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Online Achkaerin

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Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« on: September 01, 2017, 06:35:25 PM »

Motto:- "Words are Mightier than the Keenest Blade"
National Anthem:- I Vow To Thee My Country


The Holy Empire of Achkaerin is a nation comprising the lands of smaller former city states with the furthest afield being the city of Gowu - territory it still holds to this day. The nation has a proud maritime history and has historically held a measure of influence in the Great Northern Ocean. The country endures an annual storm season that lasts a minimum of three months and at its worst can last for up to six months.

Government Type:- Monarchy supported by Senate
Population:-:- 128 Million (note 7 million for Gowu and 20 million for Awhaele so mainland Ach = 101 million)
Capital City:- Valtheim (9.4 million)
Demonym:- Achkaerinese


Currency:- Iso (∑) - 100 florins = 1 Iso
GDP per Capita:- $52,000
Unemployment Rate:- 3.3%
Main Industries:- Robotics, Aerospace, Clothing, Music, Scientific and Medical Research, Car Manufacture, Ship building


Ethnicity:- 90% Achkaerinese, 5% Faejeon, 0.5% Zimalian, 4.5% Other
Languages:- English, Achkaerinese, Erian (pictographic), Faej
Religions:- 50% Cult of Namis, 20% Cult of Helus, 13% Church of Rao, 5% Catholic, 2% Methodist, 1% Bene Gesserit, 3% Islam, 2% Odinism 1% Rosarity, 3% other (all protected under law and MCUR status)
Average Life Expectancy:- Men 88 years/ Women 92 years


Head of State:- Empress Serenity Azurewind
Head of Government:- Consul Michael Williams
Name of Legislative Body:- Achkaerinese/Imperial Senate

Table of Contents[/u]

Towns And Cities of Achkaerin
« Last Edit: January 20, 2025, 06:35:52 PM by Achkaerin »

Online Achkaerin

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 11:26:55 PM »

Note - This entry pertains to mainland Achkaerin and not Gowu, Gowu has its own system of government.

Politics in Achkaerin is mostly taken care of by the Imperial Senate a body that has existed since the earliest days of the Empire however it is following the ascension of Djana Azurewind as Empress in 1708 that it stands in its current form enshrined in and guarded by the Constitution. Of significant importance is the relationship between the Senate and the Crown in that the Senate are the representatives of the people, and from the Senators the largest party forms the cabinet and they act in a supporting and advisory role to the Crown, usually taking responsibility for most of the day to day business of running the country. While law's must pass through the Senate before the Crown has its say it is generally accepted that in most cases the Government will already have an understanding from the Crown as to a proposed Act before the Senate proceedings begin.

Liberty Hall, home of the Achkaerin Senate

In terms of membership the Senate there are five hundred and thirty senators elected every time an election comes around (these include Senators representing all Achkaerinese territory), therefore a party must win 266 seats to have a majority on the Senate floor. From these five hundred and thirty senators a speaker is elected to administrate the Senate's business through the legislative year. The current makeup of the Senate is:

Current Govt: Unity - Patriot Coalition
Lead Opposition Party: Endeavour

Cyan: Unity Party - 195 seats
Purple: Patriot Party - 84 seats
Red: Endeavour Party - 100 seats
Gold: Liberal Party - 79 seats
Green: Green Party - 25 seats
Blue: Progressive Party - 15 seats
Brown: Workers Alliance Party - 8 seats
Orange: Republican Party - 2 seats
Yellow: Faejeon Alliance Party - 22 seats

Current Cabinet

Consul: Michael Williams (Unity Party)
Vice Consul: Rhian Kennedy (Patriot Party)
Minister for Home Affairs: Lizbeth Stewart (Unity Party)
Minister for Foreign Affairs: Richard Chambers (Patriot Party)
Minister for Economic Affairs: Matthew Patterson (Unity Party)
Minister of Defence: Adam Sheppard (Unity Party)
Minister of Culture: Bonnie Harper (Patriot Party)
Minister for The Diplomatic Office: Cheryl Holmes (Patriot Party)
Minister for Education: David Ward (Unity Party)
Gowu Minister: Molly Newton (Unity Party)
Minister of Sport: George Foley (Unity Party)
Minister for Agriculture and the Environment: Siobhan Williams (Unity Party)
Youth Minister: James Williams (Unity Party)
Minister of Health: Trini Malone (Patriot Party)
Universities Minister: Daniel Bailey (Unity Party)
Emergency Services Minister: Alex Maxwell (Unity Party)
Business Minister: Percy Higgins (Unity Party)
Minister of Trade: Viola Summers (Unity Party)
Minister for Cross Straits Affairs: Jonathon Hunt (Unity Party)
Minister for Science and Technology: Kathryn Deed (Patriot Party)
Communities Minister: Timothy Knight (Unity Party)
Energy Minister: Maggie Anderson (Unity Party)
Leader of the Senate Chamber: Elena Brooke (Patriot Party)
Minister for Transport: Charles Paulson (Unity Party)
Minister for Work and Pensions: Daniel Blackburn (Unity Party)
Minister for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Melinda Carter (Patriot Party)
Minister of Justice: Thomas Archer (Unity Party)
Asylum Seeker and Refugee Minister: Sarah Cooper (Patriot Party)
Cabinet Secretary: Michelle Lowe
Attorney General: Samuel White
National Security Adviser: Mark Sharpe
Chief Medical Officer: Luke Short
Science Adviser: Tammy Axon
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 02:12:26 AM by Achkaerin »

Online Achkaerin

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2017, 03:31:44 PM »
The Cult of Namis

The Cult of Namis, the domestic faith in Achkaerin, is a faith that worships three Goddesses these being the Goddess Namis, the Goddess Kisara and the Goddess Xiaoyu, the three are sisters. The Three Goddesses (sometimes referred to as the Trinity) act as a counterbalance to a great evil the name of which is not recorded anywhere it is simply referred to as 'The Great Unspoken', it is believed that this evil will one day return and that only the 'gift of death' shall be able to save the nations on that day.

The Origin Story

In the Time of Beginnings The God Ezotl created the world and all things in it, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, the animals on the land, eight legs, six legs, four legs and two all life flowed from the Great Tree of Life fueled by the waters of the world. Some time after the world was created The Great Unspoken arrived in the world, where this Evil came from none could divine but come it did and though it was evil in nature the world knew not for The Great Unspoken's true colours remained concealed. The arrival of this Evil coincided with a moment of weakness on the part of the Creator for he was growing lonely.

There was a girl by the name of Vala, who devoutly worshiped Ezotl every day when the sunlight was at its newest and then again when it was at its highest before once more paying homage to her God as the sunlight died that day. The Great Unspoken could see the affection that the Creator had for Vala and he went to Ezotl and said
"Look my friend there is one as lonely as you. Should she not know that her Lord appreciates her faith? For not all below show the same loyalty to you as she."
"You know we cannot intervene on the plane below directly." The Creator answered, for this was his greatest tenet- the created must choose its own path.
"Then show her not as a God but a man." The Great Unspoken persisted "Should a God not have the right to experience that which those he created do?"

And so Ezotl met Vala, there would be many more meetings as The Great Unspoken had hoped for, because this presented the greatest opportunity for him to accomplish his own desires. For it is not easy to kill a God, yet when Ezotl walked the soil of Mundus the cloak of immortality did not go with him, The Great Unspoken observed this and when the time was right, when the Creator went to meet Vala, the girl whom he had come to adore, he marked the Creator with a mark of great darkness. When the time for Ezotl to leave Vala came he found he could not assume his powers, he knew what must have happened. As the life energy left him Ezotl cursed the Great Unspoken to no longer be able to walk or touch the World by his will alone.

Now as Ezotl slowly died he turned to Vala, who was carrying three souls at this time, with the last of his strength he instructed her to journey to the island of the blessed where she would find sanctuary, the people there a tribe of women students of life's rhythm held a belief in nine great creatures (now called Sacred Beasts), Okan the Basilisk, Rotorth the Griffin, Kovrien the Stag, Malzrucrid the Gorilla, Brerin the Chimaera, Aydel the Raith Cat, Evna the Fox, Yve the Phoenix and Fryseirth the Dragon - under their gaze and shield the children would be safe. And to Vala he entrusted a gift for each of the children.

In the time of Shadows the people of Mundus toiled under the yoke of slavery, forced to do the bidding of the Warlord Akhiy, a man of great power in both the human and mystical planes for he, of his own will, entered a contract with The Great Unspoken, allowing him to have at his command the demons of air and darkness. The people of Mundus would suffer greatly under the tyrant's rule. Akhiy was to be the hands and instrument of The Great Unspoken's will and through the darkest of rituals he would become the vessel for The Great Unspoken's spirit, thus enabling The Great Unspoken to walk upon the world once again and to enact his most evil of schemes, to bend the entirety of creation to his will by using the Miite'temar, a jewel, in combination with the Moon.

And then once again the light shone from seemingly nothingness the children of Ezotl came forth, Kisara of the Dragon's blood, Xiaoyu with Ocular Prowess and Namis keeper of the Nine Sacred Beasts, and on the plains of Tenagra and in the skies above the young Goddesses fought those that Akhiy sent against them. Though Akhiy was powerful, he was struck down by Xiaoyu, the Moon was destroyed by Kisara's beasts of the sky and Namis sealed The Great Unspoken and his demons away.

With the battle over the Goddesses restored the Moon, entrusted the people with the future and bestowed upon them the gifts to guard the world and the guidance to make it blossom through the Seven Tenets:

1) Pay homage to no God other than the Trinity
2) Blessed are the students of life's rhythm, for they are the instruments of the Trinity's will.
3) All things are connected to each other the air, the land, the sea, the animals and the flowers, this is the principle of life's rhythm.
4) Answer the helpless cries for help, for they are the most in need.
5) Treat those around you with fairly and equally, so that they may do the same to you.
6) Defend that which you own and that to which you belong with all your heart and strength and courage - by all you hold dear stand your ground, for those that do will be the ones the Goddess's shall call to their sides when the time of Rebirth comes.
7) Care for Mundus, for you are the caretakers of the creation entrusted with its future.

The Trinity at a Glance

Namis - Regarded as the most senior Goddess as she is the eldest of the three. Namis is the Goddess of Life, Death, Love and Family. She is  viewed as the Mistress of the Sacred Beasts. She is sometimes referred to as the 'Life Giver'

Kisara - Kisara is the second child of the three, she is the Goddess of Nature, Sea, Sky and War. She is very closely associated with dragon's as she was able to summon these legendary creatures, this earned her the name 'Dragonblood'.

Xiaoyu - The youngest of the three. Xiaoyu is the Goddess of Prophecy, Wisdom, Justice and Time. The Five Khyii (Ocular Prowess) are believed to have come from her, she's otherwise known as the 'All Seeing'.

The Offices of the Faith And Structure

Like all other aspects of the Cult, worship falls under the purview of the High Priestess. Worship itself is full of ritual with many aspects such as the sealing ceremony, the cleansing of a soul, spiritual healing and others being involved. There's no formalized worshiping time with the exception of religious festivals that commemorate important historical occasions to the faith.

As implied the High Priestess sits at the top of the tree in terms of the faith, she serves from the time she is called to the roll to the time of her death, she is supported by the three Alha - these are in simplest terms three monks each has a title respective of the three Goddess's and a role thereof - the Alha of Namis is called the 'Guardian of the Faithful' with the responsibility for challenging those within the faith that act contrary to its practices and doctrine, the Alha of Kisara is called the 'Teacher of Maiden's' he is the head of the Maiden Sister Order (explained below) he has responsibility for training the members of that order, the Alha of Xiaoyu is called 'Chronicler of the Cult' and has responsibility for documenting and maintaining the history of the Cult. Alongside these three Alha there is a further support to the High Priestess in the role of the Oracle, like the High Priestess this is a female role and a lifetime role, the Oracle as one may guess from the name is believed to be able to foresee the future she is otherwise known as the 'Keeper of the Khyii' - the five ocular prowess powers granted to the Goddess Xiaoyu, it is believed that when chosen an Oracle is in turn granted some of that power.

When either the High Priestess or the Oracle pass away the three Alha (and the High Priestess/Oracle if one is alive) assemble either at Luna Isle (the home of the High Priestess) if the Oracle has died or at a monastery if the High Priestess has died, this is because Luna Isle is sacred ground and none may tread the inner sanctum there without the consent of the High Priestess. This meeting can last many days or only a few hours as they must choose the next person to hold the vacant office, there is much ceremony and formality about the process.

In addition both the High Priestess and Oracle have a 'Gatekeeper' this is a person who shares their journey and helps them in their role.

There is one further leadership position in the Cult - the Queen of Songs, this is a position passed down from mother to daughter. The post is as one may surmise based in song specifically the most sacred songs of the Cult those that are almost ritual in their words, only the Queen of Songs is permitted to sing these songs as a result the Queen of Songs tends to become on a day to day basis the busiest member of the Cult Leadership. As this is an inherited position it works similar to a monarchy until the point where there is no daughter to pass the title to at which point the remainder of the Cult Leadership pass the title to another family.

Beneath the leadership of the Cult there is the regular Priesthood which is the week in week out worship leaders for although there is no formalized worship time this does prevent the Priests and Priestess's preaching, they simply determine the schedule within their respective temples as people may choose to walk in and out at any time. Most Temples do have good congregations on Sundays as most choose to attend on that day.

Finally there is the Maiden Sister Order, these are believed to be the descendants of the 'students of life's rhythm' from the Origin Story. They are few in number and occupy the Gowu Monastery, they are partly the honour guard of the High Priestess and Oracle but they are also viewed as missionaries as they are known to travel across Mundus on faith journey's. They are trained in the old ways such as the sword, the bow, horse riding and hunting. They are trained this way because it is believed that when the time of Rebirth comes that the Great Unspoken will render powerless the powerful and be thwarted by his disregarding of experience. The Maiden Sisters train according to the Rhythm of Life, a program of understanding the world around them through the natural elements that make up that world.

Current Cult Leadership

High Priestess: Alexis Minette
Alha of Namis: Robert Bridges
Alha of Kisara: Jin Fuma
Alha of Xiaoyu: William Nielsen
Oracle: Temari Fuma
Gatekeeper of the High Priestess: Elvira Hills
Gatekeeper of the Oracle: Aki Fuma

The Five Khyii

The Five Khyii are the five types of 'Ocular Prowess' otherwise known as gifts relating to sight, they are associated with the Goddess Xiaoyu but are believed to be embodied by the Oracle. They are as follows:

Khyii Lyret - Otherwise known as the Eye of Truth, according to legend the Goddess Xiaoyu used the power of this eye to determine the reasoning behind a persons words or actions. It is also believed that when the Goddesses return that this eye will be used to weigh the worth of a persons deeds throughout their life.

Khyii Jhu - The Angel's Eye. According to the legends the Goddess Xiaoyu helped her sister the Goddess Namis tame the Sacred Beasts with this eye and then used its power to seal the Beasts inside her sister. It is generally believed that this eye in terms of the mystical aspect is the most powerful.

Khyii Siu - The Eye of Time. In legend the Goddess Xiaoyu used this eye to see into the past, throughout the present and into the future, for believers this is the eye that allows her to make all her prophecies as well as manipulate time itself.

Khyii Liaisnen - The Eye of the Warrior. According to the Origin Story this is the eye that Xiaoyu used in that battle. In terms of destructive force suggested in legends this is the most powerful of the five.

Khyii Rehvie - The Eye of Nature. According to legend the Goddess Xiaoyu used this eye to help her sister the Goddess Kisara communicate with nature, resulting in Kisara's ability to summon dragon's and the rest of her beasts.


Anointing Ceremony: Every member of the Priesthood will go through this at least once in their career - in truth it is only once for the vast majority of the Priesthood. In the Christian faith this would be regarded as the equivalent of an Ordination. During the ceremony the person being anointed is asked a series of questions to which there are a set of answers which forms a covenant, this is sealed in blood before the person presiding over the ceremony anoints the forehead of the person with, what is probably best described as face paint, the shape of a Triquetra.

Sealing Ceremony: This ceremony forms part of the Anointing Ceremony but only occurs when the ceremony is for the High Priestess, it takes place between the promises being sealed and the actual act of anointing, the ceremony takes on historical significance as it is symbolic of how the nine Sacred Beasts were sealed inside Namis with the help of her sisters. In their Anointing Ceremony the High Priestess to be, wears a robe of the Priesthood but also an under layer, usually white in color to symbolize purity, this under layer consists of clothing that reveals the arms, midriff, legs and neck area of the High Priestess to be. She lies upon a stone altar and the Alha carry out a ritual for each of the nine beasts in turn that culminates with the mark of that beast being placed on the High Priestess to be, the seal of Okan the Basilisk is first and is coiled around the left arm, second is the seal of Rotorth the Griffin which is positioned on the right arm, third is the seal of Kovrien the Stag which is placed just below the neck and above the breasts. Fourth is the seal of Malzrucrid the Gorilla it is located on the lower right leg, fifth is the seal of Brerin the Chimaera this is placed on the left thigh, sixth comes the seal of Aydel the Raith Cat which goes on the lower left leg, seventh is the seal of Evna the Fox which is placed on the right thigh. Eighth is the seal of Yve the Phoenix this goes on the exposed back of the High Priestess to be. Finally the sealing ends with the placement of the seal belonging to Fryseirth the Dragon which is located on the exposed midriff.

The seals are done using what amounts to face paint so they only stay in place until washed off in terms of symbolism however it is believed the sealing is demonstrative of the High Priestess giving her life control up to the Goddess Namis.

Discernment Ceremony: This forms part of the Anointing Ceremony for Alha and Gatekeepers in the course of this ceremony the person is required to account for themselves and submit to the judgement of the presider (usually the High Priestess) this part of the ceremony is usually carried out in metaphorical language as the means of determining the true nature of the individual. It is in Honor of the Goddess Kisara who is believed to have used such a technique to gain the trust of her beasts of the sky.

Transference Ceremony: Part of the Anointing Ceremony for the Oracle, the Oracle enters the temple blindfolded and escorted by her Gatekeeper (this being for reasons of safety) upon the altar are five pieces of jewelry each with one of the Khyii inscribed on it in some way - a bracelet for the Khyii Lyret, a ring for the Khyii Jhu, a tiara for the Khyii Siu, earrings for the Khyii Liaisnen and a necklace for the Khyii Rehvie, the virtue of the Oracle is tested as the Presider (usually the High Priestess) reads five of Xiaoyu's prophecies and in turn the Oracle grants the explanation, after each explanation the Presider adorns the Oracle with a piece of jewelry in the order Lyret, Liaisnen, Rehvie, Jhu, Siu. When the Siu tiara is presented the blindfold is removed prior to the tiara being placed on the Oracles head.

Blessing Ceremony: Similar to a Christian Baptism, a person (or his parents/God parents) make promises to honor the Goddess's and their teachings, the head of the person is then anointed with water. The family of the person (usually the parents) take a blood oath to ensure the proper guidance this isn't normally done unless it is a young child being given the Blessing. The congregation witnessing the ceremony is always to swear such an oath.

Purification Ceremony: The purification ceremony is a ceremony of forgiveness in the context of the faith it is often done prior to other ceremonies such as the Anointing Ceremony but now forms a traditional part of the build up to Achkaerinese Royal Weddings, Coronations and other such events. In the ceremony the person seeking purification fully immerses them self in water while a Priest or Priestess and potentially even a Maiden Sister sings for forgiveness.

Wedding: A wedding in the Cult of Namis sees a lot of symbolism and ritual from the beginning to the end. The Groom enters first and then the Bride, however walking ahead of each of them is a torch bearer carrying a lit flame, when they reach the altar the torch bearers stand at opposite ends by two candles when the Bride and Groom declare their intent to marry each other (and they are legally able to do so) the two candles are used to light two further candles that are contained in a specially designed display in the shape of a double helix, one flame appears to burn red the other appears to burn blue.

There are promises exchanged, again blood is used to display the solemness of the vows, this is done using a knife tied around the Bride's waist which is then symbolically handed to the Groom. In same sex marriages one party simply hands the knife to the other. The Priest in charge of the wedding then declares them to be man and wife and they leave the temple together.

Funeral: In the Cult of Namis a funeral is a more celebratory affair there is no strictly set structure more of a framework. The entire affair takes place over the course of a feast (which lasts as long as it lasts) The feast opens with the host bidding all welcome and then the floor is handed over to a 'Bard' (usually a family member of the dead person) who sings the traditional funeral lament, then the floor is opened to the rest of the family to speak - in short they tell the deeds of the dead person, following this others are invited to add their verses and so on until no one can think of anything more to add. To date the longest such story was the story for the Empress Djana Azurewind. Once the song has been sung the feasting continues as the body of the deceased is brought out, wrapped up in cloth, placed on a wooden barge, the barge is set alight by the family and then pushed out into the ocean - this symbolizes the idea of life not only coming from water but ending with water.

Fellowship Ceremony: This is the term used for other formal ceremonies (usually occurring annually) these not necessarily being obviously religious but occasions such as Memorial Day (OOC- Remembrance Day) where the festival of Remembrance takes place with the Cult playing a major role. In the course of the ceremony the people are invited to reaffirm their faith.

The Celestial Years

The Achkaerinese Calendar year is called the Celestial Year, it begins on the day of the Purification (OOC- Easter Sunday), one of the most important days on the Namist Calendar. The change in year is marked by the transfer of one guardian creature to another for the Celestial year, the creatures used are those of the nine sacred beasts.

Spoiler: Celestial Rotation from 1900 to present • show

2021 - Year of the Phoenix
2020 - Year of the Stag
2019 - Year of the Basilisk
2018 - Year of the Chimaera
2017 - Year of the Raith Cat
2016 - Year of the Fox
2015 - Year of the Gorilla
2014 - Year of the Griffin
2013 - Year of the Dragon
2012 - Year of the Phoenix
2011 - Year of the Stag
2010 - Year of the Basilisk
2009 - Year of the Chimaera
2008 - Year of the Raith Cat
2007 - Year of the Fox
2006 - Year of the Gorilla
2005 - Year of the Griffin
2004 - Year of the Dragon
2003 - Year of the Phoenix
2002 - Year of the Stag
2001 - Year of the Basilisk
2000 - Year of the Chimaera
1999 - Year of the Raith Cat
1998 - Year of the Fox
1997 - Year of the Gorilla
1996 - Year of the Griffin
1995 - Year of the Dragon
1994 - Year of the Phoenix
1993 - Year of the Stag
1992 - Year of the Basilisk
1991 - Year of the Chimaera
1990 - Year of the Raith Cat
1989 - Year of the Fox
1988 - Year of the Gorilla
1987 - Year of the Griffin
1986 - Year of the Dragon
1985 - Year of the Phoenix
1984 - Year of the Stag
1983 - Year of the Basilisk
1982 - Year of the Chimaera
1981 - Year of the Raith Cat
1980 - Year of the Fox
1979 - Year of the Gorilla
1978 - Year of the Griffin
1977 - Year of the Dragon
1976 - Year of the Phoenix
1975 - Year of the Stag
1974 - Year of the Basilisk
1973 - Year of the Chimaera
1972 - Year of the Raith Cat
1971 - Year of the Fox
1970 - Year of the Gorilla
1969 - Year of the Griffin
1968 - Year of the Dragon
1967 - Year of the Phoenix
1966 - Year of the Stag
1965 - Year of the Basilisk
1964 - Year of the Chimaera
1963 - Year of the Raith Cat
1962 - Year of the Fox
1961 - Year of the Gorilla
1960 - Year of the Griffin
1959 - Year of the Dragon
1958 - Year of the Phoenix
1957 - Year of the Stag
1956 - Year of the Basilisk
1955 - Year of the Chimaera
1954 - Year of the Raith Cat
1953 - Year of the Fox
1952 - Year of the Gorilla
1951 - Year of the Griffin
1950 - Year of the Dragon
1949 - Year of the Phoenix
1948 - Year of the Stag
1947 - Year of the Basilisk
1946 - Year of the Chimaera
1945 - Year of the Raith Cat
1944 - Year of the Fox
1943 - Year of the Gorilla
1942 - Year of the Griffin
1941 - Year of the Dragon
1940 - Year of the Phoenix
1939 - Year of the Stag
1938 - Year of the Basilisk
1937 - Year of the Chimaera
1936 - Year of the Raith Cat
1935 - Year of the Fox
1934 - Year of the Gorilla
1933 - Year of the Griffin
1932 - Year of the Dragon
1931 - Year of the Phoenix
1930 - Year of the Stag
1929 - Year of the Basilisk
1928 - Year of the Chimaera
1927 - Year of the Raith Cat
1926 - Year of the Fox
1925 - Year of the Gorilla
1924 - Year of the Griffin
1923 - Year of the Dragon
1922 - Year of the Phoenix
1921 - Year of the Stag
1920 - Year of the Basilisk
1919 - Year of the Chimaera
1918 - Year of the Raith Cat
1917 - Year of the Fox
1916 - Year of the Gorilla
1915 - Year of the Griffin
1914 - Year of the Dragon
1913 - Year of the Phoenix
1912 - Year of the Stag
1911 - Year of the Basilisk
1910 - Year of the Chimaera
1909 - Year of the Raith Cat
1908 - Year of the Fox
1907 - Year of the Gorilla
1906 - Year of the Griffin
1905 - Year of the Dragon
1904 - Year of the Phoenix
1903 - Year of the Stag
1902 - Year of the Basilisk
1901 - Year of the Chimaera
1900 - Year of the Raith Cat
« Last Edit: April 04, 2021, 06:19:53 PM by Achkaerin »

Online Achkaerin

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2017, 11:13:16 PM »
The Achkaerin Armed Forces

The Achkaerin Armed Forces otherwise known as the Imperial Armed Forces were formed informally during the War of Unification in circa 8500 BCE as the six original holds united to fight off an attempted Abydos invasion, an event that can be regarded as the birth of Achkaerin as a nation, the final battle of the war fought at sea would set the scene for centuries to come. The Imperial Armed Forces consists of three branches the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy and Imperial Air Force, though more commonly the word Imperial is substituted for Achkaerin.

Imperial Achkaerin Army

"We were brave, we are brave, we will be brave."

The Achkaerin Army is a squad based army formed into eight regiments the Rosemoor Guards, Greencliffe Cavaliers, Aelmoor Watch, Rockmount Rifles, Southvale Dragoons, Silverlea Royals, Icebridge Fusiliers and Wyvern Legion. It numbers 85,000 troops across regular forces, the Armored Corps (almost exclusively found within the Greencliffe Cavaliers) and Achkaerin Special Forces. The Army was originally intended as nothing more than a self defence force but wars over the last three hundred years have changed that and it is now a force with a track record in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations, though it lacks numbers it has a pretty decent punch. The Army is commanded by a Field Marshall on behalf of the Crown.

EquipmentType/number in service
RCAR-7Assault Rifle
ARC-720Personal Defence Weapon
Hunter ACRAssault Rifle
ARC-800Assault Rifle
ARC-Silver DaggerHandgun
Hunter LMG85Light Machine Gun
ARC-M11General Machine Gun
RCSR-5Sniper/Anti Material Rifle
ARC- DeadeyeSniper Rifle
ARC-SSG1Less Lethal Shotgun
ARC-SR1Less Lethal Rifle
ARC-SP1Less Lethal Pistol
CornershotWeapon accessory
ARC-ML70Anti tank/fortification weapon
ARC-AvengerGrenade Launcher
ARC-SCGStandard issue combat blade
ARC-SCKStandard issue combat knife
Hoplite Main Battle Tank400 in service
Chevalier Main Battle Tank250 in service
Stag Bridge Builder40 in service
Scoundrel Recovery Vehicle200 in service
Triceratops APC700 in service
Lynx Light Tank600 in service
Hammerhead Amphib APC300 in service
Shadowfox Type Tank120 in service
Stego Type Support Vehicle180 in service
Raptor Type Armoured Vehicle80 in service
Sabre Type Support Armoured Car1000 in service
Raith Cat Type IFV600 in service
Liger Type APC300 in service
Lioness Type Scout Vehicle500 in service
RoboGuard16 in service
Rhino Type APC400 in service
Brachio Type Self Propelled Artillery500 in service
Behemoth Type Support Vehicle30 in service
Mammoth Tactical Military Truck800 in service
Mastadon Type Tank Transport300 in service
Scorpion Type Remote WeaponRemote Support Weapon Platform
Valkyrie Type Support VehicleSAR/Debris Clearance/Bomb disposal etc

The Achkaerin Imperial Navy

"The Battle is not to the Strong but to the Brave."

The Achkaerin Imperial Navy is the pride of the Achkaerinese Armed Forces, which as an island nation is probably hardly surprising, the Imperial Navy can potentially lay claim to be one of the most effective and experienced navies on Mundus having seen many notable engagements both historically and in more recent times, the navy has evolved over time to focus on supporting Achkaerinese and international operations abroad by providing a strong foundation. The ships use the prefix INS - Imperial Navy Ship. The Navy is commanded ultimately by a Fleet Admiral on behalf of the Crown and consists of 180,000 personnel manning 112 vessels.

Vessel ClassShips in Service
Seònaid Class Aircraft Carrier1. INS Intrepid (flagship)
2. INS Seònaid Ayanami
3. INS Djana Azurewind
Discovery Class Aircraft Carrier1. INS Discovery
Musketeer Class Drone Carrier1. INS Kakashi Fuji
2. INS James Robbins
3. INS Rhyth Icerider
Kyogre Class Amphibious Assault Ship1. INS Kyogre
2. INS Groundon
Hope Class SBX1. INS Hope
2. INS Faith
Phoenix Class Ground Effect Vehicle1. INS Phoenix
2. INS Roc
3. INS Caladrius - Medical configuration
Northwind Class Heavy Destroyer1. INS Northwind
2. INS Chillrend (due July 2023)
3. INS Dawnstar (due October 2023)
4. INS Dragonbane (due December 2023)
Amaterasu Class Destroyer1. INS Rinnegan
2. INS Sharingan
3. INS Tsukuyomi
4. INS Amaterasu
5. INS Chidori
6. INS Rasengan
Riviere Class Destroyer1. INS Ninetales
2. INS Pegasus
3. INS Riviere
4. INS Sovereign
5. INS Avalon
6. INS Anezaki Ayanami
7. INS Angel
8. INS Firebreather
Specula Class Destroyer1. INS Specula
2. INS Ambient
3. INS Shadow
4. INS Zeke
Valtheim Class Frigate1. INS Valtheim
2. INS Valkyria
3. INS Mossflower
4. INS Artaxia
5. INS Leonaise
6. INS Valor
7. INS Meridian
Dragon Class Frigate1. INS Toothless
2. INS Stormfly
3. INS Skrill
4. INS Flightmare
5. INS Windshear
6. INS Snapshot
7. INS Stryke
Narnia Class Frigate1. INS Aslan
2. INS Narnia
3. INS Dawn Treader
4. INS Prince Caspian
Fawn Azurewind Class Frigate1. INS Sev'Rance Silvermist
2. INS Fawn Azurewind
3. INS Hermione Leonidas
4. INS Alision Gliss
Waverunner Class Corvette1. INS Waverunner
2. INS Liberty
3. INS Resolve
4. INS Predator
5. INS Alliance
6. INS Endurance
7. INS Imperial
8. INS Raider
Kryptonite Class Frigate1. INS Kryptonite
2. INS Orichalcos
3. INS Repulse
4. INS Unified
5. INS Excalibur
6. INS Rogue
7. INS Stardust
8. INS Valiant
9. INS Defiant
10. INS Solstice
Tisiphone Class Submarine1. INS Erin Ayanami
2. INS Tisiphone
3. INS Cerberus
4. INS Saix
Normandy Class Submarine1. INS Normandy
2. INS Tempest
3. INS Citadel
4. INS Ascension
5. INS Rayya
6. INS Hyperion
7. INS Nexus
8. INS Indomitable
Marril Class Submarine1. INS Marill
2. INS Squirtle
3. INS Wartortle
4. INS Blastoise
5. INS Totodile
6. INS Dewgong
7. INS Seaking
8. INS Starmie
9. INS Corsola
10. INS Lapras
Nebula Class Hospital Ship1. INS Iona Azurewind
2. INS Apothecary
3. INS Nebula
Yangtzee Kiang Class Support Ship1. INS Yangtzee Kiang
2. INS Yukon
3. INS Mekong
4. INS Volga
5. INS Rio Grande
6. INS Amazon
7. INS Nile
8. INS Limpopo
Shadowfax Class Tanker1. INS Shadowfax
2. INS Firefoot
3. INS Asfaloth
4. INS Brego
Morris Class Icebreaker1. INS Morris
2. INS Explorer
Aehallh Class Unmanned Surface Vesselin service
Dolphin Type Autonomous Underwater Vesselin service
Mermaid Type Autonomous Underwater Vesselin service
Resonance Type Autonomous Underwater VesselIn service

The Achkaerin Royal Marine Commandos

"Braves of Land, Sea and Sky"

The Achkaerin Royal Marine Commandos are the oldest of the specialist entities within the Achkaerinese military, numbering 10,000 personnel and utilizing capabilities from land, sea and air. The Marines origins lie in the commando unit pioneered by the then Crown Prince Harry Azurewind during the Great War in the 1940's (hence why they're traditionally "Royal" and not "Imperial") the Marines are specialists in things such as boarding actions, landing operations, humanitarian operations and other security matters on the seas. The Marines focus on high mobility, not fielding heavy armour preferring high speed lighter vehicles. They're commanded by a General on behalf of the Crown.

EquipmentType/number in service
RCAR-7Assault Rifle
ARC-720Personal Defence Weapon
Hunter ACRAssault Rifle
ARC-800Assault Rifle
ARC-Silver DaggerHandgun
Hunter LMG85Light Machine Gun
ARC-M11General Machine Gun
RCSR-5Sniper/Anti Material Rifle
ARC- DeadeyeSniper Rifle
ARC-SSG1Less Lethal Shotgun
ARC-SR1Less Lethal Rifle
ARC-SP1Less Lethal Pistol
ARC-ML70Anti tank/fortification weapon
ARC-AvengerGrenade Launcher
ARC-SCGStandard issue combat blade
ARC-SCKStandard issue combat knife
Hammerhead Amphib APC50 in service
Shadowfox Type Tank40 in service
Stego Type Support Vehicle30 in service
Raptor Type Armoured Vehicle80 in service
Raith Cat Type IFV200 in service
Liger Type APC100 in service
Hellcat Type APC100 in service
Lioness Type Scout Vehicle300 in service
WaspAttack Helicopter, 40 in service
StymphaliaUtility Helicopter, 80 in service
DPVDiver Propulsion Vehicle
LCACAmphibious Craft
Scorpion Type Remote WeaponRemote Support Weapon Platform
Valkyrie Type Support VehicleSAR/Debris Clearance/Bomb disposal etc

The Achkaerin Imperial Air Force

"May the Brave's Hunt Well"

The Achkaerin Imperial Air Force was formally established in 1917 as the East Ardian theatre of the Great War went hot. Having previously existed under the Army's command it was now a branch in its own right. It has many significant actions to its name including some of the most famous of that war Operation Burning Arrow and Operation Typhoon. In more recent times it has played major parts in other operations. While not as large or as powerful as those of other nations the Air Force does emphasize adaptability and uses this mantra to provide a solid punch. The Achkaerin Air Force numbers 70,000 Airmen and women.

Tyto OwlAWE&C/Command, 4 in service
Snow OwlCarrier capable AWE&C, 6 in service
SparrowhawkElectronic Warfare, 3 in service
SwallowStrategic Bomber, 40 in service
EagleCargo/Tanker, 80 in service
Sea DragonSAR/Transport, 20 in service
Night OwlAir Command, 6 in service
NightingaleCargo/Transport, 120 in service
HummingbirdStrategic Airlifter, 40 in service
HawkCargo/Transport, 120 in service
RavenSTOL troop/cargo transport, 100 in service
Night FuryStrategic Bomber, 20 in service
EMAC Heavy LifterCargo/Medical, 25 in service
DragoniteMultirole Fighter, 160 in service
WyvernMultirole Fighter, 80 in service
GR.11 DragonbaneGround Attack Fighter, 40 in service
AnglachelGround Attack Fighter, 60 in service
EmolgaLight Ground Attack Fighter/Trainer/EW/Recon , 40 in service
F-5 DragonbreathStealth Fighter (STOVL), 60 in service
RaptorwingMultirole Fighter, 60 in service
BlackbirdTrainer, 40 in service
DragonflyGEV/ Coastal Defence, 16 in service
Dragonfly Mk IIMaritime Patrol & SAR/Anti Submarine Warfare/Ground Effect Vehicle, 40 in service
WaspAttack Helicopter, 120 in service
StymphaliaUtility Helicopter, 150 in service
FinchStealth Helicopter, 60 in service
BumblebeeUtility Helicopter, 180 in service
ButterflyCargo Helicopter, 80 in service
OwlSurveillance UAV
Peregrine FalconUCAV
Elf OwlUAV

The Military Defence Initiative

"The Shield of the Brave"

The Military Defence Initiative is the second smallest branch of the Achkaerinese military, numbering close to 5,000 personnel and is closely associated with military intelligence. It is responsible for intelligence gathering, threat analysis and defensive networks in Achkaerin, the MDI also operates the nations missile defence system network named Cerberus:

CerberusAir Defence System, the system is designed to counter short-range rockets and 155 mm artillery shells with a range of up to 70 kilometers.
HydraAir Defence System, designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles, medium- to long-range rockets and cruise missiles, fired at ranges from 40 km (24.85 miles) to 300 km (186.41 m)
ScyllaDesigned to intercept threats between 90 km (56 mi) – 150 km (93 mi)
FuryLaser Defence System, uses a "directed high energy laser beam" to destroy hostile targets with ranges of up to 7 kilometres (4.3 mi)
Medusacounter-swarm electromagnetic weapon. The system provides non-kinetic defeat of multiple targets. It operates from a wall plug and uses energy to disable drones.
SirenPassive sonar system operated across multiple platforms
CharybdisFractional Orbit Bombardment System

The Heavens Series

The Heavens Series is the collective term for a series of weapons originally assigned to the Achkaerinese nuclear deterrent - the name is a reference to Project Heavenrend the Achkaerinese Great War project that developed nuclear weapons. Following the nuclear disarmament of 2021 the name has been repurposed to Achkaerin's developing hypersonic arsenal.

Heavens DaggerThe first Achkaerinese hypersonic cruise missile, it is a point and shoot missile with a range of approx 1500km and speed of Mach 8.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2023, 01:59:51 PM by Achkaerin »

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2018, 01:03:32 PM »

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2018, 09:15:10 PM »
Status of Foreign Relations

Found here organized by continent are the details concerning Achkaerin's relations with other states.

OOC - Thanks to Rob for the initial template, I just broke it down to continents due to how the Ach ambassador system works. Prefect denotes the senior ambassador for that continent.

Alba Karinya

NationRelationsSignificant DevelopmentsNotesAmbassador
East MorelandFriendly
Former CIS members, Treaty of Friendship signed
Arguably Achkaerin's closest ally, strong history of joint action most notably in CIS actions and during the Cult of Helus Genocide
Tommy Walker (Prefect of Alba Karinya)
Former LISA members, Tsukiyo Accord, Joint counter Borland operations out of Maelstrom base.
Close friends, good recent history of cooperation. Vaguzian economy has strong Achkaerinese investment.
Matthew Charlton
HeyraCautiousHistory of non cooperation on key issues such as slaveryThe secrecy surrounding the Heyran economy creates an issue in regard of any certainty on key issues, the Heyran state is viewed as trading on the principles of the MCUR of which it is a signatory.Phoebe Fleming
ArgemontoNeutralNoneLaws around religion viewed negativelyTimothy Green
HassfurtNegativeHuman Trafficking disagreementNot viewed as trustworthy with secure communications or sensitive information, Strata system viewed as discriminatory.Leia Brook
ZimaliaNeutralNoneNoneMark Walker


NationRelationsSignificant DevelopmentsNotesAmbassador
Ui CenneslaigPositive
Various humanitarian operation cooperation.
Declan Cox (Prefect of Ardia)
Luke Huntley
CSTO members, former LISA members, treaty of friendship, CSU members
Relation still viewed positively despite notable issues, Evanthe on the throne being the reason.
Arthur Walters
The IwiNeutralEmperor adopted into an Iwi, attendance at act of remembranceCareful treading required around Iwi justice matters.Amy Alleine
BakkermayaNeutralEmperor has visited Bakkermaya on multiple occasions, good cooperation at the Ardian AssemblyNoneRosa Ayanami
CassiopeiaNeutralNoneNoneAndrew Richmond
Carth Vittori
Martha Ashman
Nick Thwaites
Attendance at Lijiang Royal Wedding
Lady Xiao Mei
CSTO Members
Katherine Harkness
CSTO members
Kevin Ryan
Allied States of ArdiaNeutral
Stephanie Crossley
Nueva ArdiaNegative
Achkaerinese housing of exiled Royal Family members, post genocide efforts in terms of identification of the dead (remain ongoing), prosecution of those responsible for the genocide.
President Melos not viewed positively
Ayah Semantar
Historically good relationship most of the time, Gowu-Toshikawa relationship steady. Andean Genocide issues and subsequent fallout cause concern.
Namist monastery in Gowu providing sanctuary for Samurai, it is believed that the 'Shogunate of Toshikawa' is living on borrowed time, Su Mai Nekhaga remains in hiding and may make another play in the future.
Richard Amberbrook
Peacekeeping intervention during Phuebran civil war, post war investment across the board, assistance in developing Phuebra's democratic institutions
Aishia Semantar
Achkaerin views the acts of Quintelian individuals and companies in respect of slavery and later Machal Mining as trading on the principles of the MCUR of which it is signatory.
Harry Denton
New DerusmiaNeutral
Support for the Confederacy of Clysperis viewed negatively
Oliver Palmer
Lois Nichols
CSU members
Steven Henderson


NationRelationsSignificant DevelopmentsNotesAmbassador
Nya AlandPositiveAgreement to train Alander astronauts, aid during Uppsalla CrisisNoneVictoria Conway (Prefect of Albion)
DartfordiaFriendlyCSTO members, several infrastructure project agreements, former LISA members, former CSU membersNoneMiriam Solo
FleurNeutralConcern over some Government positions, tit for tat export/import restrictions in place.Fleur is somewhat viewed as a state that sponsors terrorism, though how deliberate/inadvertent this is remains unclearJuliet Pierce
TytorPositiveRecent positive noises towards cooperation, historic understanding though at times problems in communicationNoneWilliam Churchill
David Knight (Floodwater attache)
LodjaPositiveQueen Viktoriya visited Achkaerin, Deborah Thornton invited to sit in on Conclave sessionGiven the way the Lodja does diplomacy the recommended contact is Alana TarEmalet Silvermist
MarseillesNeutralCTOMMNoneNeil Moores
AquitainePositiveCTOMM, adherence to the ten point plan, support of fledgling governmentDuchess Daniele Aveline raised by Emperor PeterJennifer Spencer
MerinaCautiousOngoing civil war, humanitarian support ongoingUse of chemical weapons remains a major concernKelsey Delgado
Ecclesiastical StatePositiveNonePope Peter II originally from Achkaerin, slight concern over some of the governments policiesHarrison Carmichael
ParacambiNeutralNoneStrong anti slavery stanceWilliam Amberbrook
FOANeutralNoneNoneElise Hanson
AostaNeutralNoneNoneJoseph Lomax
DrenovaNeutralNoneNoneRobert Vale
TorinoriaNeutralNoneNoneSabine Collins


NationRelationsSignificant DevelopmentsNotesAmbassador
Former CIS members, Treaty of Friendship signed
Close Achkaerinese ally, history of cooperation on multiple issues.
Nicolette Keates (Prefect of Aranye)
James Keates (Attache Rishiri)
Royal SeleucidNeutralCult of Helus GenocideIssues with previous administration however taking a neutral position with the new one for now.Jake Green
TamoraNegativeNoneTamoran advocacy and practice of slavery creates significant issues. Tamora is viewed with great suspicion and is to be checked. TINS viewed as a propaganda machine.Vincent Brockhall
ClysperisNeutralAssistance during civil warNoneSienna Chambers
WaddanNeutralNoneConcern in respect of availability and distribution of waterJoseph Davidson
AlakwahnNeutralNoneNoneDerek Cowl
SafraenFriendlyAchkaerin assistance in both Safraen crises, Safraen military uses some Achkaerinese equipment, Treaty of Friendship signedSafraen is viewed as a nation that is unique in the Midaranye region, it is a country that Achkaerin will protectDeborah Thornton
VanoraPositiveTreaty of Friendship signedNoneZoe Steele
HuskarNeutralNoneNoneRoss Thompson
ParbhaniNeutralNoneViewed as disruptive to the Northern Ocean regionJames Mace
AbydosPositiveFriendship treaty signedNoneWilliam Khan
IzhitsaNeutralHumanitarian assistanceNoneMaria Skinner
Neu UburzisNeutralNonePrincesses Romula and Rema living under assumed identities in Achkaerin (believed to be under threat)George Younger
DragovahFriendlyTreaty of friendship, cooperation during Clysperis Civil WarNoneChris Bishhop
EskdaleNeutralNoneNoneIsabel Hargreaves
LakhzoviaFriendlyCSU MembersConcern over potential implications of events around the time of the Utman conflictSamuel Braithwaite
JuglandNeutralNoneNoneEstelle Lupin
KaedwenFriendlyIntelligence sharing agreementFormer Achkaerinese colony, given independence on good terms, Achkaerinese monarch retains ceremonial head of state status.Louise Robinson
CentraliaNeutralNoneNoneHarry Wilkinson
ElaniaNeutralNoneNonePhillip Carson
KaitaineCautiousMurder of an Achkaeriese citizen on Achkaerinese soil, believed to have been ordered by the Kaitaine State (remains unproven however Kaitaine is regarded as a state sponsor of terrorism) Pravda viewed as state propaganda machinePresence of a Chapterhouse School on Achkaerinese Soil a factorNick Paige
RodinaNeutralNoneNoneSamuel Baker
ChistopolNeutralNoneNoneWayne Lane
« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 11:59:53 PM by Achkaerin »

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Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2019, 07:41:40 PM »
    The Constitution of Achkaerin

    Below is the text of the Achkaerin Constitution split up into the appropriate sections (Huge WIP) it was written and enacted in 1708 following the ascension of Djana Azurewind to the throne after the attempted Elsif coup and associated brief civil conflict. The Constitution establishes the democratic and judicial institutions seen in modern Achkaerin.

    The Constitution of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin

    Let it be proclaimed by Her Sovereign Imperial Majesty Djana Azurewind, Empress of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin and all its Constituent Nations, Duchess of Rosemoor, Margravine of Aelmoor, Rockmount, Greencliffe, Silverlea, Icebridge, Southvale and Snowflower. Augusta, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of Law, Daughter of the First Sacred Bloodline, Servant of the Trinity and Shield Sister of the Faejeon - that on this day the 1st of November 1708, in conjunction with the Imperial Senate, Noble Houses and the Achkaerinese People hereby declare the following to be the Constitution of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin.

    Spoiler: Section I The Crown • show

    1. The Emperor/Empress (hereafter referred to as the Crown) shall be the Head of State of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin. It shall be a hereditary Title passed down from parent to child. Should the ruling line end then the Noble Moot shall determine the next Monarch.

    2. When the Crowned the Monarch shall swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, to defend the nation and to serve the people of the nation.

    3. The Crown shall be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, required to approve all personnel promotions, military operations, equipment acquisitions and to award all military honours.

    4. The Crown shall be entitled to bestow honours such as but not limited to titles of nobility, titles of honour and non military medals to those who have in their judgement earned them.

    5. The Crown shall have the power to veto any Senate Bill presented to it by the Senate, such a veto must be presented in writing with detailed reasoning to the Senate within twenty fours hours of the Bill being presented.

    6. The Crown shall not be entitled to initiate legislation except in one of the following circumstances:

    a) A state of war as defined under this Constitution exists
    b) A national emergency (epidemic, civil disorder etc) within the borders of Achkaerinese territory exists
    c) Developments while the Senate is between sessions and therefore cannot legislate occur.
    d) The ratification of international agreements negotiated by the Crown.

    7. The Crown, or where necessary their representatives, shall only address the Senate under the following circumstances:

    a) The delivery of the Covenant Address.
    b) To answer questions from Senators on a weekly basis
    c) To give statements on international summits and meetings so to inform the Senate of the detail of any agreements reached.
    d) To answer any urgent question laid by a Senator
    e) To formally open a new session of the Senate
    f) To move a motion that would declare war
    g) By invitation or leave of the Speaker of the Senate

    8. The Crown shall appoint the members of the Judiciary.

    9. The Crown shall appoint, with the consultation and approval of the Senate, overseas ambassadors, representatives to international organisations and any other such positions as required by law.

    Spoiler: Section II The Senate • show

    1. The Senate shall comprise the elected representatives of the people, they shall be entitled to use the title of Senator and shall number 530[1]

    2. The Senate shall be responsible for the introduction (subject to section I article 5 of this Constitution) debate and passage of legislation within Achkaerin. Decisions shall be made on the basis of a majority vote save in the following circumstances which shall require a two thirds majority of votes cast not including abstentions :

    a) A Constitutional Amendment
    b) An Amendment to the Achkaerin Military Code of Conduct
    c) A vote to override the veto of the Crown (section I article 4)
    d) A vote to hold an early General Election.
    e) A vote on Constituency Boundaries.
    f) A vote to repeal an entrenched piece of legislation

    3. The Senate, or in instances provided for in section I the Crown, shall make no law in respect of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    4. Not withstanding a successful vote under Section 2 Article 2(e) of this Constitution a Senate term is five years commencing from election day.

    5. A Person shall be eligible to run for the office of Senator if they meet the following criteria:

    a) They are of at least 16 years of age.
    b) They have no criminal convictions that would preclude them running for office[2]
    c) They have no unspent criminal convictions.
    d) They have no criminal convictions in the last five years.
    e) They are not a serving member of the military.
    f) They do not hold a leadership role in any business or organisation both foreign and domestic[3]
    g) They have registered with their constituency electoral office as a Candidate.
    h) They do not hold a noble title as defined for the membership of the Noble Moot.
    i) They do not hold a Royal title.
    j) They are an Achkaerinese citizen.

    6. A Senator may only be removed from Office under the following circumstances:

    a) They are not re-elected in an election
    b) They are convicted under the rules governing impeachment.
    c) They are convicted of a criminal offence that would fall under the definition of Section II Article 4(b) of this Constitution.
    d) They were not properly registered as a candidate in the election or do not otherwise meet criteria laid out in Section II Article 4.

    7. A Senator shall have the following rights and responsibilities as a member of the Senate:

    a) To be sworn into office on the first day of business following their election as a Senator, citing an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution and to represent the electorate.
    b) To be allowed to speak in Debate
    c) To ask questions of Ministers of the Government in accordance with the Rules of Debate
    d) To ask questions of the Crown in accordance with the Rules of Debate
    e) To expect an answer to a question they ask unless ruled on by the Speaker.
    f) To be considered for appointment to Senate Committees
    g) To request transcripts of Senate proceedings, vote counts and so on.
    h) To spend a minimum of 48 hours a week working in their constituency.
    i) To register, accurately, as necessary assets into the register of interests.
    j) To be suitably dressed while in Liberty Hall.

    8. The Senate will consider all fiscal matters concerning national finances, it shall be required to approve all monetary expenditure and shall be required to approve national sales of commodities in trading arrangements. It shall not without a vote create, abolish or modify existing taxes.

    The Speaker

    9. At the first session of the Senate following a General Election the Senate shall elect from their membership a Speaker, the Speaker shall be responsible for the chairing of debates, chairing the Senate business committee, enforcing the rules of debate in the Senate, appointing three deputy speakers who shall be members of the Senate, appointing Senate staff and other such duties.

    10. The Senate seat occupied by the Speaker shall not be contested at the following General Election.

    11. Only in the event of a tied vote in the Senate shall the Speaker be entitled to vote.

    12. Except for Senators only the following people shall be entitled to sit in and address the Senate chamber (none of whom have voting rights):

    a) The Crown or their representatives as defined on the index of Senate Membership
    b) The National Security Advisor or their representative
    c) Invited Guests

    13. Only the Speaker shall be entitled to extend invitations for guests to address the Senate.

    Election of Senate Officials

    14. The procedures for the election of Senate Officials shall be as follows:

    a) The Speaker
    [li]The Speaker shall be elected from within the Senate membership. In the event that there are only two Candidates for the position a majority vote will decide who becomes Speaker.[/li]
    [li]In the event that are more than two Candidates for the position the process shall be over a series of votes using an elimination system to remove the Candidate with the fewest votes each time, this shall continue until one Candidate achieves the support of a majority of Senate members.[/li]

    b) Committee Chairs
    [li]The chair of a Committee such as the Home Affairs Committee, Defence Committee, Economics Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee and so on shall be elected following the same procedure as that of Speaker. However the Committee chairs are to as far as possible be equally apportioned between parties and beyond that in accordance with number of Senate seats held[4][/li]
    [li]The Chair of the of the Backbench Business Committee shall be elected following the same procedure as the Speaker but must be from a non governing party and not be a shadow government minister or opposition spokesperson.[/li]
    [li]Committee Chairs must be elected at the start of each Senate term.[/li]
    [li]The provisions of this sub article shall not apply to the Senate Business Committee.[/li]

    c) Committee Members
    [li]Each Committee in the Senate shall consist of no more than fifteen members (including the chair).[/li]
    [li]A Senator shall be entitled to be considered for Committee membership by signing the appropriate documentation kept in the Clerks Office, in the event that there are less than fourteen people (excluding the chair) wishing to serve on the committee then all signatories shall be appointed to the Committee. Should there be more than fourteen then the procedure used for electing the Speaker shall be used.[/li]
    [li]The provisions of this sub article shall not apply to the Senate Business Committee and shall not apply to the Backbench Business Committee[/li]

    Committee Rules

    15. Committees shall meet for sessions as necessary but must meet at least once a month. The length of Committee sessions may be between two and four hours dependent on Senate business Committee's discretion.

    16. Committees shall take evidence from witnesses on matters within their scope of inquiry, should a witness not appear the Committee is empowered to issue legally enforceable witness summons compelling them to appear. The Committee can also issue orders for physical evidence to be provided to it such as documentation, digital recordings and so on.

    17. Those appearing before committees are entitled to have legal representation if they desire it.

    18. The chair shall determine the order in which committee members are entitled to ask questions but must equally apportion the time between them. The chair shall also determine the witness order and in consultation with the Clerk's office the date of the next session.

    Special Committees

    19. The Senate Business Committee shall be responsible for the scheduling of and timing of Senate debates, Committee hearings and other functions as required it shall  meeting every morning of Senate business and comprise the following individuals:
    [li]The Speaker of the Senate[/li]
    [li]The Leader of the Senate Chamber[/li]
    [li]The Shadow Leader of the Senate Chamber[/li]
    [li]The Opposition Spokespersons on Senate Business[/li]
    [li]The Chair of the Backbench Business Committee[/li]
    [li]The Royal Liaison Officer[/li]
    [li]The Senate Sargent at Arms[/li]

    20. The Backbench Business Committee shall meet once a week and be open to membership of all backbench Senators, it shall be responsible for representing the interests of backbench Senators to the Senate Business Committee.

    Rules and Conduct of Senate Debate

    21. The time apportioned for Senate business shall depend on the type of business being conducted, the rules regarding time and order of speakers are as follows:

    a) For General Debate:
    [li]The person introducing the business shall be entitled to speak for a maximum of fifteen minutes[/li]
    [li]If the person introducing the business is from the government side of the Senate and is not a Minister then the appropriate Government Minister shall have ten minutes to speak on the matter, if the business was introduced by a Minister then the appropriate Opposition Shadow Minister shall have ten minutes to speak.[/li]
    [li]Following the Government and lead Opposition parties, each remaining parties spokesperson is afforded ten minutes to speak.[/li]
    [li]Senators shall then be entitled to speak for up to five minutes each on the matter before the Senate.[/li]
    [li]If it is a legislative item of business, following debate on the legislative principle amendments as selected by the Senate Business Committee shall be debated using the principle of ten minutes to introduce the amendment and then five minutes for other speakers.[/li]
    [li]At the conclusion of the debate if the matter is legislation to be put to a vote then the Shadow Minister and Goverment Minister, in that order, shall have five minutes to sum up their positions and respond to points raised in the course of debate.[/li]
    [li]Length of debate is subject to the discretion of the Speaker but must be no shorter than two hours.[/li]

    b) For Crown or Departmental Question Sessions:
    [li]The Senator asking the question once called by the Speaker shall have up to two minutes to ask their question[/li]
    [li]The Crown or their representative or the Minister concerned shall have two minutes to deliver an answer to the question.[/li]
    [li]The questioner shall then have a minute to respond to the answer[/li]
    [li]The Speaker shall then call the next Senator[/li]

    c) Urgent Questions/Debates
    [li]If a Senator wishes to ask an urgent question, they must submit both the question and department they wish to answer it to the Speaker, it shall then be left to the Speaker's discretion whether to allow the question or not.[/li]
    [li]If permitted the urgent business will be scheduled for as soon as possible on the day with the Senate Business Committee rescheduling other business as necessary.[/li]
    [li]If asking an urgent question the questioner will be entitled five minutes to both explain the context and ask the question, the person answering will have five minutes to answer the question, the questioner shall have two minutes to respond before for a period exceeding no more than two hours, subject to the Speaker's discretion, other Senators are permitted to speak.[/li][/list]
    [li]If having an urgent debate, the process for General Debate shall be followed but the introducing speaker, Minister, Shadow Minister and Spokespersons shall only have five minutes to speak and the debate time shall be, with discretion of the Speaker, no more than two hours.

    d) Points of Order
    [li]A Senator may make a point of order either during debate or between debates by calling 'point of order'[/li]
    [li]Should the Speaker accept the point of order then the Senator may have up to two minutes to make the point of order.[/li]
    [li]The Speaker shall then address the point of order.[/li]

    22. In the case of the following matters the initial speaker shall have unlimited time to speak, unless granted leave by the Speaker of the Senate:

    a) A motion for a declaration of war
    b) The Budget
    c) Presentation of a Treaty for ratification debate
    d) The Declaration of a new Royal House
    e) Presentation of Impeachment Charges

    23. Senators who are speaking are entitled to take questions during their contributions to debate, if doing so they do not lose time while the question is being asked. A point of order during debate is also not counted against their time.

    24. Senators are expected to be courteous at all times during debate. If found wanting by the Speaker in this they shall immediately apologise or face expulsion from chamber until such time as they do apologise.

    25. Senators enjoy Senate privilege - they are granted protection against civil or criminal liability for actions done or statements made in the course of their legislative duties.

    26. In the course of Senate debate a Senator may make a motion for the vote to be put or not put, the motion shall require shall a second and if resisted a majority vote of the Senate shall decide the matter.

    Questions Timetable

    27. The timetable of departmental questions shall be determined by the Senate Business Committee. The timetable shall be on a cycle and with the following exceptions no department shall have a second question session without the cycle being complete:

    a) The question session for the Crown shall take place weekly on a Thursday unless the Senate is in recess
    b) The question session for the Consul shall take place weekly on a Wednesday unless the Senate is in recess
    c) The Business question for the Leader of the Senate chamber shall take place weekly on a Friday unless the Senate is in recess
    d) In the case of an urgent question being accepted by the Speaker.


    28. Voting in the Senate shall be conducted by electronic tally and if required verbal record, Senators shall vote either 'aye' 'nay' or 'abstain'. An abstention is not counted as a vote.

    29. The records of votes (and business papers) are kept in the Senate library and are uploaded online onto the Senate's website and apps.

    Spoiler: Section III The Noble Moot • show

    1. The Noble Moot shall have no legislative powers and no authority outside of that provided for it in this Constitution. It shall meet in the Hall of Nobles.

    2. The Noble Moot shall comprise the members of the Achkaerinese nobility that hold titles linked to areas, whether provincial or settlement in nature, the  High Priestess of the Cult of Namis and other ranking members of faiths stationed on Achkaerinese soil.[5] Members of the Noble Moot shall take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution and serve the people of the nation.

    3. The title of President of the Noble Moot shall be voted for by the Noble Moot members. In the event that the Royal Line ends the President of the Moot shall assume the title of Regent until the Moot determines the next Royal House.

    4. With the exceptions of when the Senate stands in recess due to a General Election a State of Emergency is in effect or during the festivals of Life Day[6], Purification Festival[7], the Goddesses Feast[8] and other Feast Days throughout the year[9] members the Royal Family are not permitted to attend the Noble Moot.

    5. The Noble Moot shall have the following responsibilities:

    a) To receive from the people on behalf of the Government petitions on issues of concern, the Moot shall discuss the issue raised in the petition and then send it to the Government for consideration with a non binding recommendation.
    b) To in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution oversee the impeachment trials of Office Holders.
    c) To in the event of the Royal Line ending the Moot shall determine the next Royal House.

    Impeachment Proceedings

    6. Impeachment is the process by which the Monarch, a Noble, the Consul or equivalent, a Government Minister, the Speaker, Senator, member of the Judiciary or other such official may be removed from office. This may only happen in respect of one or more of the following charges:

    a) Treason or other crimes against the state
    b) Misconduct in a Public Office
    c) The Office Holder is otherwise unfit to continue in Office.

    7. Impeachment proceedings begin in the Senate with a debate, the charges are presented by the Speaker, in the case of the Speaker being the subject of the charges another member of the Senate shall present the charges. In addition if the accused is the Speaker they may not chair the debate.

    8. The role of the Senate in impeachment proceedings is to determine the validity of the charges by debating and voting on them, a majority vote will determine whether the charges are sent to the Noble Moot. If the accused is a Senator they may not vote.

    9. The accused shall have the right to make a statement both in response to the charges and at the conclusion of the Senate debate, they may not be interrupted in doing so, they shall have the right to legal representation before the Senate.

    10. Upon receipt of impeachment charges the Noble Moot shall convene and carry out an impeachment trial. They shall have the right to question witnesses and examine evidence. The accused shall be entitled to legal representation and shall be entitled to question witnesses and examine the evidence against them.

    11. The Noble Moot shall vote on whether to impeach the accused, a two thirds majority of those voting is required. Impeachment being successful will see the accused removed from office with immediate effect, the Noble Moot is entitled to pass additional sentence conditions if they choose.

    12. If the accused is a member of the Noble Moot they may not vote.

    13. For the purposes of impeachment proceedings the provisions of section III article 4 shall not apply in respect of a member of the Royal Family holding a title over land and only if the accused is not the Monarch.

    14. In the event that section III article 13 cannot be satisfied the Chief Councillor of Gowu and Senators drawn by lot from geographical areas as necessary shall be entitled sit in judgement on the trial and to vote.

    New Royal Line

    15. In the event that the Royal Line ends without an heir it shall be the responsibility of the Noble Moot to determine the next Royal House this will be done by discussion and a two thirds majority vote.

    16. During the time period between the end of one Royal Line and the beginning of the next the President of the Noble Moot shall assume the Regency and inherit the responsibilities of the Crown as defined under the Constitution.

    17. A regency ends upon the coronation of the first monarch of the next Royal Line.

    Spoiler: Section IV The Government • show

    1. The Government is led by the Consul, they shall be a Senator the leader of the party that achieves a majority of Senate seats in a General Election or the Senator who can form a coalition and command the confidence of the Senate. They shall carry out the day to day business of Government, chair meetings of the Cabinet and represent the nation internationally.

    2. The Consul shall be responsible for appointing and removing Senators to and from portfolios (herein known as Ministers), they shall be entitled to create and abolish portfolio's as they wish but they are required to appoint the following portfolio's:

    a) Vice Consul
    b) Minister of Home Affairs
    c) Minister of Foreign Affairs
    d) Minister of Economic Affairs
    e) Minister of Defence
    f) Minister of Education
    g) Minister of Trade
    h) Minister of Justice
    i) Minister of Health
    j) Leader of the Senate Chamber

    3. The Consul and Ministers shall in accordance with Senate procedures make themselves available to answer questions as required by circumstances.

    4. The Government's term shall be no more than five years between elections.

    5. The Consul shall be afforded Cerulean House as their official residence while in office.

    6. Following a successful vote of no confidence in the Senate, the Government shall be immediately compelled to present a motion calling for a General Election.

    7. The Minister of Economic Affairs shall present annually a budget for the consideration and approval of the Senate.

    8. The Government shall annually present to the Senate the Ambassadorial Resolution - this being the annual affirmation of Achkaerin ambassadors stationed abroad continuing in post.

    Spoiler: Section V The Judiciary • show

    1. The Judiciary shall be appointed by the Crown with the consultation of the Senate in accordance.

    2. The hierarchy of Courts shall be as follows from highest to lowest, not including the functions of the Noble Moot for impeachment purposes.

    a) The Sovereign Court
    b) The Appellate Court
    c) Provincial Courts
    d) Crown Courts
    e) Sheriff Courts

    3. There shall be nine Sovereign Court Justices of which one shall be appointed as Chief Justice.

    4. Members of the Judiciary shall swear an oath of office to act independent of any interests in a case presented to them, recusing themselves if necessary and defending the laws and Constitution of Achkaerin.

    5. Only questions of Constitutionality or points of law may be considered by the Sovereign Court.

    6. A lower court is bound by a higher court, a court setting a precedent does not bind itself.

    7. All legal matters begin in the Sheriff Court.

    8. No court operating within the Achkaerinese Justice System shall be authorized to sentence a person to death.

    Spoiler: Section VI The People • show

    1. The People of Achkaerin refers to all people living within the sovereign borders of Achkaerin, irrespective of nationality or citizenship status and those citizens that live abroad.

    2. The People of Achkaerin shall enjoy such rights and freedoms as defined here and under such international treaties that Achkaerin may be party to:

    a) All citizens of Achkaerin who meet the criteria to vote in elections have the right to vote and to have that vote counted.
    b) All citizens of Achkaerin have the right to petition the appropriate authority for redress and to have their case heard.
    c) All citizens of Achkaerin have the right to freedom of speech and assembly unless such activity violates another individual or group.
    d) All citizens of Achkaerin if charged with a crime, have the right to a fair trial and to seek redress if they believe this was not provided. They are considered innocent until proven guilty.
    e) All citizens of Achkaerin have the right to freedom of religion, this meaning they can follow any faith or no faith without the interference of the state. No citizen shall be compelled or coerced into following a religious practice.
    f) All citizens of Achkaerin have the right to life (life defined as beginning at birth), they shall not be deprived of this life by any action taken save for proportionate action:
    (i) in defence of any person from unlawful violence;
    (ii) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained;
    (iii) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.

    3. Achkaerinese citizenship is conferred upon any of the following circumstances:

    a) A person is born to one or more Achkaerinese parents
    b) A person of at least 16 years of age has been resident in Achkaerin for a period of five years and successfully passes the citizenship exam.
    c) A person of at least 16 years of age has been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain in Achkaerin and successfully passes the citizenship exam.
    d) A child aged under 16 years of a person granted Indefinite Leave to Remain in Achkaerin automatically receives citizenship if their parent passes the citizenship exam.
    e) A person of at least 16 years of age issued with an Uppsalla passport successfully passes the citizenship exam.
    f) A child aged under 16 years of a person issued with an Uppsalla passport automatically receives citizenship if their parent passes the citizenship exam.

    4. To be eligible to vote in elections a person must meet the following criteria:

    a) Be of at least 16 years of age
    b) Hold Achkaerinese citizenship and have received notification of electoral roll status or:
    (i) Have been resident in Achkaerin for a minimum of five years and have received notification of electoral roll status.
    (ii) Have been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain and have received notification of electoral roll status.
    (iii) Have been granted Limited Leave to Remain and have received notification of electoral roll status.
    (iv) Hold an Uppsalla Passport and have received notification of electoral roll status.
    c) On election day the notification of electoral roll status must be presented at the polling station with photograph ID.

    5. Achkaerinese citizens shall be permitted to apply for a postal ballot provided they can show evidence of their age and status. This shall apply to all those living inside Achkaerinese jurisdiction and Achkaerinese citizens living abroad in accordance with election law.

    6. Members of the Achkaerinese military deployed abroad at the time of an election shall have the right to vote by postal ballot in accordance with election law.

    Spoiler: Section VII The Military • show

    1. The Achkaerinese Military shall consist of such branches as determined by the Crown and approved by the Senate.

    2. Members of the Achkaerinese Military shall at all times conduct themselves in accordance with the Achkaerin Military Code of Conduct and the Uppsalla Convention.

    3. Members of the Achkaerinese Military shall take an oath to protect and serve the nation of Achkaerin.

    Spoiler: Section VIII Constituent Nations of the Empire • show

    1. The Holy Empire of Achkaerin legally comprises the following Constituent Nations.
    a) The Dukedom of Rosemoor
    b) The Kingdom of Aelmoor
    c) The Fiefdom of Rockmount
    d) The Principality of Greencliffe
    e) The County of Silverlea
    f) The Kingdom of Icebridge
    g) The Kingdom of Southvale
    h) The City State of Gowu
    i) The Kingdom of Awhaele

    2. Each Constituent nation may not have their own military (not including ceremonial guards)

    3. Laws passed by the Senate shall apply equally in each Constitutent nation unless an Act of the Senate specifies otherwise.

     1. Number correct as of March 2021
     2. OOC - Serious criminal offences so murder, rape, fraud, terrorism, money laundering, conspiracy, perjury and other such offences.
     3. OOC - Maybe not worded clearly but this essentially is intended to mean that a person couldn't be both a Senator and the Secretary General of the CSTO as there would be a conflict of interest
     4. OOC - basic explanation if there are 10 political parties and 20 committees then each party gets to chair two committees, if there were 21 committees then the largest party would get to chair that one then if a 22nd were to be created the second largest would get to chair that one and so on.
     5. This would allow the highest ranking Christian priest, Helus Priestess and so on to sit.
     6. 24th - 26th December
     7. Whenever Easter Sunday falls
     8. Whenever Pentecost falls
     9. Eight days immediately before Easter Sunday and five others

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #7 on: March 28, 2022, 05:06:28 PM »
    Profile: Rosemoor Province

    Rosemoor (formally the Dukedom of Rosemoor)
    Provincial Title HolderEmperor Peter Azurewind
    Unison City
    Provincial AnthemRose of Freedom
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentRosemoor Guards
    Landmarks/Places to SeeThe Marble Palace
    Liberty Hall
    Noble Moot
    Temple of Namis
    Temple of the Brave
    Royal Theatre
    River Seraphim
    National Gallery
    Djana Azurewind Park
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    « Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 04:35:38 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #8 on: March 30, 2022, 02:33:29 PM »
    Profile: Aelmoor Province

    Aelmoor (formally the Kingdom of Aelmoor)
    Provincial Title HolderQueen Kristina Ayanami
    Angel's Rise
    Provincial AnthemFlower of Aelmoor
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentAelmoor Watch
    Landmarks/Places to SeeArtaxia Castle
    Midvale Castle
    The Lakeside Ship Canal
    The University of Artaxia
    Angel's Rise Summit
    Santiago de Compostella
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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #9 on: March 30, 2022, 07:22:08 PM »
    Profile: Rockmount Province

    Rockmount (formally the Fiefdom of Rockmount)
    Provincial Title HolderMarquis Antonio Gliss
    Provincial AnthemRockmount the Brave
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentRockmount Rifles
    Landmarks/Places to SeeDovah Citadel
    Goddess Seat
    Trinary Peaks
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    « Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 04:36:08 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #10 on: March 31, 2022, 03:26:30 PM »
    Profile: Greencliffe Province

    Greencliffe (formally the Principality of Greencliffe)
    Provincial Title HolderSovereign Princess Emma Elsif
    Provincial AnthemThe Riders Song
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentGreencliffe Cavaliers
    Landmarks/Places to SeeValkyria Castle
    Crystalline Castle
    Leonaise Castle
    Luna Isle
    Foxton Lake
    Valkyria Orrary
    Button Park
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    « Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 11:37:53 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #11 on: March 31, 2022, 07:02:54 PM »
    Profile: Silverlea Province

    Silverlea (formally the County of Silverlea)
    Provincial Title HolderGrand Countess Olivia Leonidas
    Provincial AnthemThe Song of Silverlea
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentSilverlea Royals
    Landmarks/Places to SeeLeonidas House
    Avalon Estate
    Silverlea Coral Reef
    Djana's Stone
    Sports Teams
    « Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 03:41:21 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #12 on: March 31, 2022, 11:56:09 PM »
    Profile: Icebridge Province

    Icebridge (formally the Kingdom of Icebridge)
    Provincial Title HolderKing Martin Silvermist
    Provincial AnthemThe Icebridge Hymn
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentIcebridge Fusiliers
    Landmarks/Places to SeeIcebridge Keep
    Blizzard Castle
    Rowanoak Hall
    Sports Teams
    « Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 11:39:06 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #13 on: April 01, 2022, 12:10:22 AM »
    Profile: Southvale Province

    Southvale (formally the Kingdom of Southvale)
    Provincial Title HolderKing Leonardo Amberbrook
    Provincial AnthemThe Song of Southvale Men
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentSouthvale Dragoons
    Landmarks/Places to SeeSolaria Palace
    National Industry Museum
    Sports Teams
    « Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 11:39:28 PM by Achkaerin »

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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #14 on: April 01, 2022, 12:32:07 AM »
    Profile: Snowflower Province

    Snowflower (City State of Gowu)
    Provincial Title HolderPrince Simon Azurewind (Noble Title)
    Chief Councillor Xiaoling Tsu (Elected)
    Provincial AnthemMen of Gowu
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentWyvern Legion
    Landmarks/Places to SeeTrinity House
    Wyvern Castle
    Dragonspire Citadel
    Hall of Councillors
    Maiden Sister Monastery
    The Dragon Wall
    Gowu Pass
    Fawn Valley
    Hall of the Samurai
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    Re: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    « Reply #15 on: April 01, 2022, 12:49:54 AM »
    Profile: Awhaele Province

    Awhaele (The Kingdom of Awhaele)
    Provincial Title HolderQueen Siora Qivalur (Noble Title)
    First Minister Vivian Tasis (Elected)
    Provincial AnthemLand of My Fathers
    Achkaerinese Army RegimentAwhaele Guards
    Landmarks/Places to SeeCyalona Castle
    Mount Rao
    Temple of Rao
    Alnor Docks
    Caemare Warriors
    Sundials of Time
    Sports Teams