While the International guests had been getting settled into their seats, the carefully choreography of the day had continued to occur. The various arrivals of Achkaerinese nobility and political heavyweights were happening and then the Royal Family were processed in to fanfare. Then outside the Temple the penultimate carriage arrived, this one carried
Prince Simon dressed in his air force dress uniform and
Empress Serenity in her naval dress uniform that consisted of black trousers and a white top. The cheers were audible from those watching outside as brother and sister made their way up the steps to where their father was stood waiting, along with those officiating the days proceedings. While they were exchanging pleasantries the choir of Lady Morgana's School were, in their very familiar uniforms, getting ready for the formality of Serenity's arrival, as she and Simon made their way down the aisle, following the officiants, the choir sang the
Achkaerinese national anthem, it was a formality but it was also quite special, Lady Morgana's was the school that some of the international guests had attended, it was the school that most of the Azurewinds attended, with Serenity now at the front with Simon next to her the stage was set.
It might have seemed odd to some that for a Royal wedding in Achkaerin and involving the Achkaerinese Empress, that Serenity was to all intents taking on the role of the groom, but she had her reasons for doing so. In Gowu in 2001 Evanthe had been the main attraction at that years Constellation Ball, in 2002 in Valtheim it had been Beatrice who had been the centre of attention, Euphy had never had that, had never had her day, which was why as far as Serenity was concerned this was Euphy's day and she'd have no argument about that. Speaking of
Euphy, the carriage carrying her and her five bridesmaids was just stopping in front of the Temple which meant as she stepped out the crowd and those watching by other means got their first look at the elegant, white wedding dress she was wearing. As she was greeted by cheers, she took a moment before making her way up to the Temple entrance where Peter was waiting for her. For the former Emperor this was a special day for a few reasons, it was his daughters wedding and if he was honest he had to some extent always wondered about Serenity and Euphy, he'd had the Anselmo trio of Beatrice, Evanthe and Euphy in his house when they were growing up, he was fortunate to have been the father figure in their lives and while there was a thirteen and fourteen year age gap between Serenity and Beatrice and Evanthe respectively there was just over a year between Serenity and Euphy with Euphy being the older of the pair, Peter had never said it but of all the children he'd been asked to raise over the years Euphy was the one he was the most thankful for, just having another girl Serenity's age had done so much for them both and they'd been a pair of rabble rousers.
"You look amazing." Peter said when Euphy reached him
"I'm a nervous wreck." Euphy said
"You don't look it." Peter said "You and Serenity have danced around each other for almost twenty years, I think it was that panto of Peter Pan you were both in." that made Euphy blush a little "You two have been on this path for a long time, and you know where you're going." he offered his hand "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Euphy said taking Peter's hand
The bridal procession was, as expected, carefully choreographed first up were Simon and his wife Lydia's identical twin daughters Princesses Aeolia and Lamia then a few steps behind them were Serenity's younger daughter Astrid and Nettie's daughter Telsia, following shortly behind them was Serenity's older daughter Lisa, in what was essentially the maid of honour role, then came Euphy and Peter. No sooner had the bridal party moved than a
familiar piece of music was playing courtesy of the Achkaerinese Youth Orchestra. Serenity's eyes had been on one of the memorial plaques on one of the walls, it was the one dedicated to the Clysperi Civil War, the reason her eyes were on it was because towards the bottom of the list of names on that plaque was
Isaac Wesley her deceased husband she knew he'd want her to be happy. Once the music started she giggled and glanced at Simon as if asking the question
'She didn't actually pick that did she?' but in any case it was a safe bet that she wasn't the only person mentally following along with
'How do you solve a problem like Euphemia...' instead of the actual words. As soon as Serenity saw Astrid and Telsia step to the side she and Simon moved from where they were in front of their own seats so that they were in the appropriate spot then Lisa came past and then Serenity smiled as she felt her father put Euphy's hand in hers, only then did she turn and set her eyes on Euphy.
The two people officiating the days ceremonies were firstly the High Priestess of the Fellowship of Namis
Alexis Minette and secondly from the Rosari Faith
Asano Yūki, Alexis wore all white robes while Asano wore a vibrant red.
"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highesses, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen." Alexis said "Welcome to a celebration of love, where we will join Empress Serenity and Princess Euphemia in marriage, following which we will crown Princess Euphemia as Elemental Queen and recognising her position as wife of the Empress and her role in the life of the nation. Todays ceremonies are a fusion of Namist and Rosari traditions and words." with the housekeeping done Alexis stood aside and Asano took over.
Asano looked at Serenity and Euphy "Do you declare your love for each other?" she asked
"I do." Serenity and Euphy said
"Are you lawfully free to marry?" Asano asked
"Yes." Serenity and Euphy said
"Serenity are you willing to marry Euphemia?" Asano asked
"I am." Serenity said
"Euphemia are you willing to marry Serenity?" Asano asked
"I am." Euphy said
"If there be anyone present who knows of any reason why this may not happen let them declare it now." Asano said, there were a few moments of silence while both Asano and Alexis trained their eyes on the congregation looking for anyone who might say something, no one did. With an exchange of nods, Asano stepped back and Alexis came forwards.
"Having declared their freedom and willingness to marry and having heard no objection, we come now to the marriage itself." Alexis said she turned to Serenity "Your Majesty if you'll repeat after me." she waited for Serenity to nod "I Serenity Azurewind, declare that I love you Euphemia Anselmo"
"I Serenity Azurewind, declare that I love you Euphemia Anselmo" Serenity said
"That I will always love you." Alexis said
"That I will always love you." Serenity said
"I will be your calm in the tempest, your light in the dark, shelter from the storm." Alexis said
"I will be your calm in the tempest, your light in the dark, shelter from the storm." Serenity said
"I will care for, honour and cherish you for as long as I live." Alexis said
"I will care for, honour and cherish you for as long as I live." Serenity said
"And my words, my love and this ring are my bond to you." Alexis said
"And my words, my love and this ring are my bond to you." Serenity said, at this point Simon stepped up holding two silver rings, Serenity took one and slipped it onto Euphy's finger, the slightest of giggles accompanied this from both of them.
Now Alexis stepped back and Asano came forwards, looking at Euphemia she took a breath "Your Highness if you'll repeat after me." she said, she waited for Euphy to nod before continuing "When one is born two souls are in fact born. Though separated at birth they shall find each other through time and space, and upon this rejoining the Seven Goddesses shall bless their reunion." the words were from the Eternal Contract of the Rosari
"When one is born two souls are in fact born. Though separated at birth they shall find each other through time and space, and upon this rejoining the Seven Goddesses shall bless their reunion." Euphy said
"I Euphemia Anselmo, believe that you Serenity Azurewind are the soul from which mine was separated." Asano said
"I Euphemia Anselmo, believe that you Serenity Azurewind are the soul from which mine was separated." Euphy said
"Having found you I will never leave you, when you're low in body or spirit I will be there to raise you up." Asano said
"Having found you I will never leave you, when you're low in body or spirit I will be there to raise you up." Euphy said
"I will love you and support you always, I will cherish you and walk together with you each day that I live." Asano said
"I will love you and support you always, I will cherish you and walk together with you each day that I live." Euphy said
"All of this I swear before the Seven Divine." Asano said
"All of this I swear before the Seven Divine." Euphy said
"And my love, my words and this ring are my bond to you." Asano said
"And my love, my words and this ring are my bond to you." Euphy said, she took the remaining ring in Simon's hand and slipped it onto Serenity's finger.
"The souls are rejoined." Asano said "In the sight of the Goddesses in whom you believe and before all the witnesses here today have given yourselves to each other in both words of sacred vows and the exchanging of rings. It is a great pleasure to declare you married you may now kiss." no sooner was the word 'married' out of Asano's mouth than Serenity and Euphy had already taken half a step and were kissing to the sound of cheering and applause.
The applause allowed things to more easily transition to the next stage of proceedings, the final formality of the wedding, the signing of the marriage register was carried out while the crown for the coronation, as well as a ring was brought forward along with a sheathed curved hunting dagger and a chalice. "Your Highness." Alexis said motioning Euphy back to the front, this time on her own, now Alexis addressed everyone "We now come to the coronation part of proceedings today. We begin with the Pledge of the Crown." she took a beath "Your Highness, will you serve the peoples of Achkaerin in accordance with law and custom?"
"I will." Euphy replied
"Will you uphold and defend the Constitution, our democracy and our laws?" Alexis asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Will you exercise mercy and grace in rendering judgement according to the laws of this world and the next?" Asano asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Will you with the utmost of your strength and power maintain that this is a nation where all are equal and free regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation. Where all have the right to express their opinion and where the rights of the people to such are inviolable?" Alexis asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Do you swear?" Alexis asked
"All of these things I have declared I swear to." Euphy said, Alexis took the curved blade, drew it and handed it to Euphy while Asano picked up the chalice "And my blood is my bond." she very carefully pricked her thumb with the point of the blade and let her blood drip into the chalice.
"I invite the Consul, elected representative of the people to give the affirmation of the people." Alexis said she waited as the Consul, Michael Williams, stood and moved to the front to stand before Euphy "I present to the Consul of the Government, he who was elected by the people to speak for the people, her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom sworn the pledge of the Crown and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen, what say you?" Alexis asked.
"We the people say she is worthy." Michael said, he gave a bow before turning and returning to his seat.
"I present to you." Alexis said taking the ring that had been brought forward from the cushion upon which it sat "The Elemental Ring as symbol of the title and office you hold from this day forward." the ring itself was a plain golden band with a very intricate elemental pattern etched into it. Euphy wasn't freely bleeding by this point, courtesy of a small plaster which meant that Asano had been able to put the chalice and blade aside.
"I now present to the Nine Grand Nobles, they who hold title over the constituent parts of this Empire, her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom sworn the pledge of the Crown and received the affirmation of the people and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen. I invite you now to make your affirmation." Asano said, now the nine nobles in question stood and moved to the front making a line in front of Euphy, well they were eight nobles and one elected leader but for this purpose there was a sort of duality on that one count.
"Aelmoor what say you?" Asano asked
"Aelmoor says she is worthy." Kristina Ayanami said
"Awhaele what say you?" Asano asked
"Awhaele says she is worthy." Queen Siora of the Faejeon people answered
"Greencliffe what say you?" Asano asked
"Greencliffe says she is worthy." Emma Elsif said
"Icebridge what say you?" Asano asked
"Icebridge says she is worthy." Martin Silvermist said
"Rockmount what say you?" Asano asked
"Rockmount says she is worthy." Antonio Gliss said
"Rosemoor." Asano said "What say you?" there were a few grins from a few people at this point because the person answering was Euphy's new father in law.
"Rosemoor says she is worthy." Peter said
"Silverlea what say you?" Asano asked
"Silverlea says she is worthy." Olivia Leonidas said
"Snowflower what say you?" Asano asked, this was the provincial title for the territory that was effectively Gowu.
"Snowflower says she is worthy." the Chief Councillor of Gowu, Xiaoling Tsu answered
"And finally Southvale." Asano said "What say you?"
"Southvale says she is worthy." Leonardo Amberbrook said
"Thank you." Asano said, the nine gave their bow and returned to their seats.
The ceremony was now very much into its final act, Alexis picked up the
crown that had been brought forward earlier, Euphy crouched ever so slightly as Alexis approached her, the High Priestess addressing those present "Your Majesties, Royal Highness's, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom sworn the pledge of the Crown, received the affirmation of the people and the affirmation of the Nine Grand Nobles and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen. With all conditions met and by the authority granted to me..." she raised the crown high "I crown you Euphemia the Elemental Queen." she brought the crown down onto Euphy's head. As Euphy got back upright,
Captain Cianna Higgins, the Commanding Officer of the Achkaerin Royal Guard was marching in her green jacket uniform down the central aisle, her officers cap under her left arm, stopping at the front Cianna snapped to attention and saluted Euphy, this was the equivalent of the military doing what had already been done by the Consul and the Nine Nobles. Truth be told this was also the bit of the day that Euphy had been least confident about because she didn't have the military background, saluting was somewhat out of her wheelhouse but returned the salute as she was expected of her.
"Three cheers for the Elemental Queen." Cianna said "Hip hip."
"Hooray!" came the response from those present
"Hip hip" Cianna said
"Hooray!" came the response from those present
"Hip hip" Cianna said
"Hooray!" came the response from those present
To say at this point that Euphy was a little bit embarrassed was probably an understatement, for someone not used to being the centre of attention it had already been quite the day, but now it was done, Serenity came forward and took Euphy's hand, there was another kiss and then the pair were processing back up the aisle towards the Temple doors as
more music played out, this time it was Serenity's pick. Behind the pair came Simon and Lydia then the rest of the Royal Family with the momentary exception of Peter and Renee who were on foreign guest duty. "If you'll follow us this way, we'll be making our way to the Palace for the reception." Peter said "If you have any questions about what you've just seen the various people involved will be there and will be more than happy to answer your questions."
Serenity and Euphy had just about stepped outside and gotten hit by the wall of noise coming from the crowd, one more kiss between them and then into the open topped horse drawn carriage that was waiting for them, along with the Royal Guard escort. Once Astrid and Lisa had gotten aboard as well the carriage was off on its way back to the Palace with the rest of the Royals following in their own carriages and in turn followed by the international guests in the fleet of cars. All along the way the cheering was there and it was loud. Once at the Palace the quartet made their way inside towards the ballroom.
"You've got a few moments before everyone descends." Cianna said
"Thanks Cianna." Serenity said, she looked at Euphy the pair of them were taking a few deep breaths and then they were kissing again, it didn't last long though it felt like it did. When they broke apart they could hear the sounds of what was clearly the twins, Serenity poked her head into the ballroom "Val do you mind putting some music on it'll at least give the youngsters something to do, we can get to the first dance in a bit."
As the music started to play and the food was brought out and laid out ready, Serenity and Euphy got their composure back which itself was a difficult thing under the circumstances, the twins did in fact win the footrace and promptly sprinted past the newly weds "There's a lot of guests don't go eating everything." Lydia, their mother and Simon's wife, said as she came and hugged first Euphy and then Serenity before going after her daughters.
"Could they do that?" Euphy asked
"They'd try given the chance." Simon said walking up and hugging them both "About time this happened."
"If one more person in this family says they knew..." Serenity said putting her arm around Euphy
"I think most of us had our suspicions." Simon said as the sounds of the cars pulling up could be heard. Serenity and Euphy made their way inside the ballroom to greet their guests.