• Abortion: Only permitted if the life of the mother is at risk.
• Adultery: Not a crime but along with violence and neglect is one of the three permitted reasons for divorce.
• Affirmative action: Not practiced
• Age of consent: 16
• Age of majority: 16
• Artificial insemination: Permitted.
• Assisted suicide: Permitted only as part of a living will and with approval of two medical professionals.
• Bestiality: Illegal.
• Birth control: Widely avaliable.
• Childcare: Subsidised for 15 hours a week between 0-4 years of age.
• Concealed carry: Permitted with permit from the Police. This is granted after background and medical checks and successful completion of a range safety course which must be renewed every five years.
• Death penalty: Used only for cases of multiple murder
• Divorce: Permitted only if there has been violence, adultery or neglect within the marriage.
• Double jeopardy: Not permitted
• Drinking age: 18
• Driving age: 16
• Education: School is compulsory for all between the age of 4 and 18. There are a wide choice of educational options.
• Eminent domain: Permitted for projects of "National importance"
• Equal pay for equal work: Yes
• Felony disenfranchisement: Anyone convicted of a crime is suspended from being called up to the Witan for a period of five years.
• Flag desecration: No rules
• Gambling age: 18
• Gun purchase age: 18
• Homosexuality in the military: No rules
• Human cloning: Illegal
• In vitro fertilization: Legal
• Marriageable age: 18
• Military conscription: National Service takes place via lottery. Currently there is a 1 in 3 chance of serving. An individual called up serves 18 months.
• Minimum wage: Established annually by the Witan
• Parental leave: If married a couple may claim a total of 18 months, this for example could see the mother take all 18 months, or a man take six months and the mother a year.
• Polygamy: Not permitted. While anyone following a faith that permits it is not punished under law only the first wife is considered legal.
• Pornography: Proof of age required for 18
• Prostitution: Permitted but only within licenced premises with strict rules. Anyone found involved in prostitution outside of these venues is liable to five years in prison.
• Same-sex marriage: Not religiously permitted however civil partnerships are considered a legal contract and are permitted.
• School leaving age: 18
• Sex reassignment surgery: Permitted if privately funded.
• Sex toys: Permitted
• Sexually transmitted diseases: No set rules.
• Smoking age: 16
• Sodomy laws:- No legal stance
• State ideology: Non established.
• State religion:
Sigynism however freedom of religion exists.
• Stem cell research: Permitted
• Taxation: Sliding scale income tax complimented by a general sales tax and a few other forms of specific taxation such as on cigarettes.
• Torture: Not permitted
• Trial by jury: Six randomly selected people.
• Universal healthcare: For non-cosmetic cases paid for by taxation.
• Voting age: No elections take place as government consists of a randomly selected Witan.
• Women's rights: Protected in law
• Working age: A person may not work more than 20 hours a week and no more than four hours in a day until 16 years of age.
• Working week: Overtime must be paid after 40 hours have been worked.