The Federal Alliance is a loose collection of Kingdoms, Queendoms, Principalities, Duchies and city states. They have formed together through various means since the mid 1600's based very loosely upon a religious identity. Today the Federation allows its members to make their own policy on several factors but all have signed up to laws attempting to bring stability and co-operation between them.
At a Federal Alliance level the government is responsible for the following.1 . Foreign Affairs
The Chief Magistrate is responsible for handling diplomacy, treaties, trade agreements, and defense pacts. These must be approved by the Primarch of the Covenant. Entrance into any foreign treaty must be approved by 3/4 of the Alliances members.
2. National Defense
The Primarch of the Covenant is responsible for oversight of a central military force to address external threats, this also gives them control a Federation wide paramilitary police force called the Custodes Publici.
3. Inter-Regional Disputes
The Chief Magistrate is responsible for arbitration by the central government, especially to mediate violent conflicts or territorial issues between alliance members and also between the various religious cults.
4. Currency and Monetary Policy
The Chief Magistrate is responsible for maintaining a unified currency and financial system to stabilize the economy. This allows them to set a nationwide budget and handle taxation on matters across the whole nation such as income tax, inheritance tax, national insurance and the like.
5. Transportation and Infrastructure
The Chief Magistrate must manage and maintain Federation-wide railroads, highways, ports, and communication networks.
6 . Justice for High Crimes
A supreme judicial system for crimes affecting the entire nation exists. This sees responsibility for crimes that would carry more than five years imprisonment and all treason and terrorism trials. This system utilises judges appointed and overseen by the Primarch of the Covenant.
7.Trade and Economic Policy
The Chief Magistrate has responsibility for regulating trade between regions and external nations. This includes the setting of legislation governing what can be imported/exported and what tariffs if any can exist.
8.Environmental Policy
The Chief Magistrate has responsibility for creating policies that are aimed at preserving natural resources shared across the alliance.
9. Immigration and Border Control
The Primarch of the Covenant may set Federation-wide policies to manage borders and migration this includes establishing a border force responsible for the day to day security of borders.
10. Cult Regulation
The Primarch of the Covenant has oversight to monitor and manage cult activities to prevent catastrophic escalations however this is often ignored by hardliners.
At a Local level the government is responsible for the following.1.Education
Local leaders have systems so that they may establish curricula reflecting cultural and religious values that are important to their area. This can cause problems because the nation has no single educational standard assessment.
2. Healthcare
Local leaders can set policies and funding. For example some regions permit IVF via the local health care system, others meanwhile only allow it via private providers. This means there is a complex system of providers with variations in quality and focus.
3. Law Enforcement
Local policing forces and paramilitaries exist to maintain order. These are overseen by a local structure. These forces are subserviant to the Education
Local curricula reflecting cultural and religious values.
4. Religious Practices
With different cults holding sway in different areas each region has its own seperate leadership that overseas worship regulations and cult-specific events or holidays. This often can be split between different Cults that can lead to violent conflicts.
5. Local Taxation
The local leadership has the right to set and collect taxes specific to local needs. This includes local sales taxes, taxes on businesses based there and property taxes.
6. Social Services
Local leaders may establish welfare systems or community-based support reflecting regional priorities. This can be social security, food support and housing policies.
7. Housing and Urban Development
Local leaders have a responsibility for the management of local infrastructure, zoning laws, and housing projects.
8. Agriculture and Resource Management
Local leaders can establish rules for farming practices, resource allocation, and trade within local jurisdictions.
9.Cultural Preservation
Local leaders have the ability to establish systems promoting regional languages, arts, and traditions.
10. Judicial Systems for Minor Crimes
Local courts handling civil disputes and lesser criminal cases likely to result in less than five years in prison.
IN PRACTICEWhile there are supposed to be clear divisions between local and national responsibilities the often chaotic nature of the country means these lines sometimes get blurred. As a result there are inconsistencies. For example some regions refer many more court cases to Federal Courts than others. Religious leadership also holds a huge sway over the individuals loyal to the various cults.
Every five years the Federal Alliance have elections for the Chief Magistrate. This position is responsible for much of the day to day running of the nation. These elections see a series of votes, potentially three. The first round is a nomination stage. Here each member of the Alliance holds elections where anyone may put their name on the ballot if they are over the age of 30 and have served in either the military, clergy, emergency services, medical or educational iinstitues. If they get at least 10,000 votes in at least three regions they proceed to the 2nd stage. The 2nd Stage is a nationwide vote where each individual over the age of 18 may vote. You select one individual to vote for. Should no candidate get at least 50% of the vote then all but the top two candidates are removed from the ballot and a 3rd run off stage takes place. While it is highly unlikely that a 3rd stage vote would result in a draw provision is in place that if it should happen then the Primarch of the Covenant casts the determining vote. There are no term limits on running for this position.
The other section of government responsibility is the Primarch of the Covenant. They are best thought of as the highest ranked individual in the nation. They are elected and serve until one of three circumstances take place. The first is their death or abdication, the second is that 3/4 of the Alliance members issue a vote of no confidence in them and for this to happen their must be a referendum of the general public in that region. The final way that they Primarch can be removed is if they are deemed to have violated the sacred covenant that underpins the Federation's religious and political unity. Such a decision must be reached by a unanimous vote of the Council of Monarchs and confirmed by a tribunal of high-ranking clerics from all major cults.
Spoiler: The Covenant show
The Sacred Covenant of Eternal Unity
Proclaimed by the Grace of Salvatrix, and with solemn deference to the Five Malevolent, we, the Sovereign Lords, Ladies, and Custodians of the Federal Alliance, do here unite under these sacred tenets. Let this Covenant bind us to a fragile peace, that the will of the Divine Light and the unyielding truths of the Five be honored in their proper measure.
Homage to Salvatrix and the Five Malevolent
All shall acknowledge Salvatrix as the shepherd of souls and the Five Malevolent as the arbiters of human trial. Their influence shall be respected, and their rites shall remain inviolate within the bounds of their faithful regions.
Sacrosanctity of the Council of Monarchs
The Council of Monarchs shall convene under the gaze of Salvatrix to arbitrate disputes between realms and cults. To bring violence into these hallowed chambers is to invite the wrath of gods and mortals alike.
The Covenant of Bloodless Discourse
No realm nor cult shall raise arms against another without first seeking resolution through the Council. The shedding of blood in defiance of this edict shall mark the aggressor for retribution by the united strength of the Alliance.
The Veil of Sanctity Over Worship
Each cult shall be sovereign within its region, and no follower of one shall disrupt the rites or sanctuaries of another. Whosoever violates this sanctity shall bear the mark of the profane and be cast from the Alliance's protection.
The Pact of Defense Against the External
All realms and cults shall unite in defense of the Alliance against threats beyond its borders. In these matters, no doctrine or creed shall supersede the necessity of collective survival.
The Tithing of Balance
Each realm shall contribute to the Federal Treasury in coin and kind. These offerings shall fund the maintenance of the Covenant, including the Custodes Publici, who shall enforce peace and justice without favor to creed or crown.
The Flame of Neutrality
In the Great Sanctum of Xarqueada shall burn the Flame of Neutrality, symbolizing the Covenant’s fragile harmony. No cult shall seek to claim this flame for their own, on pain of banishment from the Alliance.
The Arbiter of Sacred Disputes
The Primarch of the Covenant shall serve as the ultimate arbiter in disputes where the Council cannot bring resolution. Their word, tempered by Salvatrix’s wisdom and the weight of the Five’s trials, shall be final.
Condemnation of Forbidden Rites
Rites that summon catastrophe, spread unchecked corruption, or threaten the Alliance’s existence shall be outlawed. Those who persist in such practices shall face judgment before the High Tribunal.
The Eternal Pursuit of Balance
Let it be known that perfection is beyond mortal grasp, yet we shall strive to temper the passions of faith with the necessity of peace. For in this endeavor, the Alliance may endure, even in the shadow of the Five.