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Offline paralipomena

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Asadal Playhouse
« on: June 30, 2023, 10:42:07 AM »
Asadal Playhouse

I. The Wedding
II. The Royal Pardon
III. The Doctor: Arrival
IV. The Goodbye
V. The Doctor: Diagnosis
VI. Preparations at the House of Jungjin Um
VII. The Garden of Lamentations
VIII. A Break Before the Assault
IX. The Doctor: Recovery
X. Choosing a Consort
XI. A Hand and a Cross
XII. The Regency
XIII. The Wife and the Consort
XIV. The Silence of the Execution
XV. A Heresy and A Thousand Rivers of Blood
XVI. The Return of the Grand King
XVII. The Return of the Grand King (II)
XVIII. The Celestial Defeat
XIX. The Chained Master and the Crowned Student
XX. An Armed Appointment
XXI. The Awaited Birth

  • Grand King Wonhyo, the 33th Grand King of Asadal
  • Queen Hong, the Grand King's wife
  • Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um
  • Queen Dowager Shin
  • Gyuri, Queen Dowager Shin's younger sister
  • Chief State Minister, the head of the government (also Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um's younger brother
  • Deputy Chief Minister Oh, Minister of Justice and State Security
  • Third Minister Hongju, Minister of the Armed Forces
  • Royal Secretary Hongju
  • Prince Yun, head of the Grand Royal Guard
  • Lady Officer Ko, the First Palace Lady, at the service of the Queen herself
  • Lady Officer Cha, one of the Leading Palace Ladies
  • Lady Officer Myung, a young palace lady
  • Doctor Soon, the Palace head doctor
  • Lady Kwon, former personal assistant of Queen Dowager Shin
  • Commander Lee, head officer of the Grand Royal Guard
  • Lady Officer Song, another palace lady
  • Chief General Kim, head of the Central Ground Army

« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 08:57:33 PM by paralipomena »

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2023, 10:50:30 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

A small crowd gathers in the Cheongjeong Courtyard, in the Cheongung Palace, to celebrate the wedding between Prince Yun, the head of the Grand Royal Guard, and Noble Lady Kim.

Prince Yun and his soon-to-be wife are placed in the middle of the courtyard.

Grand King observes the ceremony, with Queen Hong a few metres on this left and Lady Officer Ko next to her.

The Chief State Minister, Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um, and the Royal Secretary are standing on the right side of the first row.

Queen Dowager Shin and her sister Gyuri are standing at the opposite side of the first row.

The bride relatives are standing in the second row. Between other minor staff of the palace, the young Lady Officer Myung and the experienced Lady Officer are standing in the background.

Lady Officer Myung: My third day at the Inner Court and we are here already witnessing a wedding! It is so beautiful! The bride looks so graceful.

Lady Officer Cha: Do not think that this happens very often, young lady.

Lady Officer Myung: Well, we did not live such a thing in my six years at the laundry department.

Lady Officer Cha: One can imagine, indeed.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: I still can't get that the Yangcheon Kim would be behind this move. They are really desperate to come back.

Chief State Minister: In either case, it is going to give us some time.

Lady Officer Myung: Oh? It seems they are bringing some gifs to the groom.

Lady Officer Cha: No, you're not paying attention. It is the time where the groom prepares the tea with the sun and the moon ingredients.

Gyuri: The Prince may not be as tough as he may seem at first glance. He looks rather nervous and serious.

Queen Dowager Shin: It is rather cute, sister. And they smile sometimes, as they were promising each other to live a love fairy tale.

Queen Hong: They are ready to accept the chains of marriage with a smile.

Lady Officer Ko: You may be right, Your Highness.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Have you anything in mind?

Chief State Minister: No, not really. But we may receive unexpected news quite soon, much sooner than expected it seems.

Lady Officer Myung: While we are too far to really see it, I rather feel that her eyes are rather shiny, overflowing love and hope.

Lady Officer Cha: You're still a dreamer, girl. But who knows? They still make a lovely couple.

Queen Hong: Boredom is likely to be already appearing at the deepest of those eyes if one could observe close enough.

Lady Officer Ko: I am glad you're feeling more active today, Your Highness.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Is that really so? Are you hidding me anything?

Chief State Minister: Still soon to say. But it looks like fate has decided to remain in this palace, at least a bit more. Maybe we will have chance to play a last card.

Queen Hong: I will tell you tomorrow. By the way, is it true that the new doctor is arriving?

Lady Officer Ko: Yes, Your Highness. I heard that she will arrive tomorrow.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2023, 09:35:36 AM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand King Wonhyo receives the weekly ordinary royal audience in the Throne Hall of the Cheongung Palace. He heads the meeting, with his wife Queen Hong at his left, in which all members of the Privy Council are gathered.

Grand King Wonhyo: Was that all?

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: No, Your Grand Majesty.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: The final point of today agenda is a petition endorsed by Governor Jin in consideration of the final veredict of the Sixth Court against subject Pyeon from Gungju.

Grand King Wonhyo: That name rings a bell. What's the issue exactly?

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Your Grand Majesty, subject Pyeon served previously under the Ministry of Taxation and Finance before you arrived to our capital. He was recently sentenced to ten years to prison, confiscation of his personal properties, a 40-year suspension to serve in any form of state employment, extended for a 10-year for his direct relatives, in accordance to the Code of National Crimes, for his role in funding illegal activity against the Crown.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: That's right, Your Grand Majesty. Despite the seriousness of the crimes and the fairness of the verdict, Governor Jin endorsed a petition of partial pardon given the past contribution to the state by the subject and his mere auxiliary role in the mentioned illegal activities.

Grand King Wonhyo: Ah, yes, I can remember that the Royal Secretary mentioned it a few weeks ago. I read the dossier but I did not remember the details.

Royal Secretary Hongju: That's right, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: I found it both childish and distasteful. I don't feel this is a issue worthy of expanding this session. What's your view?

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I personally met the subject some years ago. I was as displeased as surprised when this issue came to my ears for first time some months ago. The mind of a person is, of course, always difficult to judge. It is not easy what motivated a person to act the way they did. The acts in question, they are certain as vile as banal, and they deserve our censure, as the courts decided. The Governor's endorsement, however, is not without merit. The law is fair but cold, and sometimes it is not judged correctly. After all, what moves most of the people is not rationality but mood and feeling. Sometimes, small act of clemency, even if limited, may help the people to understand easily the common sense and good sense behind the actions and policy of the state. Particularly, as we are preparing to enter in special celebrations regarding the anniversary of your coronation, Your Grand Majesty.

Queen Hong: Your good heart surprises me, Chief State Minister. Is that your final argument regarding this case?

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: If you allow me to intervene, Your Excellency...No, Your Highness. It is also worthy to mention that the Podo Festival is coming soon, and that it has been a tradition, for more than a century, that an act of clemency is granted by the Grand King on the eve of this important festival. For that reason, several cases were sent to our office to such occasion. Unfortunately, we could not conclude an unanimous agreement this year. But it seemed to the majority that such case, while unpleasant and ungrateful, could be the best option. One could say that it is better to show clemency to an idiotic criminal than to a dangerous one.

Third Minister Hongju: That's an interesting view, Your Excellency.

Queen Hong: This conversation is rather too abstract when one ignores all the details. Hasn't anyone a copy of such dossier here?

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Naturally, Your Highness...

Queen Hong: That's right. How many pages has it?

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: It has...well...fifty-six pages, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: That would be too bad, isn't it? Certainly the last thing we need. But I'm still curious, to be honest. Couldn't you open it, let's say, on page thirty-eight?

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Alright, Your Highness. Oh...let's me see...

Queen Hong: Why don't just start with the beginning? Like the first complete sentences.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Sure, Your Highness...It is just the middle of the indictment, it seems. Or rather, just quoting some of the evidences that the court...

Queen Hong: Just read it.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Yes, Your Highness...Here it goes: "Such it is the unpleasant situation our nation was forced by the frictions of these honourable families. One could not blame our monarch, or not completely, as he would still be required to give remedy to the illness our country is facing. If that is possible, only time will be able to say. Maybe in the current situation, we can only lament ourselves to the place our nation has been placed by some of those factions, willing to accept a minor but comfortable role in this decayed land, even if temporarily, only motivated for their lust to retain and enjoy their power, even if that meant handing over the power to a corrupted person, who inherited all the vices and none of the virtues of her father, the Grand Marshal..."

Queen Hong: Interesting. Continue.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: "...First there was political decay, followed by economic, social, and legal decay. It was inevitable that moral decay will be followed next. And so it came. Now, the fate of our nation, of our children, was given to an incestuous viper whose own resentment and hate, a likely combined lust toward power and wealth, as well as her aims to vengeance and control our nation as it was her own kindergarten, in a move to use the mistakes and weakness of those who preceded her to build a network of..."

Queen Hong (laughing awkwardly): That's enough! Oh, the Sun and the Moon! What kind of cheap novel is that? Maybe we should feel sorry about our judges if this is the kind of literature they are forced to read and judge. Don't you find this amusing.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: No, Your Highness.

Grand King Wohnyo: That was certainly disgusting. Let's stop this.

Queen Hong: I can not disagree. However, I must say it still amazes me that someone with the moral rectitude of Governor Jin was able to navigate, with his compromise toward justice, through that sea of fantasy and slander while balancing his sense of fairness and his knowledge of the well-being of the state. Such compromise is not easy to achieve without corrupting your own heart. In most cases, I mean.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I have no doubts that the latter was not the case, Your Highness. The Governor has served this country greatly and gracefully for more than twenty years after all.

Queen Hong: Indeed. It is also a pity that he has not been able to pay us a visit for quite a long time, isn't it? Besides official duties, of course, one can imagine he had many issues to attend. I heard that his third son finally married to a certain lady. A young woman who must have a brother-in-law, whose father must have a brother.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: That's...a possibility, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: Wouldn't it be a great coincidence if that young spouse was the second cousin who was married to someone in this palace, after all?

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: That...could be in that would be the case, certainly, Your Highness...

Queen Hong: Indeed. Anyway, these cases are always complicated and I am grateful I was not fated to be a judge or governor who needs to ponder on these issues from all the required perspectives.

Grand King Wonhyo: This issue was extended for too long. Let's close it immediately.

Queen Hong: Alright. But don't you agree that it may be not always right to force the children to pay for the weight of the crimes of their parents, my Grand King?

Grand King Wonhyo (visibly annoyed): That could be certainly be the case, generally.

Queen Hong: If that's the case, why not just suspend the verdict regarding the suspension of the rights of the sons and a limited economic punishment so they retain the ability to sustain their livelihood? We wouldn't be seen as petty anyway.

Grand King Wonhyo: Alright, let's do that. We had enough.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. We will prepare the document for your signature tomorrow.

Grand King Wonhyo: The session has finished then.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 07:22:32 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong receives Third Minister Hongju in one of the main rooms of the Queen residing quarters in the Inner Palace. Doctor Soon awaits in one of the corridors.

Third Minister Hongju: This time they did not get their way.

Queen Hong: No, they should not have even a chance to do so. What were you doing?

Third Minister Hongju: That is, of course, right. But it was not simply possible to block the process.

Queen Hong: Cousin, I sometimes feel you're completely useless. Do not even think that further efforts are not necessary. Now, leave me alone. I have issues to attend.

Third Minister Hongju: I know, of course. Excuse me, I need to talk with the Royal Secretary too.

Third Minister Hongju leaves. Doctor Soon is announced.

Doctor Soon: I pleasure to see you a second time, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: While your youth does not help, I am satisfied with your credentials and I am rather pleased that I will have a female hand now.

Doctor Soon: I'll do my best to satisfy your confidence, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: Are you already accustomed to the atmosphere?

Doctor Soon: That is difficult to say, Your Highness. I am not exactly from the plains on one hand. This is indeed a very different place. But I am certain that there won't be nothing to complain.

Queen Hong: Let's go direclty to business. What's an opinion?

Doctor Soon: I'd need some additional tests before giving my final opinion, Your Highness. I agree that some rest is required for now. In the meanwhile, replace with medication with the one you had been taking before. I will help to alleviate the pain. When we have the results, I will be able to have a clearer answer.

Queen Hong: Alright, I will wait. It just comes at an unfortunate time.

Doctor Soon: I can understand, Your Highness. My advice, however, is that any new attempt should be discouraged in the current circumstances, probably forever, I am afraid. When we have the results, I will give my final word.

Queen Hong: I assumed you would say that. As you may understand, it is something that goes way beyond the personal.

Doctor Soon: I can imagine, Your Highness. But that's my medical opinion. In your current health situation, the chances would be even smaller, and it is likely to worse your condition.

Queen Hong: Alright, alright. I need to rest.

Doctor Soon: Of course, Your Highness. If you have any issues, contact me immediately and I will be back. Hoping for a good recovery until my next visit.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 10:52:01 AM by paralipomena »

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 11:09:05 AM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Dowager Shin meets Lady Kwon in one of the courtyards of the Outer Palace.

Lady Kwon: I'm glad to see you a last time, Your Highness.

Queen Dowager Shin: I'm not going to be buried. Not yet, at least.

Lady Kwon: Surely...Excuse me, Your Highness.

Queen Dowager Shin: Don't worry. It is sad to see you leaving us. But I was in a good mood today. By the way, I love your dress. It looks gorgeous.

Lady Kwon: Thanks, Your Highness. It was a small whim.

Queen Dowager Shin: A lovely Seoyuhaeng style. The etiquette here sometimes kills me.

Lady Kwon: I understand. I hope I was helpful during my stay.

Queen Dowager Shin: You were helpful enough, do not worry. Where are you finally going?

Lady Kwon: I will be teaching at the Bukbu Royal College, Your Highness. I was offered a position in the Literature Department.

Queen Dowager Shin: Ah yes, I remember now. You do the right thing to find your own way.

Lady Kwon: I'll do my best, Your Highness.  I can only be grateful of everything I have learned here. And without access to the library and the archives, it would have been much more difficult.

Queen Dowager Shin: I'm glad it was a positive experience for both. This experience has also allowed me to  put to rest a part of my own past, even if I will continue to live and be determine by it, of course.

Lady Kwon: I know, Your Highness.

Queen Dowager Shin: I'm glad for you, indeed, but I can only envy you. Some days I feel this is nothing but a golden cage, in which the walls and bars are formed with dreadful and absurd customs and traditions.

Lady Kwon: I understand the sentiment. But there should be some compensations as well, Your Highness.

Queen Dowager Shin: There are, indeed. But very often I feel they are not worthy! You see, it is like the caste system was not fully abolished. It is just the all other castes were abolished, while behind these walls those traditions keep us as prisoners.

Lady Kwon: Certainly, that's an original way to put it, Your Highness.

Queen Dowager Shin: Yes, sometimes I'd just love to escape and leave this place. If my late husband was still alive, I would still have some additional entertainments. But all ended so fast. Meanwhile, the heads of the main families and their sons and daughters live freely in their luxury, while we continue with this charade for the sake of the state...Anyway, let me be a good host and offer you a tea before you leave.

Lady Kwon: That would be a pleasure, Your Highness.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2023, 09:04:12 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong receives Doctor Soon in one of the main rooms of the Queen residing quarters in the Inner Palace.

Doctor Soon: Good morning, Your Highness. How are you feeling today?

Queen Hong: If you are asking about my help, I am guessing you are bringing bad news today.

Doctor Soon: It is only a way...

Queen Hong: It is alright. To be honest, I am feeling a bit tired today. Let's go directly to business this time.

Doctor Soon: Alright...have the medicine any secondary effects, Your Highness?

Queen Hong: No, not really. I was feeling better, sort of.

Doctor Soon: We finally have the results, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: Alright, so tell me.

Doctor Soon: I’m afraid that the cyst has increased its size and the results were not positive, Your Highness. The prediction is not positive if we do not intervene it.

Queen Hong: Your recommendation sounds much worse than your description. What kind of intervention? How is that going to last?

Doctor Soon: It should not take long, Your Highness. It is not a difficult procedure. Giving the circumstances, we would be forced to remove the area around it. Entirely. I’m afraid we would not have another options, and our options may worse if we wait too long.

Queen Hong: How bad?

Doctor Soon: As much as bad as it is possible, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: I get it. When will it be?

Doctor Soon: I can operate myself next week in the regional hospital here. However, for reasons of  recovery, it may be better to do so in Gyeongseon Regional Hospital. There, it could take longer depending the availability of the team there. It could take longer if you wished to call a team from abroad.

Queen Hong: Yourself? How many times have you done it?

Doctor Soon: I have performed it personally twice, Your Highness. As well as participating in other occasions while I was at Gyeongseon National University Hospital.

Queen Hong: That does not...give a lot of confidence.

Doctor Soon: I understand, Your Highness. It is not a too difficult surgery, at least when it has been detected relatively earlier as it is the case. But I am at your hands, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: It will not be exactly in my hands, rather the contrary.

Doctor Soon: Of course, Your was just a way of speaking…

Queen Hong: It is fine. Let me think about it. The news are so sudden. I had not received any bad omen. I will give you an answer tomorrow, maybe in the coming days.

Doctor Soon: I understand, Your Highness. I will wait your message. In the meantime, I will be glad to help or give you more details if you need it.

Queen Hong: It is enough so far. I will let you know. You can leave. I need time for myself right now.

Doctor Soon: Yes, Your Highness.

Doctor Soon leaves the room.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2023, 09:04:30 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um receives the Chief State Minister in one the residing buildings in the Outer Palace.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: You have finally arrived. It felt I was waiting forever.

Chief State Minister: Excuse me, sister. There were some important government affairs that I was forced to deal suddenly.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: It is alright. I hope that you're bringing good news at least.

Chief State Minister: I was at least able to confirm that the early reports were accurate. However, giving the recent replacement, we were not able to get the most accurate information. Or rather, detailed enough to have a complete picture.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Is that so?

Chief State Minister: I can only confirm that it must be a serious condition, giving the secrecy and that a whole floor in the hospital will be empty, and that the Queen is expected to leave the palace in the next days. I am guessing that only the Grand King was informed.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: I see. Let's see where this goes.

Chief State Minister: I heard our cousin's daughter will arrive tomorrow to the capital.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Ah yes, that's right. But your last information made me think. She may be good enough for us as a wife, but what about as a queen?

Chief State Minister: That wouldn't be too bad, for other reasons. However, let's not force our hand.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: You are right, of course. But the current situation is really boring me...In the meantime, you should take advantage of this situation and play your cards.

Chief State Minister: I'll do my best. What do you have in mind?

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Don't overdo. Just offer something the Grand King is willing to get. If your information was right, it should not be too difficult to offer something appetizing but without substance.

Chief State Minister: Excellent. I have something in mind.

Lady Officer Moon: Excuse Your Highness...I see you're here as well, Your Excellency. I only came to inform you that the dinner is ready.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Yes, I can see that I got late soon.

Chief State Minister: I'll leave in that case, sister. My business is finished here. I'll give you more information as soon as I can.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: I wish we will be offered a precious gift. If not, let's hope our work at least yields results.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2023, 10:10:55 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong strolls along Lady Officer Ko as they watch Princess Bokon walks in one of the gardens of the Inner Palace.

Lady Office Ko: Don't worry, Your Highness. I am certain that everything will be alright.

Queen Hong: Only the sun and the moon can know anything for certain. I'm not as concerned about what I would leave behind but all things I had failed to materialize.

Lady Office Ko: I can't see a reason not to be hopeful, Your Highness. I heard positive things about the doctor from the staff at the infirmary.

Queen Hong: You may be right but as most of things in life is either luck or it is already written.

Queen Hong (looking at the princess): I was a fool that I failed to realize that what it was a missing chance was my only and last chance.

Lady Office Ko: There are always different ways to play your cards. We can not change whatever is already behind us, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: I can feel the weight that is resting on my shoulders. The weight of my family and the weight of the future of this nation. But I am able to tolerate it only because I am not doing for them. After all these years, I could not care less.

Lady Office Ko: Yes, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: It is getting dark. Let's go back.

Lady Office Ko: Indeed, Your Highness. Princess...

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2023, 11:53:36 AM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand King Wonhyo receives Prince Yun, the head of the Grand Royal Guard, in one of his offices in the Inner Palace.

Grand King Wonhyo: I'm glad to see you back again. I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon.

Prince Yun: It was not completely enjoyable. It was like being in charge with new tasks that I wouldn't have imagined they existed, particularly toward people I did not know or care about.

Grand King Wonhyo: I can imagine. It reminds of the days we were much younger. Those were tough days, but simple and closer to real life. I'm not sure if those tasks and responsibilities include yours as a husband.

Prince Yun: Not in particular. But I plan to take care of them as soon as possible. It is required to sow the future so we can take care of more urgent tasks.

Grand King Wonhyo: That's a wise choice. Do not make the same mistake I did.

Prince Yun: The circumstances are not, obviously, the same. My aim is to be as useful as I can right now. It is not likely that peace, here, could last for long.

Grand King Wonhyo: I do not believe that myself, even if the situation is rather calm right now.

Prince Yun: It may look so, but things, and much more than that, are already moving.

Grand King Wonhyo: I realized that in your absence. I see your travel did not keep you separated from good information.

Prince Yun: I suppose that they may have become much clearer now. But one could feel the shadows already in our first weeks here.

Grand King Wonhyo: That's possible. For that reason, I am not too happy you have to leave again. I would prefer to prepare the terrain for some of the plans we discussed as soon as possible.

Prince Yun: We can not afford that my troops are sent without my leadership. I must be there, even if that means to follow blindly their intent. But I will leave the palace in safe hands. Do not worry about that.

Grand King Wonhyo: They will pay the price if they dare to do so, I can promise you.

Prince Yun: In the meantime, it is your turn to prepare the future. I heard the preparations are almost ready. The excitation in certain quarters of the Outer Palace is clearly confirming such signs. It will be a difficult choice, but your hands may be as tied as mine.

Grand King Wonhyo: You're not exactly wrong. Unfortunately, any preparation can not be officially advanced until news arrive from Gyeongseon.

Prince Yun: Your words seem to show that you're in the knowledge of the nature of things that I ignore the details. I ignore which would be the most optimal situation, if fortunate or dreadful news, with all my apologies and due respect, in any case. I'm afraid I need to return to my duties before I leave the palace.

Grand King Wonhyo: Indeed. I wish you have a safe and successful return. The skies should be awaiting you with more formidable nights here, I am convinced.

Prince Yun: I really hope so. It is on your hands how many of these nights I will be able to see, of course. But I will do my part.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2023, 10:52:52 AM »

Gyeongseon National University Hospital

Doctor Soon enters in the room, where she sees Queen Hong sat down on the bed.

Doctor Soon: You're already awake, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: Yes, I am. I can't believe how late it was when I wake up. I barely did about a hour ago.

Doctor Soon: I see, Your Highness. How do you feel? You should probably better to rest a bit.

Queen Hong: I am fine...considering the circumstances. I just felt a bit dizzy...but I'm fine. I was too uncomfortable to remain in the bed. I feel better now.

Doctor Soon: That's great, the dinner will arrive in about two hours, Your Highness. You may try to rest a bit. If you need any help, just push the botton as the nurse tell you and help will arrive. There will be a nurse and a doctor on the corner.

Queen Hong: I understand. How much time will I remain here?

Doctor Soon: The surgery was a success, and there will not be necessity of additional measures. We will be checking the situation in the coming weeks. However, Your Highness, there are some tests I would need before we leave, as well as your recovery, so you will have to remain two or three days in observation here. Still, it would be better to wait a few more days  before preparing your travel.

Queen Hong: That sound excessive, we already talked about that. I am completely fine already, I told you.

Doctor Soon: I don't doubt that, Your Highness. But while you are completely accustomed to the difference between here and the palace, your body after such procedure may not, or at least not completely. It is better wait a bit, until your body is healed and ready for the travel.

Queen Hong: It is not the right time for my absence, but I can still wait a pair of days more, I guess. Anyway, I would prefer to stay alone with my own sudden emptiness now.

Doctor Soon: Alright, Your Highness. I will return after your dinner with Mrs. Kim, the head psychologist. If you need anything, just let me know. See you later.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2023, 10:58:22 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong receives Noble Lady Shin, Noble Lady Im, Noble Lady Jungjin Um, and Noble Lady Yon at one of the minor offices of the Inner Palace.

Noble Lady Im, Noble Lady Jungjin Um, Noble Lady Shin, Noble Lady Yon: It is such a honour to be in your presence, Your Highness!

Queen Hong: I do not think that you are here to meet me.

Noble Lady Yon: I could not be still so happy to contemplate your greatness, Your Highness.

Noble Lady Im: My heart was suddenly covered with sadness when I arrived to the city and I was told you were still in convalescence for a minor condition, Your Highness. But we were so happy to see our prayers were answered.

Queen Hong: You do not like to lose your time, do you? Anyway, I am guessing you had a long journey.

Noble Lady Im: You're right, Your Highness. It was my longest travel by train as I had never visited our beautiful capital city before.

Queen Hong: I could see through your recommendations that you have a quite atypical résumé. I imagine you probably got bored down there.

Noble Lady Im: On the contrary, Your Highness! I love living so close to nature. It's a lovely and calm life. But nothing would make me more happy to serve the Crown and return the contributions of my ancestors with such honour if I had the honour to be chosen to serve the greatest man of this country.

Queen Hong: I haven't any doubt that would be the case, don't worry. I'm guessing you had an easier adaptation than most people who arrive here for first time. I heard that was not your case. I heard you suffered some fevers, is that right?

Noble Lady Jungjin Um: It was only a minor discomfort, Your Highness. But it's true that I grew in the northwestern valleys. It was a shock at first but I'm sure that my body will be able to adapt to this situation. My relatives told me it was only a matter of time.

Queen Hong: Yes, I am sure about that. I was told you were the first one to arrive. I'm guessing that you should be already in that situation.

Noble Lady Shin: Yes, mostly, Your Highness. Admiring the beauty of these gardens, lakes, and walls, even from outside, helps to reduce that feeling of dizziness.

Queen Hong: It sounds that you settle for little.

Noble Lady Shin: I try my best, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: And had you met the Queen Dowager before?   

Noble Lady Shin: Oh, only when I was child, Your Highness. It's not that I have memories of that to be completely honest. And it was before she met the greatest honour and the saddest day, of course, Your Highness. But Her Highness helped to provide us with assistance, obviously, as even distant relatives do with those who are closed by blood or family ties.

Queen Hong: Yes, families, good families, tend to do that, indeed. One could imagine that your family will be more comfortably with your potential permanent absence if they realize you may offer a little help to Her Highness, certainly, isn't it?

Noble Lady Shin: Oh, not exactly, Your Highness. While personal tragedies sometimes hit us hard, as you may be quite aware, I feel Her Highness has already everything that she may need, having the honour to live in this palace. My only motivation, if the skies were kind toward me, would be a companion and servant to His Majesty, in those circumstances that may required.

Queen Hong: I have no doubt that's the aim of all of you.

Noble Lady Yon: Indeed, Your Highness.

Noble Lady Jungjin Um: I can say that's my case, certainly, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: But do not expect that's always going to be a grateful task. And you may have still time to think carefully and avoid of putting yourselves in a position where you will feel miserable at the same time that it will put more obstacles to serve that role with required rigorousness. You will not have second chance and there will not be way back. It is something you realize when you have lived here for a time, not everyone is made of the same material. You may discover that life is not like in the ancient tales. Not everyone is able to learn that lesson before they should have.

Noble Lady Yon: Yes, Your Highness. It is difficult to say what fate has saved for us, of course. We can only wait before checking if we were as good as the circumstances required it.

Queen Hong: There may be still some people who find a better peace living in a monastery.

Noble Lady Yon: That may be the case, Your Highness...I'm afraid I have not an answer about that, You Highness.

Noble Lady Im: One could say, as you know quite well Your Highness, that if the ancient tales tell us something is that suffering is found in the highest places at the highest doses.

Queen Hong: You're not entirely wrong. And you will not find a place highest that this.

Noble Lady Im: Yes, of course, Your Highness.

Noble Lady Shin: Only the skies know how any of us will be able to answer when the situation requires so, Your Highness. But our path is not blind, and before that day arrives, I am certain that the best choice will be made.

Queen Hong: You should not have any doubt about that. But even that, it may not be enough.

Noble Lady Shin and Noble Lady Yon: Of course, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: Now, excuse me. I am not here as your teacher, anyway, and I still need some rest. We will continue later.

Noble Lady Im, Noble Lady Jungjin Um, Noble Lady Shin, Noble Lady Yon: Yes, Your Highness! We will be at your service.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2023, 09:21:02 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

The Royal Secretary announces the arrival of State Councillor Im to Grand King Wonhyo and Prince Yun, the head of the Grand Royal Guard.

Royal Secretary: State Councillor Im has arrived, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: Alright. Tell him to wait thirty minutes. I will receive him in the Throne Hall.

Royal Secretary: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. I'll do so.

Royal Secretary leaves.

Prince Yun: I'm not sure which of the two choices surprised me more.

Grand King Wonhyo:  I can imagine. In both cases, they arrived unexpectedly, but it is required to take advatange of the circumstances. In any case, didn't you know him?

Prince Yun: Yes, that's right. He was there during my military training. But it's not that I can't say much about him during that time.

Grand King Wonhyo: How is that so?

Prince Yun: He was respected, but he was not too sociable. It's not I can say much, as I belonged to the common category, of course. But his personal inclinations did not help, probably.

Grand King Wonhyo: His personal inclinations?

Prince Yun: As it is well-known, Im is a Christian. How, when, and why, it is difficult to say, as it is say that most of his family is not.

Grand King Wonhyo: Yes, I know. I understand that the feeling is probably similar in the Outer Palace. But it is not a concern. He could be useful both here and outside, after all.

Prince Yun: Yes, I can see why. Giving your situation, it is better to have them on our side. His family, I mean.

Grand King Wonhyo: Yes, of course. The mood is messy enough so it will not be a big deal, for now. When I received the news about your quests, even myself had mixed feelings. But I'm glad to have you here again.

Prince Yun: We did our best in our situation. We had to take too many risks this time. The enemy was better equipped this time, even if we forced them to play in our terrain. But I lost more than ninety of my men.

Grand King Wonhyo: I heard so. Are they receiving help?

Prince Yun: It does not look so, but it's soon to tell. They may get them from the black market, after all. In any case, I heard that the Daitojin emperor came.

Grand King Wonhyo: Indeed, when I was informed, I thought you would have loved to be here. But I then realized that it wouldn't make any difference. The meeting was not too productive. We will need to look for better options.

Prince Yun: It may be better that's the case. We need to play our hand. But this time, coming back to the campaign, we should have attacked more decisively.

Grand King Wonhyo: Will these losses make an difference then?

Prince Yun: It is, of course, difficult to tell. We will have to wait. We had to leave as this would expose us to become an easy target once again. We will have no option to wait until the end of the Winter, once again.

Grand King Wonhyo: We need to solve this problem. But it is not my main concern right now. We will have time.

Prince Yun: I hope that's the case. It's only I fear it will prevent us to have a free hand, once again.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2023, 08:06:03 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong receives with the Privy Council. Prince Yun enters.

Third Minister Hongju: It was about time. We could not remain waiting.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: I hope you're right. With the due respect, Your Highness, I hope this situation is only temporarily.

Queen Hong: Naturally.

Third Minister Hongju: That's what His Grand Majesty the Grand King would have wished us to do...

Chief State Minister: I can't say...

Prince Yun: What's this pantomime! Unworthy of you, everyone, who were dragged into this!

Queen Hong: So you arrived. I expect you did not come with your empty hands after such a surprising entry, or did you?

Prince Yun: Who ordered to bring the Grand King here? This all was part of your plan!

Queen Hong: I did! I was not in a position to do otherwise, as you know very well. He could not receive better care and safety than inside this walls.

Prince Yun: I will not allow such plan to continue.

Queen Hong: Beware of your words, if you don't want to regret them later. Gentlemen, our meeting is over! You can leave now.

Prince Yun: I will not hesitate to spill the blood of the biggest criminal of these lands, whoever he or she is!

Royal Secretary: Your Highness!

Queen Hong: Don't touch me! What do you think you're doing!? You were given thirty days. Don't dare to make empty and idiotic threats! I have no time for then.

Commander Lee: Your Highness, it's better if we leave now.

Queen Hong: Don't try to test my patience. You have five days left. If you are not able to provide anything, don't lose our time.

Third Minister Hongju: Your...

Queen Hong: I said this is over.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Yes, Your...Royal Highness.

Commander Lee: Let's go back, Your Highness. There is still time.

Prince Yun: Alright. We haven't said our last word yet. We will not allow treason to be unpunished.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2024, 03:45:08 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong receives Noble Consort Lady Im.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: You finally made some time to come here.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Yes, excuse me, Your Royal Highness. But with the transfer of His Grand Majesty I found myself overwhelmed with the situation.

Queen Hong: You have experienced too many emotions in such a short time. You were not the first in such unfortunate situation at such young age, of course, we have so me unfortunate preceding situations, but you should not try to push yourself beyond your duties. Don't forget that. It is simply better if you try to rest a bit in your situation.

Noble Consort Lady Im: You may be right, Your Royal Highness. However, I do not feel that I could do otherwise. I couldn't pardon myself.

Queen Hong: Don't forget why are you here and what your duties are. You do not have the right to be selfish.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I know I don't, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: You need to concentrate in your task, whatever the circumstances. You did not came here as an assistant or a nurse, don't forget the nature of your role. I'm certain everyone here will help you to deliver that task. Everyone who counts.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I do not ignore that, Your Royal Highness. However, I was not expecting such...sudden situation, and I could not help but wondering about myself and the future and the worst outcome would be true. In that case, I have reached the conclusion that I do not think I will be able to continue with the honour I was granted, not in solitude.

Queen Hong: What are you talking about?

Noble Consort Lady Im: If that outcome came to turn true, Your Royal Highness, I ask you to allow me to renounce to my title and return to my family home.

Queen Hong: Is that really what you wish?

Noble Consort Lady Im: I was just thinking that I could not remain in the shadows for nothing but beyond some kind of purpose of vanity, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: Don't be silly. Do you ever know the kind of life which would await you outside? No, you will not be able to remarry and exist without damaging your own family. I heard about many cases like that since I came here. No, there is not any purpose left there either. You will be left alone and not even your own shadow will remain with you.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I understand. I still reign on my life.

Queen Hong: You have no kingdom there. But don't worry about it. You can trust me, I will be glad to help as long as I continue in a situation to be allowed to offer you my hand.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I need to think about it, but I'm grateful for your offer, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: No need to rethink anything. If you need anything, just ask me. Don't hesitate to ask me for help. You're not alone in your task, after all.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I will do so, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: Don't forget it, we are in this together. I trust your judgement. And if you excuse, the evening is coming. I need to prepare for tomorrow.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Yes, Your Royal Highness. Excuse me, see you soon.

Noble Consort Lady Im leaves the chamber.

Queen Hong: (to herself) Heavens, what a dummy.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2024, 02:13:22 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Brother, I thought you opposed such decision.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I did. But the confessions and the final verdict put us in a complicated situation. It was not the time to force my hand. As the Deputy Chief State Minister decided to show any opposition this time. I felt it was not the time to show weakness, so I could not take any risk on the matter.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Did the Oh join them?

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: No, I do not think so. But as they were on board so often during your regency, they have probably decided to take a step back. It may remain so until the present is covered with doubts. I will do all I can do so they remain, at least, not too far from our side.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: I have confidence that you are right. Draws are rare on the divine. One can only clearly or decisively lose. Times have changed but it will not be different now.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: It may be better for us to avoid standing out, for the time this situation clarifies.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Try to get all information you can about the Yon. There is maybe something that even the State Minister is hiding.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: We will be able to use our contacts in the Department of State Security, indeed.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: The Hongju House may have now almost everything they desired, but they may drown in power.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: We still need to be careful to provide them with more water than it is required for that task.

Grand Queen Dowager Jungjin Um: Indeed, indeed. Let's wait for now.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2024, 09:54:21 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

In the Inner Palace, Queen Hong receives the State Council.

Meanwhile, nearby one of the main gates of the Outer Palace, Prince Yun talks with Commander Lee, leading officer from the Grand Royal Guards.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: Weakness brings violence, not the other around. By withdrawing so early and interrupting their small mission, our forces caused a larger failure.

Third State Minister Hongju: The order was clear, I can't understand why it couldn't be carried out well and quickly.

Captain Woo: With all my respects, Your Excellency Third State Minister and Your Excellency Deputy Chief Minister, our men could not have planned such large resistance and they had no other options without risking seriously their own lives and the security of the area. It was not our knowledge that the monks had such networks in the area.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Is that confirmed?

Captain Woo: I can't say for certain. As it is not my role. But it would have been difficult to mobilize the province so quickly without such organization.

Queen Hong: It's alright. Finding the cause wouldn't be very useful, isn't it? We need a solution.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Of course, Your Royal Highness. My only lamentation is that by seizing Mujanghanseong so quickly, they had the means to create so much havoc quickly.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: What information do you possess about their organization at that point?

Captain Woo: I am certain that they were already organized then. A survivor recalled that every officer was immediately murdered. After torturing some soldiers, one confessed that they were several Deo Keun caste recluits, and soldiers started to be slaughtered until finally someone decided to inform about the identity.

Third State Minister Hongju: That's not a coincidence! Their connection with Tteooleuneundal is obvious! Their aim is not random, but very clear: their criminality had a treasonous nature since the beginning. Such movement aims to destroy the state and the Crown as a whole.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Even if that wasn't the case, they must be destroyed.

Deputy Chief Minister Oh: It mostly surprises me how they were able to expand so quickly.

Captain Woo: Your Excellencies, I should point out that their propaganda is very different...having the audacity and sin of blaming Your Royal Highness...That's probably, besides fear, that they were able to gain support between the population.

Queen Hong: I see, I see. They may not be the lunatics they were portrayed earlier. What's their force, exactly?

Captain Woo: It's difficult to say. Soldiers who were captured or surrendered were given the option to convert and join their ranks. Therefore, Your Royal Highness, it is difficult to determine their number. They were about 1,500 men after seizing the headquarters in Bugjjog. But it is likely that their number doubled since then. They could reach  Hanauisan and Galsaeghosu counties in the coming days.

Queen Hong: That doesn't sound such a huge number.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um:  The main issue is the terrain, Your Royal Highness. For the moment, it is only operative to transport our troops by air. For that reason, I suggest that our efforts should be focused in the Royal Corps and the Grand Royal Guard. It's not a problem of facing a great enemy, but acting quickly and decisively.

Queen Hong: Are we in agreement?

Third State Minister Hongju: I can not say otherwise, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: Proceed, then.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Yes, Your Royal Highness.

* * *

Commander Lee: Is that necessary?

Prince Yun: The order was given. Hell may be open but we need to fulfill our duty once again.

Commander Lee: You're required here more than ever.  I do not fear what you may face there, but what it could happen here. In these times, our duty is to protect the Crown first.

Prince Yun: Our duty is to protect the Great King. I will not serve the banner of others.

Commander Lee: For that reason, you should stay. A wrong move, and the life of His Grand King may be in danger. The Royal Corps were ordered to serve in defense of the state and they will be. Allow me to lead them, Your Highness.

Prince Yun: A bad omen must have seized you.

Commander Lee: I do not doubt about the loyalty of our men, but they will only be able to face the last hour without a doubt under your leadership. And your hands should not be covered by blood in times like these. I will obey your order but I ask you to consider my advice.

Prince Yun: We haven't much time...Announce our men the news, and new orders will be confirmed to  you.

Commander Lee: Yes, Your Highness.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 02:11:43 PM by paralipomena »

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2024, 12:50:15 AM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Queen Hong awaits in her main chamber in the Inner Court.

Queen Hong: If you interrupt me at this time, I am guessing you're bringing some news.

Lady Officer Ko: Indeed, Your Royal Highness. I bring unexpected news.

Queen Hong: So?

Lady Officer Ko: I was informed from one of the Noble Consort Lady's palace ladies that His Grand Majesty just awoke.

Queen Hong: Are you seriously? When it happened and why wasn't I informed?

Lady Officer Ko: I can't say, Your Royal Highness. I came as soon as I obtained the information.

Queen Hong: I wonder how it reached the information to the Outer Court so fast.

Lady Officer Ko: Your Royal Highness, I assume it is because Her Highness visits His Grand Majesty every morning and afternoon.

Queen Hong: Yes, you are right. I remember now.

Lady Officer Ko: It looks like someone just arrived, Your Royal Highness.
Lady Officer Kim: Excuse me, Your Royal Highness. Doctor Soon arrived. Should I tell her to wait...?

Queen Hong: No, tell her to enter immediately.

Lady Officer Kim: Yes, Your Royal Highness.

Doctor Soon: Good evening, Your Royal Highness.

Queen Hong: What brings you here? Do you bring good news, maybe?

Doctor Soon: You're right, Your Royal Highness. I hope it will prove that will be the case, at least. His Grand Majesty has finally recovered his consciousness, and his recovery has earlier signs to be permanent, even if some symptoms may continue. Excuse me If I did not arrive earlier, Your Royal Highness, but we had to check and test that everything was in order.

Queen Hong: How so? Anyway, which symptoms?

Doctor Soon: We acted carefully as I wanted to avoid signs of a limited recovery. Mostly headaches and fatigue, as it is natural after such a traumatic injury. But I can say that I am optimistic, as His Grand Majesty's sight, speech, understanding, as well as the motor and sensory capabilities seems to work more than properly. While he does not seem to remember what happened before the incident, that is normal, as his memory operates quite

Queen Hong: That sounds...good. Are you saying he will leave his room soon?

Doctor Soon: It's difficult to say, Your Royal Highness. While everything seems to be in order, I have detected an inflammation of the nerves through the scan. This could be a temporary reaction due to the shock. An expert from Gyeongseon National University Hospital is expected to arrive to  Hwangjin, to assist me on that issue. However, these days His Grand Majesty will remain under observation until a medical conclusion is reached. But I can say he, even if tired, seems to react properly to environment and stimulus. I am confident we're in the right track.

Queen Hong: That's excellent. Thank you for your hard work.  I wouldn't like to waste your time and efforts and this moment, doctor. Keep me informed if there is a sudden change as soon as possible.

Doctor Soon: Of course, Your Royal Highness.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2024, 11:14:20 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand King Wonhyo receives Prince Yun in one room in the Heavely Palace. Once of the rare guest rooms of the Heavely Palace, the chamber was reformed as an emergency medical room, with all the technology of a hospital room, while retaining some of its traditional decorations, including a small shrine at one of the corners of the room, next to the adapted bathroom.

Prince Yun: I hope you're feeling better, today.

Grand King Wonhyo: I am, certainly. I still feel a headache from time to time, but I regained my sleep.

Prince Yun: Unfortunately, we have no much time left.

Grand King Wonhyo: Indeed, that is unfortunate. Some of the details still escape me, of course,  but we need to face reality and make the best of it. I am, for one, that you will not be personally involved.

Prince Yun: I can't agree, brother. I can't help but to think that I was carried away but the worst thoughts. Now, the integrity and safety, as well as the name, of our guard will at risk.

Grand King Wonhyo: Whatever was built once, it can be rebuilt again. And it is not they can be blamed for the operation.

Prince Yun: I wonder if this result is inevitable at this point.

Grand King Wonhyo: You are better than myself to judge in these circumstances. But it is not that time may be in our favour. If we postpone, we may be forced toward worse choices in the coming future.

Prince Yun: That may be true...This may still disrupt our plans and poison the well for the time being.

Grand King Wonhyo: We just need to think about taking the initiative as soon as things get back to normal.

Prince Yun: I feel you sound quite different today...

Grand King Wonhyo: Excuse me, I still struggle to think clearly. I feel it may be the medication.

Prince Yun: That's right. I'm sorry to have disturbed your rest. But the situation needed action.

* * *

Lady Officer Song: Excuse me, Your Grand Majesty, Your Highness. But Her Honourable and Respectful Doctor Soon has arrived.

Grand King Wonhyo: Alright, tell her to enter immediately.

Lady Office Song: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

Doctor Soon: Your Grand Majesty, how are you feeling  this evening? Greatings, Your Highness.

Grand King Wonhyo: Much better thanks. My muscles are still a bit tired, but feeling stronger.

Doctor Soon: I'm glad to hear that, Your Grand Majesty.

Prince Yun: Shouldn't he be ready to continue his duties now? I hope you understand the importance of the situation.

Doctor Soon: I only answer to my duty as a doctor, Your Highness. His Grand Majesty has obviously showed signals of a recovery, so I don't see any obstacles to a discharge in the current circumstances. However, it would be better if he remained in observation and I feel it would not be too positive to put much pressure until he's fully recovered.

Grand King Wonhyo: I do not feel the need to postpone it. I'm ready to take a precautionary approach regarding my reincorporation in any case.

Doctor Soon: That may work, Your Grand Majesty. I understand there is an expected protocol to follow. There are no additional permanent measures required so I am not opposed your return to your chambers, as long as you have someone to observe your well-being and I can continue to check the progress, of course. If tomorrow morning you have improved once again, I am ready to gave my authorization.

Grand King Wonhyo: That's excellent. I am convinced that will be the case.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2024, 11:23:45 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand King Wonhyo receives Chief General Kim, head of the Central Ground Army, along the three senior ministers of the State Council.

Chief General Kim: The order has been restored in the urban centers and the plains, Your Grand Majesty. The costs and damage was, unfortunately, higher than expected, as we decided to push forward as much as possible, in order to not allow the enemy to reorganize itself. This was mostly successful, as their headquarters were left isolated before our last large offensive. But giving the territory and the scale, we avoided a worse situation.

Grand Wonhyo: That doesn't sound too encouraging, unfortunately. What kind of scenario had you in mind?

Chief General Kim: We tried to avoid fighting in urban areas as much as possible, but we had still some important losses and many civilians were caught in between. A number of villages were completely destroyed and the we were forced to displace a large number of villagers in contested areas. The economic damage was considerate as the enemy burned the fields as they had advanced.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: To my knowledge, this affected mostly, although not exclusively, coca and tobacco fields. This will force us to deploy aid during a long time, but we avoided a larger crisis as it did not disrupt the subsistence economy as much as we feared.

Chief General Kim: That's right, for the most part, Your Excellency.

Grand King Wonhyo: I see. It makes sense. What's the situation right now then?

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: As Jihyeugidung surrendered without resistance, Your Grand Majesty, the instigators and leaders, at least of the religious wing of the movement finally surrendered. Choe Yak-yong, and some of his associated had abandoned the movement earlier to a distant monastery. But I am convinced they have no way to escape and he will be immediately arrested. What remains of their civilian and armed contingent managed to flee toward the mountainous areas. I had ordered, Your Grand Majesty, the Royal Corps to lead the offensive against the insurgency.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: As much as we were able to do so in the current circumstances, Your Grand Majesty, we started to administer justice. However, giving the seriousness of their crime, the most important conspirators were isolated in a military prison, while they will await their fate and punishment.

Grand King Wonhyo: A crime is a crime and it can't remain unpunished. However, you should avoid as much as publicity as possible.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I agree on that judgement, Your Grand Majesty. I have suggested that our embassies start to prepare to dismiss any kind of allegations about the situation.

Third State Minister Hongju: For my part, I ordered that no foreigner or suspects was allowed to enter or leave the region.

Chief General Kim: Such order was successfully carried out to my knowledge, Your Grand Majesty. All foreigners remain in our custody.

Grand King Wonhyo: Do not overreact. Let's move cautiously.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: Regarding that so-called Council of Seven and Choe Yak-yong, my wish is that they are brought to Hwangjin as soon as possible. It would be better if they could be judged here. And I am curious if they can be offer us some benefit in their defeat. I demand that no process start until they arrive and we can plan the next step. As all of you know, I had some plans for this coming season.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: I see, Your Grand Majesty...Your orders will be immediately followed.

Grand King Wonhyo: It is enough for now. Provide all resources required to put an end to this. It should not obstruct our plans.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 11:49:00 PM by paralipomena »

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2024, 06:37:18 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Grand King Wonhyo awaints in the Throne Hall in the Heavenly Palace. Along him, there is merely Prince Yun. Two guards bring Choe Yak-yong in, who slowly enters in handcuffs. Choe Yak-yong, a scholar and monk, is rather wearing regular and old clothing. As he enters, lost in his own thoughts, he is forced to kneel and bow, something he does without opposition.

Choe Yak-yong: Your Grand Majesty, I would not have imagined to have the honour to be here in the present circumstances.

Grand King Wonhyo: It is, indeed, unpleasant the circumstance that causes your visit.

Choe Yak-yong: Excuse me, Your Grand Majesty. Could you free my hands? I understand your concerns, and all those around you, giving the ominous and despicable precedent, but an old man like myself can not be considered as a serious threat, if you allow me such petition.

Grand King Wonhyo: You're right. Proceed as he asked.

Grand Royal Guards: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

Choe Yak-yong: Thank you, Your Grand Majesty. My body is weak and therefore I can't think clearly as they seem to stop the circulation.

Grand King Wonhyo: It is, of course, a moment in which many here would argue that giving time and space to scholars to think is something that may bring more evil than good.

Choe Yak-yong: I would disagree with that assertion,  Your Grand Majesty. I have always suggested that the source of evil is not found in the mind, but in the passions.

Grand King Wonhyo: I am aware of that. I have not forgotten it. But I wonder if you remember it, of course.

Choe Yak-yong: I am afraid I don't follow you, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: It has been a long time, of course, maybe close to two decades already. I was much younger, of course, but despite my memories are still somehow dizzy these days, I remember clearly those days in Seongji.

Choe Yak-yong: It can't be possible! Excuse me, Your Grand Majesty, I ignored it. I can hardly imagine...

Grand King Wonhyo: Don't worry, my existence was much simple in those days. But let's not to look back in the past.

Choe Yak-yong: I suppose that I should be grateful that the heaven granted me to have distinguished students without my own knowledge.

Grand King Wonhyo: Yes, I did not imagine that I would be sat down here today as well, to be honest. And you were in a better standing back them.

Choe Yak-yong: I would say that my standing did not change since I left these palace, many years ago. Until very recently by such sad events. I apologize for not being able to recognize you, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: Why did not you join the Council of Seven?

Choe Yak-yong: I am not interested in power, Your Grand Majesty. While a ruler must be interested in wisdom, it is not recommendable for a scholar to become a ruler. I left the place as I was not interested to become a stranger or a dissonant voice. Such person can only become an enemy and I did not wish to become one to some of those who I had respected for a long time, even if they chose a wrong path.

Grand King Wonhyo: This, of course, doesn't surprise me and it is what I had imagined. However, I can understand it has not helped your case.

Choe Yak-yong: I am well aware of that, Your Grand Majesty. I understand that it would not be wise to ask Your Grand Majesty to intercede. However, I would ask to consider the circumstances, and these men are hardly men who are involved in worldly affairs, and they reacted poorly under a heavy pressure. A punishment would be unavoidable, of course, but if I would be asked I suggest one that brings order and obedience, not tension or fear. Regarding those who were involved in the execution of such unwise plans, justice should be implemented without mercy.

Grand King Wonhyo: As you said, a punishment is duly when some of the worst crimes are encouraged and carried out. One could argue that those who are involved with the meaning of ideas and morality than those poor subjects who are moved by their passions too often. In any case, it would not be wise for me to be involved personally in the affairs of justice. My duty should be protect justice rather than administering, as much as that is possible. Unless there is some need for correction.

Choe Yak-yong: I understand, Your Grand Majesty. It is a decision that I would advice, if it was humanely possible, of course.

Grand King Wonhyo: For now, my curiosity was satisfied. You can retire.

Choe Yak-yong: I hope you are not wrong, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: I hope as well.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2024, 01:58:57 PM »
Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

The Grand King continues to discuss the details of the Assembly of Notables with the State Council. An unexpected appointment is announced.

Grand King Wonhyo: Let's go back to the amended draft.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. As we said before, about forty-five members will be directly appointed by Your Grand Majesty. It is my understanding that the the Privy Council and the State Council will nominate a considerate number of candidates to help you with that task.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: That's right. Obviously, the nomination is not a requisite, but we have met and have had a number of prominent individuals during our service all these years, so we are prepared to suggest a number of men who are well-known for their loyalty to the Crown.

Royal Secretary: Your Grand Majesty already suggested certain names, of course, but I am certain most of those names may be already mentioned between the candidates.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I would not be surprised, and even I would expect such circumstance, of course.

Grand King Wonhyo: Excellent. It would be still interesting to see if there was any omission in such list.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Of course, Your Grand Majesty. If we mistakenly overlooked such obvious choice, we will be gladly but disappointingly stand corrected.

Grand King Wonhyo: We will see then. You can continue.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. The remaining sixty-five members will be equally divided in two groups, half of those for candidates and electors from the eight rank to above, and the other half, for those between the ninth and fourteenth rank, in both cases indirectly elected. I have ordered my ministry to prepare a report for each candidate, in case if it was considered necessary to block any of the candidates.

Grand King Wonhyo: Alright. Let's leave that for the end of the process. That would may give some valuable information.

Deputy Chief State Minister Oh: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: Is the organization ready?

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I believe so, Your Grand Majesty. It is difficult to say, of course, because such process hasn't even been tried in decades. So the logistics needed to be reorganized. But I trust the efficacy of our state servants, as well as the experience of our Governors. As you know well, there are seven provinces where the process will be absent so that gives us the chance to avoid a bigger challenge, at least this time.

Grand King Wonhyo: I know, Chief State Minister. In any case, if everything goes according to plan, and the experience is successful and fruitful enough, they process can be started in those provinces in six months.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: Of course, Your Grand Majesty.

Third State Minister Hongju: On my part, I have suggested the Privy Council a number of candidates from those provinces who have proven their loyalty in those recent circumstances, for your consideration.

Grand King Wonhyo: It will be interesting to hear about them, in that case. Next time, if the assembly proves their utility and service, of course, they may have their second meeting in better circumstances. At least that's my wish. I feel this problem have existed for too long.

Third State Minister Hongju: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. We will do as much as it is possible.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I hope so as well, Your Grand Majesty. It will not be a easy challenge, however, as we were forced to postpone our operations as consequence of the problems in the northeast and, of course, your unfortunate situation which was luckily only temporarily. For that reason, however, we lost some valuable weeks of preparation.

Grand King Wonhyo: Indeed, I am aware of that. But that problem can not continue permanently. For that reason, I have decided that the Third State Minister should be leading the operations in person, this time. I feel this way he may be able to deliver a positive conclusion to this problem.

Third State Minister Hongju: Your Grand Majesty, you surprise me with such appointment.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: It is certainly unprecedented, Your Grand Majesty, as long as I remember it.

Grand King Wonhyo: There is no doubt that your leadership helped to solve our last crisis faster than one could have expected, or so I was told. I expect you to repeat this success, this time personally. You will be given all resources and assistance you need for this operation.

Third State Minister Hongju: I take that as an order, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: I understand that in cases of absence, it is usually the Chief Minister who temporarily take the tasks and powers in absence. However, in this special case, I propose you are granted special powers to choose a temporary replacement during your absence, to one of your closest associate at your disposal.

Third State Minister Hongju: I will discuss it with my team, Your Grand Majesty.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: I feel that would be even more unprecedented, Your Grand Majesty. But we will try to accommodate to such orders.

Grand King Wonhyo: I am confident you will be able to do so. I am not willing that more tasks would unnecessarily fall under your shoulders.

Chief State Minister Jungjin Um: My shoulders are prepared to serve you and the state in any circumstances, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: I understand this is not an usual appointment. But I am confident that you will be able to organize your departure as soon as this possible. I will be happy to receive you back with similar unprecedented success.

Third State Minister Hongju: Yes, Your Grand Majesty. I can only...give my best for challenge and responsibility.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2024, 11:35:12 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

The Grand King discusses some of the latest affairs in one of the royal libraries in the Inner Palace. They are suddenly interrupted by Lady Officer Myung, one of the palace ladies, who brings sudden news.

Royal Secretary: I heard good news have arrived, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: It is too soon to tell, Royal Secretary. Everything remains an anecdote until the direction of the result is showed to us.

Royal Secretary: That's too true, of course, Your Grand Majesty. But we can only be hopeful that this time the problem may be solved.

Grand King Wonhyo: Anyway, has the Chief State Minister finally left?

Royal Secretary: Yes, I was informed he did, Your Grand Majesty. If I am not wrong his flight is about to leave. Here you have the final draft of his speech to the Assembly.

Grand King Wonhyo (reading): Yes, we talked about that. I will read it more carefully later.

Royal Secretary: His concerns about the declaration being announced while he and the Third Minister being way, they did not completely faded away.

Grand King Wonhyo: Do you agree?

Royal Secretary: My understanding is that he may convinced that it could be risky, in case such policy does not deliver the expected aim, if the order came directly from the Inner Palace rather than from the halls of Privy Council, so speaking, Your Grand Majesty. It is a reasonable and prudent concern, even the scope of the proposal is limited.

Grand King Wonhyo: That would be a very kind concern, indeed.

Royal Secretary: It could also be that the attention of everyone else may be focused on other ongoing events rather that the situation that we're facing, Your Grand Majesty.

Grand King Wonhyo: The course has been decided. It is time to move forward.

Royal Secretary: Yes, Your Grand Majesty.

Lady Officer Myung: Excuse me, Your Grand Majesty! Oh...Your Excellency Royal Secretary...I hope you excuse me such sudden interruption, but Lady Cha ordered me to announce that Her Noble Consort Lady has started her delivery without further delay.

Grand King Wonhyo: I see. I had almost forgotten about that.

Royal Secretary: In that case, I will immediately depart to communicate your orders, Your Grand Majesty.

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Re: Asadal Playhouse
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2024, 11:54:58 PM »

Heavenly Palace, Hwangjin

Noble Consort Lady Im, carrying her baby, contemplates the lake at the Central Garden. The Queen approaches them as she returns from one of the palace shrines.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Good morning, Your Highness.

Queen Hong: You must have woken up quite early. You recovered quite soon, but you may not force yourself.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Yes, Your Highness. He woke up very early once again. But thank you for your wise advice. Do you return from the northern shrine?

Queen Hong: Are you following my steps, Noble Consort Lady?

Noble Consort Lady Im: No, no, Your Highness. Not at all. I heard once, in my first days here, that you did often. I can't remember when exactly. The Moon season is arriving once again.

Queen Hong: I was only kidding. Once again? You have already started to talk like a veteran in the palace.

Noble Consort Lady Im: That's not, Your Highness! It's just I can hardly believe that's already one year since I came here. So many things have happened since them. Things which I hadn't imagined before.

Queen Hong: Yes, I can imagine. But you should keep in mind that here things advance and change faster than outside.

Noble Consort Lady Im: What do you mean, Your Highness?

Queen Hong: One shouldn't allow personal relationships and emotions to cloud our judgement. Believe me, I have seen it since I came here from first time. Everyone has here a place and a role. Fate, of course, will play its part, so it's better to prepared.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Yes, of course, Your Highness. You have a greater experience than myself, but I don't ignore that fact.

Queen Hong: The source of our strength may be as well be the source of our weakness. And you're currently carrying it on your own arms. You may me pushed toward irrelevance if you fail to protect it.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I don't ignore that, Your Highness. But it's not those consequences the ones which would cause me pain and discomfort.

Queen Hong: Of course, Noble Consort Lady. I am willing to assist you, as long as you don't forget your duties and accept my guidance.

Noble Consort Lady Im: I will, of course, accept it with pleasure.

Lady Officer Ko: Excuse me, Your Highness. I finally found you...I hope I did not interrupt you. Good morning, Your Noble First Lady...An important message has arrived.

Queen Hong: Alright. We will continue our conversation later.

Noble Consort Lady Im: Of course, Your Highness. I will be at your service.