One on One®
with Will Fowler
Interview with Clysperis's Pharaoh Akasha
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020Will Fowler: "Welcome back, folks, to this week's edition of
One on One. My next guest today is Akasha Di-'nh-mi-Re, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Divine of Appearance, Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Ra, Lord of the Three Lands, Ruler of Justice like Ra, High Priest of Every Temple, the Eye of Horus, Satisfied is the heart of Ra. In short, Pharaoh Akasha of Clysperis, formerly known as Beketaten. The pharaoh is joining me here via satellite transmission from her palace in Khemnen. That's quite a long title you've got there, Your Highness. How was my pronunciation?"
Pharaoh Akasha: "Better than most foreigners, it seems you've done your homework on our language. And thank you for having me with you! It's always a pleasure to sit down with the media, answering questions and providing everyone a look into what our government is doing."
WF: "Thank you for agreeing to sit down with me, even if it is over satellite. You know, going into this I was uncertain that you would be willing to be interviewed by a Tytorian. There's never really been much of a bond between our nations, exemplified by your recent attacks on the character of our prime minister, Madeline Thatcher. My first real question for you, then, is this: what has been your overall impression of the Tytorian government over the years, particularly the Thatcher administration?"
PA: "To hold
all Tytorians responsible for the actions of their government would make me as bad as those I speak out against. I studied in Rokkenjima, attending the University of Ashinxao where I received a Degree in International Affairs. Why Rokkenjima, one may ask? It is wise to understand the ways of one's adversary, and what better way to gain an understanding but to be educated in one of the centres of the internationalist system? I'm sorry, I digress. While it is clear to me that Tytor as a nation is capable of forming policies independent of Rokkenjima, you are a long-standing ally of theirs; you saw Empress-Emerita Beatrice proclaim Prime Minister Thatcher the
Iron Lady. We view Rokkenjima as a long-term threat to the safety and stability of the Kingdom thus, out of an abundance of caution, we must assume that the Kingdom is at least somewhat aligned with Rokkenjiman policy toward Clysperis and our principle allies, the Tamoran Empire. Unfortunate though it may be, we
must be cautious, as granting any benefit of the doubt could harm our long-term interests as a nation."
WF: "I see. So would you consider it fair to say that you also regard Tytor as a threat at present?"
PA: "It's a consideration I have to take into account, yes. I believe the phrase in your tongue would be guilt by association, if that makes sense?"
WF: "It does, yes. Moving on, we've recently seen what appears to be the end, or something like the end, of the Clysperi civil war that has raged over the past... how long has it been?"
PA: "Major conflict operations against the terrorists have been taking place for nearly eighteen months. With the capture of Nekhtou and the defections we're now witnessing from the carcass of his 'confederacy' I'll be declaring an end to major combat operations tomorrow. We may see some pockets of fighting crop up, but the majority is behind us I feel."
WF: "So what happens next?"
PA: "We rebuild. We've broken ground on Setri, the new economic capital of Clysperis, and are seeing projects begin to rebuild in areas formerly under the control of the terrorists. We're also taking the opportunity to build better than before in a process which provides jobs for Clysperi People as they, too, begin to rebuild the lives of their families."
WF: "Do you have any details you could share about what that process will look like?"
PA: "Certainly. Several buildings were damaged across the Southern Lands as was infrastructure, power installations, and other utilities. Those beyond salvage can see new construction, more efficient systems built in their place, while also providing new infrastructure which will support the Clysperi economic revival. We're also taking the funds and assets of the terrorists and utilizing them in programs and funds to support their victims."
WF: "I seem to recall something in the Clysperi media about community service of a sort being mentioned as a potential sentence for convicted rebels. A recent editorial in
The Williamshaven Gazette suggested that, because of Tamora's influence on your nation, this could be a precursor to restoring the practice of slavery in Clysperis. Do you have anything to say in response to this accusation?"
PA: "When determining the fate of these people, the laws which state that prisoners of war essentially belong to the Pharaoh was mentioned by my advisers. Seeing the destruction they have done to their nation and people, I determined that a community service regime was most appropriate. Where this program goes will largely depend upon many factors, but at this point in time reforms to the program are not being considered."
WF: "Very diplomatically put. Changing tack here again to stay with the topic of Tamora, you relied very heavily on Tamoran troops in your counterinsurgency campaign. On top of that, you are currently engaged to a Tamoran prince. Do you worry that Tamoran influence could cause Clysperis to find itself losing its independence?"
PA: "The relationship between Clysperis and Tamora is, I hate to say it because it sounds so horribly cliche, unique. My father had long spoken of the trust we should hold in Tamora. They had helped topple the Soviet occupation and restored the line of Pharaohs to their rightful place and, since that time, have stood beside the Kingdom, never ahead of it. When I had the blessing to visit Tamora for the first time I finally had a chance to convey my thanks to the Tamoran People and Empire. Manism is a sister-faith to our own while we saw Clysperi Manists form the Common Defense League. That Prince Naser and I found love was itself a wonderful surprise. I'm not worried about Tamoran influence because Clysperi and Tamorans are very much like family. Tamora doesn't seek to dominate Clysperis."
WF: "And if I asked any major Tamoran or Clysperi government official off the record, do you believe that I would get a similar answer?"
PA: "Without a doubt. We're two cultures who stay true to our traditions, honouring the faiths of our fathers while so many around us turn their backs upon their cultures to curry favour with the internationalist powers. Just as Clysperis would never impose upon Tamora, Tamora shall never impose upon Clysperis. It is simply not the way of our cultures."
WF: "Speaking of culture, aside from Tamora, what non-Clysperi societies have you found most interesting or inspiring? Or have you found interest in any of them?"
PA: "Midaranye is home to a variety of cultures that are rich, having persisted for countless centuries as the world around us traded in values and principles for whatever passes as trendy for any given era. The Bene Gesserit, who persist against the bastards of Stalin in Kaitaine. You've also the Water Nomads, who to this day forsake the land for the seas. A truly beautiful culture that is so viciously maligned and made to be villains by the likes of Lodja. It's truly shameful for Mundus to turn a blind eye to their plight and, once I am in a position to do so, I hope we can see a greater move to protect long-lasting cultures from the corrosive effects of cultural imperialism."
WF: "Any ideas on what form such a move would take? Or is that a bridge better crossed when we get to it?"
PA: "Clysperis is looking into seeing a sort of mutualism take hold across Mundus, essentially sovereign nations supporting one another while placing key institutions under majority control. We've seen for some time the mechanisms of the international system geared to the benefit of a select few nations, it's time that those processes are opened up to the majority to ensure that abuses of power, and the weaponization of international accords, becomes a thing of the past. Through this, at-risk cultures would have a network of support from which to draw upon."
WF: "Fascinating. Do you have any particular examples of this weaponization you refer to?"
PA: "Perhaps a most recent one is the very situation which your nation faced when your Rokkenjiman allies wished to sell you a few submarines. The taste is still sour in your mouth from that ordeal, is it not? We've also the application of double-standards in enforcement, and the ability of some nations to act in violation of international accords without fear of any significant backlash. I mean you've the Ålanders acting against minorities in a manner which would see other nations ostracized, but due to their links to East Moreland they've no reason to fear international action. Likewise, the Iwi may kidnap men from the seas, or bash their heads in, and still retain strong military and cultural ties to the self-proclaimed enlightened powers."
WF: "I think I've opened a whole new can of worms here, but we're running short on time, so just one more question: with the recent dismantling of Rokkenjima's last nuclear warhead, Achkaerin is left with Mundus's only remaining stockpile of nuclear weapons. How do you view the unilateral disarmament of the world's recognized nuclear powers, and how do you think the balance of power will shift in its aftermath?"
PA: "I've never been one to shy from controversy you know, if it needs to be said do so without varnish. As for the unilateral disarmament, it's certainly one which is worthy of applause. Nuclear weapons have allowed these nations to thrust themselves into conflicts across Mundus comfortable in the knowledge that the power of the atom essentially shielded them from any meaningful opposition or retribution. Without them, the equation becomes more equal, but it will be a long time before things change as other circumstances exist which will allow them to continue their actions largely unchallenged if the status quo remains so strongly in place. Also, this is one situation which I may commend Rokkenjima and Tytor: you both saw the threat in Slava Lavosk, you reacted with strength and force in response to their nuclear program, and you were both attacked for it, almost as if Rokkenjima and Tytor were the true problem. Perhaps, some day, we may set aside our differences and realize there's more to be gained in cooperation, rather than opposition, to nations like Clysperis and Tamora. Only the future will tell."
WF: "And that, I think, is a great place to conclude. Thank you once again, Your Highness, for joining me here today. It has been a real pleasure. With that, folks, we've come to the conclusion of this week's edition of
One on One. Join us next week as we continue our explorations of the world in which we live. Until then, I'm Will Fowler, and this is TBS."
(OOC: Collaborative post with Beatrice.)