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Topics - SimplyQ

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Diplomacy and Events / In a field of Forget-Me-Nots
« on: October 14, 2024, 10:06:03 PM »

Addressed To: Her Imperial Majesty Asuna, Empress of Rokkenjima, Princess of Littlebrook

It is with great honour that the Union of Smaragdfalt reach out to the First Empire of Rokkenjima in the spirit of friendship. Smaragdfalt is a coastal nation on the Strait of Shaw. It is a hope of Smaragdfalt can foster mutually beneficial relationships with the First Empire of Rokkenjima and ensure stability within the Straits of Shaw. The agenda outlined would be set as the following:

•Laying the grounds for a potential free trade agreement.
•Ease of visa access for travel
•Addressing Potential security concerns

The agenda that outlines on these three pillars will be the foundation of the relationship between the Union of Smaragdfalt and the First Empire of Rokkenjima. The meeting will take place in the capitol city of Mötesstad: situated on Smaragdfalt’s coast situated in the State of Gråslätter within the Executive Office of the Chancellor of the Union of Smaradgfalt, the date of which we will leave up to Your Majesty.

From: Right Honourable, Jaana Gauffin, Chancellor of the Union of Smaragdfalt.

Character Guides / Notable People in Smaragdfalt
« on: August 12, 2024, 07:44:57 AM »
Carl Dahlberg
RolesPresident of the Union of Smaragdfalt
EducationBachelor of Laws (LLB) from Helmköping University, Master of Laws (LLM) specialising in Criminal Law at the University of Kivikaupunki
Positions HeldLawyer for Byland & Larsson, Legal Counsel for the Nordarnbjorn Police Department, Chief District Prosecutor for Nordarnbjorn Police Department, Premier of Nordarnbjorn, Chairman of theDemocratic Reform Coalition, President of The Union of Smaragdfalt
Family Elmar Dahlberg (Wife), Lars Dahlberg (Son), Brigid Dhalberg (Daughter)
Links to Important events?Prosecuted and won the Case of Nordarnbjorn Vs Antoine Salstron (Head of a major drug trafficking operation) Prosecuted and won the case of Smaragdfalt V Carl Alman (Head of a Far-Right Terrorist Group responsible for Halmo Metro Bombing).
BiographyCarl Dahlberg came from a middle-class family the small coastal town of Kävle in the State of Nordarnbjorn, his father was a high school mathematics teacher and later school principal and his mother a detective for the local branch for the Nordarnbjorn Police Department (NAPD).
He was said to be a small and fail little kid who did get bullied throughout his schooling up until his senior years where he focused more on his studies. He is said to have excelled in the humanities subjects and excelled to the point where he was admitted into the Bachelor of Laws program at Helmköping University in the neighbouring state in Sydarnbjorn.

It was in law school where he re-invented himself and became more gregarious jovial made a lot of industry connections in various law student associations and networking events where he got a paid internship at the prestigious law firm of Byland & Larsson where he got a full-time job as a criminal lawyer after he graduated. 

After a Few years he transferred to their branch in the city of Kivikaupunki in the state of Järvenmaa where he studied part time as he earned his LLM specialising in criminal at the university of Kivikaupunki. It was there he met his wife Elmar who was a accountant for the Kivikaupunki City Council finance department while dstudying for her MBA part time. He spent another 4 years at the firm until he moved back to Njordanbjorn with his wife in the capitol of Halmo.

He was offered a job in the Nordarnbjorn Police Department as a prosecutor and legal counsel for the department where he prosecuted the head of a far right terrorist group who was responsible for the Bombing of Halmo Metro bombing which killed 2500 people which rocked the nation in 2006 and also prosecuted the case against Antoine Salstron who was the head of a major drug trafficking operation with links to the Quintellian Mafia in 2009.
He then ran for Premier of Nardarnbjorn as a registered member of the Democratic Reform Coalition and won 2 terms which led to him  being in office as the Premier for a decade.

He is known for his policies of criminal reform and rehabilitation justice where he implemented policies of criminal rehabilitation and passed many reforms for people with criminal records to reintegrate into society.
During the parliamentary elections in 2022 He was voted as President of the Union of Smaragdfalt after a majority vote of the States General after he became the DRC Party chair 2 years earlier and made a deal with the labour party for his party to be partners in a governing coalition.

Factbooks and Maps / The Union of Smaragdfalt
« on: July 18, 2024, 11:54:45 PM »
Motto:- Strength with unity and harmony.
National Anthem: WIP

Government Type:- Semi Presidential Republic with Parliamentry Democracy under a federalised system.
Population:-:- 28,029,748
Capital City:-  Mötesstad (3,214,483)
Demonym:- Smaragdian


Currency:- Gulder (Ǥ), GUL
GDP per Capita:- $59,540 (Nom), $67,906 (PPP)
Unemployment Rate:- 3.21%
Main Industries:- Copper, Bauxite, Silica (From Pearls) , Agriculture, Pulp and Paper Products, Consumer Electronics, Heavy Machinery and Industrial Equipment, Natural Gas, Furniture, Logistics and Transport Services, Education, Construction, Engineering, Food Processing. 


Ethnicity:- Mostly Equivalent to Nordic and Uralic People.
Languages:- Swedish, Finnish and Estonian
Religions:- WIP
Average Life Expectancy:- 87yrs (Male), 91, (Female)


Head of State:- President Carl Dahlberg
Head of Government:- Chancellor Jaana Gauffin
Name of Legislative Body:- Generalstaterna (States-General) is a unicameral body. 

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