Diplomacy and Events / In a field of Forget-Me-Nots
« on: October 14, 2024, 10:06:03 PM »](https://postimg.cc/3y9TSFpc)
Addressed To: Her Imperial Majesty Asuna, Empress of Rokkenjima, Princess of Littlebrook
It is with great honour that the Union of Smaragdfalt reach out to the First Empire of Rokkenjima in the spirit of friendship. Smaragdfalt is a coastal nation on the Strait of Shaw. It is a hope of Smaragdfalt can foster mutually beneficial relationships with the First Empire of Rokkenjima and ensure stability within the Straits of Shaw. The agenda outlined would be set as the following:
•Laying the grounds for a potential free trade agreement.
•Ease of visa access for travel
•Addressing Potential security concerns
The agenda that outlines on these three pillars will be the foundation of the relationship between the Union of Smaragdfalt and the First Empire of Rokkenjima. The meeting will take place in the capitol city of Mötesstad: situated on Smaragdfalt’s coast situated in the State of Gråslätter within the Executive Office of the Chancellor of the Union of Smaradgfalt, the date of which we will leave up to Your Majesty.
From: Right Honourable, Jaana Gauffin, Chancellor of the Union of Smaragdfalt.