The Covenant is both the name of the religion and a holy book. It contains what the faithful believe are a true and accurate account of the creation of the world. According to the Covenant the Universe had no life except Dragons. These Dragons were semi-immortal, they would under normal circumstances live forever however they would be able to die in battle. At first the Dragons fought with each other to become the alpha and control the cosmos however as their numbers began to dwindle from trillions, to billions and then eventually tens of thousands they reached a covenant between them. Their wars would come to an end and they would create creatures to carry out their combats for them ensuring they remaining immortal. At this point various factions formed and each created their own species, what could be considered avatars. The Dragon known as Draknar lead one such group and by creating humanity he made a species that seemed very good warriors. Soon he was declared as the alpha and thus the controller of the Universe. While there have been throughout history several challenges to Draknar's authority over the Universe none prevailed against both the dragons wisdom and the humans seemingly aptitude for conflict. Eventually there was a prolonged period of peace and Draknar reached an agreement with the most fearsome and aggressive of his humans, the Norse. He made them a vanguard of his forces and placed special blessings upon them so long as they followed certain rules and if ever called upon again took up arms in his name.
The agreement between Draknar and humanity consists of over 300 rules, today most are seen as less significant than at the time the faith seems to have been born (earliest archaeological evidence suggests the religion began in East Albion around 1000BCE). The religion has today followed a series of key rules that have a huge impact on Drakensjolund's way of life.
1. Humans must ever expand their numbers and territory - This is believed to be important as greater numbers mean that Draknar's forces will be overwhelming. In addition by adding more "territory" it lead to the expansion of the initial realm of Drakensjolund. Initially there were moves by several rulers to spread into modern day Nya Aland and beyond however today the word "Human" is seen as suggesting that those of all faiths would be in the army of Draknar only the true believers would be like an elite. It has also made some look towards the heavens as a way of expanding still further.
2. Raise your sons to be soldiers - While many of the stories include female soldiers in the ranks of Draknar's forces it is clear that they were nothing more than isolated examples or particularly blessed individuals. Men however were all expected to fight. As such this has lead to the nation having compulsory military service and an emphasis placed on military discipline.
3. Raise your daughters to be worth fighting for - The idea is that a woman should be so kind, gentle and caring that a man would gladly lay down his life for her. It is the duty of women to ensure the next generation is prepared for their future role in the battles they may be called into fighting.
4. Maintian your strength for all times - The body needs to be prepared to fight at any time so must be kept strong. Culture promotes a healthy lifestyle and while alchohol is part of many occasions it is always viewed in moderation. In some Kings feasts of the past limits were placed on both the strength of alcohol and on the amounts served. Being out of shape is considered a sin.
5. Care for the land - Draknar gave us everything we need to sustain ourselves. The land is therefore a resource to allow us to fulfil our duties. It is the terrain we shall fight on and it is the materials to make our weapons. This means we as humans can do what we like to the planet however we must ensure its health in the same way as our bodies.
6.Honor the Fallen - Those who have died in battle, be they dragons or humans, are to be remembered and honored. Memorials and ceremonies should be held to commemorate their sacrifice. Their stories must be told to inspire future generations. Forgetting the fallen is seen as a grave dishonor to their bravery and contributions.
7.Seek Wisdom and Knowledge - While physical strength is paramount, wisdom and knowledge are crucial to winning battles. The pursuit of knowledge, both practical and philosophical, is encouraged. Schools, libraries, and places of learning are to be maintained and respected, ensuring that every member of the society can contribute to the collective wisdom.
8.Forge Strong Alliances - Unity among Draknar's people is vital. Build and maintain strong bonds within your community and with other allies. Collaboration and mutual support strengthen Draknar's forces. Betrayal and unnecessary conflict within the ranks weaken the cause and are considered severe transgressions.
9.Innovate and Adapt - The ability to innovate in tactics, technology, and strategy is crucial for maintaining superiority in battle. Encourage and reward creativity and ingenuity. Stagnation is the enemy of progress; thus, continuous improvement and adaptation to changing circumstances are essential.
10.Uphold Justice and Honor - Fairness and honor must guide all actions. Ensure that justice prevails in your dealings with others, be they friends or foes. Acts of cruelty, deceit, and betrayal are strictly forbidden and punishable by the community. Upholding a just and honorable society strengthens Draknar's rule and maintains internal harmony.