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Civil Factbook of the Empire of Fusan
« on: April 05, 2020, 03:29:42 PM »
The Empire of Fusan
Dai-Fusō Teikoku

Imperial Emblem

Civil and State Flag

Alternative State Flag


   The Empire of Fusan (大扶桑帝國, Dai-Fusō Teikoku; alt. 大大和帝國, Dai-Yamato Teikoku), or just Fusan, for short, is a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy located in East Ardia and the Kyne. Although it claims to have been founded in 660 BC by Emperor Tenmu, historically, it can trace its roots "only" to Emperor Tengyō, who founded the earliest form of the Fusanese state in 231 BCE. In its current form, it has existed since the late 1860s, with a parliament, the Imperial Diet, being founded in 1896, although it was greatly weakened between 1937 and 1961 in favor of other bodies. As of 2023, Fusan has a population of 295,336,110, making it the second largest country by population on Mundus. Its people enjoy strong political and individual rights as well as a high standard of living, with universal healthcare, low unemployment and poverty rates, and a high GDP.

    Chapter 1: Pre-Onishi Fusan (Pre-1000 BCE)
    Chapter 2: The Choshi Period (1000 - 600 BCE)
    Chapter 3: The Kofun and Aramashi Periods (600 - 74 BCE)
    Chapter 4: The Asago, Koka, and Otawara Periods (74 BCE - 710 CE)
    Chapter 5: The Saijo Period (710 - 793 CE)
    Chapter 6: The Heijo Period (793 - 1185 CE)
    Chapter 7: The Otsu Period, the Ardian Wars, and the Kanpo Restoration (1185 - 1358 CE)
    Chapter 8: The Horikawa Period (1358 - 1475 CE)
    Chapter 9: The Sengoku Period (1475 - 1609 CE)
    Chapter 10: The Hagi Period (1609 - 1853 CE)
    Chapter 11: The Bakumatsu Era and the Fusanese Civil War (1853 - 1871 CE)
    Chapter 12: The Keio Era to the Ardian Continental War (1871 - 1914 CE)
    Chapter 13: The Ardian Continental War and the Late Keio Period (1914 - 1932 CE)
    Chapter 14: The Early Kunan Period (1932 - 1939 CE)
    Chapter 15: The Greater East Ardia War, Part One: The War Abroad (1939 - 1945 CE)
    Chapter 16: The Greater East Ardia War, Part Two: The War at Home (1939 - 1945 CE)
    Chapter 17: The Greater East Ardia War, Part Three: The Final Days of the War (1945 CE)
    Chapter 18: The Late Kunan Era, Part One: Reconstruction and Economic Growth (1945 - 1982 CE)
    Chapter 19: The Late Kunan Era, Part Two: Politics and Society in the Kunan Era (1945 - 1982 CE
    Chapter 20: The Kalasin War (1966 - 1984 CE)
    Chapter 21: The Eikō Era (1982 - 2001 CE)
    Chapter 22: The Antei Era (2001 - 2020 CE)




Spoiler: show

Shinkyō — Shinkyō Special Administrative City

Population: 9,876,304

Awara — Awara Special Administrative City

Population: 3,786,982

Urasoe — Chibu Prefecture

Population: 2,782,100

Otsu — Hidaka Prefecture

Population: 2,422,859

Yuzawa — Yuzawa Prefecture

Population: 2,201,872

Goris — Tsukishima Prefecture

Population: 1,977,403

Shibetsu — Ishikari Prefecture

Population: 1,874,906

Tenkyō — Tenkyō Special Administrative City

Population: 1,504,986

Saito — Muroran Prefecture

Population: 1,496,183


House of Representatives

House of Peers

National Anthem:
(His Majesty's Reign)


Capital: Shinkyō
Largest city: Shinkyō


Government: Federal
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Legislature: Imperial Diet

Population: 295,336,110

HDI: 0.919 (Very High)

Currency: Imperial Mon (¥)
ER: 文0.930=$1

Time zone: UTC -02:00 - UTC +02:00

Drives on the: Left

Calling code: +81

Internet TLD: .fn

Space Program: National Space Development Agency (NASDA)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 02:18:50 AM by Daitō »

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Re: The Empire of Daitō
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2020, 04:06:16 PM »


The economy of Fusan is a highly developed free-market economy. Having the third highest nominal GDP, it ranks among the world's largest developed economies, fueled by a large population and a strong demographic structure. As of the start of 2023, the nominal GDP per Capita was $40,330.46. While many struggle to afford to own a home of their own as a result of a long-term housing crisis resulting from the financial crisis of the early 2000s, the nation maintains a low poverty rate, with only around 15.9% of the population being classified as being in poverty and just 2.35% earning $10 or less per day. The nation’s unemployment rate is currently at 1.61%, and its HDI is 0.919, ranking among the highest in the world.

With regards to taxes, income tax in the country ranges from 5% for those who only earn up to 文11,000 per year to up to 40% for the highest earners. Corporate taxes are set at 29.1%, and while rates are generally set by the prefectures, sales tax is on average roughly 8.1% in the country.

For primary industries, beyond agriculture, Fusan is a net exporter of petroleum, copper ore, lithium, and iron ore. It also produces natural gas, although the infrastructure there is not nearly on the same scale as for petroleum extraction and refinement, while restrictions exist on its export due to its strategic importance. As for secondary industries, the country is a major manufacturer of automobiles and aircraft components, as well as plain sheet metal and consumer electronics. It is also one of the world’s largest producers of both IT equipment and semiconductors. Finally, in terms of tertiary industries, Fusan provides a number of services, ranging from IT and financial services to transportation and education. Fusanese retailers have a presence across East Ardia as well. Of course, one could not mention this sector without mentioning the entertainment industry, with Fusan being a major hub for the industry going back to the 1910s.


The Fusanese population is currently growing at an annual rate of 0.50% and is currently at around 295,336,110 people. The nation's population has nearly doubled since 1961, although birth rates have slowed since then. The vast majority of the population is found in Ardia, with 15% residing in Tsukishima and the remainder on the mainland or in the Satsunan islands. Regarding ethnicity, approximately 59.61% of the population belongs to the Fusanese ethnicity, which belongs the larger Ōnishic ethnolinguistic group that includes individuals from Fusan, Toshikawa, Rokkenjima, and other lands. 1.12% of the population identifies as being Amami, primarily hailing from the Amami islands, although some are descendants of settlers on the mainland and Tsukishima. 11.36% identify as being Dalseomin, one of the primary ethnicities found on the island of Tsukishima, although their ancestors hailing from the west in the 15th century. Around 6.81% of the population identifies as some form of Yezo, predominantly Menasunkur, though some Sumunkur Yezo exist in the country as well. Other native groups make up 4.44% of the population, while descendants of immigrants make up 6.63% of the country's population.

Imperial Mon (文)
文1 = $1.075
$1 = 文0.930

(Nominal) GDP:
$11.901 Trillion

(Nominal) GDP
per capita

$17.260 trillion

per capita

HDI: 0.919

Gini Coefficient: 36.73%

Unemployment: 1.61%

Labor force:
201.5 million

Labor force by occupation:
Agriculture: 3.18%
Industry: 21.41%
Services: 75.41%

Income Tax Rate: 5-40%

Corporate Tax Rate: 29.1%

Sales Tax Rate: 8.1%

2023 Census Data
Ōnishi: 62.92%
Dalseomin 11.3%
Yezo: 7.66%
Other native: 5.56%
Other foreign: 12.565%

Christianity (Protestant): 39%
Christianity (Catholic): 20%
Christianity (Other): 1%
Buddhism: 6%
Irreligious: 29.7%
Other: 4%

Life Expectancy
Male: 84.3
Female: 86.9
« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 07:59:46 PM by Daitō »

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Re: The Empire of Daitō
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2021, 08:04:42 PM »
Laws and Stances of Fusan

AbortionThe right of women to seek an abortion was first enshrined into law in Shinkyo on the 27th of May, 1949, however, it faced legal challenges before ultimately being ruled on by the Supreme Court in 1952. That ruling granted the right to abortion nationwide, with the rest of the prefectures formally passing legislation with regards to the practice by 1983. However, there remain some circumstances where it is still prohibited, most notably fetal impairment or on the request of the patient. In all other cases, save where the mother would risk death by bringing the fetus to term, the cutoff is 22 weeks.
AdulteryAlthough adultery is not a criminal offense in the Empire of Fusan, it is deemed as legitimate grounds for divorce.
Affirmative actionNo distinctions based on race, religion or sex are allowed under Article One of the Equal Rights Amendment of the Fusanese Constitution, which was passed in 1972. Since 2000, however, measures have been put into place in order to enable members of marginalized groups to overcome or minimize disadvantages; to meet the different needs of the marginalized group; or to enable or encourage persons in marginalized groups to participate in an activity.
Age of consentThe national age of consent is set at the age of 16, however, several prefectures and circuits have higher ages of consent set under their own laws. In Hokuriku, and Tsukishima, the age of consent is set at 18, while a few have set it at 17.
Age of majorityThe age of majority is set at 18.
Artificial inseminationArtificial insemination is legal in the Empire of Fusan.
Assisted SuicideArticle 202 of the Fusanese Penal Code:
   "A person who induces or aids another person to commit suicide, or kills another person at the other's request or with other's consent, is punished by imprisonment or imprisonment without work for not less than 6 months but not more than 7 years."

Despite this, there are some exceptions which may exist due to the act of suicide being legal, most notably in cases where the other party will deliver a fatal injury to their person prior to the act, although extensive paperwork must be filed to permit it. In most cases, therefore, it is practically illegal across the board, even if officially, it may not be.
BestialityBestiality is illegal in Fusan, with the penalty being at a minimum ¥5,000 and a sentence of six months to a year for a first time offense.
Birth controlBirth control is legal in Fusan.
Concealed carryConcealed carry is prohibited on public transport and in most jurisdictions, however, Hokuriku, as a consequence of its looser gun laws with comparison to the rest of the nation, does permit concealed carry, provided that an individual has a valid permit.
Death penalty"Article 11 of the Fusanese Penal Code:
   (1) The death penalty is executed by hanging or firing squad at a penal institution.
   (2) A person who has been sentenced to the death penalty is detained in a jail until their execution."
DivorceDivorce is permitted in Fusan, with four types of divorce being extant within the nation's jurisdiction. They are as follows:
   Divorce by Mutual Consent
   Divorce by Family Court Mediation
   Divorce by Family Court Judgement
   Divorce by District Court Judgement
Double jeopardyNo citizen of Fusan shall be held criminally liable for an act which was lawful at the time or which he was lawfully acquitted of. However, multiple cases have adjusted the government’s stance on this, with the Supreme Court ruling in a 2016 case on larceny that in the event that there are two trials for separate cases of simple larceny, it will not be considered double jeopardy, even if the prosecutor could have charged both of them as a single crime of habitual larceny.
Drinking ageWhile Fusan has no official legal drinking age, the purchase of alcohol by individuals under 18 years of age is prohibited, with offenders facing fines up up to ¥3,000.
Driving ageThe minimum legal driving age is divided into two categories, those being as follows:
   Motorcycles under 400cc — 16
   Ordinary/semi-medium vehicle and motorcycles over 401 cc — 18
EducationWhile homeschooling is not formally permitted, with school attendance being compulsory, the fine for non-attendance is rarely applied and amounts to approximately ¥50. The authorities encourage "futoko" (school refusal) children to receive schooling in alternative manners, including home education. Nonetheless, the practice is exceedingly rare, thus leading to this apparent gray area in the law.
Eminent domainEminent domain is constitutionally permitted insofar as it is deemed necessary for the public interest and if compensation is provided.
Felony disenfranchisementIn most cases, inmates are permitted to retain their right to vote while serving their sentence. However, in cases where the convicted is sentenced to life imprisonment or death, the government reserves the right to disenfranchise the individual. Nonetheless, in these cases, if the inmate's sentence is commuted or suspended, they will be reinfranchised upon release.
Firearm PossessionThe 1876 Haitōrei edict prohibited people, with the exception of the pre-kazoku nobility, the military, and law enforcement from carrying weapons in public. However, in 1958, this edict was struck down in a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court, which ruled that the edict, which predated the constitution, violated the spirit of the constitution by affording special privilege to a specific class, thus making the possession of firearms and other weapons technically legal nationwide and turning the matter over to the provinces. As of 2024, Higashikawa Hokuriku, Nishihata, Nishiyama, Ōita, Tsukishima, and Yakumo all permit individuals with proper licensing to possess firearms. Of the remaining provinces, firearms are, however, prohibited except for antiques, which are defined as any firearm produced prior to 1860. Swords and other melee weapons face specific restrictions outside of use in martial arts, however, they remain legal nationwide.
Flag desecrationUnder the Fusanese criminal code, it is criminal offense to insult either the national flag or national emblem of the country. This offense notably does not apply to foreign governments, although it does exist as a misdemeanor labeled as “obstructing state diplomacy”, which carries a ¥200 fine. As for the flag and emblem of the Empire of Fusan, the offense is “disturbing the order." Insulting or damaging the portrait of the reigning Emperor may also be punishable as "disturbing the order." The penalty can be either incarceration for one year or less or a ¥300 fine.
Gambling ageThe minimum gambling age is set at 20 years old. Despite this, in most provinces, save for Kinai and Tōkai, the practice is illegal, with this minimum age being for betting on horse racing and certain motorsports. Public sports, lotteries, and football pools are held under special laws in order to increase the income of national and local governments as well as to offer a form of entertainment.
Homosexuality in the militaryFusan does not have any rules applying to homosexuals serving in the Imperial Fusanese Armed Forces. The Imperial Fusanese Armed Forces, when asked about their policy toward gays and lesbians following debates in other nations throughout the 90s, answered that it was not an issue, and individuals within the forces indicated that as long as same-sex relations did not lead to fights or other trouble—an answer also given with regards to opposite-sex relations—there were few, if any, barriers to their inclusion in the armed services.
Human cloningLegislation exists which aims to promote stem cell research, using cells that are “ethically obtained”, that could contribute to a better understanding of diseases and therapies, as well as promote “derivation of pluripotent stem cell lines without the creation of human embryos”. Reproductive human cloning, however, remains illegal within Fusan.
Lèse-majestéArticle 73 of the Fusanese Penal Code:
   (1) Any person who causes or attempts to cause harm to the Emperor, Empress, Crown Prince, or Grandson of the Emperor shall be punished by death.
Article 74:
   (1) Any person who commits an act of disrespect against the Emperor, Empress, Crown Prince, or Grandson of the Emperor shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than three months and not more than five years, and a fine of not less than ¥500 and no more than ¥9,000 shall be imposed.
   (2) The same shall apply to any person who commits an act of disrespect against the Imperial Shrine or the Imperial Mausoleum.
Article 75:
   (1) Any person who causes harm to the Imperial Family shall be punished by death, and any person who attempts to do that shall be punished by life imprisonment.
Article 76:
   (1) Any person who commits an act of disrespect against the Imperial Family shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two months and not more than four years, and a fine of not less than ¥300 and no more than ¥7,000 shall be imposed.
Marriageable ageThe legal marriageable age is set at eighteen years old.
Military conscriptionWhile conscription formally ended in Fusan in 1982, all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register with the Military Service System (MSS), which is designed to facilitate the revival of conscription should the need arise. Failure to register is deemed a felony-level offense, coming with a ¥250,000 fine and no more than five years imprisonment, however, this has not been enforced since 1988. Conscription does not extend to female citizens at this time, however, there have been efforts in the past to change this.
PolygamyPolygamy is illegal in the Empire of Fusan.
ProstitutionProstitution, while illegal on paper, is in practice legal and regulated.
Racial discriminationRacial discrimination is illegal in Fusan.
Same-sex marriageAlthough civil unions (国内組合, kokunai kumiai) between same-sex couples have been legal since the 1950s, affording those couples most of the same rights afforded to married couples, same-sex marriages have only been recognized since 2023.
Smoking ageThe minimum smoking age is set at 18 years old.
State ideologyThere is no official state ideology mandated by law in the Empire of Fusan.
State religionThere is no official established state religion in Fusan, however, the Emperor in theory acts as Supreme Governor of the Church of Fusan.
TortureTorture is prohibited under Fusanese law.
Trial by juryAll citizens are granted the right to choose a trial by jury of their peers or a bench trial, however, such a practice can be waived under certain circumstances such as martial law or in certain heinous offences such as treason, under which circumstances trials are performed by a panel of lay judges.
Universal healthcareAll citizens of Fusan are required by law to have health insurance coverage. People without insurance from employers can participate in a national health insurance programme, administered by local governments. Patients are free to select physicians or facilities of their choice and cannot be denied coverage. Hospitals, by law, must be run as non-profit and managed by physicians.
Voting ageThe voting age in Fusan is set at 18 years of age.
Women's rightsAll citizens in Fusan are guaranteed the same rights under law without regard to gender.
Working ageThe minimum working age in Fusan is divided by gender and has restrictions dependent on the age of the individual. These are as follows:
      15: Restricted occupations and hours of activity.
      18: Unrestricted.
      15: With broad restrictions for working hours and the type of work.
      18: May only participate in underground work if engaged in work specified by ordinance performed underground.
      20: Unrestricted.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 07:23:09 PM by Daitō »

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Re: The Empire of Daitō
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2021, 08:32:22 PM »
Flags and Symbols of Daitō

   The following is a list of flags and symbols of Daitō, both historical and contemporary:
Contemporary National, Provincial, and Imperial Flags of Daitō
1870 - Present
Civil and state flag and ensign of Daitō
Flag ratio: 7:10. Disc is shifted 1% towards the hoist (left)
1869 - Present
Imperial standard of the emperor of Daitō
A gold 16 petal chrysanthemum centered on a red background
2001 - Present
Imperial standard of the emperor emeritus
Similar to the standard of the emperor, but with a darker background
1922 - Present
Imperial standard of the empress, the Empress dowager,
the grand empress dowager and the empress emerita
A pennant of the standard of the emperor
1922 – present
Imperial standard of the regent of Daitō
Similar to the standard of the emperor, but with a white border
1922 - Present
Imperial standard of the Crown Prince and the imperial
grandson who is an heir apparent
Similar to the standard of the emperor, but with a white orle
1922 - Present
Imperial standard of the wife of the Crown Prince
and the wife of the imperial grandson
A pennant of the standard of the Crown Prince
2001 - Present
Imperial standard of the crown prince
if not the son of the emperor
A gold 16-petaled chrysanthemum centered on
a white background with a red orle and border
1922 - Present
Imperial standard of other members of
the Imperial House
Similar to the standard of the crown prince,
but without the red orle
1948 - Present
Flag of Kinai Province
Emblem of Kinai Province on a Blue Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Tōkai Province
Emblem of Tōkai Province on a Red Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Aomori Province
Emblem of Aomori Province on a White Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Tochigi Province
Emblem of Tochigi Province on a White Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Ōita Province
Emblem of Ōita Province on a Blue Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Yakumo Province
Emblem of Yakumo on a Red Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Nishiyama Province
Emblem of Nishiyama Province on a Dark Green Field
1948 - Present
Emblem of Higashikawa Province on a Teal Field
Flag of Higashikawa Province
1948 - Present
Flag of Tottori Province
Emblem of Tottori Province on a Green Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Nishihata Province
Emblem of Nishihata Province on a Blue Field
1948 - Present
Flag of Amami Province
Emblem of Amami Province on a White Field
1989 - Present
Flag of Hokuriku Circuit
White fringed red seven-point star on a blue field.
Traditional Yezo pattern on the left.
1954 - Present
Flag of Tsukishima Circuit
Striped flag with traditional symbol, colors derived
from the war flag of the Kingdom of Balhae
Contemporary Emblems of Daitō
1183 - Present
Imperial Seal of Daitō
A gold 16 petal chrysanthemum
1872 - Present
Grand Seal of the Empire of Daitō
(Rarely Used)
Supporters: Dragon and Hōō
Top: Sun disk
Escutcheon: Axe head overlaid with grains of rice
Underneath: A gold 16 petal chrysanthemum
7th Century - Present
Privy Seal of Daitō
"Tennō/Gyoji" written in Seal Script
1910 - Present
Government Seal of Daitō
Stylized Paulownia with 5-7-5 flowers on a blue oval with a gold outline
« Last Edit: August 05, 2023, 08:27:11 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Arashkai
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2021, 08:25:38 PM »
Provinces and Circuits of Daitō

   In the aftermath of the Great War, Daitō was effectively reorganized as a federal state with the goal of the strain of administering the country. This resulted in the creation of regional states, or more officially, Provinces and Circuits under the Dōshūsei system, which, in theory, have greater autonomy than the prefectures. In practice, however, while formally representing the various regions of the country, their authority only exists in name, as power is left in the hands of the national government and the prefectures. In total, there are eleven Provinces (州, Shū) and two Circuits (道, ), with the latter of the two being applied to the regions of Hokuriku and Tsukishima owing to their cultural differences from the country's core. Provided below is a list of the Provinces and Circuits in order of population, alongside their capitals:
Tōkai Province
Kinai Province
Ōita Province
Aomori Province
Tsukishima Circuit
Tochigi Province
Yakumo Province
Higashikawa Province
Nishiyama Province
Tottori Province
Hokuriku Circuit
Amami Province
Nishihata Province
« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 11:57:41 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2021, 11:22:17 PM »
Subdivisions of the Empire of Daitō

   The Empire of Daitō is formally divided into sixty-five prefectures proper (県, ken), two urban prefectures (府, fu: Otsu and Tenkyō), and one metropolis (都, to: Shinkyō). These prefectures, sixty-eight in total, are organized into provinces and circuits under the Dōshūsei system. The prefectures of Daitō are organized alongside numbers which correspond to their position on the maps provided.
Kinai Province

Tōkai Province

Amami Province

Aomori Province

Tochigi Province

Higashikawa Province

Ōita Province

Tottori Province

Nishiyama Province

Nishihata Province

Hokuriku Circuit

Yakumo Province

Tsukishima Circuit

Mainland Daitō
Spoiler: Map • show

Spoiler: Map • show
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 04:10:04 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2021, 08:44:05 AM »
Major Cities of the Empire of Daitō

Shinkyō — Shinkyō Metropolis — Tōkai Province

Shiraizumi Crossing, a popular pedestrian scramble crossing in Shiraizumi Ward, Shinkyō
Population: 14,941,704

   By population the largest city in Daitō as well as one of the largest on the planet, Shinkyō has served as the capital of the Empire of Daitō since the Keiō Restoration. Though it suffered during the Great War, in which, as a result of a firebombing campaign undertaken by the Ardian Empire in 1945, vast swathes of the city were destroyed, it soon rebounded, eventually becoming, by the late 1960s, the financial hub of East Ardia, a position which it has only seen challenged in recent years due to the rise of Rokkenjima. Nevertheless, the city remains popular with tourists, as it is one of the two most common jumping-off points for new arrivals entering the country.

Otsu — Ashina Prefecture — Tōkai Province

Otsu City Skyline
Population: 6,741,338

   Formerly known as Azumino, Otsu was once the first seat of Shogunal rule in Daitō. In the years following the Azumino Shogunate's fall, however, its position would decline, eventually becoming little more than a stop along the way from the Mutsu inland sea to Hagi, later Shinkyō, by way of the grand canal. Following the Keiō Restoration, it would be transformed into a port city, eventually growing to become one of the largest cities in Daitō. Due to its position relative to Shinkyō, their metropolitan areas actually overlap to an extent, much like Akashi does, effectively turning the region into a sort of megalopolis.

Okayama — Kawachi Prefecture — Kinai Province

Kuhēbori, a famous nightlife and entertainment area in Okayama
Population: 5,401,792

   Okayama is the largest component of the "Okadeten" metropolitan region and the third most populous city in Daitō. It was traditionally Daitō's economic hub, serving for a time as the country's capital in the 8th century. Okayama continued to flourish in the Hagi period, becoming known as a center of Ōnishi. Following the Keiō Restoration, the city greatly expanded in size and underwent rapid industrialization, and by 1889, it had officially been established as a municipality. The construction boom accelerated population growth throughout the ensuing decades, and by the 1900s, it had become the industrial hub of the Keiō period. Okayama made noted contributions to redevelopment, urban planning and zoning standards in the postwar period, and it would rapidly develop into one of the major financial centers of the Okadeten metropolitan area.

Awara — Akita Prefecture — Tochigi Province

Skyline of Awara
Population: 4,436,809

   In spite of being burned out during the Great War, Awara, once a major center of industry, has rebounded, growing to be the country's fourth most populous city and third most important financial hub.

Hatsukaichi — Izumi Prefecture — Kinai Province

Hatsukaichi Peace Memorial, Akiōta-Honmachi, Hatsukaichi
Population: 4,377,401

   The capital of Izumi Prefecture, Hatsukaichi was a center of military activities prior to the end of the Great War. On the 5th of August, 1945, the city was the victim of the first military target of a nuclear weapon in human history, and as a result, much of the city was destroyed. To this day, the Hatsukaichi Peace Memorial serves as a memorial of the bombing. The city was rebuilt after the war with the help of the national government, with it being provided with financial assistance and donations of land previously used by the Imperial Military, which had, after the war and the near-total destruction of facilities in the city, elected to move to other locations in the prefecture. Hatsukaichi was formally declared a "city of peace" by the Imperial Diet in 1949, and as a result, the city received further international attention as a desirable location for holding international conferences on peace as well as social issues. The city's government, for the longest time, advocated for the abolition of nuclear weapons, eventually achieving its goals in the 2010s.

Saito — Kihoku Prefecture — Yakumo Province

Downtown Hatsukaichi
Population: 3,841,906

   Differing from many cities in Daitō owing to its history, Saito still retains many buildings from the period in which it was held by the Ardian Empire. This is despite the city being bombed during the Great War, as many wanted to see the buildings restored following it, considering it a part of their heritage despite being built by a foreign power. As a result, Saito has a blend of both traditional Daitōjin and Ardian buildings intermixed with more modern structures. Saito is, due to its location, one of the colder cities in the country, getting more snowfall on average than most places, although it is worth noting that, due to the unique climate patterns of the country, nearly all of the mainland regularly sees cold weather during the winter.

Tenkyō — Tenkyō Prefecture — Kinai Province

A street in Tenkyō
Population: 2,105,993

   If Shinkyō is Daitō's capital and Okayama is its cultural heart, Tenkyō is the spiritual center of the country. Located near to the mouth of the Hōyo Channel, the city was, from 793 until 1868, the official capital of Daitō and the seat of the Imperial Court. For a time, the city was likely the most populous on the planet, holding that position between 1353 and 1465, however, due to the Enkyō war, its population was essentially hollowed out. It would recover of course, and by the end of the Hagi period, it had become a breeding ground for revolution, with many prominent figures of the period spending time there. After the Boshin war, it fell out of prominence for a time, but as it was spared from bombing during the Great War, it retained its unique character.

Soma — Tochigi Prefecture — Tochigi Province

View of Soma from Mt. Jōnen
Population: 2,093,771

   Soma is a major port city in eastern Daitō.

Takahagi — Aomori Prefecture — Aomori Province

Skyline of Takahagi
Population: 1,412,444

   Takahagi is a major port city in eastern Daitō.

Taikyū — Hachijo Prefecture — Tsukishima Circuit

Skyline of Taikyū
Population: 981,443

   Taikyū is the capital of both Hachijo Prefecture and Tsukishima Circuit, as well as the largest city on the island. Initially established as a trading post in 1863, the city would, following the War of 1894, become the most prominent Daitōjin settlement on the island, and after the annexation of the island, the de-facto and later de-jure capital of the island. It is now the most important port on the southern coast of Tsukishima, complementing Naku in the north as a naval base.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 05:51:37 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2021, 01:35:46 AM »
Shinkyo, the Capital of Daitō

Panoramic View of Shinkyo
   Total: 14,941,704
   Density: 6,831/km²
   Special Wards: 10,619,913
   Density (Wards): 17,042/km²
   Urban: 39,993,701
   Metro: 41,973,401
   Special Wards: 623.17 km²
Demonym: Shinkyoite
Dialects: Shinkyo, Northern Kikai Islands
   Shinkyo (新京, Shinkyō), officially the Shinkyo Metropolis (新京都, Shinkyō-tō), is the capital and most populous city of Daitō. Shinkyo's metropolitan area, which includes neighboring prefectures in Tokai and Aomori, is the most populous in the world, with an estimated 41.974 million residents as of 2023. The prefecture itself has a population of 14.942 million, of which roughly 10.62 million reside in the 23 special wards (特別区, tokubetsu-ku) which make up the city proper. Located at the head of Shinkyo bay, the prefecture forms part of the Kantō region on the coast of the Rokkenjiman Sea. Shinkyo serves as Daitō's economic center and is both the seat of the Daitōjin Government and the Emperor of Daitō.

   Originally a fishing village named Hagi, the city emerged into political prominence at the end of the Sengoku period, when it became the seat of the Hachisuka Shogunate. By the mid-18th century, Hagi was one of the most populous cities in the world with a population of over one million people. After the Keiō Restoration in 1868, the imperial capital in Tenkyo was moved to Hagi, which was renamed "Shinkyo" (lit. 'new capital'). Shinkyo was devastated by the Great Kantō Earthquake in 1925, and again by Ardian bombing raids during the Great War. Beginning in the 1950s, the prefecture underwent rapid reconstruction and expansion efforts, going on to lead the Fusanese Economic Miracle. Since 1942, the Shinkyo Metropolitan Government has administered the prefecture's special wards (formerly Shinkyo city), various commuter towns and suburbs in its northern and western areas, and outlying islands known as the Shinkyo Islands.
Special Wards of Shinkyo
Area (/km²)
11.84 km²
10.43 km²
20.37 km²
18.91 km²
11.33 km²
10.11 km²
13.98 km²
41.03 km²
22.81 km²
14.83 km²
60.66 km²
58.05 km²
15.11 km²
15.61 km²
34.91 km²
13.08 km²
20.62 km²
10.75 km²
32.48 km²
48.18 km²
53.28 km²
34.82 km²
49.98 km²
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 06:40:44 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2021, 01:41:44 AM »
Provided below is the constitution of Daitō, as adopted in 1896 and with amendments added later. Note: the name "Daito" does not appear in the constitution, as the text was written before the name entered use in any notable capacity.
Constitution of the Empire of Fusan

Imperial Oath at the Sanctuary of the Imperial Palace
   We, the Successor to the prosperous Throne of Our Predecessors, do humbly and solemnly swear to the Imperial Founder of Our House and to Our other Imperial Ancestors that, in pursuance of a great policy co-extensive with the Heavens and with the Earth, We shall maintain and secure from decline the ancient form of government.
   In consideration of the progressive tendency of the course of human affairs and in parallel with the advance of civilization, We deem it expedient, in order to give clearness and distinctness to the instructions bequeathed by the Imperial Founder of Our House and by Our other Imperial Ancestors, to establish fundamental laws formulated into express provisions of law, so that, on the one hand, Our Imperial posterity may possess an express guide for the course they are to follow, and that, on the other, Our subjects shall thereby be enabled to enjoy a wider range of action in giving Us their support, and that the observance of Our laws shall continue to the remotest ages of time. We will thereby to give greater firmness to the stability of Our country and to promote the welfare of all the people within the boundaries of Our dominions; and We now establish the Imperial House Law and the Constitution. These Laws come to only an exposition of grand precepts for the conduct of the government, bequeathed by the Imperial Founder of Our House and by Our other Imperial Ancestors. That we have been so fortunate in Our reign, in keeping with the tendency of the times, as to accomplish this work, We owe to the glorious Spirits of the Imperial Founder of Our House and of Our other Imperial Ancestors.
   We now reverently make Our prayer to Them and to Our Illustrious Father, and implore the help of Their Sacred Spirits, and make to Them solemn oath never at this time nor in the future to fail to be an example to our subjects in the observance of the Laws hereby established.
   May the Heavenly Spirits witness this Our solemn Oath.

Imperial Speech on the Promulgation of the Constitution
   Whereas We make it the joy and glory of Our heart to behold the prosperity of Our country, and the welfare of Our subjects, We do hereby, in virtue of the supreme power We inherit from Our Imperial Ancestors, promulgate the present immutable fundamental law, for the sake of Our present subjects and their descendants.
   The Imperial Founder of Our House and Our other Imperial Ancestors, by the help and support of the forefathers of Our subjects, laid the foundation of Our Empire upon a basis, which is to last forever. That this brilliant achievement embellishes the annals of Our country, is due to the glorious virtues of Our Sacred Imperial Ancestors, and to the loyalty and bravery of Our subjects, their love of their country and their public spirit. Considering that Our subjects are the descendants of the loyal and good subjects of Our Imperial Ancestors, We doubt not but that Our subjects will be guided by Our views, and will sympathise with all Our endeavours, and that, harmoniously cooperating together, they will share with Us Our hope of making manifest the glory of Our country, both at home and abroad, and of securing forever the stability of the work bequeathed to Us by Our Imperial Ancestors.[/font

   Having, by virtue of the glories of Our Ancestors, ascended the throne of a lineal succession unbroken for ages eternal; desiring to promote the welfare of, and to give development to the moral and intellectual faculties of Our beloved subjects, the very same that have been favoured with the benevolent care and affectionate vigilance of Our Ancestors; and hoping to maintain the prosperity of the State, in concert with Our people and with their support, We hereby promulgate, in pursuance of Our Imperial Rescript of the 12th day of the 10th month of the 16th year of Keiyo, a fundamental law of the State, to exhibit the principles, by which We are guided in Our conduct, and to point out to what Our descendants and Our subjects and their descendants are forever to conform.
   The right of sovereignty of the State, We have inherited from Our Ancestors, and We shall bequeath them to Our descendants. Neither We nor they shall in future fail to wield them, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution hereby granted.
   We now declare to respect and protect the security of the rights and of the property of Our people, and to secure to them the complete enjoyment of the same, within the extent of the provisions of the present Constitution and of the law.
   The Imperial Diet shall first be convoked for the 28th year of Keiyo, and the time of its opening shall be the date, when the present Constitution comes into force.
   When in the future it may become necessary to amend any of the provisions of the present Constitution, We or Our successors shall assume the initiative right, and submit a project for the same to the Imperial Diet. The Imperial Diet shall pass its vote upon it, according to the conditions imposed by the present Constitution, and in no otherwise shall Our descendants or Our subjects be permitted to attempt any alteration thereof.
   Our Ministers of State, on Our behalf, shall be held responsible for the carrying out of the present Constitution, and Our present and future subjects shall forever assume the duty of allegiance to the present Constitution.

Constitution of the Empire of Fusan
Chapter I. The Emperor.
Article 1. The Empire of Fusan shall be reigned over and governed by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal.
Article 2. The Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by Imperial male descendants, according to the provisions of the Imperial House Law.
Article 3. The Emperor is Sacred and Inviolable.
Article 4. The Emperor is the head of the Empire, combining in Himself the rights of sovereignty, and exercises them, according to the provisions of the present Constitution.
Article 5. The Emperor exercises the legislative power with the consent of the Imperial Diet.
Article 6. The Emperor gives sanction to laws, and orders them to be promulgated and executed.
Article 7. The Emperor convokes the Imperial Diet, opens, closes and prorogues it, and dissolves the House of Representatives.
Article 8. The Emperor, in consequence of an urgent necessity to maintain public safety or to avert public calamities, issues, when the Imperial Diet is not sitting, Imperial Ordinances in the place of law.
(2) Such Imperial Ordinances are to be laid before the Imperial Diet at its next session, and when the Diet does not approve the said Ordinances, the Government shall declare them to be invalid for the future.
Article 9. The Emperor issues or causes to be issued, the Ordinances necessary for the carrying out of the laws, or for the maintenance of the public peace and order, and for the promotion of the welfare of the subjects. But no Ordinance shall in any way alter any of the existing laws.
Article 10. The Emperor determines the organisation of the different branches of the administration, and salaries of all civil and military officers, and appoints and dismisses the same. Exceptions especially provided for in the present Constitution or in other laws, shall be in accordance with the respective provisions (bearing thereon).
Article 11. The Emperor has the supreme command of the Army, Navy, and all other branches of the Armed Forces.
Article 12. The Emperor determines the organisation and peace standing of the Armed Forces.
Article 13. The Emperor declares war, makes peace, and concludes treaties.
Article 14. The Emperor proclaims the law of siege.
(2) The conditions and effects of the law of siege shall be determined by law.
Article 15. The Emperor confers titles of nobility, rank, orders and other marks of honour.
Article 16. The Emperor orders amnesty, pardon, commutation of punishments and rehabilitation.
Article 17. A Regency shall be instituted in conformity with the provisions of the Imperial House Law.
(2) The Regent shall exercise the powers appertaining to the Emperor in His name.

Chapter II. Rights and Duties of Subjects.
Article 18. The conditions necessary for being a Fusanese subject shall be determined by law.
Article 19. Fusanese subjects may, according to qualifications determined in laws or ordinances, be appointed to civil or military offices equally, and many fill any other public offices.
Article 20. Fusanese subjects are amenable to service in the Armed Forces, according to the provisions of law.
Article 21. Fusanese subjects are amenable to the duty of paying taxes, according to the provisions of law.
Article 22. Fusanese subjects shall have the liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits of the law.
Article 23. No Fusanese subject shall be arrested, detained, tried or punished, unless according to law.
Article 24. No Fusanese subject shall be deprived of his right of being tried by the judges determined by law.
Article 25. Except in the cases provided for in the law, the house of no Fusanese subject shall be entered or searched without his consent.
Article 26. Except in the cases mentioned in the law, the secrecy of the letters of every Fusanese subject shall remain inviolate.
Article 27. The right of property of every Fusanese subject shall remain inviolate.
(2) Measures necessary to be taken for the public benefit shall be any provided for by law.
Article 28. Fusanese subjects shall, within limits not prejudicial to peace and order, and not antagonistic to their duties as subjects, enjoy freedom of religious belief.
Article 29. Fusanese subjects shall, within the limits of law, enjoy the liberty of speech, writing, publication, public meetings and associations.
Article 30. Fusanese subjects may present petitions, by observing the proper forms of respect, and by complying with the rules specially provided for the same.
Article 31. The provisions contained in the present Chapter shall not affect the exercise of the powers appertaining to the Emperor, in times of war or in cases of a national emergency.
Article 32. Each and every one of the provisions contained in the preceding Articles of the present Chapter, that are not in conflict with the laws or the rules and discipline of the Armed Services, shall apply to the officers and men of the Armed Services.

Chapter III. The Imperial Diet.
Article 33. The Imperial Diet shall consist of two Houses, a House of Peers and a House of Representatives.
Article 34. The House of Peers shall, in accordance with the Ordinance concerning the House of Peers, be composed of the members of the Imperial Family, of the orders of nobility, and of those persons, who have been nominated thereto by the Emperor.
Article 35. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members elected by the people, according to the provisions of the Law of Election.
Article 36. No one can at one and the same time be a Member of both Houses.
Article 37. Every law requires the consent of the Imperial Diet.
Article 38. Both Houses shall vote upon projects of law submitted to it by the Government, and may respectively initiate projects of law.
Article 39. A Bill, which has been rejected by either the one or the other of the two Houses, shall not be again brought in during the same session.
Article 40. Both Houses can make representations to the Government, as to laws or upon any other subject. When, however, such representations are not accepted, they cannot be made a second time during the same session.
Article 41. The Imperial Diet shall be convoked every year.
Article 42. A session of the Imperial Diet shall last for  three months. In case of necessity, the duration of a session may be prolonged by the Imperial Order.
Article 43. When urgent necessity arises, an extraordinary session may be convoked, in addition to the ordinary one.
(2) The duration of an extraordinary session shall be determined by Imperial Order.
Article 44. The opening, closing, prolongation of session and prorogation of the Imperial Diet, shall be effected simultaneously for both Houses.
(2) In case the House of Representatives has been ordered to dissolve, the House of Peers shall at the same time be prorogued.
Article 45. When the House of Representatives has been ordered to dissolve, Members shall be caused by Imperial Order to be newly elected, and the new House shall be convoked within five months from the day of dissolution.
Article 46. No debate can be opened and no vote can be taken in either House of the Imperial Diet, unless not less than one third of the whole number of the Members thereof is present.
Article 47. Votes shall be taken in both Houses by absolute majority. In the case of a tie vote, the President shall have the casting vote.
Article 48. The deliberations of both Houses shall be held in public. The deliberations may, however, upon demand of the Government or by resolution of the House, be held in secret sitting.
Article 49. Both Houses of the Imperial Diet may respectively present addresses to the Emperor.
Article 50. Both Houses may receive petitions presented by subjects.
Article 51. Both Houses may enact, besides what is provided for in the present Constitution and in the Law of the Houses, rules necessary for the management of their internal affairs.
Article 52. No Member of either House shall be held responsible outside the respective Houses, for any opinion uttered or for any vote given in the House. When, however, a Member himself has given publicity to his opinions by public speech, by documents in print or in writing, or by any other similar means, he shall, in the matter, be amenable to the general law.
Article 53. The Members of both Houses shall, during the session, be free from arrest, unless with the consent of the House, except in cases of flagrant delicts, or of offences connected with a state of internal commotion or with a foreign trouble.
Article 54. The Ministers of State and the Delegates of the Government may, at any time, take seats and speak in either House.

Chapter IV. The Ministers of State and the Privy Council.
Article 55. The respective Ministers of State shall give their advice to the Emperor, and be responsible for it.
(2) All Laws, Imperial Ordinances, and Imperial Rescripts of whatever kind, that relate to the affairs of the State, require the countersignature of a Minister of State.
Article 56. The Privy Councillors shall, in accordance with the provisions for the organisation of the Privy Council, deliberate upon important matters of State, when they have been consulted by the Emperor.

Chapter V. The Judicature.
Article 57. The Judicature shall be exercised by the Courts of Law according to law, in the name of the Emperor.
(2) The organisation of the Courts of Law shall be determined by law.
Article 58. The judges shall be appointed from among those, who possess proper qualifications according to law.
(2) No judge shall be deprived of his position, unless by way of criminal sentence or disciplinary punishment.
(3) Rules for disciplinary punishment shall be determined by law.
Article 59. Trials and judgments of a Court shall be conducted publicly. When, however, there exists any fear that, such publicity may be prejudicial to peace and order, or to the maintenance of public morality, the public trial may be suspended by provisions of law or by the decision of the Court of Law.
Article 60. All matters, that fall within the competency of a special Court, shall be specially provided for by law.
Article 61. No suit at law, which relates to rights alleged to have been infringed by the illegal measures of the executive authorities, and which shall come within the competency of the Court of Administrative Litigation specially established by law, shall be taken cognizance of by a Court of Law.

Chapter VI. Finance.
Article 62. The imposition of a new tax or the modification of the rates (of an existing one) shall be determined by law.
(2) However, all such administrative fees or other revenue having the nature of compensation shall not fall within the category of the above clause.
(3) The raising of national loans and the contracting of other liabilities to the charge of the National Treasury, except those that are provided in the Budget, shall require the consent of the Imperial Diet.
Article 63. The taxes levied at present shall, in so far as are not remodelled by new law, be collected according to the old system.
Article 64. The expenditure and revenue of the State require the consent of the Imperial Diet by means of an annual Budget.
(2) Any and all expenditures overpassing the appropriations set forth in the Titles and Paragraphs of the Budget, or that are not provided for in the Budget, shall subsequently require the approbation of the Imperial Diet.
Article 65. The Budget shall be first laid before the House of Representatives.
Article 66. The expenditures of the Imperial House shall be defrayed every year out of the National Treasury, according to the present fixed amount for the same, and shall not require the consent thereto of the Imperial Diet, except in case an increase thereof is found necessary.
Article 67. Those already fixed expenditures based by the Constitution upon the powers appertaining to the Emperor, and such expenditures as may have arisen by the effect of law, or that appertain to the legal obligations of the Government, shall be neither rejected nor reduced by the Imperial Diet, without the concurrence of the Government.
Article 68. In order to meet special requirements, the Government may ask the consent of the Imperial Diet to a certain amount as a Continuing Expenditure Fund, for a previously fixed number of years.
Article 69. In order to supply deficiencies, which are unavoidable, in the Budget, and to meet requirements unprovided for in the same, a Reserve Fund shall be provided in the Budget.
Article 70. When the Imperial Diet cannot be convoked, owing to the external or internal condition of the country, in case of urgent need for the maintenance of public safety, the Government may take all necessary financial measures, by means of an Imperial Ordinance.
(2) In the case mentioned in the preceding clause, the matter shall be submitted to the Imperial Diet at its next session, and its approbation shall be obtained thereto.
Article 71. When the Imperial Diet has not voted on the Budget, or when the Budget has not been brought into actual existence, the Government shall carry out the Budget of the preceding year.
Article 72. The final account of the expenditures and revenues of the State shall be verified and confirmed by the Board of Audit, and it shall be submitted by the Government to the Imperial Diet, together with the report of verification of the said Board.
(2) The organisation and competency of the Board of Audit shall be determined by law separately.

Chapter VII. Supplemental Rules.
Article 73. When it has become necessary in future to amend the provisions of the present Constitution, a project to that effect shall be submitted to the Imperial Diet by Imperial Order.
(2) In the above case, neither House can open the debate, unless not less than two thirds of the whole number of Members are present, and no amendment can be passed, unless a majority of not less than two thirds of the Members present is obtained.
Article 74. No modification of the Imperial House Law shall be required to be submitted to the deliberation of the Imperial Diet.
(2) No provision of the present Constitution can be modified by the Imperial House Law.
Article 75. No modification can be introduced into the Constitution, or into the Imperial House Law, during the time of a Regency.
Article 76. Existing legal enactments, such as laws, regulations, Ordinances, or by whatever names they may be called, shall, so far as they do not conflict with the present Constitution, continue in force.
(2) All existing contracts or orders, that entail obligations upon the Government, and that are connected with expenditure, shall come within the scope of Article 67.

Constitutional Amendments
Amendment I. Equal Rights.
Article 1. All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.
Article 2. Every person shall have the right to choose his residence and to choose his occupation to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare.
(2) Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and to divest themselves of their nationality shall, except in cases of war or national emergency, remain inviolate.
Article 3. Academic freedom is guaranteed.
Article 4. Marriage shall be based on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis.
(2) With regard to choice of spouse, property rights, inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the standpoint of individual dignity and the essential equality of the sexes.
Article 5. All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
(2) In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavours for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health.
Article 6. All people shall have the right to receive an equal education correspondent to their ability, as provided by law.
(2) All people shall be obligated to have all boys and girls under their protection receive ordinary education as provided for by law. Such compulsory education shall be free.
Article 7. All people shall have the right and the obligation to work. Standards for wages, hours, rest and other working conditions shall be fixed by law. Children shall not be exploited.

Also attached is, for those few who would want it, a version of the constitution in Japanese (I guess for aesthetics?)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2023, 03:44:07 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2021, 01:42:15 AM »
Government of the Empire of Fusan, Part One:
The Emperor of Fusan

Eijiro Akitsukuni, Emperor of Fusan
   The Emperor is the head of state and sovereign of the Empire of Fusan, as well as the head of the Imperial House of Akitsukuni. Under the Constitution of the Empire of Fusan, he is defined as the "formal head of the Empire, acting as chief representative of the people's will and exercising his duties according to the provisions of the Constitution", while his authority is derived from the constitution, which states that Fusan shall "be reigned over and governed by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal." The Imperial Household Law generally governs the line of imperial succession. The Emperor is immune from prosecution by the Supreme Court of Fusan. He is also governor of the Church of Fusan. In Ōnishi, the Emperor is referred to as Tennō (天皇), which translates literally as "Heavenly Sovereign", having, prior to the Christianization of the country, been used to trace divine descent, while in modern times, it is seen as more of a signifier of the Emperor's mandate. The Emperor is also the head of all national Fusanese orders, decorations, medals, and awards. In English, the use of the term Mikado (帝/御門) for the emperor was once common but is now considered obsolete.

   The Imperial House of Akitsukuni, alternatively known as the Imperial House of Fusan, is amongst the oldest in the world, with its historical origins in the late Kofun period, which lasted from roughly 600 to 188 BC. According to the mythological accounts of the Kojiki, Fusan was founded by Emperor Tenmu in 660 BC. The role of the Emperor of Fusan has historically alternated between a largely symbolic role and that of an actual, imperial ruler. Since the establishment of the first shogunate in 1192, the emperors of Fusan have rarely taken on a role as supreme battlefield commander, unlike many other monarchs. Fusanese emperors have nearly always been controlled by external political forces, to varying degrees. For example, between 1192 and 1867, the shōguns were the de facto rulers of Fusan, although they were nominally appointed by the emperor.  Since the Keiō Restoration, the Emperors of Fusan, though being referred to as sovereign, only executes sovereign power as the "Emperor in the Diet", wherein laws are enacted by the monarch, but with the advice and consent of the Diet and by their authority. In practice, this has meant that the Diet possesses sovereign power on the behalf of the people, with the participation of the Emperor being a mere formality.
Role of the Emperor
Constitutional Role

   As is seen in many constitutional monarchies, the Emperor is the chief executive of the nation. Executive power is vested in the position of the Emperor, however, he is bound by the constitution and by convention to act upon the advice of the cabinet and to exercise his powers through the various ministers and ministries. He is also the de jure Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Though there is nothing on the books prohibiting it, the Emperor is, by convention, typically barred from making political statements, owing to his position as a unifying figure within the country. The Emperor's roles are as follows:
      • Appointment of the Prime Minister as recommended by the Diet.*
      • Appointment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as recommended by the Cabinet.*
      • Promulgation of amendments of the constitution, laws, cabinet orders, and treaties.
      • Issuance of Imperial Ordinances and Rescripts.
      • Convocation of the Diet.
      • Dissolution of the House of Representatives.
      • Proclamation of general election of members of the Diet.
      • Command of the Armed Forces.
      • Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by law, and of full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers.
      • Awarding of honors.
      • Attestation of instruments of ratification and other diplomatic documents as provided for by law.
      • Declarations of War and Peace.
      • Conferral of titles of nobility, rank, order, and other marks of honor.
      • Performance of ceremonial functions.
(*Under extreme circumstances, the Emperor can appoint these positions without the recommendation of the Cabinet)
Cultural Role
   The emperor is the supreme governor of the established Church of Fusan. Archbishops and bishops are appointed by the monarch, on the advice of the prime minister, who chooses the appointee from a list of nominees prepared by a Church Commission. The emperor's role in the Church of Fusan is titular; the most senior clergyman, the Archbishop of Tenkyo, is the spiritual leader of the Church and of the worldwide Fusojin communion. The office of the emperor is also cultural bearer and steward of tradition and culture. For example the Utakai Hajime is the annual poetry reading competition convened by the emperor. The emperor is supported in this function by the empress and other members of the imperial family, who have honorary patronages of many associations and organizations. They travel extensively throughout the year within the country to uphold these roles. In sports, the Emperor's Cup (天皇賜杯, Tennō shihai) is given to a number of competitions such as football, baseball, judo, volleyball, and the top division yūshō winner of a sumo tournament.
Names, Titles and Styles
   The Fusanese language has two words equivalent to the English word "emperor": tennō 天皇, "heavenly sovereign"), which refers exclusively to the emperor of Fusan, and kōtei (皇帝), which primarily identifies non-Fusanese emperors. Sumeramikoto ("the imperial person") was also used in old Fusanese. Emperors used the term tennō up until the early Medieval period, then, following a period of disuse, again from the 19th century onwards. The weakened power of the emperors led to the title tennō not being used from 1200 until the early 1850s; during this time, living emperors were called shujō (主上) and deceased ones were called in (院). Other titles that were recorded to be in use were kō (皇), tei (帝), ō (王), all meaning "prince" or "emperor", and tenshi (天子), or "child of heaven", which fell out of use after the 16th century. In English, the term mikado (御門 or 帝), literally meaning "the honorable gate" (i.e. the gate of the imperial palace, which indicates the person who lives in and possesses the palace) was once used, but it has fallen out of use.

   Fusanese emperors take on a regnal name, which is the common and polite way to refer to the emperor as a person upon their death. Fusanese regnal names are more precisely names for a period of time that begins with a historical event, such as the enthronement of an emperor. Since Emperor Keiō, it has been customary to have one era per emperor and to rename each emperor after his death using the name of the era over which he presided. Before Emperor Keiō, the names of the eras were changed more frequently, and the posthumous names of the emperors were chosen differently. The current emperor on the throne is typically referred to as Tennō Heika (天皇陛下, "His [Imperial] Majesty the Emperor"), Kinjō Heika (今上陛下, "His Current Majesty") or simply Tennō, when speaking Fusanese. An abdicated Emperor is given the title Daijō Tennō (太上天皇, Emperor Emeritus), which is often shortened to Jōkō (上皇). They are renamed to their regnal name upon their death.

   The present emperor's full English style is "Eijiro, by the Grace of God and the will of the Nation, Emperor of Fusan and Protector of the Faith.", although he is, in practice, simply referred to as “His Majesty.”
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 01:37:00 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2021, 12:02:26 PM »
Government of the Empire of Fusan, Part Two:
The Imperial Diet

The floor and the gallery of the chamber of the House of Peers
   The Imperial Diet (帝国議会, Teikoku-gikai) is the national legislature of Fusan. It is composed lower house, called the House of Representatives (衆議院, Shūgiin), and an upper house, the House of Peers (貴族院, Kizoku-in). Both houses, with the exceptions of a few seats in the House of Peers, are directly elected under a parallel voting system. In addition to passing laws, the Diet is formally responsible for nominating the Prime Minister (though the nominee is voted upon by the ruling party). The Diet was officially established in 1890 following the promulgation of the constitution. Both houses meet in the Imperial Diet Building (帝国議会議事堂, Teikoku-gikai gijidō) in Shinkyo.
   The Houses of the Imperial Diet are elected under parallel voting systems. This means that the seats to be filled in any given election are divided into two groups, each elected by a different method; the main difference between the houses is in the sizes of the two groups and how they are elected. Voters are also asked to cast two votes: one for an individual candidate in a constituency, and one for a party list. Any national of Fusan at least eighteen years of age may vote in these elections, reduced from 20 in 1978. Fusan's parallel voting system is not to be confused with the Additional Member System used in many other nations. The Constitution of Fusan does not specify the number of members of each house of the Diet, the voting system, or the necessary qualifications of those who may vote or be returned in parliamentary elections, thus allowing all of these things to be determined by law. However, it does guarantee universal adult suffrage and a secret ballot. It also insists that the electoral law must not discriminate in terms of "race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income."

Generally, the election of Diet members is controlled by statutes passed by the Diet. This has led to controversy surrounding the re-apportionment of prefectures' seats in response to changes of population distribution. For example, the YFD has historically gained much support from rural areas, however, large numbers of people relocated to the urban centers in search of opportunity; though some re-apportionments have been made to the number of each prefecture's assigned seats in the Diet, rural areas generally have more representation than urban areas. The Supreme Court of Fusan began exercising judicial review of apportionment laws following the Akimoto decision of 1970, invalidating an election in which one district in Otobe Prefecture received five times the representation of another district in Ashina Prefecture. In recent elections the malapportionment ratio amounted 3.5 in the House of Peers and 2.1 in the House of Representatives. Candidates for the lower house must be 25 years old or older and 30 years or older for the upper house. All candidates must be Fusanese nationals. Diet members are paid roughly 文12,000 ($11,600) per month in salary. Each lawmaker is entitled to employ three secretaries with taxpayer funds, free Shinkansen tickets, and four round-trip airline tickets a month to enable them to travel back and forth to their home districts.
   While the constitution officially describes the Emperor as being the one who exercises authority with the consent of the Diet, through a combination of legal precedent and laws passed, in practice the Imperial Diet has become the highest organ of state power and in theory the sole law-making organ of the state, albeit with the concession that the Emperor is allowed to promulgate Imperial Rescripts. These rescripts are, however, typically confirmed by the Imperial Diet and can be vetoed by a 3/4ths majority vote in the House of Representatives and a 2/3rds majority in the House of Peers. The Diet's responsibilities include not only the making of laws but also the approval of the annual national budget that the government submits and the ratification of treaties. It can also initiate draft constitutional amendments, which, if approved, must be presented to the people in a referendum or otherwise approved by three-fourths of the prefectural legislatures. The Diet is allowed to conduct investigations in relation to the government.

   The Prime Minister must be designated by Diet resolution, establishing the principle of legislative supremacy over executive government agencies. The government can also be dissolved by the Diet if it passes a motion of no confidence introduced by fifty members of the House of Representatives. Government officials, including the Prime Minister and Cabinet members, are required to appear before Diet investigative committees and answer inquiries. The Diet also has the power to impeach judges convicted of criminal or irregular conduct. In most circumstances, in order to become law a bill must be first passed by both houses of the Diet and then promulgated by the Emperor, with the role of the Emperor being similar to Royal Assent seen in some other countries. The Emperor is allowed to refuse to promulgate a law, with this being a final act of veto to proposed legislation, albeit one which is rarely used compared to other methods.

   The House of Representatives is the more powerful chamber of the Diet. While the House of Representatives cannot usually overrule the House of Peers on a bill, the House of Peers can only delay the adoption of a budget or a treaty that has been approved by the House of Representatives, and the House of Peers has almost no power at all to prevent the lower house from selecting any Prime Minister it wishes. Furthermore, once appointed it is the confidence of the House of Representatives alone that the Prime Minister must enjoy in order to continue in office. The House of Representatives can overrule the upper house in the following circumstances:
      • If a bill is adopted by the House of Representatives and then either rejected, amended or not approved within 60 days by the House of Peers, then the bill will become law if again adopted by the House of Representatives by a majority of at least two-thirds of members present.
      • If both houses cannot agree on a budget or a treaty, even through the appointment of a joint committee of the Diet, or if the House of Peers fails to take final action on a proposed budget or treaty within 30 days of its approval by the House of Representatives, then the decision of the lower house is deemed to be that of the Diet.
      • If both houses cannot agree on a candidate for Prime Minister, even through a joint committee, or if the House of Peers fails to designate a candidate within 10 days of the House of Representatives' decision, then the nominee of the lower house is deemed to be that of the Diet.
   Under the Constitution, at least one session of the Diet must be convened each year. Technically, only the House of Representatives is dissolved before an election, but, while the lower house is in dissolution, the House of Peers is usually "closed." The Emperor both convokes the Diet and dissolves the House of Representatives but in doing so must act on the advice of the Cabinet. In an emergency the Cabinet can convoke the Diet for an extraordinary session, and an extraordinary session may be requested by one-quarter of the members of either house. At the beginning of each parliamentary session, the Emperor reads a special speech from his throne in the chamber of the House of Peers.

The presence of one-third of the membership of either house constitutes a quorum and deliberations are in public unless at least two-thirds of those present agree otherwise. Each house elects its own presiding officer who casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The Diet has parliamentary immunity. Members of each house have certain protections against arrest while the Diet is in session and arrested members must be released during the term of the session if the House demands. They are immune outside the house for words spoken and votes cast in the House. Each house of the Diet determines its own standing orders and has responsibility for disciplining its own members. A member may be expelled, but only by a two-thirds majority vote. Every member of the Cabinet has the right to appear in either house of the Diet for the purpose of speaking on bills, and each house has the right to compel the appearance of Cabinet members.
Legislative Process
   The vast majority of bills are submitted to the Diet by the Cabinet. Bills are usually drafted by the relevant ministry, sometimes with the advice of an external committee if the issue is sufficiently important or neutrality is necessary. Such advisory committees may include university professors, trade union representatives, industry representatives, and local governors and mayors, and invariably include retired officials. Such draft bills would be sent to the Cabinet Legislation Bureau of the government, as well as to the ruling party.
   There are generally three types of sessions of the Imperial Diet:
      • R — Jōkai (常会), regular sessions of the Imperial Diet, often shortened to "regular Diet" (通常議会, tsūjō Gikai). These are now typically called in January, last for 150 days, and can be extended once.
      • E — Rinjikai (臨時会), extraordinary sessions of the Imperial Diet, often shortened to "extraordinary Diet" (臨時議会, rinji Gikai). These are often called in autumn, or in the summer after a regular election of the House of Peers (貴族院通常選挙, Kizoku-in giin tsūjō-senkyo) or after a full-term general election of the House of Representatives (衆議院議員総選挙, Shūgi-in giin sō-senkyo). Its length is negotiated between the two houses and it can be extended twice.
      • S — Tokubetsukai (特別会) Special sessions of the Imperial Diet, often shortened to "special Diet" (特別議会, tokubetsu Gikai). They are called only after a dissolution and early general election of the House of Representatives. Because the cabinet must resign after a House of Representatives election, the Imperial Diet always chooses a prime minister-designate in a special session (but inversely, not all PM elections take place in a special Diet). A special session can be extended twice.
      • HPES — There is a fourth type of legislative session: If the House of Representatives is dissolved, an Imperial Diet cannot be convened. In urgent cases, the cabinet may invoke an emergency session (緊急集会, kinkyū shūkai) of the House of Peers to take provisional decisions for the whole Diet. As soon as the whole Imperial Diet convenes again, these decisions must be confirmed by the House of Representatives or become ineffective. Until 2023, such an emergency session had, however, never been called before.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 01:45:13 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2022, 09:04:12 PM »
Government of the Empire of Fusan, Part Three:
The Prime Minister of Fusan

Sadazane Konishi, the incumbent Prime Minister of Fusan
   The Prime Minister of Fusan (内閣総理大臣, Naikaku Sōri-Daijin) is the head of government of Fusan. The Prime Minister chairs the Cabinet of Fusan and has the ability to select and dismiss its Ministers of State. Although the Emperor is the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Armed Forces, the prime minister has considerable oversight over the military during peacetime, and is typically a sitting member of the House of Representatives, although members of the House of Peers have also served. The individual is formally appointed by the Emperor of Fusan after being nominated by the Imperial Diet (or following an election within the ruling party if the outgoing Prime Minister has resigned or been voted out of office) The prime minister must retain the nomination of the House of Representatives and answer to the Imperial Diet. The position and nature of this title allow the holder to reside in and work at the Prime Minister's Official Residence in Sendō, Shinkyo, close to the Imperial Diet Building. Sadazane Konishi is the current prime minister of Fusan, replacing Suketoshi Heike in late 2022. As of September 2024, there have been 39 Prime Ministers since the position was established.
      • Exercises "control and supervision" over the Legislative Branch.
      • Presents bills to the Diet on behalf of the Cabinet.
      • Signs laws and Cabinet orders (along with other members of the Cabinet).
      • Nominates all Cabinet members and can dismiss them at any time.
      • May permit legal action to be taken against Cabinet ministers.
      • Must make reports on domestic and foreign relations to the Diet.
      • Must report to the Diet upon demand to provide answers or explanations.
      • May advise the Emperor to dissolve the Diet's House of Representatives.
      • Presides over meetings of the Cabinet.
      • May override a court injunction against an administrative act upon showing of cause.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 06:27:30 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2022, 09:30:47 PM »
Government of the Empire of Fusan, Part Four:
The Cabinet and the Privy Council

The Cabinet of Shinzō Koizumi (1999 - 2004)
   The Cabinet of Fusan (内閣, Naikaku) is the chief executive body of the government of the Empire of Fusan. It consists of the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Emperor after being nominated by the Imperial Diet, in addition to up to seventeen other members, called Ministers of State. The Prime Minister is nominated by the Imperial Diet, while the remaining ministers are nominated and dismissed by the Prime Minister, only being confirmed by the Diet. The Cabinet is collectively responsible to both the Emperor and the Imperial Diet and must resign if a motion of no confidence is adopted by the Imperial Diet. Cabinet members are generally appointed after the selection of the prime minister. A majority of the Cabinet, excluding the Prime Minister (though in practice, they have always been a member), must be members of the Imperial Diet, and must all be civilians. If the Cabinet collectively resigns, it continues to exercise its functions until the appointment of a new prime minister. While they are in office, legal action may not be taken against Cabinet ministers without the consent of the prime minister. The Cabinet must resign en masse in the following circumstances:
      • When a motion of no confidence is adopted, or a vote of confidence defeated, by the House of Representatives, unless there is a dissolution of the house within ten days.
      • Upon the first convocation of the Imperial Diet after a general election to the House of Representatives (even if the same prime minister is to be re-elected and appointed, and every other minister is to be reappointed).
      • When the position of prime minister becomes vacant, or the prime minister declares his intention to resign.
Current Cabinet
Konishi Cabinet
Sadazane Konishi
Prime Minister
Cabinet Office
Hakaru Asakawa
Minister of Commerce and Industry
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Haruto Suzuki
Deputy Prime Minister
Cabinet Office
Isao Anami
Minister of Communications
Ministry of Communications
Tadakatsu Haruno
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sakichi Azumaya
Minister of Transportation
Ministry of Transportation
Benkei Hiraide
Minister of Home Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs
Yorinobu Watanabe
Minister of Health and Social Affairs
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Sakiko Besujima
Minister of Finance
Ministry of Finance
Hiroko Amari
Minister of Energy
Ministry of Energy
Okimoto Esashi
Minister of War
Ministry of War
Daishi Ubukata
Minister of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Environmental Affairs
Yūdai Sasabe
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Hideki Yamaoka
Minister of Labor
Ministry of Labor
Emon Nakajima
Minister of Education
Ministry of Education
Hisato Watase
Grand Steward of the Imperial Household
Ministry of the Imperial Household
Ginji Kosei
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Oki Nagase
Minister of Culture
Ministry of Culture
The Privy Council of Fusan
   The Privy Council of Fusan is an advisory council to the Emperor of Fusan which was initially formed in 1888. Prior to the 1950s, it was primarily used to limit the power of the Imperial Diet, however, thanks to a series of rulings by the Supreme Court and pieces of legislation, it has been reduced to a merely advisory role to the Emperor and at times the Cabinet. While it lacks real power, the membership on the council confers upon its members significant influence within the government. The Privy Council has both judicial functions and certain executive functions, however, it does not have the power to initiate legislation. The body advises the Empire on matters including, but not limited to:
      • Proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Empire of Fusan.
      • Proposed amendments to the Imperial Household Law.
      • Matters of constitutional interpretation, proposed laws, and ordinances.
      • Proclamations of martial law or declaration of war.
      • Treaties and other international agreements.
      • Matters concerning the succession to the throne.
      • Declaration of a regency under the Imperial Household Law.
      • Matters submitted to the Emperor directly.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 06:42:28 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2022, 10:27:39 PM »
Government of the Empire of Fusan, Part Five:
The Supreme Court

Supreme Court Building, Shinkyo
   The Supreme Court of Fusan (最高裁判所, Saikō-Saibansho), formally known as the Supreme Court of the Judiciary (司法の最高裁判所, Shihō no Saikōsaibansho), is the highest court in Fusan. It has ultimate judicial authority to interpret the Fusanese Constitution and to decide questions of national law. It has the power of judicial review, which allows it to determine the constitutionality of any law or official act.

   Originally founded in 1875, the Supreme Court predates the modern Constitution of Fusan by roughly fifteen years, instead serving to interpret the 1853 Constitution. During this fifteen year period, the court was referred to as the Supreme Constitutional Court (最高憲法裁判所, Saikō Kenpō Saibansho[/i) and occupied a temporary structure in Shinkyo until the first Supreme Court Building was finished in 1880. The Supreme Constitutional Court and later Supreme Court of Justice would occupy the building until 1945, when it was gutted by Ardian air raids during the Great War. Though the building was repaired, for a brief period between 1945 and 1949, the Supreme Court would make use of Committee Room No.2 in the Imperial Diet Building, and would subsequently operate from the Imperial Diet Building until 1976, when the modern building was finished. The old Imperial Diet Building has, since then, been converted into a museum.

   The Supreme Court is composed of 120 justices in both civil and criminal divisions. During any given case, a panel of up to fifteen judges will be present in one of eight chambers within the Supreme Court building, although only seven judges are needed to hear a case. The Supreme Court is, by law, defined as a court of last resort and was allowed by Imperial Rescript to conduct judicial review through "the power to determine the constitutionality of any law, order, regulation or official act." In its first role as a court of last resort, the Supreme Court hears civil, administrative and criminal cases appealed from lower courts, with the first two being heard by the civil division, while the criminal division hears appeals on criminal cases. This responsibility and the inability to apply discretion in the appeals it hears results in civil and criminal appeals being a significant majority of its caseload. In its second role, the Supreme Court can exercise its power of judicial review when a concrete legal dispute involving a violation or misinterpretation of the constitution is appealed. The criminal division of the court is the court of first instance for crimes against the Emperor (e.g. lèse majesté or regicide) and for high crimes against the public order.

The Supreme Court also manages the operation, budget, and personnel of all of Fusan's courts. Decisions are made by a regular Conference of the Justices in the Supreme Court and implemented by the Administration Bureau of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, through the office of the General Secretariat, also has extensive control over judicial personnel, including judges. This includes the ability to determine posts of judges, which has a significant impact on their careers and advancement opportunities. The Supreme Court also oversees the Legal Research and Training Institute, in which prospective legal professionals who have passed the National Bar Examination are required to attend to receive practical training. As of 2024, the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is Giichi Yamashita.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 07:18:59 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2022, 07:56:17 PM »
Fusanese Currency

The Mon (文) is the national currency of the Empire of Fusan. Formally standardized in 1871, the currency's roots can be traced to 1336, however, the system used prior to 1871, which was not decimalized, was abandoned. This means that the Mon is among the oldest currencies still in circulation, although of course, none of the older currency is used. The Mon is divided into two different units, the Mon and the Sen. One sen is equal to 1⁄100 of a Mon. Previously, there was a third unit, the Rin, which was worth 1⁄1000 of a Mon, or 1⁄10 of a Sen. The Rin left circulation in 1925 following the Great Kantō Earthquake. A list of the coins and banknotes under the Mon system can be found below:
Currently-circulating coins
Features Mt. Haku on the reverse
Obverse features a Chrysanthemum seal. Reverse has a Kite
Obverse features waves alongside a sunburst and a chrysanthemum seal. Reverse has a grooved cherry blossom design with paulownia flowers
Obverse has an encircled dragon with the Emperor's name at the top. Reverse has a two-sided wreath and a cherry blossom.
Obverse has a young tree with words "Empire of Fusan" above and "1 Mon" below. Reverse has "1" in a circle with year of issue in kanji.
Obverse has a coiled dragon. Reverse has a chrysanthemum seal and paulownia flowers.
Currently-circulating Banknotes
Main Color
Emperor Tenmu
Remaining Snow at Inokashira, Hasui Kawase
Emperor Senshū
Autumn Moon at Ishiyama Temple, Utagawa Hiroshige
Emperor Mimaki
Oga Hantō, Ryūgashima, Hasui Kawase
Empress Jinki
Print by Hasuii Kawase
Emperor Kunan
Remaining Snow at Inokashira, Hasui Kawase
Emperor Keio
Print of the Canal Campaign, Unknown Painter
« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 02:02:04 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2022, 01:56:44 AM »
On the Daitōjin Calendar

Lunisolar Calendar, c.1907

   Daitōjin Calendar types have included a range of official and unofficial systems. At present, Daitō makes use of the Daitōjin Imperial Year, a system loosely based on the Gregorian Calendar but adapted to the country's culture, however, it is used alongside year designations stating the year of the reign of the current Emperor. The written form starts with the year, then the month and finally the day, coinciding with the ISO 8601 standard. For example, April 23, 2007 can be written as either 2667年2月16日 or 安貞17年2月16日 (the latter following the regnal year system). 年 reads nen and means "year", 月 reads gatsu and means "month", and finally, 日 usually reads nichi (its pronunciation depends on the number that proceeds it) and means "day". Until 1872, when Daitō adopted the Gregorian Calendar, the reference calendar used was a lunisolar calendar, even despite the country's proximity to the Ardian Empire, owing in part to the power of the shrines and temples and likewise in part to the warrior class.

Fukugen Calendar, c.1729
   The lunisolar calendar was used in Daitō since sometime between 600 and 100 BC, during a period known to historians as the "Yamatai Period". While there was some overlap with similar calendars used in Lijiang, perhaps indicating an overland connection between the two at some point in the distant past, it is unlikely that the two have the same origin. Rather, it is more likely that, by way of trade, the two calendar systems influenced one another, which explains why some holidays, for example, are apparently shared between the two and why Daitō adopted the sexagenary cycle alongside some procedures. By 1685, after nearly 500 years of merely intermittent trade owing to the Ardian Empire, the Daitōjin calendar had once again diverged, using local variations on said procedures. However, in 1872, following the Keiyo/Keiō Restoration, a calendar based on the solar Gregorian calendar was introduced. As a result, in Daitō today, the old calendar is virtually ignored; celebrations of the Lunar New Year are thus limited to immigrant communities.

   Over the years, Daitō has used many systems for designating years. They are:
       The Sexagenary Cycle: Incorporating influences from abroad into the indigenous calendar system, the Sexagenary Cycle was often used alongside era names, as can be seen in the 1729 Meiwa Grand Shrine Calendar seen above, which is for "the 14th year of Kyōhō, tsuchi-no-to no tori". However, as part of the reforms undertaken during the Keiyo era, the cycle is rarely used except around the new year.
       The era name (元号, gengō) system was a local invention introduced in 701 AD. Historically, an Emperor had multiple regnal eras, however, starting with Emperor Kunan's accession in 1932, each emperor's reign has begun a new era; before 1868 era names were often also declared for other reasons. Following the Banwa Restoration in 2022, the reigning Emperor, Eijirō, adopted a new era name for the first time in 154 years, however, as he has stated there to be no intention of adopting a new name at any point afterwards, his reign is likely to remain an anomaly.
       The Imperial Year (皇紀, kōki, or 紀元, kigen) is based on the date of the legendary founding of Daitō by Emperor Shin'ō in 660 BC. Based on the Gregorian Calendar, the calendar, whose full name is Shin'ō-tennō sokui kigen ("the Era after the Enthronement of Emperor Shin'ō"), quickly replaced the Gregorian Calendar in 1872, with the former having been adopted merely eight months prior.
       The Occidental Common Era (Anno Domini) (西暦, seireki) was briefly adopted by the Imperial Government in 1872 before being abandoned in favor of the Imperial Year system. Used largely in matters of foreign diplomacy and trade, the system is taught in schools, however, it is never given the same emphasis as the Imperial Year. Nonetheless, as of today, most Daitōjin people know it as well as the regnal eras and Imperial Year.
Official Calendar
   The official dating system, nengō, has been used since the late 7th century. Years are numbered within regnal eras, which are named by the reigning Emperor. Beginning with Keiō (1868 - 1932), each reign has been one era, but many earlier Emperors decreed a new era upon any major event; the last Pre-Keiō Emperor's reign (1843–1867), each was split into seven eras, one of which lasted only one year. The nengō system remains in wide use, especially on official documents and government forms.

   The imperial year system (kōki) was adopted in 1872. Imperial Year 1 (kōki 1) was the year when the legendary Emperor Shin'ō – 660 BC, according to the Gregorian Calendar. The usage of kōki is an inherently nationalistic signal, pointing out that the history of Daitō's imperial family is longer than that of Christianity—strongly associated with the Ardian Empire—which serves as the basis of the Anno Domini system. Kōki 2600 (1940) was a special year, memorialized by the song "Kigen nisen roppyaku nen" ("the 2600th Imperial Year"). It had been planned for the country to host the now-defunct Pan-Ardian Games and to hold the Shinkyō Expo, however, these were cancelled owing to the outbreak of the Great War.

   The 1898 law determining the placement of leap years is officially based on the kōki years, using a formula that is effectively equivalent to that of the Gregorian calendar: if the kōki year number is evenly divisible by four, it is a leap year, unless the number minus 660 is evenly divisible by 100 and not by 400. Thus, for example, the year Kōki 2560 (1900 AD) is divisible by 4; but 2560 − 660 = 1900, which is evenly divisible by 100 and not by 400, so kōki 2560 was not a leap year, just as in most of the rest of the world.
English Name
Ōnishi Name
Traditional Dates
5 February - 6 May
7 May - 8 August
9 August - 7 November
8 November - 4 February
   The modern Daitōjin names for months translate literally to "first month", "second month", and so on. The corresponding number is combined with the suffix 月 (-gatsu, "month"). The table below uses traditional numerals, but the use of Occidental numerals (1月, 2月, 3月 etc.) is common. In addition, every month has a traditional name, still used by some in fields such as poetry; of the twelve, Shiwasu is still widely used today. The opening paragraph of a letter or the greeting in a speech might borrow one of these names to convey a sense of the season. Some, such as Yayoi and Satsuki, do double duty as given names for women. These month names also appear from time to time on jidaigeki, contemporary television shows and movies set in the Ashina period or earlier.
English Name
Common Ōnishi
Traditional Ōnishi
一月 (ichigatsu)
Mutsuki (睦月)
"Month of Love"
二月 (nigatsu)
Kisaragi (如月)
"Changing of Clothes"
三月 (sangatsu)
Yayoi (弥生)
"New Life"
四月 (shigatsu)
Uzuki (卯月)
"u-no-hana month"
五月 (gogatsu)
Satsuki (皐月)
"Early-rice-planting Month"
六月 (rokugatsu)
Minazuki (水無月)
"Month of Water"
七月 (shichigatsu)
Fumizuki (文月)
"Month of Erudition"
八月 (hachigatsu)
Hazuki (葉月)
"Month of Leaves"
九月 (kugatsu)
Nagatsuki (長月)
"The Long Month"
十月 (jūgatsu)
Kaminazuki (神無月)
"Month of the Gods"
十一月 (jūichigatsu)
Shimotsuki (霜月)
"Month of Frost"
十二月 (jūnigatsu)
Shiwasu (師走)
"Priests Running"
Subdivisions of the Month
   Daitō uses a seven-day week, aligned with the Gregorian calendar. The seven-day week, with names for the days corresponding to the Ardian system, was brought to Daitō around 800 AD with the Buddhist calendar. The system was largely used for astrological purposes and little else until 1876. Much like in multiple languages, in which the names for weekdays are, partially or fully, based on what their ancestors considered the seven visible planets, meaning the five visible planets and the sun and the moon, in Daitō, the five visible planets are named for the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, and earth).
Element (Planet)
English Name
火曜日kayōbiFire (Mars)Tuesday
水曜日suiyōbiWater (Mercury)Wednesday
木曜日mokuyōbiWood (Jupiter)Thursday
金曜日kin'yōbiMetal (Venus)Friday
土曜日doyōbiEarth (Saturn)Saturday
Subdivisions of the Month
   Each day of the month has a semi-systematic name. The days generally use kun numeral readings up to ten, and thereafter, on readings, but there are some irregularities. The table below shows dates written with traditional numerals, but use of Arabic numerals (1日, 2日, 3日, etc.) is extremely common in everyday communication, almost the norm.
Day number
Ōnishi name
Day number
Ōnishi name
National Holidays
English Name
Official Name
1 JanuaryNew Year's Day正月Shōgatsu
1 JanuaryHuman Day人日Jinjitsu
2nd Monday of
Coming of Age Day成人の日Seijin no Hi
11 JanuaryThe Emperor's Birthday天長節Tenchō Setsu
22 JanuaryRestoration Festival維新節Tenchō Bushi
11 FebruaryNational Foundation Day紀元節Kigen Setsu
3 MarchGirls' Day雛祭りHinamatsuri
Around 20 MarchVernal Prayer Day春季皇霊祭Shunki Kōrei-sai
17 AprilArmed Forces Day軍隊記念日Guntai Kinenbi
29 AprilKunan Day*苦難の日Kunan no Hi
3 MayConstitution Day*憲法記念日Kenpō Kinenbi
4 MayGreenery Day*みどりの日Midori no Hi
5 MayBoys' Day*端午の節句Tango no Sekku
7 JulyStar Festival星祭りHoshimatsuri
Third Monday of JulyMarine Day海の日Umi no Hi
11 AugustMountain Day山の日Yama no Hi
9 SeptemberChrysanthemum Festival菊の節句Kiku no Sekku
Third Monday of
Respect for the Aged Day敬老の日Keirō no Hi
Around 23 SeptemberAutumnal Prayer Day秋季皇霊祭Shū-ki Kōrei-sai
Second Monday of
Health and Sports Day体育の日Taiiku no hi
3 NovemberKeiō Day慶應の日Keiō no Hi
4 NovemberCulture Day文化の日Bunka no Hi
11 NovemberArmistice Day休戦日Kyūsen-bi
23 NovemberHarvest Day新嘗祭Niiname-sai
31 DecemberNew Year's Eve大晦日Ōmisoka

*Part of Golden Week
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 04:45:28 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2023, 06:56:07 AM »
Peoples of Daitō, Part One: The Ōnishi

Teido wedding procession outside of the Keiō Jingu, Shinkyō

   The Ōnishi are an East Ardian ethnolinguistic group native in large part to the northern coast of the Rokkenjiman sea. Comprising a population of roughly 524 million people, it is one of, if not the largest of such groups on the planet. It can generally be divided into three distinct "ethnicities", the Fusanese (alternatively known as Daitōjin or Yamato), the Rokkenjimans, and the Toshikawans, who can be found in relatively large number across six countries, from the Ardian peninsula to the island of Paechon. Of these ethnicities, the Fusanese are the largest, with a population of 246 million primarily residing in Daitō, with a diaspora community found across the globe as a result of a wave of migration out of the country following its opening in the mid-19th century. In some contexts, "Fusanese People" may be used to refer specifically to the Yamato people from mainland Daitō; in other contexts the term may include other groups native to the Daitōjin mainland and other territories, including the Yezo, Amami, and Dalseomin people.
   The Fusanese language is spoken as a native language by the majority of people in Daitō, the only country where it is the national language. Fusanese belongs to the Ōnishic or the Ōnishic-Lewchewan language family. There have been many attempts to group the Ōnishic languages other families such as the Yezo and Paechonic, but none of these proposals have gained widespread acceptance. The earliest attested form of the language, Old Fusanese, dates to roughly the 7th Century BC. Fusanese phonology is characterized by a relatively small number of vowel phonemes, frequent gemination and a distinctive pitch accent system. The modern Fusanese language has a tripartite writing system using hiragana, katakana and kanji. The language includes native Fusanese words and a large number of words derived from the Lijiangian language. In Daitō, the adult literacy rate in the Fusanese language among native speakers exceeds 99%. Dozens of Fusanese dialects are spoken in the various regions of Daitō. For now, Fusanese is classified as a member of the Ōnishic languages.
   Certain genres of writing originated in and are often associated with Daitōjin society. These include the haiku, tanka, and I Novel, although modern writers generally avoid these writing styles. Historically, many works have sought to capture or codify traditional Daitōjin cultural values and aesthetics. Some of the most famous of these include The Tale of Genji, a book about Heijō court culture; The Book of Five Rings, concerning military strategy; Oku no Hosomichi, a travelogue; and In Praise of Shadows, which compares and contrasts Occidental and Oriental cultures. Following the opening of Daitō to the world in the 1850s, some works of this style were written in English by natives of Daitō; they include Bushido: The Soul of Fusan, concerning samurai ethics, and The Book of Tea, which deals with the philosophical implications of the Daitōjin tea ceremony. Foreign observers have often attempted to evaluate Daitōjin society as well, to varying degrees of success; one of the most well-known and controversial works resulting from this is the 1946 book The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. Modern authors have continued to record changes in Daitōjin society, with many earning prizes for their work to this day.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 03:16:28 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2023, 08:46:20 AM »
Peoples of Daitō, Part Two: The Yezo

Yezo man performing a traditional dance

   The Yezo are an indigenous people primarily inhabiting the lands of northern Daitō, largely contained within Hokuriku Circuit who have resided there since before the arrival of the Yamato Ōnishi. During the 1972 census, only around 30,000 people identified as being Yezo, owing to the near-total assimilation of the region into the larger Fusanese identity. However, as a result of efforts by members of the Yezo community in northern Hokuriku, a sort of cultural revival has occurred, which was marked in 1989 with the adoption of the current flag of the region. As of 2022, it is estimated that nearly 700,000 people across Daitō consider themselves to be Yezo, with efforts underway in the country's far north to preserve the language and customs of the region for future generations. Now, although only 7.62% of the region's population identifies as such, the Yezo of Hokuriku have managed to give their homeland a unique flavor similar in many ways to the Tsukishimans and the Amami in their homelands. Among the Yezo, the name Utari (ウタリ, "Comrade") is used instead of the name given to them by the national government. Though it has no genuine authority, the Yezo of Hokuriku continue to organize themselves among their traditional chiefdoms and elect a High Chief, or Poro Sapanekuru, to serve as an ambassador for their culture to the world. As of the present, that position is held by a member of the Wakiput Utari, a man by the name of Koshamain.
   Although it faced extinction in the 1970s, the Utari language has seen a revival in recent years through no small effort on the part of scholars, as well as a movement in Hokuriku to encourage its learning in schools. As a result, in 2014, Hokuriku Circuit officially became the third region of Daitō to officially adopt a second language, and though presently a smaller part of the population, much of the younger generations of citizens in Hokuriku can, to some degree, speak Utari. Although some researchers have attempted to show that the Utari language and the Fusanese language are related, modern scholars have rejected the idea that the relationship goes beyond contact, such as the mutual borrowing of words between Fusanese and Utari. No attempt to show a relationship with Utari to any other language has gained wide acceptance, and linguists currently classify Utari as a language isolate. The Utari language has no indigenous system of writing and has historically been transliterated using kana. As of 2019, it is most often written in either katakana or in the Ardian alphabet.
   Traditional Utari culture is quite distinct from the mainstream Fusanese culture. According to researchers from several universities, the Utari culture can be included into a wider "northern inter-oceanic region" referring to various indigenous peoples peoples which historically stretched between the Kyne and the Rokkenjiman sea prior to the Choshi period. Never shaving after a certain age, the men have full beards and moustaches. Men and women alike cut their hair level with the shoulders at the sides of the head, trimmed semi-circularly behind. The women historically tattooed (anchi-piri) their mouths, and sometimes their forearms. The mouth tattoos started at a young age with a small spot on the upper lip, gradually increasing with size. The soot deposited on a pot hung over a fire of birch bark was used for color. Traditional Utari dress consists of a robe spun from the inner bark of the elm tree, called attusi or attush. Various styles are made, which consist generally of a simple short robe with straight sleeves, folded around the body and tied with a band about the waist. The sleeves end at the wrist or forearm, and the length generally is to the calves. Women also wear an undergarment of Ōnishi cloth. In winter, the skins of animals are worn, with leggings of deerskin and, in rare cases, boots made from the skins of dogs (although this particular practice is now banned). Utari culture considers earrings, traditionally made from grapevines, to be gender neutral. Women also wear a beaded necklace called a tamasay. Modern craftswomen weave and embroider traditional garments that command very high prices.

   Traditional Utari cuisine frequently consists of the meat of bear, fox, wolf, badger, ox, and horse, as well as fish, fowl, millet, vegetables, herbs, and roots. They traditionally never eat raw fish or meat, always boiling or roasting it. Their traditional habitations are reed-thatched huts, the largest about 6 m square, without partitions and having a fireplace in the center. There is no chimney, only a hole at the angle of the roof. One window sits on the eastern side, along with two doors. The house of the village head is used as a public meeting place when one is needed. Another kind of traditional Utari house is called chise. Instead of using furniture, Utari traditionally would sit on the floor, which would be covered with two layers of mats, one of rush, the other of water flag, a water plant with long sword-shaped leaves. For beds, planks are spread, and mats are hung around them on poles, employing skins for coverlets. Men use chopsticks when eating, and women use wooden spoons. As Utari cuisine is rarely eaten outside of their local communities, Utari restaurants only exist in small numbers outside of Hokuriku, with a few present in Shinkyō.

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2023, 06:50:42 PM »
Peoples of Daitō, Part Three: The Amami

Parade in Isen, Toshima Prefecture

   The Amami people (奄美民族, Amami Minzoku), alternatively known in their language as the Lewchewan, are an Ōnishic-speaking East Ardian ethnic group native to the Amami islands, which stretch roughly half-way between mainland Daitō and Toshikawa. Administratively, while part of Amami Province, they live in either Yakushima or Toshima prefecture, although some live in other parts of the country. They speak one of several Amami languages, a branch of the Ōnishic language family, which includes Fusanese, Rokkenjiman, and Toshikawan, as well as their dialects. As of 2023, the Amami are, sadly, a people in decline, as falling birthrates coupled with the fallout of the Lewchewan Genocide which lasted between 1944 and 1945 has crippled them as a distinct ethno-linguistic group. It is generally estimated that there are only 1.03 million people worldwide who identify as being Lewchewan, the vast majority of whom reside in their home islands.

   The Amami have a distinct culture with some matriarchal elements, native religion and cuisine which had a fairly late introduction of rice-based agriculture. The population lived on the islands in isolation for many centuries, largely due to the rise of the Ardian Empire, although some have noted instances of contact between the mainland and the islands in the 13th century, owing to the Ardian invasions. In the aftermath of the invasions, central authority on the main island, Toshima, all but collapsed, beginning a period when six distinct kingdoms ruled on the island. Eventually, they merged in the late 14th century, continuing maritime trade with the Ardian Empire, to which it had become a tributary in 1378. In 1604, Satsugaya Domain invaded the Amami Kingdom. As a result, the Kingdom, which came to be known as the Satsunan Kingdom, maintained a fictive independence in vassal status, in a dual subordinate status to both Ardia and Daitō, in part a result of the Hachisuka Shogunate's prohibition on foreign trade. During the Keiō era, the Satsunan Kingdom was annexed by Daitō, and seeking to assimilate the Lewchewan people as Fusanese, suppressed their ethnic identity, tradition, culture, and language. These policies continued until 1945, when the majority of the islands were occupied by the Ardian Empire, and, perhaps seeking to portray itself as "heroic" following the genocide, these policies did not resume after the war. Eventually, compensation was given to families affected by the policies in the early 1980s, but even so, it was too little too late.

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2023, 04:53:18 PM »
Peoples of Daitō, Part Four: The Tsukishimans

Tsukishimans lined up to vote, October 2020

   The Tsukishimans, known in their native tongue as the Dalseom-in, are an ethnic group whose origins can be found in and around the Andean Peninsula. The majority of Tsukishimans reside on the island of Tsukishima, the furthest-flung region of the Empire of Daitō, although communities exist across the country and in Paechon, where they have largely assimilated into the local culture. Although government-backed efforts to assimilate the Dalseom-in ceased in the 1950s with the establishment of Tsukishima as an autonomous "circuit", many in the country saw no real change, as societal pressures led to many adopting the language and customs of the Fusanese Ōnishi as many migrated to the mainland and many mainlanders migrated to the island. Yet even so, though the desire for an independent nation has all but died on the island of Tsukishima save among the most radical, there is yet an awareness of their difference from the rest of the Empire, something which is to be celebrated.

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2023, 05:08:58 AM »
Landmarks of Daitō, Part One: Kinai, Tōkai, and Amami Provinces

Kinai Province
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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2023, 05:10:08 AM »
Landmarks of Daitō, Part Two: Aomori, Tochigi, and Higashikawa Provinces

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2023, 05:11:31 AM »
Landmarks of Daitō, Part Three: Ōita, Tottori, and Nishiyama Provinces

« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 12:41:53 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2023, 05:12:19 AM »
Landmarks of Daitō, Part Four: Nishihata, and Yakumo Provinces

« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 12:42:21 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2023, 05:12:39 AM »
Landmarks of Daitō, Part Five: Hokuriku and Tsukishima Circuits


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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2023, 07:19:35 AM »
Names of Daitō

   The word Daitō is an exonym used in a number of languages, including English. The Daitōjin name for Daitō is Fusō, historically Ardianized and later Anglicized as Fusan. It is written in the Ōnishi language using the kanji 扶桑. During the Kofun period (600 - 188 BCE), what is now modern Daitō was inhabited by the Choshi people, who lived from the Tanzawa mountains to southern Tōkai. They were called Wa in Lijiangian, and the kanji for their name 倭 can be translated as "dwarf" or "submissive". In the latter part of that period, as the Yamato polity began to coalesce, Daitōjin scribes found fault with its offensive connotation, and officially changed the characters they used to spell the native name for Daitō, Yamato, replacing the 倭 ("dwarf") character for Wa with the homophone 和 ("peaceful, harmonious"). Wa 和 was often combined with 大 ("great") to form the name 大和, which is read as Yamato. This name has, among scholarly circles, come to be the common name for the early Empire of Fusan, although it fell out of use in later years. During the Heijō period, 大和 was gradually replaced with 扶桑, pronounced as Fusō. This name was later Ardianized as Fuso and, through centuries of evolution, eventually this name became Fusan. At the same time, the Ōnishi of Toshikawa began referring to  the country as Daitō (大東), which translates as "Great East". Such a name would, starting in the 1950s, come to be applied to Daitō, eventually becoming its name in practice, although Fusan remains official.

   Provided below is a list of other names which are applied, often poetically, to Daitō.
Classical Names
   • Ōyakuni (大八国), meaning the Great Country of Eight (or Many) Lands, refers to the historical territories of Yamato, Kokushi, Tsumako, Matsuro, Ito, Chikushi, Kibi, and Kono. The eight countries refers to the creation of the main eight territories of Daitō by the gods Izanami and Izanagi in Fusanese mythology as well as the fact that eight was a synonym for "many".
   • Yakuni (八国), "Eight (or Many) Islands".
   • Mizuho (瑞穂) refers to ears of grain, e.g. 瑞穗國 Mizuho-no-kuni "Country of Lush Ears (of Rice)."
   • Shikishima (敷島) is written with Lijiangian characters that suggest a meaning "islands that one has spread/laid out," but this name of Daitō supposedly originates in the name of an area in Shiki district of Yamato Province (modern Tenkyo Prefecture) in which some emperors of ancient Daitō resided. The name of Shikishima came to be used in Daitōjin poetry as an epithet for Yamato province and was metonymically extended to refer to the entire Yamato region (modern Kinai Province) and, eventually, to the entire territory of Daitō. Note that the word shima, though typically used to refer to islands in Fusanese Ōnishi, can also translate as "area, zone, territory", although this translation is rare in the modern day.
   • Akitsukuni (秋津國), Toyo-akitsukuni (豐秋津國). According to the literal meanings of the characters used to transcribe these names of Daitō, toyo means "abundant," aki means "autumn," tsu means "harbor," and kuni means "country, land." Another possible interpretation would take akitsu- to be identical with the akitsu- of akitsukami or akitsumikami ("god incarnate, a manifest deity," often used as an honorific epithet for the Emperor of Daitō), perhaps with the sense of "the present land, the island(s) where we are at present."
   • Toyoashihara no mizuho no kuni (豐葦原の瑞穗の國). "Country of Lush Ears of Bountiful Reed Plain(s)," Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, "Central Land of Reed Plains," "Country Amidst Reed Plain(s)" (葦原中國).
« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 09:59:04 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2023, 03:04:35 AM »
Major Political Parties of the Empire of Daitō


Emblem of the YFD
   Yamato Fukkatsu Dōmei
   League for the Revival of Yamato
   Sadazane Konishi
Vice President:
   Haruto Suzuki
   Daisaku Umezawa
   Kazumasa Toshinari
   19 April 1939 (YSK Faction) - 84 years ago
   18 January, 1962 (Independent Party) - 62 years ago
   Kōjimachi, Sendō Ward, Shinkyo
   Yamato Fukkatsu
Think Tank:
   Policy Research Council
Membership (2024):
Seats (House of Representatives):
Seats (House of Peers):
Political Position:
   Liberal Conservatism
   Civic Nationalism
    Red (Official)
   ■ White (Customary)
   "Fusō wo mamoru sekinen"
   “The responsibility to protect Fusan.”
   “Aikoku Kōshinkyoku”
   “Patriotic March”

   Once comprising the moderate faction of the YSK, the YFD, or the “League for the Revival of Yamato” survived the fallout of the Amano Crisis and the subsequent Heishi protests which brought down that system, successfully reforming into the centrist party it is today over the course of the eighteen years that it was out of power following the collapse of the old regime. Although it split from its old party eighty years ago, it has nonetheless retained some elements of the old regime’s ideology, most notably espousing the ideas of “Pan-Ardianism,” seeking the cooperation of East Ardian nations on matters both political, economic, and defensive. Yet this stands in sharp contrast to the form which was adopted by figures such as Hisayuki Sonyu, who believed that the war in East Ardia would serve as the catalyst for a “new order” led from Fusan, a new order which, thankfully, never came to pass.

   Politically speaking, the “Yafudo” is a centrist party which can be described as socially liberal but fiscally conservative. The party espouses a form of civic nationalism, perhaps a holdover from its days as a faction within the old regime, however this cannot be described as similar to the form promoted by the YSK. Under the regime founded by Sonyu, emphasis was placed upon ethnicity as the deciding factor of a person’s “Fusanese-ness”, with the civil rights of non-ethnic Fusanese seriously curtailed. It was a position which, at times, the YFD faction opposed or supported, although Ichirō Kawashima, the final Prime Minister of Fusan during the Greater East Ardia War, was noted for his keen support for a form of nationalism similar to that which the party now promotes. Today, in the eyes of the party, to be Fusanese is not to belong to a specific ethnic group, but rather to simply possess citizenship within the nation. In their eyes, while cultural practices are of course important, the nation is to be defined by its institutions and liberal principles. As of the modern day, the party has seen a gradual shift further to the left due to changes in its base.

Emblem of the CDP
   Kyōdō Minshutō
   Cooperative Democratic Party
   Chūichi Yoshida
Vice President:
   Minako Higashikuze
   Toshiyuki Komura
   Shinzō Ichijō
   Taro Yamakawa
   Sachiko Komori
   21 May 1989 (Merger of the Minshutō and Kokumin Kyōdōtō parties) - 34 years ago
   Kōjimachi, Sendō Ward, Shinkyo
   Kyōdō Minshu
Membership (2024):
Seats (House of Representatives):
Seats (House of Peers):
Political Position:
   Center-left to left-wing
   Social Liberalism
   Progressivism (factions)
   Social democracy
    Blue (Official)
    Yellow (Customary)
   “人へ 未来へ まっとうな政治へ”
   “Hitoe Miraie Mattouna Seijie”
   “For people, for the future, for honest politics.”

   Making up the largest party on the left of the Fusanese political spectrum, the Kyōdō Minshutō, or “Cooperative Democratic Party”, is the second largest party in the Imperial Diet. Led by Chūichi Yoshida, the party last held power in 2009 under Prime Minister Reiji Tagaya. The party was formed following the 1989 merger of the Minshutō (Democratic Party) and the Kokumin Kyōdōtō (National Cooperative Party), the former having been the YFD’s primary rival throughout its history. Despite what the name may suggest, the party no longer advocates for the pursuit of cooperative economics, a sacrifice made during the former NCP’s merger with the larger Democratic Party. The party rejects both laissez-faire economics and market socialism, instead favoring Keynesian economics in a capitalist market-based system.

Emblem of the CLP
   Kensei Jiyūtō
   Constitutional Liberal Party
   Giichi Takahashi
Vice President:
   Hiroshi Yoshida
   Keiichi Takahashi
   Tsutomu Ozawa
   Naoto Shimoji
   3 September 1966 - 57 years ago
   Kōjimachi, Sendō Ward, Shinkyo
   Kensei Jiyū
Membership (2024):
Seats (House of Representatives):
Seats (House of Peers):
Political Position:
   Center-right to right-wing
   Goken Conservatism
   Libertarianism (factions)
    Green (Official)
    Red (Customary)
   “Fusō saisei e no chikai”
   “The pledge to revive Fusan.”

   The Constitutional Liberal Party (CLP) is the smallest party within the House of Representatives and the third largest by membership in the country. Representing the right-wing of the nation’s politics, the party has been described as neoliberal at times, with a notable libertarian faction within the party. However, the mainstream party practices a form of conservatism generally unique to Fusan known as “Goken Conservatism”, although it has wrongly been compared to right-wing populism by some foreign analysts.

   Fusan’s unique political environment is characterized by unspoken norms, and Goken Conservatism, or “Constitutional Protection Conservatism”, was in particular a result of this environment. Born from the Goken Undo movement of the late Keiō period, it is, in short, an ideology which seeks to forge a representative democracy while abiding by norms of Fusanese culture. For example, the term “democracy”, which loosely translates as “Popular Sovereignty” in Fusanese, has historically been seen as taboo as it challenges the Imperial sovereign. “Constitutional Protection”, or Kensei, on the other hand, is a perfectly acceptable alternative as it avoids the issue of sovereignty altogether and instead focuses on protecting the rights of the people, sanctioned by the Emperor and outlined in the Imperial Constitution, from malignant actors like the Keiō-era oligarchs or Kōdōha officers in the past.

   Needless to say, as a form of conservatism, Goken Conservatism embraces many traditional values such as patriotism, traditional gender roles, and a disdain for occidental-style democracy—a result of the efforts by the old regime to build a “new democracy.” At the same time, adherents of Goken Conservatism, such as the members of the CLP, also seek to ensure that national policies reflect the popular will via electoral politics, all while attempting to interpret the popular will in accordance with Imperial Sovereignty. Although the narrative of Goken Conservatism makes the system particularly vulnerable to Keiō-era constitutional loopholes designed to empower the Emperor, it nevertheless marked a genuine attempt to return to Fusan’s democratic experiments which were interrupted by the restoration. Today, its adherents view that particular goal completed.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 02:03:50 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2023, 06:57:46 AM »
Transportation of the Imperial Family and Prime Minister of Daito

   The Imperial Daitojin Government, by way of the Imperial Household Ministry and the Cabinet Office, has maintained a variety of vehicles for the Imperial Family and for the Prime Minister. Due to the Emperor's role as commander-in-chief, military transports are exclusively used for international travel; however, while a contingent of the Imperial Guard accompanies the Emperor during travel, the his motorcade is operated by the civilian National Police Agency's VIP Protection Division. Similar practices exist for other members of the Imperial Family and the Prime Minister, however, in the latter's case, the 301st Military Police Company takes the role of the Imperial Guard. Aircraft used by the Imperial Family and the Prime Minister are officially owned by the Imperial Daitōjin Air Force, whereas ships are possessed and operated by the Navy.
Suzaku One and Two — Aerial Transportation

SAM13000, one of two VL-30Bs used as Suzaku One (2012-Onwards)
   Suzaku One and Suzaku Two are the official air traffic control designated call signs for an Imperial Daitojin Air Force aircraft carrying the Emperor or Prime Minister of Daito. In common parlance, the terms are used to denote Air Force aircraft specially modified to transport the Emperor and Prime Minister and as a metonym for the primary Imperial aircraft, the VL-28C (a modified AS-500), although it can be used for any Air Force aircraft the Emperor or Prime Minister flies on. Although Emperors of Daito had flown prior to the war, it was only in 1956 that the first aircraft to be given the callsign "Suzaku One", a Zayasu Z150, entered service. The aircraft, which saw service from 1956 until the early 70s, only barely had the range to reach the western coast of Tsukishima from Shinkyo and was instead used primarily for state visits around East Ardia as well as trips around Daito itself. Its replacement, the first VL-28 to serve in the role, entered service in 1970, and was a modification of the Aizawa-Shinoda AS-500, itself a modification of the L-8 Dove strategic airlifter. Despite generally being used more often, it was, in the public conscious, heavily overshadowed as early as 1973, when the VL-25, a pair of supersonic aircraft, entered the fleet, facilitating rapid movement between countries on diplomatic missions. So important these aircraft were that, until their retirement in 2012, they were often used by both the Emperor and Prime Minister in their first visits to a country during their tenure. Of course, due to practicality and concerns over noise, these missions were nonetheless restricted. The VL-25 was retired in 1997, being replaced with the VL-30A that year before again being replaced with the VL-30B in 2012. Finally, starting in 2017, aa pair of VL-31s produced by Zayasu entered service, for use when larger aircraft such as the VL-28 and VL-30 were impractical. There also exist a number of specially modified AS-500s located across Daito which can serve as emergency airborne command posts if necessary.

   When travelling by helicopter, the vehicle carrying the Emperor is named "Kame One". While it is most often associated with a specially built VH-31, this callsign refers to any helicopter which happens to be carrying the Emperor. The same can be said for the Prime Minister, albeit said helicopter would be designated "Kame Two" instead. As a safety precaution, the aircraft almost always flies in a group of up to five identical helicopters, with said helicopters changing positions in the flight to obscure the exact location of the Emperor. As of 2023, there is currently a program underway to procure a new helicopter to fill this role.
Imperial Yachts

IFY Hikōkyōi
   In addition to aircraft, the Imperial Household Ministry maintains a pair of "yachts" for use by the Imperial Family. These are the IFY Hikōkyōi, which was converted from a frigate, and the IFY Ōyakuni, formerly an ocean liner which was occasionally chartered by members of the Imperial Family and which holds the distinction of being the only nuclear-powered yacht, as well as the largest in the world. While the former remains preferred, owing to the latter not being delivered yet, many have noted that Ōyakuni's acquisition is likely an effort on the part of the Imperial Family to ensure the ship's preservation, as due to a quirk in a number of laws surrounding Imperial Property, it would have to be preserved to the best of the government's ability. It is likely that Ōyakuni will serve the needs of the Imperial Family for the next twenty-five years, likely being retired in 2048 or 2049.
Ground Transport

The Isuzu Century Imperial, commonly used by the Imperial Family and the Daitojin Government
   Unlike air and sea transport, where the number of vehicles is contained to a small amount, the Imperial Family and the Daitojin government as a whole make use of a large number of automobiles, most often the Isuzu Century Imperial, for travel on the ground. These vehicles are generally unmodified in most cases, however, the cars used to transport the Emperor and Prime Minister are, often being referred to as Tanks, though obviously, that assertion is incorrect. Indeed, they can only be called Century Imperials in name, being built on an entirely new chassis featuring armor, bulletproof glass, night vision optics, onboard oxygen tanks, a tear gas cannon, and an armored fuel tank with foam to prevent explosions. Nonetheless, these vehicles, nicknamed "Imperial One" and "Imperial Two", are just a few examples in a fleet of vehicles of the type to be operated. While one does not exist at this time, proposals have been made for the Imperial Household Ministry to acquire a train for the Imperial Family, but it will likely wait until such a time as a maglev line is brought into service across Daito.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 05:48:21 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2023, 03:45:14 AM »
Intelligence Community of the Empire of Daitō

   The Intelligence Community of the Empire of Daitō is a group of separate Imperial Daitōjin government agencies and subordinate organizations which work both separately and collectively to conduct intelligence activities which support the foreign policy and national security interests of the Empire of Daitō. Member organizations of the "IC" include intelligence agencies, military intelligence, and civilian intelligence and analysis offices within Imperial ministries. The Intelligence Community is formally overseen by the Office of the Minister of National Intelligence, or "OMNI", which is headed by the Minister of National Intelligence ("MNI"), who in turn reports directly to the Prime Minister of the Empire of Daitō. While there are numerous different agencies which fall under the Office's jurisdiction, in this post, only the three most prominent member-agencies will be discussed.
CIRA - The Central Intelligence Research Agency
Director: Ichirō Nakamura
Employees: 23,700 (estimate)

   Perhaps the most famous (or infamous, depending on ones' disposition) member of the Daitōjin Intelligence Community, the Central Intelligence Research Agency (CIRA), also known "the Company" in parlance, was established in 1947 following the Great War. Initially an outgrowth of the Tokubetsu Kōtō Keisatsuchō, or "Tokkō" as it is more frequently referred to, CIRA effectively took on said agency's mission with regards to foreign intelligence gathering, processing, and analysis. CIRA is an independent agency of the Imperial Daitōjin government, reporting directly to the Minister of National Intelligence, and it is tasked with providing intelligence for the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Unlike the Tokkō, which is a domestic security service, CIRA has no law enforcement function and is mainly focused on overseas intelligence gathering, with only limited domestic intelligence collection. CIRA serves as the national manager for HUMINT (human intelligence), coordinating activities across the IC. It also carries out covert action at the behest of the Prime Minister. The agency also exerts foreign political influence through its paramilitary operations units, such as the Special Activities Group (SAG). It has also provided support to several foreign political groups and governments, including planning, coordinating, training in torture, and technical support. CIRA has, on numerous occasions, been alleged to have been involved in many regime changes and in carrying out both terrorist attacks and in assassinating—or planning to assassinate—world leaders. In recent years, the agency has come to be the subject of numerous controversies, ranging from human rights violations and digital wiretapping to spreading propaganda and allegedly becoming involved in drug trafficking. At the end of the day, however, none of these charges have been able to be definitively pinned on CIRA.
DTS - The Daihon'ei Tokumu Sōkan-bu
Director: LTG Heisuke Kirijo
Employees: 18,150 (estimate)

   The Daihon'ei Tokumu Sōkan-bu, or "General Intelligence Agency of the Imperial Military Headquarters", is an intelligence agency combat support agency of the Imperial Daitōjin Ministry of War which specializes in defense and military intelligence. As a component of the Ministry of War and the Intelligence Community, the DTS informs national civilian and defense policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign governments and non-state actors. It also provides intelligence assistance, integration and coordination across uniformed military service intelligence components, which remain structurally separate from the DTS. The agency's role encompasses the collection and analysis of military-related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic, and medical and health intelligence. The DTS was formally established in 1958 and often works in partnership with CIRA in areas where their operations intersect.
TKK - The Special Higher Police Agency
Director: Jin Hiraishi
Employees: ~26,000 (estimate)

   The Special Higher Police Agency, or Tokubetsu Kōtō Keisatsuchō but more often known as the Tokkō, is the domestic intelligence and security service of the Empire of Daitō and is one of its principal national law enforcement agencies alongside the Kempeitai, the National Gendarmerie. Initially established within the Home Ministry for the purpose of carrying out high policing, domestic criminal investigations, and control of political groups and ideologies deemed to threaten the public order of the Empire of Daitō, from 1937 until the late '50s, the Tokkō came to be given the moniker of the "thought police", tasked with rooting out those ideologically opposed to the YFD and its political system. After the fall of the Yokusan system in the early 60s, however, the powers of the Special Higher Police were greatly pulled back, with its ideological controls entirely done away with the agency being retasked with counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigations.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 05:49:32 AM by Daitō »

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Re: Civil Factbook of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2024, 03:25:56 PM »
The Imperial Household Law

   The Imperial Household Law of 1947 (皇室典範, Kōshitsu Tenpan) is a Fusanese law that governs the line of imperial succession, the membership of the imperial family, and several other matters pertaining to the administration of the Imperial Household. Passed during the Kunan era on February 11th, 1947, the law superseded the Imperial Household Law of 1889, which had enjoyed co-equal status with the Constitution of the Empire of Fusan and could only be amended by the Emperor. The current law, on the other hand, while maintaining co-equal status with the Constitution, requires the consent of the Diet to modify, however, changes are not proposed by the Diet, but rather by the Imperial House Council. The law can be read in its entirety here.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 02:01:59 PM by Daitō »