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News from the Empire of Tanith (multi-source)
In the 1024th year of the Emperor's Reign
Brought to you by the Office for Media Affairs
The Adeptus Administratum has today begun the work of preparing for the annual review of taxes and conscriptions that take place every late spring. The process involves the Adeptus Administratum painstakingly reviewing data from each of the nations within the Empire to allow a fair and just negotiation to take place between the Empire and its constitute parts. Some of the figures released by the Adeptus Administratum however have raised concerns which have already begun to be addressed by the Regent Prince Maximus Astralix.
The first, and perhaps most worrying, piece of data is that the birth rate is falling. In 2014 the birth rate across the Empire was 8.7 births per 1000 people. This however has now dropped to around 7.2 per 1000. This slowing down in birth rates means that in the long term the nation may face shortages in labour, conscription and have difficultly covering the old age pensions of those retiring. The Regent however has stated that this is to be addressed swiftly. "I believe that family is important and that it forms the very cornerstone of the Empire. The Emperor fought to create this Empire not for personal glory but to ensure his family and those of his supporters were safe. It is our primary duty therefore to create, support and care for families. With immediate effect I have asked the Adeptus Administratum to begin preparing documents that would make it easier for families wishing to have children but findiing it difficult to do so. Our current health care provision will be extended to make accessing things such as IVF easier. Currently IVF is only permitted via our health care system if the mother is under the age of 30 and has a strong chance of it working. We will increase that age to 40 and allow doctors to take more of a gamble in terms of the likely success. In addition anyone wishing the process done privately and who has served five years in the military will be given financial support to do so. We have also begun a plan to lessen incidents of abortion but women need not fear a ban. Currently around 43 abortions per 10000 women take place annually. That figure is far too high for each human life is sacred. I would like to see a scenario where the only time abortion is used is for cases where the mothers life is in danger. To try and effect this we will make it part of the abortion process that a health care professional must offer the chance to speak with a representative of adoption agencies to offer this is a viable alternative. Mothers choosing to accept this meeting and subsequently go ahead with their pregnancy we shall support financially through their pregnancy and offer counselling after. It is our hope that this support will see more women carry to term and then have their child adopted into loving homes."
The second piece of data was the average family size. This had decreased from 2.1 children per family in 2014 to 1.8 in 2024. The Regent restated the importance of family. "Families are not just vital for increasing our population steadily. Mothers and Fathers are the first teachers in a childs life, they are their first doctors and nurses. Without the family we do not learn the vital social skills that we have in life nor do we learn to value the qualities of friendship, love, loyalty and respect. These are vital if we are to have a strong community. It is my dream that all families can flourish. We will therefore do our best to find extra funding for support for new families. I would like to see the figure of average family size closer to 3 than it currently is." The Regent has three children and four grandchildren.
Another downward trend was in terms of life expectancy. In 2014 this stood at 80.4 while in 2024 this has fallen to 79.8. The Regent said, "While this number is not a catastrophe it is a worrying trend. I can only think of various virus outbreaks in the last decade which will have made this fall. We must though do more to support people in their campaign for health."
Finally the report stated that obesity levels in adults had increased from 17% in 20214 to 19% by 2024. "This is an unacceptable trend. Every subject of the Emperor needs to be fit and healthy for when the time comes to face evil. We see people now reporting for military duty unable to do even the most basic of cardiovascular exercises. This obviously will also impact or life expectancy, fertility rates and several other key pieces of data. We therefore will begin addressing this as a priority. One concern we have is that many people are now eating processed foods which contain high amounts of fats and sugars on a daily basis. This needs to be addressed. We will be looking at longer term methods in the near future however a twin pilot project will take place in Catachan. Here students in schools will be given lessons on cooking from fresh ingredients hopefully meaning we equip them with the skills to have a better diet. We must though also address the means to have a better diet. We will therefore be giving each pupil a pre-paid debit card which can only be used in certain stores for unprocessed fruit and vegetables. This will amount to $10 per pupil per week. It is our hope this will begin to encourage more healthy eating habits. If the scheme is successful we shall examine other ways this can be rolled out across the whole Empire."
The Adeptus Administratum and the Regent will open negotiations with Catachan next week to discuss their annual payments and conscriptions.
In the 1024th year of the Emperor's Reign
Brought to you by the Office for Media Affairs
Regent Maximus Astralix has today confirmed that he will, in the coming days, be making formal enquiries about the Empire becoming some part of the Southern Ocean Initiative. The move comes after a meeting of the Imperial Maritime Association, an industrial body established to support businesses making a profit from the oceans. Among the members include small fisherman's collectives all the way up to the nations largest construction dockyards. The membership stated that they believe that "the SOI is a body that has a wonderful vision for co-operation in the oceans that many of us work in everyday. By looking at working alongside neighbours there we ensure that we improve the safety of our own operations and furthermore we can boost our economic activity. We're hopeful that His Imperial Highness can make things work and look forward to how he handles this." The Regent has confirmed that he will be looking for talks with the membership in the coming days
In the 1024th year of the Emperor's Reign
Brought to you by the Office for Media Affairs
In late January of this year two individuals, Avitus Seneca and Ulysses Tatius, were caught by members of the The Inquisition Guard attempting to pick the lock to the Shrine of the Emperor. The structure which stands on the edge of Tanith Magna is home to Emperor Aurelius Drakonius and from where his spirit is able to communicate with the Regent. The two were discovered during routine patrols equipped with lock picks, cameras and computer equipment. The two have been linked to a website which aims to debunk the Divinatus faith and had hoped to gain access to the inner sanctum of the Shrine thus disturbing the Emperor and placing the nation at risk. The Inquisition Guard handed the duo over to the Courts who are expected to return a verdict on their crimes of tomb desecration, treason, interfering with Imperial property and vandalism. If found guilty of treason the two could face the death penalty. Adeptus Ministorium, which is responsible for the maintainence of the nations only state sanctioned faith, is lead by Ecclesiarch Livianus Turnus who appeared as a witness in the trial stating, "The residency of the Emperor is a sacred place in which only the pure may walk. To do otherwise would harm the Emperors meditation which has successfully guided us through our nations past. To harm a member of the Imperial Family is treason and while we are thankful that the Inquisition Guard managed to halt them from their aims the very fact that they had this intent is, in my mind at least, just as much treason as would be murdering the Emperor or Regent."
The 12 person jury have been asked to return with answers to two questions. For each charge do they find the two individuals innocent or guilty, while on the charge of treason they will also be asked whether they would sanction the use of the death penalty. Should they return guilty verdicts on treason and approve the death penalty then the two men will have 7 days to appeal and then a panel of three judges would determine their fate. If the verdict is then upheld they would then be executed 48 hours later by manner of the Garrot, this however can be commuted to firing squad with the Regents approval. Furthermore the Regent retains the power to commute death sentences to imprisonment for life with hard labour. The verdict is expected to be announced at around lunchtime tomorrow.
In the 1024th year of the Emperor's Reign
Brought to you by the Office for Media Affairs
The two individuals who had been caught breaking into the Shrine of the Emperor have been found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Avitus Seneca and Ulysses Tatius were found guilty after just three hours of the jury deliberation. The Shrine of the Emperor is the most sacred site in the Empire and any non-Inquisition sanctioned individual entering, or attempting to, is committing the crime of "Disturbing the Emperors slumber" which is is considered treason. The two men stated in court that they had both served in the nations military as volunteers and now run a website dedicated to "non-mainstream news". As part of this website they have been accused of "Borderline heresey" by the Inquisition in the past for their attempts to show that the Divinatus faith is not real. The two men now have seven days to appeal their sentence with execution by garrote scheduled to take place on the 6th April should the appeal be unsuccessful. Legal experts believe that the men's best hopes now lie with the Regent who has the power to commute the sentence either to that of death by firing squad or life imprisonment.
In the 1024th year of the Emperor's Reign
Brought to you by the Office for Media Affairs
Today the Regent has confirmed a new Decree that will open the gates to a significant arms deal with East Moreland. The Regent has issued a Decree on behalf of the Emperor that will effectively commit the nation to follow the internationally supported Uppsala Convention, essentially a list of rules of warfare. The Decree states that on the 7th April 2024 all members of the armed forces will take an oath that they will uphold all parts of the Uppsala Convention and that any soldier breaking it will face the death penalty in a Tanith court. In addition that should any soldier be accused of a crime and be outside the reach of the military high command then an international tribunal may place them on trial. Some have said that the Decree goes against Tanith laws as it recognises an authority higher than the Emperor however the Regent refuted this saying, "The Decree does not state that someone has a power greater than the Emperor, it is like an officer on duty will delegate duties to people in a position designed to specifically deal with certain matters. In the military we have specialist radio operators for example. As a result all this decree does is have the Emperors power delegated to a specialist body should the need require it. As our military are giving an oath that they will follow it then the idea of a tribunal or court case is not something we will worry about as I am confident all our soldiers will follow this to the letter. We have a long standing and proud military code of morality here and there is nothing in the Uppsala Convention that goes against the current rules for engagement we have , in fact many of our rules go above and beyond Uppsala."
The passing of this Decree also satisfies a condition put in place by King David of East Moreland for a military trade deal between the two nations. When Regent Prince Maximus Astralix visited East Moreland he meet with their King in order to explore the option of replacing the Tanith militaries Rogue Detachment's equipment with more modern examples. Currently the unit is equipped with materials acquired from various former Warsaw nations and is utilised as a way of testing the nations military against a foreign power by using their tactics and equipment. The Regent selected East Moreland, not because they are viewed as a threat, but as a "sustainable supplier with a high standard of military skills and experience." The meeting was said to go very well and an agreement was reached seeing around $1billion spread over a number of years being spent to acquire the equipment. In addition members of the Tanith military will spend time shadowing Morelanders in order to learn how to use the equipment. It is also thought a number of East Moreland manufactured fighter aircraft will also be acquired to add to the detachment as well as being utilised in the Empire's Air Force. Speaking about the deal the Regent said, "We hope this helps our military maintain its extremely high capabilities. In addition we now have a basic foundation for a partnership with a nation I have a great deal of respect for."
The Regent hopes to take delivery of the first vehicles by the end of the month.
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