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"Then I believe Empress Serenity and Princess Evanthe can as part of their diplomatic approach communicate the plan to King Andrew after which we can publish it."

OOC - If there be no objection, in light of the different timings of RP's - I'd like to suggest that the plan could be released by the organisation as I believe in the Troyes thread Andrew is about to be handed the plan.
Economics and Industry / National Fifeton Finance Update
« Last post by springroll1216 on April 25, 2024, 11:53:27 PM »
Last night, the first annual National Fifeton Finance Update was given to the public. Thousands of Fifetonians showed up to listen to the conference, detailing stock information, updates on national situations, corporate income, etc. This event was specifically ordered by the new CEO, Jim Cobalt. Many of his supporters wonder what bright idea Cobalt will come up with next.
Factbooks and Maps / The Democratic Republic of Fifeton.
« Last post by springroll1216 on April 25, 2024, 11:38:16 PM »
The Democratic Republic of Fifeton was formed after the "Bloody Revolution" when the Empire of Fotaria was overthrown. Former Fotarian regions declared their independence and created a diplomatic union between each other. Eventually, these regions joined together to create the Confederation of Fifeton. Unfortunately, a combination of a weak government and a dying economy paved the road for corporate businesses to take control of the country. Fifeton was officially renamed to the Democratic Republic of Fifeton. The nation is now ruled by a CEO, as large businesses run the country.

Government Type:- Corporatocracy
Population:-:50 Million
Capital City:- Zandariba (2.5 Million)
Demonym:- Fifetonian
International News Networks / Fifeton National News
« Last post by springroll1216 on April 25, 2024, 11:31:24 PM »
Jim Cobalt
After a heated election process, a new CEO was chosen to lead the country. Jim Cobalt, former Chief Executive Officer of Freezo Industries was elected as the new leader of Fifeton. Cobalt is favored by the country's citizens due to his professional demeanor. In an exclusive interview, Jim Cobalt promised to reform the country, making citizen's lives even better. Cobalt is expected to appear on national television in the next few hours, addressing the nation about his new policies.
Introductions / Re: The Democratic Republic of Fifeton.
« Last post by DaveIronside on April 25, 2024, 10:53:29 PM »
Welcome to TIO.

If you need any help getting started give me a yell. I see we're destined to be Illumic neighbours, your complementary fruit basket is in the mail.
Introductions / Re:
« Last post by tio_helper on April 25, 2024, 10:52:25 PM »
Hi springroll1216,

Welcome to the Independent Order!

If you're new to roleplaying, please check out our guide to roleplaying!

In the meantime, be sure to claim your spot on the map, check out the Roleplay Rules and read our Criminal Code.

Got any questions? Head over to our Discord chat.

We hope you have a great time!

All the best,

The Independent Order Team
Introductions / The Democratic Republic of Fifeton.
« Last post by springroll1216 on April 25, 2024, 10:52:25 PM »
Hello. My nation is the Democratic Republic of Fifeton. It is a corporatocracy run by a ruthless CEO. The government is worried about the economy and the military more than the people.
Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« Last post by springroll1216 on April 25, 2024, 10:40:06 PM »
Nation Name: Fifeton

Nation Link:

Provinces you wish to claim:
1: R30
2: R29
3: R28
4: R37
5: R38
6: R39

Proposed colour of your nation on the map: Brown

I, Springroll, have read the rules set down above, and agree to follow them.
Diplomacy and Events / Re: To The Point of It
« Last post by Renaku on April 25, 2024, 09:11:29 PM »
King Timur listened carefully to what Max had to say, the story of good fighting battles against evil was not something that was new to him, many of the people within Renaku had similar tales about Gods of their local spring fighting off evil spirits or the God of the Sun fighting against the darkness. It was perhaps a tale that was in all religions. "So King David is the great great, so many great, grandsons of this Unasson hero?" He asked. It was perhaps different to many typical stories that linked a monarchy and religion, they all seemed to believe they were some kind of God or a decendent of one. He then listened to the conditions that the smith put forward. "I understand the spiritual significance you put on your work and I can....and will respect that. What I had in mind was something a little like this, more of a decorative sword than a combat one. It is similar to those carried by cavalrymen in our army in the depths of time and as such it was these hill tribes that often formed them." He passed Max a photo of one such sword from the nations museum. "These tribes are incredibly loyal if you treat them well. They live a life dedicated to ensuring that their next generation maintain their traditions but also thrive. Its interesting that while they continue herding mountains goats and sheep, fending off wolves and making a living from nature as best they can the techniques have changed a little, horses are giving way to quads, bows to guns, but at heart they are people that are deeply welcoming to people willing to show them respect. They knew little about me but were willing to spring me from potential assassination because they'd sworn oaths to carry out my fathers will. We almost stand at a cross-roads now, I borrowed their loyalty when first crowned and now the honeymoon, so to speak, is coming to a close. I'll be judged on my time touring the major tribes and the way that I treat their chiefs. I believe you can help me. Please walk with me." he headed off inside and guided the Morelander through a few rooms until they reached a large library. Across one wall, filling the whole of the wood panelled side, was a large tapestry map of the Kingdom. "That is said to be 1000 years old, I think though its been repaired so often that none of the original remains but still I think you'll agree its impressive." He moved some chairs away from the desk and beamed up at the map. It had various symbols within the outline, one large one and then in what seemed to be hills a patchwork of eagles, tigers, horses and swords. "You can see we respect swords ourselves, they show leadership and connect to our histories of a tribe. I want to celebrate that past and I desire your help. Do you think we have an agreement, if so we can find you rooms here and we a blacksmith shop, mainly for horse ware, in the grounds you could start tomorrow?"
Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Plot To Destroy Rokkenjiman Democracy
« Last post by Achkaerin on April 25, 2024, 07:29:40 PM »
"There's a reckoning at the end of this and when that happens, when we get Rowe held to account the last thing we're going to want is Henry Cole exercising any authority over the Rokkenjiman military." Liosa said "Use him as a confidant, use him as an advisor do not put him on the board because that gives Rowe a shield when we get to the reckoning."
"More immediate concerns." Emerson said "Rion?"
"Remember that I said there was a move that was going to bring the main threat into play? This is it." Rion said "You start a war with Kusan and you make Rowe bulletproof, he becomes the person who rescued Sophia Anselmo and at the same time he brings the true threat to Rokkenjima's shores. We'll ignore for now that he's doing a Palpatine and that Ri Chŏng-jun has likely been sponsored by Rowe to execute that coup."
"Countermove?" Emerson asked
"How long does it take you to get the Diet back from their recess?" Rion asked
"Twenty four hours to get everyone back to the capital." Emerson said "Add in the debate, the vote... about forty eight hours before Rowe gets his war."
"Can you guarantee me that forty eight hours?" Rion said "No retaliatory strikes, no offensive action?"

Emerson looked at Asuna, it was going to be tricky, the public would be baying for blood, they'd be demanding action. "Yes but we can't guarantee a second more than that." he said
"Ok here's what we do." Rion said "Standard procedure is that Rowe is going to want a meeting to discuss the military response, that's likely coming the minute you recall the Diet." she looked at Asuna "You're going to agree to that but it's not you he's going to meet, it's going to be me. You're going to need to give me the authority to arrest him. At the same time as Rowe's here Kado will take his INIS agents, bust into IHC and shut the place down, he'll arrest every member of the SIS."
"On what charges?" Liosa asked
"At this point conspiracy to commit criminal damage." Rion said "That gets Rowe off the board and we can continue to gather evidence on what we suspect in the meantime. Split the SIS agents up, apply pressure and see who rolls on Rowe."
"And he's not running the show while this builds to the crescendo." Emerson said
"Which will be the Youth Diet." Rion said

The Marble Palace's Round Table Room was once again full of the various people who needed to know what was going on. The video conference line to Commonwealth House was being used so Peter could participate and somewhere in the skies heading south from Seaforth Serenity was listening on the phone, she could have used Fox One's videoconferencing but in this instance wasn't due to the fact that she was also ferrying Evanthe home, Euphy was doing her best to help the situation by trying to keep Evanthe occupied with of all things picking out Serenity's outfit for the Youth Diet.

"Ok talk to me." Peter said "Do we know where she is?"
"She's at a prison in Kaesong." Sally Barkley, the head of Achkaerinese Intelligence, said
"And we know this how?" Peter asked
"Because when it comes to CP we take our job very seriously." it was Rion's voice over a phone line "Long story short each of the Anselmo's has in their possession something fitted with a tracking device. In Sophia's case it's a charm bracelet."
"I got her a charm bracelet when she turned twenty one..." Peter said
"Yes you've been quite helpful in this regard." Rion said "We don't know 100% that she's still wearing the bracelet but we did observe the signal moving from Posan to Kaesong. So Sophia's there."

Adam Sheppard, the Minister of Defence, looked up "General Starling what are you proposing?" he was addressing Lassis Starling the commander of the Achkaerin Special Forces.
"We go and get her." Lassie said "Special Forces insert across the border from the Vax region, we send in a support troop as well, to cover the exit route."
"On foot?" Adam asked
"Only way we're doing this." Lassie said
"That's one hell of a tab." Adam said "That's close to a hundred and fifty kilometre round trip."
"So we're talking about a prison break?" Peter asked
"Yes." Lassie said
"What do we do when Kusan figures out it was us?"  Peter asked
"They don't need to figure that out to guess it or level an accusation." Adam said
"We do it like we did the Cecelia rescue." Rion said "We use Ri Sang-Hee's presence to provide us with cover. We make the op a deniable job, we make it look like it's a backlash. We do this right Kusan will collapse in on itself."
"You're asking what I think you're asking aren't you?" Peter said
"Yep." Rion said

"We'll need the Senate's sign off." Adam said
"We do a veiled seven." Elena Brooke said
"What's a veiled seven?" Nettie asked
"It's a method of how we get the Senate's sign off on military action when we don't want to advertise that we're doing it." Elena said "It's what we did when the Cult of Helus Genocide happened."
"How's it work?" Nettie asked
"First we put something up on the business that's going to probably take all day and is serious enough that the whole Senate will likely be there. In this case Troyes, we'll table a motion to do with it, in effect that's the veil" Elena said "While that's going on, I take the proposed military action matter to the various party leaderships behind the scenes, they brief their members and then there's a rolling vote through the day, at the end of business we tally the vote in the presence of specially appointed attestors who along with myself and the Speaker sign as to the validity of the vote."
"We have forty eight hours." Peter said "That takes up tomorrow's business in the Senate."
"I'll have the troops prepped and ready to go the moment we get word." Lassie said

"Do it." Serenity's voice finally came through the line "Elena you call me with the vote outcome once the process is done, General Starling you get me the details of what you're proposing to do. If the Senate agrees you'll get the go as soon as possible." she took a breath "Rion?"
"Yes?" Rion asked
"This only gets you check it doesn't get mate." Serenity said
"I know but it's mate in three." Rion said

In Jenka-Jenkinson the Imperial Ryusei had touched down ahead of the return flight the following day. The chosen pilots for this part of the operation were Eloise Lloyd and Ethan Rodriguez, the pair usually operated cargo aircraft for the Achkaerinese military, but here they were not in their military uniforms but wearing the outfits worn by the Imperial Ryusei crews, getting measured for them had been an experience.
"Ok powering down." Eloise said going through the procedure to shut off the power to the aircraft.
"Things we never thought we'd fly." Ethan said
"It's up there." Eloise said "Never thought I'd fly as basically a commercial pilot."
"First time for everything." Ethan said "Bunch of teenagers aboard tomorrow and then we have to fly them back."
"And we're taking the scenic route." Eloise said
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