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Messages - Achkaerin

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Diplomacy and Events / Re: Taking Care of Business (Kalasin & Achkaerin)
« on: February 12, 2025, 03:27:45 AM »
To those who knew the reputations of the two Generals flanking Serenity it might have seemed odd that she looked to Rhyth first, but there was a reason for it and the female generals eyes were lit up like a kid on Life Day who'd gotten exactly what they wanted if not better. Rhyth's nod was all Serenity needed in that respect.

"As long as we have somewhere to train them that we have control over, can station personnel at and so on that works." Serenity said with a sideways glance at Rhyth who again nodded.

"As far as aid is concerned." Michael said finding his voice "We can offer you a stimulus package to get you going, you're not the first nation we've this conversation with so we do understand what we're doing in this respect, we can certainly give your economy a kickstart, we'd be looking at something along the lines of investment opportunities for companies to come to Kalasin, to conduct business using local resources, employing the local population and so on, generate job opportunities, get people earning and get your economy in gear. Meanwhile we combine that with a humanitarian aid effort to ensure everyone can eat, can drink, has access to healthcare and so forth. As I said we've done this many times before and I'm sure we can do it again. In short we can certainly put a fair amount in to building up the infrastructure, we can put work in with civil authorities to ensure that the house doesn't fall apart once it's built, communication and consensus on the road map is going to be the key to a smooth transition, that's something we're no strangers to either. It's mostly a case of setting the terms under which things will progress that's easy enough for the coalition partners to work with you on and for us to then work from, we don't move faster than we can though - if we say that by June 2026 we're going to have the Kalasin army conducting its own operations free of supervision then that means provided the Kalasin soldiers are competent and that people in authority are happy to sign off on that. There's no value in rushing to the finish line if it hurts you in the long run."

Press Offices / Re: Achkaerinese Press Office
« on: February 11, 2025, 11:25:48 PM »

Statement in response to Rokkenjima

The Achkaerinese Government continues to be increasingly concerned at the alarming rhetoric being spoken by prominent figures within the Rokkenjiman Government. Rather than seek to reassure or address concerns raised we have seen statements that are revisionist, pointless and completely unbefitting of a nation that has previously described itself as a supporter of democracy. Leader Anselmo has stated the following:

"Electoral interference isn't always a bad thing... especially when dealing with hostile regimes, which is why I offered my opinion to the Empress when she asked and she has seemingly embraced. When one is in a position of strength you act as such; if the people of Mktvartvelo vote for a future which is harmful to their own interests they are now fully informed on the consequences. Would the Holy Empire speak against a Rokkenjiman-led effort to transmit unfettered information into Soviet states and label that as electoral interference as well? The voters know fully well on the options they're voting for; economic cooperation versus economic ruin, and there is no reason why this First Empire should choose to restrain itself. They may vote for cooperation or hostility; is this not democracy?"

This statement is based upon a false premise. Firstly Mktvartvelo cannot be in anyway classed as hostile, in fact we note that Prime Minister Tamriko Tskhovrebadze declared her willingness to remove the bilateral sanctions and engage in dialogue with Rokkenjima this is not a hostile position, nor is it the seeking of one. We therefore do not believe that the Unitary State of Mktvartvelo can be considered as a hostile regime when they are not engaging in hostility. Further what Leader Anselmo misunderstands is the circumstances of Empress Asuna's statement to say "An immediate resumption of the suspension on normal trade relations with the Unitary State in addition to 200% tariffs, across the board and without prejudice," in the event of the Unitary State electing representatives who seek to harm Rokkenjima is voter intimidation, coercion and electoral interference. And no it is not democracy - the foundation of democracy is the right to vote in free and fair elections - the Achkaerinese Electoral Commission now believes that the coming elections in Mktvartvelo cannot be regarded as free and fair as a direct consequence of Empress Asuna's statements the idea that "vote for the people who like us or else..." can be said and not challenged is wrong and we would urge the Imperial Government in Rokkenjima to consider the damage such statements will inevitably do to their own credibility and act as required. The reality is that political parties in Mktvartvelo now have grounds to challenge the election results courtesy of the ill advised Rokkenjiman statements, this is why such statements should wait until the circumstances that would give rise to the measures actually happen.

Furthermore Leader Anselmo states in relation to the RSOC ""You're unnecessary overhead for a process Asuna started with the Fusanese Emperor: you were never needed to secure the peace that her and Ejiro secured as it was already secured. Removing RSOC personnel from Rokkejiman territory is a win two fold: they get to go home, and we get to manage our affairs on our terms. It's time the RSOC stops taking credit for the efforts of the Empress and Emperor who secured a peace before the involvement of the Assembly. The honour acredited to the Assembly is misplaced and should instead be shone upon two monarchs: Asuna, of Chrysanthemum Throne and Eijiro; Emperor of Fusan."

This is revisionism, inaccurate and misses the point that she is responding to. Empress Serenity correctly stated that "No RSOC does not mean no independent verification" as the only terms of the Ardian Assembly Resolution affected by the ending of the RSOC are article 8 and a limited impact on article 5, as per the implementation of article 9. Nowhere in that resolution does it state that the terms of the resolution cease to be binding upon the dissolution of the RSOC, or that the terms change, therefore Rokkenjima and Fusan are still bound to those terms and nations may still take steps to verify their compliance, all that dissolving the RSOC does is make it easier for that verification to occur. The Achkaerinese Government appreciates that Leader Anselmo was incarcerated under house arrest at the time of the events in question so she may be interested to know firstly that the resolution was signed on the 11th of May 2023 and that the peace between Rokkenjima and Fusan was agreed in June of 2023, so it would clearly appear that the Assembly acted first and acted decisively. Secondly we would inform Leader Anselmo, who again we appreciate was incarcerated at the time, that the Treaty of friendship that established the peace in June of 2023 was signed at Commonwealth House and was brokered by Empress Serenity at the request of Empress Asuna. So if we're going to talk credit where credit is due then let's do so in full knowledge of what actually happened.

There remains no evidence to date of any bad faith negotiation, corruption or malpractice on the part of Mktvartvelian authorities in this matter, if Rokkenjima has that then they should produce it now and if they can't then there must as a matter of decency and integrity be an immediate apology for this most egregious assault on the sanctity of democracy.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: FusRokkAch: The Shout Behtesda Cut From Skyrim
« on: February 11, 2025, 02:08:31 AM »
"I'll get the paperwork drawn up shouldn't take too long." Liosa said, she picked up the bits of paper and headed for the door so the legal eagles could get to work piecing it all together.

"Liosa who would you recommend for Chief Commissioner?" Serenity asked "You ran the CSU so I'm just curious."
"I would certainly recommend Madison Pryde, whether you want her in an interim role or to take the full first term is your call. But she knows the system that you've agreed to and she knows a fair amount of the personnel, I'd say let her take the wheel initially to get you off the ground."
"Thanks." Serenity said, Liosa nodded and left.

"We can deal with appointments once we've signed something." Serenity said "Meanwhile are there any practical or logistical considerations we need to address while we wait?"

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: February 11, 2025, 01:52:05 AM »


By Roisin Shaughnessy: Chief Correspondent

"I thought we were past this." the general sentiment of Empress Serenity (pictured above) in regards to recent Rokkenjiman statements. The Empress, who is currently spending time with her family on holiday in East Moreland for her daughters half term break, was reportedly woken up in the early hours of the morning to be briefed on the latest statements coming out of Pyretannia. When asked as part of her regular phone in on Radio Achkaerin what she thought about recent Rokkenjiman statements the Empress said:

"I really thought we'd gotten past the point of this. Let's be clear about one thing, I'm not happy about the most recent statements made by Empress Asuna they are nothing short of electoral interference and bullying and all because of a root issue that is the folly of a Rokkenjiman company. I have some sympathy with Abstergo in regards to the use of national security as a reasoning against them but you have to operate according to the laws of the market you're in. As far as the 1974 State Security Powers Act goes, and I'm making this point to Asuna, the incorrect application of that Act is the basis upon which the appeal is made, that means Abstergo has seen the text of the Act when building their case so unless Abstergo's lawyers are completely incompetent or the Mkvartvelian establishment has behaved corruptly, and there is no evidence of either at this time, then it must be assumed that due process was followed to the letter. And then we have silly threats about a blockade, I'll be clear again such an action in this context has no justification its mere mention is attempted strongarming and intimidation of an electorate that has the right to choose whoever it pleases to run the country. I'll also be clear that just because she can order a blockade does not mean it will be effective or that it will be agreed with. Frankly the entire statement could and should have waited until such a time as there was a 'hostile unitary state' this timing is shambolic and the behaviour does not befit an Empress. I suggest Asuna issue an immediate apology for her remarks.

While I'm on the subject of Rokkenjima I will briefly address the other recent statement by Empress Asuna - no RSOC does not mean no independent verification. Rokkenjima and Fusan are still bound to the terms of the Ardian Assembly Resolution and we will of course take steps to ensure their compliance with the terms of the resolution and if we find breaches to occur we will see them addressed before the Assembly. We're very proud of the work that the RSOC has done and we're not prepared to see that be for nothing."

Empress Serenity was also asked about comments made by Grand Maester Yuna that the "Blessed (of Islyna) is sacred and inviolable" to which the Empress said:

"Sacred perhaps that's a matter for the Rosari Faith, it's no different to other faiths across Mundus in that respect that have sacred bloodlines, inviolable however no, absolutely not. I'm not privy to the conversations that went into Rokkenjima's constitutional reform but I would surmise that recent history contradicting that particular article might have played a part in why it was dropped - to say someone is inviolable is to say you can't criticise them, you can't infringe upon them, you can't dishonour them - all of these have been proven false, we've seen plenty of criticism in respect of the Empress's who've held the title, we've seen Beatrice investigated, arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned and so on over the Andean Genocide. That's not inviolable, history proves that the blessed of Islyna is not inviolable and other articles within Rokkenjima's current Constitution also prove that."

At the end of the phone in the Empress was asked whether she was enjoying her time in East Moreland to which she said:

"Yes I am, I'm looking forward to a few days relaxation and I'm planning a little trip up to Silverhills to see some old friends at Legionaire Legacy and probably getting thrashed at wheelchair rugby in the process."

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Summit for 357 - Open
« on: February 08, 2025, 10:52:34 PM »
For Serenity this was the latest stop in a long journey around a few events on Mundus, it would probably be remembered as her honeymoon world tour, purely because everything had fallen into place along the route. In keeping with the way the Achkaerinese had operated on foreign visits in recent years this wasn't just a case of fly in, have the meeting and fly out again, no this was planned to be a few days of rest and relaxation after the talking had been done - spend a few days at Highwick, a quick trip up to Silverhills to see some old friends, probably catch a MMMA fight or two and if the girls behaved themselves maybe a trip to the egg cup museum in Northfort would be on the cards.

The flight into Ostlake had been more of a short domestic hop than coming in from overseas, for the business of the day Serenity and her father Peter would be attending the talks while the rest of the family spent some time sightseeing, enjoying the countryside and unbeknownst to Peter worked on his Birthday surprise that was looming up on the horizon. For father and daughter the subject matter of these talks was something they both knew well, something they'd both grappled with and something they both viewed as part of one of the greater evils that stalked the lands of Mundus. Serenity wore casual attire - a black knee length skirt with a white t-shirt and a yellow and black woolly jumper, incidentally the colours of Leith AFC the football club that she owned, while Peter wore a pair of black trousers with a dark blue open necked shirt and a black jacket.

Stepping down from the aircraft Serenity and Peter had a few moments to take in the scene before them, Freya they knew, Princess Kivuli they didn't personally know but they knew who she was, the woman presently engaged with the hosts they hadn't met before but that was part of what made occasions like this so interesting it was a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Once it was their turn Serenity and Peter made their way up to Freya and Kivuli "It's good to be here." Serenity said greeting the pair "And it's good to meet you in person Princess Kivuli." Peter had been busy exchanging pleasantries with Freya, something understandable and to an extent predictable. "We'd like to thank you both for the opportunity to discuss and hopefully devise a methodology to dealing with this particular scourge." Serenity could only hope that this would have more success than previous calls had had.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The New Gothi
« on: February 07, 2025, 11:43:43 PM »
Serenity was quite well versed in the art of being 'at the edge of the frame' at this point, this was Olivia's day, this was Nya Aland's day, so she stayed as out of the way as much as she could so it was that she and Euphy watched from the ground. While Olivia addressed the crowd, and the watching world, Serenity found herself nodding along a little, one of the most frequent accusations thrown by certain disruptive elements over recent years had been the 'weaponising of international treaties' and while in regards to  those disruptive elements it was unfounded there was little doubt that those who made such remarks in respect of Nya Aland were off the mark, especially those who mentioned the MCUR. She did giggle a little at David's new title it seemed like the Morelander King was on the road to giving Elwes and Akasha a run for their money in that score.

Hand in hand Serenity and Euphy found their way to Olivia "Congratulations on your inauguration." Serenity said extending her hand, followed by Euphy doing the same "And welcome to the Heads of State club, on behalf of my nation I look forward to continuing our friendship with Nya Aland and to working with you." she smiled and presented Olivia with a leatherbound book inscribed with the date on the cover to commemorate the occasion, the pages were full of well wishes, congratulations and encouragement from Achkaerin's JET personnel some of whom had worked side by side with Olivia at one point or another while the inside front cover had Serenity's contact information and an open invitation to visit Achkaerin if Olivia wanted to. Then just as David had done Serenity and Euphy moved on.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: FusRokkAch: The Shout Behtesda Cut From Skyrim
« on: February 02, 2025, 05:02:04 AM »
"I'm not thrilled at the prospect of being disruptive to the prospective employees, nor really having to move them from Rokkenjima to Gowu, we're likely talking about people who have families who've got partners with jobs in Rokkenjima and so on. So I can see why the suggestion of Ashinxao makes sense." Serenity said "Gowu does have one suitable venue in the Queen's Citadel that could house Aegis but as I say I'd sooner not cause problems for the people such a move would impact." she paused and looked at Eijiro "However if you're saying that the Fusan Diet will not ratify this if the location be within Rokkenjima's borders then I'll call Chief Councillor Tsu and find a way to make it work in Gowu." she paused "Alternatively Asuna has presented a fair compromise and I think perhaps that is the better approach, what I would add to that if we're talking about recent history between Rokkenjima and Fusan as a factor..."

she took a breath and glanced at Asuna "Is you permit Achkaerin's Diplomatic Protection Bureau to handle the policing and security of the shared jurisdiction that way neither of you can raise that as a flag against the other. In addition, if you're happy with it, we could station a small Achkaerinese Air Force presence at Ashinxao International Airport to patrol what I presume would be restricted air space to some extent. We would of course in such an event have a liaison with local air traffic control to ensure no mishaps."

Diplomacy and Events / Re: FusRokkAch: The Shout Behtesda Cut From Skyrim
« on: January 26, 2025, 10:45:29 PM »
You have no idea what a dark day courtesy of alcohol is Serenity thought as she sipped on her milkshake, she was probably Mundus's most prominent teetotaller and that was with good reason, the less said or thought about what had happened to her in 2013 the better. "So what's left?" she said looking at Liosa

"With the agreement of a trade provision, which will be a simple rebranding and amending of what previously existed to bring it in line with what you have already agreed we come to the more administrative aspects, essentially you've already agreed what you want to be included in this treaty now it's about how things happen." Liosa said she put her hand back on the tome that was the CSU Treaty "This has a Commission, two Councils, a Court and an introductory article." she took a breath "I'm going to tell you based on what you've already agreed that you don't need two Councils, the Cross-Straits has proven that itself. You do need a regulatory body of some description which again could be within the Council operating in a manner similar to the panel of scholars the CETO has, the reason you need a regulatory function is because what you don't want to happen is a question as to the interpretation of the Treaty you're agreeing being answered differently in two of your nations. Therefore I would suggest a much slimmed down administrative machine for this than existed within the CSU, learn from the Cross-Straits biggest flaw its unwieldy-ness." she put the final parts of a suggested treaty on the table

Governance and Structure

1. Aegis is a diplomatic, defence and economic union. The organisation operates through a system of negotiated decisions by the member states.

2. The organs of the Aegis shall be:
(i) The Aegis Commission
(ii) The Aegis Council

3. The organs of Aegis shall have their headquarters in Ashinxao, Azukishima Prefecture, Rokkenjima.

4. The accounts of Aegis shall be audited by SHIELD Law and presented by a member of that office to the Council and the Commission.

5. The agreed financial year for Aegis is the 1st of April - 31st of March

The Commission

6. The Aegis Commission shall be the administrating body of the Aegis Organisation, it shall be led by a Chief Commissioner who shall be the chief administrator of the Organisation and Commissioners responsible for specific portfolios, the Chief Commissioner shall internationally represent the Organisation. The full list of Commission portfolios shall be:

(i) Chief Commissioner
(ii) Commissioner of Foreign Affairs
(iii) Commissioner of International Aid and Development
(iv) Commissioner of Defence
(v) Commissioner of Justice
(vi) Commissioner for Economy and Finance
(vii) Commissioner for the Internal Market and Trade
(viii) Commissioner for Agriculture and the Environment
(ix) Commissioner for Climate Change
(x) Commissioner for Home and Cultural Affairs
(xi) Commissioner of Science and Innovation
(xii) Commissioner for Education and Youth

7. The Commission shall be responsible for the negotiation of trade agreements between the Organisation as a bloc and other nations, the vetting of applicant nations, nominating office holders of the Organisation, advising meetings of the Council and other such duties as required by the Council or other organs of the Organisation.

8. Members of the Commission are elected for a five year term renewable by the Council. All members shall be from member states.

9. On behalf of the Organisation the Commission shall retain SHIELD Law as legal counsel.

The Council

10. The Aegis Council shall be the day to day decision making body of the Aegis Organisation responsible for decisions relating to instructing the Commission and other matters not mentioned elsewhere in this treaty, each member state shall be represented on the Council each with a single vote.

11. Decisions of the Council are by majority of votes cast in the event of a tie the Chief Commissioner shall have the casting vote.

12. The Council shall annually meet as a Council of Head of States - only in this form may amendments to this Accord be made and each amendment shall require a two thirds majority.

13. Meetings of the Heads of State may be requested on an ad hoc basis should circumstances require it.

"If this meets your approval you will have a treaty and then you can move to more practical matters." Liosa said

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The New Gothi
« on: January 22, 2025, 12:51:37 AM »
The Achkaerinese embassy in Krokom had been somewhat caught on the hop with the formalities, not because of anything associated with the recent troubles in Nya Aland as the government in Valtheim had been very much across that, no this was all down to the logistics. This event happened to coincide with the end of Serenity and Euphy's honeymoon. It had been a bit of a trip in all honesty and a fairly major itinerary change, they'd had a couple of days at Commonwealth House in Rokkenjima and then a few days in Estvua also in Rokkenjima though the latter was more important as Euphy was titled Princess of Estvua, that had then been followed by a bit of a sea cruise aboard the Blue Fox, an Ekranoyacht and the official transport of the Achkaerinese Empress on the high seas of Mundus, Serenity was also certified to pilot it, a fact that was very handy for a long cruise that was essentially just for the two of them. As might have been suspected if not expected the Blue Fox had put into port at Grumwald, from there it had been a trip by waiting car to the Achkaerinese embassy for the night before.

Serenity had spent the early morning after breakfast having a catch up with the Achkaerinese ambassador to Nya Aland and then on the phone with family back home, checking up on how her daughter Astrid was doing after surgery. Then it was a case of getting dressed and heading out, Serenity wore a green dress while Euphy wore purple, Serenity also wore a bracelet replica of the torq she'd been gifted by the Alanders a few years earlier. On arrival at the location the pair got out of the car and looked around, normal service had clearly been resumed with King David's presence and it was good to see Alana, a Lodjan that the Achkaerinese Royals viewed favourably, again.

"Relax." Serenity whispered taking Euphy's hand, she knew that Euphy wasn't as familiar with this circle as she was
"I'm nervous." Euphy whispered back
"Well there's a Lodjan Crown Princess over there who's on her first rodeo as well." Serenity said "So you're not the only one."

The pair walked hand in hand over to where Birgid Strand was waiting, both Serenity and Birgid were in the club of former CTO Secretary Generals and while Serenity and Tim Carpenter likely had the headlines from those days, courtesy of the Marseilles crisis and the fallout from the Andean Genocide, there was no arguing with the reality that the best job, the most progressive job in that role had been done by Birgid. "Good morning." Serenity said greeting Birgid before glancing at Euphy "Have you... ?"
"Don't believe so." Euphy said
"Birgid Strand may I introduce my wife Queen Euphemia." Serenity said
"Nice to meet you." Euphy said
"We're quite curious about what the new Head Gothi is going to say and we look forward to working with her in the years ahead." Serenity said

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: January 20, 2025, 07:11:59 PM »


By David Woods: Political Correspondent

The Government has delivered the budget for the year, the overall theme being what it has called "the continuation of sustained growth.", delivered by Minister of Economic Affairs Matthew Patterson the address was welcomed across the Senate chamber with acclaim, this reflecting the unique nature in which the budget is itself compiled - though it is delivered by the ruling party or coalition it is put together through a hefty consultation process with all the parties. Highlights included greater funding for the Achkaerin Health Service, an increased foreign aid budget and the closing off of several remaining loopholes in various laws. Addressing the Senate at the end of delivering the budget Minister Patterson said:

"Mr Speaker if I may be allowed a personal moment, this will be the last budget that I deliver in this chamber, I have been here for many years with a singular focus to cement economic stability, to create growth and to then sustain it. We have achieved that and it's time for someone else to write the next chapter, I hope to return to the Senate after the election but as far as my responsibilities for the economy I will say this, foundations of growth built, trade network built, quality of life up, standards up across the board, ours is a strong economy, it is a competitive economy and it is a growing, evolving economy and I commend this budget to the Senate."

Vignettes / Re: A Palace of Music
« on: January 15, 2025, 12:02:04 AM »

There were a few things that Serenity didn't like, hospitals were high up the list she'd spent so much of her life in and out of them for one reason or another whether it be aplastic anaemia, pregnancy, leg surgery, physiotherapy or live liver transplant. And that was just her involvement, added to that were the various visits with her daughters and those always made her feel even worse, which ultimately made this one the worst yet. Serenity was no stranger to the scalpel, her left leg was a testament to that, but for her younger daughter Astrid this was a first, at eight years old, it was experimental surgery and it was part of the Scrivens Medical trial into reversing hearing loss. If things went as hoped then it was possible that Astrid's would be reversed. Serenity was sat in the hospital room that had been set aside for Astrid, there wasn't a bed as the surgery was in progress but there were a handful of Astrid's keepsakes on the bedside table there was her trio of soft toys a little teddy bear and two pokemon ones a Vulpix and a Pikachu, there was a team Achkaerin baseball cap from the Mundus Games and there also a white and blue patterned ocarina.

"Val's outside pacing and you're in here." Euphy said referring to Astrid's translator.
"Can't manage to take my mind off of it." Serenity said as Val came in with three paper cups of tea.
"It's going to be a long one." Val said handing the cups out "I've never been this nervous." she sat down.
"That makes two of us and I'm counting the Mundus Games." Serenity said
"Three and I married you." Euphy said

"What are we going to do for Dad's birthday?" Serenity said rubbing her eyes, it was a change of topic brought out of needing to move her focus away from the operating theatre and think about anything else.
"Surprise party?" Val suggested "He'll never see it coming."
"Star Wars music and all." Euphy said "I'll bust out the harpsichord for it."
"Do you all play a musical instrument?" Val asked
"Mum's influence." Serenity said, meaning Iona Azurewind her father's first wife "But yeah we do. Beatrice plays the organ, I play piano, Euphy's on harpsichord, Simon plays the trumpet, Cerys plays sax, Sakura plays violin, Jack plays guitar, Kyoko plays bass and Evanthe's harp right?"
"Yep." Euphy said "Then Lucinda's pretty good on keyboard."
"Lisa's learning the drums, Astrid's not bad with her ocarina and then Simon's girls play the clarinet and oboe." Serenity said "Not forgetting Katyusha and her balalaika."
"Quite the orchestra." Val said
"It is isn't it." Serenity said then she giggled "I just had a crazy idea."
"What?" Val asked
"Dad's birthday, what about getting the band back together?" Serenity said

"Now there's a thought." Euphy said sipping her drink "Three and a half months to pull that together."
"For one night at least one night for now." Serenity said "I'm sure we can find enough room in schedules to make it happen."
"Thank goodness Sakura's dating the Youth Orchestra's conductor." Val said
"Want me to make the phone calls?" Euphy asked
"Strike while the iron's hot as they say." Serenity said
"I'm on it." Euphy said
"And I'll talk to Becky when we get home." Serenity said

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: January 09, 2025, 01:02:53 AM »


By David Woods: Political Correspondent

Consul Michael Williams has been talking to the media as the Senate term kicked into gear with a number of procedural motions necessary for the smooth continuation of Senate business. Appearing on Morning Pulse,  the Consul was asked a number of questions. Most were expected however comments made by the Rokkenjiman Councillor for Defence took initial centre stage as the Consul was asked what he thought about them to which he said:

"Unfortunately I don't think Councillor Rei has covered herself very well here. It's fair enough to say that coming out of a conspiracy against your government is very likely to hinder military operations however when you look at the whole of what she has said I'm afraid to say it reads very much like a case of excuses for excuses sake. The reality is that if what she says is accurate then there is no barrier to Rokkenjima sending aid into Kritamala, as the Rokkenjiman Air Force has been cleared. However and I say this very carefully having done the maths I question whether Councillor Rei is being entirely honest in that respect. The Rokkenjiman military has a reported total size of just over one point two million personnel, the overwhelmingly majority of which can be safely said to have served in the time of the Federal Republic meaning they have careers going back more than twenty years, this review has been going on just shy of seven months that means in order to clear all personnel in that time frame you have be clearing people for duty at a rate of five a minute. That isn't thorough investigation that's the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing. So in my view we either a capable yet unwilling Rokkenjima or we have a Rokkenjiman Councillor not being honest with the people she represents, not a good look either way. The lack of willingness isn't just specific to Rokkenjima, as much as we can all look at high profile incidents of recent years and see Rokkenjima's words and actions not adding up, we can also look at other nations who have the capacity to provide aid, who've demonstrated that capacity before but aren't this time. At this point it's beyond a joke this is now a damning indictment against the majority of the international community - the most lethal virus Mundus has seen is on the loose in Kritamala if ever there was a time to step up it's now, so where are you?"

The Consul was also asked about upcoming Senate business to which he said:

"There's not going to be that much because we're a matter of weeks away from the Senate being dissolved and election campaigns starting. We have the budget in a few days, that's the likely headline event, we've got the next stage of GETA to deal with and the usual reviews of various legislation already in effect and of course if anything urgent comes up the Business Committee will find the time from somewhere."

Finally the Consul about the upcoming election to which he commented:

"It'll be a hard campaign, it always is, we're fortunate in this country that our political debate is policy based and positive, rather than personal. The beauty of democracy is that if you do a good job you get to keep it and if you haven't the voters let you know. I hope to still be Consul come the day after the election but if I'm not then I wish good fortune to whomever is entrusted with that responsibility."

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: January 06, 2025, 11:52:49 PM »


By Zoe Tate: Entertainment Correspondent

A documentary on the life of the former Emperor Peter Azurewind has started filming. Originally planned to air last year, it was delayed as shooting could not occur as the the Emperor Emeritus was still recovering following his being in a coma for many months. It is understood that the documentary will largely be a conversational style with contributions from family and friends, though no details have been confirmed there has been initial speculation that it may go into things not previously explored in similar programming. The documentary is expected to air in May to coincide with the Emperor Emerita's birthday.

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: January 05, 2025, 12:26:57 AM »


By Olivia Moores: International News Correspondent

As the Senate prepares to formally return into session on Monday the Government has been getting back to work in what is sometimes referred to as "catch up week", the phrase refers to the days between the 28th of December and the first Monday after the new year which are still regarded as being in the festive period though it has traditionally been the time period where the wheels of State start getting back up to speed. The major development this time around is the end of the long running crisis in Nya Aland and the election of Olivia Robertsson as Head Gothi. Minister of Defence Adam Sheppard (pictured above) spoke about this as he arrived at the Ministry this morning saying: "We're happy to see that the leadership vacuum in Nya Aland has been resolved and we look forward to a friendly and constructive relationship with the new Government there. We're very proud of the work that our service men and women have put in over the course of the crisis and we'll release the final numbers in regards to our operations when we have them. We're going to reduce our military presence back down to what it was at the outset of the crisis so that our ongoing operation in the region can continue and we'll be bringing the rest of our ships and personnel stationed there back home. We don't yet have final numbers in regards to how many traffickers we arrested but that will be reported to the Senate and the people when we do."

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 25, 2024, 03:32:12 PM »


By Roisin Shaughnessy: Chief Correspondent

The Empress has delivered the monarch's Life Day Message. The Marble Palace also continued the new tradition of a Festive postcard (pictured below the message) sent out to every home in the nation, a multitude of charities, Achkaerinese embassies abroad, foreign embassies based in Achkaerin and foreign governments, a short message wishing the receipient(s) well and looking forward to the new year is on the reverse side.

The Empress's Life Day Message was as follows:

Life Day Message 2024

"Good Afternoon and a Happy Life Day, Christmas, Yule, Hannukah and festive season to all of you. This is a time of the year when we think about joy, and it's been a theme through my life this year, and it's something found across Mundus even in the places you wouldn't expect to find it you just have to look. Last year I said would go down as a year littered with terrorism, this year will go down as a year of overcoming rather than being overwhelmed by that particular adversary, what better example than Nya Aland where their current instability has taken steps forwards just in time for this time of year. It is important to remember those who put themselves in harms way throughout the course of that crisis to ensure that we could now get to this point. And now we look at the situation in Kritamala, a nation emerging onto the international stage and faced with a crisis of its own, there are many people from across Mundus on the ground there who can't celebrate the festivities with their families but will I'm sure celebrate alongside their comrades.

On the family front it's been a year of joy for a couple of reasons, my niece got married back in June and then just a couple of weeks ago I married Euphemia or Euphy as we call her, she's someone I've known all my life and we've had a few moments over the years before tying the knot though we were already bound by a live liver transplant, this years festive postcard is from one of those times, nineteen years ago we got roped into the High School's pantomime of Peter Pan because they needed a couple of younger kids to play Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, we like to think that they really needed a couple of kids who didn't mind throwing themselves across a stage. It was a fun filled few nights of pretending that we could fly and fight pirates and there was a dance in there somewhere. The thing is that it was this joyful thing, surprisingly so to. And speaking of family joy next promises even more joy as we will welcome two new additions which makes me a great aunt but I can also tease my dad that he's going to be a great grandfather.

2025 promises many things, it's another year where there will be many reminders of what has gone before, ten years on from the Eugenics War in Seaforth, ten years on from the formation of the CTO and ten years on from the Marseilles Crisis. Lingering questions still exist from some of that and hopefully the new year will bring those resolutions, we'll continue in the same way we've always done, we'll not only talk the talk but we'll walk the walk. On a personal note the new year for me begins with a honeymoon and then getting back to work and somewhere in the middle of this we'll be celebrating my dad's fifty sixth birthday. I hope you all have a joyous and fun filled festive period and new year. Thank you."[/size]

This years festive postcard, featuring Empress Serenity and her wife Queen Euphemia at ages 7 and 8 respectively

In related news, the Marble Palace has released pictures of some of the days festivities featuring the four young Princesses and Val Kirby, Princess Astrid's sign language interpreter, they show the four princesses trying out some new tap shoes having all picked it up over the last couple of years, Ms Kirby is a dance student at the Royal Valtheim University and is believed to be teaching the Princesses:

(top left) Princess Astrid (top middle) Val Kirby, (top right) Princess Lisa,
(bottom left) Princess Aeolia (bottom right) Princess Lamia.


By Zoe Tate: Entertainment Correspondent

A variation of the song Everything is Awesome (best known from the Lego movie), has taken the Life Day number one spot - the song titled as a Dwarven variation comes from Clamavi De Profundis and puts a fantasy spin on the song by invoking dwarves and elves. The group will now feature at the New Years concert in Valtheim alongside more household names.

Vignettes / Re: A Palace of Music
« on: December 22, 2024, 09:48:28 PM »
The Most Wonder...erm Busiest Time of Year

One of the things to life at the Marble Palace was that there was little to no let up in pace, it came with a packed calendar that ran through the year - December was especially  hectic in this respect, there were plenty of fun little traditions and then there was Life Day at the back end of the month and then that ran right into the new year. It was also weirdly the one time of year where there was something of a quiet few days, the run up to Life Day was responsible for this as everyone was either wrapping presents or doing their children's present wrapping for them, at times it seemed that there weren't enough hours in the day to do all of it. Serenity was standing around the gardens watching a hilarious family snowball fight go on.
"Serenity." Kitty Hart, Serenity's bodyguard, said getting the Empress's attention and then indicating that she had a guest Janelle Scrivens, technically speaking a Princess of Nueva Ardia, but no one really cared about that any more, it was of no consequence.

"Janelle." Serenity said smiling "What can I do for you?"
"I wanted to give you this." Janelle said handing Serenity an envelope "Consent forms for Astrid to have a place on our hearing loss reversal trial... if she wants it."
"Are you serious?" Serenity asked
"Very." Janelle said smiling "No guarantees it'll work, but forty percent chance is better than nothing."
"It is." Serenity said "I'll talk to her and let you know."
"All right." Janelle said

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Comeback
« on: December 22, 2024, 08:09:42 PM »
It was a scene the likes of which the Round Table room in the Marble Palace had never seen before, Serenity was wrapping Life Day presents at the briefing went on, for the simple reason that she needed as much time as she could find to do them. That didn't mean that she wasn't paying attention to the information she was being given and it was a very familiar feeling, this had just potentially gone beyond a humanitarian matter. Ten years earlier the CIS's humanitarian operation in Safraen had encountered the complication that had been the then USR's involvement and now in Kritamala Rodina were at it again, but truth be told it wasn't Rodina's involvement that was most worrying, it was the possibility that Kaitaine were getting in on the act because that brought far more dangers into play.

"When we sent troops in with aid supplies I also ordered a small number of ships to head there so that we had an isolated off shore medical facility in the form of a hospital ship for serious cases of the virus." Serenity said "Where's the Discovery's task group?"
"On their way towards the Emerald Strait." Admiral Jackson said "Still about forty eight hours out from there but once through the strait they can be on station within twenty four hours. The problem is that the Strait is a bottleneck and a half, in relative terms for naval operations it's not that wide and we're talking about Kaitaine so if they can block that off the whole strait is within range of well you know what."
"Adam?" Serenity asked as she finished putting a little bit of Sellotape on a present before looking at the Minister of Defence.
"This is in Rodina and Kaitaine's backyard." Adam Sheppard said "Right now the issue getting what we need in place as fast as we can."
"Ok tell the Discovery to make all speed for the Emerald Strait with a bit of luck they beat Kaitaine there and get through without trouble." Serenity said "Tell me about the request we've had."

"Your Majesty" General Andrew Culshaw said "As you know we presently have a small number of personnel at the airport that has been used as an entry point for aid supplies on a daily basis by the IHC effort." he was highlighting areas of a map on a wallscreen as he spoke "KASA forces have asked us if we can send some troops to the province of Ladkui in the south west of the country, the locals say it's about a day and half by road to get there. They're concerned about a group of supporters of the previous regime roaming the countryside down there, they've reportedly visited two prisons and recruiting anyone prepared to join them while either executing or leaving those who won't."
"The complication is that prisons are high up the list of places that could be breeding grounds for the virus." Sally Westbrooke said, her voice coming from a wall monitors speakers, she was flying to Kritamala with medical teams and supplies and so was joining the meeting via video conferencing.
"And then it gets worse." Andrew said "Also in the area is the Mankund Military Internment Centre, this is where opponents of the previous regime are locked up and then there's the Vikrampur Prison, which holds their most dangerous criminals. Their version of Coral Rift."
"So let me get this straight we've got a militia that may be loyal to the previous regime roaming the countryside, recruiting dangerous criminals to their cause and murdering those that don't and right in the area they're roaming around in is a facility that holds people they may want dead?" Serenity said
"Pretty much yes." Adam said
"Ok." Serenity said "Sally when you touch down take over the airport detail the scouts are currently doing, General relay to our people on the ground they're authorised to go and deal with this problem, get people to safety first and then hunt down this militia." she took a breath "Let's hope this doesn't get any worse, but be ready if it does."

Kara had relayed the information up the chain and had been waiting for a response and was happy when she got back the authority to go, she looked around and spotted Corporal Nia Snow coming back from picket duty "Nia rustle me up a couple of Lionesses, a Hellcat and a Liger. We've got a job down south to do."
"Boss." Nia said before going to grab the vehicles
"So what's the plan?" Holly asked
"We head down south." Kara said "We're going straight for the Mankund Military Internment Centre, drive in shifts, we go through the night, we need to get there before this roaming militia gets there."

It wasn't long before Nia had the vehicles Kara had asked for the two Lionesses were rugged off roaders when needed, they were one of the scouts preferred vehicles of choice, the Liger was a backbone vehicle within the Achkaerinese military, it was tough and flexible, this one was a shield variant giving it a little extra punching power. Normally the Liger would have been the headline vehicle but then there was the Hellcat, the new kid on the block, fast, light and armed.

"KASA forces can travel in the back of the Liger, but I'll need a guide with me." Kara said she suspected that what she had available was likely to be more protected than what KASA had available to them under the circumstances and if they were both going to be checking this out then it made sense to keep the KASA force alive as best she could, she waited while everyone who was going loaded up before climbing aboard the Lioness she was going to ride in and getting on the radio "Ok everyone keep it nice and simple, be alert this is bandit country. Move out." she nodded to the driver and the small convoy began its journey south. As the urban backdrop of the city yielded to the countryside the Hellcat moved up to take point, it was only a day and a halfs drive but it was going to feel a lot longer than that, it always did when the stakes got raised like this.

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of Social Media
« on: December 20, 2024, 09:58:08 PM »

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 20, 2024, 08:32:57 PM »


Empress Serenity answering questions in the Senate earlier today

By David Woods: Political Correspondent

The Senate has concluded its business for the year with it's now traditional finale - Questions for the Crown, just not Questions for the Crown as it's normally seen, the rules are somewhat relaxed as the participants typically turn up sporting festive dress and the questions blend the serious with the more fun, a prime example of this was in the year 2002 during the then Emperor Peter's first end of year session where an impromptu game of charades broke out in the middle of the session. Todays highlights included the first time that Queen Euphemia was present on the Crown benches behind where the Empress took questions. The Empress was asked several questions as follows:

What are the Empress's plans for Life Day? (asked by Adam Lonsdale, Republican Party)

"Have a lie in? Though that's wishful thinking, I expect it'll be the usual blend of getting up, opening presents, spending time with family, I'm doing the cooking this year, and then whatever games we've got to play or a movie marathon depending on what the girls want to do."

Who is responsible for the Empress's lovely festive jumper? (asked by Harriet Simpson, Endeavour Party)

"That would be the family knitter which is my Dad, he's made plenty of them over the years but this is one of my favourites."

What's the Empress looking forward to in the new year? (asked by Rosemary Carter, Progressive Party)

"There are a few things. On a personal note I'm looking forward to myself and Euphy going on our honeymoon, which means you wonderful people get the fun of doing one or two of these question sessions with Simon. I'm also looking forward to the early business the Senate will bring next year, I understand the budget forecasts project that Achkaerin's economy will surpass Seaforth's on current figures so that's certainly interesting. I will also just make a polite request to the Consul, as next year is an election year, please don't schedule the business of dissolving the Senate for my daughters birthday, I will get in a whole lot of trouble with her for that."

Does the Empress agree with King David's statement of "There is still evidence that when the world needs action the world doesn't want to know."? (asked by Ajax Semanter, Liberal Party)

"I was wondering when the more serious question was going to come. Sadly yes I do agree with that statement. I think the evidence is there plain for all to see, and what hurts the most is that we're not even talking about who sends troops in and who doesn't, we're talking about general involvement not specifics. Take Kritamala a humanitarian crisis is going on in that country and five nations are in there doing what they can, but that doesn't prevent anyone sending supplies in, just coordinate it with the IHC and that only takes a phone call. The Achkaerinese navy has spent a lot of the last year combatting human trafficking in the Alucard in relation to the situation in Nya Aland, I'm pleased to say with great success and I'm proud of our efforts in that respect, but again it's the case that you've got nations that in terms of military resources are in the main not the biggest, don't have the largest numbers of ships or aircraft who are showing up and doing what they can, while those that have all the capabilities to be helpful sit on the sidelines and do nothing. And these are the same nations that would call for help if they were in the position that Nya Aland has been in."

Does the Empress have an opinion on the recent news out of Fusan? (asked by Vice-Consul Rhian Kennedy, Patriot Party)

"The phrase it doesn't look good, comes to mind. It's a little concerning when you can say that the most stable government, in fact the only stable Government, in that region of Ardia in the last few years has been the devolved Government in Gowu. I'm not going to get into further details until there's more information known about what's gone on."

With the Empress's leave (which was given), a question for Queen Euphemia: When did she fall for the Empress? (asked by Jade Nightingale, Green Party)

(Euphy) "I've known since Northfort 2014. Cultural Exchange Treaty negotiations, Beatrice took me along to get a look at what was going on, how diplomacy was done and all of that. And there's this redhead that I haven't seen in eight years. Only took another seven or eight years for us to go on a date and that was to this science fiction inspired place and she did this Doctor Who karaoke thing and that was it."

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: December 19, 2024, 06:31:58 PM »
Nia Snow
EducationChapterhouse Valtheim educated - Truthsayer
Graduate Achkaerin Army Academy
Positions Held

Corporal (Achkaerin Army)
Posting: Scout Squad
FamilyMother - Ruth Snow
Father - Percy Snow
Links to Important events?
BiographyNia spent a lot of her time growing up out in the great outdoors, she became very comfortable in such surroundings to the point where she was encouraged to enter some cross country races in Achkaerin, she became the national High School champion in 2020 during her final year of high school. She's followed that up with inter forces titles. She's very calm and collected most of the time and gets the job done.

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 19, 2024, 12:09:34 AM »


By Kimberly Thorn: Science and Technology Correspondent

Scrivens Medical have been granted authorisation to proceed with human trials of a new treatment that could if successful reverse hearing loss. The technique involves a combination of factors as explained by the company's CEO Janelle Scrivens:

"What we're looking at is, nothing less than being potentially on the verge of being able to reverse deafness. It all starts in the lab where we take progenitor cells and mature them, or you could say reprogram them, into cells that are functional auditory neurons, in our preclinical studies these cells have an approximate 40% success rate when it comes to the reversal of hearing loss and improvements to the hearing threshold. We then combine this with a newly developed surgical technique which has been a very very positive process in this. We've consulted with numerous surgeons who specialise in ear, throat and nose surgeries to model a safe way to access the core of the cochlea, and this is important because it is there where the cells need to be delivered. Knowledge of the cochlea or rather the lack of it has been an obstacle this is in no small part due to the cochlea being deep in the skull. We're intending on running the trial for two years and if this shows what we believe all our preclinical work and theory does then we will be applying for certification of the technique. Our sample size for the trial will be approximately two thousand people."

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 15, 2024, 03:14:28 AM »


By Olivia Moore: International News Correspondent

Empress Serenity, in a question and answer session with University students from across the Empire, has given her thoughts on the proposal of Pharaoh Akasha to establish the IDC, a diplomatic forum that would appear to be the latest in a long line of institutions similar to the CTO. When asked what she thought of the proposal Empress Serenity replied:

"This is going to be a bit of a long answer, but it's a very good question. Initially I look at the proposal and I understand what the Pharaoh is trying to achieve it's very much the principle that, when you go back to the original summit, the founding CTO members were looking to achieve. That was in the wake of a clear shift in the political landscape of Mundus, WARSAW had fallen, the CIS nations were on the rise, it wasn't a bilateral world it was a multilateral world in the wake of the many conflicts of 2014 there was a clear appetite for some sort of means of preventing further conflicts as far as was possible to do so. The Pharaoh speaks with much of that same idealism that was in the room in 2015, but she also shows a level of what I would say is a lack of awareness and understanding. Ideals are great things they can move mountains, they can make things happen but there is a need here to have realism alongside idealism. You're all wondering where I'm going with this so I'll try to keep it simple, whenever someone suggests this sort of diplomatic forum, this type of organisation the question they have to answer is how is this going to be different from the CTO? And the answer that always comes back is It'll be an entirely different structure, it'll have less bureaucracy. This is a narrative that is paraded out by people who come up with these proposals as a means to address the slow pacing of CTO action. However suggesting that the structure of the CTO or even its bureaucracy is responsible for that frankly is to take the easy way out, in fact I'd say it misses the mark completely. In essence the Pharaoh has proposed a diplomatic forum with presumably administrative support, that's a given before you even write a treaty you're going to need to maintain archives, minutes, verify votes, have technical support and so on. The final form of the CTO as per what was agreed at Silverhills saw the removal of the security council and left the organisation as the General Assembly alone with a civil service for administrative support. So it's all well and good the Pharoah saying 'wash your glasses and look again' but I could do that over and over and it won't change the fact that in structural terms what she is suggesting is what the CTO looked like after Silverhills.

Any attempt to build something of this type means learning from the failings of the CTO, it can be said all day long 'not a CTO' but the proposal screams 'CTO', so what are the failings? Slow pacing? That's the easiest to overcome, you empower the administrative support side of the organisation to put time periods on debates, ensure the same matter can't be revisited constantly and so on. You can go back and look at what happened in the wake of the Andean Genocide, there were numerous resolutions brought by Rokkenjima and Dartfordia on at least one occasion to try and rehash what had already been agreed by the General Assembly, in so doing valuable time for debate was taken up dealing with a matter of no consequence while another genocide was going on in Royal Seleucid, the CTO didn't even debate that because it got paralysed on account of national ego. And this brings up a key question mark that needs to be thought about, it's one that every organisation has - what happens when you have to police your own? This is again somewhere I don't think the CTO can be bashed, because we all saw it. We had Rokkenjiman involvement in a genocide - the nature of the involvement may have changed but the involvement as a fact hasn't. The CTO did it's job well in those circumstances it passed a resolution to establish an investigation, it passed subsequent resolutions to recognise the charges against people, to issue arrest warrants and to call for the trials of those individuals to occur. So I would urge the Pharaoh to have an answer for that circumstance.

The major failure of the CTO is lack of commitment by the overwhelming majority of the membership to walk the walk when push comes to shove. Look at the various situations that happened on the CTO's watch and you'll see a trend which is that time and time again it was always the same two nations stepping up and carrying things - Achkaerin and East Moreland. In fact you can go into the CTO's Youtube channel and you'll find among the most viewed video's a statement by Tim Carpenter during his second term as Secretary-General in which he questions the commitment of the members if I remember correctly he actually makes a challenge of it by pointing at everyone in turn except for Sir Jacob Longe who was East Moreland's representative and Cheryl Holmes who was our representative at the time. Why was this the major failing? Unfairness is the easiest way of putting it. Every member of the CTO was financially contributing to the upkeep of the organisation and when every time it was only Achkaerin and East Moreland contributing to efforts it becomes understandable why people in Valtheim were asking 'why are we sending all this money to an organisation that doesn't support us?' I will also say that you can look at the body count of Achkaerinese and Morelander forces, the numbers lost in Marseilles, in Royal Seleucid and in Uppsala and ask the question how many would still be alive if the promised support had materialised? Or if the CTO had actually debated the matter? If anything the Royal Seleucid incident proves the point more than anything else, because despite calls for a debate there wasn't one and you ended up with what is honestly the finest hour in the history of the Achkaerinese military and I suspect King David feels the same way in regards to the Morelander involvement. So the major question for the Pharaoh is how do you ensure that there isn't a repeat of that circumstance? This is why every time an organisation like this is proposed both myself and King David are rather guarded because we'd like an answer to that question. I'm not going to put words into King David's mouth but personally I'm open to the idea of a grand diplomatic forum that's brilliant but I don't want a repeat of what happened the last time around, I said it to Empress Asuna when she suggested the Assembly of Nations and she didn't get back to us, and now I'll say it to the Pharaoh - how are you going to ensure that if Achkaerin joins this thing that it's not a repeat performance?

The reason that's important is because if this IDC gets up and running it's going to be passing resolutions, it's going to be making decisions and that carries the possibility of resolutions that call for military action. The Pharaoh says in her remarks on the IDC "Imagine what could have been achieved in respects to Troyes if such a forum existed. What could have transpired in Kalasin, or what could have been between Rokkenjima and Fusan prior to the first shots being fired?" I politely say there's a level of ignorance of understanding in what she says which brings me back to the whole idealism and realism relationship, the ideal of diplomacy can solve the problem is a great thing but it must be tempered by realism, by the understanding that diplomacy will not always succeed, the Pharaoh speaks of Troyes - let's be clear the occupation of Troyes by Seaforth began in January 2017 when they refused to follow the request of President Papin and leave the country instead they formed Troyes into a protectorate, that all happened on the CTO's watch, as for why the CTO didn't delve into the issue I refer you back to the attempted Rokkenjiman filibuster of proceedings at the Palace of Nations at the time which was coupled with a very laid back Secretariat at the time. The Pharaoh refers to Kalasin, now in fairness it's possible to suggest that an international forum might have been able to establish a unified position in respect of the initial dispute the secession of the northern territories from the Union, it's a very familiar circumstance so it's quite likely that an international body could have formulated a position calling for a referendum on the matter. However that wouldn't have changed what happened - the moment missiles were fired from Kalasin into Fusan you were always going to see a military intervention, you were always going to see Fusan call on its friends. The Rokkenjima and Fusan example is I'm afraid to say something that does not belong as worded because the opportunity to prevent that shot being fired didn't exist it's not like there was a whole load of tension bubbling up and then it happened, no it happened quickly within minutes. The chance to stop anything is just after that point, now that didn't happen instantly but it did happen and it was an international forum in the Ardian Assembly that put an end to it, and I'll add that just after my coronation I was banging Asuna and Eijiro's heads together which led to the Rokkenjima-Fusan treaty of friendship. My point is that in all of these examples the notion of being able to prevent them happening I don't think would have been possible because they're either out of the blue incidents or very fast evolving ones. And all of that comes back to the principle issue here you can have an organisation that talks the talk, that makes statements and so forth, but what happens when it needs to back that up with action and how are you going to ensure that everyone does so equally and what happens if they don't?

In short I think it's a noble idea but I worry there's a little bit of rose tinted glasses going on and with international organisations one must always account for practicality and realism. As I've said, deliver something that functions, that answers the concerns and I'll put it in front of the Senate. If the Pharaoh wants to make use of the experience I have running international organisations she does have my phone number and I encourage her to do what no other proposer of this sort of thing has done which is do the legwork, this gets a lot easier if you talk things through with the critics and sceptics than if you just sit and wait for a meeting."

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 13, 2024, 07:31:35 PM »


By Roisin Shaughnessy: Chief Correspondent

Empress Serenity and her fiancée Princess Euphemia have married. The ceremony held at the Temple of the Brave comprised elements of both the Namis and Rosari faiths and was followed by the crowning of the Princess as Elemental Queen. The day had a very unique feel to it, it's not the first Royal wedding I've covered and I hope it's not the last but with Achkaerinese ones that have gone before there's very little that you don't know is going to happen and so we're usually left commenting about the wedding dress, the music choices and so son. This wasn't like that and maybe it's the venue that sets the tone for that, the only formal temple in Valtheim where this could happen without making one of the couple feel uncomfortable was the Temple of the Brave, a place more associated with funerary rites than the matrimonial variety but it set the stage for proceedings. Of course everyone looks forward to getting their first look at the wedding dress and they weren't disappointed as Princess Euphemia wore a Black Rose made white dress, walking the Princess down the aisle was the Emperor Emerita, who couldn't stop smiling throughout, though perhaps that was down to the musical pick of Princess Euphemia as she went down the aisle to the wedding processional and Maria reprise from the musical The Sound of Music which prompted a flurry of people taking to social media saying they'd been singing along to it. The televised coverage of the wedding worldwide is still being estimated but analysts are already saying that it is likely to be the most watched Achkaerinese Royal event in history.

Details of the newly weds honeymoon have also been released, it will comprise of a wander around the Rokkenjiman Sea aboard the Blue Fox ekrano-yacht and then a few days at Commonwealth House. 

While the International guests had been getting settled into their seats, the carefully choreography of the day had continued to occur. The various arrivals of Achkaerinese nobility and political heavyweights were happening and then the Royal Family were processed in to fanfare. Then outside the Temple the penultimate carriage arrived, this one carried Prince Simon dressed in his air force dress uniform and Empress Serenity in her naval dress uniform that consisted of black trousers and a white top. The cheers were audible from those watching outside as brother and sister made their way up the steps to where their father was stood waiting, along with those officiating the days proceedings. While they were exchanging pleasantries the choir of Lady Morgana's School were, in their very familiar uniforms, getting ready for the formality of Serenity's arrival, as she and Simon made their way down the aisle, following the officiants, the choir sang the Achkaerinese national anthem, it was a formality but it was also quite special, Lady Morgana's was the school that some of the international guests had attended, it was the school that most of the Azurewinds attended, with Serenity now at the front with Simon next to her the stage was set.

It might have seemed odd to some that for a Royal wedding in Achkaerin and involving the Achkaerinese Empress, that Serenity was to all intents taking on the role of the groom, but she had her reasons for doing so. In Gowu in 2001 Evanthe had been the main attraction at that years Constellation Ball, in 2002 in Valtheim it had been Beatrice who had been the centre of attention, Euphy had never had that, had never had her day, which was why as far as Serenity was concerned this was Euphy's day and she'd have no argument about that. Speaking of Euphy, the carriage carrying her and her five bridesmaids was just stopping in front of the Temple which meant as she stepped out the crowd and those watching by other means got their first look at the elegant, white wedding dress she was wearing. As she was greeted by cheers, she took a moment before making her way up to the Temple entrance where Peter was waiting for her. For the former Emperor this was a special day for a few reasons, it was his daughters wedding and if he was honest he had to some extent always wondered about Serenity and Euphy, he'd had the Anselmo trio of Beatrice, Evanthe and Euphy in his house when they were growing up, he was fortunate to have been the father figure in their lives and while there was a thirteen and fourteen year age gap between Serenity and Beatrice and Evanthe respectively there was just over a year between Serenity and Euphy with Euphy being the older of the pair, Peter had never said it but of all the children he'd been asked to raise over the years Euphy was the one he was the most thankful for, just having another girl Serenity's age had done so much for them both and they'd been a pair of rabble rousers.

"You look amazing." Peter said when Euphy reached him
"I'm a nervous wreck." Euphy said
"You don't look it." Peter said "You and Serenity have danced around each other for almost twenty years, I think it was that panto of Peter Pan you were both in." that made Euphy blush a little "You two have been on this path for a long time, and you know where you're going." he offered his hand "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Euphy said taking Peter's hand

The bridal procession was, as expected, carefully choreographed first up were Simon and his wife Lydia's identical twin daughters Princesses Aeolia and Lamia then a few steps behind them were Serenity's younger daughter Astrid and Nettie's daughter Telsia, following shortly behind them was Serenity's older daughter Lisa, in what was essentially the maid of honour role, then came Euphy and Peter. No sooner had the bridal party moved than a familiar piece of music was playing courtesy of the Achkaerinese Youth Orchestra. Serenity's eyes had been on one of the memorial plaques on one of the walls, it was the one dedicated to the Clysperi Civil War, the reason her eyes were on it was because towards the bottom of the list of names on that plaque was Isaac Wesley her deceased husband she knew he'd want her to be happy. Once the music started she giggled and glanced at Simon as if asking the question 'She didn't actually pick that did she?' but in any case it was a safe bet that she wasn't the only person mentally following along with 'How do you solve a problem like Euphemia...' instead of the actual words. As soon as Serenity saw Astrid and Telsia step to the side she and Simon moved from where they were in front of their own seats so that they were in the appropriate spot then Lisa came past and then Serenity smiled as she felt her father put Euphy's hand in hers, only then did she turn and set her eyes on Euphy.

The two people officiating the days ceremonies were firstly the High Priestess of the Fellowship of Namis Alexis Minette and secondly from the Rosari Faith Asano Yūki, Alexis wore all white robes while Asano wore a vibrant red.
"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highesses, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen." Alexis said "Welcome to a celebration of love, where we will join Empress Serenity and Princess Euphemia in marriage, following which we will crown Princess Euphemia as Elemental Queen and recognising her position as wife of the Empress and her role in the life of the nation. Todays ceremonies are a fusion of Namist and Rosari traditions and words." with the housekeeping done Alexis stood aside and Asano took over.

Asano looked at Serenity and Euphy "Do you declare your love for each other?" she asked
"I do." Serenity and Euphy said
"Are you lawfully free to marry?" Asano asked
"Yes." Serenity and Euphy said
"Serenity are you willing to marry Euphemia?" Asano asked
"I am." Serenity said
"Euphemia are you willing to marry Serenity?" Asano asked
"I am." Euphy said
"If there be anyone present who knows of any reason why this may not happen let them declare it now." Asano said, there were a few moments of silence while both Asano and Alexis trained their eyes on the congregation looking for anyone who might say something, no one did. With an exchange of nods, Asano stepped back and Alexis came forwards.

"Having declared their freedom and willingness to marry and having heard no objection, we come now to the marriage itself." Alexis said she turned to Serenity "Your Majesty if you'll repeat after me." she waited for Serenity to nod "I Serenity Azurewind, declare that I love you Euphemia Anselmo"
"I Serenity Azurewind, declare that I love you Euphemia Anselmo" Serenity said
"That I will always love you." Alexis said
"That I will always love you." Serenity said
"I will be your calm in the tempest, your light in the dark, shelter from the storm." Alexis said
"I will be your calm in the tempest, your light in the dark, shelter from the storm." Serenity said
"I will care for, honour and cherish you for as long as I live." Alexis said
"I will care for, honour and cherish you for as long as I live." Serenity said
"And my words, my love and this ring are my bond to you." Alexis said
"And my words, my love and this ring are my bond to you." Serenity said, at this point Simon stepped up holding two silver rings, Serenity took one and slipped it onto Euphy's finger, the slightest of giggles accompanied this from both of them.

Now Alexis stepped back and Asano came forwards, looking at Euphemia she took a breath "Your Highness if you'll repeat after me." she said, she waited for Euphy to nod before continuing "When one is born two souls are in fact born. Though separated at birth they shall find each other through time and space, and upon this rejoining the Seven Goddesses shall bless their reunion." the words were from the Eternal Contract of the Rosari
"When one is born two souls are in fact born. Though separated at birth they shall find each other through time and space, and upon this rejoining the Seven Goddesses shall bless their reunion." Euphy said
"I Euphemia Anselmo, believe that you Serenity Azurewind are the soul from which mine was separated." Asano said
"I Euphemia Anselmo, believe that you Serenity Azurewind are the soul from which mine was separated." Euphy said
"Having found you I will never leave you, when you're low in body or spirit I will be there to raise you up." Asano said
"Having found you I will never leave you, when you're low in body or spirit I will be there to raise you up." Euphy said
"I will love you and support you always, I will cherish you and walk together with you each day that I live." Asano said
"I will love you and support you always, I will cherish you and walk together with you each day that I live." Euphy said
"All of this I swear before the Seven Divine." Asano said
"All of this I swear before the Seven Divine." Euphy said
"And my love, my words and this ring are my bond to you." Asano said
"And my love, my words and this ring are my bond to you." Euphy said, she took the remaining ring in Simon's hand and slipped it onto Serenity's finger.

"The souls are rejoined." Asano said "In the sight of the Goddesses in whom you believe and before all the witnesses here today have given yourselves to each other in both words of sacred vows and the exchanging of rings. It is a great pleasure to declare you married you may now kiss." no sooner was the word 'married' out of Asano's mouth than Serenity and Euphy had already taken half a step and were kissing to the sound of cheering and applause.

The applause allowed things to more easily transition to the next stage of proceedings, the final formality of the wedding, the signing of the marriage register was carried out while the crown for the coronation, as well as a ring was brought forward along with a sheathed curved hunting dagger and a chalice. "Your Highness." Alexis said motioning Euphy back to the front, this time on her own, now Alexis addressed everyone "We now come to the coronation part of proceedings today. We begin with the Pledge of the Crown." she took a beath "Your Highness, will you serve the peoples of Achkaerin in accordance with law and custom?"
"I will." Euphy replied
"Will you uphold and defend the Constitution, our democracy and our laws?" Alexis asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Will you exercise mercy and grace in rendering judgement according to the laws of this world and the next?" Asano asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Will you with the utmost of your strength and power maintain that this is a nation where all are equal and free regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation. Where all have the right to express their opinion and where the rights of the people to such are inviolable?" Alexis asked
"I will." Euphy said
"Do you swear?" Alexis asked
"All of these things I have declared I swear to." Euphy said, Alexis took the curved blade, drew it and handed it to Euphy while Asano picked up the chalice "And my blood is my bond." she very carefully pricked her thumb with the point of the blade and let her blood drip into the chalice.

"I invite the Consul, elected representative of the people to give the affirmation of the people." Alexis said she waited as the Consul, Michael Williams, stood and moved to the front to stand before Euphy "I present to the Consul of the Government, he who was elected by the people to speak for the people, her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom sworn the pledge of the Crown and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen, what say you?" Alexis asked.
"We the people say she is worthy." Michael said, he gave a bow before turning and returning to his seat.
"I present to you." Alexis said taking the ring that had been brought forward from the cushion upon which it sat "The Elemental Ring as symbol of the title and office you hold from this day forward." the ring itself was a plain golden band with a very intricate elemental pattern etched into it. Euphy wasn't freely bleeding by this point, courtesy of a small plaster which meant that Asano had been able to put the chalice and blade aside.
"I now present to the Nine Grand Nobles, they who hold title over the constituent parts of this Empire, her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom  sworn the pledge of the Crown and received the affirmation of the people and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen. I invite you now to make your affirmation." Asano said, now the nine nobles in question stood and moved to the front making a line in front of Euphy, well they were eight nobles and one elected leader but for this purpose there was a sort of duality on that one count.

"Aelmoor what say you?" Asano asked
"Aelmoor says she is worthy." Kristina Ayanami said
"Awhaele what say you?" Asano asked
"Awhaele says she is worthy." Queen Siora of the Faejeon people answered
"Greencliffe what say you?" Asano asked
"Greencliffe says she is worthy." Emma Elsif said
"Icebridge what say you?" Asano asked
"Icebridge says she is worthy." Martin Silvermist said
"Rockmount what say you?" Asano asked
"Rockmount says she is worthy." Antonio Gliss said

"Rosemoor." Asano said "What say you?" there were a few grins from a few people at this point because the person answering was Euphy's new father in law.
"Rosemoor says she is worthy." Peter said
"Silverlea what say you?" Asano asked
"Silverlea says she is worthy." Olivia Leonidas said
"Snowflower what say you?" Asano asked, this was the provincial title for the territory that was effectively Gowu.
"Snowflower says she is worthy." the Chief Councillor of Gowu, Xiaoling Tsu answered
"And finally Southvale." Asano said "What say you?"
"Southvale says she is worthy." Leonardo Amberbrook said
"Thank you." Asano said, the nine gave their bow and returned to their seats.

The ceremony was now very much into its final act, Alexis picked up the crown that had been brought forward earlier, Euphy crouched ever so slightly as Alexis approached her, the High Priestess addressing those present  "Your Majesties, Royal Highness's, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia she has as is our custom sworn the pledge of the Crown, received the affirmation of the people and the affirmation of the Nine Grand Nobles and therefore meets the criteria to be Elemental Queen. With all conditions met and by the authority granted to me..." she raised the crown high "I crown you Euphemia the Elemental Queen." she brought the crown down onto Euphy's head. As Euphy got back upright, Captain Cianna Higgins, the Commanding Officer of the Achkaerin Royal Guard was marching in her green jacket uniform down the central aisle, her officers cap under her left arm, stopping at the front Cianna snapped to attention and saluted Euphy, this was the equivalent of the military doing what had already been done by the Consul and the Nine Nobles. Truth be told this was also the bit of the day that Euphy had been least confident about because she didn't have the military background, saluting was somewhat out of her wheelhouse but returned the salute as she was expected of her.

"Three cheers for the Elemental Queen." Cianna said "Hip hip."
"Hooray!" came the response from those present
"Hip hip" Cianna said
"Hooray!" came the response from those present
"Hip hip" Cianna said
"Hooray!" came the response from those present

To say at this point that Euphy was a little bit embarrassed was probably an understatement, for someone not used to being the centre of attention it had already been quite the day, but now it was done, Serenity came forward and took Euphy's hand, there was another kiss and then the pair were processing back up the aisle towards the Temple doors as more music played out, this time it was Serenity's pick. Behind the pair came Simon and Lydia then the rest of the Royal Family with the momentary exception of Peter and Renee who were on foreign guest duty. "If you'll follow us this way, we'll be making our way to the Palace for the reception." Peter said "If you have any questions about what you've just seen the various people involved will be there and will be more than happy to answer your questions."

Serenity and Euphy had just about stepped outside and gotten hit by the wall of noise coming from the crowd, one more kiss between them and then into the open topped horse drawn carriage that was waiting for them, along with the Royal Guard escort. Once Astrid and Lisa had gotten aboard as well the carriage was off on its way back to the Palace with the rest of the Royals following in their own carriages and in turn followed by the international guests in the fleet of cars. All along the way the cheering was there and it was loud. Once at the Palace the quartet made their way inside towards the ballroom.
"You've got a few moments before everyone descends." Cianna said
"Thanks Cianna." Serenity said, she looked at Euphy the pair of them were taking a few deep breaths and then they were kissing again, it didn't last long though it felt like it did. When they broke apart they could hear the sounds of what was clearly the twins, Serenity poked her head into the ballroom "Val do you mind putting some music on it'll at least give the youngsters something to do, we can get to the first dance in a bit."

As the music started to play and the food was brought out and laid out ready, Serenity and Euphy got their composure back which itself was a difficult thing under the circumstances, the twins did in fact win the footrace and promptly sprinted past the newly weds "There's a lot of guests don't go eating everything." Lydia, their mother and Simon's wife, said as she came and hugged first Euphy and then Serenity before going after her daughters.
"Could they do that?" Euphy asked
"They'd try given the chance." Simon said walking up and hugging them both "About time this happened."
"If one more person in this family says they knew..." Serenity said putting her arm around Euphy
"I think most of us had our suspicions." Simon said as the sounds of the cars pulling up could be heard. Serenity and Euphy made their way inside the ballroom to greet their guests.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: FusRokkAch: The Shout Behtesda Cut From Skyrim
« on: December 12, 2024, 05:48:35 PM »
"Ok then." Liosa said "Now the next two parts in the CSU treaty that we're using as a roadmap pertain to the areas of travel and then fisheries." she paused "I'm going to be honest with you at this point and say that the fisheries regulations date back to a time when the Fair Seas Concordat was new and relatively untried and untested. In truth the reality is that a vessel from a signatory vessel is going to comply with the laws of a coastal state regardless of the coastal state's FSC signatory status and likewise the reverse a non signatory vessel is going to comply with the laws of a signatory coastal state. You represent three signatory nations, you don't need a whole list of things about fishing licenses and so on, your nations are all capable of doing that individually and it's far simpler to compile into one article than have to go through it in a number. As a result that section can be repurposed to be your security section. So you'd end up with this."


X. CSU members agree to define travel into three purposes;
i) Business
ii) Tourist
iii) Study

X. Each member state shall issue Aegis Passports, these shall grant additional status to passports already issued by member states by eliminating the requirement for visas for travel purposes. Any citizen of a member state may be issued with such a passport provided the following criteria are met:
a) The applicant has been resident in a member state for a period of five years
b) The applicant has no unspent criminal convictions or serious convictions
c) The applicant is not presently on bail awaiting trial
d) The applicant is not deemed a threat to national security (including the national security of another Aegis member)

X. The Aegis Passport shall be white in colour with gold writing and illustrations on the outside, contain the holders identification details including photographic identification and possess a biometric component.
X. The Aegis Passport does not infringe on the rights of a member state to determine their own port security measures. A citizen travelling will still be asked at passport control the purpose of their visit.

Security and Justice

X. The Members hereby proclaim that an armed attack against any individual member shall be considered as an attack upon them all and, should such an attack occur, each signatory shall pursue the rights of individual and collective self-defence to aid the Party or Parties so attacked by taking such actions as deemed necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the territorial integrity, peace, security and harmony threatened in such a manner.

X. The Members affirm that the use of military force is a last resort.

X. The Members agree that while on military operations their militaries shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Uppsala Convention.

X. The Members commit themselves to mutual aid amongst each other; they shall see that resources are collectively ready to alleviate conditions brought upon major disasters, whether they be man-made or natural in cause. Mutual aid may come in the form of humanitarian relief, rebuilding infrastructure, and the establishment of an Action Plan to establish the resources and actions which will be made ready for scenarios such as a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other forms of upheaval which may place unforeseen strains on our governments and societies. Each member is expected only to provide that assistance which is within their capabilities to provide.

X. The Members agree to the creation of the Aegis arrest warrant, this shall be issuable by the Commissioner of Justice following the presentation of the case to the Council and be enforceable within the jurisdictions of the members.

X. The members agree to extradite criminal suspects if they are presented with reasonable evidence and are assured that torture will not be used to extract evidence and that the accused will get a fair trial (both outlined in the Mundus Convention of Universal Rights).

X. There shall be no obligation to extradite to the death penalty.

X. The members agree to cooperate with foreign investigations and make intelligence available to other member nations so far as.

a) Doing so does not endanger ongoing investigations.
b) Doing so does not endanger national security
c) Doing so does not breach any other international agreement.

X. The members agree to an annual exchange of police officers, each nation shall select a total of thirty officers from across the various police forces within their nation to participate. The length of the exchange shall be four months.

X. The Members agree to abide by the principles of the Fair Seas Concordat.

Serenity nodded as she read through it "Works for me." she said

"In the interests of working a little bit ahead." Liosa said "The next part will be the Free Trade Area, it is meaty in terms of the amount of articles it has. So I'm going to propose that you permit the legal eagles to look at that and make the necessary rebranding changes and other alterations, presuming you wish to retain a free trade area of course."

International News Networks / Re: Achkaerin News Service
« on: December 09, 2024, 12:09:16 AM »


By Kimberly Thorn: Science and Technology Correspondent

"Diamonds are a girls best friend" it's a common phrase, though for Riviere Corporation the phrase may soon be rewritten to "Diamonds are technology's best friend" why? Well that's down to what might be best described as a diamond battery as explained by Catriona Rowan who said: "Let's be clear what this is and what this isn't, what this isn't is a huge thing that can power entire cities it's not got that capacity at this stage, what this can do is deliver small amounts of power over thousands of years. How it works is that we put Carbon-14 into a manufactured diamond, the radioactive decay of the Carbon-14 releases electrons which then get caught by the structure of the diamond itself and that is what generates the voltage. Broadly it works similar to solar cells but its electrons not photons. The other distinction comes when you consider potential uses which is where we're really excited. The half life of Carbon-14 comes in at about 5700 years so one of these diamond batteries could last as long or possibly even longer than that, this means that for times when battery replacement is not convenient, not practical or not possible that the diamond battery could be considered an ideal power source. Potential uses for these batteries include powering medical implants such as pacemakers which if done would remove the need for the periodic battery replacement that we currently have. You've also got possibilities of using these batteries to power deep space probes, imagine what 5700 years of data collection and transmitting would look like, what might be seen and learned. This isn't a game changer in terms of scale, but it is a game changer on the micro level, on the individual device level because that half life gives the means to have permanent electronics anywhere."

It is understood that the Achkaerin Space Agency is enquiring about potential applications of diamond batteries.

There was a marked change in the atmosphere in Valtheim, eighteen months earlier the mood at Serenity's coronation had been bittersweet due to the circumstances that had surrounded her ascension to the throne but today the backdrop was joyous, the crowds had been gathering since the previous day along 'Lighthouse Avenue' the main road from the gates of the Marble Palace, past the Lighthouse roundabout and down into the centre of Valtheim itself, it was famously a mile between the Palace and the home of the Senate in Liberty Hall but the distance between the Palace and the Temple of the Brave was longer than that. This was planned to be every bit the celebration that was expected, all the pomp and pageantry, all the uniforms, medals and everything else. For the international guests arriving on the day the responsibility of meeting them at the airport fell to a familiar face - Roslyn Williams, the former Royal Liaison Officer which in simple terms meant she'd done a lot of the admin work for the Achkaerinese Royal Family and had managed a few visits during her time in the role, these days she was one of the country's younger Senators but with her replacement still learning the ropes she'd been happy to put the metaphorical old hat on one last time. Her job was fairly simple in this instance, meet the guests, greet them and get them into the waiting cars headed to the Temple.

First up was Mktvartvelo, Roslyn smiled as she saw Ketevan and her husband make their way towards her "Brzdmtsveli." Roslyn said, hoping she'd gotten the pronunciation right, it had always been a title she'd had a problem or two getting right, "Mr Chiaureli welcome to Achkaerin, we're glad you could make it. If you'll go with this steward we'll get you transported to the Temple." as if on cue a smartly dressed man walked up from behind Roslyn and proceeded to escort the pair a waiting car.

Next was the Rokkenjiman's, in essence the family of the bride though given the parentage of one of the Anselmo's they likely stood on both sides of the aisle. "Your Majesty." Roslyn said addressing Asuna first "Your Highness's, honoured guests." she smiled "It's great to see you today. If you'll go with this steward you'll be taken to the Temple." Roslyn had just enough time after the Rokkenjiman's had been escorted away to send a message confirming Kikyo's presence before Akasha was walking up to her and not alone "Your Majesty." Roslyn said "Welcome to Achkaerin, if you'll please go with this steward they'll see you transported to the Temple."

When she spotted the Morelander's Roslyn took a deep breath, East Moreland was a valued ally no was the most valued ally Achkaerin had, and the reasons for that were obvious enough, when push came to shove the two nations weren't in the habit of leaving each other in the lurch. "Your Majesties." she said addressing both David and Stasya "Welcome to Achkaerin, if you'll please follow this steward they'll take you a car that will take you to the Temple." she handed the Morelander Royals over to one of the stewards and turned her attention back for whomever was next.

The Temple of the Brave was one of the most visited buildings in Achkaerin, it's name derived from the name given to Achkaerinese military personnel - 'the Brave', the temple was a functioning place of worship that was non denominational in nature, its grounds contained the memorial gardens where those lost in conflicts were remembered, while inside the Temple itself sat the current book of remembrance, the book in which the most recent Achkaerinese losses were recorded - the previous books were kept in the Temple's archive which was a building separate from the Temple itself. Waiting for the cars to arrive was Peter Azurewind, the former Emperor and his wife Renee, the nature of the day's choreography included various processions of the Royals from the Palace to the temple and theirs had been the first carriage to leave entirely to be at the Temple to meet the international guests. Peter stood wearing a suit while Renee wore an elegant purple dress. They watched as the cars carrying those from the airport as well as an additional one that had brought the Fusanese guests pulled up and one by one the various groups made their way up and into the entrance way of the Temple.

"Welcome." Peter said "Welcome to the Temple of the Brave, I know it seems a little odd having a wedding here of all places but there's a very good reason for it. Empress Serenity is a Namist and Princess Euphemia is a Rosari so we don't want to cause trouble for either of them by requiring one to take part in a ceremony not affiliated with their faith. The Temple of the Brave..." by this point they were inside the large central worship space, the stone arches stood impressive around them, the seating laid out either side of a large, central aisle with smaller aisles to the left and the right with the altar at the far end under a newly fitted stained glass window. "... Is a place of worship for all faiths, today however is a first for the place in terms of what is going to happen which is first will be Serenity and Euphemia's wedding ceremony which will then lead into Euphemia's coronation as Elemental Queen after which we'll all head back to the Marble Palace for the reception. We have some time until the wedding ceremony begins so if you wish to look around, socialise and so on please do feel free to do so, we have got people on standby to assist you. I hope you enjoy todays festivities."

Once Peter had finished speaking the various groups of guests were left somewhat to their own devices for a few moments until one by one they were approached by one of the locals. In the case of Ketevan and her husband this was Kenneth Bauer, the head of Achkaerin's Football Association and Viscount of Djana-Ville, he led Ketevan and Vazha down one of the aisles to the seats that had been set aside for them. "These are your seats Brzdmtsveli he indicated the two that were reserved for them "Not a sporting occasion but just as joyous and it definitely beats being stuck in meetings about refereeing consistency." he smiled "How was your journey getting here?"

The Rokkenjiman group was perhaps the trickiest to handle over the course of the day, getting them from the airport to the Temple was easy enough but now came the carefully planned element of matters to separate Kikyo from the rest, to make it look like a flight share that had seen her arrive with the Anselmo's and nothing more than that. Responsibility for the Rokkenjiman's had gone, to no one's great surprise, to Nettie Taylor, the one time Rokkenjiman Premier had found a new lease of life in Valtheim "Ms Hase." Nettie said addressing Kikyo first "May I introduce you to Pippa Lonsdale" she indicated a young blonde haired girl maybe just a couple of years older than Kikyo "She's Achkaerin's Youth President." that was the cover established, as Pippa took Kikyo off to one side Nettie led the remainder of the Rokkenjiman's down the aisle and pointed out their seats which were situated right next to the Mktvartvelian's the message didn't need saying but it was clear enough sort it out. There was also one other surprise as sat in the midst of the Rokkenjiman seats was Sasuke "You didn't think we wouldn't invite him did you?" Nettie said with a slight giggle.

Pippa had taken Kikyo off and was eagerly showing her around the different parts of the sanctuary, it might have seemed odd given that Pippa's father was leader of the Republican Party but like her father Pippa knew all she had was a dissenting voice and that said she didn't object to the existence of the Monarchy just the power it wielded in affairs of state. "So rumour has it that our Empress turned your Youth Diet into a collaborative effort." Pippa said.

Akasha and Nasser found themselves in the company of Constance Silvermist, she showed the pair where their seats were "You will be right here." Constance said indicating the seats which were situated just behind the Rokkenjiman's "I understand Setri's growing reasonably well these days, not bad all things considered."

King David likely wouldn't have been surprised to see an Ayanami given the job of showing him and Stasya where their seats were, given that the two families were distantly related, but Rosa was less familiar with the Morelander King than the rest of the family was. She was also pretty much freshly off the plane from Bakkermaya for the wedding, after greeting the King and Queen she led them down the aisle towards their seats "You might recognise someone." Rosa said, knowing the Morelander King's liking of lesser known bits of historic trivia, indicating the newly fitted stained glass window - it was of a woman wearing chainmail armor and carrying a shield and sword, it was Anezaki Ayanami, raised a Namist, then Queen of East Moreland and then died in battle for a nation that was at the time Christian. "Your seats are here." she continued pointing them out.

By comparison to the others it might have seemed out of place for Eijiro and Mayumi to be shown through by Hannah Nikaido but given it was the Fusanese this made sense, Hannah was Prince Simon's partner in the skies, she flew his wing so given that Simon had other responsibilities on the day she'd been asked to do this. Her dark blue dress uniform and medal were on show as she pointed out the seats to the Fusanese Royals and then took a breath "Simon says he'll see you later, he's a little annoyed that he can't be doing this though personally I think he's more worried that you might get to hear the story of how I saved his life."

OOC- Anyone can still turn up if they want to just assume you've been there all along

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Time of Avaritia
« on: December 03, 2024, 09:49:48 PM »
What was that saying? Hope for the best but prepare for the worst... well it had stood the Achkaerinese in good stead over the last few years. The situation in Xerente was one for the Diplomatic Office to run point on and monitor at least until things got escalatory, regular meetings were being held, regular calls being made. The responsibility of keeping the Empress informed was Mark Sharpe's, he was the national security advisor and was presently sat meeting with Empress Serenity and the Empress's defence advisor Celine Tyler "It's calm at the moment." Mark was saying "According to the Diplomatic Office we're talking about forty to fifty Achkaerinese who were in country when we issued the advisory to get out, it's not anything we're concerned about yet because past informs present."
"After all the humanitarian crises over the years people know to take such things seriously." Serenity said nodding "So what's the plan?"
"At the moment we're prioritising life." Mark said "Simply getting people to the embassy, and from there it's either sanctuary or evacuation."
"Ok what happens if this escalates?" Serenity said
"Whether this escalates it's not really within our control." Celine said "The olaybook if we need to grab any of our people in country is a scoop and run, and that has implications."
"Don't I know it." Serenity said "Ok for the moment the DPB have the ball on site, monitor developments and we'll adapt as necessary."

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: December 03, 2024, 04:30:44 PM »
Penny Banks
EducationGraduate Achkaerin Police College
High School Qualifications from Five Queen's High School, Gowu
Positions HeldSergeant, Achkaerinese Police Force, Diplomatic Protection Bureau
FamilyMother - Geraldine Banks
Father - Martin Banks
Links to Important events?
BiographyAlways knew what she wanted to be when she grew up - someone who helps people. She joined the police straight out of high school and after graduating was assigned routine patrol duties (as per standard procedure) she made sergeant after five years on the force and was transferred to head up a specialised traffic unit, she headed that unit for a further three years before being headhunted into the DPB where she still serves.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: December 03, 2024, 04:30:15 PM »
Pippa Lonsdale
EducationStudying Maritime History at Valtheim Metropolitan University
High School Qualifications from Arkham High School
Positions HeldPresident of the Achkaerin Youth Assembly
FamilyFather - Adam Lonsdale
Mother - Carly Lonsdale
Links to Important events?
BiographySmart, a little quirky but overall a friendly and somewhat nerdy person. There's a fair bit expected of her but she carries it well.

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