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Offline CabbagePreacher

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2020, 09:48:10 AM »
Nation Name:- The Free Republic of Nichitishi
Type of government: Federal Parlimentary Republic
GDP per capita: 11.160 $
Population: 31,200,000
National Service: Yes, all physically and mentally fit citizens are subject to a minimum of 6 months of service. State law may extend this period of conscription, but not shorten it.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Different states of the federation who wouldn't mind seceding from Nichitishi or other seperatist movements.

What is your nations landscape like? The regions around the capital of Altıntuğ and the Bostancı state is flat, with forests dotted around the land. The Ortaorda-Chuorta state is hilly and barren. The Himizu state is mountainous and colder.

How technologically advanced is your nation? Most of the equipment Nichitishi holds was seized from warlords, who had either bought or stole various equipment. The development level is modern, but definitely not cutting-edge.

Historically how has your military been used? Unifying Nichitishi as a country, fighting warlords.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Preventing various seperatist movements from gaining power, and discouraging other countries from trying to help them. Also building trade relations if possible.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 04:38:15 PM by CabbagePreacher »
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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2020, 02:38:10 PM »
Nation Name:- Commonwealth of Soleimani
Type of government:- Centrumsenatus
GDP per capita:- $40,600
Population:- 49,000,000
National Service: Yes 12 months for all physically and mentally fit males and 9 months for all physically and mentally fit females.

What if any military threats does your nation face? The Southern provinces of Soleimani which have been showing increased rebellious activity lately.

What is your nations landscape like? Largely rainforest with medium sized mountains and hills, although there are patches of more arid less hilly regions.

How technologically advanced is your nation? Pretty well advanced in most fields. Comparable to Saudi Arabia or Turkey.

Historically how has your military been used? It has been used in the revolution and assassinating a corrupt leader. Mostly internal conflicts really.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc. Building trade connections and stifling any rebellious movements.

Offline Markus

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2020, 10:37:22 PM »
Nation Name: Republic of Elania
Type of government: Authoritarian Unitary Presidential Republic
GDP per capita: 30,000 USD
Population:50 mil
National Service: Yes, two years. All men upon the age of 18 are drafted and put through a four week training, those that pass go on to serve the minimum two years required, those that fail are discharged. About 20% of those drafted pass the initial training and end up serving the two year term. Women are not drafted.
What if any military threats does your nation face? The country is focused on the threat of communist Kaitaine and its allies. It is not focused much on the sea and has no overseas connections or interests to protect. The country is stable and there is little social unrest.

What is your nations landscape like? Mountains in the West and South with plains in the center and north while in the East the country has access to the Karifan Ocean

How technologically advanced is your nation? Italy-Spain

Historically how has your military been used? Until the 1990 it was a communist  satellite state of the USR and its military was supposed to support the USR in any invasions. After 1990 and until 2000 the military has been severely neglected and given little to no importance. Between 2000-2010 the country focused on improving its military in case of a Kaitaine invasion, after 2010 and until present the military focus is shifted to a potential Elanian invasion of Kaitaine.
Note: after 2000 and until 2010 there was a gradual increase in military spending, after 2010 military spending became a number one priority with 10 consecutive years of 5 % of GDP allocated to the military. 

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? The country was and is focused exclusively on regional affairs (neighbors) and the threat of communist USR and Kaitane. It has no overseas ambitions and does not aim to send troops aboard in peace keeping missions. 

Offline Izhitsa

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2020, 05:56:37 PM »
Izhitsa's military is essentially two entirely separate militaries for two effectively separate states, so I'll post two requests.

Nation Name:- Yach Governate
Type of government:- Parliamentary democracy
GDP per capita:- ~6300 USD
Population:- 29 million, only 15 million of which live in Yach proper.
National Service: N

What if any military threats does your nation face?
Yach has an uneasy peace with Izhitska Ednota and fears a possible nationalist resurgence. It also fears military action from Tamora, which doesn't recognise its legitimacy.

What is your nations landscape like?
Hilly in the southern areas, forested in the north, with broad plains in between. Yach also controls the majority of the nation's coastline.

How technologically advanced is your nation?
Not significantly more than, say, 1990s Serbia.

Historically how has your military been used?
Yach's military consists of the remnants of the old Izhitsan military under Yachese control. Before the civil war, it was used to put down minor rebellions. It was on the front line of the war against the Izhitsan nationalists, where it worked most effectively on Izhitsa's plains. Currently, it is being used to enforce the law in Yach's occupation zone.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance?
Yach is mostly looking for foreign support against potential Izhitsan threats.

Nation Name:- Izhitska Ednota
Type of government:- Single-party communist state
GDP per capita:- ~4400 USD
Population:- 21 million
National Service: N

What if any military threats does your nation face?
Izhitska Ednota has an uneasy peace with Yach and fears a possible nationalist resurgence. It also fears military action from Tamora, which doesn't recognise its legitimacy.

What is your nations landscape like?
The areas under control of Izhitska Ednota are largely mountainous and sparsely populated, with flat forested areas to the north.

How technologically advanced is your nation?
Not significantly more than, say, 1990s Serbia.

Historically how has your military been used?
Izhitska Ednota's military has been most successful as guerrilla troops against nationalist fighters in Izhitsa's mountains. Its equipment consists nearly entirely of captured nationalist supplies and whatever weaponry could be quickly manufactured. Currently, it is being used to enforce the law in Izhitska Ednota's occupation zone.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance?
Izhitska Ednota is mostly looking for foreign support against potential Izhitsan threats.

Neither Yach nor Izhitska Ednota have a significant naval force, as the navy was controlled almost entirely by the nationalists at the outset of the civil war. Yach has trained fishermen to act in the capacity of coast guard, but most do so on a volunteer basis.

Offline zoelikestrees

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2020, 05:38:27 PM »
Republic of Zolo
Parliamentary Republic
GDP per capita: $19,000
Population: 283 million*
*only 272 million are actually under the jurisdiction of the state, 11 million are autonomous indigenous peoples, who are exempt from military service and almost never voluntarily enlist

National Service: The state has the legal right to draft male citizens into the military at will, but has rarely needed to do so. There are generally many willing recruits among the nationalistic settlers, and the nation hasn’t been in a major war for about 50 years. In the war of 1968 recruitment was stimulated without using a draft by promising parcels of indigenous land to settlers who enlisted.

What threats does the nation face?: The most significant threats that the armed forces of Zolo currently and historically have faced come from within the own country. The military has been involved in suppressing multiple insurrections and guerilla groups, cracking down on cartels which produce and export drugs as well as traffick humans, and in genocidally destroying entire indigenous societies and massacring their civilian populations.

What is the nation’s landscape like?: Large areas of the country are covered by dense jungle, with some areas covered by marshes, there are harsh mountain ranges in the east and west, plains in the northeast, and the whole country is criss-crossed by many small and large rivers.

How technologically advanced is the nation?: As much of the country lives in extreme poverty, many people do not have access to “basic” features of modern technology, including farming equipment, vaccines, plumbing, and cooking equipment; but this isn’t the case in terms of arms. The wealthy ruling class of the country have consistently, since the country’s founding in 1925, ensured that the military is well funded and technologically up to date (if not cutting edge), and the country has a small but thriving arms industry.

Historically, how has the nation’s military been used?: To suppress rebels in a few major civil conflicts, and to destroy indigenous societies.

What is the nation’s current foreign policy stance?: Building trade connections and requesting humanitarian aid for its impoverished population, while regarding the few communist nations as security threats.

Offline Chistopol

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2020, 10:05:56 PM »
Nation Name:- Kingdom of Chistopol
Type of government:- Parliamentary Monarchy
GDP per capita:- $14,893
Population:-  142,746,843
National Service: Y each year a lottery is undertaken and those selected must complete 2 years of military service.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Was once occupied by the Communists until the late 1960's nation fears that may happen again.
What is your nations landscape like? South West of the nation is a desert, the rest is like southern spain.

How technologically advanced is your nation? I'm thinking 1970's and 80's tech but feel free to throw whatever the Communists may have left behind in if that's feasable.

Historically how has your military been used? Nation only had a military since the 1970's after the King formed various militia units into a formal military. Since then its been used to ensure the nation is safe from a return by Kaitaine or Rodinha

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? PROTECT THE BORDER. That's the driving force behind most things the nation will do.

Offline The Young Pope

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2020, 02:27:49 PM »
Nation Name:- Grand Duchy of Lionbourg
Type of government:- Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
GDP per capita:- $116,727
Population:- 3,055,292
National Service: Nope

What if any military threats does your nation face?
For most of its history, the landlocked Grand Duchy had to contend with the threat of its neighbours being New Derusmia and Ardia; nowdays, there's hardly any immediate threat to take into consideration.

What is your nations landscape like?
Mix of Luxembourg and Alsace.

How technologically advanced is your nation?
The most technologically sophisticated and up-to-date it can be.

Historically how has your military been used?
Primarily national defence due to the historically, above-mentioned threats of its neighbours. Nowadays, it has been suplemented with peacekeeping and special operations around the globe.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
Building trade connections, fighting for human rights, and other stuff that friendly nations do.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 05:19:07 PM by The Young Pope »

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2020, 08:48:47 PM »
Nation Name:- Holy Land of Altromine
Type of government:- Triumvirate Geoist Theocracy
GDP per capita:- 27338.96 USD
Population:-62 million
National Service: None
What if any military threats does your nation face: None
What is your nations landscape like: mainly deserts, getting rockier to the north, ending in mountains separating Altromine with a natural border from Northern Waddan and Southern Rodina.
How technologically advanced is your nation: Slightly better than modern day Egypt
Historically how has your military been used: Border Patrolling, Fighting off small Communist attacks from the glory days of the USR
What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill: Emerging from isolation and building up diplomatic relations

Offline DaveIronside

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2020, 10:39:19 PM »
Code: [Select]


101,000 Active Soldiers36,200 Reservists[/center]

310 x [url=]Lynx[/url] Main Battle Tank
100 x [url=]Wild-Cat[/url] Light Tank
280 x [url=]Camel[/url] Infantry Fighting Vehicle
580 x [url=]Fennec[/url] Armoured Personnel Carrier
150 x [url=]Weasel[/url] Tactical Armoured Vehicle
70 x [url=]Leopard[/url] Armoured Car
120 x [url=]Ibex[/url] Scout Vehicle
600 x [url=]Hyena[/url] Mobility Vehicle
800 x [url=]Gazelle[/url] Mobility Vehicle
200 x [url=]Hare[/url] Mine Resistant Patrol Vehicle
80 x [url=]Hyrax[/url] Self Propelled Howitzer
70 x [url=]Dormouse[/url] Towed Howitzer
50 x [url=]Barbastelle[/url] Mobile SAM system
25 x [url=]H-17 Sandgrouse[/url] Transport Helicopter
30 x [url=]H-28 Bee-Eater[/url] Attack Helicopter
15 x [url=]H-38 Partridge[/url] Utility Helicopter
5 x [url=]U-1 Stork[/url] UAV
30 x [url=]Russatus[/url] Tactical Missile Launcher

[center][u][b]AIR FORCE[/b][/u]
[center]38,500 Airmen[/center]
[center]19,200 Reservists[/center]

[left]72 x [url=]F-29 Ibis[/url] Multi-Role Fighter[/left]
[left]40 x [url=]F-31 Falcon[/url] Multi-Role Fighter[/left]
[left]30 x [url=]F-27 Vulture[/url] Air Superiority Fighter[/left]
[left]5 x [url=]E-7 Goose[/url]AEWACS Plane[/left]
[left]10 x [url=]B-6 Kingfisher[/url] Bomber[/left]
[left]50 x [url=]C-2 Sunbird[/url] Transport Aircraft[/left]
[left]20 x [url=]C-22 Dove[/url] Tactical Transport[/left]
[left]10 x [url=]K-3 Gull[/url] Tanker/Airlift[/left]
[left]15 x [url=]H-3 Wheater[/url] Tactical Helicopter[/left]
[left]40x [url=]H-38 Partridge[/url] Utility Helicopter[/left]
[left]25 x [url=]T-1 Desert Lark[/url] Basic Trainer[/left]
[left]25 x [url=]T-4 Hoopoe[/url] Advanced Trainer / Light Fighter[/left]
[left]2 x [url=]P-1 Heron[/url] Maritime Patrol Aircraft[/left]

[center]33,200 Sailors[/center]
[center]12,500 Reservists[/center]

[left][url=]Arish Class[/url] Submarine[/left]
[left]1. Aakhu[/left]
[left]2. Heb[/left]
[left]3. Khenti-Khas[/left]
[left]4. Meni[/left]

[left][url=]Banha Class[/url] Amphibious Ship[/left]
[left]1. Athpi[/left]
[left]2. Hutchai[/left]

[left][url=]El-Kom Class[/url] Destroyer[/left]
[left]1. Antywy[/left]
[left]2. Metes[/left]
[left]3. Neb[/left]
[left]4. Nekenher[/left]
[left]5. Serq[/left]

[left][url=]Sohag Class[/url] Frigate[/left]
[left]1. Amiret[/left]
[left]2. Neter[/left]
[left]3. Unnti[/left]
[left]4. Urrata[/left]
[left]5. Ariti[/left]
[left]6. Hebit[/left]

[left][url=]Qena Class[/url] Patrol Ship[/left]
[left]1. Amipe[/left]
[left]2. Neterti[/left]
[left]3. Unta[/left]
[left]4. Hunit[/left]
[left]5. Upit[/left]
[left]6. Medjed[/left]

[left][url=]Hurghada Class[/url] Patrol Ship[/left]
[left]1. Amikar[/left]
[left]2. Up[/left]
[left]3. Shai[/left]
[left]4. Hedjhotep[/left]
[left]5. Wedset[/left]

[left][url=]Beni Class[/url] Minesweeper[/left]
[left]1. Aakhui[/left]
[left]2. Upast[/left]

[left][url=]Damanhur Class[/url] Corvette[/left]
[left]1. Upu[/left]
[left]2. Unut[/left]
[left]3. Thmei

Offline Lijiang

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2020, 07:19:51 PM »
Nation Name:- Lijiang
Type of government:- Absolute Monarchy
GDP per capita:- $4,780
Population:- 120million
National Service: Y each province must provide a set number of individuals for military service each year. Those selected must serve 5 years.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Potential rouge local milita

What is your nations landscape like? Forested valleys, marsh land in the North, open plains in the south

How technologically advanced is your nation? Think 1970s at the most.

Historically how has your military been used? Nation still retains a kind of feudal system that uses the military for security but also as a labour force when needed.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Relative isolationist for the last 120 years.

Offline Comrade Kermit

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2021, 05:12:06 PM »
Nation Name: Peoples Republic of Argemonto
Type of government: Parliamentary Democracy
GDP per capita: 33.000 A (OOC: =23.760 United States Dollar)
Population: 80,5 million
National Service: 1 year of national service between the ages of 18-20, civilian OR military

What if any military threats does your nation face: None in particular

What is your nations landscape like: Really mountainous with lush forests, a steppe to the east and a stretched coastline

How technologically advanced is your nation: As modern as possible

Historically how has your military been used: To overthrow the old government in the 1950s. Otherwise it has not been used yet except for humanitarian purposes

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Worried about sabotage by capitalist countries. In general wary about capitalist and monarchist states. Searching for collaborating ideological friends.

La Popola Respubliko de Argemonto
The People's Republic of Argemonto

Offline Jincheon

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2021, 10:55:40 PM »
Nation Name:- Parbhani
Type of government:- Imperial Monarchy
GDP per capita:- c.$19k
Population:- 185million
National Service: Y but only for those from four of the Empires 10 Provinces.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Threat of internal revolution/ revolts.

What is your nations landscape like? Vast open plains and farmland for the most part with dense forest in the East and mountains in the west.

How technologically advanced is your nation? 1990's is considered high-tech

Historically how has your military been used? Conflict with neighbours through the 20th Century and on going. Various policing actions.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? If you're not ethnically Parbhani and sit outside the Empires lands they want to get along with you.

Offline Jargalant (FKA Eskdale)

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2021, 09:36:09 AM »
Nation Name:- Eskdale
Type of government:- Commonwealth Monarchy
GDP per capita:- Approx 30k
Population:- 45.5million
National Service: No

What if any military threats does your nation face? Historically any that impacted independent nations in the Mhorish/Illumic

What is your nations landscape like? Lake District UK

How technologically advanced is your nation? I'd like it to be similar in standard to something like the UK.

Historically how has your military been used? Largely armed neutrality. During the war woild have been heavil focused on preventing invasions.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.   Wanting to maintain the idea of armed neutrality however exploring opportunities to work with other nations

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2021, 10:47:18 PM »
Nation Name:- Folkerepublik Øst Albion (FØA)
Type of government:- Democratic Socialist
GDP per capita:-45,170.34 USD USD
Population:-4.8 million
National Service: N

What if any military threats does your nation face?
The international bourgeoisie
What is your nations landscape like?
How technologically advanced is your nation?
Historically how has your military been used?
Defence of borders
What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
Building relations with others to aid the interntional proletariat
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 11:15:04 PM by Geo »

Offline paralipomena

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2021, 05:46:47 PM »
Nation Name: Jugland
Type of government: Federal democratic republic
GDP per capita: $15,101
Population: 59,051,000
National Service: No

What if any military threats does your nation face? Mostly internal threats

What is your nations landscape like? diverse geographic features, mostly plains and steppes, 5% of mountain terrain, and a relatively large coast

How technologically advanced is your nation? Modern, some military technology slightly older than average

Historically how has your military been used? Defense of borders, military coups (1901, 1906, 2020, 2021), civil war (2014-2020)

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Emerging from civil war, and rebuilding trade connections
Armed forces likely more reduced than the average per population (defense spending: 1.1% of GDP)

« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 08:21:24 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2021, 08:07:31 PM »
Nation Name:- Ragha
Type of government:- Theocratic Presidential Republic
GDP per capita:- 17,732 USD
Population:- 73,539,000
National Service: No

What if any military threats does your nation face?
In a one way dick-waving contest with Tamora. No real threats.

What is your nations landscape like?
Relatively arid and mountainous in the northern regions. Coastal area is somewhat flatter but the mountains extend rather close to the coast. River valleys through the mountains create some less arid regions.

How technologically advanced is your nation?
Developed. Comparable to Iran.

Historically how has your military been used?
For show and remaining competitive within the MidAranye region. Government cares more about looking big than providing welfare for its people.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Hardline stances against most forms of diplomacy with most nations except for certain agreements. More open to diplomacy with nations that it sees as possible allies in competing with the “good nations”(Ach, EM, Rokk).
« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 09:38:28 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #46 on: September 02, 2021, 09:59:11 AM »
Nation Name: Republic of Djabidjan (Djabidjan)
Type of government: Unitary republic
GDP per capita: ~ $2,000 GDPpc
Population: ~20 million
National Service: Yes. National conscription requires male citizens between the age of 18 and 28 to perform compulsory military service for 24 months. Women are not required to perform military service, but they may voluntarily join the military.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Mostly internal right now

What is your nations landscape like? Situated in Northern Ardia, most of the population lives along the coastline, particularly in the central and eastern regions. A highly urban nation, as 42% of the population lives in the two largest cities.

How technologically advanced is your nation? Moderate. It has a likely huge economic and technological gap between urban and rural places, and between lower and upper classes. However, the country was (relatively) able to develop technologically, at least compared to nearby countries, since the country ended isolation policies in the late 1970s.

Historically how has your military been used? Mostly against internal threats, such as terrorism, political turmoil and social unrest. The country suffered a number of coups d'etat in the early years of independence, and it was a left-leaning military dictatorship from the mid-1960s to 1979. It has not likely being involved in any war since independence, although the military fought several armed groups and anti-government militias some decades ago.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Building trade connections and mostly focused in development and economic policies

« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 04:14:17 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2021, 03:46:16 PM »
Nation Name: Solace
Type of government: Democratic Republic with Meritocratic Technocracy
Currency:- Suwarna

1 Suwarna = 2.1 USD
GDP:- 1.9 Trillion USD

GDP per Capita:- In USD- 422222.22
GDP Growth Rate:- 1.5%

Population: 45 million

Solace Armed Forces:-
Ranks: Army, Navy,Air Force
Supreme Commander: President Adwiti Raj
Chief Of Defence: General Himadri Raj
Chief Of Army Staff: General Mars Chez
Chief Of Naval Staff: Admiral Utkal Saras
Chief Of Air Staff: Air Chief Marshal Akash Mitres
Headquarters: Azure, Solace
Budget: 44 billion USD
Active Personnel: 0.5 million
Military Age: 18 years
National Service: Mandatory, 2 years

What if any military threats does your nation face? All external threats are from the Sea side so want to build a strong Naval force and Naval air force, not much focus on land army. Some internal issues as one province is controlled by the Mafias who run illegal businesses of drug, prostitution, extraction and human trafficking, etc.

What is your nation's landscape like? Diverse geographic features, Most States contain large coastal areas,  45% plains, 20% of mountain terrain with dense forests.
Presence of an annual river Sarsa originating at glaciers at  Himadri mountain, and a small desert area in Northern State.

How technologically advanced is your nation? Modern, Comparable to UK, Need  to upgrade Naval and Air force fleets, also military technology and equipment, required to purchase New Submarines, Frigates, Aircrafts etc.

Historically how has your military been used? Defense of borders, Coastal area, patrolling and controlling Solace Maritime Border, special operations in the inland/coastal region during flood or other disaster, battling modern-day pirates on the high seas. In past internal conflicts.

What is your nation's current foreign policy stance? Aiming to build new trade connections, to have joint military operations, technology transfer with friendly nations in the region.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 06:46:50 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2021, 11:38:25 PM »
two here
Nation Name:- The Most Highest and Most Serene and Most Magnificent and Most Elevated Kingdom of Northern and Southern Hudsonia
Type of government:- Absolute Theocratic Monarchy
GDP per capita:-2.2K USD
Population:- 25 million
National Service: N

What if any military threats does your nation face?
The Republic of the Hudson

What is your nations landscape like?
Rainforest, as far as the eye can see

How technologically advanced is your nation?
A few bits from the modern era, as well a good bit of mid 19th century stuff. Majority of the population lives in hunter gatherer tribes

Historically how has your military been used?
More militia, patrolling the rainforest for intruders and guarding the tribes from the wild and the outsiders

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
Preparing to invade the Republic of the Hudson

Nation Name:- Republic of the Hudson
Type of government:-
GDP per capita:-1.8K USD
Population:- 5 million
National Service: N

What if any military threats does your nation face?
Invasion by the Kingdom

What is your nations landscape like?
Rainforest, cleared out alot

How technologically advanced is your nation?
Mid 1800s, with some modern tech

Historically how has your military been used?
Protection of trade and skirmishes with the Kingdom

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
worried about the monster coming over the hill

« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 08:44:38 PM by DaveIronside »

Offline The Young Pope

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #49 on: October 01, 2021, 06:23:26 PM »
Nation Name:- Republic of Quebec
Type of government:- Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
GDP per capita:- $45,300
Population:- 8,600,000
National Service: No

What if any military threats does your nation face?
Mainly Rodina, otherwise nothing else.

What is your nations landscape like?

How technologically advanced is your nation?
The most advanced possible

Historically how has your military been used?
Aside from dealing with Aboriginal uprisings in the past and occasional natural disasters, the main focus has been on national defence against potential invaders (esp. Rodina). In recent times (due to de-escalation of threats posed by Rodina), there's an increased emphasis on international peacekeeping and humanitarian aid.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
Aiming to build new trade connections, to have joint military operations, technology transfer with friendly nations in the region.

Branches to be created
- Armée de terre Québécoise (Army)
- Marine Québécoise (Navy)
- Armée de l'Air Québécoise (Air Force)
- Sûreté du Québec (Military Police/Gendarmerie)*

*Sûreté's area of responsibility includes smaller towns, rural and suburban areas, whilst the municipal police forces handle larger cities.
- assistance to and replacement by the municipal police forces
- fighting illegal immigration
- fighting international crime
- guarding the national borders
- guarding official government buildings
- military police functions for the Armed Forces
- riot control and protection
- security and police work at all civilian airports
- VIP close protection including the President, Prime Minister and other high-ranking government officials
- Special forces for arrests, surveillance and protection
- Military police duties - DONE
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 08:45:08 PM by DaveIronside »

Offline Geo

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2022, 12:35:50 AM »
Nation Name:- Nis
Type of government:- Absolute Monarchy
GDP per capita:- ~27,666.24
Population:- 79.49 million
National Service: Y/N if yes how does your system work.
All men aged 18 to 27 have to serve 12 months compulsory military service
What if any military threats does your nation face?
Communists in the south, a belligerent international powers
What is your nations landscape like?
take the irl balkans landscape
How technologically advanced is your nation?
Historically how has your military been used?
invasion and conquest of the nations currently making up Nis, fighting occupiers
What is your nations current foreign policy stance? E.g emerging from isolation / Building trade connections/ worried about the monster coming over the hill etc.
make friends and do deals, but don't stick the head out for anyone in terms of military matters

Offline SimplyQ

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Re: Dave Military Building PLC
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2024, 06:55:52 AM »
Nation Name:-Union of Smaragdfalt
Type of government:- Semi Presidential Republic with a Parliamentary System
GDP per capita:- $55,002.13
National Service: Y, kind of like the Finnish national service system, except all men and women above the age of 18 after they have finished their schooling have to serve between 6-18 months of training.

What if any military threats does your nation face? Well I have Aosta to the North, All kinds of Straits of Shaw shenanigans could get us entangled and I have Drevonia to the south. I don’t know the relationship I would have with them yet, but my nation has an “Always be ready” mentality.

What is your nations landscape like? A crap tone of lakes  and alpine forest areas that get to -33 degrees celcious during the colder months with snow and many bodies of water freezing over, and some mountains and hills in the central east.

How technologically advanced is your nation? I would Assume like your average modern day Scandinavian nation. So pretty advanced I would say.

Historically how has your military been used? We were occupied by a foreign power for 4 years in the 90’s but that was mostly to just prevent a civil war until we can get the current government together. I still have to work on that. We have mostly used it for defensive purposes and have had small to medium sized contingents deployed in foreign conflicts mostly for either peace keeping or very specific military operations. No real huge invasions.

What is your nations current foreign policy stance? Maintaining good relations with as many people as we can through economic/trade deals but yeah we have Aosta who is our large monster over the hill who we don’t antagonise but are wary of and the Strait of Shaw always has crazy crap going on that we would most likely get involved with no matter how hard we try to avoid it.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 02:35:35 AM by SimplyQ »