OOC- Thanks to Dave for the loan of his people.
17th December 2023It had been just over a week since the three person committee of General Tobias Dahlsson, Admiral Jonas Stromberg and Air Commodore Timothy Ravenburg had been forced to all but declare martial law on Nya Åland. In that time there had been sporadic violence across the nation but following the Gungnir being driven out of Uppsala yesterday things had been pretty quiet. The three men were due to meet at the Longhouse with Andrea Jacobsson who as leader of the Odinic Rite had informed them that she had secured more than 50% of the Odinic Councils seats thus making her the Allsherjargoði in waiting. Each travelled in their own vehicle with a guard drawn from their men. With the Gungnir active it was not out the realms of possibility that they may be targeted. Each arrived at a staggered interval with a heavy military presence around them. Only once all of them had arrived did Andrea arrive in her own vehicle protected by members of the Mjolnir Special Forces. Thankfully for all concerned they had all arrived safe and sound.
"Mrs Jacobsson" General Dahlsson greeted her. "Welcome, we want to meet you as we don't want our military trio to become the defacto government of the Republic. We need a representative of the people and we see no real option other than that being you. Its clear you are going to be Allsherjargoði so for now that makes you our option for their representative. Now just to be clear we will brief you on all matters except any relating to the decision of the Head Gothi situation. I hope you understand?" Dahlsson said showing her to the forth chair round their square table.
"I understand" Andrea replied, "What I however don't see is why you are not ordering people to get this sorted, our nation is in limbo and you need to fix tha...." the words never were finished as a large explosion over the river ended their conversation. "What was that?" Andrea asked as the windows in the Longhouse building shook.
Three men appeared quickly in the room dressed in khaki with rifles across their backs "The Civil Service buildings just had a car bomb go off outside" the Sergeant of the guard informed them. "Follow me." The Sergeant walked them out the room and four teams of soldiers waited at the foot of the door each taking responsibility for one of the senior leaders and the future Allsherjargoði. There was a bunker in the basement and each were taken there. As they reached the door another boom could be heard and a corporal carrying a radio back pack pressed a finger into his ear. "Outside the Central Police station" he informed them.
"Don't worry" Captain Tuure Petersson of the Mjolnir informed them. "We've this building well locked down and this place is perfectly safe" Already as Petersson was talking armoured units were scrambling out of the barracks on the edge of the city.
The Mjolnir were the nations special forces, commandos who undertook some of the more complex operations the nation required. It was though the Huscarls who were the elite of the Mjolnir. "You're to take the kayaks to this point, from there find the target and take it out"
Noak Heikke briefed the four men in front of him.
"Its a bloody Moose"
Lt.Rowe of East Moreland's Red Legion explained. "You're briefing us like its a damn Borlander or something." he shook his head disapprovingly.
"Listen Rowe" Heikke continued, "This may not be the typical cowboy shit they let you do in East Moreland but the things caused thousands of krona of damage to the village and we're the closest people."
"Thousands of Krona......thats about five quid right?"
Saxby made a play of doing sums on his fingers making the two Morelanders laugh. It was moments like this that frustrated Heikke about the Morelanders at times. They were great soldiers but they never seemed to take anything serious. Red Base out in the wilds of the north was a shared facility to give the Ålanders a chance to work alongside another elite while it gave the Morelanders chance to experience conditions very different to their homeland, but every now and again they got some interesting jobs helping control wildlife but even that could serve a useful purpose. Today Rowe and Saxby joined by two Huscarls were going hunting for a nuisance Moose. "Question skip!" Saxby asked "If we get it can we eat it. I mean there has to be a tonne of meat on a Moose." Once it was confirmed that they could indeed butcher the animal and bring some of its meat back the two foreigners seemed far happier about their expedition. The foursome headed off to draw supplies from the quartermaster when all of a sudden Rowe heard a tale tell whistle. It was almost instinct as he pushed the other three off the track as a "BOOM!" filled the air. "Mortar round" he explained as two more hit in quick succession. Alarms began blaring out across the base and soldiers, only around half clad in uniforms hurried out of buildings. Gun shots could be heard as the distant crack of rifles suggested a more sustained attack. In the radio shack by the waterside Sergeant Kimi Alfredsson began putting out a distress call. Sentries on the fence had begun searching for where the gunfire was coming from.
Rowe and Saxby managed to get to the armoury and found several of the Huscarls, including Heikke grabbing weapons and ammo. "Missions changed" the Huscarl said as he clipped up his webbing. "Still hunting though."
"We're not eating them, even we draw the line" Saxby said as he told the armourer which number his rifle was. It was handed over in quick time and more and more men were arriving. By the time Saxby had grabbed his rifle, three mags of ammo and a set of webbing around ten guys, a mixture of Morelanders and Ålanders were ready to get to work. "We got any eyes on." Saxby checked his comms.
"The guys in the boat house got a small UAV up. Spotted what looks like three mortar teams to the South, few marksman dotted around, then someone took a pot shot at the UAV and clipped it." Heikke glanced around the door, no clear target he burst out and slid behind a utility vehicle. Nothing happened. Soon others followed all taking up positions and examining the ground before them. "We're going to advance on the positions of the mortars, keep your eyes open."
"No need" Sergeant Kimi Alfredsson had grabbed his radio pack and was with them, a rifle slung across his back. "Anvil 2-1 this is Red One we have target"
"Roger" that crackled over the radio, "Send grid when ready."
"Anvil 2-1 grid is 4-2-4-8-3-3. Five meters south of tree line." A
Tuker trainer plane had been out using the targets off the coast but now its live ammo was being utilised for something else. The student on board may not have gained his wings yet but today his instructor was about to give a real life demonstration of strafing.
"Roger, beginning run" The buzz of the planes engine could be heard over the gunshots and mortar rounds and as the planes machine guns raked the tree line the ground teams moved up. Anvil 2-1 found itself getting a few holes but nothing too major and now the pilot performed a beautiful turn and passed a second time before declaring itself out the fight and poddling off back to base. It took five minutes before the ground teams reached the mortar positions and the teams had bugged out leaving behind three dead and one wounded. There was no sign of any of the gunman and despite an evening spent patrolling the woods and UAV's scanning the area nothing was found except a few blood trails that ran to a road. "Trails dead" Heikke informed them. The sneak attack had left two members of the Mjolnir dead and one Red Legionnaire being airlifted to hospital.
"We've a problem" General Tobias Dahlsson informed Admiral Jonas Stromberg and Air Commodore Timothy Ravenburg alongside Andreas Jacobsson. "Thirteen strikes against government targets within the last two hours, and Red Base amongst them. We're going to have to get their ambassador up to speed and let Northfort know." The others agreed.
"Do we know who has done this" Jacobsson asked.
"I'd say it would likely be the Gungnir but who knows. What we do know is we've a total of 62 dead and triple that roughly injured"

OVER 60 DEAD IN DAY OF TERRORAs of going to press 67 members of the civil service, government security and the press have been killed in terror attacks mainly focused on the capital. A series of car bombs rocked the city of Krokom and Red Base has come under attack. As a result the capital is now going into lock down. Ambassadors of East Moreland have been informed and a spokesman for the Army has said Red Legion operatives were involved in the reaction to the attack. More news will follow as we get it.