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The Empire of Tamora
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:26:28 PM »

Motto:- God forgives, the Emperor does not(unofficial)

National Anthem:- Royal Salute


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The Empire of Tamora traces its origins in the XI century, when the then Kingdom of Tamora conquers the neighboring kingdom of Altai. In the following centuries, Tamora has expanded though conquest adding a total of five other kingdoms to its Empire. The most recent of them, in 1958, is the Kingdom of Attica.
The expansionist policy of Tamora is fueled by the Manist religion. A faith specific to Tamora that teaches the entire world must have one ruler and that all nations must bow to the Emperor of Tamora.
The Empire of Tamora is a federal absolute monarchy ruled the Emperor  (called King of Kings) which sits at the top of a feudal system. Just below him are the five kings of the historical kingdoms that were annexed while the bottom of the pyramid is reserved for the serfs and slaves. Tamora was a major buyer of slaves from Royal Seleucid.

With a population of almost a quarter of a billion people, present day Tamora is a large and diverse country having several religions (and many sects), nations and numerous jurisdictions with different laws and customs. Its institutions are largely unreformed and its political class seems unwilling to initiate even minor reforms despite the fact the country is going through a long period of economic stagnation and suffering an increasing brain drain. The Empire maintains an isolationist streak, avoiding membership in international government organizations and focuses its attention on its neighbors and the countries close to it. The expansionist tendencies of Tamora have not abated and it remains to be seen if in the interconnected Mundus of the XXI century, Tamora will be able to use its large military to expand further or the nations of Mundus will keep Tamora at bay.   


Population:-:- 249,962,635
Capital City:- Djerb (9,456,524)
Area: 3,245,965 sq km/1,253,274 sq miles.
Demonym:- Tamorans


The economy of Tamora is driven almost exclusively by the private sector, the nobility are not allowed to own or operate companies. The country is rich in natural resources, has a strong but uncompetitive manufacturing sector and a somewhat underdeveloped service sector.

The main strengths of Tamora are its low taxation ( including no taxes on income or profits), few regulations, cheap slave labor and large deposits of natural resources (oil, gas, coal, ferrous and nonferrous metals and minerals). The most competitive industries and services in Tamora are: agribusiness(crop production, animal husbandry, farm machinery, agrichemicals, GMO etc),  pharmaceuticals, healhtcare and arms industry.

The kingdoms of Tamora are not allowed to impose restrictions on the movement of goods ( including slaves) and services between the kingdoms effectively creating a common internal market. The kingdoms can however impose restrictions on immigration from other kingdoms.
The main weaknesses of the Tamoran economy are its relative lack of innovation, high tariffs on imports, very low foreign investment, lack of legislation allowing limited liability for company shareholders (which cripples entrepreneurship).

Lagging behind

From 2000 onwards the Tamoran economy has experienced slow economic growth, averaging 2.1℅ per year, less than half of the growth experienced in the previous decades. Almost all of this growth is due to the increase in population.  Economic experts have yet to agree on the exact causes of the Empire's economic stagnation but have named the following as the most probable causes: a large slave population that hinders innovation, huge defense spending, high tariffs, low participation of women in the workforce, the lack of limited liability for companies which discourages entrepreneurship and foreign investments. Despite almost 20 years of low growth, the leadership of  the country has refused to engage in any reforms.

Welfare system

The Empire offers almost no government welfare: there are no public pensions, healthcare or education nor does the government pay for them. Instead religious institutions provide this services in Tamora. With huge differences in approach and style, religious institutions own and run the overwhelming majority of schools, universities, hospitals and welfare centers in the Empire. It is estimated that private welfare in Tamora accounts for 6-8% of GDP with over 80% coming from religious institutions and organizations.


The Emperor does not directly levy taxes and instead demands from his kings a tribute of 10℅ of their kingdom's GDP. The kings are free to pay that tax from whatever mix of taxes they desire but income taxes or profit taxes are banned by imperial decree. As such most kingdoms levy a sales tax, property tax and excise tax.
When added together, the total taxation income reaches approx 20% of GDP.

Currency:- Dinar
GDP per Capita:- $10,965
Unemployment Rate:- 2.5%
GDP (nominal) $2.74 trillion
Budget (imperial, regional and local): 20% of GDP
Budget surplus : 1% of GDP
Public debt: 0%
Foreign-exchange reserves: 50% of GDP.
Tariffs: high taxes on all imports.
Foreign investment: foreign citizens are not allowed to invest or own any sort of property in Tamora.
Tourism: while visas are required, they are easily granted and at a very low cost. No other restrictions apply.
subsidies and government aid: there are no government subsidies of any kind. No Tamoran company (or individual for that matter) is given any sort of aid from the government (be it local, regional or federal).

Main exports: oil, gas, coal, minerals, metal, cash crops, farm machinery, agrichemicals, livestock, pharmaceuticals, clothing, footwear,vehicle parts.
Main imports: machinery, electronics, medical equipment, chemicals, plastics, vehicles.


There are many ethnicities inhabiting the present day Empire, each with its own customs, languages and religions. This is the result of the constant expansion of Tamora into neighboring countries. While the Empire has no official nation language, Parthian is the lingua franca of the empire because of the large number of Parthians as well as their huge political influence as the original native people of Empire and having the Emperor as an ethnic Parthian.
The Empire has a large number of religions, with its native religion of Manism enjoying the status of majority minority in the Empire.
The Empire enjoys a high fertility rate of 3.01 per women. Analysts have yet to reach a definite conclusion as to the reasons why but it seems to be related with ultra conservative social norms of the Tamorans (abortion is banned in most of the Empire and remains highly taboo, sexual education while not forbidden is generally avoided and not having children is generally seen as a stigma) as well as lack of a government welfare system which forces parents to rely more on their children for help at old age.
Two underclass exist in Tamora: slaves and serfs.
Slaves represent the lowest social status in Tamora, enjoying no rights other than what their masters give them (chattel slavery). Any citizen can be enslaved once their net assets become negative (as a results of increasing debt , drastic decrease in value of their assets, incurring liabilities as a results of fraud etc). Prisoners of war in Tamora are also enslaved. In the past, Tamora was also a major buyer of slaves from the Royal Seleucid. Today, over 90 % of slaves belong to companies or private citizens with the rest being owned by the nobility (which in Tamora is the government). Slaves make up approx 15% of the Tamoran population. 
Serfs enjoy all rights and privileges of citizens except not being allowed to leave the kingdom (province) of their masters without their consent and have to pay 25% of their income to their master. If one of the parents is a serf, the children also become serfs. Just as with slavery, a citizen must incur negative net assets in order to be forced to become a serf. The debt holders can choose to have the debtor turned into a serf rather than a slave. The reasons for choosing serfdom over slavery varies but it is usually related to moral issues or the fact that in some cases debt holders consider serfdom to be more profitable than slavery in the long run. Around 10% of the Tamoran population are serfs.

Ethnicity:- Parthian (RL Persian) 35%, Arabs 16%, Seleucid (RL Greek) 14%, Turks 10%, Slavs 5%, Armenians 4%, others 14%
Languages:- Parthian is the language of the Emperor and is widely used as the lingua franca of the Empire. However, the is no Empire wide official language, each kingdom has its own national language and various regional recognized languages.   
Religions:- Manism 48%, Islam 16%, Anahitaism 14%, Druze 10%,  Catholic 4%, Orthodox 3%, Other 5%
Average Life Expectancy:- 72
TFR: 3.01
Serfs: 10% of population
Slaves: 15% of population


The Emperor of Tamora, as sovereign of the empire, has supreme authority and it is not restricted by any laws or customs. The Empire has no legislative body or supreme court and the emperor can issue decrees which are the laws of the empire. The Emperor also disposes of the imperial budget as he sees fit, can overrule any other laws and is also the supreme commander of the armed forces.
The Emperor delegates his powers to his agents: the kings of the realm. The Kings are hereditary rulers of the five ex countries that were conquered by Tamora during its history. The kings are the servants of the Emperor and are required to swear an oath to him on the coronation. As their master, the Emperor can dispose of the Kings as he sees fit, including incarceration or enslavement. Kings also need his permission to marry, divorce or change religion. Kings, like all nobles in Tamora, are not allowed to hold any other noble titles (ex: duchies etc). This strict and total subordination of the kings is a direct result of the reforms issued by the Emperor after a rebellion. The Emperor has taken away their residual sovereignty and has instead made him his agents in the realms. However, the reforms did not take away their powers and the kings still yield tremendous powers in their realms having few restrictions. The system in practice has been described as a dual federalism where the Emperor is in charge of the army, intelligence agencies and foreign affairs with the kings being in charge of everything else.
The strict pyramid of the feudal system in Tamora, has the kings as masters of the dukes ( which rule the counties of the kingdoms). The dukes themselves are masters of both counts ( which over rule cities) and barons (which rule over villages or towns). Just as the kings, lesser noble cannot have two titles. Furthermore, any change in title has to be approved by the Emperor (which he rarely) to prevent a concentration of powers.

Head of State:- Emperor Abbas Safavid
Head of Government:- Emperor Abbas Safavid
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Emperor.

Culture and religion in Tamora

"Forget what you're thought in political class, Tamora is not an Empire but a bottom up theocracy".
Bretonnian scholar

   Tamorans are among the most religions people in Mundis, with over two thirds claiming religion as very important in their lives. Religion influences everyday life in Tamorans and is a major part of Tamoran identity with 40% considering their religious identity as coming first before that of the empire or kingdom. The diversity of religious beliefs and the wide array of rituals and customs makes generalizations hard  but nevertheless some common aspects exist. Tamorans like to express their faith publicly and openly, one way they do it is through religious symbols on cloths, car stickers, public statues, festivals and public display of religious icons. Almost all stores, banks etc as well as private residences have religious icons on display. Praying in public is a common occurrence in Tamora especially during lunch breaks when people take a break for praying. Preachers are often sighted in crowded plazas or public transport stations.   
    Religious institutions dominate the education, healthcare and welfare services. They also have a large media presence (with many media trusts owned by the religious organizations) making religion ever present in the life of Tamorans. Concepts like separation of church and state or laicite are alien for Tamorans.
   Kingdoms have their own state religion, which is the religion of the reigning monarch, but are required by imperial decree to provide freedom of religion for the other faiths.  Nevertheless, the religion of the monarchs is given precedence over all the others. Priests of all religions are allowed almost complete freedom of speech when it comes to their sermons and are even allowed to incite to violence against other faiths. However, they are not allow to slander the Emperor, doing so usually results in the said priest disappearing.   

The kingdoms have their own holidays however there are three empire wide holidays where all Tamorans take part in.

Elders day: when Tamorans visit the elders of their families bringing them gifts and spending time with them.

Ancestors Day (or day of the Dead): when Tamorans go to the cemeteries to pray for their ancestors.

Thanksgiving day: when Tamorans thank the God(s) for being born in Tamora. It is the most important of holiday and can be considered the National holiday. Every year, during the evening, the Emperor and his family attend religious service where the entire Imperial family kneels and thanks God for blessing Tamora. According to protocol, it is the only occasion when the Emperor kneels. Since the advent of the radio and the television, a tradition has emerged that when the Emperor and his family are knelling, Tamorans do the same regardless of where they are: temples, at home, on ships, it the street or even abroad.

The religious diversity in Tamora does not necessary mean there is a cordial relation between religions. Most religious schools are segregated by religion or religious branch and inter faith marriage is rare. Religious violence while uncommon still happens and punishments for such acts are grave, generally resulting in the enslavement of the perpetrators.

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Re: The Empire of Tamora
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2018, 11:06:33 PM »
Imperial Armed Forces

The Empire did not have access to the seas until 1958 and as such does not have a long navy tradition and thus the navy remains a modest force. The Army and Air force are large in number, with equipment geared towards rapid deployment in neighboring countries and very limited ability to send troops beyond that range.
The military doctrine of the Tamoran Empire gives priority to the Air force and Army while providing a modest role for the Navy. The Empire's doctrine states that the Land and Air Forces of the Empire must be capable of overwhelming any of its neighboring countries ensuring a swift victory while simultaneously being able to defend against at least one other neighboring country or an invasion by sea from a coalition force.
The Empire maintains (and publicly acknowledges) a significant arsenal of chemical and biological weapons and its military doctrine states they are to be used only as a last resort and only in defense of the homeland. So far the Empire has never used these weapons and has never publicly threatened to do so.   
The coast guard is under the command of the Kingdom of Attica and has its own separate budget and rules.

Military budget as percent of GDP: 5%
Military budget: $138bn
Conscription: yes but numerous exemptions are given(mainly for religious reasons), less than 30% of eligible men join the army (after exemptions and medical screening are factored in).
Obs: the armed forces are male only, women are not allowed to serve. The exception to this the Royal Coast Guard that is under the command of the Kingdom of Attica.

Imperial Tamoran Air Force

Personnel: 250,000

Sukhoi Su-35 air superiority fighter600
Sukhoi Su-27 air superiority fighter 300
Sukhoi Su-57 air superiority fighter 25
Yakovlev Yak-130 Attack/Trainer 300
Sukhoi Su-34 Attack 750
Kamov Ka-52 Rotorcraft -Attack 200
Mil Mi-28 Rotorcraft -Attack 200
Antonov An-124 RuslanTransport 50
Ilyushin Il-80 Command and control 10
Tupolev Tu-160 Bomber 50
Ilyushin Il-78 Tanker30
Tu-142Maritime Patrol5
An-22Tactical Transport25
An-12Tactical Transport25
Mi-9Tactical Helicopter35

Imperial Ground Forces

Personnel: 700,000

VehicleRoleNo. In Service
T-14Main battle Tank900
T-90Main battle Tank2000
BMP-3 Infantry fighting vehicle 4500
9P157-2 Khrizantema-S Mobile anti-tank guided missile system 100
2S35 Koalitsiya-SV 152mm self-propelled howitzer 800
Kamaz Typhoon Mine-resistant ambush-protected truck 950
Tornado-G 122mm multiple rocket launcher 800
9K512 Uragan-1M Universal 220mm-300mm multiple rocket launcher 100
TOS-1 220mm thermobaric rocket launcher 100
S-400 missile system Long-range SAM 250
S-300 missile system Long-range SAM 250
9K37 Buk Medium range SAM 700
9K331M Tor-M1/Tor-M1-2U and M2 Short range SAM 700
2A36 Giatsint-BTowed Howitzer 350
BTR-80Armoured Personnel Carrier200
GAZ Tigr Mobility Vehicle1000
Forpost UAV70

Imperial Tamoran Navy

Personnel: 15,000

ClassShips in Service
RS designed Amphibious Class LPD2

RS designed Destroyer Class Destroyer4

Steregushchiy-class corvette6

Varshavyanka Submarine18

Sonya Minesweeper4

Deployments aboard (numbers are included in the inventory above):

24 x Sukhoi Su-35 are currently stationed in Zimalia. Tamora has no base there, they are deployed to help Zimalia guard against a potential attack.

Spoiler:  troop deployment in Clyperis • show

Navel Contingent
1 x Steregushchiy-class corvette
2 x Varshavyanka subs

Army Contingent
5,000 soldiers
20 x 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S
20 x BMP-3
20 x Tornado-G
10 x TOS-1
20 x Buk
10 x 2A36 Giatsint-B
50 x GAZ Tigr

Air Contingent
1 x A-50E
12 x Ka-50
12 x Su-34
12 x Su-35
1x  Il-78

Spoiler:  Tamoran contingent in Merina • show

Army Contingent

Air Contingent
1 x A-50E
12 x Ka-50
12 x Su-34
24 x Su-35
1x  Il-78

Thanks for Dave for helping me build my military. Initial military post.

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Re: The Empire of Tamora
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2018, 08:27:21 AM »

The Manism religion

Prophet Mani of Tamora

Manism is a religious movement that was founded by Parthian philosopher, scholar and theologian Mani, in the Xth century AD, in the then Kingdom of Tamora. The movement is often described by its critics as a philosophy or extremist ideology rather than a religious movement. Critics argue that since Manism doctrines are not based on divine revelation and are focused mostly on how a society should be run and governed, Manism lacks the elements required to be a religion.  Regardless of the debate, Manism has spread across Tamora with around 48% of the population adhering to its precepts.

Manism and its teachings concentrate on how a society should be governed and what role each individual or class has to play. Manism considers that in order to preserve order, there should be only one ruler for people to follow, with various other nobles serving under him to help him run things. Manism considers that society should be divided into classes: nobles, free people, serfs and slaves with all following the guide of their ruler. Furthermore, Manism also claims that family should be run in a similar hierarchical manner with the husbands ruling over their wives, serfs and slaves.

Summary of the core doctrines:

-The noble class is destined to rule, with the underclasses having to serve.
-Serfdom and slavery are not only part of society but are required to exist in order for society to function properly. They are considered the underclasses of Manist society. 
 The free people (those that are neither nobles nor serfs or slaves) are to be left to their own devices. They shouldn't be forced to convert to Manism or burdened with taxes and should be free to pursue their goals in life.
-The nobles while destined to rule, must be servants or their higher nobles and all must be servants to the supreme ruler.
-Families should be run in a similar hierarchical way with husbands ruling over their wives, serfs and slaves.
-Polygamy is permitted but only encouraged for the noble class.
-Women should be subject to their fathers or husbands.

Manism does not claim that implementing the system in society creates an ideal one but instead that the nobles and free people will benefit from it and they are better off than in any other system. Furthermore, Manism considers that once the system in partially or fully implemented in society all talk of reforms must be shunned.

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Re: The Empire of Tamora
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 09:40:45 PM »

Government powers The Emperor represents the federal legislative, executive and judicial branches of government as well as the those of the Imperial Enclave. Kings represent the same powers at the national (kingdom) level. Lower nobles have the same powers at county and city level.
Government elections and/changes in governmentElections and parliaments are forbidden by imperial decree. Nobles hold these powers and are not allowed to delegate them to institutions.
The judiciary Each kingdom has its own judicial system, the kings act as a supreme court an can override the decisions of the courts. The emperor can override the decisions of the kings.
Government system: co sovereignty      The kingdoms are subject of the Empire but their retain part of their sovereignty. All powers not explicitly prohibited by imperial decree are reserved to the kingdoms.   
Government power sharing - federal/empire level:    The Emperor is in charge of the central bank, armed forces, intelligence service and foreign affairs. All other powers are reserved for the kingdoms. The Emperor does not prohibit the kings to exert powers in these areas but they must obey treaties and obligations assumed by the Emperor. Kings are forbidden the following: to levy income and corporate tax, to restrict the free movement of goods(including slaves) and services from other kingdoms of Tamora, to have their own armed forces, to have their intelligence agencies conduct operations in foreign countries, to engage in commercial ventures (state companies are prohibited) and marry corporate families (families that own companies).     
Government power sharing - national/kingdom level The kingdoms have innumerable powers reserved to them, including but not limited to: citizenship laws, issuing of passports(they are required to mention the are part of the Empire of Tamora), their own police forces, court systems, laws, regulations, intelligence agencies and militias.   
Establishment of religion Each kingdom has its own national religion that is the religion of the monarch. While freedom of religion is guaranteed in all kingdoms, precedence is given to the national religion. Kingdom of Attica: Catholicism, Imperial Enclave: Manism, Kingdom of Altai: Islam, Kingdom of West Seleucid: Anahitaism, Kingdom of Vojvodina: Manism, Kigdom of Akkar: Yazdânism 
Women's rights Kingdom of Attica: women are guaranteed equal rights, Imperial Enclave: fathers/ husbands are the legal guardians of women. Women are not allow to go to school, have a job, a driver's license, leave the kingdom without the father/husband permission. Furthermore, women are not issued separate id cards and instead appear as dependents on the father/husband id card. All other kingdoms fall somewhere in between these two extremes.   
National service All adult men must serve a term in the military, but can shorten their term/forgo it completely by paying a certain amount of money to their affiliated religious institution.
PolygamyKingdom of Attica: banned, All other kingdoms: allowed
Marriageable age Kingdom of Attica: 18,  All other Kingdoms: 14
Same sex marriage: Banned in all kingdoms.
Abortion law Kingdom of Attica: allowed in the first trimester ( to be banned beginning 01.01.2020, Imperial Enclave: allowed with the consent of the Guardian. All other kingdoms: banned 
Prostitution: Imperial Enclave: slave brothels allowed, otherwise banned. All other kingdoms: banned
Government policy towards alcoholic beverages Imperial Enclave -  Alcoholic beverage regulations are not imposed by the government though drinking is rather taboo.
Altai: The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is outlawed.
All other kingdoms - Alcoholic beverages may be purchased and consumed anywhere, but only by adults.
Drug laws:  Imperial Enclave:some restrictions, All other kingdoms: banned
Education  Kingdoms are not allowed to interfere with education(including subsidies). All schools and universities are private(most are owned and operated by religious institutions).
Healthcare  Kingdoms are not allowed to interfere with healthcare(including subsidies). All clinics and hospitals are private(most are owned and operated by religious institutions).

Pensions  Kingdoms are not allowed to operate public pensions funds. Pensions are entirely the responsibility of the citizens.
Property ownership  Kingdom of Attica: All citizens are allowed to own property. Imperial Enclave: Women (except widows) are not allowed to own property. All other kingdoms fall somewhere in between these two extremes.
Freedom of the press  All Kingdoms allow freedom of the press, media institutions are private (and most are owned by religious organizations). Insulting the Emperor although not explicitly forbidden is extremely taboo.
Guns laws  Kingdom of Attica: automatic weapons are banned, various local restrictions apply. Imperial Enclave: women are not allowed to own guns otherwise no restrictions. Other kingdoms: tbd.

Business ownership  Nobles are not allowed to own businesses or marry people who own business. No limited liability companies exist. No other restrictions exist.

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Important locations in Tamora
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2018, 01:21:49 PM »
Important locations in Tamora

The Imperial Palace - Djerb, Imperial Enclave, Empire of Tamora.

The main residence of the Emperor and his family, the palace was built in the XVII century and has seen various expansions and renovations. The complex is huge, has several buildings and it is estimated to have around 200 bedrooms. It has a permanent staff of over 500 people (mostly slaves) and is protected at all times by a special unit of the Imperial Armed forces. The complex also has a large Manist Temple where regular services are held and kings of Tamora come to swear allegiance to the Emperor. 

Because of Tamora isolationist tendency, few foreign leaders have had the chance to visit the palace. On the short list are so far are: the King of Royal Seleucid Akakios and his forth wife Oksana.

Important events held at the palace: The honeymoon of the Royal Seleucid couple.

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Foreign relations and objectives
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2018, 08:25:28 PM »
Foreign relations

The Tamoran Empire as part of the MidAranye region takes a keen interest in the affairs of the region.  It has developed strong ties with the Emirate of Royal Seleucid and the Kingdom of Clysperis which include among other royal marriages. Furthermore, Tamora and Clysperis both use the Tamoran dinar as currency. Abuqiya and Abydos are two other nations of MidAranye with whom Tamora has very good relations. Relations with Safraen remain poor however, with Tamora viewing Safraen as a Trojan horse of foreign influence in MidAranye. 

   Outside of MidAranye, Tamora has developed good relations with the kingdom of Quintelia and the Tribal Union of Zimalia which are the main allies outside of MidAranye. Special notes must be given to the Republic of Heyra with whom Tamora shares a Hong Kong style agreement for the city of Elysium and has good relations and strong economic ties; and the Theocracy of Kaitaine, which Tamora is among the few nations to recognize its legitimacy over the country of Kaitaine.

   Aside from the nations mentioned above, the Republic of Phuebra and the Republic of Euirasia are two nations with whom Tamora seeks to develop closer relations but so far have yet to reach the status of allies. Relations with SICR( Second Imperial Chinese Republic) are positive with SICR trading some of its commodities on the MidAranye Commodities Exchange and having a confidential agreement  to track Rokkenjiman submarines. However, relations between the two nations have not improved in years.

   As far as the Republic of Fleur and the Republic of Lakzovia are concerned the Tamoran Empire has mixed relations. While Tamora cooperates with both of them, several contentious issues in relation to slavery and religion (among others) remain. In the case of Lakzovia, formal relations are almost nonexistent but the two nations cooperate when needed.

   The nations of Slava Lavosk, Paracambi, Kaitaine and Izhitsa are considered hostile as far as Tamora is concerned, with the last two being unrecognized by the Tamora.

The Tamoran Empire is a harsh critic of what it perceives as foreign influence in MidAranye and control of international institutions and international laws. While that perception is driven mainly because of the sanctions and/or restrictions placed against it for the practice of slavery, the Tamoran Empire sees the following nation as a threat to its national security:

-   East Moreland for its attacks against Royal Seleucid, Zimalia, the huge influence over CNN.
-   Rokkenjima for its large military, aggressive foreign policy and its constant changing policy on Tamora. 
-   Achkaerin for its constant pressure to apply international law which Tamora sees as unfair as well as the perceived encroachment on Tamora’s sphere of influence in MidAranye
The close allies of the above nations like: Tytor, Lodja, UC, Bakkermaya are seen as threats because of their close ties with the above nations.

Membership of international institutions:

because most international institutions are perceived as controlled by interests hostile to Tamora, the Tamoran Empire has refused to sign any international treaties (including Uppsala) and is part only of OPEN, where it is a founding member.


Tamora seeks to:

- undermine international institutions because it sees them as instruments of control that are in the hands of East Moreland, Rokkenjima and Achkaerin.
- constantly expand its influence in MidAranye which it perceives as it natural zone of influence. 
- promote the use of Parthian as the lingua franca of MidAranye and increase its use all over Mundus, especially in developing nations.
-promote its religion in MidAranye and especially in developing nations across Mundus.
-promote the institution of slavery in other MidAranye countries.
-develop good relations with other Muslim countries.
-develop strong relations with developing nations since Tamora believes those nations will hold much more power in the next decades.
-curb the influence of East Moreland, Rokkenjima and Achkaerin in MidAranye and developing nations.

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Timeline of Tamora's history
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2018, 06:23:26 AM »
Xth century: the Prophet Mani, the founder of what later will become the Manist Church, is born.
1010?-1020?:  the kingdom of Tamora, built on the principles described in the Book of Mani, has finished consolidating into a political entity.
1000?: ambiguous records show that the Safavid dynasty (also the current dynasty) ruled Tamora. 
1025-1075: The Kingdom of Tamora conquers the Kingdom of Altai after decades intermittent war. 
1075?: According to Manist principals of organizing government, the Kingdom of Altai continues to exist as part of Tamora. Tamora becomes an Empire.
1085?: A Muslim uprising takes place in the kingdom of Altai. It eventually turns into a full rebellion.
1087: the rebellion is crushed.
1088: the Tamoran Emperor begins removing paintings/representations of the Prophet Mohamed from Manist temples (the reason for the Muslim rebellion). The move is opposed by many Manist imams.
1090?:the process of removing representations of the Prohphet Mohammed is largely complete.
1090-1200: the Manist Church begins to distance itself from Islam though it retains many of its traditions. The Manist Church no longer consider itself a Muslim sect but a different religion altogether. The veneration of the Prophet Mani becomes dominant. 
1120-1200: The Kingdom of Akkar is conquered by Tamora.
1280: the "Rebellion of Kings" (Altai and Akkar) begins.
1280-1290: the rebellion is crushed.
1280-1300: Alya Safavid, first wife of the reigning Emperor, de facto rules the country in the Emperor names. Tamora under her reign is later considered a golden age.
1400?: The reverence for Alya Safavid has reached such proportions that the Manist Church creates a title for her: Mother of Nation.
1625: The remains of Alya Safavid are exhumed and she is buried in a Mausoleum built especially for her. It becomes the most popular pilgramage site in Tamora (the Prophet Mani doesn't have a burial place).
1500-1700?: somehow the Kingdom of West Seleucid joins Tamora.
1818: the Manist Church officially allows for the veneration of the Mother of the Nation and of building of temples dedicated to her. Access to her Mausoleum is restricted to women only in all but one day per year.
1898: The Kingdom of Vojvodina is annexed by Tamora.
1928: in an unprecedented move the Emperor removes the current royal family form the throne of Vojvodina because of constant low level rebellion. He names in their place a Parthian family of Manist religion. Manism becomes the official religion of Vojvodina.
1928-1948: the demographics of Vojvodina see serious change as Tamorans from other kingdoms are given incentives to "colonize" Vojvodina. Orthodox Christianly and Slavs becomes minorities in Vojvodina.
1958: The Kingdom of Attica is annexed by Tamora.
1991: space programe begins
1994: Tamora signs deal with USR: Tamora agrees to pay 250 mil dinars (USD) per year to USR in exchange for assistance for the space programe. Furthermore, a barter agreement is signed where the USR can buy a limited amount of oil in exchange for USR manufactured goods.
1999: relations with the USR, which were never great to begin with, deteriorate and Tamora no longer pays for the space programe. However, the barter system remains in place and cooperation in other areas continues. 
2008: after many delays the Tamoran regional satellite navigation system becomes fully operation(KRNSS).
2018: Tamora, alongside Royal Seleucid, becomes a founding member of OPEN, the first international government organization and the only one so far that Tamora has joined. 

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The slave registry
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2018, 07:14:39 PM »
A record of all individuals, entities and governments that have brought slaves from Tamora. if the information is not marked as public please do not act on the information presented below:

Public: Bene Gesserit - 50 children (girls) 0.5 million USD
Public: King Lapu of Quintelia -20,000 slaves + children for 1.5 billion USD.
Public:  Bateson of Rokkenjima - one slave family (two adults, three children). Transaction value: 1.5 million USD.
Secret: Welt, the "largest Heyran company, doing in Finance Consulting, Management Consulting" 2500 Attican children (ethnicity was specified and was a criteria), they also had to pass special aptitude tests. Value of the transaction: 50 million USD.
Public: Emperor Admiral of China - 10,000 slave families (20 thousand adults and thirty thousand children). Transaction value: officially 3 bln USD (in reality 1.5 billion USD). It was also announced here.
Secret: Various Conglomerate companies and Educate (the Conglomerate's education division) bought  8000 Attican children (Attican ethnicity, age 3-5, high IQ) Value of the transaction: 150 million USD.

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The (federated) Kingdom of Altai
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2019, 11:21:35 PM »

Motto:- Allahu Akbar (Arabic: God is the Greatest)


Background: between the IX and XI century, the kingdom of Altai was the dominant political entity in the area of present day Tamora. By the XI century the kingdom had established a large network of vassal states including the then kingdom of Tamora. By the end of the XII century the kingdom is conquered by Tamora and remains part of the Empire of Tamora till this day. In accordance with Manist tradition of governance, following its conquest, the kingdom retained a lot of its autonomy and self-governance.   

Present day: today the kingdom is the second largest in the Empire and still retains considerable cultural influence over the rest of the Empire through its official religion (Islam). Its cultural influence over the entire Empire ranges from architecture, to social mores and to the traditions common in much of the Empire. Because Manism (the native and dominant religion of Tamora) started as a Muslim sect, a lot of the traditions and social mores of Manists are “imported” from Islam in general and the Kingdom of Altai in particular. The decisions of the courts in the kingdom are often referenced by imperial judges when making their decisions. The Kingdom of Altai is regarded by most Tamorans as the most conservative of kingdoms. Furthermore, the kingdom is famous for its total ban on alcohol and pork, for the wide use or burqa (though still in minority), public floggings, total ban on charging interest of any kind (usury) and anti-blasphemy laws. Subsequent decisions by imperial courts have upheld these bans as an expression of freedom of religion and the residual sovereignty of the kingdom. 

Economy: while culturally and religiously it can be said the kingdom has prospered while part of Tamora, economically it is lagging behind the rest of the Empire. Its GDP per capita is almost 30% lower than the national average. Altai has embraced slavery even before joining Tamora and continues to do, its economy remains centered around manufacturing cheap products using slave labor and tourism since many Tamorans visit the kingdom because of its huge importance in defining the history of Tamora. Furthermore, because the kingdom is home to the Imam Ali Mosque, it is also a tourist attraction for Muslims all over Mundus.   

Population:-:- 49.5 million (approx 20% of the national population)
Slaves: 6 million (approx. 12% of the population)
Ethnicities: Arabs 28 million (56%), Parthians 9 million (18%), Turks 1 million (2%), Seleucid (1%), others 10.5 million (approx. 20%)
Official religion: Islam
Official language: Arabic
Recognized minority language: Parthian
Religious breakdown: Islam 28 million( 56%), Manism 15 million (30%), other 6.5 million( 13%)
Capital City:- Piranshahr (4.5 million)
GDP: approx. 400 bln dinars (USD) almost 15 % of the Empire’s GDP.
GDP per capita (nominal): 8,000 dinars (USD) almost 30% below the national average
Main economic sectors: tourism (religious), manufacturing of cheap products, agriculture.

Head of State:- Sheik (king) Ahmad al-Afifi
Head of Government:- Sheik Ahmad al-Afifi
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Sheik

The current Sheik (king) of Altai has continued the long tradition of the al-Afifi monarchy of guarding the residual sovereignty of the kingdom and strongly promoting the most orthodox version of Islam all over the kingdom, the Empire and even aboard.

Piranshahr the capital and largest city in the kingdom

The heart of the kingdom of Altai, all major businesses of the kingdom are either based here or have a branch opened in this city. Piranshahr is also the seat of the al- Afifi monarchy of Altai. Furthermore, because of its history and cultural influence over the whole of the Empire, it is often nicknamed the cultural capital of the Empire. It is home to the largest Islamic media institutions in the Empire which rival in influence even the Manist media trusts based in Djerb. Also, its Islamic universities enroll students not just from all over the Empire but even from states with large Muslim presence like Phuebra, Krimeon, New Derusmia, Zimalia etc. While some international NGOs have criticized the Islamic universities of Piranshahr of promoting extremism, the kingdom authorities have always defended their freedom to preach the Quran as an inalienable right to practice their religion as they see fit. The city is a major tourist attraction because of its historic importance in the history of Tamora but also because Imam-Ali-Mosque, a major religious site for Muslims and Manists, is located at the outskirts of the city.

Main highlights of Altai:   

Piranshahr, the capital and largest city in the Kingdom of Altai

The White Minaret is a symbol of Altai and it’s featured on the kingdom flag. It symbolizes the eventual triumph of Islam over all other religions.

Located at the outskirts of Piranshahr,  Imam-Ali-Mosque is a major religious site for Islam drawing millions of pilgrims each year from all over the Islamic and Manist world.

While a minority of Altai women wear the burqa it has nevertheless become of symbol of Altai since outside the kingdom almost nobody wears it. Furthermore, the burqa is also seen as a symbol of Altai’s proud Islamic tradition and its reputation of arguably the most conservative kingdom in the Empire. 

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The Kingdom of Tamora (Imperial Enclave)
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2019, 11:40:24 PM »

Motto:- God forgives, the Emperor does not(unofficial)
other names:- the First Kingdom, Tamora proper, the (Imperial) Enclave


Present day: today the kingdom of Tamora is the largest in terms of population in the entire empire. The influence it exerts over the other kingdoms of the empire is huge and touches all aspects of life from the economic and social to cultural and political. The Manist religion was founded in the Kingdom of Tamora now its influence and presence has spread throughout the Empire. Furthermore, thanks to the huge economic, cultural and political influence of the kingdom of Tamora, Parthian it is not only the most spoken native language in the Empire but also the lingua franca of the Empire.  Also, the kingdom has the largest slave population of all the kingdoms in the Empire. More than 57% of the entire slave population of 38 million the Empire holds resides in the kingdom of Tamora meaning that approximately one of every four residents in the kingdom is a slave. Also, kingdom is the political, religious and media center of the Empire with most domestic movies being produced here. It is also in the Kingdom of Tamora that the Mausoleum as Alya is located ( the most important religious site for Manists).     

Economy: the kingdom has a GDP per capita of 30% above the average of the Empire and produces almost 45% of the GDP of the whole Empire. If that wasn’t enough the kingdom is home to most of the huge arms industry of the Empire. Outside of the Arms industry, the kingdom is also home to most of the largest banks in the empire, is a national leader in the pharmaceutical industry and also has a powerful agricultural sector than is second only to the Kingdom of Akkar. The most striking aspect of the kingdom’s economy remains the wise use of slavery, with most low skilled jobs being done by slaves but also a good part of the jobs requiring (some) qualification. It is not usual to see slaves working as court clerks or banks clerks in the kingdom. Such prevalence of slave labor makes the kingdom unique in the Empire.

Population:-:- 89 million (approx. 36% of the national population)
Slaves: 22 million (approx. 25% of the kingdom’s population)
Ethnicities: Arabs 5 million (5%), Parthians 61 million (69%), Turks 2 million (2%), Seleucid 3 million(3%), Slavs 2 million (2%), Armenians 1 million (1%),  others 15 million (approx. 17%)
Official religion: Manism
Official language: Parthian
Recognized minority language:  Arabic, Seleucid.
Religious breakdown: Islam 5 million ( 5%), Manism 75 million (84%), Anahitaism 3 mil (3%), Druze 2 mil (2%) other 4 million( 4%)
Capital City:- Djerb (9.5 million)
GDP: approx. 1,240 bln dinars (USD) almost 45% of the Empire’s GDP
GDP per capita (nominal): 14,000 dinars (USD) almost 30% above the national average
Main economic sectors: services (banking, medical, media ), arms industry, manufacturing of cheap products, agriculture.

Head of State:- Shah (emperor/king of kings) Abbas Safavid
Head of Government:- Shah (emperor/king of kings) Abbas Safavid
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Emperor.

The kingdom of Tamora is in the unique position in the Empire’s kingdoms that its monarch is both its HoS and the HoS of the Empire. As the Empire grew, more and more of the responsibilities of the kingdom have been delegated to the dukedoms and countdoms of the kingdom. It is for this reason that the count of Djerb is now an extremely influential title to hold because the holder rules over almost 10 million people and arguably the richest region of Tamora. Pictured above is the Emperor of Tamora.

Djerb, the capital and largest city in the Empire

Djerb is both the largest city and the capital the Empire. Furthermore, it is here that the Church of Mani has its seat of power. The city has played a major role in the history of Tamora and Manism religion, and is seen by orthodox Manists as a special city, sometimes called ”Holy Djerb”. The city is the center of politics of the Tamoran Empire and is home to most of the large media trusts in the Empire. It is the religious center of Manism, and its universities are among the best in the Empire being rivaled only by those of Volos (kingdom of West Seleucid) and Alaverdi (Kingdom of Attica).
Aside from its political influence as the seat of imperial government, the city also boast an almost monopoly on military R&D and is the main hub in the empire for R&D in pharmaceuticals and agricultural machinery. While not so dominant in the financial sector, it is nevertheless host to more imperial wide banks than any other city. Its long history, huge heritage as well as Mausoleum of Alya (a major religious figure in the Manist religion) makes Djerb a prime destination for tourists from all the kingdoms of the Empire.
Unlike its major competitors within the Empire: Volos (kingdom of West Seleucid) and Alaverdi (Kingdom of Attica), Djerb is heavily reliant on slave labor, with almost 3 million slaves residing in the city. Nowhere among the major cities of the Empire is slave labor so widespread, not only are low skilled jobs almost exclusively slave labor but most middle income households and above have at least one slave to handle the domestic work of the household.   

Main highlights of the Kingdom of Tamora:   

Djerb- the capital of Tamora is also the heart of the Manist Church. It is the seat of the Supreme Ayatollah and it is here where the Prophet Mani has preached and wrote what later will be described as the Book of Mani.

Mausoleum of Alya Safavid, Mother of the Nation- The most important religious site for Manist believers (the burial site of the Prophet Mani is unknown). [i/]

The Slave quarter of Djerb. Since most slaves in Tamora are freed after they are over 60, most cities in the Empire have a designated place for them to live the remainder of their lives. What makes the Djerb Slave Quarter unique is its huge size that dominates the Eastern part of the city. It is the part of the city rarely visited by tourists both foreign and domestic.

One of the many huge manufacturing plants that can be found all over the outskirts of the major cities of the Kingdom of Tamora. The goods manufactured here are sold all over the Empire and aboard.  Most of them use almost exclusively slave labor.

Djerb is the center of the Tamoran military R&D and the SU-57, developed by the Kadyrov Industries, is one the most important successes in recent years.

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The (federated) Kingdom of West Seleucid
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2019, 12:06:06 AM »

The blue and yellow colors are meant to represent the Seleucid culture and the common heritage with neighboring Royal Seleucid.

Motto:- Nothing without Anahita.


Background: West Seleucid of today is the continuation of the Seleucid petty kingdoms that did not join the 10 kingdoms to the East when they united under the Soter dynasty forming the Royal Seleucid of today. In the XIII till the XVI centuries, the loose confederation of over a dozen petty kingdoms has played a careful balance of using the major powers in the region against one another in an effort to preserve their independence. While most of the time they were tributary states to Royal Seleucid, in the brief periods that Royal Seleucid seemed to have troubles, they were always quick to change sides and provide tribute to the Kingdom of Attica, the Empire of Tamora and others. Their lack of allegiance to any of the regional powers and their willingness to pay tribute to whoever was stronger at the moment had allowed the loose confederation to continue its existence until the late XVI. Eventually, the West Seleucid League as it was called at a time had to choose between Tamora and Royal Seleucid as it was slowly sandwiched between the two powers. Despite sharing a common culture with Royal Seleucid, the West Seleucid League chose to join the Tamoran Empire rather than the Emirate of Royal Seleucid. Some historian have argued that joining the Tamoran Empire was a tactical move since Tamora’s feudal system allowed for huge autonomy of its component kingdoms and as part of Tamora, having a distinct language and a distinct polytheistic religion, would greatly help in preserving their identity while in the Emirate of Royal Seleucid they would have inevitably been assimilated in the culture of the Kingdom. During that time, RS was becoming more centralized absorbing all its competent kingdoms into a single entity.  Historians have never been able to agree as to why the events never lead to war between Royal Seleucid and Tamora as a consequence of RS losing a potential client state. Some historians have argued that the leader of the West Seleucid League, Adrian, a distant cousin of the ruling Soter king of RS, managed to use his connections to convince Royal Seleucid that war would not have been in the best interests of the two major powers of the region. Nevertheless, West Seleucid League joined the Tamoran Empire in 1599 and Adrian Soter, the leader of the West Seleucid League, was given the title of Emir (king) founding the cadet dynasty of Stratos. The West Seleucid League became the emirate of West Seleucid and joined the Tamoran Empire. To this day it is the only kingdom that has joined the Empire voluntarily.
After it joined the Empire, Adrian Stratos, the new Emir of West Seleucid used his relations with RS to greatly facility slave trade between RS and Tamora. While slave trade between the two empires was not something new, after West Seleucid joined Tamora it had skyrocketed and Tamora become a major buyer of slaves. 
In the centuries following West Seleucid joining the Tamoran Empire it has managed to play a vital role in Tamoran politics and economy as a bridge between Tamora and RS in particular and the rest of the world in general. The Tamoran Empire while expansionist had always had a strong isolationist streak, shunning relations (including commercial) with foreigners. West Seleucid and its ruling family become the gateway to Tamora, with foreign merchants doing business with West Seleucid if they wanted to trade in Tamora. Furthermore, Volos (the capital of West Seleucid) became the hub through which most of Tamoran exports went through. Since until 1958 Tamora lacked access to the sea, most of Tamoran export goods went through West Seleucid and from there they would go to Royal Seleucid which had traditionally been a major naval power. West Seleucid had also leveraged its different religion, Anahitaism, by allowing the emergent banking sector in the Tamoran Empire to charge interest. While the federated Kingdom of Altai was quick to ban the practice and not allow merchants from West Seleucid to charge interests within its borders, Tamora and Akkar did not outright ban West Selecuid merchants from charging interest within its borders as long as they did not reside within its borders. This had furthered helped West Seleucid with Volos becoming the main financial center for interest charging banks in the Tamoran Empire. 

Present day: today the kingdom is the third largest in the Tamoran Empire with a GDP per capita of almost 20% of the national average. The discovery of major oil and gas reserves had further boosted West Seleucid’s importance in the Tamoran Empire, however after 1958 when the kingdom of Attica was annexed, West Seleucid importance had started to wane. Attica had access to the sea and with it the Tamoran Empire after almost a thousand years of existence finally had its own access to the sea. Almost overnight, Tamoran exports stopped going through RS and instead used the Attican port of Alaverdi to ship its goods worldwide. Furthermore, Attica’s financial sector also allowed banks to charge interest and West Seleucid had a major competitor for the interest charging financial sector. If that wasn’t enough, after 1980s Royal Seleucid had started dismantling its empire and banned slavery which further reduced the importance of RS (and by tangent West Seleucid) to the Tamoran Empire.  However, the recent wave of sanctions against Tamora has restored some of the importance West Seleucid had as more Tamoran goods are now shipped though RS to various Mundus countries that embargo Tamora.
Despite its setbacks, West Seleucid remains a vital part of the economy of the Empire, it is the richest kingdom in minerals, one of two kingdoms with oil and gas (the other being Attica) and its language, Seleucid, thanks to its huge historical influence over commerce in the Empire is now the lingua franca of international business in the Tamoran Empire. Furthermore, West Seleucid remains alongside Attica a gateway to foreign business in the Tamoran Empire.   

Economy: West Seleucid is very rich in resources and its mining sector is second to none in the Empire, furthermore while Attica has more oil and gas reserves it is W. Seleucid businessmen that control most of the oil and gas companies of Tamora. Furthermore, West Seleucid has a robust banking sector and is home to some of the best universities in the Empire.

Part of the Empire since: 1599 (voluntarily joined)
Population:-:- 44 million (approx. 18% of the national population)
Slaves: 4 million (approx. 9% of the population of the kingdom)
Ethnicities: Arabs 2 million (5%), Parthians 9 million (11%), Turks 2 million (5%), Seleucid 30 million(68%), others 3 million (approx. 7%)
Official religion: Anahitaism
Official language: Seleucid
Recognized minority language: Parthian
Religious breakdown: Islam 2 million( 5%), Manism 9 million (20%), Anahitaism 30 million(68%), others 3 mil (7%)
Capital City:- Volos (6 million)
GDP: approx. 572 bln dinars (USD) approx. 20% of the Empire’s GDP
GDP per capita (nominal): 13,000 dinars (USD), almost 20% above the national average
Main economic sectors:  oil and gas, mining, services (banking, transportation), agriculture.


Head of State:- Emir (king) Darious Stratos
Head of Government:- Emir (king) Darious Stratos
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Emir

The current Emir (king) of West Seleucid, Darious Stratos is a major supporter of closer ties between Tamora and RS. He was instrumental in helping to aleviate the RS food crisis and was a strong supporter of the Midaranye Commodity Exchange that was launched in 2018. He is also known as a rival to the Queen of Attica and considers the growing influence of the Kingdom of Attica as a potential threat to the importance of West Seleucid within the Tamoran Empire.

Volos the capital and largest city in the kingdom

Volos is the second most populous city in the Empire and the largest city in the kingdom of West Seleucid. It has traditionally been the business hub of the empire, its wealth and prosperity rivaling that of Djerb. While in recent decades it has begun to experience average growth, the city nevertheless remains extremely influential in the Empire. The largest oil and gas companies are based here, as are some of the largest interest charging banks in the Empire. Its universities are among the best in the Empire with good connections to the universities in Royal Seleucid. While Volos lacks a major religious site, it is nevertheless one of the most visited Tamoran cities by foreign tourists because of its businesses community. In fact Volos has more connection to the international businesses community than Djerb has.   

Main highlights of West Selecuid:   

Volos, the capital and largest city in the Kingdom of West Seleucid.

West Seleucid mining sector is second to none in the Empire.

The oil and gas of West Seleucid powers much of the Tamoran Empire and is key competent of Tamoran exports.

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The (federated) kingdom of Vojvodina
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2019, 10:50:29 PM »

The flag of Vojvodina is a legacy of when the kingdom was Christian and had a close cultural connections with the Slavs of Slava Lavosk.

Motto:- For king and country


Background: Vojvodina traces its origins in the XIV century to the Izhitsan Crusade which spread far into MidAranye  and created a series of crusader states which after the Izhitsan withdrew consolidated in the kingdom of Vojvodina. As Slava Lavosk(ooc: no longer on the map), the other Slavic state in MidAranye,  consolidated into a kingdom, the Kingdom of Vojvodina gravitated towards Slava Lavosk in an effort to preserve its independence from Tamora, Akkar, Royal Seleucid and other kingdoms of that time. As Slava Lavosk prospered and was engaged in a rivalry with Seaforth for control of entire regions of Mundus, Vojvodina remained a poor backwater place that hardly presented interest for Slava Lavosk and was too far away from the Rus crusader states (Izhitsa) to receive support.  When Slava Lavosk was eventually defeated by Seaforth and its power crushed, Vojvodina was in the unfortunate situation of being without a guarantor for its independence and bordering Tamora which was at the time had defeated its immediate adversaries. In 1898, after a series of diplomatic incidents with Vojvodina, the Empire of Tamora declares war and, after a brief struggle, annexes the Kingdom of Vojvodina the same year.     

Vojvodina first dacades in the Empire were plagued with violence and upheaval. While the annexation was easy, the local population was far more resilient to adopting the Tamoran values. Furthermore, the fact that Voljvodina had Slava Lavosk as a neighbor only emboldened the resistance as they looked at their eastern neighbor for guidance and inspiration. After almost 20 years of low level revolt against Djerb’s rule, the Emperor made the unprecedented move and removed the ruling dynasty of Vojvodina and replace it with a noble family from the Imperial Enclave. The new dynasty was Parthian speaking and Manist and had little connection with Vojvodina. They instituted a series of reforms that encouraged immigration to the kingdom in an attempt to change the demographics of the kingdom. As more than two million new residents came (mostly Parthians and Arabs from the Imperial Enclave and Altai) , the major cities of Vojvodina were no longer predominately Slavic. In less than ten years, Vojvodina was demographically radically changed and almost all of the armed resistance against imperial authority stopped.

Present day: while the kingdom now enjoys peace and stability, few other positive things can be said about it. Slavs now have a little over 40% of the population and do not get along with the other ethnicities whom they see as colonizers. The monarch and his dynasty are Parthian and do not even speak Slavic. That combined with the fact that they are of the Manist faith further alienates the Slavic population. On the other side, Parthians, Arabs and Turks do not have much respect for the ruling monarchy because they see it as lacking in history, prestige and authority. To all that, Slava’s influence and bellicosity towards Tamora further fuels the mistrust between the major ethnicities of the kingdom.
On top of the social tensions, the threat of conflict with Slava has seen the kingdom avoided by almost all investors. Furthermore, when Tamora sanctioned Slava it further affected the economy of the kingdom as the communities on the Eastern border were engaged in trade with Slava. Today it is by far the poorest kingdom in the Empire and its lack of prospects has earned it the unofficial title of the “failed kingdom”.

Economy: the kingdom has a GDP per capita of almost 65% below the average of the Empire and produces less than 2.5% of the GDP of the whole Empire. It is by far the poorest and the smallest kingdom in terms of GDP. The ethnic tensions and the threat of war from with Slava Lavosk (which Vojvodina borders) has left the kingdom’s economy in shambles. Millions of Slavs have either migrated throughout the Empire or left for Slava Lavosk. Today, agriculture and some manufacturing is all that keeps the kingdom’s economy floating.

Part of the Empire since: 1898 (annexed as a result of war)
Population:-:- 16.5 million (approx. 6.6% of the national population)
Slaves: 2 million (approx. 12% of the population of the kingdom)
Ethnicities: Arabs 2 million (12%), Parthians 3 million (18%), Turks 2 million (12%), Seleucid 0.5 million(3%), others 2 million (approx. 12%)
Official religion: Manism
Official language: Slavan
Recognized minority language: Parthian, Arabic, Turkisk, Seleucid
Religious breakdown: Islam 2 million( 12%), Manism 8 million (48%), Anahitaism 0.5 million(3%), Orthodoxism (Christian), others 2 mil (12%)
Capital City:- Novi Sad (1 million)
GDP: approx. 66 bln dinars (USD) approx. 2.5% of the Empire’s GDP
GDP per capita (nominal): 4,000 dinars (USD), almost 65% below the national average
Main economic sectors:  agriculture, manufacturing of cheap products.


Head of State:- Padeshah  (king) Iraj Kaviani
Head of Government:- Emir (king) Iraj Kaviani
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Padeshah

The current Padeshah  (king) of Vojvodina, Iraj Kaviani has made no attempt to lift the kingdom from the economic depression it has been experiencing for decades. He has chosen instead to keep the peace of the kingdom choosing security above all other concerns. While it seems he was successful in this regard, a potential war with Slava Lavosk of which Vojvodina will be the front line will be a major test for the Padeshah and the peace he has tried so hard to keep in his kingdom.
While focusing on security has placated the Djerb which was always unhappy with Vojvodina, it has done nothing to appease local interests. Padeshah Kaviani enjoys little respect among his subjects and commands even less among the kings of Tamora.

Novi Sad the capital and largest city in the kingdom

What little prosperity there is in Vojvodina it is mostly located in Novi Sad. The capital has managed to attract much of the businesses and most of the elite that still remains in the Kingdom. Aside from dominating the cultural, political and economic life of the kingdom not much can be said about the city. Compared to the national average, the city is considered poor and has little opportunities to offer its residents. Its universities rank well below the average and tourism is limited.   

Main highlights of Vojvodina:   

Novi Sad, the capital and largest city in the Kingdom of Vojvodina.

The Eastern part of the kingdom retains much of the Slavic traditions.

There are still large parts of Vojvodina that are relatively isolated. In some of these regions there are various Christian Orthodox monasteries where pilgrims flock year-round.

Agriculture in Vojvodina is done differently than in the huge farms of the Imperial Enclave were agricultural machinery is ever present.

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The (federated) Kingdom of Akkar
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2019, 10:50:47 PM »

Motto:- Unity is power.


Background: Akkar’s history like that of Tamora is defined by its religion. The people of the kingdom of Akkar were the first to adopt the Druze religion. The Druze, like Manism started as a Muslim sect but grew to become a separate religion. As the powerful kingdom of Altai eventually succumbed and was absorbed into Tamora creating the Empire of Tamora, it was almost inevitable that Tamora and Akkar went to war because of religious differences. The war lasted approx. 80 yeas, from 1120 until 1200 when it ended with Tamora absorbing the kingdom of Akkar. 
While the kingdom of Akkar ceased to exist as an independent political entity, thanks to the large autonomy given under the Tamoran Empire it did not stop to develop its separate culture under the influence of the Druze religion. Since Druze do not convert and do not accept converts to their faith, Akkar immediately became a haven for many in Tamora who were worried about religious violence or persecutions.

Present day: the kingdom has a wide gap between its rural areas that are almost exclusively Druze and its cities that are multicultural and where all ethnicities and religions of the Empire are present. While the Tamoran Empire has long left behind the time of religious violence between its different faiths, Akkar however is still a refuge for those that want to escape the ultraconservative features of their home kingdoms. While the Druze themselves are just as conservative as the Manists, they have never attempted to convert or oppose the non-traditional lifestyles of other faiths, preferring isolation to protests or boycotts. It is for this reason that many liberal Manists and liberal Muslims seek to move to Akkar. In time this has created a somewhat different culture for the native Manists and Muslims in that they often tend to be more liberal than their counterparts in the rest of Tamora.
In the rural areas that are dominated by the Druze religion there is a strong culture of isolation and self-sufficiency. In 2019 many rural households in Akkar lacked access to cable TV or internet, well below the average of other poor rural regions of Tamora which suggests the lack of access is due to cultural reasons rather than material ones. The high regard the Druze have for self-sufficiency also makes them see agriculture and rural life as the most desirable and purest form of living. So high is their respect and focus on agriculture that the kingdom mandates that no farm should have more than 150 ha of land with any larger farm being broken up. Such an invasive law goes against the traditions of Tamora as imperial courts have ruled numerous times over the course of centuries. However, the restriction was allowed to stand with the Emperors of Djerb overruling the courts and motivating their decisions by arguing the restriction is part of the Druze faith and traditions.
Furthermore, in line with the Druze respect for farming and rural life, the Akkar monarch is the only one in the Empire to have his main residence in a rural area. 

Economy: the kingdom has a GDP per capita of almost 45% below the national average and produces a little over 7% of the GDP of the whole Empire. It is the second poorest kingdom in the Empire and some argue it is by choice rather than circumstance.  The kingdom remains largely a rural one and that is because the monarchy, the nobles and the Druze faith all promote rural life above all. In the relative few cities the kingdom has, the level of prosperity reaches that of the national average. While in the urban centers services and industry are the main drivers of the economy those economic sectors are geared towards servicing the large agricultural sector of the kingdom and to a lesser extent the entire empire. The few banks that are based in Akkar are all rural banks that focus towards financing agricultural activity; the industry is mostly composed of building agricultural machinery and agricultural inputs. However, because the land is divided among numerous small 50-150 ha farms, the agriculture of Akkar is not as efficient as that in the Kingdom Tamora where farms can go as high as 500.000 ha or more. Nevertheless, the kingdom is the number one agricultural power of the Empire.   

Part of the Empire since: 1200 (annexed as a result of war)
Population:-:- 33.5 million (approx. 13.4% of the national population)
Slaves: 3 million (approx. 9% of the population of the kingdom)
Ethnicities: Arabs 2 million (6%), Parthians 7 million (21%), Turks 18 million (54%), Seleucid 1 million(3%), others 5 million (approx. 16%)
Official religion: Druze
Official language: Turkish
Recognized minority language: Parthian, Arabic, Seleucid
Religious breakdown: Islam 2 million( 6%), Manism 9.5 million (28%), Anahitaism 1 million(3%), Druze 18 million (54) , others 3 mil (9%)
Capital City:- Delfan (10 thousand)
GDP: approx. 201 bln dinars (USD) approx. 7.3% of the Empire’s GDP
GDP per capita (nominal): 6,000 dinars (USD), almost 45% below the national average
Main economic sectors:  agriculture, manufacturing (agricultural machines), tourism.


Head of State:- Sultan  (king) Akdemir Yazici
Head of Government:- Sultan (king) Akdemir Yazici
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Sultan

The current Sultan(king) of Akkar, Akdemir Yazici is as determined as his predecessor to keep the current status quote in place by having Akkar remain Tamora’s rural kingdom and agricultural powerhouse.

Delfan the capital

Delfan is a small isolated town in the heart of Akkar. Today it is famous for being the capital of the kingdom and the fact that the town is closed to most visitors. As far the inhabitants are concerned most work in either agriculture or are in the service of the government of Akkar. 

Main highlights of Akkar:   

Unlike other capitals of in the Empire, Delfan is a small rural town.

The Akkar rugs are famous not just throughout the Empire but even across the Midaranye region.

Just as in other Tamoran kingdoms, the people of Akkar are very proud of their traditions.

Traditional women’s attire in Akkar while similar with other parts of Tamora is nevertheless unique.

Self-reliance is a key value of rural Akkar.

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The (federated) Kingdom of Attica
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2019, 10:51:56 PM »

Motto:- One Nation, One Culture


Background: the kingdom of Attica used to encompass a much larger area than that of today but subsequent wars has seen the kingdom diminish to the size it now has. Unlike landlocked kingdoms like Akkar, Altai, Tamora, Vojvodina and West Seleucid among others, Attica was fortune to have access to the sea of Kyne which brought it a sizable prosperity and technological advancement.
The kingdom had a troubled history being constantly threatened and sometimes even at war with West Seleucid, Altai and Royal Seleucid. Because it was threatened both by land and by sea, the kingdom did it best to preserve its independence by siding with one or other of its competitors when politically feasible and with non Midaranye powers when possible. Several times in its history the kingdom was saved thanks to the intervention of Christian nations (Krimeon and the Ecclesiastical State being the most notable) which provided troops, naval support or money to the kingdom.
While the Kingdom of Attica has never been an important power in the sea of Kyne and Royal Seleucid made sure to crush any attempt of Attica to develop a sizeable fleet, Attica nevertheless played a role in the trade that went through Kyne.
Attica increasingly bellicose stance against slavery which included raiding RS slave ships had irreversibly destroyed relations between the two countries. Tamora expansion and eventual inclusion of West Seleucid into the Tamoran Empire saw Attica neighboring slave holding Tamora and since the XVII century Attica was both threatened by its northern neighbor and Royal Seleucid. Forced into an impossible situation, Attica decided to ignore Tamora’s slavery in order to avoid worsening relations and focused on Royal Seleucid which it continued to criticize and from time to time raid its slave ships. Only foreign (non Aranye) support especially from Christian countries and a careful balance of diplomacy and “gifts” has kept Attica from being invaded by Tamora until 1958.         
In 1958 the Tamoran Empire finally invaded Attica as a response to an act of the Attican parliament which in Tamora’s opinion threated the Tamoran community in Attica. Despite notable support from outside forces including the Ecclesiastical State, the war was over quickly and Attica was annexed the same year. Notably Attica’s navy decided to ignore the surrender order and made its way to Xaeth. During the ten year military occupation that saw the institutional integration of Attica into the Tamoran Empire, around one million Atticans left their country, most of them fled to Slava Lavosk, Xaeth, Krimeon, Quintelia and Pardclinnia.
Most Tamorans see Attica’s annexation as one of the greatest achievements in Tamora’s history and the culmination of almost a thousand years of expansion that has finally lead Tamora to have access to the sea like the great empires of Mundus. 

Present day: more than sixty years after its annexation by the Tamoran Empire, in many ways Attica remains an outlier in the Tamoran Empire. Attica is the only kingdom in the Empire to expressly provide equal rights for women by law. It also leads in women participation in the workforce with no other kingdom of the Empire coming even close to Attica. The kingdom remains fairly open to foreign cultural influences and well connected to the cultural trends of Mundus. Whether it is music, fashion or architecture Attica remains more connected to the global trends of Mundus than to Tamora’s specific culture.
While slavery is legal in Attica like in the rest of the Empire as it is mandated by Imperial law it is only in Attica that the institution is controversial generating disputes among society with many Christian clergymen often speaking against the institution.
Attica’s different culture, its access to the sea and Djerb reluctance to engage foreigners has made Attica the prime gateway for foreigners seeking to do business with Tamora and has overtaken West Seleucid which traditionally had that position. However, the recent sanctions against Tamora has seen the amount of goods move through Atttica’s main port drastically decrease as the goods have been redirected through Royal Seleucid. That has weakened Attica’s position to the advantage of West Seleucid.

Economy: the kingdom has a GDP per capita of almost 45% above the national average and produces a little over 10% of the GDP of the whole Empire.It has the highest GDP per capita in the Empire overtaking even the Imperial Enclave and is considered one of the three economic engines of the Empire alongside the Imperial Enclave and West Seleucid. Rich in natural resources (mainly oil and gas) the kingdom has a diversified economy. Aside from natural resources, the kingdom is the only one with access to the sea and thus has a monopoly on the shipbuilding industry and trade over sea. Its universities are among the best of the empire rivaling Djerb and Volos. The service sector is very well developed and rivals that of the Imperial Enclave, it is home to some of the largest interest charging banks in the Empire and to most asset management companies, a legacy of the time when Attica was independent. Furthermore, it has a very strong presence in the R&D field. While the Imperial Enclave has a virtual monopoly on military R&D and dominates that of pharma and agricultural machineries, Attica is the leader of the Empire in most other areas often competing with West Seleucid for the number one spot. It is the IT sector that Attica truly dominates almost unchallenged in Tamora. Most of the underdeveloped IT sector of the Empire is based in Attica and so far there has been no change in Attica dominance of this sector.

Part of the Empire since: 1958 (annexed as a result of war)
Population:-:- 17.5 million (approx. 7% of the national population)
Slaves: 1 million (approx. 6% of the population of the kingdom)
Ethnicities: Arabs 1 million (6%), Parthians 3 million (17%), Turks 1 million (6%), Seleucid 0.5 million(3%), Slavs 1 million (6%), Armenians (57&) others 1 million (approx. 6%)
Official religion: Catholicism (Armenian Rite)
Official language: Armenian
Recognized minority language: Parthian, Arabic, Seleucid, Turkish, Slavic
Religious breakdown: Islam 2 million( 6%), Manism 9.5 million (28%), Anahitaism 1 million(3%), Druze 18 million (54) , others 3 mil (9%)
Capital City:- Alaverdi (5 million)
GDP: approx. 280 bln dinars (USD) approx. 10% of the Empire’s GDP
GDP per capita (nominal): 16,000 dinars (USD), almost 45% above the national average
Main economic sectors:  services(IT, banking, asset management, R&D, tourism), oil and gas, shipbuilding industry, agriculture.


Head of State:- Queen Arpine Saroyan
Head of Government:- Queen Arpine Saroyan
Name of Legislative Body:- none, power resides in the Queen

The current sovereign of Attica is Queen Arpine Saroyan. She ascended to the throne because there were no other members of her dynasty. She’s the first woman monarch in Tamora’s history. Despite the fact that Attica has no longer been independent for more than sixty years, the Attican monarchy still maintains rather close relations with the monarchy of Quintelia, Krimeon, the Ecclesiastical State and other Christian monarchies in general.
While the Queen and generally her dynasty has never been popular in Djerb she is nevertheless respected for the well running of economic and financial affairs of the kingdom. While her covert opposition to slavery has displeased Djerb several times, the Emperor so far has seem content to ignore her transgressions probably because he has reasoned that her leadership is necessary in order to preserve the well running of the kingdom. Her lack of a spouse and heir are reasons for worry among the Attican nobility that fear the kingdom will switch upon her death to a Manist dynasty.

Alaverdi the capital and largest city in the kingdom

Alaverdi is the third most populous city in the Empire and by far the biggest in Attica. Almost three out of ten Atticans live in Alaverdi, such a concentration of population is unique in among the kingdoms of Tamora. The large population can be explained in part to migrants from other kingdoms. The population of the city has grown from less than a million in 1968 to five million today and most of that increase is from migration outside of the kingdom. The city’s high living standard the opportunities related  to the fact that it is the only port city that Tamora has have made millions of Tamorans to come to the city in search of a better life.
With such a large population it is of no surprise that the city dominates the cultural, political and economic life of the kingdom. Its wealth and prosperity has outpaced that of Volos (the capital of West Seleucid) and is second only to Djerb with some analysts claiming that if the current demographic trends continue Alaverdi could become the largest and richest of Tamora’s cities.
The city is home to some of the best universities in the Empire, it is the main rival of Volos (the capital of West Seleucid) for interest charging bank and is home to most Oil and Gas companies of Tamora.

Main highlights of Attica:   

Alaverdi, the capital of Attica.

Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Alaverdi. As the kingdom Vojvodina no longer has Christianity as the official religion, Attica is now the center of Tamora’s Christian population.

Alaverdi financial district is rapidly expanding however that is not without controversy. Many outside the kingdom have criticized the high-rise building as unTamoran and alien to the architecture of the Empire. Some critics have gone so far as to imply that the architecture is purposely chosen to set the city apart from the rest of Tamora.

The CEO of Catholic Credit Union, 3rd largest Bank in Attica. Nowhere in the Empire are women so present in senior leadership positions.

No Tamoran kingdom has more oil and gas reserves than Attica, most of them are offshore.

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The Sect of Lilith, the Dark Goddess (Reformed Sect)
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2019, 06:40:43 PM »
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The Sect of Lilith, the Dark Goddess ( Reformed Sect of the Pantheon of the Hallowed)

Geographical area: Empire of Tamora

Membership : approx. 1.5 mil (or 0.6% of the Tamoran population)

Origins and history: It is not known exactly how the Sect of Lilith spread to the Midaranye area and specifically within the region of present day Empire of Tamora. Historical records show the sect was active even as early as the end of the first millennium. According to historical records, back then many considered it as a Anahitaist (ooc native religion of Royal Seleucid) sect rather than part of the Pantheon of the Hollowed which was unknown in the region at that time. There are several recorded incidents where the members of the sect have faced extreme persecution in the then independent kingdoms of Altai and Akkar during the period between the 11th and 13th centuries. Some say that those persecutions have forced the sect to adapt some if its practices to fit local mores.   

Present day status: The Sect is no longer seen as alien to Tamora’s culture and is part of the many religions that have a presence in the Tamoran Empire.

Beliefs and particularities: the Sect of Lilith worships Lilith, one of the Gods of the Pantheon of the Hollowed, or Dark Goddess as the members of the Sect reffer to her since they believe that addressing her directly by her name is a form of disrespect. The Sect is highly hierarchical in structure and its clergy formed exclusively of celibate women. The Supreme Priestess is the leader of the Sect.

Summary of customs and beliefs:

-          As followers of the Goddess of Retribution, retribution is seen as a very important value and heavily promoted by the Sect. Those who have broken the law (of the Gods first and mortal law second) must be severely punished and clemency is seen as an affront to Lilith. This puts them on the same page with the Manist religion of Tamora that also preaches retribution as an important value and shuns mercy.
-          The clergy are all female and must vow to be celibate so as to not fall to temptation, a reference to their Goddess Lilith and her relation to Red. 
-          Slavery is seen as an acceptable form of retribution as long as the victim was convicted of a crime.
-          Alcohol is shunned and is seen as sinful. It is not clear if this is an influence of Manism and Islam or something specific to their beliefs.
-          The belief in Avatars, vessels of the Gods that live human lives but are somehow special. The Sect maintains that it can verify the avatars of Lilith and once they have done so they sanctify them.   
-          The avatars of the Gods are not always of the Sect or of the Pantheon of the Hollowed. The Sect has sanctified several major important Manist and even Muslim figures of Tamora, something that has greatly helped with their acceptance in the Tamoran society.
-          All priestess have to learn Celestial, a dead language that is thought to be the language of the Gods. The language plays a major role in their rituals as do circles. Their temples always have a circle on the floor and the priestesses perform the rituals by standing in the circle. It is believed the circle helps the priestesses establish a connection with Lilith. Regular followers are forbidden from standing in that circle. 
-          The Sect promotes a pessimistic outlook on the world in general and preaches mistrust of unbelievers and especially foreigners (non Tamorans). A further commonality with Manism and the Tamoran society in general.
-          While the hijab is not part of the Sect’s tradition, nevertheless priestess always cover the head when in public and almost always wear black. Women are also expected to at least cover their head when in temples or praying (regardless of location).
-          While initially the sect promoted monogamy, in the past few centuries the Sect has become more accepting of polygamous relations. At present a man may take one wife and three concubines. Those not of the Sect say the limit of four is taken from Islam but the Sect maintains that is not the case and instead points that the number five is seen as unholy and claim that is the reason for the limit of four.
-          Divorce is not allowed and adultery is seen as grave break of vows and those that engage in such practices are seen as worthy of serious retribution.   
[center] [/center]

[center]Lilith, the Goddess of Retribution or the Dark Goddess as it is referred by the Sect. The Goddess is never represented as covering her head as that is seen as a privilege of the the Gods. [/center]

[center]The garment of the Supreme priestess of the Sect[/center]
[center] [/center]

[center]Regular priestesses wear garments much more similar to those of Manist/Islamic women of Tamora.[/center]

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The Bene Gesserit in Tamora
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2020, 08:54:57 PM »
The Bene Gesserit in Tamora

Geographical area: The overwhelming majority of them live in Djerb, the imperial capital of Tamora.

Membership: approx. 1000 members but growing fast.

Origins and history: The Bene Gesserit have a short history in Tamora. Prior to the 21st century there have been very little contacts between the Bene Gesserit and the lands ruled today by Tamora. The Bene Gesserit presence in Tamora grew after the Tamoran Empire recognized the Theocracy of Kaitaine as the sole legitimate government of Kaitaine (the first country in Mundus to do so) and engaged in diplomatic relations with the Theocracy. This lead to an increase Bene Gesserit activity in Tamora which included a Missionary Library in Djerb as well as considering Tamora as a location for the Bene Gesserit Leadership Academy but no confirmation has been made yet.
On the Tamoran side, the Bene Gesserit religion, which remained largely unknown to the general public, in recent years has gained a lot of attention because of its alien concepts of religion which intrigued many clerics and regular faithful alike. The discussion about the Bene Gesserit went as high as to be the subject of a Manist Church Synod that was broadcasted live in more than six countries.

Present day status: The Bene Gesserit are a small but fast growing community in Tamora. The members often gravitate around the Bene Gesserit institutions in Tamora: the Missionary Library in Djerb and the Theocracy embassy in Djerb. The very small numbers of followers as well as the fact that members have retained many of the customs of Manism have not raised any attention or concerns of the Manist Church. The faith seems to be more popular among women in Tamora rather than men, with approximately 65% of Bene Gesserit of Tamora being women.   

Beliefs and particularities: the Bene Gesserit of Tamora are mostly recent converts to the faith coming mostly from Manism and Islam. Because of the strong societal norms in Tamora as well as the strong focus on orthopraxy in Manism (and in Islam but to a lesser extent) the Bene Gesserit in Tamora retain many of the practices of Manism and have blended the beliefs of Bene Gesserit with Manism and Islam:

Summary of customs and beliefs:

-          They are monotheistic which puts them in contrast with the general Bene Gesserit faith that practices the belief that it cannot be known if there are gods or a God.
-          Most adhere to the Islamo-Manist combination of religions where both Prophets are seem as legitimate and of equal importance. They believe should all of Mundus respect the laws and requirements of the prophets it would lead to the Kwisatz Haderach coming again.
-          The rest subscribe to the Abrahamic combination of religions where all the prophets of the Abrahamic religions:  Judaism (Moses) , Christianity (Jesus), Islam (Mohamed) and Manism (Mani) are considered valid. Furthermore the harsher laws imposed by Prophet Mani are seen as confirmation the world is heading for disaster and that sacrifices have to be made for the Kwisatz Haderach to be born. 
-          Because of the social norms in Tamora as well as the orthopraxy of Manism, members share many of the societal norms of Islam/Manism: shunning of alcohol, the wearing of the hijab etc.
-          Slavery is accepted as a part of life and the laws of the Prophets.     
-          House of Atreides is seen as the most holy of houses, probably because the Theocracy ambassador is of that house and there has been little interaction with members of the other houses.

OOC: I checked with Libby before posting this.