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Character Guides / Lodjains
« on: September 01, 2017, 05:54:02 PM »
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International Organisations / Re: Conradh na Náisiún
« on: September 01, 2017, 05:11:01 PM »
Agreed, we all ruled out having our secondaries.

International News Networks / Lodja Times
« on: September 01, 2017, 12:31:26 AM »


Queen Viktoriya today sent her congratulations to Princess Elena of Herrenbucht upon her nation of Herrenbucht changing its constitution to legalizes female succession. As such she now is eligible in the line of succession, however Her cousin Markus von Wateringas, who was hoping to become Crown Prince, criticised the move saying "A woman as the leader of our country and our army is not acceptable " before adding "Women aren't made for this job". The Queen wrote an open letter to Elena offering her congratulations and support.

Quote from: Open Letter

Dear Elena

Let us start by congratulating you and your people, today they have taken a great step forward in allowing women to inherit, and should a time come when you assume the leadership of your nation we hope to be able to support you however we can. Around a year ago we were plucked from being an ordinary 18 year old girl who was preparing for University, we found ourselves prepared in a short time to take on the huge responsibility of running a nation. In that time we hope that we have shown what we are capable of, first establishing the Network of Crowns, hosting the amendment conference for the Uppsala Convention and then forming the CNN, all things that have helped our nation take its fledgeling steps onto the international stage. In short we are confident that by the time you are called to serve your people you will be strong, confident and magnificent.

While you seemingly already have your critics we can tell you first hand that these are things you must take with a pinch of salt. To say women aren't made to lead is ridiculous, by looking around Mundus one can see that for yourself. A history lesson gives the warrior Queen of East Moreland, Rhiannon The Fierce who was voted the 2nd Greatest Mundusian ever, furthermore we have had more female General Secretaries of the CTO than we have men, showing that they can achieve greatness. With talk of not being able to run an army we have personally overseen reforms of our nations militaries taking it from a shabby piece of work into something our nation can be proud of, meanwhile the East Moreland military, one of the most respected on Mundus is commanded by a woman. Women are capable of great things, in our youth we recall stand offs between the Warsaw Pact and CSTO, mainly lead by Rokkenjima, that tension was defused after many attempts failed, the person who lead that was Willa Sunbrek, a woman bringing one of the biggest steps towards global peace. The times for women to be seen as inferior are gone and anybody denying that has no historical understanding of Mundus.

We would therefore like to invite you to our capital Gaia for your first official state visit. It is our hope that this will be the first of many between our nations.

May Sessifet Bless You

Queen Viktoriya Tar of Lodja, Guardian of Sessifet.

The Queen has been underfire at home recently with the first anniversary of her marriage just two months away, traditionally the Queen has conceived a child in the first year of marriage and failure to do so is seen as a bad omen for the future of her reign. This was however down played by Lord of the Conclave, Besarian Ivanov who said. "Look at Her Divine Majesties track record, it's excellent, she's created thousands of jobs, given Plebs more oppurtunities, improved our defensive capabilities and opened a world full of oppurtunities to our nation. She is doing a wonderful job and will continue to do so whether she has a child or not. I look forward to continuing our successful work."

Factbooks and Maps / The Queendom of Lodja
« on: August 31, 2017, 06:02:03 PM »

Motto:- "To love beauty is to see light"
National Anthem:- Name of Anthem


he Queendom is ruled by an elected monarch. The system has it's roots in the faith of the nation known as Sessifetism, a religion that teaches that the Goddess Sessifet resides on Mundus and takes the form of the Queen of Lodja. The Queen is elected exactly two weeks after the death of the previous one and is choosen by the combined votes of the nobility and Priesthood. The only rules for the election are that a girl must be elected who is in her 18th year of life and comes from a Patrician family. The Queen's coronation is a ceremony in which it is believed the spirit of Sessifet is reborn within the new body.

The Queen is all powerful as she rules as a Goddess however she is advised by four Priestesses and a council of four nobles, these advisor's are elected by the people every three years.

Government Type:- Theocratic Monarchy
Population:-:- 164million
Capital City:- Gaia (2million)
Demonym:- Lodjain


Currency:- The Geld
GDP per Capita:- $24,000
Unemployment Rate:- 2.7%
Main Industries:- Natural Gas, Precious Metals, Textiles, jewellrey, ores.


Ethnicity:- 90% Lodjain (RL.Russian)/ 10% Other
Languages:- Lodjain
Religions:- Nation is based on Sessifet teachings
Average Life Expectancy:- 78 years of age


Head of State:- Queen Viktoriya Tar, Guardian of Sessifet
Head of Government:- Lord Besarian Ivanov
Name of Legislative Body:- The Conclave

Convention Centre / Re: International Civil Aviation Conference
« on: August 31, 2017, 05:51:55 PM »
Expect Lodja to rock up. I'll do a proper post later.

War and Conflict / The Seige of Seitch
« on: August 31, 2017, 12:13:22 AM »

As the sun came up across the rocky highlands that fringed the desert the city of Seitch began to stir. It had been "locked down" by the Kaitaine Defence Force for the last three weeks, however the Truthsayers here had mostly grown up in the dusty city, and as they liked to tell any other Truthsayer "We are a desert creature", this intimate knowledge of the sandstone city, its narrow winding allies and the desert beyond its small retaining walls meant they were far from locked in. Every night two or three Truthsayers sneaked out to make contact with their allies in other cells or to collect water and food. On a few occasions they'd even sneaked into the KDF camps and slit a few throats, the warm blood of young conscripts turning the women's beloved Crystknife red until they wiped it on their victimes sleeves. As the warmth of the desert sun began to heat the areas used by the Truthsayers those who had been permitted to sleep rose from their slumber.

"Corporal McHarte" Joanna McNeill, commander of the Truthsayers for the whole of Kaitaine walked into the basement that had been their make shift barracks for the last week. "You're to grab your gear head over to Charlie Sector, relieve Sergeant McArthur" the young girl strecthed and grabbed her boot, she tapped them making sure no creepy crawlies awaited her before plunging a foot in. She laced them up and then headed for the door where her rifle and pack were waiting hanging on a hook. "Let me know if you see anything, word is the KDF were jumping around a bit last night."

"Yes Ma'am" Ruth McHarte disappeared through the door and walked up the stone steps as she fastened her webbings waist band, as she emerged into the street outside tiny dust tornados could already be seen. She checked the street each way, it was as expected empty and began her walk over to the roof that served as Charlie Sectors snipers nest, none of them had fired from there in days, but the roof garden on one of the blocks of homes made perfect cover, and gave some slight shade, it also gave a perfect view of the KDF a few miles beyond the walls.

"Hey, where we going" a small voice called from behind her and she turned to see 12 year old Imogen O'Lone scurrying along zipping up a tactical waistcoat far too big for her.

"I'm going to my job, you need to get back to HQ and stay out of trouble" Ruth pointed back the way they'd come. Imogen was the youngest person in Seitch since the KDF had evacuated most people weeks ago, many more had wanted to stay but Joanna had insisted they leave, Seitch didn't need many people to hold it and the Seitch Cell of the Truthsayers were the most committed and best trained, there was no point throwing them away needlessly when they could slip into Kaitaine society and bide their time. Imogen however was an orphan, and as such had been raised by a Bene Gesserit Missionara Protectiva foster mother, that hadn't stopped the girl sneaking away and staying in the city when people pulled out. Now she was, at least in her mind, a Truthsayer, she ran errands for the officers, mainly fetching and carrying water, taking people food while on guard and occasionally carrying extra ammo.

"I'm coming with you, its sooo boring at HQ" Imogen insisted and even when Ruth pushed her away she kept walking after her, it was then Ruth saw it sticking out of the vest pocket.

"Where did you get this?" Ruth took the pistol. "She checked it, the safety was off and the piece looked like it hadn't been cleaned in days, a thick layer of dust on it." The older girl shook her head, a Truthsayer, a real one that is, would have been in deep trouble with McNeill for even thinking of a gun like this one. 

"I found it in a cellar the Colonel had me look in for food supplies, I thought I might need it. Can I have it back" Ruth put the safety on, removed the magazine and then handed it back.

"Tonight I'm going to show you how to clean it, and then.....and only if the Colonel says yes, I'll give you this back" she held the magazine up before placing it in one of her pouches. "Now piss off" she pointed and this time Imogen did as she was told. Ruth smiled to herself as she carried on walking towards her post, when she reached one of the old market squares she stopped, the square gave people beyond the wall who were elevated an area of open ground, one of the few you could see outside the city. They'd heard talk of a sniper working in the KDF targetting this square, but so far no one had seen any evidence of that, but that didn't mean you got careless. Ruth glanced round the corner using her mirror and satisfied nothing major lurked she spotted her next piece of cover in the ally about fifteen meters opposite, she took a deep breath and sprinted. She'd done this many times and like everyone else nothing, today though just as she scurried into the safety of the narrow alley a "crack" rang out, she felt the whizz of the bullet as it passed close to her right arm. Now in the safety of the alley she pressed her back to the wall and took a few deep breaths. Taking her radio out she called it in before making her way into the block of appartments two streets down. From there she climbed the fifteen floors that took her to the roof garden and slid into the shade of a bush alongside Tasha McArthur, considered the units best shot. "Anything?" she asked as she took hold of the spotters scope.

"Nope, they moved some armour around a few hours ago, but I think it was just to make sure they still work or something, drove them about half a mile North, turned round came back." she shrugged as she gathered her water bottle and gear together. "Heard the sniper crack" she kept her focus on her gear as she spoke. "I reckon he'll be there somewhere" there was a rocky outcrop about a mile and a half beyond the wall, it gave shade and a perfect elevation for the square. "Keep your eyes peeled. However check with the Colonel before taking a shot ok?"

"Yes Sergeant" Ruth was now settling in behind the scope and scanning the desert, here and there small rocks were visible sticking clear of the sand, she checked each on, there on them were little marks indicating in Bene Gesserit glyphs a distance, they'd been there months in preparation for this. Ruth familiarised herself once more with their spots and settled in for her shift.

"I'm going back the longer way, don't fancy getting shot" Tasha carefully stepped over Ruth and headed out the garden. "There's some boiled sweets in the tin next to the radio. Help yourself, Imogen found them yesterday." The tiny wannabe Truthsayer idolised Tasha, she wanted to be a sniper like her and so any choice finds in the houses were brought to the Sergeant, who always did her best to share.

"Thanks" Tasha kept her eyes on the desert before her as she heard Tasha make her way into the block and down the steps. It would be a six hour shift until she was relieved, she may get some company in that time but for the most part it would be her, the rifle, binoculars and coming up with silly nicknames for the KDF troops she was monitoring. "Come on Patch, where are you today" she said to herself scanning the troops for the aging Corporal with three bizarre bald patches in his otherwise jet black hair.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:54:48 PM »
Louise Harkonnen (Frederiksson)
RolesDuchess of Harkonnen
Duchess of Geidi
Missionaria Protectiva
Year of Birth1960, Ui Cenneslaig
Positions Held   Missionaria Protectiva 1978
Duke of Harkonnen 1983- present
Duke of Geidi 1983-present
Education   Chapterhouse Lifeboat UC - Missionaria Protectiva Graduate
FamilyHusband- Duke Richard Harkonnen
Children:- (With Louise) Bryce, Jonathon, Matias
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyEntered the Missionara Protectiva for six weeks before being married to Duke Richard. She has dedicated herself to establishing underground libraries in several nations for Bene Gesserit books, what she refers to as the BG Chronicles.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:51:47 PM »
Richard Harkonnen
RolesDuke of Harkonnen
Duke of Geidi
Year of Birth1953, Cantabria
Positions Held   Officer in Cantabrian Military 1975-1983
Duke of Harkonnen 1983- present
Duke of Geidi 1983-present
EducationHigh Schooled in Cantabria
FamilyParents - Duke Stephen Harkonnen & Duchess Eloise Harkonnen
Wife:- Louise Harkonnen
Concubine:- Charlotte Muller
Children:- (With Louise) Bryce, Jonathon, Matias
Children:- (With Charlotte) - Marcus Harkonnen-Matres
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
Biography   Former Army officer who believed that one day he would be destined to lead an offensive back to Kaitaine. This however never materialised and he realised the folly of the idea, as such he has pushed his family towards the idea of re-establishing the Bene Gesserit network in public across the world. This however has recieved no support.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:25:43 PM »
Karin Atreides (Ikin)
RolesMissionra Protectiva
Year of Birth1985, Cantabria
Positions Held   Missionra Protectiva 2003-present
Education   Chapterhouse Lifeboat Cantabria Graduate- Missionra Protectiva
FamilyFather:- Lev Ikin, business advisor to the Fremen
Husband:- Jamie Atreides
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
Biography   Educated in Cantabria she turned down several marriages in order to serve the sisterhood. She was however eventually persuaded to marry Jamie Atreides despite the large age gap by Bene Gesserit standards. Still maintains her links to the Sisterhood by working as a proof reader for the Achkaerin Lifeboat.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:22:29 PM »
Abigail Atreides (Bello)
RolesMother Graduate
Year of Birth1993, Achkaerin
Positions Held   NONE
EducationChapterhouse Lifeboat Achkaerin Graduate as a Mother
Achkaerin Higher Level Exams in History(B) Theology (C) Literature (C)
Family   Father an executed Kaitaine Rebel
Married to Verspasian Atreides
Children:- Bastien Atreides
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
Biography   Studied at Lifeboat in Achkerin and was a gifted student who was on the Mother stream before being put forward as a wife for Verspesian. She today handles much of the Atreides family religious life and acts as a tutor to Caterina when she is home from Lifeboat Achkaerin

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:17:45 PM »
Yann Bryant
RolesFuture Lord Bryant
Year of Birth1983, Achkaerin
Positions Held2005-present Investment Banker
EducationAchkaerin Higher Level Exams in Economics(B) Business Studies (C) History (C)
BBA in Accounting
FamilyParents:- Lord and Lady Bryant
Wife:- Sarah Atreides
Children:- Catarina
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyThe son of an exiled Kiatainite Noble he bucked the families tradition of artistic pursuits. While not being the most academic of business men he has helped increase both the Bryant and Atreides family wealth through careful investments. He was recommended for a marriage to a member of Chapterhouse however the head of the Achkaerin Lifeboat suggested he marry Sarah Atreides.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:15:08 PM »
Jamie Atreides
Year of Birth1991, Achkaerin
Positions Held   Sports Academy Coach 2013-present
EducationAchkaerin Higher Level Exams in Biology(C) Sports Studies (C) Psychology (C)
Family   Parents: Oswald and Lena Atriedes
Siblings:- Sarah and Verspasian
Wife:- Karin Ikin
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyA keen sportsman who was an accomplished 1500m runner until a knee injury from a car accident put an end to his Mundus Games hopes. Instead he pushed himself to become a coach and now works at a sports academy as a coach. He is a very focused man who is a practioner of Prana Bindu, something not many male followers of the Bene Gesserit faith take up.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:13:14 PM »
   Verspasian Atreides
Roles   NONE
Year of Birth1989, Achkaerin
Positions Held   CEO Atreides House of Design 2013- present
EducationAchkaerin Higher Level Exams in Art (A) Computer Design (A) Maths (C)
BEng(Hons) in Archetecture
FamilyParents: Oswald and Lena Atriedes
Siblings:- Sarah and Jamie
Wife:-Abigail Bello
Children:- Bastein Atreides
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyRathar charismatic he is obsessed with art and buildings he has combined this with an interest in history to establish a company undertaking commissions to restore and preserve buildings and furniture. He married Abigail Bello upon the insistance of the Sisterhood and is totally smitten with her and his child Bastian.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:11:29 PM »
Sarah Bryant (Atreides)
Roles   NONE
Year of Birth   1986, Achkaerin
Positions Held2010-present Secondary School Maths Teacher
EducationAchkaerin Higher Level Exams in Maths (A*) Statistics (A) Physics (A)
BSc(Hons) from a Achkaerin University in Mathematics
MSc from a Achakerin University in Mathematics
Qualified Teacher
FamilyParents:- Oswald and Lena Atreides
Siblings:- Verspasian and Jamie
Husband:- Yann Bryant
Children:- Catarina
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyFather turned down a chance to send her to Chapterhouse Lifeboat in Achkaerin in favour of a local private school. She was a bookworm at school and had a flair for maths. Had an arranged marriage to Yann Bryant despite her father letting her make up her own mind. Teaches Maths at a local Secondary School in Achkaerin

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:09:31 PM »
Lena Atreides (Smolsk)
Roles   Duchess of Atreides
Duchess of Arakeen
Missionara Protectiva
Year of Birth1965, Ui Cennesliag
Positions Held1986-now Duchess of Atreides
1986-now Duchess of Arakeen
EducationMissionara Protectiva Graduate
UC A-Levels in History (A) Biology (A) Maths (A)
BA(Hons) from University in Achkaerin in History
Family   Husband - Oswald
Children: - Sarah, Verspasian, Jamie,
Links to Important events?NONE
Biography   The daughter of an academic she was destined to follow in his footsteps having been streamed into the Missionra Protectiva at Chapterhouse in UC. She was surprisingly picked out to marry Oswald upon graduation. While still being somewhat of a bookworm she now dedicates herself to being the matriach of the family

« Last Edit: Today at 09:37:51 PM by DaveIronside

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:06:56 PM »
Oswald Atreides (McNamara)
RolesDuke of Atreides
Duke of Arakeen
Year of Birth1963, Achkaerin
Positions Held1986-present Duke of Atreides
1986- present Duke of Arakeen
Education   Achkaerin Higher Level Exams in History (A) Economics (A) Psychology (B)
BA(Hons) in Law
Family   Wife:- Lena
Children: - Sarah, Verspasian, Jamie,
Links to Important events?NONE
BiographyA man who invested the families wealth into property that has escalated the families wealth even further. He is a big advocate of education and see's it as a way of improving the fortunes of the Bene Gesserit faith. Has tried to get the family to keep a low profile but realises his children may never see Kaitaine so must be permitted to build a life for themselves in the world they grew up in.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:52:37 PM »
Niveden Spart
RolesHonored Matres Graduate
Year of Birth1995, Ui Cennesliag
Positions Held2013-present Concubine to Niklaus Corrino
Education2000-2013 - Chapterhouse Lifeboat UC - Honored Matres
UC A-Levels in Gaelic (A) History (C) Theology (C)
Family   Concubine to Niklaus Corrino
Children:- Tille Matres
Links to Important events?NONE
BiographyGrew up in Chapterhouse Lifeboat UC with a girly crush on Niklaus Corrino. Managed to manipulate her way to being considered for a concubine to him and when introduced set about charming her way into his family. She is still madly in love with him and is sure that she can be the mother or the start of the Bloodline that will bring the Kwizach Hadarach

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:46:40 PM »
   Agatha Corrino (Loewe)
RolesDuchess of Corrino
Duchess of Seitch
Mother Graduate
Year of Birth1984, Aosta
Positions Held   Duchess of Corrino 2002-now
Duchess of Seitch 2002-now
Education   Chapterhouse Lifeboat Aosta Graduate (Mother)
Family   Husband:- Duke Niklaus Corrino
Children:-Adam, Tristen, Emmeline
Links to Important events?   NONE
BiographyA Distant cousin of the Fremen family she joined Chapterhouse Lifeboat in Heyra at the age of 14. Through the various streaming tests she was one of the higher graded students and was even being considered for a future leader of the Bene Gesserit Mothers. It was determined however she would be better used marrying Niklaus Corrino. She is a dedicated mother and while she accepts the families arrangements she often gets jealous.

Character Guides / Re: Kaitaine/BG Folk
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:44:16 PM »
Nathanial Corrino
Year of Birth1986, Claith, Ui Cenneslaig
Positions HeldMilitary Officer 2008-now
East Moreland Military
EducationUC A-Levels in Maths (B) Technology (B) Physics (C)
BSc(Hons) from Keepton University in Mechanical Engineering
FamilyBrother:- Niklaus Corrino
Wife: -Penelope Fava
Links to Important events?Little Death - Investigating attempted nuclear waste theft
BiographyA religious zealot who has devoted his life to leading a military conquest of his ancestoral homeland. He is a dedicated little brother committed to doing whatever is neccessary for the Corrino name. His morals are rather questionable if it may help the Bene Gesserit cause.

Factbooks and Maps / Re: The Bene Gesserit Factbook
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:18:21 PM »

The faith's trained Sister's are split into four branches, each has their own unique role and duties, additionally they have different uniforms. The Sister's within each branch have the same basic theological, mental and physical training but each area specialises, for example the Missionara Protectiva are the intellectual elite, while the Mother's are theological experts. Hierachy wise there is not formal structure, however the Mother's are clearly the leaders of the Sisterhood. Each Lifeboat school has a "Head Teacher" who is infact a Mother of high esteem.


The Priesthood is referred to as Mothers. They usually enter Chapterhouse before the age of six and spend their lives until the age of 18 studying and in prayer. They are taught linguistics, History, Theology, Literature, Maths, Biology and focus on learning the teachings of previous Reverend Mothers

At the age of 18 each Mother drinks the "Water of Life" a mix of plant extracts that send the drinker into a hallucinogenic trance. They are observed during this trance and those deemed to be in the favor of the Gods are passed onto further study under the tutorship of a fully fledged Mother. Anyone deemed truly exceptional is tutored by the Reverend Mother and known as a Reverend Sister. Those failing the right of passage are either offered a position in the Missionaria Protectiva or Honored Matres, any unwilling to enter those trades leave the Sisterhood but may still be considered a graduate of Chapterhouse, something highly respected amongst the Bene Gesserit.

Most Mothers once qualified shave their head and dependent on their place of worship and own culture they wear an ornate head-dress. They often wear black and gold dresses, however the Reverend Mother is the exception, she wears green and grows her hair long.


These ladies enter Chapterhouse between the ages of 4-8, they act as a combination of a civil service and research arm of the Sisterhood. They are considered highly intelligent and have studied a wide range of subjects but a focus on Theology, History, Biology and Literature are key. They research the major houses, all noble's prior to marriage as well as carrying out archealogical and preservation works on artefacts.

At the age of 18 all potential Missionra Protectiva sit an extensive exam which they must pass, those failing are often offered positions within the Honored Matres or leave the order. Occasionally they are permitted to resit at the will of the Reverend Mother. The group also provide the majority of the teaching staff at Chapterhouse.

They wear a dark blue military style uniform while inside Chapterhouse or travelling on official business, often it is enough to get them access to the most sensitive of materials.


The Paramilitary Wing of the Order they are highly trained soldiers, many would consider them commando's. Most enter Chapterhouse aged between 4-10. While at Chapterhouse they learn Theology, Maths, Geography, History, Science and Physical Education. From the age of eight they begin learning military subjects such as first aid, unarmed combat and map reading this progresses until by the age of 16 they would be considered competent soldiers. Like the military they wear uniform and have a rank structure. Anyone not deemed to have reached a sufficient standard of fitness or competency is offered a position in the Honored Matres or leaves the Sisterhood.

They serve as guards for Chapterhouse and other religious sites as well as provide security for the Reverend Mother.

There is a Top Secret element of the Truthsayers called the Swordmasters who receive extra training and serve as spies and assassins for the Sisterhood. They number less than 50 and not even they know who is a member.


The Honored Matres are usually admitted to Chapterhouse at later ages than the other branches, the oldest usually being around 10 years of age. Often they are "gifted" to the Sisterhood by poorer families who know this presents an opportunity to exit poverty.

These girls are educated in Maths, Biology, Theology, Physical Education, Music and Art. They also receive training in child care and "domestic sciences". They are essentially conditioned to accept their roles as concubines to noble men. At the age of 18 they are often "gifted" to a noble whom the Reverned Mother believes is a good genetic match for them. Those being unpaired may be matched later or serve as pastoral carers for younger girls at Chapterhouse. They also receive advice on keeping their assigned nobleman happy both physically and mentally and are said to be exceptional lovers.

They wear a red trousered uniform with long shirt however upon being gifted they tend to only wear uniform on official occasions.

Their children take the surname Matres and are considered to be worthy of honour. Male children often are brought up within the noble family and join the military, female children are sent to Chapterhouse at the age of four.

Factbooks and Maps / The Bene Gesserit Factbook
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:57:53 PM »

The Bene Gesserit (sometimes called the Sisterhood) faith is based on a belief that the Gods created certain humans with some attributes of the Gods. It also believes that one day it will be necessary for a supreme being to be born which will be a man that has all the power of the Gods. This man is referred to as the Kwisatz Haderach. This man shall lead the whole of humanity against a threat that would wipe out all life in the world, once successful he would reveal a new set of laws to humanity to lead them into a paradise upon Earth and ensure each person a place in the afterlife.

The Bene Gesserit faith believes that four families have been granted special insight into the Gods powers, these families are known as the Four Holy Houses and are the Atreides, Harkonnen, Corrino and Fremen families. The Bene Gesserit faith seeks to help these families realise their potential and bring about the creation of the Kwisatz Haderach. To do this the Bene Gesserit leadership has controlled the bloodlines of these families through inter-marriage in an attempt to breed a more godlike individual. They have also used the fact that all marriages in Kaitaine must be approved by the Sisterhood to ensure that any individual outside the four families who is believed to be favoured by the Gods is matched as perfectly as possible.

The Sisterhood is a lifelong commitment and people may join at any point, however many lower class families push daughters towards the Sisterhood as a way of increasing the families prestige as it opens many oppurtunities.


The faith is governed by the Reverend Mother, the faithful believe she is embodied with the power to identify traits given to people by the Gods. She is also the nations figurehead, and while having no political power she is highly influential. The Reverend Mother also is the person to appoint people to the various elements of the faith and approve marriages for the four families believed to be blessed by the Gods. She is based at Chapterhouse which is the central administration centre of the faith.

Girls are recruited into the Sisterhood from the age of four onwards and are educated at Chapterhouse in the mysterious, history and rituals of the faith. A person may join later but would then be expected to never be able to join certain aspects of the Sisterhood. The Sisterhood actively seeks girls to join who are believed in some way to be blessed by the Gods. The Sisterhood has four main bodies.


The Mothers are the Priestesses, their role is to preach, teach and educate people about the faith. They also carry out rituals and lead congregations in prayers as well as organising festivals. The Mothers are educated for sixteen years and then become an Apprentice under an established Mother. Mother's can marry and have children but only with permission of the Reverend Mother, usually this is granted unless it is believed the candidate has the potential to one day be the Reverend Mother.


These are a form of research body, they keep detailed family histories of important families beyond the Four Holy Houses as well as exploring the background of candidates for the Sisterhood. They also publish the faiths religious texts, journals and carry out much of the religious teaching at Chapterhouse. They are usually educated themselves at Chapterhouse for at least twelve years and are often consulted extensively before arranged marriages.


These are members of the Sisterhood who have been viewed as being exceptionally blessed by the Gods. They are women who are expected to give birth to and raise the next generation of the Sisterhood. They act as concubines to The Four Holy Houses and have historically sometimes become wives in these families. More often they are granted as Concubines in order to breed exceptionally gifted Priestesses. The Reverened Mother arranges relationships between Honored Matres and the Four Holy Families when she believes a son is exceptionally blessed. They also act as pastoral carers to those girls being trained at Chapterhouse.


This is the military order of the Sisterhood, while not traditional combat soldiers they serve as bodyguards to the Sisterhood, ensure the safety of Chapterhouse and actively defend the organisation from threats. In recent times this has seen them become active in cyber warfare as a way of protecting the Sisterhood's management systems. In the past they have fought alongside the nations military should the nation be threatened and rumours of a mysterious organisation within the Truthsayers known as the Swordsmasters who are rumoured to be spies and commandos.
 1. Not 100% sticking to the Frank Herbert Dune version

Diplomacy and Events / Everyone Has a Price
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:44:59 PM »
Spoiler: STORY SO FAR • show

The Zimalian nation gives many oppurtunities to hide all manner of vices. A wealthy Celt known simply as Cairan has taken advanatge of this by buying himself first a tiny island, then a hareem of women known as his nymphs. Finoula, a recently graduated Truthsayer became a victim when, along with her mother, she was kidnapped by people smugglers. Her mother was shot in front of her when she failed to be purchased and then Cairan bid highly on her. During the auction their was some kind of assassination but this went largely unnoticed. An Achkaerin investigation team also has interest in the auction.

Ciaran returned to his island with his new Nymph for a luxurious dinner party featuring a variety of bad eggs from across Mundus. The motive for this dinner was not just to show off his hareem and indulge his fascination for fine dining, but also to set up a network smuggling the untraceable "Black Cociane" a version of the drug practically undetaable. With Whilhemena, a member of the Neu Urbasis royal family seeking to releive herself of a dead body and make a point, Rashid Elwes, the son of Zimalian President agrees to help stage it so the Afolayans take the blame, meanwhile the pair agree to become part of the drug network taking a sizeable profit in doing so. They are further joined by Albanus Ares, an Agira Latinta "Import/Exporter" who seemingly knows that Fionoula is more than she seems.

OOC- Assume the dinner is over, either get off the island or stay the evening and get up to mischief etc. If no one posts by Saturday I'll assume you've all left and carry on.

Diplomacy and Events / Little Death
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:33:29 PM »
Spoiler: STORY SO FAR • show

Having discovered a list of the paramilitary Truthsayers the ruthless members of the Kaitaine Guard Burureu (Kaitaine's intelligence agency and secret police) committed several assassinations across Mundus in an attempt to harm the Truthsayer network. As part of this several of the Sisterhood were exposed to various problems leading to one young girl to kill herself, which was being investigated by Achkaerin police. More recently it seemed a rouge member of the Truthsayers elite arm, the Swordmasters, attempted to steal nuclear waste from East Moreland seemingly to help the Bene Gesserit make some kind of dirty bomb. This was further deemed to be the case when Kaitaine revealed a member of its nuclear weapons programme had been discovered to be a member of the Bene Gesserit and therefore executed.

Additionally the leadership of the Sisterhood is concerned about a rouge eliment and has sent Nathanial Corrino and Sarah McPherson to Agira Latina to meet an arms dealer, Albanus Ares, who regularly supplies the group. It's hoped he may be able to shed  light on the rouge Swordmaster element.

OOC - Continuing this in the next few days, still not too late to join in just chat with me on Discord or somehing

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