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Messages - Tytor

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Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: Today at 06:18:40 AM »
Dear John

HTMS Agility, Sea of Kyne
May 3, 2024
9:57 PM (local time)

"Mr. Waverly-Edwards?"

Thomas looked up from the sonar screen he was monitoring.  It wasn't his usual job, but he'd received permission to try his hand at some of the other systems that featured aboard one of His Majesty's frigates.  "Sir?" he said, standing to salute the first lieutenant.

"Cap'n's compliments, and he'd like to see you in his cabin at your convenience," the lieutenant said, returning the salute carelessly, "If you'd come with me?"

"Aye, sir," Thomas replied at once.  He stopped just long enough to motion the sonar operator whose station he'd been occupying back to the screen, and then followed his superior officer out of the room.

The captain's cabin was halfway down the ship from sonar, but Agility was small enough that the trip didn't take very long.  The lieutenant poked his head inside to inform the captain of Thomas's arrival, and then ushered him inside.

The captain was seated at his small desk directly opposite the door.  The desk was unusual for such a cramped ship, and it took up a much larger percentage of the cabin's floor space than was strictly comfortable, but the captain had insisted.

"Ah, Mr. Midshipman," the captain said as Thomas entered the small room, "Good, have a seat.  Coffee?"

"Uh, no thank you, sir," Thomas said, glancing at a clock on the wall as he took the proffered chair, "I just had some, er, about half an hour ago."

"Suit yourself," the captain said, pouring himself a cup from a pot that was plugged into the wall to his left.  "So, I don't suppose you know why I've asked you to come see me?"

"No, sir."

"I thought not.  You haven't been online at all in the last, oh, four hours, have you?"

"No, sir.  I didn't think there was wifi on board.  Security risk and all."

"Oh, there isn't.  I was just checking.  Heard from your girlfriend lately?"

"No, sir, not since we left port.  What is this about?"

"So.  I was just forwarded a message from High Command.  They asked me to alert you to... well, this."

The captain passed a sheet of paper across the desk to Thomas, who was surprised to see a print-off of an Instagram post by Asuna from four hours earlier.  He read it quickly.  Confused, he read it again, then twice more.  A dull weight landed in the pit of his stomach as the import of what he was reading hit him.  He looked up at his commanding officer, lost for words.

The two professional sailors looked at each other for a long moment.  Finally, the captain broke the silence.  "Heck of a 'Dear John' letter, isn't it?" he said quietly.

Thomas nodded mutely, not trusting himself to speak for the moment.  This didn't make any sense.  Last time he'd spoken to Asuna, there'd been no hint that their relationship was at all in danger.  He started to wonder if this was due to something he'd said or done, or if he was somehow deficient in any of a dozen different ways.  Feelings of inadequacy, of self-doubt began to well up inside him, and his right hand clenched involuntarily on the paper.

"Don't," the captain said, interrupting his internal self-castigation, "This sort of thing happens to the best of us.  If you beat yourself up over this, it won't help anyone, especially not you."

"It's not usually quite so... public, sir," Thomas replied, and was surprised at how steady his voice was, "I mean, it's not, is it?"

"No, usually not," the captain allowed, "Though in a ship this size, news generally spreads quickly.  I wanted to make sure you were the first to find out, so you don't get blindsided in the mess or something."

Thomas smiled weakly.  "Thank you, sir," he said.

"When does your watch end?" the captain asked, standing.

Thomas followed suit.  "Well, I have the evening watch, sir," he said, "So not until eight bells."

"Hm, so not for a couple more hours," the captain said thoughtfully, glancing at his wristwatch.

"Yes, sir," Thomas said.  There was a pause, long enough for Thomas to begin to grow uncomfortable.

"Well, carry on, Mr. Waverly-Edwards," the captain said at last, "You may return to your post.  Chin up, all right?  Show some of that Navy grit."

"Aye, aye, sir," Thomas replied, and recognizing his dismissal, he turned and left the cabin.  He could already tell it was going to be a long night.

Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: October 13, 2023, 05:00:30 PM »
All Fall Down - Part 2

King George Memorial Hospital
Tsargrad, East Crownlands
October 13th, 2013
10:00 am

King Michael opened his eyes and found he was an a hospital bed.  He had no memory of arriving here.  From his position, he could see a doctor or nurse (he couldn't tell which) with her back to him, speaking in low tones with someone just out of sight on the other side of the door to his room.  The angle was such that he could just see the side of a bodyguard's head in the hallway outside.  He tried to sit up, and found to his horror--

"Your Majesty, you're awake."  The doctor had evidently noticed his movement and turned around.

"Well, most of me is, anyway," the King said, "I can't move my legs."

"Yes, I was afraid of that," the doctor sighed, "Do you remember your fall?"

The King thought for a moment.  "I... yes, vaguely," he said, "I took a bad step."

"Well, you fractured your twelfth thoracic vertebra and damaged your spinal cord."

"Damaged in what way?"

"Partially severed.  From what we can tell, the damage is such that it is almost entirely affecting motor control in your legs.  We haven't been able to test it yet, but it's possible -- probable, even -- that you will find yourself suffering from fecal and urinary incontinence as well going forward.  In addition, you cracked three of your ribs; it's a wonder you didn't kill yourself."

"I see."

"There are procedures and therapies we can perform in an attempt to restore your spinal column and legs to full, or at least partial, functionality," the doctor went on, picking up a clipboard from a side table.

"How many Tytorians suffer from my present condition?" the King asked.

"Excuse me?" the doctor said, looking up.  When King Michael repeated his question, she said, "I don't have exact numbers in front of me--"

"That's all right, it doesn't matter that much," the King said, cutting her off, "Of those who do, about what percentage has access to these therapies, accounting for both proximity to hospitals with the expertise to perform them and the funds necessary to pay for them?"

"I... I guess I don't know, Your Majesty."

King Michael smiled sadly at the look on the doctor's face.  "Too few, by your expression," he said, "I will not ask any of my people to endure a condition I am not willing to face myself.  I thank you for the offer, but I will pass on these procedures; if a wheelchair is good enough for my people, then it's good enough for me."

"But... yes, Your Majesty."

"Now, who were you talking to through the door when I came around?"

"The Duke of Clarence.  He wanted an update on your condition.  I asked him to wait in the hall."

"Show him in, would you?"

"At once, Your Majesty."

The doctor went to the door, ushered Prince George inside, and then left the room, closing the door behind her.

The two men held each other's gaze for a moment.  At last, George broke the silence.  "Father," he said, a shadow of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, "You're looking well."

Michael chuckled, then grunted and clutched at his side.  "Ooh, don't make me laugh," he said, "The doctor says I cracked three ribs."

"And broke your spine, from what she tells me," George said, his smile fading.

"Yes," Michael said, spreading his arms and letting them fall back to his sides, "I likely will never walk again."

"Aren't there procedures--?"

"I refused them.  There are too many Tytorians who don't have that option.  I will stand in solidarity with them -- er, figuratively speaking."


"Don't worry about me, George," Michael cut across him smoothly, "I'm content."

"Very well," George sighed.

The two sat in silence for a few more moments.  This time it was Michael who broke it.  "I suppose this is when you switch off my life support and seize the throne for yourself?" he quipped.

"Now?" George joked back, "Heck no, you're conscious.  I'd want to wait at least until you're asleep before I try and smother you."

The two shared a laugh, but Michael quickly became serious again.  "I'm going to need you to deliver a letter for me," he said.

"To whom?  And what for?"

"To the Prime Minister, designating you as Prince Regent for the duration of my convalescence.  While I'm sure I could perform what duties I still have from here, the kingdom deserves to have royal power in the hands of someone who's not restricted to bed rest at a doctor's orders."

"If you're certain."

"Quite.  Now, prop me up and bring me a pen and some paper."

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of the Prime Minister of Tytor
« on: October 13, 2023, 07:39:12 AM »
Statement to the Press from the Prime Minister's Office

13 October 2023

It is my duty in this press release to confirm that His Royal Majesty King Michael suffered a fall yesterday evening at approximately 6:15 Western Albion Standard Time, when he lost his footing at the top of a staircase.  The King was rendered unconscious by the fall, but was given immediate medical attention.  He has been taken to King George Memorial Hospital in downtown Tsargrad, where he will remain at least overnight as the nation's finest doctors assess the extent of his injuries.  As of my most recent information, his prognosis is good, and he is expected to make a full recovery at this time.

- Madeline Thatcher, Prime Minister

International News Networks / Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« on: October 13, 2023, 07:30:35 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

Breaking: King Suffers Fall, Rushed to Hospital

TSARGRAD -- His Majesty the King suffered a fall this evening at about 6:15, sources from the Royal Palace confirm.  Details are not immediately forthcoming, but the King was swept away to King George Memorial Hospital, just a few blocks from the palace, and was apparently unresponsive.

This is a breaking story and will be updated.

Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: October 13, 2023, 07:25:52 AM »
All Fall Down - Part 1

Royal Palace
Tsargrad, East Crownlands
October 12th, 2023
6:11 pm

"And if Your Majesty would turn your attention to the left, there are a few new paintings in this hallway."

In any other circumstance, the custodian's voice would have been perceived as monotone and fairly boring, but King Michael made it a point to take interest in the goings-on in his official residence.  Sure enough, the newly-decorated second-floor corridor to the left was lined with artwork he hadn't seen before.  "Tell me about this one," the King said, gesturing at the first painting on the righthand side - a river scene done in watercolors.

"That one is a William Stendahl piece, Your Majesty," the custodian replied, "Titled 'Sunlight on the Raven', it was painted during his Rose Period between 1835 and 1836."

"Talk to me about Stendahl."

"Well, he was possibly the most well-known Tytorian painter of the first half of the 19th century, born in a village outside Ravensfort in 1799.  His work spanned the years from 1824 to his death, and can generally be divided into three distinct phases: the Green Period, stretching from 1824 to 1831; the Rose Period, from 1831 to 1839; and the Blue Period, from 1839 to 1842."

"He died fairly young, then?"

"Yes, Your Majesty.  He was lost at sea during a storm in the Kyne just shy of his forty-third birthday."

"And this, then, is representative of the Rose Period?"

"Yes, Your Majesty.  The Rose Period was dominated by watercolors and landscapes.  The Green Period was also primarily focused on landscapes, but used oil-based paints almost exclusively.  He returned to oil paints for the Blue Period, but shifted his subjects to nautical themes."

"I see.  And are there any of the other two periods in this corridor?"

"There are not, Your Majesty.  Shall I arrange acquisition?"

"No, that's all right.  Tell me about this piece across from the Stendahl."

"Ah, yes, that is much more recent, Your Majesty: 'Rhapsody in Orange', by Fumi Suzuki.  It is a modern piece, completed only last year."

"It's... different.  Not what I would have expected to find in the Royal Palace."

"It is abstract, I believe, Your Majesty.  I am assured it has great contemporary value; it was recommended to me by His Royal Highness Prince Charles, and seems to be representative of Ms. Suzuki's typical work."

"Tell me about her."

"She is a third generation Tytorian of Rokkenjiman descent; born in Williamshaven, I believe, sometime in the 1990s.  1997, maybe?  I don't recall.  Anyway, she has only been active in the art world since 2019, but a few of her works have aready sold for very large sums."

"I see.  Do you know why she chose the colors she did?  Or, for that matter, why she named it 'Rhapsody in Orange' when she didn't use any orange that I can see?"

"I do not, Your Majesty.  If you wish it, I can arrange an audience with you for her so that you may ask her directly."

"Please do.  I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it's... stimulating, nonetheless.  I imagine I would be even further moved if I understood it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Now, how about this one next to it?" King Michael said, gesturing to a vast portrait of a king in coronation vestments to the right of the Suzuki, "I believe that is my father, yes?  Yet I do not recognize the painting."

"It is, Your Majesty," the custodian replied, "I believe he had it commissioned to decorate a country residence which he did not end up purchasing.  It was discovered in storage a few months ago, but we can find no record of who painted it."

"It's quite large," the King said, stepping backward in order to get a better look at it, "Do you know when--?"

"Your Majesty!" the custodian squawked, moving forward suddenly, hand outstretched.

King Michael registered his mistake as his foot met empty space where he had expected to find the floor.  Without realizing it, he had maneuvered right to the edge of the staircase leading up to this hallway from the floor below.  He stuck out his hands for balance -- far too late, as he was already toppling back and down.  The poor custodian could do little but watch as his sovereign bounced down a full flight of stairs, finally collapsing with a sickening thud on his back on the landing below.

There was a moment of silence before the custodian recovered enough from his shock to react to what had just happened.  As he rushed down the stairs after his fallen monarch, he pulled a radio from his belt and started calling for medical help.  The King was not fully aware of what he said, only that words were being spoken.  He attempted to raise himself up on his elbows, but fell back to the floor, a jolt of pain shooting through his lower back, and slipped into unconsciousness.

Economics and Industry / Re: A Proposal To The Kingdom of Tytor
« on: June 14, 2023, 12:22:05 AM »
The Kingdom of Tytor
Official Communique
Royal Armed Services High Command

Yabūchi Ikumu,

It is not often that a procurement request finds itself on my desk, but my staff agreed with those who would usually field such matters that this particular request merited my attention.  As I am sure you understand, the AS-60, IFV-97, and LMV-98 are fairly crucial pieces of equipment in regards to Tytorian national security.  The AS-60 in particular has never been exported before; in fact, its development came about precisely because our two nations were regional rivals while the Federal Republic yet stood.  However, those days are past, and now Tytor and Rokkenjima stand as the firmest of allies and the closest of friends of any two nations on Mundus.

It is with this in mind that I request that you pass on an invitation to your superiors.  If it is convenient with them, I shall meet them at JMF Northpoint, in Floodwater, in two weeks' time.  This meeting will also be attended by representatives of the Royal Army and the Royal Air Force, as well as representatives of the manufacturers of the equipment in question.  The meeting will include practical demonstrations of each piece of equipment, in addition to the contract negotiations themselves.  Imperial High Command may send whomever they deem most suited to a conference of this sort; if my invitation is acceptable, I will communicate exact dates and times with them directly.

Your servant,

- Field Marshal Sir John Percy
Royal Armed Services Combined Chief of Staff

I am generally in favor of moving the development of communism to sometime more reasonable.  The 1840s are a little early in my mind, but still better than the 1720s.

This would cause me serious issues as it wouldn't give me long enough for a lot of my lore to develop so naturally I'm against this.
Pardon me if I'm missing something, but based on your factbook, Kaitaine's revolution isn't until 1867.  Do you really need 140 years for communism to spread into Kaitaine's population?  Surely it would be simple enough to get the same result with only 5 to 20 years; it doesn't take that long to rile up a people.  For what it's worth, the Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 in real life.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: A Private Message to the Tytorian Govt.
« on: February 19, 2023, 09:21:26 AM »
The Kingdom of Tytor
Official Communique
Prime Minister's Office

Emperor Eijiro,

While I am gratified to hear of your intention to end hostilities in such a prompt manner, I trust you will appreciate the sincerity of my distress that these orders were preceeded by what amounts to a direct escalation of the conflict between your nation and Rokkenjima.  I fully respect the concerns you have shared with me that prompted this display of what I can only call military brinkmanship, though I feel that perhaps a far better approach would have been to entrench your forces where they were, rather than launching a preemptive strike.

I will be blunt: I am willing to trust you, and I shall believe that you mean what you say when you tell me you want peace.  I shall await the hour of 6:00 with anticipation that you will live up to your word, and I hope that this crisis, which has led to alerts throughout Tytor's armed services in recent hours, will be adequately resolved in a timely manner.

Respectfully yours,

- Madeline Thatcher
Prime Minister

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of the Prime Minister of Tytor
« on: February 19, 2023, 08:14:58 AM »
Statement to the Press from the Prime Minister's Office

19 February 2023

My remarks tonight shall be brief and to the point.  My entreaties for an end to the violence between Daito and Rokkenjima have been ignored, and this government has been informed of Rokkenjima's intention to activate the defensive treaties that remain in place between our nations under the auspices of the Cross-Straits Treaty Organization.  In preparation for the invocation of Article 5, I have ordered the Kyne Fleet of the Tytorian Royal Navy to full alert, along with relevant elements of the Royal Air Force, the Royal Army, and the Royal Marine Corps.

I once again implore those responsible for this escalation to stand down and allow peace to prevail.  The livelihoods of your people, as well as mine, depend upon you being willing to do the right thing.  If, however, you are determined to follow through with this violent course of action, I can say only that the Kingdom of Tytor shall not shirk in her responsibility to her allies.

- Madeline Thatcher, Prime Minister

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of the Prime Minister of Tytor
« on: February 18, 2023, 12:53:39 PM »
Statement to the Press from the Prime Minister's Office

17 February 2023

The Kingdom of Tytor has been watching the present crisis in Rokkenjima with not a little concern.  The recent actions of Premier Charles Foster Ofdensen, both against the Empire of Daito and against Rokkenjiman democracy, have provoked no small degree of distress in this government.  With his removal from power having been affected, presumably pending proper investigation into the allegations of electoral irregularities that have been levied against him, we call on all involved parties to take a step back and allow diplomacy to rule the day.

In consultation with our Rokkenjiman allies, I now wish to announce the deployment of Tytorian government and military personnel to those parts of Rokkenjima affected by the late conflict.  This will include personnel from the Royal Disaster Management Office, to aid in the reconstruction of damaged Rokkenjiman infrastructure; officials from the Royal Election Oversight Administration, both to aid in investigation into recent electoral misconduct and to observe Rokkenjima's transition back to democracy in the post-Ofdensen era; and soldiers from elements of the Army of the Crownlands, under a CSTO mandate, to aid in the restoration of order and to serve in a peacekeeping capacity to ensure fighting does not resume.

I now would like to take a moment to express my personal feelings on what has transpired in Rokkenjima, and between Rokkenjima and Daito, in recent weeks.  I feel a not-insignificant amount of consternation that a man such as Ofdensen should be able to subvert the democratic traditions of a nation as committed to democracy as Rokkenjima.  I find it even more distressing that he, acting on his own initiative, was able to provoke what could have been all-out war between two neighbors who, until fairly recently, were firm allies.  This experience has caused me to reflect on the necessity of proper checks and balances within democracy - entrenched institutions that can prevent one man or woman from subverting the process in such a way as to gain unlimited power.  The intervention of Empress Kyoko reminds me as well of the chain of events that brought down the military dictatorship of Samuel Amherst several years ago - it is a sad thing when a monarch must intervene on behalf of democratic governance; I only hope that Empress Kyoko and her successors are successful in resisting the impulse to treat such a drastic move as precedent for lesser emergencies.

With my personal thoughts thus expressed and out of the way, I once again urge those involved in the present crisis to allow cooler heads to prevail.  I do not believe that either side wants a war; it is therefore in each party's best interests to see the process of de-escalation to its end.  This government remains committed to peace across Mundus, and most particularly in the Kyne region.  May the cause of peace be successful in bringing an end to this crisis, and all others.

- Madeline Thatcher, Prime Minister

OOC note: Eagle-eyed readers may notice that this statement uses the personal name of the Rokkenjiman Empress, Kyoko, rather than her regnal name, Shizukesa.  This is due entirely to the need for accessibility for the Tytorian people, for whom this press office has been primarily intended from its inception in 1962 (IC).  As most Tytorians who speak English are much more familiar with the empress by her given name, the English-language version of this release uses the name Kyoko, as seen here.  Those Tytorians who speak Rokkenjiman, on the other hand, are much more likely to be familiar with Rokkenjiman customs regarding regnal names, and so the official Rokkenjiman translation uses the name Shizukesa.  No disrespect is intended to Rokkenjima, and both versions of the text are equally official.  This is similar to my previously adopted policy regarding non-English native-language demonyms and titles - for instance, English-language Tytorian publications eschew the term "Daitojin", instead preferring terms like "Daitoan" or "Daitoese", depending on context.  This choice regarding the name of the Rokkenjiman empress is inspired by the tendency of English-language sources in the real world to prefer, for instance, "Hirohito" rather than "Showa" when referring to the 124th Emperor of Japan.

International News Networks / Re: Tytorian Broadcasting Service (TBS)
« on: January 27, 2023, 12:06:55 AM »

Tytorian Broadcasting Service
Providing Tytor with Quality News Since 1929

The TBS View: Ofdensen's Populism Threatens Global Security

BY THE EDITORIAL BOARD -- In the recently concluded Rokkenjiman elections, the newly ultranationalistic Centre Party, led by convicted war criminal Charles Ofdensen, has secured the most seats in both houses of the Imperial Diet.  Mr. Ofdensen's pre-election rhetoric focused heavily on perceived grievances toward other countries, particularly ones with which Rokkenjima has had tensions in the past.  This prompted a rare rebuke of a civilian politician by Pyrena Castle, which issued a statement saying that "this is the very rhetoric which caused great diplomatic upheaval for the First Empire in the past and must be challenged each time he opens his mouth to spew it."  What this means for relations between the monarchy and the elected government is impossible to say, but Mr. Ofdensen's election certainly will have a measurable impact on the international stage.

It's hard to tell at present whether the Centre Party's electoral success is a fluke, or indicative of a broader trend in Rokkenjiman politics.  Certainly the last few elections have seen massive swings in political control; the former ruling party, Teikokutō, lost 166 seats in the House of Commons in this election as its one-time coalition partner rose to political dominance - but not long ago, and certainly within recent memory, the chamber was dominated by a coalition between the Socialist Party and the Green Party, now the two smallest parties in the Diet with barely a hundred Commons seats between them.  But with all this upheaval, what does Centre's victory mean for the world in 2023?  That much is easy to answer.

Charles Ofdensen, the disgraced former Vicegerent of Rokkenjima, has scored a comeback the likes of which are rarely seen on Mundus.  This comeback was built on heavy use of populistic nationalist rhetoric of a similarly rare nature.  He promises retribution against foreign enemies, real and imagined, painting Rokkenjima as the victim of some vast international conspiracy.  This would be bad enough in a country like Phuebra or Centralia, which are small fish in a big pond, but this is Rokkenjima, the globe's second-largest economy and a formidable military power in its own right.  Rokkenjima's word carries weight across Mundus, regardless of the opinions of its detractors, so when things happen there, the world feels it.

What this means for Mundus, and especially for those countries in Rokkenjima's immediate vicinity, is simple.  With Mr. Ofdensen at the helm of the imperial government, Rokkenjima is in the process of changing from a symbol of regional stability to a source of instability.  If Mr. Ofdensen has his way, Rokkenjima will go from working to build world peace to actively seeking to undermine it.  The security of the Kyne is at desperate risk thanks to Mr. Ofdensen's brinkmanship, and the knock-on effects of instability in the Kyne threaten the security of the rest of the world as well.

Tytor is uniquely placed, just across the Strait of Arovium from Rokkenjima.  It enjoys a strong, mutually-beneficial partnership with its cross-strait neighbor, commonly referred to as the Special Relationship.  In addition to a more general risk to regional and global security, Mr. Ofdensen's hypernationalism puts the Special Relationship itself at risk.  He vows vengeance against any country that has the gall to tell Rokkenjima what to do; how long before he turns his vitriol against Tytor, and Rokkenjima's other allies?  As the world enters this dangerous period in its history, we must take comfort in the fact that he is restrained by the need to keep a coalition government together.  May the Green Party exercise the power it has as Mr. Ofdensen's coalition partner to rein in his worst impulses, for the good not only of Rokkenjima, but of the entire world.

Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: August 12, 2022, 06:46:37 AM »
Stuck in the Middle with You

Highway 26, West Crownlands
August 11, 2022
2:15 PM

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs

The 2004 Tri-Star Viper convertible raced north along the seaside highway, top down.  The Viper was Tri-Star Automotive's flagship sports car, comparable to the best foreign muscle car in a one-to-one match-up.  2004 was a particularly good model year across Tri-Star's whole line-up, and the Viper in particular had greatly profited by the company's burst of creativity that year.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Of course, that wasn't terribly important to the occupants of the vehicle, all of whom were singing along to the song blaring from the radio.  Mark was driving, which made sense as it was his car.  Sitting shotgun to his left was Jeff, his best friend, who had his left arm sticking straight out the passenger side window.

Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you
And I'm wondering what it is I should do
It's so hard to keep this smile from my face
Losing control, yeah I'm all over the place

In the backseat, behind Jeff, was Mark's girlfriend Kasumi, sunglasses on, long black hair flowing in the wind behind her.  To her right, behind Mark, was Jeff's sister, Annie.  Annie and Kasumi were dancing in time with the music.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

The afternoon sun glinted off the distant skyscrapers of Williamshaven, just visible ahead and off to the right, just beyond where the highway curved with the land and disappeared from view way off in the distance.  Jeff's arm was pointed out toward the Kyne, which lay sprawled out like a deep blue blanket off toward the horizon beyond the cliffside.

When you started off with nothing
And you're proud that you're a self-made man
And your friends they all come crawling
Slap you on the back and say

The road trip had been Mark's idea, really.  It was a warm summer day, and the quartet had left his home around lunchtime.  The remains of the burgers and fries they'd picked up at In-N-Out on the way out of town had been stuffed into the wastebasket on the floor in the backseat.

Trying to make some sense of it all
But I can see it makes no sense at all
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor?
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore

Mark fell silent as his friends kept up their singing.  Kasumi was the daughter of Rokkenjiman immigrants who'd fled the Federal Republic back in the '90s, and while she'd been born in Tytor, her accent was still fairly distinct.  Didn't stop her from singing at the top of her lungs, of course.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Mark smiled.  Kasumi really couldn't quite hit all the notes, but she still sang better than Jeff, who sounded more like a wounded buffalo than a human singer.  Annie, though, had a great voice.  She sang choir at high school.

When you started off with nothing
And you're proud that you're a self-made man
And your friends they all come crawling
Slap you on the back and say

It was bittersweet, really.  This was likely the last time they'd all be able to all pile in Mark's car and go barreling down the highway without a care in the world.  Jeff was going to be enlisting in the Marines at the end of the summer, and Mark and Kasumi were going to different universities.  Annie, meanwhile, still had another year at high school ahead of her.

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs

No use ruminating, though.  Mark shook his head and started back in singing along with the others.  Summer break wasn't going to end for another few weeks, so it was best to enjoy it while it lasted.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

And, hey, who better to spend the rest of summer with than friends?

Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you
Stuck in the middle with you
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you

The 2004 Tri-Star Viper convertible continued on its merry way down the highway, top down, filled with friends who didn't have a care in the world right now.  Life was good.

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: August 03, 2022, 08:14:41 AM »
"Yesterday's drama interrupted our discussions on the CSTO, I believe," Thatcher said, taking a cursory glance at her notes, "We can either pick up where we left off, or move on to Centralia.  In my personal opinion, it may be worth discussing what adaptions will be necessary for the CSTO's future in the aftermath of the Achkaerinese and Daitoan withdrawal.  Certainly, we'll have to discuss what this means for ICON and joint facilities like Crystal Palace, whether now or at a later date."

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 26, 2022, 12:54:26 AM »
"Very well," Major said, collecting his notes, "I'd better report to the Prime Minister.  She should be back in the room tomorrow as we move forward."

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 25, 2022, 11:44:26 PM »
In all his days as a diplomat, Major had never seen someone so wrong, and yet so convinced they were right.  Serenity was supposed to be a strong negotiator, and a skilled diplomat in her own right, and yet she left the meeting looking petty, like a sore loser.  She had certainly done nothing but harm her own nation's interests, as far as Major could tell, and she'd deprived herself of some of her strongest allies in the process.  This new world was going to be... interesting.

This analysis took Major all of five seconds.  "Well, that was... interesting," he said, glancing at Kyoko, "I guess the next question is, where do we go from here?  Tytor's position has not changed, mind; we're stilling willing to see the CSC grow beyond where it's at.  Apparently unlike the Achkaerinese, we're willing to compromise.  What shall we discuss next?"

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 25, 2022, 11:11:01 PM »
"Your Highness, I'm sorry to have to say this," Major interjected, "But even without Prime Minister Thatcher present, Tytor still will not accept your proposal.  It is unnecessary, and will ultimately destroy the very organization you claim to want to fix.  If you press forward on this matter, I and the rest of my delegation will leave next, and you will find that your insistence on dictating unpopular terms has done nothing but isolate your country.  Please, for the sake of the relationship between our governments, drop this.  You are only hurting yourself."

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 25, 2022, 10:48:52 PM »
"Then you have committed to the failure of this summit," Thatcher said after a moment, "I cannot in good conscience continue my personal involvement in this meeting if my country's concerns are to be continually ignored by its closest allies.  Mr. Major will continue to represent Tytor in my absence, and he has his instructions.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do than be dictated to."

With that, Thatcher passed her notebook to Major, picked up her remaining effects, and left the room.

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 25, 2022, 10:15:07 PM »
"I see no merit in a proposal that effectively hamstrings this organization," Thatcher said, "What it amounts to is dissolution of the entire CSC, which I cannot in good conscience support.  What's more, even if it didn't, the fact that it is the exact same proposal I have already rejected twice makes me feel that the interests of my country are being ignored, and I shall not stand for that.  Tytor is a full member of this organization, not a vassal state of any of its allies.  We can compromise, but I need to see willingness to do so, or else this summit has failed altogether."

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 25, 2022, 09:39:34 PM »
Thatcher was losing patience.  "Your Highness, I believe I've already said, twice now, that doing away with the modular nature of the CSC is unacceptable to Tytor, and is accordingly off the table.  You seem determined to fix something that isn't broken.  What's more, you seem determined to do it against the wishes of your allies.  If this organization is to be a partner of equals, we must be willing to compromise, to come together to work out an agreement.  We cannot expect to be able to dictate terms like a conquering army.  If you intend for this to be an organization where you can dictate its form over the repeated objections of your allies, then my government will have no part in it, and that is final.

"As I am sure that is not your intent, I need you to work with me here.  The modular nature of the CSC must remain intact going forward, but I am entirely willing to work with you to improve and build upon what we have.  I've already made that clear.  My original preference would have been to leave it as it is, but I have already budged from that position.  I've given you some ground - now it's time for you to reciprocate."

Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: July 25, 2022, 07:41:16 AM »
Ante Up

JMF Northpoint, Floodwater
July 24, 2022
10:26 PM

"Full house, king high," Lieutenant Peterson crowed triumphantly, laying out his hand, "Read 'em and weep, boys!"

A murmur of appreciation went around the table as Peterson reached out and slid the pot toward himself.  He'd led them all on a merry chase this hand, that was for absolute certain, and none of his opponents truly begrudged him the victory.  Well, Jenkins didn't, anyway.

To Jenkins' immediate right, Staff Sergeant Barnes, TRMC, who was dealing next, gathered the cards and began to shuffle.  Next to the right, Lieutenant Ishihara, IRN, was sitting on the largest stack of chips, even after Peterson's good fortune - she had completely fooled the rest with claims of being new at the game until another passing Rokkenjiman officer had clued them in.  To her right was Ensign Callahan, TRCG, whose poker face had to be the absolute best Jenkins had ever seen.  To his right was Master Sergeant Hadley, TRAF, the only other woman at the table besides Ishihara.  To her right was Second Lieutenant Peterson, TRA, the man of the moment, who sat to Jenkins' immediate left.

Chief Petty Officer Jenkins, TRN, was assigned permanently to JMF Northpoint's administrative staff.  Peterson was part of the garrison.  The rest were among the various non-permanent units that cycled through the CSTO base.  Aside from Ishihara, each had been on base for at least a month or two, and the weekly poker game had come about fairly naturally.  Jenkins wasn't much good at poker, to tell the truth, but neither were any of the others save Callahan (and apparently Ishihara); to be blunt, Peterson's victory was a fluke.  Mostly, the games were just for fun, a diversion from the monotony of late Sunday nights on base.

Barnes passed the deck to Ishihara to cut, then dealt the next hand.  Everyone anteed, and Jenkins looked at his cards.  Deuce of clubs, ace of clubs, ace of hearts, seven of diamonds, deuce of spades... two pair, ace high.  Not bad, though even a three-of-a-kind could beat it.  Hm.  Probably best to play it safe, trade in just the seven.  He did so, but only got back the nine of hearts.  Drat.  Oh well.

"I bet fifteen," he said, sliding the requisite number of chips forward.

"I see your fifteen and raise you five," Peterson said, acting accordingly, and the bet went around.  Hadley called, as did Callahan.  Ishihara raised the bet by another five, and Barnes folded.

"Call," Jenkins said, pushing forward a couple more chips.  Peterson followed suit, but Hadley folded.  Callahan called as well, and Ishihara laid out her hand.

"Strait, jack high," Ishihara announced.

Jenkins grimaced.  "Beats me," he said.

"Four of a kind," Peterson declared, laying down all four eights.

"Looks like the pot's mine," Callahan said, smiling for the first time all night.  All eyes turned in his direction, and he laid out his cards one by one.  Ten of spades, first.  Then the jack of spades.  Then the queen.  The king.  Could it be?  Yes.  The ace.  He raised his arms in a gesture of complete victory.  "Royal flush, spades," he said solemnly.

There was stunned silence as Callahan collected the pot.  It continued as he leaned back, a silly grin plastered on his face.  Nobody said a word for two whole minutes.  Finally, Hadley broke the silence.

"After that, I don't suppose there's much point playing any more tonight, huh?" she said, "It's not like we're gonna top that."

"No kidding," Barnes said, nodding fervently, "I don't think I've ever even seen a royal flush in my life, much less lost to one.  Dang, man.  Congratulations."

"Now this," Callahan said, still grinning fit to burst, "This has got to be the best feeling I've had all month."

"Oh, I'll bet," Jenkins said.

"Yeah, congrats," Peterson said.

They agreed to leave it there until next week.  As they packed up chips and cards, Callahan got more pats on the back.  It was a good night, after all, Jenkins thought.  If he was to lose, losing to a royal flush was at least one heck of a story.

And by golly, it was totally worth it.

OOC Note: In case it's not clear, the 3- and 4-letter abbreviations in the third and fourth paragraphs are in reference to military branches.

TRMC: Tytorian Royal Marine Corps
IRN: Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy
TRCG: Tytorian Royal Coast Guard
TRAF: Tytorian Royal Air Force
TRA: Tytorian Royal Army
TRN: Tytorian Royal Navy

Vignettes / Re: Tytorian Vignettes
« on: July 17, 2022, 11:41:32 PM »

Tsargrad, East Crownlands
July 17, 2022
3:55 PM

Richard Valance, Archbishop of Tsargrad and head of the Church of Tytor, glared across the table at his Catholic counterpart.  For his part, Roland Maybury, Archbishop of Southford, was unapologetic.

"However you want to spin it, you lot remain schismatics," Maybury said with an irritatingly patient tone, "The Roman Catholic Church was here first, and your whole denomination traces its origin to a petty argument the king had with the pope way back when.  You very explicitly broke off from Celestis, and what is that if not schism?"

"That's not the point," Valance snapped back, feeling more cross by the moment, "The Church of Tytor is its own church now, not just a wayward branch of yours.  We don't define ourselves by way of our relationship with the Pope."

"Perhaps, and perhaps not," Maybury replied, still obscenely calm, "You are Protestants, after all.  Your whole branch of Christianity traces its origins to one man's allegations of corruption in the Church.  The Ninety-five Theses, or whatever it is you call them?"

"We don't trace our lineage to Luther either, which you know perfectly well," Valance retorted.

"Details," Maybury countered, dismissively, "Whether you follow Luther or Calvin, or some other so-called 'reformer', your 'Reformation' still began with a disaffected Catholic priest nailing a piece of paper to the door of a Catholic church, in disagreement with the Pope.  You are schismatics, plain and simple.  All you Protestants are, no matter what your exact origin."

"You Catholics think all non-Catholic Christians are," Valance snorted, "That's what I'm gathering from this line of reasoning."

"Well, maybe not the Mormons," Maybury said, "I've never been certain what they're up to.  But almost every other Christian church out there explicitly draws its authority eventually from a Pope.  The Orthodox split off in the 11th century, and you lot in the 16th and 17th."

"Oh, I'm sure Samantra's Patriarch would love to hear that particular argument," Valance said, stifling a laugh, "You should definitely bring it up the next time you're up there.  He's bound to be more understanding than I am."

"Very funny," Maybury said dryly, "As a matter of fact, I like my teeth the way they are."

"News to me," Valance shot back, "Or do you think that because I'm an old man, I'm not strong enough to knock a few out myself?"

"How many hospital stays have you had over recent years?" Maybury asked by way or response, "At least three in the last eighteen months, no?"

"Enough, I suppose," Valance said thoughtfully, "I'm an old man, it comes with the territory.  Though I imagine the next one will be my last, and then it's off to meet my Maker.  I'll make sure to ask Him which of us was right, in the end."

"May that day be a long way off yet," Maybury said solemnly, "I enjoy our lunchtime debates, you know, even if I do pester you sometimes.  At any rate, I'm sure the Lord will tell you that, in the end, you were nothing more than an old schismatic with a stubborn streak."

Valance laughed at last.  "And don't you forget it, you young whippersnapper," he said, "Now then, I believe we've both got evening Mass to prepare for, no?  It's been good to see you again, my friend."

"Likewise," Maybury said, smiling in his turn.

The relatively youthful leader of Tytor's Catholics stood to help the rapidly aging leader of the Church of Tytor to his feet.  The two friends embraced momentarily, and then each returned to his respective cathedral to prepare for the evening's services.

It was a good day, a good Sabbath.  All was well.

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 17, 2022, 05:50:43 PM »
By now, Thatcher was fully offended, though it only showed for a second or two.  She'd just been treated like a naughty little girl, and her country's concerns had been dismissed out of hand.  It felt like a slap in the face, especially coming from Serenity, with whom she had always gotten along fairly well.  "Excuse me, Your Highness," she said calmly, "But you appear to have missed my point.  To put it plainly, dissolving the CSTO and replacing it with something else is off the table.  I am happy to work with my allies to reform it and help the CSC grow into something more, something better than it is.  However, for that to be of any use, my allies must be willing to do the same - give a little in order to get, so to speak.

"You are correct about one thing.  The CSTO is a defense treaty, and a good one.  You are wrong about others, though.  You claim it's not been tested since 2014; clearly, it's being tested now, and it's been being tested repeatedly over the years.  See, the CSTO was never merely about fighting large wars in foreign lands - it's a defense treaty, after all, meant to keep our nations safe.  And you would throw that all away in favor of... sports?

"Your goals appear to me to have shifted toward making the CSC more of a cultural agreement, which is fine with me, but I still fail to see how cutting out the defense aspects helps accomplish any of this.  No, we instead should focus on taking your ideas, as well as Princess Kyoko's and some of my own, and perhaps crafting a new constituent organization for the CSC.

"The CSC was designed to be modular.  No one member would ever be forced to belong to all of its parts.  If the Holy Empire of Achkaerin feels that the CSTO no longer serves its interests, that's fine.  Membership in it is not mandatory for continued membership in the CSC as a whole.  You want something new?  Let's create something new.  A Cross-Straits Cultural Association, or a Cross-Straits Education Initiative, or whatever it is you have in mind.  But new and old are not mutually exclusive.  It is my intention to keep the CSTO, as it continues to serve its purpose and Tytor's interests.  I am happy to negotiate on the creation of something, anything, new, but tying that to the dissolution of a defense organization that still serves its purpose is a non-starter.  So let's forget about dismantling what works and focus instead on other suggestions for the future."

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 16, 2022, 06:41:01 AM »
Thatcher had been carefully taking notes throughout this exchange and now spoke up.  "If I may interject," she said, "There seems to be an inordinate amount of hostility being tossed around among these supposed allies.  It's a little disquieting for me, to be transparent with you.  Tytor relies upon the CSTO in its current form as a principal part if our national security, and it is quite frankly news to me that there's anything wrong with it.  If anything, I wonder if maybe the biggest problem being faced right now is not a clash of personalities.  Mind, I am very interested to hear what my Achkaerinese colleagues have in mind regarding the alliance, but first I have a few words of my own to add - food for thought, as it were.

"One proposal that's been made in good faith, and then immediately dismissed, is that of a merger between the CSC's constituent organizations.  While I agree with the Achkaerinese delegation that my country is unlikely to approve of such a measure, I'm concerned by the brusqueness with which the suggestion was put down.  This is not how we build and maintain good will, and I worry that maybe tempers are starting to flare in a manner that is most unbecoming of experienced diplomats.

"It is my position, like it or not, that the CSTO is the best option for the continued collective security of our respective countries.  A replacement organization serves no purpose beyond what the CSTO already gives us, and in fact would add months of negotiation and debate to a potential process of reform.  At that point, I would find myself forced to wonder why the old treaty was thrown out to begin with, and I guarantee that if I am wondering that, much of the Tytorian Parliament will have been wondering it for weeks before.

"Now is not the time to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Let's not waste time and breath rehashing perceived slights and old grievances.  Pointing fingers will not help here.  At any rate, I've said my piece.  Tytor does not support merging the CSTO with the CSU at this time, though I'm willing to take a second look at the Union's present charter to see if I believe accommodations could potentially be made.  More so, however, Tytor opposes replacing the CSTO, tried and tested as it is, with a new, unproven organization designed to accomplish the same goal.  I'll reiterate that I've not seen issues with the CSTO's organization and conduct prior to this meeting, so I'm curious about what my colleagues think the problem is.  Please, explain your countries' issues with the alliance to me."  She lifted her notebook off the table for a moment.  "As you can see, I'm all ears."

Convention Centre / Re: Festival of Sail Sign Ups
« on: July 15, 2022, 09:32:13 AM »
OOC note: Sign-ups seem to be being formatted differently this year, but I'm doing this in a bit of a rush, so I'll just put Tytor's entries into a spoiler here.  Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards, the overall commander of the TRN, will be in attendance this year as Tytor's senior representative.  Also present will be his wife and the Tytorian ambassador to East Moreland.

Spoiler: show
Nation: Kingdom of Tytor
Vessel: HTMS St. Joseph
Background: Originally launched in 1795 and in perpetual commission since 1917, HTMS St. Joseph remains the oldest warship in the Tytorian Royal Navy.  A masterpiece of naval engineering from the height of the Age of Sail, the St. Joseph holds a special place in the hearts of the Tytorian public, and pretty much always has.  It was nicknamed "Old Ironsides" in 1810 following a battle in which the enemy ship's cannonballs seemed to simply bounce off its sides, and it has recaptured the public imagination on many occasions since.  Due to meticulous preservation methods, the St. Joseph is fully capable of travelling under its own power, and will accordingly sail itself to Portworth in time for this year's Festival of Sail.
Proposed Role: As with the 2015 Festival: during the first two days of the festival, HTMS St. Joseph will be open to guided tours conducted by crew members. The next two days will include reenactments of the frigate's sea trials in 1795; festival-goers will be able to sign up for spots onboard. The final day, St. Joseph will be dockside once more and open for tours. (OOC: If any of the days scheduled happens to be a Sunday, the crew will be holding a short church service on deck that morning. The service will be open to all comers.)

Nation: Kingdom of Tytor
Vessel: Tall Ship St. Linus
Background: Originally in commission in the Tytorian Royal Navy from 1818 to 1896, HTMS St. Linus served with some distinction, becoming the first Tytorian ship to circumnavigate the globe in 1829.  Upon decommissioning, the St. Linus was purchased by an entrepreneur and moved to Port Monsoon for use as an upscale dining establishment, a role it served until 1984.  In 1988, the St. Linus was purchased by the HTMS St. Linus Foundation.  The ship was then faithfully restored to its condition at the time of its famous 1829 circumnavigation, with the result placed on public display in 1992.
Proposed Role: The HTMS St. Linus Foundation will present the Tall Ship St. Linus (the prefix HTMS is legally restricted to ships in formal naval commission) as a museum depicting Tytor's long and proud naval tradition.

Nation: Kingdom of Tytor
Vessel: HTMS St. Alban
Background: Lead ship of the St. Alban class of frigates built for the Tytorian Royal Navy in the mid-1980s, HTMS St. Alban is a much more modern representative of Tytorian frigate-building.  The fifth warship to bear its name, the St. Alban is considered state-of-the-art for the TRN when it comes to frigates.
Proposed Role: Due to potential national security concerns, the modern frigate HTMS St. Alban will remain inaccessible to festival-goers apart from photo opportunities.  It will be in attendance only because of the potential risks of sending a pair of 200-plus-year-old wooden sail frigates halfway around the world.  (OOC: HTMS St. Alban has no need to participate in the Parade of Ships, since it's present solely to make sure that HTMS St. Joseph and the Tall Ship St. Linus don't have an accident en route either to or from the Festival.)

Nation: Kingdom of Tytor
King's Banquet Attendees: Admiral Lord Robert Waverly-Edwards, Ranking Officer of the Tytorian Royal Navy, and his wife, the Princess Annabel; Peter Weatherby, Tytorian Ambassador to East Moreland, and his wife, Frances

With any luck, next year I'll be more on top of this and there will be a greater variety.

Sporting Hub / Re: Mundus Games 2022 - OOC/Sign Up
« on: July 08, 2022, 08:53:06 PM »
I'm a little late signing up, so I seem to have missed the bid deadline.  Ah well, next year then.

Tytor's specialist disciplines are:
1. Ball and Stick Games
2. Diving
3. Racket Sports

Floodwater's specialist disciplines are:
1. Volleyball
2. Sailing
3. Football

Tytor and Floodwater shall cast one collective vote for Clysperis, due to our recognition of the vast strides the kingdom has made toward a proper recognition of human rights, and due to our interest in what they have to offer the Games.

International Organisations / Re: Annual CSC Summit
« on: July 08, 2022, 08:44:15 PM »
OOC: I despise writing arrivals because I never know what to do with them.  Prime Minister Thatcher has arrived alongside Sir Gregory Major, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a small delegation of aides.  Let's move on to the meeting itself.

Conference Hall / Re: Proposal for a new RP Rule
« on: June 19, 2022, 06:13:30 PM »
The reason I picked 6 hours instead of 24 was because I was trying to avoid making the process even more drawn out than it already is shaping up to be, but if the rest of y'all think 24 is better, I'll support that.

Conference Hall / Re: Proposal for a new RP Rule
« on: June 14, 2022, 12:24:45 AM »
I would adjust the second point as follows:

"2. Should a reply have been posted within 24 hours of the original post, then it can only be retconned with a six hour notice to allow for objection by those affected. If objection is made, then agreement between players must be reached, with RP Mod to moderate if no agreement is forthcoming. reached."

This edit is my attempt at a compromise between those who like the original clause and those who fear it could be abused.  Beyond that, I'm willing to support the measure.

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of the Prime Minister of Tytor
« on: June 04, 2022, 11:18:47 PM »
Statement to the Press from the Prime Minister's Office

4 June 2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a report on the abolition of slavery and indentured servitude in Clysperis, dated May 31, 2022.  In the report, Sir Gregory Major, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has done a wonderful job describing his and his team's experience in Clysperis in April.  I shall be going over a summary of his findings.

The team arrived in Khemnen on Thursday, March 31, and set to work the following day.  They returned to Tytor on Saturday, April 16, having conducted a thorough inspection of Clysperi industry and society.  The team received the full cooperation of the Clysperi government, and were given access not only to the entire country, but also to police records and Clysperi legal experts.

The practice of slavery has been entirely abolished.  The practice of indentured servitude having also been banned, and anyone caught engaging in it after the ban is subject to prosecution.  This is where the police records came in useful, as they showed criminal proceedings against numerous business owners.  Most convincing, however, was the arrest of a shopkeeper in Nemphis, witnessed by a member of the inspection team, on Monday, April 11.

Another important part of the claims being investigated was compensation promised by Pharaoh Akasha to freed indentured servants.  Sir Gregory himself confirmed that compensation has been successfully granted.  I quote now from the conclusion of the report, which can be found on the Foreign Ministry's website:

"It is the belief of this office that Pharaoh Akasha and the government of Clysperis have been entirely straight with the international community.  Slavery has been successfully abolished, and the last remnants of indentured servitude are being swept away.  Pharaoh Akasha has acted and spoken in good faith, and we can only conclude that Clysperis is no longer a state sponsor of slavery."

With this information comes a responsibility on my part.  On August 31, 2020, I instructed my government to enact sanctions upon the Kingdom of Clysperis, including, and I quote, "a ban on the export of military equipment from Tytor; a ban on the export of goods usable for military purposes from Tytor; a ban on the importation of goods manufactured through slave labor or indentured servitude; a ban on the importation of fossil fuels, regardless of the method of extraction; and a freeze on any and all assets in Tytor held by government officials, military leaders, and public figures advocating for the continuation and/or expansion of slavery".  In light of this report, it is my pleasure to announce that these sanctions will now be lifted.  Clysperis has made serious effort in stamping out domestic slavery, and have by and large succeeded.  It is my hope that this moment will mark the beginning of stronger relations between Tytor and Clysperis going forward.

-Madeline Thatcher, Prime Minister

Fiction / Re: For Want of a Nail
« on: May 19, 2022, 04:04:59 AM »
One False Step

Tokyo, Japan
1965 February 20
1:54 PM JST

General Kuribayashi took a deep breath to steady his nerves.  It was almost amusing, really, how much he felt like a disobedient schoolboy waiting for his father to return home.  The feeling wasn't going away, though, so he took another breath and walked into the meeting.  The Emperor hadn't yet arrived, so most of the attending officers and their staff were huddled in a few small groups in different parts of the room, chatting about fairly regular, everyday stuff.  Only Tojo himself was alone, seated in his usual place to the right of the Emperor's seat.  Kuribayashi spotted General Ushijima, evidently over his flu, engaged in an animated discussion with Admiral Mikawa; and Admiral Nagumo, off in one corner of the room, sullenly listening to something being whispered to him by an aide.

However, he did not see Admiral Yamamoto.

This surprised him somewhat, because the Chief of the Navy General Staff was usually the first or second person to arrive to these meetings, often alongside Admiral Nagumo.  But he wasn't present.  Kuribayashi thought back to the discussions the two of them had had over the past week.  He'd seen the old admiral just last night at his residence, and they'd confirmed their plans for today.  His curiosity and apprehension got the better of him, and he walked over to Admiral Nagumo's corner.  Nagumo's aide straightened at once and offered Kuribayashi a bow as he approached, which served the convenient purpose of alerting the partially paralyzed Navy Minister of his presence.

"Sir," Kuribayashi murmured, offering Nagumo a bow of his own, "I was wondering if you had heard from Admiral Yamamoto today.  He is normally here by now, is he not?"

A brief flicker of emotion crossed Nagumo's face before he responded.  "You have not heard, then?" he queried solemnly, "Admiral Yamamoto experienced a fatal heart attack early this morning.  The Prime Minister plans to issue a public statement honoring his memory after the meeting is over."

Kuribayashi felt the bottom drop out of his stomach.  Yamamoto, dead?  And on the very morning... no, he must not let his determination waver.  Yamamoto had made that very clear.  But without him, how...?

Some of what Kuribayashi was thinking must have shown on his face, because Nagumo reached out a fatherly hand and patted his arm.  "We all miss him," Nagumo said quietly, "Some of us more than others, admittedly," he went on, with a glance at the now obviously arguing Mikawa and Ushijima, "He was a national hero, and I imagine the people will mourn along with us."

Kuribayashi shook his head experimentally, trying to clear it.  This changed everything.  Or... did it?  It certainly explained the greater than usual number of staff, and Kuribayahi now spotted Admiral Ito Seiichi in the back of the room.  Was he to be Yamamoto's successor, on the very day he died?  But he didn't say any of this.  "This is sad news," he said instead, "It also comes as something of a shock to me; I spoke to him just yesterday."

"As did I," Nagumo said, nodding, "I too was surprised by the suddenness of his passing.  But there is nothing we can do to change the dictates of death."

"Too true," Kuribayashi said, nodding in his turn, and then fell silent.  A moment later, the door at the far side of the room opened, and the Emperor walked in.  Tojo stood at once, and the other senior officers moved to their positions around the table.

Kuriyabashi glanced at the Emperor's face, looking for some sign of his feelings, but his expression was impassive.  The Emperor seated himself, and all of the officers followed suit, aside from Nagumo, by virtue of his wheelchair, and Tojo, who remained standing.  And so one more weekly meeting of the General Headquarters began.  Sure enough, Ito was present as Tojo's choice to replace Yamamoto, who had been "taken from us in the very peak of his honor".  Kuribayashi wasn't quite sure what that was supposed to mean, but it certainly sounded impressive.

Of course, if his discussions with the man over the past week were any guide, it was also untrue.

Kuriyabashi waited until Tojo launched into yet another rant against Germany, then guestured surreptitiously behind his back, giving his prearranged signal.  He felt rather than heard his aide, Colonel Takeda Goro, leave his place along the wall behind him, and leave the room.  He met Nagumo's gaze just in time to catch a fleeting look of dawning comprehension, which the Hero of Midway quickly suppressed.  Kuribayashi knew that now was the time, especially if Nagumo suspected something, and stood up before his own self-doubts could stop him.

"...And that is why-" Tojo broke off suddenly, mid-sentence, and stared at Kuribayashi.  "What are you doing, General?" he demanded harshly, evidently still seething from Nagumo's interruption the previous meeting.

Confident that he had the attention of everyone in the room, Kuribayashi locked eyes with the irate Tojo.  "Mr. Prime Minister," he said, loudly and clearly, as the door Colonel Takeda had left through opened and soldiers began filing in, "Your plans, your aggression, and your constant paranoia have brought this proud country to the brink of ruin.  We spend far too much of Japan's wealth on your foreign adventures, decades after the end of the Greater East Asia War, and with little to show for it in terms of solid results."

"How dare-" Tojo began, but Kuribayashi cut smoothly across him.

"How many more Japanese youths must die in pursuit of unattainable glory for your empire-building experiment before you are satisfied?" Kuribayashi continued, "Enough is enough.  You have betrayed our nation's values, and His Majesty's trust.  You are no longer fit to lead Japan, and so it is my duty to relieve you from the responsibility of your office.  To put it plainly, this is a coup."

There was immediate uproar in the conference room.  The Emperor looked on with what seemed to be mild interest.  Tojo spluttered incoherently, and Mikawa, Ito, and Ushijima sat stock-still in shock.  The assembled aides and staff officers began shouting and struggling against the soldiers Kuribayashi had brought along to restrain them, obviously except for those loyal to himself and the late Yamamoto.  And still the Emperor watched dispassionately, which was a problem, because without Imperial assent, Kuribayashi's coup would fail the moment he left the room.

But Nagumo tore Kuribayashi's attention away from the Emperor by smiling and raising his left hand.  At his guesture, his aides and staff fell silent in evident confusion, and suddenly Kuribayashi understood.  Yamamoto must have recruited him too.  Quite abruptly, the balance of power was shifting away from Tojo.  Ito turned in his seat toward the few of his own staffers that he had brought with him and silenced them with a look.  Gradually, the din in the room ended, and all eyes turned toward the Emperor.  For his part, the Emperor locked his gaze with Kuribayashi's, and and just looked at him for what seemed like an eternity.

Then he nodded once.

And with that simple motion, the entire course of Japanese history changed.

Tojo stood silently for a moment, and then collapsed into his chair, looking for all the world like an ancient and broken man.  Mikawa and Ushijima stared at the Emperor, evidently unable to believe what had just happened.  Ito wore an expression of relief, evidently in response to his split-second decision being validated.  Nagumo grinned vindictively at Tojo.  And Kuribayashi set to work transitioning Japan finally into the post-Tojo era.  It was going to be a long day, and there would be many more even longer days ahead, but the deed was done.

Japan would see morning once more.

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