The Independent Order

Roleplay => Diplomacy and Events => International Organisations => Topic started by: Beatrice on September 11, 2017, 03:28:02 PM

Title: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on September 11, 2017, 03:28:02 PM
Headquarters of the League of International Security and Aid



The League of International Security and Aid is an alliance of many spheres and elements born out of the union of the former CIS and CSTO respective membership. It is based in the city of Gowu at Dragonspire Citadel.

Spoiler: LISA Charter • show
[center]Charter of the League of International Security and Aid[/center]

[center]Hosted at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu: 31st January - 1st February 2017
Signed at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu: 1st February 2017
Proclaimed by the Signatories: 5th February 2017
Entered into force: 6th February 2017


We the member states of the League of International Security and Aid (LISA) are determined:
  • To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.
  • To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained.
  • To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, of all races of all ethnicities, of all sexual orientations and of nations large and small.
  • To promote social progress and better standards of life.
And for these ends:
  • To practice tolerance, respect and to live in peace with each other as good neighbours.
  • To unite our strength in relevant areas to maintain international peace and security and to uphold international law.
  • To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of alternative dispute resolution, that military force shall not be used save in the common interest and as a final resort.
  • To employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

Article One

The purposes of the League of International Security and Aid are:

To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention, containment and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace. And to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which may lead to a breach of the peace.

To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.

To achieve international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

[center]Rules and Principles[/center]

Article Two

The Parties undertake to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved in such a manner that the international peace, security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the principles set forth by this Treaty.

Article Three

The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.

Article Four

In order to more effectively achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Article Five

The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.


Article Six

The supreme authority within the League of International Security and Aid shall be the LISA Council. It shall comprise one representative per nation and be led by a Praetor.

Article Seven

The Praetor shall be elected for a term of one year, renewable, by those member states who are full members of the organisation. The Praetor shall be regarded as the chief administrator of the organisation.

Article Eight

Decisions of the LISA Council shall require a majority vote, each member shall have a single vote. In the event of a tie the Praetor shall have the casting vote.

Article Nine

In the event of a conflict of interest on a matter the casting vote authority of the Praetor shall be vested in another member of the Council for that matter. Such conflicts of interest must be declared before discussion of the matter begins and in the case of it involving the Praetor the Council must first resolve by majority vote the matter of the casting vote authority for that matter. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest shall result in reprimands that may extend to both an individual and national level and may render a vote unsafe.

Article Ten

Amendments to this document shall require a two thirds majority of members voting to come into effect.

Article Eleven

The Organisation shall be headquartered at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu.
Diplomatic and Cultural Policies

Article Twelve

LISA Members agree to act whenever possible in the spirit of the Mundus Convention on Universal Rights, the Fair Seas Concordat, Treaty of the Protection for Hygelac and Hrothgar and Outer Space Standards Convention.

Article Thirteen

There shall be visa exemptions for citizens of member states travelling between member states.

Article Fourteen

There shall be held annually a summit between the member nations for the purposes of developing deeper cooperation in the fields of; science, cultural understanding, industry, economics and any other such area the members determine.This summit shall celebrate the diversity of the Organisation and the collaborations of it. The venue of each summit shall be determined by the LISA Council.

Article Fifteen

The member states of LISA agree to maintain active embassies with each other.

Article Sixteen

The member states of LISA agree to utilize private diplomatic channels when matters involving or potentially involving multiple members arise before taking anything public.

[center]Economic Policies[/center]

Article Seventeen

All signatories to this Treaty shall be entitled to fast track membership of the
Cross Straits Union.

Article Eighteen

There will be no tariffs on goods transported between member states.

Article Nineteen

There will be no land taxes levied on landowners of member states who set up businesses in another member state on condition that the contracts relating to construction and manufacture are given to local companies.

[center]Intelligence Policies[/center]

Article Twenty

The signatories to this Treaty agree to the creation and maintenance of the LISA Intelligence Agency (LIA)

Article Twenty One

The LIA’s responsibilities shall be as follows:
To determine threats to the national security of members and dangers to global security as a whole.
To facilitate cooperation between the intelligence agencies of member states and expedite intelligence sharing.

Article Twenty Two

If a threat is determined the LIA may recommend that the threat level be raised accordingly to address the threat.

[center]Military Policies[/center]

Article Twenty Three

All decisions of an operational military nature shall be delegated to LISA Military Command (LMC) each member shall have a single representative on this body though outside specialists may be requested as circumstances dictate.

Article Twenty Four

All members of LISA, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to LISA, on its call and in accordance with any special agreements that exist within the membership; armed forces, assistance and facilities including- rights of passage that are necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.

Article Twenty Five

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all. Consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self defence will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the region in question.

Article Twenty Six

For the purposes of Article Twenty Five, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the territory of any of the Parties, any territory under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties, or any asset under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties.

Article Twenty Seven

Article Twenty Five shall be invalidated if the said armed attack was in response to unprovoked military action by the LISA state involved.

Article Twenty Eight

To preserve international peace and security the LMC may recommend military action in a non LISA state. This shall only be employed should the state in question agree to the deployment or if to not deploy forces would be in the circumstances presented contrary to the principles of the Organisation.

Article Twenty Nine

All military agreements regarding the deployment of LISA military forces will be agreed upon at the time the force is needed. They shall be concluded between the LISA members and any contributing observers and independent nations, and shall be subject to ratification by the states in respect of their own constitutional processes.

Article Thirty

LISA members agree that the use of military force both collectively and individually shall be a last resort.

Article Thirty One

When on operations all forces operating under the LISA banner shall act in accordance with the provisions of the Uppsala Convention.

Article Thirty Two

LISA members agree to follow the alert levels as laid out by the organisation (found in annex one) and delegate control over those alert levels to the LMC.

Article Thirty Three

LISA members shall at all times refrain from intervention in the internal affairs of another sovereign state subject to the circumstances of articles contained in this section.

Article Thirty Four

LISA members agree to annual military exercises and ad-hoc exercises as required. The LMC shall determine the location of each exercise.
Relationship with the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation

Article Thirty Five

The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments. Nothing in this Treaty shall affect, or be interpreted as affecting in any way, the rights and obligations under the Charter of the parties which are members of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisations, nor of the primary responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security. In matters of international law and conflicts between this Treaty and that of the Commonwealth, the Charter of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation shall take precedence, being recognized as the senior document.


Article Thirty Six

Membership of the League of International Security and Aid is open to all nations who share the stated values outlined in this Treaty. The membership application process shall comprise the following stages:

Exploration Stage- the LISA Council shall determine a delegation to visit the applicant nation and conduct a fact finding interview to determine the suitability and nature of the application and make a recommendation to the LISA Council accordingly.

Interview Stage- Following the recommendation the LISA Council may summon a representative of the applicant nation to answer questions raised as a result of the exploration stage. At the end of this session the LISA Council shall vote on the admission of the applicant nation- a majority either way shall carry the decision.

Signature Stage - The applicant nation formerly joins LISA by signing this Treaty.

Article Thirty Seven

A nation may apply for observer status within the organisation, such an application shall comprise the first two stages of the process outlined in Article Thirty Six; Observer nations shall not be entitled to the provisions of Article Seventeen and may not receive other benefits enjoyed by the full members this shall be determined by the LISA Council.

Article Thirty Eight

A nation may withdraw from LISA by delivering in writing to the LISA Council a notice of their intention to leave the organisation. The mandated notice period shall be 30 days.


Article Thirty Nine

This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin, which will notify all other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories including the Holy Empire of Achkaerin and the First Empire of Rokkenjima have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Forty

This Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin. Duly certified copies shall be transmitted by that government to the government’s of the other signatories, and to the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation in compliance with Article Sixty Seven of the Commonwealth Treaty.


Done at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu on the 1st of February 2017


Emperor Peter Azurewind on behalf of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin

Vice President Amika Aracan on behalf of the Public Corporation of Meche

Vice President Sakura-Yagami Sanzo of The Republic of Satanica

Supreme Commandant Issac Wesley on behalf of the Sovereign Empire of Revana

Empress Evanthe Anselmo-Rhodes on behalf of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

The Rt. Hon Daniel Cleaver MP, on behalf of the Kingdom of Dartfordia

Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher on behalf of the Kingdom of Tytor[/list]
Spoiler: LISA Threat Levels • show
[table=3,]Level and description[c]Diplomatic and Economic Approach[c]Military Approach[c]0 - No conflict exists[c]Maintain open lines of communications with all organisations and countries[c]Routine LISA military exercises[c]1 - Nations make statements about others in a "unfriendly manner"[c]Diplomats sent to ascertain nations stance. Attempts are made to open up means of future dialogue.[c]Routine LISA military exercises[c]2- Nations make statements that could be perceived as a threat.[c]Notice of intention to bring in basic sanctions should escalation occur.

Offers to act as intermediary between nations/alliances involved[c]Military recalled from exercise and put on standby. Joint planning to begin considering possible military options should the need arise.[c]3 - Nation makes aggressive move either economically or militarily. Military action does not have to constitute military incursions , for example illegal boarding of marine transport.[c]Sanctions imposed on all trade with offending nation. Except for medical and food supplies into the nation.

Assets held by the government of that nation frozen.

Notice of possible military action sent through diplomatic lines.

[c]Mobilise military assets to a Forward Operations Base in the nearest safe nation to the potential conflict zone, if LISA member is victim then to that nation (civil wars exempt)[c]4- Nation ceases to halt actions causing Level 3 response within 3 days of Level 3 being declared OR Nation begins military incursion into LISA associated nation [c]Full sanctions imposed including food and medical supplies.

All shipping from nation to be halted within LISA members territorial waters.

Assets of all citizens from hostile nation to be frozen by LISA members.[c]Limited strikes to be carried out as deemed appropriate by the LMC. For example air strikes against key targets either in the conflict area itself or against the home nation. This should avoid at all costs civilian casualties and should include but not be limited to attacks against military installations, SAM missile and RADAR sites, Naval shore facilities, air bases and oil facilities.[c]5 - Nation fails to halt Level 4 activity with 2 days or visibly escalates invasion[c]Closure of all embassies.

One LISA diplomat to remain in nation as a potential route to negotiations. [c]Formal offer of military aid made to nation being attacked. This will result in LISA military action within nation being invaded. Increased strikes against transgressor nation permitted this will now include attacks against government infrastructure, road and rail networks and other targets of military value.

Spoiler: Resolution Archive • show

[table=4,][center][big]Resolution Number[/big][/center][c][center][big]Subject Matter[/big][/center][c][center][big]Status[/big][/center][c][center][big]Result[/big][/center][c]#1[c]Vaguzian Membership Application ([c]Concluded[c]Approved

LISA Press Office (

Current Membership

(* denotes founding member)

The Holy Empire of Achkaerin *
The Bretonnian Republic
The Kingdom of Dartfordia *
The Empire of Revana *
The First Empire of Rokkenjima *
The Kingdom of Vaguzia

Observer Members

Former Members

The Public Corporation of Meche *
The Empire of Satanica *
The Kingdom of Tytor *
The People's Republic of Aeternum
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on September 11, 2017, 03:44:16 PM
"With the ongoing Utman crisis in Lakhzovia, and the stated support of Saheristan for the Lakhzov position on the matter, the First Empire believes it would be prudent for Aeternum to deny the utilization of its airspace by Saheristan."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: The Young Pope on March 03, 2018, 10:35:01 AM
The Baltic Republic

To the Member States of the LISA,

I President Marc-Antoine Lavaud on behalf of the Baltic Republic hereby officially seek to be a part of your most honorable and reputable organisation. For years the Ecclesiastical State has had its good course when it comes to diplomatic relations with other countries and been an integral part of the Mundic world history, especially in the contienent of Alba Karinya whether it's war or peace time. But now as part of my mandate goals, I have have decided to take the chance and embark on a leap of renewed mutual trust, understanding and commitment to a much larger scale than ever before...I'm referring specifically to this organisation, which I believe is something more than that...a collectivity of undoubtedly the most multicultural and greatest among nations in Mundus, whose peoples, faiths, languages, cultures have united together for a common passion and desire to make this world a better place to live and thrive in whether in the past, present or future.

I request that the honorable representatives of these grand nations belonging to this grand collectivity invite my presence to the main Head Quarters where we can discuss the terms and eligibility for the Baltic membership; I'm aware of my recent controversial actions which might have jeopardized the application process as it directly affects some of the respected member states in particular, which thus gives more reasons as to why it's paramount for the President to be there and explain and clarify himself in a more formal and exact manner going as far as to cancel a certain treaty. As I'm looking forward from hearing you more, rest assured that if Baltikum is ever accepted from your'll be the greatest decision ever. I can promise you that Baltikum will dedicate itself and take the described goals and tasks required by this magnificent the end of times and further beyond!

Take Care and God Bless...Yours Truly,

President Marc-Antoine Lavaud of the Baltic Republic
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on March 03, 2018, 11:52:32 AM

To President Marc-Antoine Lavaud

The application process to become a member of LISA is spelled out under article thirty six of the organisations charter. It comprises three stages that in essence are fact finding, formal debate and then a vote and signature should the vote be in the applicant's favor. The purpose of this process is to ensure that applicant nations are vetted as thoroughally as possible it has been seen before that nations have suddenly changed policy at the drop of the hat, the most obvious example being what happened between three CIS nations and Verover during operations in Safraen. It is therefore the custom of LISA to not automatically invite representatives of nations such as yourself to the Council without first conducting the fact finding stage. A delegation to act on behalf of LISA will be selected and will arrive in your country to condct the fact finding stage of this. You should be prepared to discuss a variety of topics in this ranging from your countries domestic policies to your thoughts on present international issues and foreign policy.


Isabella Watson
Achkaerin LISA Councillor

OOC - expect a diplomacy and events topic for the visit in the next few hours.
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on March 19, 2018, 11:56:42 PM
Isabella Watson (, was the Achkaerinese ambassador to LISA it was a job that had so far included far more behind the scenes activity than anything else, looking around at the other ambassadors in the room she took a deep breath the council had a few things they needed to get through.

"Following the application of Baltikum to this organisation we have before us the matter of whether we admit them or request further information from a representative." she said "In accordance with our procedures I present to the council the recommendation of the people who conducted the interview on behalf of this organisation."

Quote from: recommendation letter
Official Recommendation on Baltikum Application to LISA

Honourable Ambassadors,

In accordance with the protocols set down by LISA the application of Baltikum to join the organisation was responded to with an interview in that country. The fact finding party consisted of myself, my wife and my daughter. In the course of this interview we asked questions of the President, the Chief of Staff, the Vice President, members of the Cabinet and the general public our intention was as the LISA Council will be aware to vet as thoroughly as possible the country and its leadership in regards to suitability as a potential member of LISA.

Baltikum is without question a proud nation and this pride does manifest itself in ways that may be otherwise interpreted as potentially problematic, the strong anti-communist feeling among the population of the country presents such a concern as it is not presently LISA policy to go picking fights with Communist nations. However this is an understandable issue in light of the still recent uprising against the Communist regime in Baltikum in 1992, this is much the same as any anti-republican sentiment would be in Rokkenjima following the second patriotic war, further the multi-national aspect of LISA should further contain this issue.

Let us also be clear that to all intents and purposes Baltikum is a functioning democratic state answerable in the same way as all other LISA members presently are which is to the people and at present the government enjoys the overwhelming support of the public. When questioned on the matter of interational law and treaties stated on the record that there is no issue with upholding such obligations. This also suggests a state that could be suitable in terms of LISA membership, there are also to date no wild cards in play which is another hurdle successfully negotiated. However there is a lack of ties between Baltikum and other LISA members which does suggest that no nation represented in the organisation really knows the applicant nation.

As part of the interview process we put the Baltikum Cabinet through an Emergency Response Exercise (ERE), they were given a hypothetical crisis scenario designed to uncover any prejudices they have and how well equipped the country is to respond in such circumstances. In the case of Baltikum we specifically chose a scenario using a communist group, it became clear early on from the discussions witnessed that the anti-communist feeling was high and this led to problems with the first response from some people around the table, however over time this abated. Having assessed the response to the exercise and having consulted with appropriate persons we score them at 7/10, meaning that they did very well considering that this was dropped on them with no prior warning.

The recommendation of the interviewing delegation therefore is that the LISA Council admit Baltikum into membership but that for the first three months Baltikum not benefit from the provisions of articles 17 and 20-22 including the membership of Baltikum in the LIA. It's further recommended that for the three month period Baltikum participation in LMC discussions be on a case by case basis.


Tommy Walker
Achkaerin Prefect of Alba Karinya

"So the question before us is do we accept the recommendation as put or do we need to invite the Baltikum representative in to ask some questions?" Isabella asked

OOC- I'm referring to it as Baltikum to make the IC timeline add up, also if no one says anything this will be put to vote on Thursday.
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on March 22, 2018, 09:56:10 PM
As no one has said anything the admission of Baltikum under the terms recommended is now at vote please indicate aye or nay.

Achkaerin votes Aye.

OOC - Voting closes Sunday
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on March 25, 2018, 10:14:16 PM
Voting period has elapsed Baltikum (Bretonnia) is duly admitted to LISA under the terms recommended.
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on April 07, 2018, 11:40:42 PM
As per article 34 of the LISA Charter Achkaerin would like to schedule the annual military exercises we recommend the following area:


We'd also like to hear whether there's anything our fellow members would like to discuss in terms of the organisation.

OOC - I'd like if possible to do the exercises ICly as it presents an opportunity to develop a few things that have been on the waiting pile for a while.
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on May 03, 2018, 10:24:52 PM
Jason Cole, fresh from his tenure as Rokkenjiman Ambassador to Lakhzovia, soon found himself tapped for acting as the Imperial Liaison for LISA. Thus, it fell upon him to address LISA in regards to the actions of the Hand of Emet and the Trinitron attack.

"As we know the Hand of Emet spearheaded the siege of the Rokkenjiman Embassy in Lakhzovia, resulting in a loss of life, injuries and the complete destruction of the Embassy itself. In addition to this situation, the First Empire fell under further attack when the Trinitron Attack upon Azukishima-Ashinxao Power Station pointing back to a Lakhzov origin. In this attack the Azukishima-Ashinxao Power Station was taken offline, with various technical details of the power plant and its operations being sent back to a server we believe to be under the control of the Lakhzov Development Corps. Naturally, this is a disturbing revelation as it places a deeper understanding of the nuclear technology behind Azukishima-Ashinxao in their hands."

"We've received the green light to conduct strikes against the Hand of Emet, while Rokkenjiman forces are authorized to take part in an 'active campaign' to neutralize them once and for all. With that being said I believe the actions of the Hand of Emet and the Trinitron Attack meet the threshold to be addressed under Article 25 and Article 26, and would thus warrant a unified response to these threats to the First Empire. Furthermore, I believe a battery of options must be considered against the LDC, including isolating their sources of income to ensure their ability to conduct such operations in the future is neutralized."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on May 11, 2018, 01:12:31 AM
"Given what information we have regarding this situation coupled with what Mr Cole has just outlined there is without question a situation that needs addressing." Isabella said "The spirit of article twenty five and that of article twenty six is clearly in play I would recommend that the LISA Intelligence Agency and LISA Military Command be instructed to prepare a series of potential strike plans to address this situation. Furthermore Achkaerinese Intelligence has information that the LDC are connected to major players in the Hand of Emet and if that is the case then there is without question a clear and present risk that we run by not acting to pre-emptively neutralize the threat."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Yolotan on May 15, 2018, 08:33:33 PM
 Emile Fortaz stood up and said "Looking at the given information, we are almost 100% sure that Rokkenjima has been attacked by the Hand of Emet, which gives us enough reason to support any potential strikes on the Hand of Emet by LISA. Our Intel will be helping everywhere we can but we aren't ready yet for military support."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on July 13, 2018, 12:45:12 AM
A Statement To LISA

Earlier today the First Empire suffered attacks against Queen Adriana Military Base and Queen Katenka Naval Base at the hands of the Borland Separatists. Officials on the ground are still ascertaining the full depth of the casualties, although we can confirm that at least 74 have been killed or injured at QAMB, whilst an additional 56 have been killed or injured at QKNB. Civilians are amongst these casualties, especially in the case of QAMB which contracts both local and Rokkenjiman civilians in non-combat functions. This marks an armed attack against the First Empire, and as such an attack against all signatories, and demands a response as per Article 25 of the LISA Charter.

Years of attempting to placate Kyle Barren and the Separatists have led us to this state of affairs. From the attack upon the Olive Branch, the kidnapping of Crown Princess Adriana, to the attacks of today the Borland Separatists have proven themselves to be a most dangerous enemy to the First Empire, as well as countless other nations throughout history. It is clear that we may no longer approach the Borland threat with delicate gloves; just as Rokkenjima routed the Federal Republic and its remnants from our lands, so too must Borland be routed from Mundus itself.

There are certain to be those who believe negotiation with terrorists is enough, that by giving into their demands will be enough to save them from the torrent of violence. However, the quest to engage in negotiation or appeasement with terrorists is indeed a fool's errand. For how can one come to reason, how can one find peace, with one whose only goal is to breed death and destruction? There comes a time where the cost of continued inaction, or ineffective symbolic action, carries the costly price of death. That is a price which Lodja, Ui Cennselaig, East Moreland, Nya Aland, the Iwi, Paracambi and Rokkenjima have paid the cost for, and it must never happen again.

Failing to meet the threat which Borland has brought to our People is allowing them a continued 'green light' to march across Mundus, visiting death upon countless Peoples. War has been declared upon humanity itself, and with it every value and principle we hold dear. The Borland Separatists must not be allowed to bear their fangs at Rokkenjima or any other nation ever again.

Let us not choose inaction any longer, let us not place another life in the path of harm again by allowing the Borland Separatists one further day of no ramifications for their increasingly audacious and barbaric attacks as they hide behind their shield in the form of Zimalia. A failure today is yet a further victory for Kyle Barren and the Separatists, for if we cannot act in the defense of our own, we open our nations to whatever force seeks to bring death to our shores.

Empress of Rokkenjima
Princess of Littlebrook
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on July 13, 2018, 12:51:48 AM
"While I'm sure all the member states of LISA share the concerns raised and would likely agree that article 25 can be invoked, it would perhaps be respectful and helpful to this organisation for Rokkenjima to explain clearly and precisely what exactly it intends such an invocation to involve especially given the legalities of the situation at hand so that an informed decision on whether invoking article 25 is practical."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on July 13, 2018, 10:17:26 PM
"It is my understanding that a regimen of sanctions are to be pursued against Zimalia who have provided aid to the Separatists in the form of allowing the "principality" to hide behind their borders. This platform they are utilizing to attempt to gain legitimacy must be removed, whether that is achieved by the action of Zimalia or the application of external pressure. We must recognize the fact that their transfer of land to a known terrorist organisation is a form of collusion with the Separatists, a measure of aid and comfort, it very much paints Zimalia as complicit in the actions of the Separatists."

"From there, the First Empire views it as imperative that the Separatists are denied safe haven of any form. Wherever they spring up they must be extinguished, along with their capability to conduct such operations in the future. Furthermore we must consider the elimination of Kyle Barren himself, removing the head from this most vicious snake once and for all. Rokkenjima will be dedicating the full strength of its intelligence and military assets to that mission. Not another drop of Rokkejiman blood will be spilled by that dog."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on July 16, 2018, 01:56:38 AM
"I suggest the Rokkenjiman representative be very careful because the legal case presented is dodgy to say the least. The law in relation to complicity is thus that a criminal act in this case presumably a Borland terrorist attack was planned and that the Zimalian's knew about it by which we mean who, when, where and how. With that knowledge Zimalia must then either have failed to inform relevant authorities which would be complicity by negligence or they must have aided and abetted the attack. I think we need to make the request of Rokkenjima that they produce the proof of such complicit activities because if their case is that the transfer of land and then not dealing with them is complicit then not only are we seemingly punishing a nation for exercising its sovereign right over its own land, but we are also being ignorant of the context at the time and we are setting ourselves up for the double standard counter that will surely come our way because the same argument that Rokkenjima is seeking to apply to Zimalia can be applied to Dartfordia in respect of SeaTowers, it is Borland territory within another nations territory so if we are to argue that Zimalia should be sanctioned for harbouring Separatists then surely Dartfordia should also be sanctioned perhaps even more heavily than Zimalia as SeaTowers has been involved in this mess for longer.

So I say to Rokkenjima produce the proof of complicity please or back the rhetoric down and explore the alternative options."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on July 29, 2018, 01:44:25 PM
On an unrelated matter, specifically this statement from Rokkenjima ( I'm sure the other members of this organisation have their own opinions on the historical sovereignty of the islands but that is not really relevant in our view, what matters is the situation on the ground.

With that in mind, I'm afraid there is a question that must now be asked of the Rokkenjiman's - was the Empress of Rokkenjima aware of the specific situations on the ground in the island chain before that statement was issued?
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on February 16, 2019, 11:21:16 AM
"Given the recent assessments made by General Joshua Rhodes regarding a nascent nuclear program within Slava Lavosk the First Empire believes this is a situation which changes calculations in the region considerably, especially given the actions of East Moreland, Achkaerin and Rokkenjima in the decommissioning of their respective nuclear arsenals. This is a situation which warrants the highest levels of communication and coordination of LISA. In these interests the First Empire proposes that the public dispute with Vaguzia be brought to a swift end: we're not going to press previous issues and will recognize that mistakes were made on our mutual ends. We all could have communicated better, and now we must communicate better should we hope to meet this challenge properly."

"Let us place past missteps behind us and, together, determine the most appropriate path forward."
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on February 18, 2019, 06:28:43 PM
"The most appropriate path was dealing with Slava Lavosk in a manner where we do not draw unnecessary attention. However subsequent actions by one member of this organisation critically compromised that option. However it remains when applied to the current problem of this alleged nuclear weapons the appropriate manner in which to handle it.

Three days ago a group of terrorists managed to break Patrice Manaudou out of prison, as you may remember Dr Manaudou was the head of the Marseilles ICBM programme he would certainly have the expertise to help Slava Lavosk develop something like this. However I also remind you that at present we can't prove whether Manaudou is part of this anymore than we can actually prove that there is with certainty a nuclear weapons programme in Slava.

My initial recommendation would therefore be to do the following:

However it is also critical to take a firmer hand with Tamora, doing so may also ease the situation to a manageable position.
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Achkaerin on March 21, 2019, 11:49:02 PM

To: The Members of LISA

Following an Urgent Motion of the Achkaerinese Senate there is a clear majority in favour of an Achkaerinese withdrawal from this organisation, I won't detail the reasons because the individual members of this organisation are more than aware of them and have been for some time. Therefore it is my responsibility to serve notice to LISA that in accordance with article 38 of the Treaty the Holy Empire of Achkaerin will withdraw from the organisation and leave in 30 days time on the 20th of April.

This decision does not mean that Achkaerin will not stand by it's other international treaty commitments, we take our word very seriously however it is apparent beyond all doubt that Achkaerin's continued participation in this organisation cannot happen and that the very essence of what LISA was created to be no longer exists.
 Finally I expect that LISA members will want to discuss where to house this organisation beyond the 20th of April.

Emperor Peter Azurewind
Title: Re: LISA Headquarters
Post by: Beatrice on March 22, 2019, 05:09:47 AM
To The Membership Of LISA

With the decision of the Holy Empire to withdraw from the League of International Security and Aid I see no cause nor reason to further deny the People of Rokkenjima from exercising their democratic rights. I therefore give due notice that the referendum to withdraw from LISA shall commence in the coming weeks. Once the results are available they shall be shared here.

Regardless of the results of the referendum the First Empire has no interest, nor desire, in hosting the headquarters of LISA and shall play no role in that discussion.

Respectfully yours;

Empress of Rokkenjima
Princess of Littlebrook