"Welcome", State Councillor Mangjul said with a smile while bowing slightly with a smile. He waited until they were led to the helicopter outside to open what had been offered to him. "A very gracious gift", Mangjul said, rather surprised by the content of the box.
A first minutes later, the helicopter was able to take off. "I assume you were able to observe it as your plane approached the airport, of course, but that's the western side of Gyeongseon, the largest city in our Great Kingdom", he explained. "There", he explained again as their helicopter was about the southern flank, "at the other side of the river, it is one of the largest refineries in the country. If you are curious, I'll be happy to show it on our way back".
"This is the large Geonjohangong Desert", he explained as they moved a few kilometres away from the surrounding urban centers. "The main natural gas and oil reserves are found here. We are hoping to increase our production in the coming years. Logistics, however, have posed some obstacles to that in the last decades, due to orography, and particularly by the large variation of temperatures, more than eighty degrees through the year. To this date, the extraction of oil here, in the Bukjjeo region, is mostly for national consumption, not importation. While there is the possibility to build pipelines which reach Cassiopeia through the east, and even connecting with the western Hwangsaeggi region through the Sesogjeongnamjjog pass, which would be able to reach Lijiang through Gungju, was considered too costly due to the elevation and irregular terrain".
"Finally, there in the horizon, you can see the Mount Moseoli, which has become one important tourist attraction in recent years", he explained. "At the other side, it starts the Baekje Plateau, on its northeastern side, where the Yeogaehanam region is located. The region is considerable smaller and their reserves may not be as vast as the ones found here, and although the terrain and climate poses similar challenges, the reduced size poses fewer obstacles for the transport of energy in both directions".
"If you haven't any question", State Councillor Mangjul suggested, "we may start our way back".