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Online Achkaerin

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The Global Outlook
« on: February 14, 2019, 09:23:31 PM »

The Global Outlook is a long standing Achkaerinese newspaper with both print and online platforms. The paper carries a reputation for strong investigative reporting, interviews of public figures and delivering the stories that the national news channels don't cover. Anyone can post articles here if they wish just use the code below at the top of your post.

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Online Achkaerin

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Re: The Global Outlook
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2019, 04:13:53 PM »


For anyone who knows her a bar is not the sort of place you associate with her, but a bar in Silverhills, East Moreland on a somewhat chilly late winter evening was where Crown Princess Serenity, the heir to the Achkaerin throne gave her first interview following her being wounded in the line of duty, the result of which was that she lost her left leg below the knee and since then she's been staying very much out of the public eye, choosing to focus on her recovery and as we found out it's an experience that has gotten her thinking when we finally got round to asking the questions.

Crown Princess, how are you feeling?

"I'm getting there, I'm not at 100% yet but I'll get there, I've got a lot of great support from Legionnaire Legacy pushing me in the right direction as well, it may take a bit longer but I'm feeling a lot better now than I have since it happened."

You mentioned Legionnaire Legacy, how important have they been in your recovery?

"Critically important. When I got told I'd lost my leg, it was one of those moments when I heard the words but didn't believe them, I remember lying in the hospital as my mind spiralled downwards, the thoughts making themselves known in my head 'My life's never going to be the same, why did this happen to me?' But when I enrolled in the Legionnaire Legacy program I realized that all those negative thoughts were just a form of self inflicted depression because what I saw was a group of people who refused to let what had happened to them define them in a negative manner, there was a clear attitude of 'it's about ability not disability' and that attitude is contagious, we've talked to each other, we've supported each other, we've pushed each other while running, we've knocked each other out of wheelchairs when playing wheelchair rugby and laughed about it afterwards usually down the pub like tonight, It's an armed forces camaraderie for sure and although the challenge is in all honesty a daunting one but when you've got a group of people around you who've been in same dark places you have it doesn't seem that daunting. Yes I lost my leg but that doesn't change who I am underneath."

So what are your plans now?

"Being part of this has made me want to see if we can look to build on the platform that wounded veterans already have, perhaps something in the international sporting arena is called for. I've been working on it for a few weeks and things will be happening with it soon I hope basically best I can say on it at the moment is watch this space."

Have you been following other events across Mundus or just focusing on your recovery?

"It's been pretty much focusing on my recovery, yeah I still get the news alerts from the apps on my phone and in the modern day it's really difficult in such a connected world to totally isolate yourself from knowledge of events happening elsewhere. But I'm not closely following that much of what I've seen, because it just seems to be full of negative stories, full of doom and gloom, seriously where's all the positivity gone? All the strides we've made in the last few months and suddenly it's like that was a decade ago."

How's the family?

"Doing better than me, Isaac's busy as usual but he has a country to run, the girls have taken what their mummy's now got to deal with a lot better than me. It's been hard for various reasons, it's been emotional for even more reasons but they've been really supportive and that makes it so much easier. I feel a few trips to the ice cream shop are owed to the girls though for putting up with me during all this."
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 06:04:35 PM by Achkaerin »