Author Topic: Valdëa Lië Arda Tuluvo  (Read 13457 times)

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Offline Arda Tuluva

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Valdëa Lië Arda Tuluvo
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:58:26 AM »
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 12:56:45 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2017, 11:59:04 AM »
Autárimë Tararan I Yéndë o Menel
TitlesHeavenly Empress, The Daughter of Heaven,
Lord of Twelve Thousand Years, The Divine Above,
The Resolute, She Who Commands Harmony,
She Who Sits Above All Thrones, Queen of Light,
Empress and Supreme Autocrat

Her Most Sublime & August Majesty
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 9 June 1991
19 Lairë 5635
20 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Onóna
Year of the Goat
sincë’sila (yang metal)
Positions Held Fourth Calmarë
Highest Daughter
EducationPrivately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Most Venerated Ingaran Tulcandil

Ingaran Eruenvinyanto
Noble Consort Alcarinquallo
Able Consort Vanyon
Virtuous Consort Aranince
Wise Consort Mirimon

Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Princess Vorimë
Grand Prince Ermehtar td]
Links to Important events? Opened Arda Tuluva to the international community. Supported and instituted The New Polices.
Biography Schemed and plotted to secure her place as heir. Wildly intelligent, merciful and stern. The Empress will do what it takes to make Arda Tuluva a world power
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:16:17 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2017, 12:03:44 PM »
Eruenvinyanto Analton Autarendil i Aina'Hilyalë Inglorion carte Sareär Ingaran Tercenë ar Arda Tuluva
Titles Ingaran
His Imperial & Gracious Majesty
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 18 Quellë 5631
16 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Onóna
Year of the Rabbit
uru'sila (yang fire)
Positions Heldnone
EducationArmenelos Royal Youth Academy for Higher Learning (1994-2000).
Privately tutored at the Anordradil Estates; history, literature, Mindarucinan classics.
Family Parents
Inglor Anordradil, Consul of State
Aira Anordradil, Duchess of Tasaranan

Autárimë Empress

Inglor Anordradil (II)
Veryandil Anordradil
Morcatulcë Anordradil
Links to Important events?Helped with ending Arda Tuluvan isolationism.
Biography Is madly in love with the Empress. The Ingaran is a friendly man who wishes to keep the peace within the Harem. Eruenvinyanto wants to help create a peaceful and stable world for his children and their descendants.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:16:43 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2017, 12:12:41 PM »
Alcarinqualo Korintur Parmáno i Aina'Hilyalë Alcarinósion carte Sareär Herwa'venno Tercenë ar Arda Tuluva
Titles Noble Consort
His Imperial Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs6 June 1987
16 Lairë 5631
16 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Onóna
Year of the Rabbit
uru’sila (yang fire)
Positions HeldChief Editor of the Four Treasuries
Education Private Tutelage (1988-1998)
Lórien Institute (1998-2000)
Ondolindë Mindarucinist Academy (2001-2005)
Imladris Imperial University, Faculty of Literature (2005-2010)
Family Parents
Alcarinos Vandilorin
Corinturë Vandilorin, Fieldmarshal of the Vermilion Army

Autárimë Empress

Alcarinos Vandilorin (II)
Herenvaryar Vandilorin, Lieutenant-General in the Azure Army
Ehtelë Vandilorin, Grand Secretary in the Ministry of War
Níramarë Fanyáremótar, Grand Inquisitor General
Arinturë Vandilorin, Commodore in the Navy
Elendil Ilyanaricarinë, Judicator in Ondolindë
Links to Important events? Has set out to finish the gargantuan project of the Parmassë Canta Harmaron
Biography The Noble Consort is very content with his life. He is very intelligent and is known to over indulge himself with food and drink, especially drinking. Alcarinqualo has always had a great love and interest for ancient literature and poetry. He had earned degrees in both. This love has driven him to complete the work of the Four Treasuries.

Alcarinqualo gets alone with the other consorts of the Harem, especially Vanyon and Aranince.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:16:52 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2017, 12:17:42 PM »
Vanyon Ehtur Tavaril i Aina'Hilyalë Ardamirion carte Sareär Mára'venno Tercenë ar Arda Tuluva

Titles Able Consort
His Imperial Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 19 January 1983
69 Hríve 5627
12 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Nénelindo
Year of the Pig
Nén’sila (yang water)
Positions HeldNone
Education School for the Sons of the Blood (1986-1996)
Mandos Temple School (1996-2001)
Ulmo Imperial Academy of Alqualondë (2001-2006); history, Mindarucinist studies.
Family Parents
Ardamir Loëndë
Helwányë Loëndë

Vardamírë Loëndë
Eärmir Loëndë
Iluqueno Loëndë
Hísimë Loëndë

Autárimë Empress
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography The Able Consort comes from a distinguished family that recently was raised to the Blood. Though, new to nobility House Loëndë can trace their lineage back 500 years.

Vanyon is curious by nature to which he enjoys learning and experiencing new things. The Able Conosrt also has a great love for gardening, of which he personally maintains one of the best cultivated gardens within Arcalcassë. He gets alone with the other consorts of the Harem, especially Alcarinqualo.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:03 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2017, 12:20:45 PM »
Aranince Ertur Ceurano i Aina'Hilyalë Eruvaryarion carte Sareär Manëa'venno Tercenë ar Arda Tuluva
TitlesVirtuous Consort
His Imperial Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs21 December 1993
31 Hríve 5637
22 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Nénelindo
Year of the Rooster
Nén’narin (yin water)
Positions HeldNone
EducationEregion Institute for Gifted Youth (1996-2006)
Olórin Academy for Higher Learning (2006-2008)
Private Tutelage at the Grand (Mindarucinist) Temple in Imladris (2008-2011)
Family Parents
Eruvaryar Mehtarecárinë†
Estel Mehtarecárinë†

Eruvaryar Mehtarecárinë, Proconsul of State

Autárimë Empress
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Aranince is a schemer, who believes that Ingaran Eruenvinyanto will bring calamity to the Dynasty. He wishes to gain the Empress’ favor and one day depose the Ingaran and become the primary consort.

He is amicable with the Able Consort, indifferent to the Wise Consort, and one friendly terms with the Noble Consort. Aranince loathes the Ingaran.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:13 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2017, 12:23:41 PM »
Mirimon Envinyatar Nivórimo i Aina'Hilyalë Mirimonion carte Sareär Ista'venno Tercenë ar Arda Tuluva
TitlesWise Consort
His Imperial Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 11 September 1986
41 Yávië 5630
15 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Wendë
Year of the Tiger
Uru’sila (yang fire)
Positions HeldNone
Education Quimellë Lanya (1989-1998)
The Distinguished Nessa “Our Lady of the Dance” Art Academy (2000-2004); art history, playwriting, Arda Tuluvan classical opera/singing,
Oloré Mallé School of Philosophy (2004-2010); philosophy, theology
Family Parents
Mirimon Ófelmëarincanë†
Narmoturë Ófelmëarincanë†

Vahaya Ófelmëarincanë
Tarvarno Ófelmëarincanë

Autárimë Empress
Links to Important events? Helping with edits and annotations to the Four Treasuries
Biography The Wise Consort spends a great deal of his time corresponding with renown philosophers from around Mundus. He entertains many distinguished people of academia at his palatial residence at the Arcalcassë Palace.

Mirimon is also a fan of the Arda Tuluvan opera, even having written one himself and two symphonies.

Mirimon is amicable with the other consorts of the harem.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:23 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2017, 12:27:17 PM »
Ránevaryar Fëanaro Ilyen i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimion carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundur Tercenë
TitlesGrand Prince
His Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs Year of Birth & Zodiacs[c] 30 July 1976
5 Coirë 5620
13 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Falasseliantë
Year of the Dragon
Uru’sila (yang fire)
Positions HeldNone
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Venerated Ingaran Máneharno†

Autárimë Empress
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Princess Vorimë
Grand Prince Ermehtar

Grand Duchess Ardamírë
Grand Duchess Vánarë

Prince Ránevaryar
Prince Máneharno
Princess Airamírë
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Grand Prince Ránevaryar is an avid Polo player and Swordsman. He is the only child of the Tar-Ancalimë’s Able Consort, Máneharno.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:32 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2017, 12:30:05 PM »
Sémarë Atárinë Artúlyanië i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimiel carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundurë Tercenë
TitlesGrand Princess
Her Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 26 September 1979
Second Ender 5623
8 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Lunganotil
Year of the Goat
kemen’sila (yang earth)
Positions HeldNone
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Venerated Ingaran Kememmótar

Autárimë Empress
Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Princess Vorimë
Grand Prince Ermehtar

Grand Duke Herendil
Grand Duchess Anamárë

Prince Kememmótar
Princess Úrinen
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Grand Princess Sémarë was out maneuvered by her younger sister, now the Autárimë Empress, to become Heir. She is very bitter about it, but continues to scheme to secure positions at Court for her own children. As of yet, the Empress has no heir. Thus, she is technically the next in line.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:40 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2017, 12:33:15 PM »
Ilmarë Vardamírë Fëane i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimiel carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundurë Tercenë
TitlesGrand Princess
Her Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs8 March 1982
26 Coirë 5630
11 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Lingwi
Year of the Dog
Nén’narin (yin water
Positions HeldNone
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Venerated Ingaran Finwë

Autárimë Empress
Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Princess Vorimë
Grand Prince Ermehtar

Grand Duke Isildur
Grand Duke Loriendil
Grand Duke Erufailo

Children (twins)
Prince Telufinwë
Prince Curufinwë
Links to Important events?N/A
BiographyGrand Princess Ilmarë never had any ambition to Ascend to the Phoenix Throne. She is a loving mother who wants nothing but serenity for the Imperial Family, especially among her siblings. She is known as the mediator among family squabbles.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:50 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2017, 12:37:31 PM »
Séretur Veryacas Ehtelë  i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimiel carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundur Tercenë
TitlesGrand Prince
His Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 26 April 1984
29 Tuilë 5628
13 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Mundo
Year of the Rat
Tavar’sila (yang wood)
Positions HeldHonorary Military Tribune
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Dragon Military Academy (2000-2012)
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Venerated Ingaran Kememmótar

Autárimë Empress
Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Princess Vorimë
Grand Prince Ermehtar

Grand Duke Elendil
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Prince Séretur is a quiet man who keeps generally to himself. This was why it came to great surprise at Court by Séretur’s essay in support for the Empress’ New policies and constructive criticisms therein. Since then, he had earned the respect of many who thought him only a lazy prince. His fortunes and favor at Court have risen greatly.

Though, rumor speculates that it was actually his consort, the Grand Duke Elendil, who orchestrated their rise by writing and issuing the essay himself using the Grand Prince’s name.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:17:58 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2017, 12:42:00 PM »
Vorimë Yavorne Elemírë  i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimiel carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundurë Tercenë
TitlesGrand Princess
Her Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs30 November 1992
10 Hrívë 5636
21 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Quingamo
Year of the Monkey
Nén’sila (yang water)
Positions HeldPriestess of Varda i Valië Elentári
Disciple Astrologer
EducationPrivately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Temple of the Ever Star (2004-2016)
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Venerated Ingaran Finwë

Autárimë Empress
Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Prince Ermehtar

Grand Duke Vardamir, Cleric of the Holy Order of the Brightest Star
Links to Important events?N/A
BiographyGrand Princess Vorimë joined the clergy at the age of 12, becoming a novice to the Priestesses of Varda. As a devotee to the Queen of Stars, it is her duty to divine the stars and read the celestial movements.

It is said that Princess Vorimë has a great gift concerning the interpretations of Heaven’s will, though. Rumor has it she has foretold a great calamity to come. A prophecy securely held within the Imperial compound..
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:07 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2017, 12:45:12 PM »
Ermehtar Astaldo i Aina'Hilyalë Tar-Ancalimiel carte Sareär Ancalaina Cundur Tercenë
TitlesGrand Prince
First Prince of the Sword
His Serene Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 15 August 1994
14 Yávië 5636
23 Loa of the 40 Yén
Celestial Month of Rá
Year of the Dog
Tavar’narin (yin  wood)
Positions Held Banner-General of the Dragon Martial Guard
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Dragon Military Academy (2000-2012)
Family Parents
Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
Most Venerated Ingaran Tulcandil

Autárimë Empress
Grand Prince Ránevaryar
Grand Princess Sémarë
Grand Princess Ilmarë
Grand Prince Séretur
Grand Princess Vorimë

Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Grand Prince Ermehtar studied martial arts from a young age, earning high ranks in many forms. He studied military tactics and command at the Dragon Military Academy (the premier officer’s school at the Arcalcassë). He is extremely loyal and vigilant in his duties since his promotion by the Autárimë Empress in 2012.

Of all the Imperial Clan he gets along the best with the Empress. It is said that she cares little for her siblings, save for Prince Ermehtar.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:16 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2017, 12:50:14 PM »
Mahtalië Marindë Elecandë i Aina'Hilyalë Alátariniel carte Sareär Aranellaya Tercenë
TitlesHigh Princess
Principal Court Astrologer
His Revered Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 5 May 1957
38 Tuilë 5601
130 Loa of the 39 Yén
Celestial Month of Mundo
Year of the Rooster
Uru’narin (yin fire)
Positions Held Primary Imperial Astrologer
High Priestess of i Voronwë
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Temple of Heaven & Earth (1969-1981)
Family Parents
Calmarë Alátarinë†
Grand Duke Aulendil†

Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
High Prince Lóteran
High Princess Anvanimë

Grand Duke Tyelkormo
Grand Duke Erucolin

Princess Mahtalië
Princess Mahtarinë
Prince Tyelkormo
Prince Erucolin
Links to Important events? Ascension Ceremony of the Autárimë Empress
Biography High Princess Mahtalië is the sister of the late Tar-Ancalimë Empress, who succeeded their grandmother, the former Tar-Valainameldë Empress.

The High Princess joined the priesthood at the age of twelve and rose high amongst the ranks of the faithful. She later became her sister’s principal astrologer. Her influence at Court is quite high, for she divines the stars and has sealed many a doom from her “interpretations” of the celestial bodies.

She is not to be crossed or angered. Though, she puts on a lovely guise of sympathy and compassion, she will ensure all her enemies fall before her. She almost succeeded in securing her position of Highest Daughter, but was out maneuvered by her elder sister.

Princess Mahtalië finds her own children to be lazy and incompetent. She saw great potential in her niece (now the Empress) and helped her secure the position as heir. She has been well compensated since and retains her influence at Court.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:26 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2017, 12:53:32 PM »
Lóteran Hlócendil Escarós i Aina'Hilyalë Alátarinion carte Sareär Ayáron Tercenë
Titles High Prince
Exalted Tribune
Esteemed Banner-General
His Revered Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 21 May 1961
54 Tuilë 5605
134 Loa of the 39 Yén
Celestial Month of Onóna
Year of the Ox
Sincë’narin (yin metal)
Positions Held Tribune of Chimera Legion, Azure Army (1983-1993)
First Prince of the Sword (1993-2011)
Banner-General of the Dragon Martial Guard (1993-2011)
Provost of the Dragon Military Academy (2011-present)
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Dragon Military Academy (1977-1983)
Family Parents
Calmarë Alátarinë†
Grand Duke Alcarincaros†

Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
High Princess Mahtalië
High Princess Anvanimë

Grand Duchess Aira
Grand Duchess Artuntaurë

Prince Lóteran
Prince Lóteär
Princess Nessanië
Princess Mírë
Links to Important events? Sindari Insurrection of House Caladhar
Biography High Prince Lóteran dedicated himself to Marital training to become the Tar-Ancalimë’s First Prince of the Sword. He proved himself an able military commander during the Insurrection of the Royal House of Caladhar; which saw the end of that royal lineage. He was promoted to Banner-General at the Imperial Garrison upon the campaign's end.

After the Ascension of the Autárimë Empress, High Prince Lóteran worked with Grand Prince Ermehtar for a smooth transition between himself and his nephew on becoming the next Banner-General. He retired from the military and took the position of Provost at the Dragon Military Academy.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:37 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2017, 12:56:28 PM »
Anvanimë Fanyarë Uineniel  i Aina'Hilyalë Alátarinion carte Sareär Aranellaya Tercenë
Titles High Princess
Matron of the Oceans
HerRevered Highness
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 7 November 1966
41 Quellë 5610
139 Loa of the 39 Yén
Celestial Month of Hloirëapimpe
Year of the Horse
Uru’sila (yang fire)
Positions Held President of the Imperial Oceanic Society (Eärina Núvë Valanieva)
Education Privately Tutored at the Arcalcassë Palace
Family Parents
Calmarë Alátarinë†
Grand Duke Alcarincaros†

Tar-Ancalimë Empress†
High Princess Mahtalië
High Prince Lóteran

Grand Duchess Erevandë
Grand Duke Eruyómin

Princess Helyanwë
Prince Ossendil
Links to Important events?N/A
Biography High Princess Anvanimë has a great love for marine biology  and charitable works – founding the Imperial Oceanic Society (Eärina Núvë Valanieva) in 2000. She is genuinely kind and maintains a loving and happy household.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:47 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2017, 01:01:46 PM »
Inglor Aratur Norendil i Arquenari Inglorion carte Anordradil Haryon Arnórë
Titles Consul of State
Supreme Cordon of the Empire
Executor of the Marduuk Party
Duke of Arnórë, Arthendien, & Elenarin
Marquis of Aratorin, Ilyanórinan, and Tumna'lómenór
High Lord of Anordradil
Supreme Chancellor of the Grand Secritariat
Grand Cordon of the Most Glorious Order of the Double Dragon
Grand Cordon of the Most Glorious Order of the Phoenix
His Excellency
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 24 March 1955
52 Coirë 5997
125 Loa of the 39 Yén
Celestial Month of Hanumáma
Year of the Snake
Nén’narin (yin wood)
Positions Held Senior Secretary of the Secretariat (1982-1986)
Senior Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat (1986-1991)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat (1991-1995)
Chancellor of the Secretariat (1995-2007)
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat (2007-2011)
Supreme Chancellor of the Secretariat (2011-present)

Senior Secretary in the Secretariat Bureau of Law (1982-1991)
Deputy Minister of Law & Order (1991-1995)
State Councilor (1995-2011)
Minister of Law & Order (2000-2007)
Proconsul of State (2007-2011)
Consul of State (2011-present)
Education & Imperial Examination Success Passed lerenë’tyastanë as marnólemo (1972)
Passed Pacanë Hantyastanë[1] as Altistyar Lúcëa, with highest honors ingatehto olosië (1982); doctrines of law, politics, history
Imperial Academy (Istanomë Nórië Hínarion) (1972-1982); licentiates of government, policy, history, law
Family Parents
Inglor Anordradil†
Morcatulcë Anordradil†

Envinyanto Anordradil
Fëanore Anordradil
Elendil Anordradil

Aira Anordradil, Duchess of Elenarin

Inglor Anordradil
Veryandil Anordradil
Morcatulcë Anordradil
Eruenvinyanto, the Ingaran
Links to Important events? Married his youngest son to the Autárimë Empress
Instituted the New Policies; ending Arda Tuluva’s isolation and the beginning of social reform
Biography Lord Anordradil is an intelligent, calculating man. His every action is a move in his grand design. He is quiet and speaks rarely, but when he does his words of final. He loves Arda Tuluva and is unquestionably loyal to the Empress, even if his moves seem contrary to his fealty.
 1. Because Lord Anordradil's scored as a marnólemo (among the highest overall score) in the lerenë’tyastanë he was able to sit directly into the  Pacanë Hantyastanë
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:18:56 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2017, 01:06:55 PM »
Eruvaryar Sardonaris Roquendur i Istari Eruvaryarion carte Mehtarecárinë Nóla Arnórë
Titles Proconsul of State
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat
His Excellency
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 24 March 1955
52 Coirë 5997
125 Loa of the 39 Yén
Celestial Month of Hanumáma
Year of the Snake
Nén’narin (yin wood)
Positions Held Senior Secretary of the Secretariat (2003-2009)
Senior Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat (2006-2009)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat (2009-2012)
Chancellor of the Secretariat (2012-2015)
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat (2015-present)

Deputy at the sexennial Party Congress (2003)
Senior Secretary in the Secretariat Bureau for the Drafting of Legislation & Policy (2003-2009)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat Bureau of the Interior (2009-2012)
State Councilor (2012-2015)
Proconsul of State (2015-present)
Education & Imperial Examination Success Passed the annual Prefectural Exam (Malcasta’tyastanë) as  a nólemo  (1994)
Passed the annual College Exam (Lerenë’tyastanë) as a marnólemo with the highest of honors minyar paluhto (1997)
Passed the triennial Provincial Exam (Túrin Hantyastanë) as sanaro (2003): doctrines of policy, economics, foreign affairs
Passed the triennial National Exam Yomenië Hantyastanë as imma’istyar with the highest of honors ingayómtyaso (2006); doctrines of policy, politics, foreign affairs
Passed the triennial Court Exam (Pacanë Hantyastanë) as an altistyar lúcëa with highest honors mapalótëo (2009); doctrines of policy, economics
Passed the special Imperial Decree Examination (Axan Tararano Hantyastanë); scored first in the nation (2012)
Annuminas School of Government (1994-1997); licentiates in policy, politics, history
Imperial Academy (Istanomë Nórië Hínarion) (1997-2003); licentiates in policy, economics, history
Family Parents
Eruvaryar Mehtarecárinë†
Úrinen Mehtarecárinë†

Aranince, Virtuous Consort


Links to Important events?N/A
Biography Proconsul Mehtarecárinë is an extremely hard working and intelligent man. He labored tirelessly to achieve his position. Mehtarecárinë is a kind man who is hard to offend, yet when slighted it takes him a long time to forgive.

He is very good friends with the Consul, Lord Anordradil, and understands him well. Many other Courtiers and civil servants try to woe Mehtarecárinë in hopes of him giving them praises before Lord Anordradil.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:19:07 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2017, 01:11:20 PM »
Cormarë Írimë Nurwë i Istari Aicanáriel carte Vercatauronámë Nóla Laurelindórenan
Titles First Minister of Arda Tuluva
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 20 March 1961
48 Coirë 5605
133 Loa of the 39th Yén
Celestial Month of Lingwi
Year of the Tiger
Sincë’narin (yin metal)
Positions Held Secretary Second Grade of the Secretariat (1985-1988)
Deputy Third Grade of the Secretariat (1988-1991)
Secretary Third Grade of the Secretariat (1991-1994)
Senior Secretary of the Secretariat (1994-2000)
Senior Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat (2000-2003)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat (2003-2009)
Chancellor of the Secretariat (2009-2011)
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat (2011-present)

Secretary Second Grade in the Laurelindórenan Department of Public Works (1985-1988)
Deputy within the Ministry of the Interior (1988-1994)
Delegate of the Vahtelari Congressional Union (1991-present)
Delegate of the Sexennial Party Congress (1991, 1997, 2003, 2009, 2015)
Secretary Third Grade in the Secretariat Bureau for the Management of Public Programs (1991-1994)
Senior Secretary in the Secretariat Bureau for the Management of Public Programs (1994-2000)
Deputy Minister of the Interior (2000-2003)
Minister of the Interior (2003-2011)
State Councilor (2009-present)
First Minister (2011-present)
Education & Imperial Examination Success Laurelin Elementary School (1964-1967)
Eärendil Eleni Ancalima Primary School (1967-1975)
Haiyan Axantur Secondary School (1975-1977)
Lórien Imperial College (1977-1981); licentiates in political doctrine, administration, and diplomacy
Imperial Academy (Istanomë Nórië Hínarion) (1981-1985); licentiates in policy, diplomacy, and history

Passed the annual County Exam as  a nólemo (1978)
Passed the triennial Provincial Exam as sanaro (1985)
Passed the annual College Exam as a marnólemo (1981)
Passed the triennial Provincial Exam as sanaro (1985): doctrines of policy, administration, diplomacy
Passed the triennial National Exam as imma’istyar (1988); doctrines of policy, politics, foreign affairs
Passed the triennial Court Exam as an altistyar lúcëa (1994); doctrines of administration, policy, foreign affairs
Family Parents
Aicanáro Vercatauronámë †
Erendis Vercatauronámë

Aicanáro Vercatauronámë (II)
Erendë Vercatauronámë
Vanamarë Vercatauronámë

Vardamir Vercatauronámë

Vardamir Vercatauronámë (II)
Erendis Vercatauronámë (II)
Links to Important events? As First Minister she has helped Arda Tuluva in forging ahead in foreign affairs.
Biography First Minister Vercatauronámë is a shrewd and calculating woman with a calm demeanor. She has worked hard to achieve her success. Though she is part of the Yalwanúvë Thought (traditionalists) she is a proponent to the New Policies.

She has been apart of the Vahtelari Congressional Union (who represent the interests of the Vahtelari Caste) in the past five sessions of the Sexennial Party Congress.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:19:16 PM by Arda Tuluva »

Offline Arda Tuluva

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Re: Valdëa Lië o Arda Tuluva
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2017, 01:14:44 PM »
Almarë Máranóne Íverin i Istari Haryosiel carte Celvandarenilmë Nóla Nísimaldar[
Titles Proconsul of the Presidium
Grand Chancellor of the Secretariat
Year of Birth & Zodiacs 12 November 1959
46 Quellë 5603
131 Loa of the 39th Yén
Celestial Month of Hloirëapimpe
Year of the Pig
Kemen’narin (yin earth)
Positions Held Deputy Second Grade (1980-1982)
Secretary Second Grade (1983-1985)
Deputy Third Grade of the Secretariat (1985-1988)
Secretary Third Grade (1988-1990)
Senior Deputy of the Secretariat (1990-1996)
Senior Secretary of the Secretariat (1993-1996)
Senior Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat (1996-2000)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat (2000-2005)
Chancellor of the Secretariat (2005-present)

Deputy Second Grade in the Nísimaldar Prefectural Secretariat Bureau for  Administrative Oversight (1980-1982)
Secretary Second Grade in the Nísimaldar Prefectural Secretariat Bureau for  Administrative Oversight (1983-1985)
Deputy Undersecretary of the Secretariat in the Nísimaldar Prefectural Secretariat Bureau for  Administrative Oversight (1985-1988)
Secretary-General of the Nísimaldar Prefectural Secretariat Bureau for  Administrative Oversight (1988-1990)
Delegate of the Secretariat High Assembly (1990-2000)
First Chair of the Secretariat High Assembly (1993-1996)
Speaker of the Secretariat High Assembly (1996-2000)
Grand Secretary of the Secretariat Bureau for the Drafting of Legislation & Policy (2000-2005)
State Councilor (2005-present)
Proconsul of the Presidium (2009-present)
Education & Imperial Examination Success Vása Eltarindarinë Elmentary (1962-1965)
Nísmar Primary School (9565-1972)
Eldalondë Lyceum (1972-1976)
Nísimaldar Imperial College of Government (1976-1980); licentiates in policy, history, and politics

Passed the annual County Exam as a nólemo (1976)
Passed the annual College Exam as a laryanólemo (1979)
Passed the triennial Provincial Exams as sanaro; doctrines in policy, legislation (modern and historical), ideology (1982)
Passed the triennial National Exams as imma’istyar; doctrines in policy and legislative implementations (1985)
Passed the triennial Court Exams as penasta altistyar ; doctrines in legislation, law, and taxation (1988) 
Family Parents
Haryos Anarmëarincanë
Airanë Anarmëarincanë†

Haryos Anarmëarincanë (II)
Vardamarë Anarmëarincanë
Estel Anarmëarincanë

Erundur Celvandarenilmë

Erundur Celvandarenilmë (II)
Ruanë Celvandarenilmë
Ruinë Celvandarenilmë
Links to Important events? Help with the New Policies.
Biography Chancellor Celvandarenilmë is a most capable legislator personally written many of Arda Tuluva’s more progressive laws.[/.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:19:25 PM by Arda Tuluva »