Tytorian Broadcasting ServiceProviding Tytor with Quality News Since 1929
Tytor Leads Takedown of Dark Web Child Exploitation SiteTSARGRAD -- In what is possibly the most notable exploitation bust in history, an international criminal investigation has taken down the largest child pornography site in the world. The Ministry of Justice, the Royal Intelligence Service (RIS), the Royal Bureau of Revenue's Criminal Investigation Division (RBR-CID), and the Decapolis Provincial Attorney's Office held a joint press conference this afternoon announcing the results of the online raid. Reporters were informed that several Tytorian users of the site had been arrested, with two more committing suicide to evade capture, though no names have yet been released. The takedown was an international endeavor, with support from the Achkaerin Intelligence Service (AIS), Rokkenjima's Imperial Naval Intelligence Service (INIS), and Centralia's Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The extent and results of this foreign involvement is not yet public knowledge, but it has been confirmed that the website was based in Centralia. Arrests are expected to occur around the world as child pornography is illegal in most countries, and the user list found on the site's servers included traceable information from an international clientele. According to a handout given to reporters, the RIS has contacted several foreign intelligence services that were not involved in the operation with pertinent information gleaned therefrom. It remains to be seen how these other nations will react to this development, though the expectation is that all users of this site will ultimately be apprehended.
Rumors that this operation was intended to target those responsible for last year's Remembrance Day terrorist attacks remain unsubstantiated at present.
Project Challenger to Resume Operation in March
HIGHMARK -- Mackenzie Collins, Executive Administrator of the Tytorian Aerospace Ministry, announced this evening that Project
Challenger has been given the green light for moving forward with manned missions. The first such mission, to be undertaken by SS
Challenger II, is intended to simply pick up where the first
Challenger left off, performing several orbits of Mundus before returning to Tytor. However, future missions will involve such things as placing the long-delayed William Patterson Space Telescope into orbit, conducting experiments involving the effects of microgravity, and servicing existing Tytorian government satellites as needed. In the press conference announcing the resumption of operations, Administrator Collins also shared plans to look into using the
Challenger vehicles to conduct clean up operations, disposing of decommissioned satellites as is found necessary. This part of the announcement is believed to be in response to remarks earlier today by Professor Guiseppe Kessler of the Allied States of Ardia about the dangers of what he referred to as "micro-debris", which could potentially form through collision of two or more derelict satellites. It remains to be seen whether anything will come of this idea; presumably, discussions will take place at the Aerospace Ministry soon.
Tytor Prepares for Papal Visit
TSARGRAD -- Preparations are mostly complete ahead of the planned visit of Pope John Francis I later this week. According to information given to the press, the head of the Catholic Church is to arrive via plane at Tsargrad's Thomas Warwick Memorial Airport on Friday, February 21st, at which time he will begin his stay with a visit to the Royal Palace. The papal tour is expected to include stops at each of Tytor's ten largest cities, a papal mass held at St. Philip's Cathedral in Tsargrad on the 23rd, and an address to a joint session of Parliament on the 26th, among other things. The visit will conclude with the pope's departure on the morning of the 27th. A full schedule can be found online at
King to Visit Rokkenjima
TSARGRAD -- With the recent announcement of abdication by Empress Beatrice of Rokkenjima, the Royal Palace announced plans for His Majesty King Michael to visit Pyrettania "in the very near future". Details of the trip have not yet been released, but it can be reasonably assumed that it will include a visit to the now-former empress, a close personal friend of the King.
Plans Released for New Navy Warships
Line drawing of the planned HTMS Monarch WILLIAMSHAVEN -- In a press release issued Friday afternoon, the Admiralty announced the names and overall design plans for the aircraft carrier and five submarines announced in late December. The
carrier, to be named HTMS
Monarch, will succeed HTMS
Admiral as flagship of the Home Fleet and Tytor's largest surface warship;
Admiral is expected to be converted into a museum ship in Williamshaven following its decommissioning. The
submarines, which will replace the
Archer and
Tsargrad classes, will be named HTMS
Remembrance, HTMS
Victory, HTMS
Implacable, HTMS
Formidable, and HTMS
Matthew Howard. The last is in honor of the late cosmonaut of the same name, first Tytorian on the moon and commander of the ill-fated first and only mission of the space shuttle
Challenger. The Admiralty has not yet released a timetable for the ships' construction, only stating that this forms the Tytorian Royal Navy's highest current priority.
HTMS Archer Arrives in the SICR
Archer, Tytor's first nuclear-powered submarine, arrived today in Huoshui, a port in the Second Imperial Chinese Republic and the vessel's last stop in Ardia.
Archer is expected to remain in Huoshui until the 24th, at which point the submarine will cross the Karifan Ocean en route for Innsmouth, Centralia. Innsmouth being the last port of call included as part of
Archer's round-the-world goodwill tour, the vessel will then return to Tytor, where it will return to service until the completion of its replacement, HTMS
(OOC: Ignore the ridiculously large gap between
Archer's arrival in New Derusmia and its arrival here. Originally, it was going to visit two ports in the now-nonexistent Republic of Sinsu. That, and I forgot to post this update in a more timely manner.)