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The Republic of Lakhzovia Factbook
« on: September 13, 2021, 12:20:56 PM »

Motto:- "Me’ukhad Hi’Or shel Emet" (United in the Light of Truth)
National Anthem:- Hymn of Redemption


The Republic of Lakhzovia was founded in 1986 following the collapse of the United Peoples' Republic (UPR), a socialist regime dominated by a political elite drawn from the Utman minority group. Following a bitter civil war the Lakhzov Republic established control over all the former lands of the UPR. The Republic has been led by President Sachim Kadassa for over 30 years. The country is currently recovering from a second civil war with its Utman minority. Lakhzovia currently suffers a democratic deficit having had just 2 elections in the past 20 years, widespread voter suppression/electoral irregularities, a poor human rights record, state interference in media reporting, and widespread corruption.

An ongoing programme of reforms is underway aimed at modernising the state.

Government Type:- Federal Presidential Republic
Population:-:- 48,000,000
Capital City:- Nakim
Demonym:- Lakhzov


The economy of Lakhzovia is historically mixed with heavy government involvement in all areas of the economy either through state ownership of key industries, or centralised planning of the wider economy. Reforms have begun toward trade liberalisation, and an export oriented trade policy. Developmental policies outlined in the latest 5 year plan seek to reduce state ownership of key industries, with heavy investment in infrastructure improvements and the formation of tech incubators to promote the development of a native high tech sector.

The economy suffers from a lack of expertise, unproductive outdated industrial technology, poor supply chain infrastructure, a looming energy crisis due to aging power plants, and a faltering agricultural sector. Problems exacerbated by ongoing social conflicts in the country.

Wealth distribution in the country is geographically uneven, with the Nakim Bay region enjoying a far higher level of economic development and HDI, while rural areas suffer most from lack of infrastructure and economic opportunities.

Currency:- Lakhzov Shekhel
GDP per Capita:- $17,000
Unemployment Rate:- 13%
Main Industries:- Rare Mundus Metals, Coal, agricultural produce, manufactured consumer goods


Ethnicity:- Lakhzov, Utman, Axicz, Mulangana tribal groups
Languages:- Lakhzov, Utman, Mulangaal
Religions:- Emetism, Kerenism, other minority religions
Average Life Expectancy:- 65




Emetism (originally from the Lakhzov: emeyt "truth") is the religion of the Lakhzov and Axicz peoples. It is an ancient, monotheistic religion with the Takhmud as its foundational text. It encompasses the religion, philosophy, and culture of the Lakhzov people. Emetism is considered by religious Emetists to be the expression of the special relationship that God established with the Lakhzov people.

Within Emetism there are a variety of movements, most of which emerged from Medaberic Emetism, which holds that God revealed his laws and commandments to the prophet Naqim in the form of both the Written and Oral Takhmud. Historically, this assertion was challenged by various groups such as Axicz Emetists and Kerenists.

Today, the largest Emetist religious movements are Orthodox Lakhzov Emetism, Axicz Emetism and Reform Emetism with Kerenism being considered a separate, heretical, religion. Major sources of difference between these groups are their approaches to Emetist law, the authority of the Medaberic tradition, and the place of non-Emetist communities in Lakhzovia. Orthodox Lakhzov & Axicz Emetism maintains that the Takhmud and Emetist law are divine in origin, eternal and unalterable, and that they should be strictly followed. Reform Emetism is more liberal, with a typical Reform position being that Emetist law should be viewed as a set of general guidelines rather than as a set of restrictions and obligations whose observance is required of all Emetists. Historically, special courts enforced Emetist law; today, these courts still exist but the practice of Emetism is mostly voluntary. Authority on theological and legal matters is not vested in any one person or organization, but in the sacred texts and the Medaberim and scholars who interpret them.

History, Theology and Festivals
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The history of Emetism spans more than 2000 years. Emetism has its roots as an organized religion in the Lakhzov region during the post-city state era. Emetism is considered one of the oldest monotheistic religions and was founded by the prophet Naqim in approximately 330BCE after which it quickly grew in influence culminating in the formation of the Lakhzov Amphictyonic League. Despite the short lived league disintegrating a century later Emetism had become firmly rooted as the supreme religious tradition in the region.

Following the disintegration of the amphictyony a movement of scholars, teachers and interpreters of Emetist law began to assume greater religious authority leading to the establishment of Medaberic Emetism. The formation of Medaberic authority led to an increasing standardisation of religious doctrine which resulted in increasing tensions between the Medaberim and more esoteric streams of the religion. This tension culminated in the Kerenist Schism of 221CE.

Kerenism was subsequently adopted as the state religion of the Utman Empire which came to dominate the region, resulting in a period of sustained persecution of Medaberic institutions and the dispersal of many prominent Medbaric dynasties to the newly formed Lakhzov diasporic communities that sought to escape persecution by settling in more tolerant lands.

Emetists today form two separate ethnoreligious groups, the Lakhzov and the Axicz. Membership of these groups include those born Emetist, in addition to converts to the religion though the latter category remains small. In 2018, the world Emetist population was estimated at about 38 million, about 94% of all Emetists reside in Lakhzovia with the remaining 6% spread out in communities located in various countries across Mundus.



Emetism affirms monotheism, the belief in one God. The basic tenets, drawn from ancient sources like the Takhmud as well as later sages, include the attributes of God as one and indivisible, preceding all creation which he alone brought into being, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, absolutely incorporeal, and beyond human reason.


The defining doctrine of Emetism is the belief that the Law, both Written and Oral, was revealed by God to Naqim, and that the Law was transmitted faithfully from him in an unbroken chain ever since. One of the foundational texts of Medaberic tradition is the list opening the Ethics of the Fathers, enumerating the sages who received and passed on the Takhmud, from Naqim through Sachim Ben Natal, the Elders and latter Prophets, and then onward until Kamsin the Elder.

The basic philosophy of Emetism is that the body of revelation is total and complete; its interpretation under new circumstances, required of scholars in every generation, is conceived as an act of inferring and elaborating based on already prescribed methods, not of innovation or addition.

Particularism vs Universalism

Emetism is viewed as being a body of law and practices intended solely for the Lakhzov and Axicz peoples. However the teachings of the religion are seen as containing a message regarding the nature of reality, principles of ethical conduct and the destiny of all mankind which is considered to be a universal one.

This contradiction is most often resolved through the explanation that Emetists through their dedicated practice of the religion act to reveal the hand of God in the world, and as a beacon of righteous conduct to the non-Emetist world.

Despite this conceptual division between the historical roles of Emetists and non-Emetists most modern branches of the religion accept sincere converts.


B'rit Olam

“And so it was that in Emet the world was made to be, and with creation was made a covenant of truth as testimony that all that exists should turn in thanks for their blessings.” Takhmud, Olamim 2:1

‘Covenant of Creation’ marks the day of creation by God, this festival marks the start of the Emetist year and the festival cycle. It is typically celebrated with large festive meals, gifts to the poor, the feeding of wild animals and the lighting of bonfires. Other customs include the ritual sowing of the first seeds of the new growing season and the buying of new clothes.

The festival falls in the autumn around the time of the harvest in line with the belief that God created a fruitful world bursting with life. The theme of the festival focuses heavily on the ideas of the enjoyment of plenty and the birth of the new. As such children born on this festival are considered a particular blessing and it is said that on B’rit Olam not a single stomach in all of Lakhzovia remains empty.

Natan Or

“When man was young and had never yet seen the long night, dusk seized upon his heart with terror. Seeing man’s trembling Emet spoke saying ‘Fear not the darkness that closes in, for it too shall pass and never overtake you. Behold I have put my lamps in the heavens so that when you look into the void you shall know that I am with you.” Takhmud, Olamim 10:3

‘Giving of Light’ is a 7 day festival held in the winter during which people decorate their homes and environment with lights. Traditionally lamps are lit with the number of lamps increasing each night to represent the desire that the light of Emet be reflected on Mundus as it is in the heavens and that the light be increased until night is banished for good.

Many classic Medaberic commentaries suggest that the darkness referred to in the Takhmud is in fact a metaphor for death; From this draw the belief in the immortality of the soul as well as the idea that in the end of days death will be abolished. As a result it is common for people to visit and tend the graves of loved ones where they will light lamps and read Olamim 10:3 to comfort the soul of the dead that they will be restored.

Natan Emet

“I selected Naqim from among all the peoples to bring to you the knowledge of my nature, laws and statutes in order that you may be corrected. This truth I give to you so that you may walk straight and upright, counted righteous among the nations. Do not be bowed down with the ways of the wicked nations that surround you, for this [Takhmud] is a well of life, a spring of sweet water; drink deep of it lest you succumb to death.” Takhmud Naqim 5:1 ‘Giving of Truth’ is the festival that marks beginning of the transmission of the Takhmud through the Prophet Naqim. On this day people gather to hear the reading of the scroll of Naqim in full following which people dance in jubilation around Takhmud which is placed on a symbolic throne and adorned with a crown, silks and jewellery.

Sweets are commonly given out to children and a festive meal followed by sweet delicacies and honey sweetened tea are enjoyed as symbols of the sweetness of truth.

Many devout believers will travel on pilgrimage to Khalin where the Takhmud was first revealed to Naqim in order to participate in festivities there.


“There will come a day when my statutes have fallen from the minds of men, when my laws are seen as a burden and every man turns his heart towards the wickedness of his hand. On that day I will no longer encircle you and your walls will be as dust. I will hand the good land I have given you over to another people who do not know me, they shall take your vineyard and field, your house and stable and make you a despicable sight to the nations. On that day there shall come a great lament from the throats of the people, who will have no shelter, nor food nor rest from one day to the next.” Takhmud Ra’ot 1:1

‘The Disaster’ is a peculiar festival in that while it is considered to have been divinely ordained, it was not until the events of the Utman imperial conquests that its observance began. Medaberic tradition states that until the time of the disaster itself, to observe the festival would have been inappropriate as it would in effect be mourning a tragedy that had not yet happened. While some ancient commentators have suggested that the festival should have been observed prior to the events of the disaster, in mourning for the fates of their descendants, others have pointed out that this would be like mourning the death of a relative while they are still alive.

On this festival people will leave their homes and reside in temporary shacks erected outside. There they sit on the ground and fast while chanting songs recounting the wicked things that have been done, and that have befallen the people. In doing so the soul is believed to be chastised and arrogance eradicated, this renewed humility allowing the people to recognise their own corruption, the first step necessary for repentance and healing.

This festival begins in the morning of the first day and ends at sunrise of the next in order to fulfil the Takhmudic prophecy that “there shall come a great lament from the throats of the people, who will have no shelter, nor food nor rest from one day to the next.”


“When it shall have come to pass that the people have been trampled and humbled my ear shall hear their cry and my heart shall be made tender. Their cries shall be like those of babes to me, and I shall be moved to deal compassionately with them. Takhmud Ra’ot 1:2

Following on immediately from the conclusion of Hi’Ason the festival of Rakhaman (Compassion or Mercy) celebrates the kindness of God to the unworthy and marks the point at which, having humbled themselves through Hi’Ason, the people were granted the opportunity to repent at the festival of Teshuva’ot.

The commentators ask why mercy came before repentance, the majority answer to which is that without the initial act of mercy on the part of God, there could be no opportunity for repentance. The granting of the ability for man to return to a relationship with Emet is the ultimate act of compassion.

Once Hi’Ason concludes, worshippers will return to their homes and bathe following which a breakfast of fruits and cake are eaten. People will dress in white and gather for a large family meal at midday. Following this it is common for children to go door to door collecting for charity, while adults will do good deeds. The festival closes with a communal meal emphasising the responsibility of everyone for maintaining a just society.


“They shall release their transgressions, and I shall release them from their sin. Then all the congregation of the people shall say ‘Behold the statutes and laws of the living Emet from which I have strayed. To these I shall return and hold tight.’ To these they must surely return, for these are the ways of life.” Takhmud Ra’ot 1:3

‘The Festival of Returnings’ falls ten days after Rakhaman and marks the day on which people request, and receive, forgiveness for their sins. This is the culmination of a process of spiritual rectification that began with Hi’Ason and closes the yearly festival cycle.

On this day people wear white and fast, spending their time in houses of prayer singing songs of redemption and making petitions for clemency. during the day long religious service there are two rituals in which a caged animal is released to freedom, the first a dove represents the release of the individual from their personal sins. The next, an Ibex represents the redemption of the nation from its collective sins. The service concludes with the congregation reciting the Takhmudic sentence ‘Behold the statutes and laws of the living Emet from which I have strayed. To these I shall return and hold tight.’ while prostrating on the ground before the Takhmud.

The day is ended with a large meal of fresh fruits and delicacies that are only made on the festival. It is customary for a new fruit that has not been eaten previously in the year to be consumed to represent a fresh start.


Head of State:- Sachim Kadassa


Minister of Foreign Affairs:- Arad Irdan
Minister of Interior:- Shimi Arlitz
Minister of Defence:- Natem Yadar
Minister of Economy:- Nal Parnassa
Minister of Energy:- Erdan Araval

Judicial Appointees

Head Supreme Court:- Rafiy Natahik


Name of Legislative Body:- National Assembly
Seats:- 135 electable, 5 reserved

Lakzhov National Congress Party75 Seats
Democratic Alliance32 Seats
Axicz National Congress Party11 Seats
Lakhzov Home Party9 Seats
Shanata Party6 Seats
Axicz Liberal Party2 Seats


Drugs LawCannabis Decriminalised
Legal Status of Homosexuality   Decriminalised but lacking in legal protections against discrimination
Same Sex Marriage   Not recognised
EducationFree Comprehensive Education
Property Ownership   Private Ownership
Voting   Citizens above the age of 18
Freedom of the PressState and Private Media, subject to State Censor
Freedom of MovementRestrictions on internal movement between Autonomous Regions, and in secure zones
AbortionLegal in cases of extreme necessity
Health CareUniversal State Healthcare supplemented by charitable hospitals
Gun LawsHeavily regulated
Internet NeutralityGovernment Censorship
Business OwnershipMixed economy - private and state ownership - some strategically important sectors are reserved for state enterprises
MarriageNo civil marriage - marriages are carried under the auspices of respective organised religious bodies with state recognition of marriages so carried out
Gender ReassignmentTransgenderism not legally recognised - gender reassignment surgery is illegal, those obtaining such procedures abroad liable to prosecution
Trade Union LawsTrade Unions heavily regulated by the government
Religious FreedomGuaranteed with preference given to Emetism in conflicts
Animal RightsAnimal slaughter, the sale, and consumption of meat are illegal


International Organisations

Cross Straits Union
Cotf Aranye Partnership

International Treaties

Uppsala Convention
Fair Seas Concordat

Diplomatic Relations

Rokkenjima - Allied, Strong bilateral ties
Achkaerin -
East Moreland -
Tamora -
Juggland -
Clysperis -
Altona -
Iwi - No Diplomatic Relations

Sanctions Regimes

Spoiler: Iwi • show
Sanctions: Travel ban, no diplomatic relations
Reason: Piracy, inhumane punishments

« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 08:08:35 PM by Lakhzovia »

Offline Lakhzovia

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Re: The Republic of Lakhzovia Factbook
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2021, 12:33:51 PM »
Constitution, Presidential Decrees, and Legislation

Constitution of the Republic of Lakhzovia
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The Lakhzov Republic was founded in recognition, and realization of the inalienable rights of the Lakhzov people to self-determination in the ancestral lands of our people, in which our culture first formed in deep antiquity, the land which contains our sacred places, and to which we are tied by bonds of blood, history, and religion.

While the right to national sovereignty belongs exclusively to the Lakhzov people, the long standing history of cooperation and brotherhood between the Lakhzov and other peoples living within our lands shall be preserved to ensure a prosperous future for all who dwell here in friendship.

Article I - Character of the State

1. The Republic of Lakhzovia, also known as the Lakhzov Republic, is organised as a Federal Presidential Republic

2. The Official Language is Lakhzov, all government business is to be carried out in the Lakhzov language

3. The State Religion is Emetism

4. National Holidays shall be instituted observing Emetist festivals and any secular events of importance to the Lakhzov Nation

National Symbols

5. The flag of the Republic shall be green with a Lakhzov Mandala upon it in white

6. The State Emblem shall be a green shield containing the Star of Emet, olive branches, and the name of the Republic

7. The Anthem shall be the Hymn of Redemption

Article II - Executive

1. President

a. The President shall be elected by a simple majority in a direct election

b. The President shall appoint all Ministerial positions

c. The President may appoint members of the Presidential Advisory Group, members may be drawn from any source

d. The President may issue Decrees which carry the status of legislation, these may be overridden or altered by subsequent legislation from the National Assembly subject to the approval a simple majority in the Supreme Court

e. The President has the power to Veto legislation from the National Assembly

f. The President may nominate individuals for the position of Chief of the Lakhzov Defence Forces, Supreme Court Judge, and Diplomatic Offices

g. The President may pardon individuals for crimes committed, with the exception of treason where a Pardon is only possible with the approval of the Supreme Court

Article III - Legislature

1. National Assembly

a. The National Assembly is responsible for developing Federal Legislation

b. The National Assembly appoints the Speaker of the Assembly

c. Members of the Assembly shall be elected by a simple majority on a constituency basis, each State of the Federation shall consist of 15 constituencies, the boundaries of which are to be determined by the Lakhzov Electoral Commission

d. An additional 5 seats are reserved for members of the Mulangana Tribal Autonomous Region representatives

2. State Assembly

a. The State Assemblies are responsible for passing Local Legislation

b. Local Legislation passed cannot conflict with Federal Legislation

c. The State Assemblies are responsible for selecting the State Governor

3. State Governor

a. State Governors are responsible for implementing all Federal and Local legislation in a given state, the maintenance of order, and ensuring effective day to day administration

Article IV - Judiciary

1. Supreme Court

a. The Supreme Court is made up of five Judges with lifetime terms

b. The Supreme Court is responsible for:

c. Ensuring that legislation is not in conflict with the Constitution

d. Resolving disputes in interpretation of legislation

e. Resolving conflicts between different legislation

f. Selecting new Judges when a seat becomes vacant

g. Acting as final Court of Appeal

h. Prosecuting cases of Treason
2. Second Tier Courts

a. Second Tier Courts are responsible for Judgements on Criminal cases where the severity of the crime would result in a custodial sentence

3. Third Tier Courts

The Third Tier Courts are responsible for:

a. Judgements on Criminal cases where the severity of the crime would result in a fine, community service or other minor sanction
b. All civil cases

4. Specialist Courts

a. Specialist Courts may be constituted for carrying out specific functions where necessary

5. Appeals

a. The judgement of a lower tier court may be referred to the tier above on appeal

b. The Supreme Court is the final Court of Appeal, it’s judgement is inviolable

Article V - Autonomous Territorial Units

1. Autonomous Territories may be designated with the approval of the National Assembly, President, and Supreme Court in concert

2. Autonomous Territories will be bound by the Articles of Autonomy specific to each territory

3. An Autonomous Territory may be abolished if found in violation of the Articles of Autonomy by the National Assembly, President, and Supreme Court in concert

4. Tribal Autonomous Regions

a. The status of the Mulangana Tribal Autonomous Regions may not be altered

Article VI - State of Emergency

1. In the event of a grave threat to national security or Lakhzov sovereignty the President may declare a State of Emergency

2. During the State of Emergency the President may suspend, with appropriate justification, articles of the Constitution for only so long as is necessary to avert the national threat

3. A State of Emergency may be ended by:

a. Presidential Decree

b. Legislation from the National Assembly with the approval of the Supreme Court

Article VII - Constitutional Amendments

1. This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority of the National Assembly, with the approval of a simple majority of the Supreme Court

Articles of Autonomy for the Formation of The Utman Autonomous Region
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Articles of Autonomy for the Formation of
The Utman Autonomous Region


The aim of this agreement is to bring about the cessation of historical hostilities between the Utman and Lakhzov peoples in order that both may continue to live within the territory of the Lakhzov Republic according to their respective customs, religion, and laws. This agreement will be considered a final resolution of the Utman-Lakhzov Conflict and the closure of all further claims and ambitions.


The agreed framework for the extension of autonomy to the Utman community in the designated Utman Autonomous Region (UAR) is set forth in this Declaration of Principles.


1. In order that the Utman people in the UAR may govern themselves according to democratic principles, direct, free and general political elections will be held for the Utman Authority under agreed supervision and international observation, while the Utman police will ensure public order.

2. As a transitional provision the first sitting of the Utman Authority shall comprise of those Utman Shanata Party representatives of the territories that comprise the UAR currently elected to sit in the Lakhzov National Assembly.

3. Subsequent elections will be held in concurrence with the Lakhzov General Elections.

4. The internal division of electoral districts within the UAR will be the responsibility of the Utman Authority Electoral Commission.


1. Jurisdiction of the Utman Authority will extend over the area assigned as the Utman Autonomous Region defined as:

The western most area of the Transmecuria Province, from the North-Western International Border extending to the Shar Valley of the Har HaShidrin Mountain Range; The Western International Border to the Chluz River, and from the South-Western International Border to the estuary of the Chluz River into lake Kinoros.

2. No Jurisdiction is granted over the Ceouz Utman Autonomous Region.

3. The UAR is not entitled to form, or attempt to form political unions with the Ceouz Utman Autonomous Region, or attempt to encourage other Utman majority areas to seek autonomy or unification with the UAR as an exclave.


1. Upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles a transfer of authority from the Lakhzov Civil Administration to the authorised Utman for this task, as detailed herein, will commence.

2. Immediately after the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles authority will be transferred to the Utman Authority in the following spheres: education and culture, health, social welfare, direct taxation, local development planning, and tourism. The Utman side will commence in building the Utman police force, as agreed upon.


1. In order to guarantee public order and internal security for the Utman of the UAR, the Utman Authority will establish a strong police force, while Lakhzovia will continue to carry the responsibility for defending against external threats, as well as the responsibility for overall security of ethnic Lakhzov for the purpose of safeguarding their internal security and public order.

2. The UAR may not establish or raise any military or paramilitary organisation for the purposes of territorial defence. Territorial defence shall reside solely with the Lakhzov Defence Forces.

3. The UAR may maintain a customs service and man customs checkpoints as appropriate. However, the external border and its crossings will remain under the control of the Lakhzov Border Police and other related agencies


1. The Utman Authority will be empowered to legislate, in accordance with the scope of this agreement, within all authorities transferred to it.

2. The Utman Authority is not empowered to draft, pass, or implement legislation which is in violation of the Constitution of the Lakhzov Republic, or which violate or abrogate any national criminal law except where exceptions are explicitly granted.

3. The Utman Authority will establish Magistrates Courts to enforce local civil law.

4. Utman Civil laws will not apply to members of the Lakhzov Ethnic group that remain resident in the Utman Autonomous Region, except for in cases of public decency where the provisions do not impede on Lakhzov cultural or religious expression.

5. All Criminal Cases will be referred to the nearest Lakhzov Magistrate Court.


1. The Utman Authority is not empowered to set a Foreign Policy separate from that of the Lakhzov Republic, nor is it permitted to maintain or operate a Foreign Ministry, Department or any other such office.

2. The Utman Authority may not receive foreign delegations except in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor is it permitted to send Utman delegations to foreign countries, territories or organisations, nor is it permitted to make petitions or presentations to such.

3. The Utman Authority is not empowered to enter into international treaties or agreements of any kind.

4. International Trade will only be permitted with nations that the Lakhzov Republic have full relations and trade agreements with.


1. Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Declaration of Principles. or any subsequent agreements shall be resolved by negotiations through the Joint Liaison Committee to be established with an equal membership of Lakhzov and Utman participants.

2. Disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations may be resolved by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed upon by the parties.


Both parties view the multilateral working groups as an appropriate instrument for promoting regional development programmes that impact both territories or would otherwise be impossible without cooperation.


1. The freedom of worship for Lakhzov Emetists within the UAR will be respected and actively protected by the Utman Authority.

2. The Utman Authority will undertake to protect and preserve the physical integrity, and the right of access to Lakhzov cultural and religious sites within the UAR.

3. The city of Khalin, its communities, shrines, and landmarks will remain fully under the administration of the Lakhzov Government subject to the appropriate administrative devolution as laid down by the Constitution and other relevant laws.

4. The Lakhzov Government will facilitate access for the Utman to the city to allow for Kerenist worship in accordance with the existing status quo.


1. Those Utman who have been displaced overseas by the Utman-Lakhzov Conflict shall be repatriated to the UAR.

2. Those Utman who have been internally displaced due to the Conflict have the right to voluntarily move to the UAR or remain in situ, they may not be forced or coerced by the either the Lakhzov or Utman Authorities into relocation to the UAR.

3. Voluntary relocation to the UAR will not be considered grounds for forfeiture of other rights, and those relocating may continue to pursue property claims through the Court of Disputations. Those who have their claims confirmed by the Court of Disputations are entitled to relocate to their former homes or receive appropriate compensation for their land.


1. This Declaration of Principles will enter into force one month after its signing.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 06:29:29 PM by Lakhzovia »