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Press Offices / Reminder On Economic Investment Policies
« on: July 19, 2022, 03:58:28 PM »
Date:- 19th of July, 2022
Topic:- Reminder On Economic Investment Policies
Ruling King:- Stefan Basil IV


Following recent developments, I have deemed it prudent to remind the international economics community of one of the clauses of the Act of Six Articles (2001), the act that outlined the six clauses that a foreign company must meet in order to be allowed to invest in the economy of Niš freely.

The relevant clause is abridged as follows:

     The company in question must not be property of a foreign state.

A company may ignore this clause with Royal assent.

To the N.O.C.,

After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that your inclusion in the Nemanjić/Vladmir the Great Bridge project would only bring progress towards the project, as well as greater profit and quality for all involved.

I am prepared to make an offer of such:

The N.O.C. shall fund twelve percent of Niš' half, and in return receive twelve percent of the Niš' shares of the Nemanjić/Vladmir the Great Bridge Company, contributing six percent of the total funding. This number works out to 1.2 Billion USD provided to the estimated construction fund, out of the 20 Billion USD total cost.

If these terms are applicable to the company, a formal contract can be signed and agreed to when next convinient. If not, I am open to the numbers of the deal being adjusted.

Yours Faithfully,
King Basil Nemanjić of Niš

Press Offices / Comments By The Kingdom Of Clysperis
« on: July 17, 2022, 10:24:28 AM »
Date:- 10th of July, 2022
Topic:- Comments By The Kingdom Of Clysperis
Ruling King:- Stefan Basil IV


Recently, as many will know, the bid for the Mundus games was decided, with the Unitary State of Mktvartvelo taking home the games. You will also likely know that the Kingdom of Nis backed the losers' bid, Clysperis', alongside our friends the Holy Kingdom of Samanta. However, despite the backing of two strongly Christian nations, and the losing of the bid being by a slim margin, the Pharaoh of Clysperis saw fight to issue a rambling statement about a perceived anti-Clysperi bloc, where the apparent reason they didn't win was because various nations took part making false accusations about the state of Clysperis.
However, the Pharaoh then went on to state that "perhaps after another thousand years or so, that the Abrahamic faiths will finally be where we are". This statement, calling the faiths of Abraham backwards compared to her own heathenous pagan faith is a blatant insult to billions, as well as a direct slap in the face to those Christian nations who supported her nation's bid. This was alongside a running speal on why the nation of Rayyu was apparently terrible.
It is little wonder then, using this as an example, why the Kingdom of Clysperis has isolated itself diplomatically in its homeregion. Despite the Pharaoh's interesting political maneuvers which were seemingly intended to give Clysperis more international clout at the expense of her regional clout, in which she went against her (at the time) allies and neighbours wishes, she hypocritically blames Clysperis' regional isolation due to the ego of the rulers around her and their 'backwards' values.
I join the international community in demanding that Clysperis withdraws its statements attacking the faith of Rayyu and all of the Children of Abraham.


Press Offices / Creation of the СкH (Nišlija Cyber Command)
« on: July 16, 2022, 09:07:29 PM »
Date:- 16th of July, 2022
Topic:- Creation of the СкH (Nišlija Cyber Command)
Ruling King:- Stefan Basil IV


Following recent developments in this age of technology and its use in war, it has become evidently more clear that the use of Cyber Warfare will become an important part of warfare in the future. As such, in order to become properly prepared in case of the event of war with a foreign power, the УосH will be expanded to include the СкH, a newly created branch of the military which will specialise in Cyberwarfare. The current level of funding, or positions created are currently classified, however will be revealed over the coming weeks as the branch is established.
Foreign powers should not see this act as gearing up for an offensive war, rather they should see it as the military of Niš modernising for this new age. The СкH will not engage in Cyberwarfare against nations the Kingdom is at peace with. Like all branches of the military, we hope we will not see it used against our enemies in our lifetimes, however if they must be used they will be used with deadly efficiency and might. After all, as the old saying goes: it is better to be safe than sorry.

Краљ пристаје на Смарагдни споразум са Светим Краљевством
Краљ је недавно у Белом двору угостио делегацију из Самантре, укључујући председника Самантранске Думе.

Састанак је проглашен за "невероватан успех" и укључивао је неколико нових политика за повезивање нација наше нације и Самантре у пријатељству.

Прва таква политика била је одлука да се изгради мост, познат као Мост Немањића/Владмира Великог, преко Смарагдног мореуза, што је огроман и скуп подухват за који се очекивало да ће требати скоро деценију да се заврши.
Друго, најављен је низ економских реформи осмишљених да олакшају трговину између наше две нације, укључујући смањење царина. Поред тога, Краљевско домаћинство је најавило да ће КЖН проћи спајање са Самантрином железничком компанијом како би се формирала железничка компанија Нисам, како би се олакшао и подстакао раст железнице у обе земље.
Треће, нови програм културне размене студената је најављен и представљен на десетинама универзитета, омогућавајући студентима да пређу на универзитете Самантран на годину или две како би искусили културу наших јужних суседа, и обрнуто.
Поред тога, краљ је најавио да ће се нација придружити Институту за десовиетизацију земаља Родинског мора (ИДРСЦ) како би се наставила будућност у којој се наша деца не морају плашити комунизма, уз најаву заједничких патрола Смарагдног мореуза.

Краљ је рекао да се нада да ће видети светло пријатељство између наша два народа које ће трајати генерацијама.

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing and Google Translate
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King agrees to the Emerald Concord with the Holy Kingdom
The King recently hosted a delegation from Samantra, including the President of the Samantran Duma, in the White Palace.
The meeting was declared as a "resounding success" and included several new policies to tie the nations our nation and the Samantra's closer together in friendship.

The first of such policies was the decision to construct a bridge, to be known as the Nemanjić/Vladmir the Great Bridge, across the Emerald Strait, a huge and expensive undertaking expected to take almost a decade to finish.
Secondly, a sweep of economic reforms designed to facilitate trade between our two nations have been announced, including the lowering of tariffs. In addition, the Royal Household announced that the KŽN would undergo a merger with Samantra's railcompany to form the Nissam Railway Company, in order to facilitate and incentivise growth in the railways in both nations.
Thirdly, the new Cultural Student Exchange program was announced and unveiled in dozens of Universities, allowing university students to transfer to Samantran Universities for a year or two in order to experience the culture of our southern neighbours, and vice versa.
In addition, the King announced that the nation would join the Institute for the Desovietization of the Rodinian Sea Countries (the IDRSC) in order to pursue a future where our children need not fear Communism, alongside announcing joint patrols of the Emerald Strait.

The King has said he hopes to see a bright friendship between our two nations that will last for generations.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Emerald Brotherhood (Nis and Samantra)
« on: July 13, 2022, 08:33:09 PM »
Basil nodded and sat up. He was satisified with the meeting's results, and lead the group out, where they dined, and then spent the rest of the evening watching a production of Hamlet in the National Theatre in the Grand City.

With the diplomatic visit over, the Samantran delegation flew back home.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Emerald Brotherhood (Nis and Samantra)
« on: July 12, 2022, 11:49:52 PM »
Basil nodded along to his guest's OPEN comments, however made a mental note to chase the issue up with his Barons, who might present a different opinion.

He was startled at Stas' sudden intervention. He had assumed that it would be obvious that Samantran companies would receive the same rights to foreign investment, but quickly realised he most likely knew this, but wanted to understand the specifics.

"Of course," he said, "Samantran companies are just as welcome as any others, maybe more so. All private companies have the right to invest in the industries of Nis, however the company must be independent, not in the sense that it cannot be owned by another private company, just that it must not be state owned, controlled or directed. Companies such as Abstergo for example are out, unless otherwise explicitly invited in."

He found the prospect of a Rus League intriguing, and nodded along.

"This Rus League is an interesting prospect. You can expect to see me there at this summit."

Now he turned to the matter of Centralia, coughing awkwardly.

"It's funny you should mention the Providential Republic, Nis has too been backing them throughout, with the Black Hand providing limited funding, arms and medical supplies, with the eventual goal of stabilising their position in the region, though not necessarily winning dominance over all of Centralia. I agree with your conclusions on the Federal Republic, a state in the sphere of CSTO is something that should be avoided if we have the power to do so, and the communists I believe are self explanatory. I propose that the Black Hand and the OPCS cooperate to better influence the situation; if this is agreeable to you I can put its head, Blagojević, in touch with the OPCS's."

He looked down at his notepad, and realised that they'd almost run to the end of the agenda.

"There is something else I wish to discuss. Our mutual neighbour, Chistopol is pagan, a situation that I find disagreeable. However, I intend to initiate talks with said neighbour in the near future, talks that would hopefully include the prospect of allowing missionaries safe and easy access to spread the faith, provided that we can work out such an agreement. In the event that such an agreement is established, I would be honoured if the Holy Kingdom joined with Nis to attempt to proselytise the people of Chistopol."

Allowing the Samantran delegation to respond, he asked if there was anything else they wished to discuss.

Индекс демократије лажан, каже Кинг
Са недавним објављивањем Индекса демократије Универзитета Ренмин, резултати су исмевани и исмевани од стране Краљевског дома и других чланова владе.

Истраживање, чији је наведени циљ да „измери стање демократије широм Мундуса”, објавило је данас своје резултате, при чему је сваку нацију рангирао независни „стручњак”. Међутим, како су многи приметили, Индеково питање је изазвало доста обрва, при чему су одређена питања постављена на начин да се неким „демократским“ државама да простор за померање.

Међутим, чак и са овим, резултати Индекса шокирали су и најзахтјевнијег следбеника демократије. Није изненађујуће што се Ниш нашао при дну листе, са непостојећим нашим демократским трендом, захваљујући жељној подршци нације Блаженом монарху Господњем у Белом двору. Међутим, треба имати на уму да одређене нације гледају на демократију као на највећи облик владавине и теже да се као такве представе свету.

Најпознатији и најироничнији пример такве нације је Роккењима, нација која је преузела улогу заштитника и бастиона демократије, иако ни на који начин није демократска. Роккењимана влада је скоро потпуно аутократска, са царском дијетом коју царица може игнорисати, затворити, одложити и распустити кад год пожели. Осим тога, за царицу се каже да је "света и неприкосновена", што значи да не постоји чак ни призната виша сила којој она служи, била она паганска или другачија. Поједностављено, царица Роккењима влада потпуном контролом, а свака „демократска“ функција се користи као жртвено јарац за царску породицу.

Ипак, упркос томе, Роккењима као 5. најдемократскијом светском силом, и назива се „пуном демократијом“ иако уопште није демократска. Ово, заједно са стављањем многих република испод монархија, довело је до тога да неколико чланова владе индекс назове „лажним“, „потпуно смешним“ и „лажним“. Један члан владе, који ће остати анониман, у шали је изјавио да: „неколико такозваних стручњака мора да је било слепо пијано када су завршили анкету“.

Ипак, упркос томе, Роккењима као 5. најдемократскијом светском силом, и назива се „пуном демократијом“ иако уопште није демократска. Ово, заједно са стављањем многих република испод монархија, довело је до тога да неколико чланова владе индекс назове „лажним“, „потпуно смешним“ и „лажним“. Један члан владе, који ће остати анониман, у шали је изјавио да: „неколико такозваних стручњака мора да је било слепо пијано када су завршили анкету“.

Чак се подигла обрва у сопственој нацији, када је Хаизхоу Евенинг Стар објавио уреднички уводник у којем критикује Индекс.

Упркос томе, међутим, Политика препознаје напоран рад који је Универзитет уложио у организовање и припрему Индекса, ма колико он био мањкав. Разумемо да фини детаљи анкете често могу да измакну, што доведе до смешних резултата и фантастичних цифара, и надамо се да ће универзитет покушати да уради бољу анкету у будућности.

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing Translate
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Democracy Index Bogus, says King
With the recent release of Renmin University's Democracy Index, the results have been scoffed and mocked by the Royal Household and other members of government.
The survey, whose stated goal is to "measure the state of Democracy across Mundus", released its results today, with each nation being ranked by an indepdendent "expert". However, as many have noted, the Index's question raised alot of eyebrows, with certain questions being put in such a way to give some "democratic" states some wiggle room.

However, even with this, the results of the Index have shocked even the most avid democracy follower. Not surprisingly, Niš came near the bottom of the list, with our democratic trend being non-existant, due to the nation's eager support of the Lord's Blessed Monarch in the White Palace. However, it should be remembered that certain nations view democracy as the greatest form of government, and aspire to present themselves as such to the world.

The most well known and ironic example of such a nation is Rokkenjima, a nation that has claimed the role of protector and the bastion of democracy, despite being in no way democratic. Rokkenjima's government is almost entirely autocratic, with an Imperial Diet who can be ignored, closed, prorogued and dissolved by the Empress anytime she wishes. In addition, the Empress is said to be "sacred and inviolable", meaning that there is not even a recognised higher power that she pays service to, be it pagan or otherwise. Put simply, the Empress of Rokkenjima rules with total control, any "democratic" function being used as a scapegoat for the Imperial family.

Yet despite this, Rokkenjima as the 5th most democratic world power, and being called a "full democracy" despite not being democratic at all. This, alongside the placement of many Republics below monarchies has led to several members of government calling the index "Bogus", "utterly ridiculous" and "a sham". One member of government, who shall remain ananymous, jokingly stated that: "several of the so called experts must have been blind drunk when they completed the survey."

It even rose eyebrows in its own nation, with the Haizhou Evening Star releasing an editorial critiquing the Index.

Despite this, however, Politika recognises the hard work the University put into oraganising and preparing the Index, flawed as it may be. We understand that the fine details of a survey may often slip up, leading to ridiculous results and fantastic figures, and hope that the university will attempt a better survey in the future.

Basil nodded and turned to the palace doors, subtly gesturing down the corridor. He was mildly annoyed at the skipping straight into the business; he himself had not yet eaten and was looking forwards to lunch. But he didn't let his annoyance show on his face or in his body expression. He respected his older counterpart's drive on work.

"Of course, straight to business we shall go," he lead the way into the palace. He lead the entourage to the palace's study, where the diplomacy of the nation oft took place. The room was lined with bookshelves, and a desk stood in a corner. A table, large and oval shaped, stood in the centre, chairs for a dozen people drawn up. A tablet was placed in the centre, along with a pad of paper and a mug filled with pens. A jug full of water stood in the centre, ice and lemons floating on the surface. One wall was panelled, a painting of the battle of Kosvow hanging above a lit fire place. Opposite, a window opened out into a garden, a cherry blossom tree, imported from Daito in the 1980s, sitting happily in prime view. (OOC note, this description has been taken from the Nis-Samantra thread, since I couldn't top my own description of the room, hope you don't mind :) )

Basil picked up a notebook, and took a seat at the head of the table, beckoning his guests to follow suite.

"So," he said, "today, in this meeting, I'd like to discuss a few things. The first and most important is the situation with Skalvia. I understand that in the recent war you were victorious, however I would like to understand how things stand between the two of you in the modern day."

Sporting Hub / Re: Mundus Games 2022 - OOC/Sign Up
« on: July 08, 2022, 11:06:23 PM »
The Kingdom of Nis votes for Clysperis

Specialising in rugby, football and shooting

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Emerald Brotherhood (Nis and Samantra)
« on: July 08, 2022, 12:25:50 AM »
Basil nodded along.

"I see," he said, "in that case I see no reason for Nis not to take part."

He quickly jotted down another note, to remind his secretary to send a message asking for the various museum's to talk to one of his barons, maybe Vanja, or Tilen. Both lead cities with large and popular museums in them, so they'd probably do well.

"As for oil," said Basil, "the 350 million barrels we have is currently mostly inaccassible for us. We have several companies who operate and extract oil for a profit, selling it to energy producers and manufacturers, but over the oil stays in the ground. Its a situation that hasn't troubled us too much; the nation gets enough oil to run from sources both at home and abroad. The companies make their money, and overall its a happy relationship. Whislt we don't export to other nations, some of the companies are subsidaries of foreign companies, from places like Heyra. I am by no means an expert on the oil trade by any stretch of the definition so I am curious on what benefits, if any, there are to joining OPEN for Nis?"

He listened to the Samanran's assessment of the region's geopolitics and found himself nodding along.

"I'd agree with your assessment of our region's potential options," he made air quotes, "'our 'friend' in the north is alien to us, both in culture and values, and Rokkenjima remains as belligerent as it always has been, both militarily and culturally. As for CNN and SUN, I have no desire for Nis to join them, SUN's name is an oxymoron by and of itself. I do however like the beat of your drum. This Rus League sounds to be a decent idea. I expect there will be a summit between proposed founding nations so we can discuss its formation and how it will function in greater detail?"

He raised an eyebrow, looking inquisitively at Yeva.

Неон Генесис Евангелион награђен Краљевском похвалом

Тим у Гаинак-у одговоран за анимирану франшизу, Неон Генесис Евангелион, заједно са својим режисером Хидеакијем Анноом, добили су Краљевску похвалу од стране краља ове среде.

Замисао Хидеакија Аноа, Неон Генесис Евангелион, име је познато за нове и миленијумске генерације у Нишу. Пратећи причу о тинејџеру Шинђи Икарију у његовом и сукобу човечанства са ванземаљцима који се називају само анђели, и представља деконструкцију меха жанра. Омиљена од стране покојног краља Владимира ИИИ, који је упознао Ану и доделио јој Медаљу за изузетност у уметности 2000. године, серија је такође нашла обожаватеља у садашњем краљу Василију ИВ. Серија је изашла у време раста генерације, са многима саосећајући са својим темама и основним порукама о природи човечанства.

Продуцирала га је компанија Гаинак, компанија коју су основали имигранти Рокера и Лонгсвордера у Нишу, а садржи архетипске слике проистекле из шинтоистичке космологије, као и јеврејске и хришћанске мистичне традиције, укључујући Мидрашке приче и Кабалу. Франшиза је у почетку била произведена са малим буџетом, са својом производњом која је скоро довела до банкрота компаније, што је довело до тога да се неколико уметничких слобода (које се сада наводе као велики успехи у постављању визуелне теме франшизе) користе како би се смањили трошкови , као и да оригинална серија мора да има две од својих планираних двадесет осам епизода. Међутим, огроман успех франшизе подстакао је ширење компаније, пресељење у иностранство, па чак и у своје матичне земље.

Креатори серије биће први ненационални Нишлије који ће добити Краљевску похвалу. Прва краљевска похвала додељена је добровољачким четничким снагама у ратовима за разједињавање Северусавије, штитећи нишавске заједнице и помажући формирање власти у Великом граду која ће на крају довести до Краљевине. Краљевске похвале Краљ додељује само онима који су извршили велику услугу - било у уметности, рату, владавини или вери - нацији, и даје право носиоцу да користи услуге у власништву Краљевске новчанице без накнаде; могућност да затражи састанак са краљем; национално признање њихових достигнућа; а статуа и снимак њихових дела у Краљевском музеју у Софији.

Међу другим појединцима који су последњих година награђени Краљевском похвалом су патријарх Иринеј и уметник класичног стила Борис Радан.

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing Translate
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Neon Genesis Evangelion awarded Royal Commendation

The team in Gainax responsible for the antimated franchise, Neon Genesis Evangelion, along with its director Hideaki Anno were awarded the Royal Commendation by the King this Wednesday.

The brainchild of Hideaki Anno, Neon Genesis Evangelion, is a household name for the new and millenial generations in Niš. Following the tale of teenage Shinji Ikari in his and humanity's conflict with aliens referred to as only the Angels, it is a deconstruction of the mecha genre. Beloved by the late King Vladmir III, who met and awarded Anno with the Medal of Excellence in the Arts in 2000, the series also found a fan in the current King, Basil IV. The series came out in a time of growth for the generation, with many empathising with its themes and core messages on the nature of humanity.

It was produced by the company Gainax, a company founded by Rokkenjiman and Daitōjin immigrants to Niš, and features archetypal imagery derived from Shinto cosmology as well as Jewish and Christian mystical traditions, including Midrashic tales and Kabbalah. The franchise was initially produced on a tight budget, with its production almost causing the company to go bankrupt, causing several artistic liberties (that are now cited as being huge successes in setting the visual theme  of the franchise) to be taken to cut down costs, as well as the original series having to have two of its planned twenty eight episodes cut. However the huge success of the franchise prompted expansion of the company, moving overseas and even into their home countries.

The creators of the series will be the first non-ethnic Nišlija people to earn a Royal Commendation. The first Royal Commendation was awarded to the volunteer Chetnik Forces in the Severrusavia disunity wars, protecting Nišavian communities and helping form the government in the Grand City that would eventually lead to the Kingdom. Royal Commendations are awarded by the King only to those who have performed a great service -either in the arts, war, governance or faith- to the nation, and entitles the bearer to use of services owned by the Royal Purse without charge; the ability to request a meeting with the King; national recognition of their accomplishments; and a statue and recording of their deeds in the Royal Museum in Sofia.

Other individuals awarded a Royal Commendation in recent years have included Patriarch Irinej and the classical-style artist Boris Radan. 

Diplomacy and Events / One Hand Washes The Other (Nis and Chistopol)
« on: June 23, 2022, 11:18:07 PM »
To King Kārlis IV of Chistopol,

It has come to my attention that our nations, that of Nis and Chistopol, have, despite being geopolitical neighbours, had had only limited interactions in recent times. I wish to correct this issue. There is much our two nations have to discuss, from regional concerns to global concerns, with everything from Rodina to SUN. As such, I wish to cordially invite you to the White Palace in Nis, so that ties between us may be created. You can never have too many friends.

I will be delighted to receive you, and we are sure that your stay in Nis will be just as comfortable as your home in Chitopol.
Your Sincerely,
His Most Blessed Majesty Stefan Basil the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of Niš, King of the Nišavians, the Blitkens, the Aleksijanci, the Tračani, the Iliri, the Visines and the Basnions, Guardian of the Church, Protector of His People.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Kingdom and the Commonwealth
« on: June 23, 2022, 10:08:53 PM »
Basil waited at the top of the White Palace steps. The car Jozef had been ferried from the airport in smoothly sailed up the drive. Soldiers in dress uniform stood to attention, making a path way from the drive up to the stairs. To the left of Basil stood one of Jozef's servants, sent ahead he stood there with the flag of Lechia, whilst to Basil's left stood his own standard bearer.

A herald read out the arriving king's Style: "Presenting, His Royal Majesty, Jozef IV Korecki, By the Grace of God, King of Lechia, Litva, and Ruthenia, Defender of the Faith and Lord Protector of the Commonwealth."

Basil stood, patientally, as he waited for his guest to up the stairs. He had been yet to receive another king, and he was unsure on how to greet him. So he had turned to his mother, asking her to recount how his father greeted other royalty. He'd attempted to duplicate what he'd been told as best he could, but he was worried he'd somehow made a mistake. But he tried not to worry. Confidence was the key to charisma, and charisma was vitally needed for diplomacy.

As Jozef rounded up the stairs, Basil stepped forwards to shake his hand.

"It is good to meet you, your majesty. This meeting has been long overdue. Welcome to Nis. I trust you have eaten? If not, we can arrange a light lunch before we talk diplomacy?"

Dear, King Jozef of Lechia

I am delighted to formally invite you to the White Palace of Nis to discuss the diplomatic brotherhood between our two nations. Our nations share a proud history together, from my father to his father, and now hopefully that history of cooperation and brotherhood between us will be carried on by me. We have many things that we can offer each other, and working together will benefit both of us.

I will be delighted to receive you, and we are sure your stay in Nis will be as comfortable as it is back home.
Your Sincerely,
His Most Blessed Majesty Stefan Basil the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of Niš, King of the Nišavians, the Blitkens, the Aleksijanci, the Tračani, the Iliri, the Visines and the Basnions, Guardian of the Church, Protector of His People.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Emerald Brotherhood
« on: June 19, 2022, 06:06:19 PM »
"The proposed details of the merge sounds acceptable. However, the people of Nis have enjoyed a cheap railway services since the Kingdom's inception. Whilst they do have to pay a farefee for usage, the majority of the cost of running it was paid for out of the Royal Purse, which is in turn paid for by the Royalty Tax they all pay. I would not wish to deprive them of this service. If such a merger were to go ahead, I'd require the ability for the Royal Purse to continue to pay the majority of a Nišlija traveller's fare. They would continue to pay the small fare they had before, and the private interests of profit would continue to be fuffilled. I have no quams with it being listed on the PSE, however I wish to make it clear that I'd have no desire to sell my shares of the hypothetical merged company. A join commission makes sense."

He picked up a bottle of Rakija, inspecting the label before pouring some into a shot glass. He did not drink it. He was pleased at the way the talks were heading so far, better than he had feared by far.

When he heard that the Samantrans agreed with the university proposal, he was even more pleased. He gave his approval and nodded his consent. However, the internet issue threatened to put his good mode at risk. He shook his head.

"I apologise, but internet freedom in Nis will remain as it is. We maintain a laissez faire attitude towards the internet, and that's unlikely to change. If parents or companies wish to block websites from their children or employess, they are free to do so. But the freedom to the internet and all it has to offer has been around since the internet was created and then introduced to Nis by my father, Stefan Vladmir III. The internet may contain morally corrupting content, and is a breeding ground for all kinds of people, but the people of Nis have remained pure despite it, and I, as King, would not wish to tread upon this. I wish you luck in your regulations in Samantra, but I pray you will respect my descion to keep the internet free from government influence."

Irinej stirred at this, but didn't comment. Basil moved on quickly, trying not to linger on the issue.

"As for your proposal of joining exhibitions showcasing the contributions to the Great War the nations under Nis made, however any exhibitions on said nations would first have to be approved be me, including, Nišava, especially Nišava. The great embarassment of Nišava's bankrupcy, surrender, collapse and subsequent fall to communism near the end of the war would probably be best to shuffle to one side. I trust this approving won't be an issue?"

He wrote down a note to remind himself to follow up on the university and exhibition ideas with his barons, and then with the respesctive universities and museums. He looked over the agenda, and saw that security was up next.

"As for the security issues you have mentioned, joint patrols of the Emererald Straits make sense, and should not be too hard to organise or perform. The benefits are obvious. In regards to joining the IDRSC, I see no problem in it. The soviets have been nothing but belligerent in their diplomacy and domestic management. Communism is a Godless scourge that they will attempt to push on the free nations of the world till they succeed. We can provide funding, host exhibitions and all the regular required functions of a member. As for OPEN, Nišlija oil fields are mainly concentrated in Ilirija, where we have estimated around 200 million barrells, with another 150 million scattered around. However, OPEN has never particuarly peaked my interest as best for Nis. I understand you have applied to join, but do you believe Nis should?"

Хулиганство и Ниш

Последњих година омладинске групе су се уздићу и падале. Ипак , три омладинске групе су одржавале доследан стисак на савести младих током читавих генерација.

Велике су шансе да сте чули за бар једну од ових yоутхсуб култура, а можда чак и познајете некога ко се претплатио на једну од њих. То су, наравно, Левијахач, Имања и Водица. Свака од ових субкултура може да прати њихову историју до оснивачких дана у Нишу, а можда и даље уназад.

Левијахач су млади који су, по отварању граница и приливу страних медија, усвојили многе позиве и потписе панк покрета. Рок музика, хеви метал, офарпљена коса, гласни мотороцикле и склоност ка наслону лево у политици, све су то обележја субкултуре. Прилагођене кожне јакне, често изумли, су незванична униформа ових младих, који је често жигошу левичарским слоганима као што су"Доле краљ", "Моћ народу" или "Поједи богате". Често уђу у окршаје са полицијом, а обожавају да се упуштају у протесте и често доприносе банкама хране. Најзаступљивија карактеристика члана ове субкултуре је, међутим, често тетоважа леве руке.  То је скоро вид шиканирања, само ће најчврстије језгро Левијахача проћи кроз то, готово пернаментално обележавајући себе као део субкултуре. Исте татоо салоне се остећују тетовирањем на рукама, а онда још једно богатство када исти људи дођу неколико година касније тражећи да се уклони.

Друга група коју смо поменули су Крстаја, који често више воле да себе називају патриотама или крсташима. Првобитно почевши од косе црте до раста омладинскекултуре Левијахача, Имања се данас нашла на чудном месту. Иако се у почетку противио џинс панталонама као облику стране културе која се атестира да би се измлатила, у данашње време фармерке и деним јакне (често са поцепаним рукавима) су позивни знак субкултуре. Коса се често сече у буззцут, пратећи оружане снаге, а длаке на лицу често не постоје. Нагињући се десној страни политике, Породицоничке групе често се чешће боре против других него што нису, јер се често заоштре аргументи који избијају над овладаном етничком припадношћу Ниша, и другим ситним стварима.

Придошлица на лицу места су Водице, такозване због свог порекла као синови водећих рудара. Често носећи исечени комбинезон и делећи Левијахачово вештост за мотоцикле, они се често формирају у банде које ће се борити против других Водиних банди и група других субкултура. Многи се на крају придруже ланцима организованог криминала, а отприлике 1 од 10 ће се наћи у затвору због својих поступака као део банди, углавном због уличног насиља, напада и напада са намером да убију. Водице су на срећу мањина младих.

Међутим , последњих година сукоби и сукоби између омладинских група су порасли. Прошле године 6 особа је умрло од убодних рана, што је директна последица рекао сукоба. Дом барона је јуче донео акт Одељења за под-културе младих, стварајући ново одељење националне полицијске службе, задужено за заустављање сукоба везаних за омладинску групу. Колико ће то на крају бити ефикасно и да ли је потребно још акције, остаје да се види.

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing Translate
Spoiler: Translation • show
Hooliganism and Nis

In recent years, youth groups have risen and fallen. Yet three youth groups have maintained a consistent grip on the youth's conscience throughout the generations.

There's a good chance you've heard of at least one of these youthsub cultures, and maybe even know someone who subscribes to one of them. These are, of course, the Levijahač, the Državljana and the Vodi. Each of these subcultures can trace their history back to the founding days of Nis, and maybe even further back.

The Levijahač are youth who, upon the borders opening and the influx of foriegn media, adopted many of the calls and signatures of the punk movement. Rock music, heavy metal, dyed hair, loud motorocycles and a tendency to lean left in politics, are all hallmarks of the subculture. Custom leather jackets, often studded, are the unofficial uniform of these youth, who often brand it with left-wing slogans such as "Down with the King", "Power to the People" or "Eat the Rich". They often get into skirmishes with the police, and love to engage in protests and often contribute to foodbanks. The most notable feature of a member of a this subculture, however, is often the left hand tatoo. It is almost a form of hazing, only the most hard core Levijahač will go through with it, almost pernamently marking themselves as part of the subculture. The same tatoo parlours make a fortune tatooing onto their hands, and then another fortune when the same people come in several years later asking it to be removed.

The other group we mentioned are the Državljana, who often prefer to refer to themselves as patriots or crusaders. Originally starting as a backlash to the growth of Levijahač youthculture, Državljana finds itself nowadays in an odd spot. Though initially opposed to jean trousers as a form of foreign culture attemtping to weasle its way in, nowadays jeans and denim jackets (often with ripped off sleeves) are the callmark of the subculture. Hair is often cut into a buzzcut, following the armed forces, and facial hair is often non-existant. Leaning to the right of politics, Državljana groups often find themselves fighting other Državljana more often than not, as arguments that break out over the master ethnicity of Niš, and other petty things, are often heated.

The newcomer to the scene are the Vodi, so called because of their origins as sons of lead miners. Often wearing cutomised overalls and sharing the Levijahač's proficiency for motorbikes, they often form into gangs which will battle other Vodi gangs and groups of other subcultures. Many end up joining organised crime rings, and roughly 1 in 10 will find themselves in prison for their actions as part of gangs, mainly on accounts of street violence, assault and assault with intent to kill. The Vodi are thankfully a minority of youth.

However, in more recent years, conflict and clashes between youthgroups has grown. Last year 6 people died from stabbing wounds, as a direct result from said clashes. Yesterday, the House of Barons passed Department for Youth Sub-cultures act, creating a new department of the national police service, tasked with stopping youthgroup related conflict. How effective it ends up and whether more action is needed remains to be seen.

From the Kingdom of Nis to the Kingdom of Clysperis:

Dear the Kingdom of Clysperis,

I am delighted to, on behalf of the people of Nis, accept your invitation to review your infrastructure for you Summer Games bid. I understand that you have only relatively recently left a civil war, and I am sure many are interested to see the progress you have made rebuilding your nation. Wars are destructive events and the speed at which Clysperis has been rebuilt is a credit to you and a mystery to the economists of the world. Whilst I am sure we won't be able to steal your secrets to such a recovery, I am sure the results of it will be well worth the trip. Unfortunately, and I hope you forgive me, I will be unable to attend myself, as I am preoccupied with more important matters. I am sure you understand. In my stead I shall send Anton Kynev, who shall act as my representative and report back to me. I pray you receive him as you would receive me.

Your Sincerely,
His Most Blessed Majesty Stefan Basil the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of Niš, King of the Nišavians, the Blitkens, the Aleksijanci, the Tračani, the Iliri, the Visines and the Basnions, Guardian of the Church, Protector of His People.

Anton Kynev, first Trački (but not the last) to be appointed the title of Royal Diplomat, stepped off the plane and shielded his eyes with hands. The Sun seemed to beat down, swelteringly hot in this heathen land. The two Black Hand agents, both discreetly standing amongst his three aides as they walked down the steps onto the runway were his idea to take, though he had received the King's blessing. Both were to act as bodyguards in this heathen land, on the off-chance that he needed them. Clysperis had only relatively recently left its civil war, and radical elements could still be lurking. Besides, this was a land of pagans; men, women and children who were doomed to burn in hell, with practises that originated demons. Who knows what they might do to a God-fearing Christian. He'd keep these thoughts to himself, of course. He was a trained diplomat, politeness was key, and keeping your thoughts on the status of other's immortal souls to yourself played into that politeness. He looked around the runway, looking for any sign of them being greeted by a delegation from Clysperis. He understood that they'd be receiving alot of curious guests, so he didn't delude himself into thinking their queen would have the chance to see them.

Press Offices / Withdrawal of the Rokkenjian Embassy
« on: June 18, 2022, 04:11:40 PM »
Date:- 18th of June, 2022
Topic:- Withdrawal of the Rokkenjian Embassy
Ruling King:- Stefan Basil IV


I must express great remorse at the Withdrawal of the Rokkenjian Embassy. I had hoped that Rokkenjima would not be so petty as to fail to remove their flags at my urging and I must express my appreciation for them doing so.
However, the petty manner in which such a decision has been undertaken by said Embassy has stunned even my low expectations. Unable to directly challenge the request I made, yet unwilling to be seen weak internationally for bowing to what they clearly view as an inferior culture and people, they have decided to remove their entire embassy and diplomatic staff from Niš.
I can only say that I am sad that Rokkenjima has taken such desperate and cowardly action to protect their own pride, damaging both our nations in the process.
As for the accusations of violence against Embassy staff, such a baseless and inflammatory accusation has not been heard uttered since the days of Christ's persecution. No attack of any description has been successful or even attempted towards the Rokkenjiman Embassy. Peaceful protests have been done and resolved outside the embassy, yes, but not even a brick has been thrown. I even placed the Grand City's police force on high alert, ready to be prepared in case of a riot or attempted terrorist attack. Yet the only thing that indicated any possibility of violence against the embassy were baseless rumours. The embassy had stood untouched for over a fortnight without a scratch. It'd stand another fortnight more if they hadn't fled.
I shall reiterate myself. Rokkenjima should not have fled when confronted with an issue it saw it was wrong on, it should have shown its integrity (which I am sure Rokkenjima posses) and admitted it was wrong and removed those flags. It did not have to be like this, and Rokkenjima did not have to flee. I request that this decision of theirs they reconsider. We here at Niš are willing to offer any number of buildings to house your embassy in, if you fear that your current building is insecure. We can even deploy soldiers or police officers to directly protect it against any threat you fear. However, if they are determined to leave, and cannot be convinced otherwise, we wish them well, and with to let them know our door is always open, if they so wish to return to our fair nation, and that violence was never wished against them.

Conference Hall / Re: Proposal for a new RP Rule
« on: June 18, 2022, 03:55:09 PM »
Personally, if I may interrupt, I'd like the 24 hour proposal to be the taken one, given how we have members across the globe, who work, eat and sleep at different times, and thus may miss a 6-hour window without ever knowing it existed. 24 hours gives plenty of time for people to put their hands up.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: A Reunion for Abraham
« on: June 18, 2022, 11:19:25 AM »

Краљ потписао абрахамску деклерацију

Јуче је краљ потписао Абрахамску деклерацију, признајући инхерентна права постављена у њему.

Аврамску декларацију је направила међународна група Абрахамићевих следбеника, од Сунита до католика, израђујући заједно низ права и правила која препознају инхерентну вредност човека, користећи божју реч као инспирацију.

Пратећи наше суседе Самантру приликом потписивања, краљ је имао ово да каже: "Овај чланак који сам данас потписао симболизује више од деклерације признавања инхерентних права. Симболизује сарадњу Аврамског света, уједињеног под Богом да поступи по његовој речи. Чак и данас, у овом све модернизованом свету, добро је видети следбенике Господа како заједно раде на бољем човечанству, делу којем сви треба да тежимо."

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing Translate
Spoiler: Translation • show
King Signs Abrahamic Decleration
The Abrahamic Declaration was created by an international group of Abrahamic followers, from Sunnis to Catholics, drafting together a set of rights and rules that recognise the inherent worth of a man, using the word of the Lord as inspiration.

Following our neighbours Samantra in signing it, the King had this to say: "This article that I have signed today symbolises more than just a decleration of recognising inherent rights. It symbolises the cooperation of the Abrahamic World, united under God to do act out His word. Even today, in this increasingly modernising world, it is good to see the followers of the Lord work together to better mankind, a work we should all strive for."

International News Networks / одјеби Роккењима
« on: June 18, 2022, 02:29:14 AM »
Роккењима вијори заставу поноса у амбасади

Амбасада Роккењима у Великом граду вијори заставу "Девијантног поноса" пркосећи традиционалној, анти-сексуалној политици неприлагођених..

Ове недеље, роккењиманска царица посетила је њихову амбасаду у Великом граду, као заговорник "лгбтq" права.

Амбасада је вијорила заставу "Девијантног поноса", заставу коју су осмислили и користили сексуални девијантни како би идентификовали и изразили солидарност са злоупотребом положаја једни других.

Поред тога, њихова царица је, у грандиозном приказу нарцизма, изашла на сцену и искрижила политику озакоњења против хомосексуалаца, трансексуалаца и других девијанта, групе која укључује (али није ограничена на) педофиле и зоофиле. Иако су такве безбожне ствари можда уобичајене у паганиним народима као што је Роккењима, где се чак и природна равнотежа човекове доминације над зверима света оспорава, права за такве људе никада нису била дозвољена у Нишу.

Не заустављајући се у показивање солидарности за речено девијанте, њихова царица је покушала да искуша добре људе Ниша у грех, намамивши их у ЦСУ где ће им душа бити искварена. Сваки грађанин Ниша који покуша да прихвати такву понуду биће пронађен и додат на листу регистрованих сексуалних преступника, а вероватно и послат у медицинску помоћ фацилатима, како би помогао у лечењу њихове болести.

Његово Блажено Височанство, Стефан Басил ИВ прокоментарисао је овај приказ нечувеног понашања.
"Културе и народ Ниша и Рокчанкењима су дефинитивно различити. Ствари које сматрамо узнемирујућим су им потпуно природне, а ствари које сматрамо погрешним су добре за њих. И обрнуто. Нема ничег лошег у томе инхерентно, али када култура покуша да наметне своју веру и културне праксе другоме, без консултација са шефом државе у којем би се појавили, онда много тога није у реду. Безбожна пагански вера Роккењима није ни тражена ни потребна у Нишу. Са поштовањем молимо"Прво царство" Роккењима да поштује различите културне праксе наших нација и уклони увредљиве и увредљиве заставе, као и да повуче своје изјаве залажући се за практиковање сексуалне девастације. Добра књига нашег Господњег забрањује сексуално одступање, од Марка 9:42 до Откровења 21:8 и до Левитицуса 18:22, а ми овде у Нишу поштујемо Божју реч. Молимо Роккењима, као што и Библија каже да „на зло не узвраћају злом или увреду увредом“, да с поштовањем скину своје паганске заставе и повуку своје изјаве, нека им Бог опрости.“

Translated badly into Serbian courtesy of Bing Translate
Spoiler: Translation • show
Rokkenjiman embassy flies pride flag.
The Embassy of Rokkenjima in the Grand City flew the flag of "Deviant Pride", arguing against the traditional, anti-maladapted sexual policies of the nation.
This week, the Rokkenjiman Empress visited their embassy in the Grand City, as an advocate for "lgbtq" rights.
The Embassy flew the "Deviant Pride" flag, a flag designed and used by sexual deviants to identify and express solidarity with one another's misconduct.
In addition, their Empress, in a grandiose display of narcissism, took to the stage and critisised the fatherland's policies against homosexuals, transexuals and other deviants, a group that includes (but is not limited to) paedophilles and zoophiles. Whilst such Godless things may be common in heathen nations such as Rokkenjima, where even the natural balance of man's dominance over the beasts of the world is disputed, rights for such people have never been permitted in Niš.
Not stopping in their display of solidarity for said deviants, their Empress attempted to tempt the good people of Niš into sin, luring them away to the CSU where their souls would be corrupted. Any citizen of Niš who attempts to take such an offer will be found out and added to the registered sex offender's list, and possibly sent to medical help facilaties, to help cure their illness.

His Blessed Highness, Stefan Basil IV commented on this display of outrageous behavour.
"The cultures and people of Niš and Rokkenjima are definitively different. Things we find disturbing are completely natural to them, and things we find wrong are good to them. And vice versa. There is nothing wrong with that inherently, but when a culture attempts to impose its faith and cultural practises upon another, without even consulting with the Head of State they'd be appearing in, then there is alot wrong. The Godless heathen faith of Rokkenjima is neither wanted nor needed in Niš. We respectfully ask the "First Empire" of Rokkenjima to respect the differing cultural practises of our nations and remove the offensive and offending flags, as well as withdrawing their statements advocating for the practise of sexual deviancy. The Good Book of our Lord explicilty forbids sexual deviancy, from Mark 9:42 to Revelation 21:8 and to Leviticus 18:22, and we here in Niš respect the word of God. We ask Rokkenjima, as the Bible also says to 'not repay evil with evil or insult with insult', to respectfully remove their heathenous flags and retract their statements, may God forgive them."

Factbooks and Maps / Government
« on: June 16, 2022, 12:16:10 AM »
Orders of Government

The declaration of the formation of Niš stated that the Kingdom of Niš was an inherently Christian nation, deriving its authority to rule over its people directly from the Lord.

Senior Clergy
Following the Blessed Monarchist form of government the Monarchy as an institution follows, the Senior Clergy of Niš may vote to force the King from his throne, forcing him to abdicate to the next in line through a unanimous vote. If there is no next in line for throne following a King’s untimely death or abdication, the Senior Clergy will pick a Baron to ascend next to the throne.

The King
The King has the power to approve or block laws that pass through the House of Barons, and may revoke laws if a majority of Barons vote for him to do so. The King may also encourage Barons to make specific laws that he desires. The King alone has the power to declare wars, make peace, change the budget and more (OOC if you have a specific inquiry, please DM me). He often unofficially delegates parts of national government, such as education or agriculture, to Barons. All members of state, save the House of Justice, are required to swear an oath of loyalty to God and then to the King.

House of Barons
The Kingdom is divided into dozens of baronies, each of which are locally administered. They are led by barons who are appointed by the King. The post is held by a baron till death, resignation or revocation; the King decides who gets the title once the title is unheld. The King usually appoints the next of kin of the previous owner, creating political dynasties, but may pass it onto a completely new person if he so fancies.

Laws are made and presented to the King by the House, in which the King will then rubber-stamp them. He can withhold the stamp from any law he so desires. If a baron feels that a new law will unfairly tread upon his barony’s rights or goes against the barony’s economic interests, they can appeal the law in the House of Barons to the rest of the barons. The House will then vote for or against the law and if it passes, the baron who presented the suggested law and the baron who opposed it will then present their argument directly to the King, who will then decide whether or not to rubber-stamp the law. The King himself cannot make laws, however may command the House of Barons to make one on his behalf.

If the King wishes to revoke an existing law, the House will vote on whether he may or may not.

The House of Justice
The House of Justice provides judges, arranges court dates and juror service, runs prisons, provides state lawyers for those unable to hire private and manages distribution and regulation of Licenses to Practice Law . The House of Justice is internally managed and divorced from the rest of government. The current Lord of Justice is Saul Dobar-čovek.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Serbian Cordage
« on: June 10, 2022, 07:07:46 PM »
Basil nodded. He liked the idea of his name being attached to such a great ambition, and his guests were right on the fact tht its construction would be a prestigous achievment. The national budget could most likely be shifted around to make it afforable.

"This bridge project sounds worthwhile. I will run some of the finer details through with my barons, just in case any of them having anything to say on the matter, but you can most likely consider it done."

He pulled a notepad towards him, making a note, before folding it and placing it into his shirt pocket. He tapped the pen twice on the table.

"Your second point," he said, "of economic exchange between our two nations.

I agree with the idea of lowering tariffs for each other. It'd incentivise companies and businesses to use each of our nations for goods and services, and not turn to any of mundus' other... dubious nations. In addition, I'd would like to propose several more economic agreements between our two nations. The first that upon completion of the bridge across the strait, the KŽN (Royal Railway of Nis) will cooperate, or even merge if that is desired by Samantra, with Samantran railservices to jointly construct a trans-rodinan railline across our two nations, not only crossing the Rodinian sea but also going deep into each respective nation's territory. The plan would greatly increase infastructure across our nations, bringing the usual benefits that greater infastructure brings. It also sets them up in a good position to further expand into other neighbouring nations, potentially dominating freight transportation across East Ardia in the future. The frieght train industry is quite healthy in Nis, and it'd quite easily be able to fill demand, at the current projected rate of growth."

He waited for the Samantran response and proposals, before inquiring on another attempt to branch the two nations.

"One of my Barons has proposed that I introduce the query of organised student exchange programs between our universities. I have confirmation that the Blitken University of Technical Sciences, and I suspect that the University of Belgrade, Nis and more will always willingly join in such a program. What says you?"

0/24 Marks for content
0/16 Marks for accuracy
Final Grade: U (Unmarkable)
Teachers Note: See me

Sporting Hub / Re: Rugby World Cup 2022 - OOC Sign Ups
« on: May 02, 2022, 08:56:30 PM »
Nis will participate in the cup


Since you'll only answer a few at a time, I'll rattle off the top 5 i'd like to get answered right away:

84. ‘People protest about the cruelty of keeping animals in captivity, but they seem happy enough to eat meat, keep pets and visit zoos. All animals should be free!’ Write an article for a magazine in which you explain your point of view on this statement. (24 marks for content and organisation 16 marks for technical accuracy) [40 marks]. You are advised to plan your answer to Question 5 before you start to write.
85. How does Priestley use the character of the Inspector to suggest ways that society could be improved? Write about: • what society is shown to be like in the play and how it might be improved • how Priestley presents society through what the Inspector says and does. [30 marks] AO4 [4 marks]
86. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
87. Explain two consequences for Israel of its invasion and occupation of Lebanon. OR Explain two consequences of the Gulf War for the USA.
88. Explain why Wolsey fell from power in October 1529. You may use the following in your answer: - The influence of the Boleyns. - The failure to annul the marriage of Catherine of Aragon.  OR Describe two features of Cromwell’s work as Chief Minister.
89. Explain why there were political problems in the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1923. You may use the following in your answer: • The Spartacist Putsch. • The Treaty of Versailles. OR Explain why the Nazi police state was successful between 1933 and 1939. You may use the following in your
answer: • The Gestapo. • Concentration camps.

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