Author Topic: Zolo Factbook  (Read 5428 times)

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Offline zoelikestrees

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Zolo Factbook
« on: June 14, 2020, 04:15:44 PM »
The Republic of Zolo
Founded in 1925

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Demonym: Zoloan
Population: 113 million
(Including 3 million mostly autonomous indigenous tribal peoples)
Capitol city: Williamstown
GDP: $2.306 Trillion
GDP per capita: $21,297.94
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Unemployment Rate: 12%
Literacy Rate: 71%
Malnourishment Rate: 19%
Poorly Housed: 24%
Homelessness Rate 2%
Incarcerated Population: ~900,000
College Educated: 9.1%
Birth Rate: 24.5 per 1,000 people
Death Rate: 11.2 per 1,000 people
72% rural, 1% hunter-gatherers, 24% urban, 4% suburban

Ethnicity: 31% Tytorian, 22% mixed, 14% Zolo, 12% Sebani, 9% Z’boju, 5% Lanuyana, 4% Si’lokan, 6% Other Indigenous, 2% Rokkenjiman, 5% Other

Religions Beliefs: 27% Indigenous Religions, 29% Church of Tytor, 8% Catholic, 10% Tytorian Prophetic Church, 9% Tytorian Reformed, 3% Lutheran, 8% Mormons, 1.5% Rosari, 1.5% Other, 3% Irreligious

English: 92%
Zolo: 25%
Sebani: 18%
Z’boju: 11%
Lanuyana: 6%
Si’lokan: 5%
Other Indigenous languages: 8%
Rokkenjiman: 2%

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Major Cities:
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Williamstown: 6 million
Héloïse City: 4 million
Gelburn City: 3 million
Paulstown: 2.2 million
Haljokane: 1.7 million
Kimberly: 1.5 million
Richardsville: 1.2 million
Cape Town: 1.1 million
Hounahane: 900,000
Charlestown: 800,000
Keldi: 700,000
Jamestown: 600,000
Christiania: 500,000
Belfay: 400,000
Suyagama: 400,000
Kingston: 350,000
Bakerville: 300,000
Zo’bashashi: 250,000

Type: Parliamentary Republic
Head of State: Imperial Consul Michael I, King of Tytor
Prime Minister: George Whitesfield (Liberal Party)
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Political Parties:
(and their seats in parliament out of 255)
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Democratic Coalition: (91/255)
Liberal Party (58/255)
Progressive Party (18/255)
Social-Democratic Party (10/255)

Conservative Alliance: (85/255)
Conservative Party (34/255)
National Front (18/255)
Christian Democratic Party (18/255)
Republican Party of Zolo (8/255)
Royalist Party (3/255)
Libertarian Party of Zolo (4/255)

Popular Front: (70/255)
Popular Democracy Party (32/255)
Labor Party of Zolo (15/255)
Party for Self-Determination (15/255)
Green Party (3/255)
Workers' Party of Zolo (4/255)
Zolo Liberation Party (3/255)

Unaligned: (7/255)
Fascist Party (4/255)
Union of Christian Fundamentalists (2/255)
Futurist Party (1/255)

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Heloisiana Coastline:

Al-lok Mountains:

Nadaja River:

S’baja River:

Mt. Zolo:

Elevation: 6,529 m (21,420.6 ft)

Zolo River:

Ture Mountains:

Taruzal Rainforest:

Taruzal River:

Lake Malcolm:

« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 07:23:27 PM by zoelikestrees »

Offline zoelikestrees

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Re: Zolo Factbook
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 06:20:20 PM »
Economy of Zolo:

Overview: Zolo’s economy is highly dependent on the exportation of fruit, coffee, sugar, and other agricultural products like beef and spices, all of which are exported in large volumes for low prices. Its main imported products are weapons, computers, medicine, automobiles, and luxury manufactured goods (which are almost all imported to satisfy the needs of wealthy settlers). Most of the working population is employed in agriculture, with more than a third living and working on small sustenance farms. Besides agriculture, tourism is the most important industry to the nation’s economy: people come from across the world to see the country’s beaches, rainforests, mountains, and ruins. There are very few labor laws, and there is no minimum wage. The economy has been growing both quickly and stably over the last 50 years since the end of the war of 1968, mostly at the expense of the natural environment, the poor, and the indigenous population. There is a stark divide between the modernized, commercial, urban areas, and the mostly poor and underdeveloped rural countryside.

GDP: $2.3066 Trillion USD
GDP per capita: $21,297.94 USD
Currency: Tytorian Crown (₡1.00=$0.56 USD)
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Unemployment Rate: 12%
Literacy Rate: 71%
Vaccination Rate: 71%
Malnourishment Rate: 19%
Poorly Housed: 24%
Homelessness Rate 2%
Birth Rate: 24.5 per 1,000 people
Death Rate: 11.2 per 1,000 people

GDP Components:
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Fishing: 2%
Commercial Agriculture: 44%
- Fruit: 11%
- Coffee: 9%
- Sugar: 8%
- Beef and Dairy: 5%
- Spices: 4%
- Tobacco: 2%
- Chocolate: 2.5%
- Corn: 1%
- Other: 1.5%
Subsistence Agriculture: 4%
Mining: 9%
Manufacturing: 10%
- Textiles: 3%
- Arms: 2.5%
- Liquor: 3%
- Other: 1.5%
Tourism: 9%
Information: .8%
Retail & Wholesale: 3%
Forestry: 5.8%
Entertainment: 2%
Finance & Real-Estate: 1.9%
Construction: 1.3%
Education: 1.4%
Healthcare: 1.9%
Narcotics: 1.5%
Transportation: 1.4%
Other: 1%

Employment by Sector:
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Fishing: 2%
Commercial Agriculture: 30.8%
Subsistence Agriculture: 33%
Mining: 4%
Manufacturing: 8.4%
Tourism: 5.5%
Information: .5%
Retail & Wholesale: 3%
Forestry: 5.1%
Entertainment: .7%
Finance & Real-Estate: .2%
Construction: 1%
Education: .5%
Healthcare: .8%
Transportation: 2%
Other: 2%

Wealth Distribution:
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Wealth Percentile: / Proportion of Wealth Held: / Proportion of Income Earned Annually:
1%:      44.1%   43.2%
2-10%: 32.6% 32.5%
11-20%: 9.5% 9.9%
21-30%: 5.3% 6.2%
31-40%: 4.1% 5.6%
41-50%: 2.2% 2.5%
51-60%: 1.1% 1.6%
61-70%: .5%   .8%
71-80%: .35% .5%
81-90%: .2%   .25%
91-100%: 0.05% .1%

Federal Government Budget:
Annual Revenue: $552.3 Billion USD (~24% of GDP)
Annual Expenditure: 554 Billion USD (~24% of GDP)
Deficit: $1.7B
Reserves: Tytorian Crowns for $14.3 Billion, Gold for $24 Billion
Debt: $374 Billion

Government Revenue Sources:
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Income Tax: 47%
Importation Tariffs: 1.2%
Inheritance Tax: 3.4%
Sales Tax: 2.8%
Liquor Tax: 1.5%
Gambling Tax: .41%
Capital Gains Tax: 8.7%
Corporate Tax: 7.2%
Land Rent: 26.15%
Prison Labor: 1.95%
Other: 1.5%

Expenditure Breakdown:
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Military: 21.4% ($118.8 B)
Healthcare: 6.7% ($37.6 B)
Social Security: 9.5% ($52.8 B)
Law Enforcement: 12.6% ($70 B)
Business Subsidies: 13.4% ($74.2 B)
Infrastructure: 7% ($39.6 B)
Welfare: 2% ($10.4 B)
Transportation: 2.8% ($15.7 B)
Housing: 1.8% ($9.9 B)
Intelligence & Defense: 11.4% ($63 B)
Education: 3.8% ($21.2 B)
Bureau of Land Management: 2.8% ($15.7 B)
Bureau of Indigenous Affairs: 0.9% ($5.5 B)
Interest on Debt: 2.4% ($13.3B)
Other: 1.1% ($6.3 B)

Province and Local Governments:
Province and local governments are responsible for funding education, infrastructure, and law enforcement (with subsidies from the federal government). They can generate revenue by levying taxes and tariffs, and typically most local government revenue comes from property taxes (with a sizeable bonus from renting out prison labor)
Total Annual Revenue: ~$152 Billion (excluding federal subsidies)
Spending Breakdown:
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Law Enforcement: 42%
Infrastructure: 17%
Education: 15%
Healthcare: 13%
Business Subsidies: 7%
Housing: 3%
Welfare: 3%

The education system in Zolo is mostly privatized. While it is legally required that all children recieve an education, almost 1/4 recieve none at all, and many rural villages have no schools. Where kids are schooled by the state, it is usually via charter schools for primary education. Universities are almost all private, and very expensive, but the state does sometimes offer some limited merit based scholarships and low-interest loans.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 07:19:00 PM by zoelikestrees »

Offline zoelikestrees

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Re: Zolo Factbook
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2020, 09:45:32 PM »
Armed Forces of Zolo

70,000 Active Soldiers
37,000 Reservists

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88 x Jaguar-80 Main Battle Tanks
128 x IFV-15 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
160 x Tortoise-17 Armoured Personnel Carrier
72 x APC-18 Armoured Personnel Carrier
80 x Rhino-3 Armoured Car
80 x Bison-1 Mine Resistant Patrol Vehicle
240 x MOB-4 Mobility Vehicle
72 x Viper-60 Anti Tank Vehicle
120 x Stallion-3 Light Mobility Vehicle
50 x Scorpion-4 Self Propelled Howitzer
45 x Thunder-198 Towed Howitzer
20 x MLR-142 Mobile Multiple Launch Rocket System
20 x Garjawala-85 Multiple Launch Rocket System
15 x Archer-72 Mobile SAM system
25 x Chalgong-47 Heavy Transport Helicopter
15 x Toucan-1 Mobility Helicopter
10 x Hoatzin-60 Utility Helicopter
15 x Harpy-1 Attack Helicopter
50 x Piranha River Mobility boat

15,000 Airmen
5,500 Reservists

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80 x F-30 Multi-Role Fighter
26 x F-15 Multi-Role Fighter
12 x A-7 Ground Attack Fighter
10 x E-6 Electronic Warfare and Bomber
10 x B-52 Bomber
10 x C-12 Transport
10 x C-22 Transport
3 x P-38 Maritime Patrol aircraft
2 x E-50 AEWACS
2 x KC-78 Tanker
7 x H-60 Helicopter
6 x U-0 UAV
3x H-3 SAR Helicopter

12,500 Sailors
3,720 Reservists

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3 x D-2 Class Destroyers
2 x F-2 Class Frigate
1 x F-3 Class Frigate
1 x L-1 Class Helicopter Landing Ship
2 x A-1 Class Attack Submarine
1 x M-1 Class Missile sub
3 x C-2 Class Corvette
4 x H-1 Class Fast Missile Boat
5 x P.2 Class Patrol Ship
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 06:27:43 PM by zoelikestrees »

Offline zoelikestrees

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Re: Zolo Factbook
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2024, 06:27:07 PM »
Paramilitary and Militant Groups of Zolo
[This is a WIP!]

There are many paramilitary organizations in the Republic of Zolo, some of which are legal or semi-legal (or at least mostly tolerated by the state), and many more which are illegal and at least sometimes in direct conflict with the state.

Guerrilla Groups
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Zolo Liberation Front

Zolo Army of National Liberation

Z'boju Liberation Army

Sebani Liberation Front

Zolo Red Army

Cells of Fire

Queer Liberation Organization

Lanuyana National Liberation Army

Martyr Shaka Mandela Brigades

Popular Front for the Liberation of Zolo

People's Liberation Army

National Liberation Army

Martyr Leila Uduike Brigades

Army of St. Anacleto

Women’s Liberation Army

Brianna Davis Brigades for Vengeance and Justice

Albion Power Army

Grey Wolves

Organized Criminal Organizations
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Heloise City Cartel

Kingston Cartel

Gelburn City Cartel

Zolo Royalty Faction

Belfay Family

Fraternity of the Secret Cause

Haljokane Mafia

Sebani Brotherhood of Warriors

Cape Town Mafia

Knights Templar

Secret Army of The Lord

Pink Mafia Organization

Anthony Copperstone Group

Williamstown Blood Brotherhood

Zolo Peoples' Liberation Forces

Legal Militias & Law Enforcement Gangs
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Volunteer Army for National Defense

The Executioners of the Law

Bone Breakers' Brotherhood

Defense Militias of the Republic of Zolo

Federation of Zoloan Minutemen

Loyal Order

Guardian Angels of Zolo

Army of Christ and His Majesty the King

Blue Viper Faction

Zoloan Freedom Fraternity

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Securitas Inc.

Castillo Division

Churchill Security

Rapid Support Security Forces

Blackpound Guards

Illegal or Unsanctioned Militias
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Zolo People's Guards

Sebani Defense Forces

Popular Defense Forces

People's Protection Units

Albionese National Army of the Republic

Army of Christ and the King

Albionese Power Clan

Tytor Power Army

Lanuyana People's Defense Federation

Z'boju Defense Army

People's Red Guards

Red Guards of Zolo

Association for Women’s Self-Defense and Liberation

Si'lokan Defense Army

« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 03:10:06 AM by zoelikestrees »