Author Topic: Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015)  (Read 10054 times)

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Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015)
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:01:45 PM »
Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015)

An Act to bring into Independent Order law the provisions of the iFastNet Terms of Service.

Whereas iFastNet Limited provides hosting services to the Independent Order and has full control over the content, software and servers, it has been resolved, without hind nor hindrance to the abilities of iFastNet Limited. in the running of their services, that the provisions hereinafter set forth should enable, within the framework of Independent Order law, iFastNet Limited, the Webmaster, Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, and any forum administrator or global moderator to enforce the rules set forth by iFastNet Limited in the iFastNet Terms of Service.

And whereas Her Excellency has, under section (8) of the Forum Changes Act (2017), determined to amend the Zetaboards Terms of Service Act (2015),

Be it therefore enacted by Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short Title

(1) This Act may be referred to as the Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015).

Member Agreements

(2) All members of this forum, at the point of registration, shall be compelled to adhere to the iFastNet Terms of Service, as prescribed in this Act.

(3) The Terms of Service is maintained and included on this webpage.


(4) Should a member be found by the Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited to be breaching, or have breached, the Terms of Service in any way, shape or form, then the Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have full authority to warn, limit or ban the offending member from the forum.

(5) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have the full right to determine if a user has breached the Terms of Service and what punishment shall be imposed.

(6) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited may also warn, limit or ban members for behaviours not specifically listed in the Terms of Service, but where they feel a member has breached the spirit of the Terms of Service.

Content Screening and Disclosure

(7) Neither the administrators, nor iFastNet Limited, preview any Content transmitted on the forum.

(8) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited has the right to access any forum and its related Content and delete, edit, or restrict access to any Content, should it be deemed that such content is disallowed.

(9) The Grand Chancellor, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited has the right to log, access and disclose any email sent using the forum, and iFastNet Limited and the Webmaster shall further have the right to log, access and disclose my private message sent on the forum.

(10) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited reserves the right to further disclose any information provided by the member, including IP address, date of birth or email address, to fulfil what is required by law or is needed to comply with legal processes or to protect the rights (including copyrights), property, or personal safety of anyone.


(11) Should a member banned without warning by the Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, for the posting of prohibited content, then another member of the forum, if believing such a decision to be unjust, may appeal this decision to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

(12) No member may appeal a ban issued by iFastNet Limited, or by the Grand Chancellor or forum administrator where iFastNet Limited has made such a request.

Amendments to Other Legislation

(13) The following section shall be added after section (33) of the Criminal Code (2013):

“(34) The provisions of this Act shall not apply or extend to cases where a member has breached the IFastNet Terms of Service, as otherwise defined by law.”


(14) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have the full right to determine if a post includes Prohibited Content, or that a member has partaken in prohibited behaviour, and what punishment shall be imposed.

(15) Provisions in the Judiciary Act (2014), the Judicial Procedures, Sentencing and Evidence Act (JPSE) (2014), or any other act passed prior to the granting of Chancellory Assent to this Act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the provisions of this act.

(16) Provisions in this act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the actions, policies or decisions made by iFastNet Limited.

(17) Where reference is made to the ‘Webmaster’ in this Act, it shall have the same meaning as ‘web host’ as in section (2) of the Forum Changes Act (2017).

(18) A list of administrators and global moderators shall be maintained in the Annex of this Act (previously ‘Annex III’), and may be amended by Order when changes in this list occur.

Annex: Forum Administrators and Global Moderators

(1) The list of forum administrators is as follows:

(2) There are presently no global moderators.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 09:51:13 PM by CGJ »
The Most Honourable Marquess CGJ
Vice Chancellor

Dartfordia: TIOwiki - Politics - Flags - Armed Forces

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Re: Zetaboards Terms of Service Act (2015)
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2017, 09:46:51 PM »
Act as originally enacted

ZetaBoards Terms of Service Act (2015)

An Act to bring into Independent Order law the provisions of the ZetaBoards Terms of Service and Terms of Use.

Whereas Zathyus Networks, Inc. provides ZetaBoards free of charge to the Independent Order and has full control over the forum content, software and servers, it has been resolved, without hind nor hindrance to the abilities of Zathyus Networks, Inc. in the running of their services, that the provisions hereinafter set forth should enable, within the framework of Independent Order law, Zathyus Networks, Inc., Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, and any forum administrator or global moderator to enforce the rules set forth by Zathyus Networks, Inc. in the ZetaBoards Terms of Service and Terms of Use.

Be it therefore enacted by Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short Title

(1) This Act may be referred to as the ZetaBoards Terms of Service Act (2015).

Member Agreements

(2) All members of this forum, at the point of registration, shall be compelled to adhere to the ZetaBoards Terms of Service and Terms of Use, as prescribed in this Act.

Prohibited Content and Behaviour

(3) No user may post, upload, link to, or send via email any Content that contains, promotes, gives instruction about, or provides Prohibited Content, as stated by the Annex I of this Act, nor shall they partake in Prohibited Behaviour, as stated by Annex II of this Act.

(4) Should a member be found by the Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards) to have knowingly posted Prohibited Content or partaken in Prohibited Behaviour, then the Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), shall have the full authority to warn or ban the offending member from the forum.

Content Screening and Disclosure

(5) Neither the forum administrators, nor Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), preview any Content transmitted on the forum.

(6) The Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), has the right to access any forum and its related Content and delete, edit, or restrict access to any Content, should it be deemed that such content is disallowed.

(7) The Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), has the right to log, access and disclose any email sent using the forum, and Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards) shall further have the right to log, access and disclose my private message sent on the forum.

(8) The Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), reserves the right to further disclose any information provided by the member, including IP address, date of birth or email address, to fulfil what is required by law or is needed to comply with legal processes or to protect the rights (including copyrights), property, or personal safety of anyone.


(9) Should a member banned without warning by the Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, for the posting of Prohibited Content or partaking in Prohibited Behaviour, then another member of the forum, if believing such a decision to be unjust, may appeal this decision to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

(10) No member may appeal a ban issued by Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards), or by the Grand Chancellor or forum administrator where Zathyus Networks, Inc. (Zetaboards) has made such a request.

Amendments to Other Legislation

(11) The following section shall be added after section (33) of the Criminal Code (2013):

“(34) The provisions of this Act shall not apply or extend to cases where a member has breached the ZetaBoards Terms of Service or Terms of Use, as otherwise defined by law.”


(12) The Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, or Zathyus Networks, Inc. (Zetaboards) shall have the full right to determine if a post includes Prohibited Content, or that a member has partaken in prohibited behaviour, and what punishment shall be imposed.

(13) Provisions in the Judiciary Act (2014), the Judicial Procedures, Sentencing and Evidence Act (JPSE) (2014), or any other act passed prior to the granting of Royal Assent to this Act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the provisions of this act.

(14) Provisions in this act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the actions, policies or decisions made by Zathyus Networks, Inc. (ZetaBoards).

(15) Annex I and Annex II of this act may be amended, by Order-in-Council, following a change of the ZetaBoards Terms of Service or Terms of Use, however such amendments must be inline with changes made to the Terms of Service or Terms of Use.

(16) A list of administrators and global moderators shall be maintained in Annex III of this Act, and may be amended by Order-in-Council when changes in this list occur.

Annex I: Prohibited Content

(1) Prohibited Content includes any Content that breaks any local, state, county, national or international law.

(2) Prohibited Content also includes:
(a) Content that infringes upon any rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks),
(b) Abusive, threatening, defamatory, racist, or obscene Content,
(c) Viruses or any other harmful computer software,
(d) False information or libel,
(e) Spam, chain letters, or pyramid schemes,
(f) Gambling or Illicit drugs,
(g) Terrorism,
(h) Hacking or cheating for internet/online games,
(i) Warez, Roms, CD-Keys, Cracks, Passwords, or Serial Numbers,
(j) Pornography, nudity, or sexual material of any kind,
(k) Excessive profanity,
(l) Content that is invasive of privacy or impersonation of any person/entity,
(m) Hacking materials or information.

(3) Subsection (b) shall be extended to include homophobic or sexist Content.

Annex II: Prohibited Behaviour

Prohibited behaviour includes:
(a) Interfering with ZetaBoards' servers or software,
(b) Attempting to access any restricted area that they do not have access to: this includes private forums, password protected forums, accounts of ZetaBoards staff or other members, Control Panels, or any forum's Admin CP,
(c) Posting harmful or disruptive html/javascript,
(d) Reproducing, distributing, or publishing Content posted by other users without the prior permission of the owner,
(e) Excessive hotlinking by sites not located on a ZetaBoards server of images hosted by ZetaBoards,
(f) Hotlinking images from other websites without proper permission,
(g) Abusing the report system by sending in false reports or flooding the system with duplicate reports,
(h) Abusing the support ticket system by flooding the system with tickets.

Annex III: Forum Administrators and Global Moderators

(1) The list of forum administrators is as follows:

(2) There are presently no global moderators.
The Most Honourable Marquess CGJ
Vice Chancellor

Dartfordia: TIOwiki - Politics - Flags - Armed Forces

Offline CGJ

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Forum (Terms of Service) Order (2017)
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2017, 12:02:09 AM »
Forum (Terms of Service) Order (2017)

The Grand Chancellor, exercising powers under section (8) of the Forum Changes Act (2017), orders as follows:

(1) The Zetaboards Terms of Service Act (2015) shall be replaced with the Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015), as included in the annex to this Order.

(2) Any references to the Zetaboards Terms of Service or Terms of Use shall be considered to refer to the iFastNet Terms of Service.

(3) Any references to the Zetaboards Terms of Service Act (2015) shall be considered to refer to the Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015).

Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015)

An Act to bring into Independent Order law the provisions of the iFastNet Terms of Service.

Whereas iFastNet Limited provides hosting services to the Independent Order and has full control over the content, software and servers, it has been resolved, without hind nor hindrance to the abilities of iFastNet Limited. in the running of their services, that the provisions hereinafter set forth should enable, within the framework of Independent Order law, iFastNet Limited, the Webmaster, Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, and any forum administrator or global moderator to enforce the rules set forth by iFastNet Limited in the iFastNet Terms of Service.

And whereas Her Excellency has, under section (8) of the Forum Changes Act (2017), determined to amend the Zetaboards Terms of Service Act (2015),

Be it therefore enacted by Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Short Title

(1) This Act may be referred to as the Forum (Terms of Service) Act (2015).

Member Agreements

(2) All members of this forum, at the point of registration, shall be compelled to adhere to the iFastNet Terms of Service, as prescribed in this Act.

(3) The Terms of Service is maintained and included on this webpage.


(4) Should a member be found by the Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited to be breaching, or have breached, the Terms of Service in any way, shape or form, then the Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have full authority to warn, limit or ban the offending member from the forum.

(5) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have the full right to determine if a user has breached the Terms of Service and what punishment shall be imposed.

(6) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited may also warn, limit or ban members for behaviours not specifically listed in the Terms of Service, but where they feel a member has breached the spirit of the Terms of Service.

Content Screening and Disclosure

(7) Neither the administrators, nor iFastNet Limited, preview any Content transmitted on the forum.

(8) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited has the right to access any forum and its related Content and delete, edit, or restrict access to any Content, should it be deemed that such content is disallowed.

(9) The Grand Chancellor, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited has the right to log, access and disclose any email sent using the forum, and iFastNet Limited and the Webmaster shall further have the right to log, access and disclose my private message sent on the forum.

(10) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited reserves the right to further disclose any information provided by the member, including IP address, date of birth or email address, to fulfil what is required by law or is needed to comply with legal processes or to protect the rights (including copyrights), property, or personal safety of anyone.


(11) Should a member banned without warning by the Grand Chancellor, a forum administrator or global moderator, for the posting of prohibited content, then another member of the forum, if believing such a decision to be unjust, may appeal this decision to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

(12) No member may appeal a ban issued by iFastNet Limited, or by the Grand Chancellor or forum administrator where iFastNet Limited has made such a request.

Amendments to Other Legislation

(13) The following section shall be added after section (33) of the Criminal Code (2013):

“(34) The provisions of this Act shall not apply or extend to cases where a member has breached the IFastNet Terms of Service, as otherwise defined by law.”


(14) The Grand Chancellor, the Webmaster, an administrator, a moderator or iFastNet Limited shall have the full right to determine if a post includes Prohibited Content, or that a member has partaken in prohibited behaviour, and what punishment shall be imposed.

(15) Provisions in the Judiciary Act (2014), the Judicial Procedures, Sentencing and Evidence Act (JPSE) (2014), or any other act passed prior to the granting of Chancellory Assent to this Act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the provisions of this act.

(16) Provisions in this act shall not apply, extend or interfere with the actions, policies or decisions made by iFastNet Limited.

(17) Where reference is made to the ‘Webmaster’ in this Act, it shall have the same meaning as ‘web host’ as in section (2) of the Forum Changes Act (2017).

(18) A list of administrators and global moderators shall be maintained in the Annex of this Act (previously ‘Annex III’), and may be amended by Order when changes in this list occur.

Annex: Forum Administrators and Global Moderators

(1) The list of forum administrators is as follows:

(2) There are presently no global moderators.
The Most Honourable Marquess CGJ
Vice Chancellor

Dartfordia: TIOwiki - Politics - Flags - Armed Forces