"Indeed, Mr. Prime Minister." Sadazane noted as he invited Brdzeni and his cohort of assistants to follow, to join him inside rather than wait out in the cold November air. "As I'm sure you're aware, we've begun to make major strides in returning to the diplomatic norms seen during the Eikō Era, albeit with more openness and less sabre rattling. Don't get me wrong, we both know that there is peace in strength, but sometimes, a gentler hand is needed. A scalpel rather than a sledgehammer, so to speak. Pursuing closer diplomatic ties is that scalpel, Mr. Prime Minister." He added as they passed through a gallery of paintings in the Prime Minister's residence before soon arriving at his office. "Which is why, pray tell, I must ask what would you propose, beyond our present arrangements vis-à-vis our embassies, I mean. Some sort of treaty of friendship, perhaps?"