR unleashed dreadful hardships upon several of its neighbors, but Rodina and Kaitaine hold no monopoly on far-let ideology.  To suggest as much would do a grave disservice to the popular movements that led Quinntopia and pre-coup Themata, the former of which was for a long time one of Tytor's closest allies and a true friend to democracy and freedom."

When pressed on comments by Pharaoh Akasha of Clysperis, Prime Minister Thatcher dismissed them.  "Personal attacks and misinformation are not how one obtains a good negotiating position," she said, "If certain national leaders find themselves ready to engage in meaningful dialogue rather than merely casting stones, they may let me know."  The prime minister declined further questions about the Clysperi ruler, choosing instead to move on to other topics and saying simply, "I have no time to speculate about the reactions of thin-skinned despots.  I have a government to run."

The full press conference can be viewed online in both text and video at
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2020, 10:34:17 PM »

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Breaking: Bombs Set Off Across Tytor

TSARGRAD -- In another wave of violence seemingly perpetrated by the terrorist group "Rapture", several bombs were set off this afternoon in cities across Tytor.  Initial death toll estimates are in excess of three hundred, mostly in Farmington, Decapolis.  This is a developing story, and will be updated.

Large Oil Deposit Discovered Under Lancelyn Bay

ROSEMARK -- Royal Tytorian Shell, Tytor's largest oil company, announced today that a large deposit of crude oil and natural gas has been discovered under Lancelyn Bay in Tytorian territorial waters.  This discovery, if validated, has the potential to overturn Tytor's energy market.  "Obviously, we're very excited to have made this find," Shell CEO Liam Otter told reporters, "If this plays out the way we hope, I foresee great things ahead for our economy, and particularly for Shell."

An estimate of the deposit's size, released by Shell shortly after their announcement, predicts that with judicious exploitation of Tytor's newly-found resources, the Kingdom could find itself completely self-sufficient in oil production within five years.  Sarah Pierce, Minister of Interior Affairs, was unavailable for comment before press time, but her office stated that she is watching these developments with great interest.  It is expected that a formal survey of this oil deposit will take place over the next few months.

Prime Minister Declassifies 1992 Strategic Weapons Test

TSARGRAD -- Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher issued a statement on Monday under 2009's Transparency Act declassifying a past test of Tytor's strategic weapons stockpile.  The test, codenamed "Operation Vigilance" and involving several varieties of missiles and thermobaric explosives, took place at the Flint Mountain Royal Firing Range in Southmark between April 28 and May 5, 1992.  The centerpiece of the test, on May 4, was the detonation of a BM-88 Mako submarine-launched ballistic missile equipped with four high-yield thermobaric warheads, each with a blast yield equivalent to between 40 and 45 tons of TNT.

The prime minister implied in her statement that the Tytorian Armed Forces have greater strategic capabilities now than they did in 1992, but the extent of those capabilities is classified, and thus unknown.  Prime Minister Thatcher's statement, along with the newly declassified documents relating to it, can be viewed online at

HTMS Archer Returns Home

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- HTMS Archer, Tytor's first nuclear-powered submarine, arrived in Williamshaven on Tuesday at the conclusion of its historic round-the-world goodwill tour.  The submarine, originally commissioned in the 1950s, visited several nations on its trip, giving their citizens the chance to learn about the role the Tytorian Royal Navy plays in "furthering the cause of world peace", as Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards put it yesterday.  While the results of the tour will take some time to become evident, Sir Gregory Major, Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed optimism that the trip will lead to "increased understanding" about Tytor's place in the world, as well as "a healthy respect between us and our peers on the world stage".

Navy Shares Progress Report for Modernization Program

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- The Admiralty today released a press statement giving an update on the progress of its efforts to modernized the Tytorian Royal Navy's operating capabilities.  According to the statement, construction of the aircraft carrier Monarch is slightly ahead of schedule, four of the five Remembrance-class submarines have been laid down, and a contract for the submarine Matthew Howard has been awarded.  The full statement can be read online at  TBS will continue providing updates on this project as they become available.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2020, 06:17:41 AM »

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Exploitation Raid Catches Terrorist Leaders

VIGIL -- The Bureau of Domestic Investigation announced today that a raid on a Vigil warehouse, suspected of being a human trafficking hub, has resulted in the capture of several high-ranking members of the terrorist group known as "Rapture".  Also seized in the raid were a large number of important documents pertaining to Rapture's organization and operations.  According to the BDI, these documents confirm suspicions that former priest Emmanuel Sutherland, referred to by his followers by the alias "Legion", was behind the Remembrance Day terrorist attacks of last year.  Sutherland's present whereabouts are unknown, though BDI spokesman Ron Burnett told reporters, "There is reason to believe that [he] may have left the country."  The full text of the announcement can be found online at and

In related news, the Ministry of Justice has issued a ₡5 million reward for information leading to Emmanuel Sutherland's capture or conviction.  For more details, visit

Aerospace Ministry Launches Space Telescope

HIGHMARK -- In an event witnessed by millions of Tytorians on live television, the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry put the William Patterson Space Telescope into orbit on Friday.  The mission utilized SS Albion, third of the Project Challenger orbiters to be built, and was commanded by cosmonaut Hamilton Fox.  Executive Administrator Mackenzie Collins shared his expectations that the Patterson Telescope will provide "countless insights into the workings of our universe for many years to come".

The space telescope's launch had originally been scheduled for July, but was pushed forward a week ago upon the instructions of Administrator Collins to the earliest available window, according to an anonymous source within the Aerospace Ministry.  Rumors that the change in schedule was prompted by the loss of Achkaerin's Theia Space Telescope three days earlier remain unsubstantiated at present.

Tsargrad to Bid to Host Mundus Games

TSARGRAD -- In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher, Mayor Wilson Corner of Tsargrad announced this morning that the nation's capital will be launching another bid to host the Mundus Games.  In making the announcement, Mayor Corner said that security in the city "is at its most effective in years", and that there will be no danger of violence disrupting the Games' proceedings.  Prime Minister Thatcher used the opportunity to inform reporters that "the storm has passed", referring to the terrorist attacks that have rocked Tytor recently, though she gave no details at the time.  Today's announcement of the capture of several terrorist leaders in Vigil came a few hours later, and the prime minister confirmed via her press secretary that the capture had been on her mind at the time of her statements.  For video highlights of the press conference, and a full text of the announcements, please visit

Opinion: Where Are Mundus's Leaders?

BY TERRENCE CAHILL, MP -- As former prime minister Sir Oliver James once remarked, "The Free World will not preserve itself."  This was true in the years when he led our country, and it is even more so now.  When left to its own devices, our world has a tendency to revert to despotism, to oppression, and to war.  In recent years, however, we have seen the emergence of something of an international order of nations committed to the maintenance of democracy, freedom, and peace.  This order has been composed by such nations as the First Empire of Rokkenjima, the Kingdom of Dartfordia, the Kingdom of East Moreland, and the Holy Empire of Achkaerin.  Together, these nations and others like them have made the conscious decision to stand up to the likes of the USR, Zachachevania, Transvaal, and so on.  Through the efforts of these nations, we have seen the creation of international treaties and organizations for the betterment of the world in which we live.  Without the efforts of freedom-loving people around the world, we would not have the level of peace and stability that we have today.

Yet, despite the achievements of the international community, tears have begun to form in the fabric of our global society.  This is best exemplified by reactions given to the development of nuclear weapons by Slava Lavosk.  Only two nations, and I am proud that Tytor was one of them, backed up condemnation of Slava Lavosk's provocative actions with firm actions of their own.  The rest either remained indifferent or, bizarrely, chose to place condemnation on those who acted in an attempt to prevent a greater crisis.  In this way, the bulk of the international community chose to place the continued security of the Free World second, though what was being placed first is less than clear.

Similarly, we see now the emergence of a new power bloc, led by the Empire of Tamora.  This is a realm that relies on the ancient and long-discredited institution of slavery, and actively pursues its spread.  Tamora is making a concerted effort to challenge the unity and security of the Free World, and yet nothing is being done to prevent that from happening.  Instead of presenting a united front against the practitioners of slavery around the world, those who were Mundus's leaders not so very long ago are contentedly watching it turn away from all the progress we have made in the last decade.  In short, dictatorship seems to be coming into vogue, and democracy is rapidly going out of fashion.

Where are Mundus's leaders?  I fear very much that they may now be the anti-humanitarians ruling from Djerb.

Terrence Cahill has served as MP for Foggy Bottom since 1989, and as a member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee since 2014.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2020, 09:34:06 PM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Aircraft Carrier Monarch Enters Service

HTMS Monarch undergoing sea trials in August

WILLIAMSHAVEN -- In a joint ceremony Saturday morning, the Tytorian Royal Navy officially accepted the aircraft carrier HTMS Monarch into service.  In the same ceremony, the Navy completed the decommissioning of Monarch's predecessor, HTMS Admiral, following seventy years of service.  The event was attended by His Majesty King Michael, Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher, and various other government officials.  Monarch is Tytor's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and its second nuclear-powered surface ship overall.  Its commissioning marks the transition of the Navy to "a truly global force, capable of meeting all kinds of threats", according to Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards, who conducted the ceremony.  It is expected that the conventionally-powered carrier Admiral will be converted into a museum ship, due in part to its long history and its place in the popular imagination.

Some time in the joint ceremony was devoted to the topic of the Tytorian Royal Navy's submarine fleet as well.  With all five members of the new Remembrance class of nuclear attack submarines now under construction, and with the lead boat in the class preparing for launch, Admiral Lord Waverly-Edwards announced that the Admiralty is looking into the potential replacement of the Navy's four Swordfish-class boats as well.  The Swordfish class, built to designs derived from the Tsargrad class the Remembrances are partly intended to replace, were commissioned in the 1970s and are expected to become the Navy's oldest submarines upon the retirement of HTMS Aquilae in 2021.  The Admiralty has released no details of the debate surrounding replacement of the Swordfish class at present; considerations being discussed, along with potential conclusions, remain a matter of conjecture for now.

Space Shuttle Mission Recovers 1960s-era Satellite

Workers install Surveyor 3 on its launch vehicle, 1960

HIGHMARK -- In what the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry's Executive Administrator, Mackenzie Collins, described as "a technical milestone", cosmonauts aboard SS Excelsior successfully intercepted and recovered the satellite Surveyor 3 on Friday.  Surveyor 3, originally launched in 1960 and in operation until 1962, was one of Tytor's longest-orbiting satellites prior to its recovery.  In remarks delivered to reporters Friday evening, Collins said, "This mission marks a new chapter in the science behind satellite launches.  We have proved to the world that we can clean up after ourselves.  We do not have to wait for dead satellites to simply fall out of orbit and burn up in the atmosphere, hoping against hope that nothing amiss happens in the interim; rather, we can proactively remove defunct satellites from orbit ourselves, minimizing the potentially catastrophic effects of a collision caused by unstable or decaying orbits.  As a side benefit, we can return pieces of history to Mundus, allowing future generations to more fully appreciate the accomplishments of their forebears in the field of space exploration."  The full statement can be accessed online at

It is expected that Surveyor 3 will be put on display at the National Aerospace Museum at Highmark Cosmodrome.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
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Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2020, 08:23:03 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Navy Halts Centralian-Flagged Ship, Rescues Human Trafficking Victims

PORT MONSOON -- In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Admiral Sir Thomas Richardson, commander of the Kyne Fleet of the Tytorian Royal Navy, confirmed social media rumors that a Tytorian warship stopped and searched a Centralian-flagged cargo ship in the Sea of Kyne.  Admiral Richardson told reporters Captain Conrad Lieberman of the destroyer HTMS Towers acted under the terms of the Fair Seas Concordat on a tip from the Royal Intelligence Service in stopping the bulk freighter MV Great Hangleton, which had a manifest claiming it was transporting grain to Zimalia, and that several dozen people were discovered in the cargo hold.  These people, the identities and nationalities of whom have not been released, were determined to be victims of human trafficking and were removed from the cargo ship.  Admiral Richardson further stated that the MV Great Hangleton has been impounded at Naval Station Port Monsoon pending investigation into its ownership and destination, while the crew has been detained pending charges.  A video and full transcript of the press conference can be found online at

Parliament Ratifies Cross-Straits Community Charter

TSARGRAD -- In a special joint session called Monday by Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher, Parliament has ratified the charter of the Cross-Straits Community, described by some commentators as a formalization of the informal Cross-Straits system.  The new Cross-Straits Community, or CSC, is intended to act as an umbrella organization encompassing the Cross-Straits Treaty Organization, the Cross-Straits Union, and any other organizations or bodies which accede to the charter in the future.  The charter passed both houses of parliament by significant margins, and His Majesty the King gave his royal assent shortly thereafter.  Prime Minister Thatcher hailed the ratification as "a new dawn for Tytor and for the world", calling attention to the flexibility the CSC gives its members.  "Most here will remember the debate in this country at the time of the establishment of the Cross-Straits Union," she said in a speech following the vote, "Not to put too fine a point on it, the CSC charter respects the national sovereignty of Tytor more than almost any other form this agreement could have taken.  The CSC's provisions include nothing to which Tytor has not already agreed, and yet it provides a greater link between this great nation and its allies, present and future.  As we move forward into this new era, we do so arm in arm with those we have long viewed as friends."

Additional details of the vote, along with a full transcript of the Prime Minister's speech, can be viewed online at

Breaking: Car Bomb Kills Mayoral Candidate

TSARGRAD -- Just after midnight Wednesday morning, Tsargrad mayoral candidate and former police chief Samantha Weathers was killed in an apparent car bomb assassination.  Weathers, who was 62, had secured the Progressive Party's nomination for the mayoral election scheduled for next month.  It is uncertain at the moment what if anything the Coalition for Democracy will do in reaction to this sudden turn of events, as the deadline for changing candidates on next month's ballot has passed.

Police have opened an investigation into the Weathers assassination.  No group has claimed responsibility as of yet, but a police spokesperson referred to remnants of Tsargrad's historical organized crime rings as "among the primary suspects", because of Weathers' previous experience in law enforcement.  This is a breaking story and will be updated.
His Majesty Michael the First, by the Grace of God, King of Tytor and her Colonies, and Lord Protector of Floodwater

Factbook -- News -- Press Office

Former Governor-General of The Infinite Alliance
Former Ambassador to Albion and the Global Right Alliance
Former Vice Premier and Speaker of the Senate of the Independent Order
Professional Procrastinator

Non-partisan and proud of it

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire