Author Topic: EAST MORELAND MILITARY FACTBOOK  (Read 27653 times)

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Offline DaveIronside

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« on: August 28, 2017, 09:36:52 AM »


The Armed Forces of East Moreland can trace its history back to the Battle of Greenflowers when after the battle King Robert The Unifier formed his bodyguard calling them Red Legion. The name came from the fact that many of the civilians who had come to defend him had been wearing white farmers shirts which due to the bloodshed turned Red by the end. Today Red Legion is the name given to the nations elite special forces unit, one of the most respected in Mundus.

The East Moreland military is formed of three branches.

Royal East Moreland Naval Service 
Royal East Moreland Air Force
MarchFarmers BoysNaval MarchBombers March
HeadquartersOstlake North BarracksPortworthOstlake East Aerodrome
Commanding OfficerGeneral Maurice GeeAdmiral James ThompsonAir Commodore Edward Briggs
Active Members
Approx 250,000
(Approx 45,000)
Does not include Red Legion
Approx 42,000
(Approx 21,000)
Approx 52,000
(Approx 19,000)
Strike Sure
Do Right, Fear No One
Through adversity to the stars
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 07:42:27 PM by DaveIronside »

Offline DaveIronside

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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2017, 09:44:17 AM »


Every Morelander has to complete two years of national service, regardless of physical ability. This is undertaken at the age of 18 or following completion of an Undergraduate Degree, men and women complete the same length of service. Uniquely however not all complete military national service for the duration of their national service, for example a Morelander who is blind is still expected to do national service but will skip the military phase. Anyone deemed unfit for all national service branches is given an exemption certificate but this is generally rare.

StageDurationWhat it involves
1. Initial Military Training15 weeks
  • Skill at Arms
  • Fieldcraft
  • First Aid
  • CBRN (chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear defence training)
  • Physical training
  • Adventure training
  • Military Education
  • Sport and Fitness[c]2. Test Week[c]1 week[c]Recruits undergo a range of mental and physical tests. At the end of this week people are streamed into one of five areas of service.

1. Military (Branch determined)
2. Cultural (protecting national heritage)
3. Religious (caring for religious sites)
4. Health (Helping in hospitals)
5. Environomental (Woodland management)
3. Trade Training15 weeksPreparing the individual for their future in the service. For military this involves a 15 week course specific to their branch, for the Army this involves specific training for their unit.

For those entering other types of service they receive specific training much of which involves work shadowing.
4. Probation3 weeksIndividuals work within their assigned position under a mentor in a full time capacity. Should they be deemed in need of further training they return to Trade Training. This generally only happens in the military branch of service.
5. Independent Service60 weeks[The indiviudal serves full time in their allocated role. This can see people sent into combat, however generally individuals doing military service are more often than not put into non-front line units with infantry being mainly volunteers.
6. Preparation Training5 weeksIndividuals, wherever possible, work part time while accessing training designed to help find a job when they leave the National Service. This can include vocational training, further study or work experience.
7. Debriefing5 weeksIndividuals return to their home towns where they take on a leadership or mentoring role in their field. Also during this stage a person may be released from service if they have a full time job to go to.

The final week sees the individuals presented with a formal written report of their service which is often used by employers. The final week also sees a parade held where they formally end service. [/list]
    « Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 09:47:01 AM by DaveIronside »

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #2 on: August 28, 2017, 10:01:26 AM »


    Regulars:- Approx 42,000
    Reservists:- Approx 21,000

    The Royal East Moreland Naval Service was founded in 1507 after Queen Rhiannon the Fierce brought the various nobles private fleets under a central command. At the time this was known as the Naval Army however in 1670 this was renamed The Royal Naval Service. Following the reformation of parts of the military in 1907 the Army lost its own boats and the Royal East Moreland Naval Service was given its royal standard.

    The Navy is considered the "Poor relation" in East Moreland military circles and has for around 30 years complained of being denied funding for large scale projects that it much needs. This has been changing in recent years however the Navy is still, according to its commanders, "Punching Above its Weight" and in need of increasing in size as East Moreland begins to have a more global outlook.

    ClassShips in Service         Armament
    Moreland Class Carrier1. Portworth (Retired October 2020)
    2. Ostlake
    16–24 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow  missiles
    4 × Phalanx CIWSs

    5 x SeaDragon
    50x Dragonskin Fighters
    10x Sea Dragon Strike Fighters
    2x Dragoneye
    3x C-2 Greyhounds
    10x Sea Lifter
    Flagship Class Amphibious Assault Class1. King Robert
    2. Northfort
    4 × 30mm DS30M Mk2 guns
    3 × Phalanx CIWS
    4 × Miniguns
    8 × General purpose machine guns

    10x EMAC Lifter
    6x EMAC Twin Lifter
    2x Sea Cobra
    Royal Class Destroyer1. Keepton
    2. Silverhills
    3. Rhiannon The Fierce
    4. Paul the Explorer
    5. Roberton
    Anti-air missiles:
    Sea Viper air defence system, with a 48-cell Sylver A50 VLS, for mix of up to 48:
    Aster 15 missiles (range 1.7–30 km)
    Aster 30 missiles (range 3–120 km)
    Anti-ship missiles:
    2 × quad Harpoon launchers[N 2]
    1 × BAE 4.5 inch Mk 8 naval gun
    2 × Oerlikon 30 mm guns
    2 × Phalanx CIWS
    2 × Miniguns
    6 × General purpose machine guns

    1x EMAC Lifter
    Duke Class Frigate1. Rockhampton
    2. Christian The Dark
    3. David The Poet
    4. Illumic
    5. Philip The Wild
    Anti-air missiles:
    1 × 32-cell Sea Wolf GWS.26 VLS canisters for 32:
    Sea Wolf missiles (range 1-10 km)
    Anti-ship missiles:
    2 × quad Harpoon launchers
    Anti-submarine torpedoes:
    2 × Twin 12.75 in (324 mm) Sting Ray torpedo tubes
    1 × BAE 4.5 inch Mk 8 naval gun
    2 × 30mm DS30M Mk2 guns, or, 2× 30mm DS30B guns
    2 × Miniguns
    4 × General purpose machine guns

    1x EMAC Lifter
    Fast Frigate Class
    1. Timothy Carpenter
    2. Melissa Graham
    3. Charles Townshend
    2 MK-41 Vertical Launch Systems, 8 cells for each system;
    1 Close-In-Weapon System,
    1 Enhanced HARPOON Launching System with launchers;
    2 MK-32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes;
    Cyborg Class Drone Carrier1. Dalek
    2. Cylon
    3. Borg (sold to Lodja Jan 2020)
    20-cell vertical launching system
    1 × 155 mm gun
    1–4 × CIWS

    Up to 30 Air Drones carried
    Up to five naval drones carried

    2x EMAC Lifter
    Ekra-Class Flying Ship1. The EkrabadgerSix fixed-elevation P-270 Moskit antiship missile launchers
    4 × 23 mm PI-23 turrets (2 x 2, 2,400 rounds)
    Sealion Class Minewarfare Ship1. Stoneton
    2. Morton
    3. Simon Cullen
    4. Caspian
    5. William I
    1 × Bofors 57 mm/70 Mk1
    8-cell Denel Umkhonto-IR VLS SAM system
    2 × 12.7 mm machine gun
    2 × H&K GMG grenade machinegun
    2 × RBU-1200 depth charge rocket launcher
    2 × rails for depth charges
    4 × rails for 100-150 mines
    River Class Partol Boat19 in service, each given a number1 × Oerlikon 20 mm cannon
    3 × General purpose machine guns
    Marine Class Missile Sub1. William II
    2. David I
    3. Sven
    8 x VLS equipped silos for either:
    32 (8 x 4) Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles
    40 (8 x 5) Kalibr anti-ship, anti-submarine and land attack submarine launched cruise missiles
    Kh-101 cruise missiles
    10 × torpedo tubes (533 mm)
    Spearfish heavyweight torpedoes
    Noble Class Destroyer1. Suvewal
    1 × H/PJ-38 130 mm dual-purpose naval gun
    1 × H/PJ-14 CIWS (forward)
    1 × HQ-10 short-range SAM in 24-cell launcher (aft)
    112 VLS
    HHQ-9B Surface-to-air missiles with terminal ABM capability
    HQ-26 Anti-ballistic missiles
    YJ-18 Land attack cruise missiles
    CJ-10 Long-range land-attack cruise missiles
    YJ-18A Anti-ship cruise missiles
    YJ-100 Long-range anti-ship cruise missiles
    CY-5 Anti-submarine missiles
    DK-10A Quad packed surface-to-air missiles

    1x Sea Cobra
    1 x Sea Lifter
    Chamwick Class Aircraft Carrier1.Chamwick 3 × Phalanx CIWS designed to defend against missile attack
    4x 30-mm DS30M Mk2 guns designed for defence against small vessels.
    Miniguns mounted on rails.

    Air Wing:-

    Typical Deployment

    30 x Dragonskin Multi-Role Aircraft
    2 x C-2 Greyhound Transport Aircraft
    3 x DragonEye AEWACS aircraft
    10 x Sea Dragon Strike Aircraft
    10 x Sea Lifter Helicopters

    Combat Deployment

    30 x Dragonskin Multi-Role Aircraft
    4 x C-2 Greyhound Transport Aircraft
    4 x DragonEye AEWACS aircraft
    12 x Sea Dragon Strike Aircraft
    10 x Sea Lifter Helicopters
    12 x Dragonbreath Multi-Role Aircraft
    3 x AutoDragon Modified UAV.
    « Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 07:44:23 PM by DaveIronside »

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #3 on: August 28, 2017, 10:41:34 AM »


    The REMAF was founded in 1922 and was originally the Royal East Moreland Aviation Regiment and part of the Army. In 1937 the Navy began operating their own aviation forces as part of the Naval Aviation Force, however this was short lived and in 1942 it was determined that a specialist command would be needed and the Air Force was formed. The Air Force's origins in the Army is still easy to spot as officers carry cavalry sabres as standard issue dress uniform.

    Today the Air Force is seen as the most technologically advanced of the three services, thanks mainly to being in partnership with EMAC.

    The Air Force is arranged into squadrons of 24 aircraft in most cases.

    E-3 AlbatrosAEWACS1 of 10 aircraft
    F-3 DragonheartMulti Role Fighter8
    F-2 DragonskinMulti Role Fighter7
    F-5 DragonbreathMulti Role Fighter2
    GR-10 DragonbaneGround Attack2
    Dragonbane IIGround Attack2
    EMAC AutoDragonUAV20 aircraft
    E-3 SpotterElectronic Warfare1 squadron with 14 aircraft
    E-17 StalkerSignals Warfare1 squadron with 10 aircraft
    KC-8 HeronTanker/Transport2
    T-17 BabyDragonJet Trainer/ Light Fighter2
    T-18 DragonlingJet Trainer / Light Attack2
    T-1 Dragon PropBasic Trainer / Ground Attack3
    C-137 PuffinTransport2
    C-6 SwallowTransport2
    C-18 MunduslifterTransport2
    GR-130 FireformGround Attack1
    Lifter HelicopterUtility Helicopter2
    Twin LifterTransport Helicopter2
    Super LifterUtility Helicopter3
    P-7 ThibanMaritime Patrol1 squadron with 10 aircraft
    Jekars ChariotStrategic Bomber1 squadron with 10 aircraft
    EMAC Adapted Royal FlightRoyal Flight/VIP Transport1 squadron with 8 aircraft

    A breakdown of each squadron can be found Here
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2022, 08:17:42 PM by DaveIronside »

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #4 on: September 06, 2017, 07:42:38 PM »


    The East Moreland Army can trace its roots back to the 9th Century when a permanent force was established to fight the Borlanders and paid for by levying a special tax on the population. The first recorded Regiment in the East Moreland military was the 1st King's Foot, which was founded in 1008 and today the name is carried by an Infantry unit in Royal Legion.

    The East Moreland Army is based around the concept of Legions the Army has 200,000 full time servicemen and woman. In addition to this they usually have around 30,000 on national service in various stages of training and readiness. The nation also has around 35,000 reservists meaning at any time it could if needed field 270,000 troops, however this is not a situation that has ever happened.

    The Army contains five legions built around infantry and armour units. Each Legion can operate as an almost self contained unit but is trained to be able to slot into any other Legion should it be required. The five Legions are;

    1. Royal Legion
    2. Dukes Legion
    3. People's Legion
    4. Hunter's Region
    5. Pegasus Legion

    WeaponRoleIssued to
    EMRC AR-1Assault RifleFront Line Combat Units
    EMRC R-8Assault RifleNon Front Line Units
    Ballista PPWHandgunFront Line Combat Units
    Green SG-8HandgunNon-Front Line Combat Units
    EMRC SMG-7Sub Machine GunMission Profile
    Vehicle Crews
    EMRC GPMG-1Support WeaponFront Line Combat Units
    Ballista GPMG-92Support WeaponNon Front Line Combat Units
    Shotter Blast 2000ShotgunMission Profile
    Punisher Grenade LauncherAutomatic Grenade LauncherSquad Issue
    EMRC Longshot 1Sniper RifleDesignated Snipers
    Ballista LRW-22Marksman RifleDesignated Marksman
    EMRC ATW-70Anti tank WeaponSquad Issue
    EMRC SpearMANPADSSquad Issue

    Combat Vehicles

    VehicleNo.In ServiceRole/Details
    Jones MBT-1410Main Battle Tank (1998-present)
    Kanger MBT-2350Main Battle Tank (Produced 1979-1998, now modified by SmartWar
    Henley IFV-1400Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
    A tracked IFV capable of carrying 7 troops.
    Armed a 40mm cannon and 7.62mm Machine Gun
    Henley APC1850Tracked Armoured Personal Carrier.
    Capable of carrying 10 troops
    Armed with a .50cal machine gun.
    Henley APC-2 Aqua350Tracked Amphibious Armoured Personel Carrier.
    Capable of carrying 20 troops.
     Armed with a 40mm grenade launcher and .50cal machine gun
    AMTEL LBT-3700Light Battle Tank / Recon Tank
    Armed with a 30mm cannon and 7.62mm machine gun.
    Henley HCV-1320Infantry Mobility Vehicle
    Armed with the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS) System.
    Capable of carrying 10 Legionnaires.
    Henley HCV-2320Infantry Mobility Vehicle.
    Armed with RWS
    Capabale of carrying 6 Legionnaires.
    Jones Equipment HCV-3400Infantry Mobility Vehicle (Tracked)
    Armed with Heavy Machine Gun roof mounted.
    Capable of carrying 12 Legionnaires.
    Henley LCV-1600Armoured Vehicle.
    Designed for rapid troop movements and recon patrols.
    Armed with two .50 cal machine guns
    AMTEK LCV-2500Armoured Vehicle.
    Designed for troop protection during patrols.
    Unarmed but with mounts for GPMG & LAW
    LandRover Snatch1000Armoured Vehicle
    Designed for troop movements.
    Jones Equipment LCV-3500Armoured Vehicle.
     Armed with the RWS and capable of carrying 10 Legionnaires
    Jekar's Cloak30Guided missile carrier, disguised as a tank
    Armed with 12 Spike-NLOS missiles, Two FN MAG machine guns
    Not announced as existing until 2016
    In service since 1983
    SmartWar RoboGuard25Semi Autonomous Patrol Vehicle
    Armed with remote operated machine gun
    In Service since 2016
    SmartWar LSV-1180Light Strike Vehicle
    Armed with either 1× CIS 40 Automatic grenade launcher or Spike Anti-tank missiles, in addition to 2× FN MAG
    In Service since 2015
    EMRC SPH-6200Self Propelled Howitzer
    155mm howitzer
    In Service since 2001
    Jones Equipment SPH-9200Air Portable Self Propelled Howitzer
    155mm Howitzer
    In Service since 2010
    EMRC MRLS-1150Multi Launch Rocket System
    Can fire 12 rounds in < 40 sec
    In Service since 1980
    Jones Equipment Tracked Spear75Tracked SAM system
    EMRC FG-8280Towed Howitzer
    105 mm towed howitzer
    SmartWar/Henley Chameleon Tank180Light Tank
    105mm or 120mm main gun in a remote unmanned turret.
    7.62mm machine gun, smoke canister firer & CWIS system.
    In Service since 2016
    EMAC AH-8 Racoon20Attack Helicopter
    Guns: M230 Chain Gun, 1200 rounds
    Missiles: Hellfire (and Stinger, Starstreak, Sidewinder/Sidearm[citation needed], Brimstone[121] proposed)
    Rockets: CRV7 with Flechette (Tungsten dart) or High-Explosive Incendiary Semi-Armour Piercing (HEISAP) warheads. Until 2008 also MPSM with nine M-73 bomblets.

    In Service since 1998
    EMAC Lifter H-320Transport Helicopter
    Can carry 30 seated troops or 45 standing fully equipped combat troops, or 3,050 kg (6,724 lb) of internal payload, 5,520 kg (12,169 lb) of external payload, or 16 stretchers

    In Service since 1999
    Chinook20Transport Helicopter

    33–55 troops or
    24 litters and 3 attendants or
    24,000 lb (10,886 kg) cargo
    In Service since 1962
    EMAC/EMRC Jekars Shield10Air Defence System
    The system is designed to counter short-range rockets and 155 mm artillery shells with a range of up to 70 kilometers.

    In Service since 2014
    Jekars Spear10Air Defence System

    Designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles, medium- to long-range rockets and cruise missiles, fired at ranges from 40 km (24.85 miles) to 300 km (186.41 m
    Jekars Sling]6Designed to intercept threats between 90 km (56 mi) – 150 km (93 mi)

    5000 x Weaponised Intelligence and Navigation Gadget (WING) Infantry Drone
    « Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 11:13:20 PM by DaveIronside »

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 10:56:47 PM »


    Commanded by Brigadier Kelly

    This is the East Moreland military elite. This is made up of around 800 Legionnaires. To become a Red Legionnaire you must first serve at least 5 years in the military and then pass an intensive 31 week training and selection period. After that any member of the Legion can veto your entry by placing your name on the base doors. Once enlisted in the Legion you are on probation for 12 months.


    Stage 1 - Application

    A potential Red Legionnaire must have served a minimum of five years in any branch of the military. To apply they must receive a nomination from two officers and then pass an interview with a Red Legion NCO. After the initial NCO interview the canidadate undergoes various aptitude tests and psychological profiling.

    Stage 2 - Red Legion Orientation (1week)

    Candidates are required to make their way to Red Legion HQ where the course takes place. Candidates undertake a map and compass test, a swimming test, a first aid test and a combat fitness test. Each day features a "Sergeants Adventure" which is some form of adapted run, such as combat run from an unknown location back to HQ. Each day sees distances, weights carried and difficulty of terrain increase.

    Stage 3 - Fitness and Navigation (4 weeks)

    This section starts with basic fitness tests, a 2.4km run to be completed in under 9mins30 seconds, followed immediatly by 45 press ups and 55 sit ups to be completed in two minutes each.

    Each week follows a "Trial" at the end. These are tests designed to see a candidates progress and time limits vary dependent on local conditions.

    Week 1 - 15km run complete with kit
    Week 2 - The Figure of 8. A 24km march to be completed while reading a map and carrying 18kg rucksack, 5kg rifle and each Legionnaire must be in possession of a litre of water when they finish.

    Week 3 -Endurance - Using a hand sketched map the Legionnaire must cover 35km carrying 18kg of kit, 5kg rifle and radio. They must navigate from RV to RV meeting an instructor at each stage.

    Week 4 - The Long Drag - A 65km navigated route march to be completed in around 20 hours. Candidates must use map and compass to navigate between memorised Grid References where a NCO is waiting. The Legionnaires rucksack must weigh 25kg upon completion and a standard issue rifle must be carried.

    Stage 4 - Initial Continuation Training (14 weeks)

    This consists of detailed and realistic training in weapon handling, vehicle handling, demolitions and small unit patrol tactics. The candidates are assessed each day and any failing to make progress return to their unit immediately.

    Stage 5 - Alpine Training (6 weeks)

    Alpine training is usually carried out in the icey Northern Alps with candidates allocated to a four man patrol, each patrol supervised by a serving Red Legion NCO. Cold and rain are persistent, potentially demoralising the candidate, and skin contusions, frost bit, hyperthermia and blisters must be cared for due to the risk of infection. Training includes winter survival, patrol techniques, navigation, ski handling, camp and observation post techniques, contact drills and medicine.
    The final test encompasses these skills, where all things that have been learned must be applied correctly in a tactical environment. Any candidate thought not to be making progress is returned to their unit.

    Stage 6 - S.E.R.E Skills(survive, escape, resist, exfil) (5 weeks)

    Using skills learned so far the potential Legionnaire receives detailed training in Survival skills, Escape and evasion, resistance to capture and exfiltration. Any candidate thought not to be making progress is returned to their unit.

    Week four see's Legionnaires given ill fitting 1960's equipment and a hand drawn map. They are to evade capture while travelling between checkpoints with a Hunter force chasing them. Once caught or upon reaching the final checkpoint they are "captured", often realistically, and taken to the Army's interegation centre. There they undertake a week of interegation where giving anything other than "Name, Rank, Number, Date of Birth and "Sorry I can't answer that question" " results in a fail. Candidates are exposed to sleep deprivation, extreme heat and cold, starvation, dehydration and other forms of mental torture.

    Stage 7 - War Games (1week)

    Potential Legionnaires are attached to a patrol preparing for deployment to a live theatre. Here the recruit experiences day to day life as a Red Legionnaire and is expected to be able to integrate within a patrol. The exact nature of this stage depends very much on the operational deployment of the patrol. The NCO of the patrol may return the candidate to their unit at any time.

    Final Parade

    During the final parade candidates who have passed so far are placed on parade with the whole of the Legion that is not deployed. During the parade they are presented with their Red and Black Beret unless a serving member of the Legion veto's their entrance to the Legion.

    Probation (12months)

    During this time the Legionnaire serves as a member of Red Legion, upon completion of the Probation period the patrol they have served on vote as to whether to give them their full red beret. A majority decision is taken, if they vote to not present the full red beret the Legionnaire is returned to their original unit.

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #6 on: March 30, 2019, 07:48:22 PM »

    MottoFirst in all things
    Aircraft Operated:-GR-10 Dragonbane

    Motto Guardians
    Aircraft Operated:-E-3 Albatros

    MottoThe third shall be the first
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoTo see into the future
    Aircraft Operated:-E-3 Spotter

    MottoThe Flying Tin Openers
    Aircraft Operated:-Dragonbane II

    MottoBy day and by night
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoEverywhere unbounded
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoWe fly through the night
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoTo hit the mark
    Aircraft Operated:-Jekars Chariot

    MottoSwifter and keener than eagles
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoLeads The Field
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoWe Assist By Watching
    Aircraft Operated:-E-17 Stalker

    MottoHidden Things Are Revealed
    Aircraft Operated:-EMAC AutoDragon

    MottoStrive to excel
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoWith courage and faith
    Aircraft Operated:-F-3 Dragonheart

    MottoPrepared For All Things
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoStriking I Defend
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoWhatsoever you may do, do
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoEnergetic and keen
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoFirst into morning skies
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoRally Round Comrades
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoBefore The Dawn
    Aircraft Operated:-F-2 Dragonskin

    MottoBy Day and Night
    Aircraft Operated:-C-18 Munduslifter

    MottoSeek and Destroy
    Aircraft Operated:-GR-130 Fireform

    MottoBravery Into Action
    Aircraft Operated:-F-5 Dragonbreath

    MottoGlory Is The End
    Aircraft Operated:-F-5 Dragonbreath

    MottoThrough Difficulty I Raise
    Aircraft Operated:-T-1 Dragon Prop

    MottoThe name of the land is an omen of our strength
    Aircraft Operated:-P-7 Thiban

    MottoThus We Keep Faith
    Aircraft Operated:-T-1 Dragon Prop

    MottoSwift and Sure
    Aircraft Operated:-T-17 BabyDragon

    MottoFirm of Purpose
    Aircraft Operated:-KC-8 Heron

    Aircraft Operated:-KC-8 Heron

    MottoFirst From The Eyries
    Aircraft Operated:-T-17 BabyDragon

    Aircraft Operated:-Dragonbane II

    MottoNobody Unprepared
    Aircraft Operated:-T-18 Dragonling

    MottoThe Scorpions Sting
    Aircraft Operated:-Dragonbane II

    MottoWe Prowl By Night
    Aircraft Operated:-GR-10 Dragonbane

    MottoEach Tenacious
    Aircraft Operated:-T-18 Dragonling

    MottoNever Stir Up A Hornets Nest
    Aircraft Operated:-T-1 Dragon Prop

    MottoMind Over Matter
    Aircraft Operated:-C-137 Puffin

    MottoTouch Me Not
    Aircraft Operated:-C-137 Puffin

    MottoValiant In Battle
    Aircraft Operated:-C-6 Swallow

    MottoStanding By
    Aircraft Operated:-C-6 Swallow

    Aircraft Operated:-C-18 Munduslifter

    MottoStrong To Serve
    Aircraft Operated:-Lifter Helicopter

    MottoLet Us To The Battle
    Aircraft Operated:-Lifter Helicopter

    MottoWhither Not When Not
    Aircraft Operated:-Twin Lifter

    Aircraft Operated:-Twin Lifter

    MottoNothing Impenetrable
    Aircraft Operated:-Super Lifter

    MottoThrough Darkness
    Aircraft Operated:-Super Lifter

    MottoDare To Discover
    Aircraft Operated:-Super Lifter

    MottoWe Watch and Ward
    Aircraft Operated:- Royal Flight

    Offline DaveIronside

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    « Reply #7 on: October 08, 2019, 11:34:10 AM »

    Producer:- East Moreland Aircraft Company

    Role:- Naval Strike Fighter

    Entered Service:- Late 2018 - Royal East Moreland Naval Service

    No. in service 35

    The Sea Dragon was developed to fulfil a need for the Navy for a specialist aircraft capable of penetrating air defences and deliver ordenenance highly accurately. The Sea Dragon was developed with a highly unique angular panel design which deflects RADAR waves giving a much smaller return and thus masking the aircrafts approach or removing it entirely from RADAR. The aircraft has a crew of one and is capable of operating off any catapult assisted aircraft carrier or land bases.


    Crew: 1
    Length: 22.50 m
    Wingspan: 15.21 m
    Height: 3.78 m
    Empty weight: 14,181 kg)[citation needed]
    Max takeoff weight: 25,814 kg)
    Powerplant: 2 × EMAC TF-34 turbofan engines, 12,600 lb thrust each

    Maximum speed: Mach 0.92
    Range:  2,720 km ; unlimited with aerial refueling
    Service ceiling: 14,000 m

    2 × internal weapons bays with one hardpoint each (total of two weapons) equipped to carry a variety of gravity, laser guided and stand off weapons.
    The aircraft was capable of carrying East Moreland's nuclear bombs.

    « Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 03:36:15 PM by DaveIronside »

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    « Reply #8 on: October 22, 2019, 08:47:26 PM »

    Chameleon Tank



    Lightweight (minus thermal armour - 28,000kg)
    Everyday (32,000kg)
    Super Armoured (with thermal and digital armour 38,000kg)

    Length 7m
    Width 3.7m
    Height 2.8m
    Crew 3

    Engine Combination Electric and diesel engine
    Operational Range 650km
    Top Speed  70 km/h on paved roads
                              50 km/h cross country


    105mm or 120mm main gun in a remote unmanned turret. It can fire both convential and guided munitions at a rate of 6 a minute.

    The vehicle can carry 45 rounds, 16 stored in slots ready to be fired with the rest stored ready to be reloaded.

    The tank also boasts a 7.62mm machine gun, smoke canister firer or CWIS system.

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    « Reply #9 on: May 08, 2020, 01:54:41 PM »


    The LPVLS is a stand alone system of a 9 cell missile launch system that can be transported on the back of many military transport vehicles. It was developed jointly by nations with the CNN.

    It can be operated remotely from pre-positioned locations. It fires specially made missiles that can be guided be either GPS or Inertial guidance system and has a range of around 60km. If equipped with a ground operator it can also utilise laser guidance. Each missile is 1800 mm long, has a 150 mm diameter and a weight of 63 kg. The missile system can receive the location of enemy positions from unmanned air systems in the battlespace; and according to the received data, the LPVLS would launch a number of missiles. It can also be programmed by ground teams and used as a means of close air support.

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    « Reply #10 on: May 08, 2020, 02:00:10 PM »


    Crew: 4
    Capacity: 170 personnel / 28,000 kg (61,729 lb)
    Length: 58.1 m (190 ft 7 in)
    Wingspan: 31.5 m (103 ft 4 in)
    Height: 16.3 m (53 ft 6 in)
    Wing area: 304 m2 (3,270 sq ft)
    Max takeoff weight: 140,000 kg (308,647 lb)
    Powerplant: 1 ×  turboprop engine, 11,033 kW (14,795 shp) mounted at the fin / tailplane junction
    Powerplant: 2 ×  turbofan engines, 103 kN (23,000 lbf) thrust each in the nose
    Propellers: 8-bladed contra-rotating constant-speed propeller


    Maximum speed: 450 km/h
    Range: 2,500 km
    Service ceiling: 3,000 m (9,800 ft)

    Guns: 2 x 12.7 mm machine guns in twin dorsal turrets

    The front end of the Ekrabadger II is hinged behind the radome and the whole assembly can open sideways to speed disembarkation of the infantry it carried, or of armoured personnel carrier. The Ekrabadger II has a built in folding ramp that allows it to load and unload vehicles with no external support. It can also carry extra fuel internally in barrels or bladders which the crew can use to refuel at sea thus extending the range significantly.

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    « Reply #11 on: May 08, 2020, 02:21:58 PM »

    October 22nd 2019 - Decision to replace the Armies Snatch Land-Rover approved. As of yet no replacement selected.

    February 9th, 2020 - Replacement Aircraft Carrier for the REMNS Portworth begins. The new vessel will also be called the REMNS Portworth. Fate of the retiring ship not yet determined. OOC - Due to enter service no earlier than 9th October 2020.

    11th July 2020 - Henley Bison to enter service in November 2020.

    « Last Edit: July 11, 2020, 09:44:04 PM by DaveIronside »

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    « Reply #12 on: July 11, 2020, 09:43:05 PM »

    Key features

    The 4×4 is based on a chassis known as Rolling Chassis Bison. It uses multi-layer components, which increase the protection of the occupants and the vehicle. The overpressure armoured capsule is directly mounted on the chassis, while the gantry frame arrangement can resist high dynamic effects.

    The ATV measures 5.65m-long, 2.5m-wide and 2.5m-high

    The engine is mounted at the front, crew cab in the centre and a cargo section at the rear. The forward crew cab receives protection from a two-piece windshield. Two doors are fitted on either side of the hull for occupant entry and exit.

    Its cabin offers a maximum internal space of 7.7m³, which can accommodate up to six personnel including crew and troops.

    Noise suppression and anti-vibration materials make up the interior.

    The vehicle also has a large cargo space, which can accommodate combat gear, armaments or equipment weighing up to 1.5t.

    The Zetor Gerlach is fitted with an air conditioning system and a chemical, biological and nuclear (CBN) protection system. The vehicle also integrates data and voice communication systems.

    The Bison is armed with a remote-controlled weapon system (RCWS) mounting a machine gun. The roof can also be installed with different types of manned or remote-controlled machine gun turrets, anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launchers, mortars or grenade launchers.

    The double bottom hull with anti-mine “V” shield ensures superior protection against mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

    The ATV can survive an anti-tank explosion of up to 8kg of TNT under the axle and the cabin.

    It can attain a maximum road speed of 110km / h and a maximum cruising range of 800km.

    It can cross a maximum vertical step of 0.5m and trenches with a maximum width of 1m. It can negotiate terrain grades of up to 70% and side slopes up to 40% when carrying the full load. It can wade a maximum depth of 1.2m without preparation.

    The ATV is also fitted with a central tire inflation system (CTIS) to offer high mobility on different terrains.
    « Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 10:06:03 PM by DaveIronside »

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    « Reply #13 on: October 13, 2020, 09:56:44 PM »

    The Chamwick class aircraft carrier entered service in October 2020 replacing the Moreland Class Carrier REMNS Portworth.

    Displacement:- Approx 65,000 tonnes
    Length:- 300meters
    Beam:- 39 m  (waterline) / 73 m (overall)
    Draught:   11 m

    Propulsion:- 2 × nuclear reactors
    4 × steam turbines
    4 × shafts

    Speed:- 30knts

    Range:- Potentially unlimited but limited by supplies of consumables such as food and water.
    Troops:- 250-900
    Complement:- 679 crew, not including air element; total berths for up to 1,600
    Armament:-  3 × Phalanx CIWS designed to defend against missile attack
    4x 30-mm DS30M Mk2 guns designed for defence against small vessels.
    Miniguns mounted on rails.

    Air Wing:-

    Typical Deployment

    30 x Dragonskin Multi-Role Aircraft
    2 x C-2 Greyhound Transport Aircraft
    3 x DragonEye AEWACS aircraft
    10 x Sea Dragon Strike Aircraft
    10 x Sea Lifter Helicopters

    Combat Deployment

    30 x Dragonskin Multi-Role Aircraft
    4 x C-2 Greyhound Transport Aircraft
    4 x DragonEye AEWACS aircraft
    12 x Sea Dragon Strike Aircraft
    10 x Sea Lifter Helicopters
    12 x Dragonbreath Multi-Role Aircraft
    3 x AutoDragon Modified UAV.

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    « Reply #14 on: April 02, 2021, 12:00:08 AM »


    The BIKINI State is a nationally used alert status used to convey the level of threat to East Moreland and its military personnel. The levels were initially kept secret when introduced as a concept in the 1950's however with so many Morelanders having completed military training as part of the nation's programme of compulsory national service it was determined that they would be made public in the 1970's. The word BIKINI is not an acronym and was infact randomly chosen as part of a security code for radio communication. Today most government instillations display the level prominently as it often influences the manner in which security services deal with the public and thus by making it publically known it is considered more likely the general public will act to support and comply with the military forces that often patrol urban areas.

    There are a number of different levels and it is not always the case that the levels will be utilised in order.

    CodeWhat it means?
    RedEast Moreland is at war. Forces are engaged in combat and it is likely that attacks on East Moreland will take place.HIGHEST LEVEL OF THREAT
    Black AlphaA known specified threat against East Moreland targets either at home or abroad is expected to be acted upon in the near future.
    BlackThere is a threat in place to East Moreland targets either at home or abroad.
    OrangeThere is an increased level of security as it is believed to be a potential threat to the nation or nationals.
    GreenNo suspected threats or dangers.LOWEST LEVEL OF THREAT

    For much of the last two decades the Bikini State has fluctuated between Black Alpha and Black. Despite East Moreland's combat troops seeing action in Marseille, Safraen and Academica these actions did not see Red deployed as they were classed as "Peacekeeping" rather than direct combat operations.

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    « Reply #15 on: August 29, 2023, 09:45:29 PM »


    The Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing (JSFAW) are East Moreland's specialist aviation unit that carry out clandestine operations or are involved in missions conducted by mainly Royal Marine Commandos and Red Legion. In addition the JSFAW are responsible for the operation of the aircraft that are used by the royal family on a day to day basis. While the unit is technically part of the Air Force it has a huge amount of autonomy and its commanding officer spends the majority of their time at Aldfield Barracks with Red Legion. While the vast majority of its members come from the Air Force there are also people recruited from Naval and Army Aviation units.

    There are four Squadrons within the Wing however they are not organised in the traditional manner.

    1. Royal Operations - These are responsible for the maintainence and operation of the fleet of aircraft normally used by the Ironside family.

    2. Rotary Wing Operations - These are responsible for flying helicopters and are mainly tasked with inserting and exfiltrating members of the special forces.

    3. Fixed wing Operations - These are responsible for operations using aircraft ranging from fighters to transport aircraft.

    4. Aviation Commandos - These are individuals in support roles such as Air-Loadmasters, Winchmen and gunners who ensure the aircraft of all kinds can operate safely on operations.

    Entrance to the unit is considered only after someone has served in an Air Force role or attached to an aviation unit in the Navy or Army for five years. Once an individual has five years of service they must have two officers act as a reference for their application. At this point the commanding officer of the Wing narrows things down. Those being considered suitable are invited to Ostlake West where selection training takes place. Selection begins with the individual having to pass the basic military fitness test twice in a day. The test requires an individual to run 2.4km in 11 minutes 11 seconds, reach level 9.1 on the beep test, complete 20 press ups in a minute and then 35 sit ups in two minutes. There is then a break of an hour and then the test repeated. Those passing the test then undertake a two weeks of fitness training culminating in with candidates having to pass Red Legions basic fitness test of 2.4km run to be completed in under 9mins30 seconds, followed immediately by 45 press ups and 55 sit ups to be completed in two minutes each.

    At this point selection splits based on pilots flying either fixed wing or rotary wing or ground skills. Pilots are put through various training exercises utilising aircraft types not commonly used by East Moreland pilots with the idea of assessing their abilities to master learning new aircraft types as missions may require. Meanwhile ground crews undertake an eight week long skill at arms, medical, survival and technical training course as well as undertaking testing on their existing skills.

    At the end of these sections of training the selection process reunites and undertakes a variety of simulated operations alongside Red Legions current cohort under continuation training. At the end of this simulation the Red Legion officers examine the performance of each candidate and on the final day of selection they are driven to Aldcliffe's air field and told of their pass or fail. Those who pass are given their black beret and beret badge and can call themselves official Aviation Commandos. Simply by passing though does not mean they begin working with the unit as sometimes their skills are not required at that moment in time. In the meantime they return to their unit and continue their service but for four days a month they undertake training allocated by the Wing to ensure their readiness is maintained. Only those in Royal Operations are permanently based at Ostlake West for active service. Those returning to their unit are entitled to wear their black beret (Air Force units wear dark blue, Naval Aviation Pale blue, Army Brown) and two cap badges.

    As expected the unit do not share the same inventory of aircraft the regular military maintains although they do have access to them should operations require.

    Aircraft Regularly Used

    EMAC Royal Edition - Ironside One - Despite the name this is an actual call sign not an aircraft itself. The aircraft most commonly seen as Ironside One is a specially designed EMAC Skyline II. It features additional range, has the ability to refuel in the air and has a whole range of classified modifications including systems for advanced communication, threat warning, chaff, flares and other decoy systems. It contains two en-suite bedrooms, a small cinema, full kitchen and a secure briefing room. There are infact two of these aircraft in operation.

    EMAC Royal Flight The Royal Flight was the original Ironside One. It was utilised at the beginning of King David's reign and modified to have many of the defence features on the current Ironside One. It was though only really ideal for visit in the Mhorish and Illumic regions and as King David began more widespread travel became impractical. There are three of these and today utilised by the royal family for flights within East Moreland or by ministers hosting special events.

    Royal Rotar The Royal Rotar is a highly modified helicopter usually used by the army for light duties. This version can only accomodate four passengers but in much greater luxury. There are three of these available to the Ironsides.

    Ironside Skyhouse The Skyhouse has been used once in the squadrons history as of August 2023. It is an airship designed for long duration flights that gives the luxury of a hotel suite.


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    « Reply #16 on: December 15, 2024, 02:36:47 PM »

    SCS Class

    The Small Crew Support Class ships are designed to act as a modular platform to extend the firepower or capabilities of larger vessels such as Frigates or Destroyers. The ships are similar in size to an off-shore patrol ship however its modular design allows it to be rapidly fitted for a variety of missions. The ship is intended to be crewed by as small a contingent as possible with much of the ship being commanded by its parent vessel with whom the SCS is in constant contact and can piggy back its data such as radar, communications and targeting from. The most common configuration is likely to be as a missile platform armed with space for four containers each with a 6 cell Surface-to-air missile. Alternatively cruise missiles can be launched.

    Length: 53.20 m (174.5 ft)
    Beam: 9.80 m (32.2 ft)
    Draught: 3.50 m (11.5 ft)
    Speed: 27 kn (50 km/h; 31 mph)

    Boats & landing craft carried: 1× rigid-hull inflatable boats and 1 x Bluefin UWV
    Complement: 8 sailors

    Fixed armament
    1x remote CWIS
    2x .50 caliber heavy machine guns

    Modular armament
    4x containerized 6-cell missile launcher
    Capability to launch loitering munition
    Containerized ECM/ESM