In Response to King DavidYour Majesty I thank you for your response, everything that needs to be published will be published following the consultation of the Achkaerinese JAG Corp, I expect this in the next few hours. I will also be contacting JET shortly to begin joint efforts, as for the stationing of air assets I am presently en route to Somerset to secure such permission for aircraft overflight for aircraft and hopefully permission to use airfields as staging points for aircraft.
Signed General Kakashi Fuji
Rules of Engagement for Lakhzovia Peacekeeping Operation
Operation SentinelOperational AreaKey:
Citadel - FOB
Gold diamonds - Lahzov-Somerset border crossing points
Green Circle - location of Kinere Airport (under Utman control)
Red lines - extent of no fly zone
Proposed Rules of Engagement1) All peacekeeping forces will operate in accordance with the Uppsala Convention
2) Peacekeeping Forces shall take responsibility for the policing of the areas marked A-J on the map. However they may travel through Lahkzov areas, excluding the military border area to commute between areas. This responsibility shall include the protection of civilians within the designated areas, the protection of personnel administering and delivering humanitarian aid and supplies and the enforcement of the rule of law within the designated area.
3) Peacekeeping Forces have the right to defend themselves if attacked and use lethal force if
a) they are fired upon
b) Armed elements, mobs, and/or rioters threaten human life.
c) There is a clear demonstration of hostile intent in your presence.
4) Non lethal force or a show of force should be used if the security of Peacekeeping Forces is not compromised by doing so. A graduated show of force includes:
(a) An order to disband or disperse.
(b) Show of force/threat of force by US forces that is greater than the force threatened by the opposing force.
(c) Warning shots aimed to prevent harm to either innocent civilians or the opposing force.
(d) Other means of non lethal force.
If this show of force does not cause the opposing force to abandon its hostile intent, consider if lethal force is appropriate.
5) Anyone within a designated zone who is using force which would cause death, serious bodily harm, or interference with mission accomplishment may be detained by the Peacekeeping Force.
6) If an attack against the Peacekeeping Force or one of the designated zones originates from outside a designated zone such as a rocket attack being fired in from outside then the Peacekeeping Force is permitted to neutralize the threat in accordance with the above ROE's.
7) There shall be a no fly zone extending over the designated areas and surrounding areas (marked by red boundary on the map), aircraft assigned to this zone shall be responsible for:
a) Ensuring that there is no military use of the zone.
b) Ensuring that there is no unscheduled transit of the airspace by any civilian aircraft.
In the case of violations of ROE 6, Pilots should use a graduated response as follows:
a) Verbal challenges
b) Verbal warnings
c) Warning shots and any other use of the aircraft that may result in the violating aircraft diverting
Should these steps fail then pilots should consider whether firing on the violating aircraft is appropriate.
9) If fired on a pilot has the right to return fire.
10) Pilots shall be informed at each pre-flight briefing of the stated air traffic schedule for the day.
11) The Peacekeeping Force shall operate a customs border at designated points of entry. These points of entry shall consist of:
a) Kinere Airport
b) Border checkpoints on the Lakhzov/Somerset border
c) Roads and trails in and out of designated zones
d) Mooring points for those zones that border Lake Kinoros.
12) Peacekeeping Forces operating customs points shall:
a) Verify the identity of all persons crossing through the point
b) Search all persons, vehicles and luggage crossing through for prohibited items (see section 13)
c) Where necessary take appropriate steps such as detaining the person, seizing the substance etc.
13) The following items/substances are not permitted entry into the designated zones
a) Weapons (whether assembled or components) and ammunition
b) Explosive Agents such as C4, dynamite, TNT etc
c) Agents or materials that could be used in manufacture of a prohibited weapon under the terms of the Uppsala Convention
d) Controlled Drugs
e) Livestock
f) Amounts of money (cash) exceeding $1000.
14) The Peacekeeping Force shall have liaison officers with the following:
a) the Lakhzov Government
b) the Utman People
c) the Joint Emergency Team
15) The Peacekeeping Force's Forward Operations Base is Citadel Camp.
OOC- Disclaimer, the map is the best I can do at the moment I defer to Lakh if elements of it are incorrect but I believe that's what's been agreed to.