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Offline RobertAgira

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News From the Order
« on: November 29, 2020, 08:58:46 PM »


The Orders Naval Service has today departed three ports on the southern coast in large numbers. Reports indicate that a total of around 30 vessels have taken to the sea including both of the nations Amphibious Assault Ships which have spent the last 48 years loading vehicles at the capital Opatija. The nature of the deployment is also supported by the Air Force who have increased their activity from the Air Base on the edge of the capital. It was left to the Commander of Household for the The Order of Oak , Pero Zorić, to speak with the media saying. "Once again the Drenovian Union is facing attacks from those opposed to our very existence. Some low-lifes have seized part of our territory[1] and we have seen our neighbours Fleur begin to mass troops on the pretense of military exercises. It is clear they are attempting to send a message of their desire to take control of our sovereign and holy land and as such we will not let them take a step. We shall be ready should they seek to put our faithful to the sword."

In addition to massing troops Fleur have also offered asylum to any citizen of the Union wishing to leave. Commander Zorić explained the stance the government will take to address this. "We hold no man hostage. If anyone wishes to leave the Union they can leave, be them Christian, Muslim, Cultist or Druantian. Should anyone wish to take Fleur up on their offer then His Majesty has informed me that he will gladly provide a removal van and priority crossing of the border. I suspect though no one shall be utilising the King's very generous offer as despite our lands being the most sacred on Mundus we do not force anyone to our faith for Druantia will show them the error of their ways upon their death, we infact feel sorry for anyone foolish enough to not embrace the Forest God and you do not punish those you pity. Fleur are merely trying to stoke the international community into attacking us to make themselves feel stronger."

The Order of Oak are said to have issued a general muster as their Temples occupy much of the North of the mainland.
 1. Return to the Islands reboot

Offline RobertAgira

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 10:33:54 PM »


Today a rather unusual sight was seen at the Orders Air Service (OAS) Outpost Renka. The base is home to half of the nations B-6 Agama bombers and while one is always airborne the rest are usually rotated between maintainence and various exercises and maritime patrols. Today however 10 of the aircraft paraded down the main runway at Outpost Renka before taking off in quick succession with around a minute between each. The bombers then spent several hours flying in formation, first along the Northern border and then out over several of the islands closest to the mainland. Various air tracking websites then saw the formation split up before landing at four different OAS Outposts. While the exact nature of the days movements is unknown some have speculated two possibilities. The first is that the show was to demonstrate military readiness after provocative military exercises in Fleur were indidcated to begin soon. The second possibility according to some is for practicing possible upcoming operations designed to recover the two lost islands as well as prevent further settlement on the uninhabited islands on the edge of the Union's territory.

Yesterday both OMS Vojnomir and OMS Ljudevit, the nations amphibious assault ships, left port having loaded with armoured vehicles and there intended purpose and destination was kept from the media. The deployment again happened suddenly following the government of Fleur issuing condemnations of the Union as being "a long established ruthless dictatorship and tyranny". King Đurađ has however stated, "For several hundred years now we have kept ourselves to ourselves ensuring only our security while developing our island territories. We have not once threatened Fleur. Now they are attempting to intimidate us and it will not work."

It is understood that the King is this week to meet with the leaders of each of the religious orders to discuss mobilisation of their military elements.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2020, 10:42:33 PM »


In a tradition begun by his great-grandfather the King has today been to the forests just North of the capital Opatija and selected a single pine tree to serve as a Christmas Tree for the small Christian community of Opatija. In 1931 King Florijan II ventured to the forests alongside a Christian Priest in order to allow that community to have a tree to decorate to mark their up coming festival of Christmas, King Florijan II though was so concerned that the Forest God may be angry about the removal of a tree for a festival seen by many as un-Drenovian that he accompanied the Priest to ensure the God would not seek revenge. This marked the beginning of a tradition where the King has selected a tree for the small Christian Community of Opatija every winter except 1976 when King Branimir was taken ill and the then Prince Luca (the current King's father) filled in. Today the King selected a rather large example of the pine used for the festival and with help from the local woodsman helped fell it before having it delivered to the small Chapel of St.Silvan. There are anound 120,000 Christians living in the Union with the vast majority living in the capital. The King delivered the Christmas Tree at around 2pm and was greeted by Father Ratko Pavletić, the Priest in charge of the Temple, who presented the King with the traditional welcome of a glass of Brandy. King Đurađ IV gave a short speech saying, "Today we give to the Christians of Opatija part of our sacred woodland. We do so for two reasons. The first is that despite them being of a faith foreign to our lands they are still our brothers and sisters and therefore deserve every right to benefit from the bounty the forest brings us. The second is that it important our Nation remembers that in the past our two faiths have not always seen eye to eye and spent centuries killing each other, those days are in the past and this small, enjoyable tradition is a reminder that we have moved on. I wish all of my Christian subjects a Merry Christmas and hope that they enjoy their celebration."

The King later returned to the Forest that afternoon and planted ten trees. He was accompanied by Queen Terezija and their ten year old daughter Princess  Radojka who each planted five trees. Queen Terezija explained, "The Forest God tells us for everything we take from him we must return to him something. Today one of his trees was taken to be a gift for a foreign faith as a sign of friendship. Our family have returned his beautiful gift many times over. We hope that these sapplings will become part of a great forest that will never cease growing."

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2020, 10:52:29 PM »


With members of a fanatical Odinist organisation having taken up occupancy of three islands belongining to the order, namely Vestmanna , Ungbarnaklettur (the Baby Rock) and Fađirrokk (Father Rock). It is estimated that around 75 individuals claiming to be descended from Norse settlers who left the islands in the 13th Century had taken up residence even going so far as to declare themselves an independent nation. Following a string of military manouvers by the Union following provocative exercises arranged by the government of neighbouring Fleur it is understood that assets involved in rapid reaction forces to deal with any Fleur aggression were diverted for a surprise military action on Vestmanna.

At 6am local time a pair of B-6 Agama bombers deployed a total of 120 freefall bombs onto the island. The aircraft were accompanied by a squadron of F-30 Dhole aircraft who were utilised to carry out pre attack observations. Footage from one of the Dhole aircraft showed that the bombs largely fell on the small runway that existed on Vestmanna as well as the small harbour which had been used to help supply the island. The small settlement of 10 houses on the island were not targetted. Once the bombs had been dropped the Agama bombers returned to base while the Dhole continued to  Fađirrokk were an estimated 15 individuals have been believed to have taken up residence in the islands cave network. The Dhole struck several areas around cave openings but it is thought no casualties were caused as a direct result.

At 7:30 am local time the four H-53 Swan helicopters operating from the island of Novi Marof some 120km east landed a total of 120 troops on the island of Vestmanna. They were meet with no initial resistance however as the settlement was approached the troops took gunfire and retaliated. It is understood an extremely brief firefight began during which the Union's troops took full control of the island. In the aftermath 10 of those who had illegally claimed the island were dead with a further 22 requiring medical treatment, the remaining 43 were taken into custody. There were a total of 15 children under the age of 16 on the island all of whom are unharmed and now in custody. Meanwhile a force of a further 100 soldiers was landed on Fađirrokk were it is expected they will offer those on the island 24 hours to surrender before rooting them out from their positions.

Those arrested and unharmed have been charged with crimes including treason, terrorism and immigration and firearms offences. The ring leader, Elvar Odinsson, is a citizen of Nya Aland and as such can not be charged with treason however two of his comrades are citizens of the Drenovian Union and prosecutors have said they are likely to seek the death penalty in their case. Pero Zorić who is the  Commander of the Household for the Order of Oak has stated that he believes all those involved over the age of 16 should be executed. "We have seen an attempt to once more seize our homeland by foreign religions in order to impose their faith. This has seen nations like Fleur further seek to impose their will upon the world. A message needs to be sent. The Union will live in peace with anyone of any nation or faith but we will not yield one grain of sand to those who would take away our soil." The King is currently in Cassiopeia meeting the monarchs of several nations and is understood to have ordered the operation prior to his departure.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2021, 09:58:24 PM »


It was announced today by the Order of Krešimira that their leader, Commander of the Household Mila Pavlovic has died following a short illness. The 56 year old was taken into hospital on Friday with a high temperature and trouble breathing and following what doctors have described as a "steady deterioration" she was pronounced dead at around 10am this morning. The Order of Krešimira has begun preparations for their leaders funeral with senior figures setting off into the woods that surround the Orders Headquarters to select a burial place for their former leader. Traditional funerals of the Druantian faith see bodies buried in woodlands where their bodies are returned to nature either through being uncovered by animals and consumed or the bodies decomposing to add to the fertility of the soil, often a combination of both. While most funerals take place within designated burial areas the funeral of a leader of one of the religious orders is permitted in any location and often their underlings select a spot determined by either a sense of connection to the Forest God or a favoured spot of the deceased. The Vice Commanders and Lead Swords have now headed into woods around Račice to pick the spot. While they are undertaking that task the rest of the officers of the religious order will select which of the two Vice Commanders will succeed the former Commander of the Household. The Order is unique in being the only female order in Drenovia and counts Queen Jožica of the Glades as a Legate. She is currently allocated duties relating to promoting forest renewal and is likely to now be promoted to Quaster.

King Đurađ IV spoke following the announcement saying. "Commander Pavlovic guided her Order for five years. She was someone whose opinion I valued and I knew I could count upon her and her ladies to ensure that when the Union needed something they were there to carry more than their fair share of any burden. The Green huntresses of the nation are among the hardest working members of the Orders and that was influenced heavily by their Commander. This nation and anyone who follows Duratia owe her a huge thanks. As Duratia commands we will now return her to him and we can all rest easier knowing she will be with him ensuring he knows the work we have done in his name."

The funeral is likely to take place on Wednesday and the new leader of the Order of Krešimira announced the same day. The last order of Pavlovic is to be issued as soon as her successor is named. Traditionally the Commander of the Household has a sealed letter with one final order for their Order which is opened at their death. While it is not compulsory for the last order to be followed it has been over 100 years since it was not followed through.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2021, 11:38:48 PM »


The remote island of Darauva is set to be transformed into a new prison. The island sits at the South West end of the Drenovian Island chain. The island is one of the smallest to ever be inhabited and has been vacant for the last ten years. It was last used as a resupply station for the nations navy. The Ministry of Justice today announced that the island will be converted into a prison colony for prisoners under the age of 25 sentenced to more than five years in prison. The prison service has confirmed that the intention is to largely allow the convicts to live and work within a community setting hopefully allowing them to learn skills, be productive and be more rehabilitated upon release.

The move however has been criticised by some as the island lies around 2,000km away from the mainland meaning that conditions are likely to be rather harsh and prisoners will be an extremely long way away from family who could visit. The prison is likely to also end up with some of the more long term inmates in Drenovia meaning some criminals with a history of violence may be on the island. Security will be undertaken by a combination of the national prison service and the Marines which has also caused concern as many believe that military enforcement will take away the rights of some prisoners. This is however denied by the Ministry of Justice who said, "The island will provide a secure environment in which life skills and trades can be taught and practiced. This means that when convicts return to the mainland they are in a position to better integrate into society. Life there will be strictly structured in just a similar way mainland prisons are."

The island should be operational within the next two months with some low risk inmates arriving to undertake the work soon. The island is around 50km away from the nearest island and with water reaching extremely low temperatures it is thought the chances of making an escape are highly unlikely. The Navy suggest that should someone fall into the ocean without survival equipment they would likely freeze to death in just a few minutes. Further projects to "Repopulate the islands" are expected in the next few weeks.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2021, 10:42:14 PM »


The island of Lekenik is the largest in the island chain running South-West from the mainland and yesterday opened a new school dedicated to the largest of the nations religious orders. The Lekenik Drenovian College was opened by King Đurađ who is recognised as the Grand Master of the Drenovian Order. The new College will be for students aged between 11-18 and will be intended to help build the leadership of the Order for future generations. The College will focus on Drenovian language, literature, History and Religious Education. In addition to the work in a classroom every student will be expected to be undertake several hours of extra-curricular activity a week either through sporting, artistic or social clubs. In addition to new state of the art classrooms the school will also have several all weather sporting pitches, several suites of computers, a library, gym, temple and facilities for a military cadet group. The school will also have on site accommodation for 200 students.

The King gave a lesson to some 16 year old students on the history of the Order before joining students for a game of Volleyball. Meanwhile Queen Terezija, who is a Knight Commander within the Order, gave students a music lesson before taking part in the College's first choir practice. While Queen Jožica of the Glades also attended the opening she did  not teach any lessons as she is a member of the Order of Krešimira however she did take part in an archery club with students. After the opening day finished the King said, "Today we have ensured that the future of the Drenovian Order is secure for the considerable time. It is important we ensure the Order have a chance to create future leaders who will go on and shape the future of our world. I look forward to seeing the successes they achieve."

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2021, 09:48:47 AM »


In a tradition that dates back over 100 years the King of the nation has selected from the sacred forest of Druantia a tree to be a gift to the nations small Christian community as they celebrate Christmas. This year however one leading Bishop in the nation has sparked controversy by saying that the tree chosen is not worthy. The King selected a tree from the forest and cut it down himself before having it sent to the largest Christian community in the nation which is in the city of Opatija. It is estimated some 20,000 Christians live in the city, around 1/6th of the nations entire Christian population. The city is also the site of the nations largest Church which is dedicated to Chapel of St.Silvan. The King arrived with the tree at around 2pm and was greeted by the Churches custodian Father Ratko Pavletić. The King was presented with the traditional welcome glass of Brandy and said, "Once more we approach Christmas. A time when we who follow Druantia give part of our bounty to our Christian neighbours so that they may enjoy their celebration. While we are separated by faith we are joined by nationality. Centuries ago this would have been an impossible gesture as each of our communities had swords at the other's throats, today we live in peace and long may that continue." The King then left to return to the forest where he and his family have started a new tradition where once the annual Christmas gift has been cut the family plant new trees. The King as usual planted ten while his wives and children planted five each.

It was only once the tree had been fully erected that the Bishop of Opatija commented on the tree. Bishop Ivan Jurić visited the now in place tree and said. "The Christmas tree is visible symbol of our presence both in this country and of our faith's traditions. Normally we have been respected by the King bringing us a majestic tree however today we see the runt of the litter. It is well known that King Đurađ is a religious zealot and this act of riddicule is an insult to our celebration, our faith and our community."

The Palace responded to the criticism saying, "The fact that the King has today publically engaged with the Christian community in a display of true friendship could be considered a miracle if we consider our nations history. A series of religiously motivated wars saw millions of Drenovian's killed for not being Christian and then as our Order's restored our rightful land thousands of Christians died under the concept of revenge. This backstory of interfaith conflict in our nation would normally have lead to the exclusion of the Christian faith, or long standing sense of Christian hatred. His Majesty has today demonstrated his support of and fondness for the Christian community of Drenovia. I would have thought the Bishop would have seen that the gesture of taking from our sacred woodland to give to a foreign faith for what it truly is."

The annual Opatija Christmas Carol Concert is scheduled to take place this weekend with around 20,000 people expected to attend.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2021, 10:58:37 PM »


Following criticism of this years Christmas Tree selection in Opatija by Bishop Ivan Jurić the Venitsian Cardinale Francesco of the Rambacca Family has further stoked the situation after his nations media called the gift "rotten". As a result the Cardinal has sent a new tree to the city along with decorations and food. This act has prompted Her Majesty Queen Jožica of the Glades, Legate of the Order of Krešimira, to comment on the situation. "What the Cardinal fails to see is that the very act of our King, our way of life tells us that we must do all we can to restore the forests and only then can humanity enjoy true peace. Imagine then what it means to a nation of faith like ours to take an axe and cut down a tree. Since the dawn of time we have tried to take from the forests only what we need for survival and always, always give something back to the Forest in return. So to physically destroy a tree of any type or size to simply give away to a foreign faith is an astonishing gesture. Add to that the fact that in our history for some time our people were consigned to the South West islands as Christian forces of the Vatican subjigated our ancestors, burnt them for refusing to accept the faith and put countless sacred glades to the torch. This makes the fact that today we try and live in peace with our Christian cousins and respect their festival even more admirable in my eyes. The delicate mistrust and hatred some in our nation feel even 600 years later can at times be fragile and the way our gesture has been shown disrespect is dangerous. We wish the Christians of Drenovia a Happy Christmas."

The Queen is highly active in her orders activities and currently is running a campaign to plant 10,000,000 trees in the nation during the next year. The Order of Krešimira is celebrating its 500 year anniversary soon having been founded on the 3rd January 1522. It has already been confirmed that as part of the celebrations the Queen will gain promotion within that Order to Quaster. The King has declared that all members of that Order are to be awarded a special commemorative medal if they have served more than two years within its ranks. That currently means some 47,000 people will be presented with what is being called the Medal of the Glades over the next 12 months or so. 

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2022, 09:12:07 PM »


Following news that tests of the SUN joint project known as Zarptica has been passing through successful milestones the share price of one of its main contributors has seen a 8.5% raise in its share prices. Urzul Aviation is responsible for constructing and installing the avionics package of the new fighter and also large parts of the airframe,  with the aircraft likely to have a high volume of sales in the SUN membership it is likely that a significant boost in annual profits is likely for Urzul. The company last year saw profits of around $65million and this is predicted to climb rather steeply over the next 12 months. Urzal is not the only Drenovian company to get a boost from the ongoing success of the project.

Egruk have made batteries used in aircraft and military equipment for the last thirty years and have won the contract to supply the power packs to be used on the Zarptica. The company have also diversified over the last two years into making batteries for electric cars and last year made a profit of around $40million. The project is likely to boost this significantly and they saw shares climb around 5%. Experts suggest that the increase in share price is likely to continue as each successful test comes in.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2022, 04:25:23 PM »


A total of twenty pilots from the Orders Air Service (OAS) are heading today to Cassiopeia in order to begin familiarising themselves with the operation of the Zarptica fighter. The pilots will be the first Drenovians to fly the aircraft outside of the test pilot scheme. They are also taking with them their F-30 Dhole fighters which it is expected will be used in a series of mock dogfights with the new aircraft. The fighter pilot contingent will also be joined by four B-6 Agama bombers which will join Cassiopeian Air Force assets on a variety of training exercises. It is also expected that they will feature in test operations with the Zarptica. The nations Minister of Defence has explained the nations intended acquisition for the Zarptica. "It is our ambition to initially obtain two squadrons of 18 fighters almost immediately. We will put these into the air force however members of the Orders Naval Service (ONS) will be seconded to these squadrons so in the future when we acquire our carrier they will also be familiar with the aircraft that will operate from it."

The Ministry of Defence are yet to place a final order for the carrier and some believe the nation would be better off acquiring a third amphibious warfare ship. 

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2022, 09:32:09 PM »


The Assembly of The Orders have partially agreed to support King Đurađ aircraft carrier project. The Assembly agreed that there was need for the Union to develop the capabilities to conduct air operations in parts of the Drenovian island chain however the cost of a large full scale aircraft carrier was deemed unneccessary at this time. Speaking on behalf of the Assembly Pero Zorić, Head of the Order of Oak, explained "The nations military budget has always been rather stretched yet in recent times the development of the Zarptica has tied up a significant amount of money. His Majesty is free to make decisions for the nation but must be held to stay within the budget. Our concern was that a "Supercarrier" would push us beyond that. His Majesty went away and presented us with three choices of design. We as an Assembly have given each our due attention and with the mission profile being one of operating to secure the islands in the South West we determined that a full on carrier was largely uneeded. Karave Dockyards presented a rather useful design that we think allows the King to has the assets he requires while at the same time staying within a budget."

The King was largely disappointed. "While the proposed ship does not fulfil exactly what I had hoped it will be a useful asset. We will next year look again and I am confident the Assembly will make the correct decision and we can get a carrier in the traditional sense underway. The worlds inconsistencies have shown that having assets like a carrier are vital."

The new ship design from Karave Dockyards will allow the Navy to operate 23 fixed wing aircraft , six helicopters and up to 20 unmanned aerial vehicles and weight in at 45,000 tonnes. It will be nuclear powered allowing it to operate far into the island chain for extended periods where refuelling opportunities are not always easy. The ship however does have one draw back from a traditional carrier design in the fact that while the oblique landing deck is almost the size of a large aircraft carrier it intersects with the launch catapults, which do not complement each other but rather interfere. So the vessel can launch aircraft, or recover aircraft, but not both at the same time.

The ship will begin to be constructed in the next few weeks as Karave Dockyards have been pushing the design for Naval purchase for the last five years and according to their CEO they are "ready and raring to go"

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2023, 11:00:50 PM »


The Karave Dockyards have confirmed today that they have "80% completed" the as of yet to be named ship known as an "Air Transport" Ship. The vessel is touted as being a half way house between an aircraft carrier and amphibious warfare vessel. It will carry 20 Zarptica fighters, ten helicopters and up to twelve drones. Using a system of electro-magnetic catapults it will be able to launch two aircraft at a time. The Ministry of Defence have also confirmed that the ship will be powered by nuclear reactor built by an Altonian company. The design of the ship is to be known as the Mangrove Class however the exact name of the vessel has yet to be confirmed. The King had spoken of how the ship will be used in the South Western Islands as a way of expanding the aerial abilities of the armed forces. A spokesman said, "There are literally hundreds of islands that make up the Drenovia Chain, many have in the past been used as a hideout for smugglers or bandits and naturally we do not want this happening again. As such we will be using this vessel as a tool in our armoury to ensure the security of the more remote parts of the Kingdom."

Some though have questioned the design as it will be impossible to launch and recover aircraft at the same time however a spokesman explained, "We are not looking at a heavy combat vessel. This is a design likely to be used just as a means of getting our eyes further afield in aviation terms. In addition the ship is likely to play a role in humanitarian operations in the future. We do not see a scenario where a mass scramble is required. Our naval members are more than capable of turning around the deck operations in a quick enough manner so we can be an effective tool". It is hoped that the vessel will be completed for trials at the end of March.


The Order of Krešimira today confirmed that Queen Jožica of the Glades would be gaining promotion within their ranks from Legate to Quaster. The Order is one of eight that exist and serve the Druantian faith however uniquely it is the only all female Order. The Order takes its name from the religious figure of Krešimira who is said to have been the lover of the God Druantia and the mother of the demi-God Florijan from whom it is believed all Kings of Drenovia are descended. Queen Jožica joined the order when she was four years old where she was educated within one of its private schools. At the age of 16 she entered full time employment with the Order and worked in Forest Management. The Order believe that it is their duty to restore a global forest and as such they plant millions of trees a year and also care for the ecosystems within them. Despite becoming Queen in 2012 at the age of of 18 she maintained a position within the Order and while raising faster than typically expected she has continued to work hard for their cause ever since. The Queen is often seen at state functions wearing a ceremonial huntress uniform that is popular among the members of the Order. The current leader of the Order is Commander of the Household of Krešimira, Yana Stinavic, announced the promotion in the traditional manner of having hunting horns blown at the Orders Headquarters and a proclamation attached to the door using an arrow. Commander Stinavic later said "In many parts of the world having a faith is seen as something for older people, youngsters may proclaim a faith but it is rare they live it. In Queen Jožica we have someone who could very easily have turned her back on religious work but instead she has done the opposite. She has used her position in the public eye to show our faith in the most positive of ways. Not only does she make our Order look fantastic everytime she accompanies the King but she still takes great pride in getting out in the woods and getting her hands dirty. I have no hesitation in giving her this promotion and I suspect when the twelve months minimum service is reached she will find herself promoted to Quaster Commander." For each promotion above Quaster the Order states that all those serving at the rank you are being promoted from must give their approval. It is widely tipped that the Queen will one day be the leader of her Order.

The King commented on the promotion saying "I am thrilled at the recognition my wife has gained. Jožica is proud of her membership of the Order and I am proud to have her by my side. I think she is a fantastic example of womanhood and duty." King Đurađ  presented his wife with a new bow engraved with the date of the promotion as well as a  new hunting horn enscribed with a congratulatory message from both the King and his first wife Queen Terezija who as the first Queen holds the ceremonial rank of Commander Knight of the Drenovian Order despite never having served with the Order.

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Re: News From the Order
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2023, 09:04:27 PM »


King Đurađ has today confirmed that he is to take a third wife and his choice is one that could likely cause controversy. The King already has two wives, Queen Terezija whom he married in 2008 and Queen Jožica who he married in 2012. There was however religious condemnation when he originally married Queen Jožica as she was already promised to another noble man and the King effectively helped the then 18 year old daughter of Lord Luca Franić break an oath. Many believe this is the reason why Prince Hrvoje was born with Myelomeningocele, a spinal condition that has left him with longer term health issues. The King has often stated that he hopes to extend the size of the royal family and many have for a while speculated that he would take more wives. It was revealed today however that he has, over the last few months, been persuing a relationship with Princess Alice of Holmvik. The 20 year old is the daughter of Holmviks exiled King Sven and was born in Drenova. In 2000 King Sven faced a rebellion in his homeland and was ousted and spent three years in Drenova before leaving for the Ecclesiastical State and then disappearing. He left Princess Alice in the care of Duke Izak Branković, a friend of King Đurađ through their membership of the Drenovian Order. Duke Izak has raised Princess Alice since he abandonment and she has been raised as a follower of the Druantian faith. It is understood that the Priesthood have agreed that the King can ignore the usual tradition of asking a womans next of kin for permission to marry but must instead gain the permission of Duke Izak, which has been given. The date for the wedding is not yet confirmed.

The announcement of the marriage could cause problems however as King Đurađ recently made an agreement on scientific and communications matters with Holmvik who have actively been looking for the exile King since his escape 23 years ago. A spokesman for the King said though that KingĐurađ had little concern saying, "Alice meet her father twice, all before the age of 3. She is a Drenovian of royal blood, all be it a foreign and extinct crown, but royal none the less. Our faith teaches us that therefore means her bloodline contains power and I am thankful that she has agreed to join my family as my wife. I believe President Haugen is a wise man and will realise this in no way is us slighting his nation. Alice will be a Queen of Drenovia and mother to my children and I am confident that will not make Holmvik any less friendly towards us."