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The Kingdom of Niš
« on: December 05, 2021, 09:46:46 PM »
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The Kingdom of Niš

"For God, King and Motherland!"

Capital City: Niš
Population: 79.49 million
Currency: Dinar (=100 paras)
GDP per Capita (not worked out, estimate around 27,666.24)
Ethnicities: Nišavan (30.6%), Trački (24.1%), Blitken (14.3%), Basnion (11.4%), Ilirski (10.1%),  Slovenački (7.3%), Visine (2.2%)
Religions: Orthodox Christianity(82.5%), Sunni Islam (15.5%) [largely confined to Basnion or Ilirski communities], Irreligious or undeclared (2%)
State Religion: Nišlija Orthodox Church
Demonyms: Nišlija (male or neutral), Nišlijka (female)

Head of State and Government: Basil IV
Government Type: Blessed Monarchism
Legislative Body: House of Barons

Head of State: King Basil IV
Head of Government: King Basil IV
Government Type: Blessed Monarchy
Legislative Body: House of Barons

Peacetime Anthem Lyrics
Spoiler: show

God of justice, save thy people,
Lord, protect us day by day;
Hear our voices supplicating,
Grant salvation now, we pray.

Blessed homeland, we salute thee,
Fairest proud soil, heroes hold dear.
Fatherland, allegiance we pledge,
Honouring thee, land without peer.

"Advance with banners waving!
Fight on!" our heroes cry.
To save our country's glory
The roaring guns reply.

God protect our noble monarch,
God watch over great and small,
God sustain and guide King Stefan,
God defend and keep us all!

Wartime Anthem Lyrics
Spoiler: show

Falcons, grey birds
Falcons, grey birds,
Dražinići, my sons,
Draža's calling, The Crown needs us
to battle we shall go.
From Ravna Gora the trumpets call:
"Do you feel sorry for your loves back home?"
We don't miss them,
our hearts are set on fighting.
When your chests and hearts are bleeding,
do you feel sorry for your mothers?
Our mothers' blessings are always with us,
we will gladly give our lives.
Do you feel sorry for our native land,
for our enemies are ruling her?
Her we mourn and for her we struggle,
for her we shall all give our lives.
King Stefan, you dark wolf,
you Nišavian father, guard of mountains,
you're the leader of the nation's sword,
and defender of your people.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 12:31:08 AM by Geo »

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Royal Family and the Monarchy
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2021, 11:45:02 PM »
Royal Family and the Monarchy

The current royal family of Niš is house Nemanjić, a house dating back to the 12th century. House Nemanjić ruled the Kingdom of Nišava for over 200 years in the late middle ages, fading into history. The current house Nemanjić regained control of Nišava in the 20th century, regaining it after several centuries of it under other dynastic rule. The dynastic head of house Nemanjić is Basil IV.

Basil IV was born on the 15th of July, 2004, to Vladmir III, he was crowned King after the death of his father in 2016. His mother ruled in his stead as Queen-Mother-Regent until 2020, when he took de facto control of the nation.

His Most Blessed Majesty Stefan Basil the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of Niš, King of the Nišavians, the Blitkens, the Aleksijanci, the Tračani, the Iliri, the Visines and the Basnions, Guardian of the Church, Protector of His People.
Titles: King of Niš; King of the Nišavians, the Blitkens, the Aleksijanci, the Tračani, the Iliri, the Visines and the Basnions; Despot of Rashka, Dioclea, Vidin et al; Grand Prince of Niš; Count of Astibus, Belgrade, Bitola et al.

The family is currently based in the Grand City of Niš, from the White Palace. They maintain palaces throughout the Kingdom, including many now no longer used for museum purposes. Many public services of the Kingdom are owned directly by the King, including the nation’s national parks and railway line.

The Throne of Niš follows strict male-only primogeniture. In the incident that the King dies without a son as heir, it will pass to his closest male relative. If there are no male relatives alive of the ruling dynasty, the highest clergy of Niš will pick a new King from amongst the Barons. This succession law was added after Alexander VII retook the throne, in order to prevent his cousin, Emijia of Belgrade, from potentially taking the throne from him.

The Monarchy as an institution takes the form of Blessed Monarchism, the Monarch’s right to rule is blessed by the Lord through the nation’s senior clergy. If they feel that the Monarch has gone against God, the clergy can call a vote in which a unanimous result against the Monarch will force him to abdicate to the next in line.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 01:28:57 PM by Geo »

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« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2021, 09:20:39 PM »
History of Niš

Niš was established on the 9th of November, 1979. Originally, it was composed of the former territories of the FSS Nišavia and the FSS Blitkentia, both former parts of the FSUR Severrusavia, which dissolved on the 7th of November, 1979. Though a Republic in its earliest days, a referendum held voted to establish a Monarchy, so the Royal Family of Nišavia was invited to be crowned. Despite initial hopes that the family would surrender direct power to a constitutional assembly by the Niš's founders, careful navigation of the state apparatus lead to this never coming to fruition.  The new Kingdom was stated to be a direct continuation of Nišavia, and so absorbed its church and other functions.

The Royal Family, continuing to hold claims to Basnio, now an independent Republic, due to their 1902 inheritance of the Kingdom of Basnio demanded Basnio join under Niš. Basnio refused, the nation's Sunni faith clashing with that of the Nicholasist (Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality) views of the then-King, Alexander VII. In response to the refusal, Niš declared war upon Basnio, and invaded and conquered the nation over the course of two years, the war ending in 1981. However, failure to keep captured land in check and growing ethno-nationalism in the soldiers of Niš lead to an impromptu genocide, which gradually picked up support from the state, continuing on for almost a decade after the war started, even after all forms of rebellion had stopped. In the ensuing genocide, around 3.5 million Basnions lay dead, with official modern estimates by the state of Niš putting it around only around a hundred thousand, claiming that most of the victims were killed aiding or attempting to aid rebels against the legitimate government with an intent to cause sabotage and death, and so cannot be considered victims of genocide. Most unbiased historians estimate from around 1 million to 5.3 million. The genocide mainly focused on Sunni Basnions, however also included small amounts of other ethnic minorities, including Jews and Roma.

In 1982, following the Nišlijka invasion of Basnio, Niš pressured the governments of Ilirijia, Visina and Aleka into holding national referendums on whether they wanted to be absorbed into Niš. The referendums were hugely problematic, and a few eyebrows are still being raised today, but by a slim majority each of the nations voted to be assimilated into Niš. A year later, Niš launched an invasion into Tralkija, their Casus Belli being that it remained a Soviet aligned dictatorship, despite losing its communist flavouring in the 1980 Trački Revolution. Conquering it in 1985. In 1991, the national assembly of Slovenija, with Niš winning by a great majority (likely due to Slovenija already being a puppet state in all but name due to increasing economic reliance on Niš), formally absorbing Slovenija into it.

Throughout the rest of the 20th century, and the 21st century, Niš set about modernising and liberalising its economy, slashing taxes on the rich during the reign of King Basil III, until he died in a car crash less than a year into his reign, making his younger brother, Vladmir III, King in 1998. Vladmir would successfully revolutionise Niš' economy, bringing it up to par and above its neighbours. After his tragic and premature death to testicular cancer in late 2016.

Basil IV was born in 2004, and become King in 2016 after watching his father die in a hospital bed. Being only 12 at the time of his ascension, the Queen-mother acted as regent on his behalf until he took official and de facto control at the age of 16.

History of the Federal Socialist United Republic of Severrusavia

Formed from two Socialist Republics agreeing to merge in 1940 to combat attempted Rodinian and liberal influence in both nations, Severslavia was formed as a union between the US Blitkentia and the SR Nišavia-Basnia. It was heavily federal, with initially three very autonomous democratic governments under a single dictatorial central government, lead by Jacob Tito. As Severslavia grew, more federal governments under it were created.

Sverrusavia stayed neutral and isolationist for most of its lifetime, fearing liberal influence and influence of the USR, however eventually absorbed its neighbouring nations of the SSR Aleka, the Republic of Visinia and the SSR Ilirija. This policy of isolationism was criticised and likened to an ostrich sticking its head in the stand, ignoring the danger of not having any international friends, and was thus christened by dissenters as the ostrich policy. The failures of the ostrich policy began to rear its head when it was abandoned by Tito in 1978 that the economy of Sverrusavia was vastly outmatched by that of the rest of the world, and that a lack of friends, warned off by the ostrich policy, resulted in no partner to pick up the slack to improve the economy, resulting in Sverrusavia becoming a backwater nation economically. The baptism by fire of Sverrusavia into the global economy resulted in an economic backlash, the internal economy crumbling. The growth of poverty also lead to the growth of ethno-nationalism, tensions growing higher and higher, but mainly kept in check.

This all fell apart once Tito died less than a year later in 1979, his successor, Dragan Nevsky, failing to keep tensions under control, resulting in ethnic-inspired violence bursting out disastrously. Seeing the failing state of the union, the local governments mainly refusing to work with each other and the growth in anti-socialist rhetoric even amongst the government, Nevsky formally disbanded the central government, releasing each local government as their own independent republic in 1979 and causing chaos. Several wars between the newly independent nations broke out, with partisan and guerrilla ethnic terrorism erupting along the borders.

History of Nišavia


History of Basnio


History of Blitkentia


History of Aleka


History of Visina


History of Slovenija


History of Trakija


History of Ilirija


Historical Maps
Spoiler: show

Sverrusavia-era borders

1979, Union of Nišava and Blitkentia to form Niš

1981, Nišlijka conquest of Basnio

1982, Nišlijka annexation of Ilirijia, Visina and Aleka.

1985, Nišlijka conquest of Trakija

1991, Nišlijka annexation of Slovenija

Modern Borders

Modern Internal Borders

« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 12:48:30 AM by Geo »

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Miscellaneous policies
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2021, 06:39:15 PM »
Miscellaneous policies

•Abortion: Illegal, save for cases of rape. Having or providing an abortion illegally can result in a fine (best case) or a life sentence (worse case)
•Adultery: No legal stance. Court approved grounds for divorce
•Affirmative action: Not practiced
•Age of consent: 16
•Age of majority: 21
•Assisted suicide: Illegal. Having or providing can result in a three month prison sentence (best case) or a life sentence (worse case)
•Bestiality: Illegal. Assisting someone in committing or committing yourself can result in a fine (best case) or a six month prison sentence (worse case). In all cases the convicted party will be added to the Registered Sex Offender's List (RSOL).
•Birth control: Available to be provided privately.
•Childcare: Provided for approved cases.
•Concealed carry: Illegal.
•Divorce: An approved ground for divorce must be provided.
•Double jeopardy: Not permitted
•Drinking age: Can be bought from stores at 16, can be purchases alongside a meal at 12, parents can give their children liquor in private above age 11.
•Driving age: 16
•Eminent domain: Legal for certain cases.
•Flag desecration: Can result in a fine (best case) or a three month prison sentence (worse case)
•Gambling age: 21
•Homosexuality: Illegal. Assisting someone in committing or committing yourself can result in a fine (best case) or a six month prison sentence (worse case). In all cases the convicted party will be added to the Registered Sex Offender's List (RSOL).
•Human cloning: Illegal.
•Marriageable age: 21
•National Service: All men aged 18 to 27 have to serve 12 months compulsory military service.
•Minimum wage: 175 Dinars per hour
•Pornography: Illegal if it features any examples of deviant sexuality.
•Prostitution: Illegal
•Same-sex marriage: Illegal
•Sex reassignment surgery: Not Permitted
•Sex toys: Legal for private use
•Smoking age: 21
•Torture: Official not used
•Universal healthcare: Provided for registered citizens
•Military presence in embassies: Not allowed
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 12:29:14 AM by Geo »

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Re: The Kingdom of Niš
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 09:34:46 PM »
Nišavan Interest Groups

Name: Royal Household of Niš
Made up of: The Nišavan royal family and their direct servants.
Interests: Maintaining their own power and rulership
Important Figures: King Basil Nemanjić IV, Queen-Mother Renja Nemanjić, Baron Dušan Nemanjić
History: The Nemanjić dynasty had ruled the kingdom of Nišava for centuries, and upon inheriting the throne to Basnio ruled it for a few decades too. Eventually, they were forced out of power and fled the country. Now, with the communists overthrown, they once again rule over the lands their ancestors staked as their own.
Type: Informal Organisation
Role within nation: Rulers

Name: The House of Barons
Made up of: All the Barons
Interests: Maintaining their own power and prestige within the nation
Important Figures: Baron Dušan Nemanjić, Baron Kilivoje Đorđevi, Baron Miša Trkulj,
History: Established after the re-instillation of the monarchy, the House of Commons mainly serves to enforce the king's will upon each area, allowing the king to rule more effectively by delegating local matters to local Barons. Whilst the title of Baron is not de jure hereditary, the King often rewards it to the offspring of its previous holder, causing the creation of "Baron Dynasties". These dynasties often battle for power and favour with the king and will often try make the other Barons fall out of favour.
Type: Formal Organisation
Role within nation: Subservient Administrative Organisation

Name: United Armed Forces of Niš (UAFN)
Interests: Maintenance of their influence within the nation and the security of the nation
Important Figures: Field Marshall Miran Tomić, Royal Admiral Siniša Todorović, Air Marshall Zlatan Bačić
History: The Nišavan Military was always remarkably loyal to the nation. They would fight tooth and nail to protect Nišava, and now dedicate themselves to protect Niš. Wielding immense influence and favour with the king, the Military are probably one of the strongest interest groups within Niš. Head of the army is Miran Tomić, a Basnion that rose rapidly up the ranks after his outstanding service within the Glorious Unification War; Siniša Todorović is head of the navy and a distant cousin of the King and his former tutor in Nišavan history and religion; whilst Zlatan Bačić is merely a figurehead for the airforce, de jacto power over it being taken over by his Vice-Marshall's following the outbreak of his dementia and his refusal to stand down.
Type: Formal Organisation
Role within nation: Armed forces

Name: His Royal Majesties' Secret Service (previously the Nišavan Unification Committee, popularly known as the Black Hand)
Interest: Securing the King's power and stability of the state
Important Figures: Director Gavrilo Princip, Under-Director Ivan Lazar
History: Established by the Republic of Nišava, the Nišavan Unification Committee was responsible for sowing the seeds of distrust between the newly formed states of the Republic of Nišava and the Republic of Basnio, thus being directly responsible for the outbreak of the war and the ensuing genocide. Following the re-establishment of the Monarchy, the organisation was renamed and stripped apart, the previous leadership being forced into a wealthy retirement and replaced with men more loyal to the King.
Type: Formal Organisation
Role within nation: Secret Service

more to come
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 12:16:53 AM by Geo »

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« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2022, 12:16:10 AM »
Orders of Government

The declaration of the formation of Niš stated that the Kingdom of Niš was an inherently Christian nation, deriving its authority to rule over its people directly from the Lord.

Senior Clergy
Following the Blessed Monarchist form of government the Monarchy as an institution follows, the Senior Clergy of Niš may vote to force the King from his throne, forcing him to abdicate to the next in line through a unanimous vote. If there is no next in line for throne following a King’s untimely death or abdication, the Senior Clergy will pick a Baron to ascend next to the throne.

The King
The King has the power to approve or block laws that pass through the House of Barons, and may revoke laws if a majority of Barons vote for him to do so. The King may also encourage Barons to make specific laws that he desires. The King alone has the power to declare wars, make peace, change the budget and more (OOC if you have a specific inquiry, please DM me). He often unofficially delegates parts of national government, such as education or agriculture, to Barons. All members of state, save the House of Justice, are required to swear an oath of loyalty to God and then to the King.

House of Barons
The Kingdom is divided into dozens of baronies, each of which are locally administered. They are led by barons who are appointed by the King. The post is held by a baron till death, resignation or revocation; the King decides who gets the title once the title is unheld. The King usually appoints the next of kin of the previous owner, creating political dynasties, but may pass it onto a completely new person if he so fancies.

Laws are made and presented to the King by the House, in which the King will then rubber-stamp them. He can withhold the stamp from any law he so desires. If a baron feels that a new law will unfairly tread upon his barony’s rights or goes against the barony’s economic interests, they can appeal the law in the House of Barons to the rest of the barons. The House will then vote for or against the law and if it passes, the baron who presented the suggested law and the baron who opposed it will then present their argument directly to the King, who will then decide whether or not to rubber-stamp the law. The King himself cannot make laws, however may command the House of Barons to make one on his behalf.

If the King wishes to revoke an existing law, the House will vote on whether he may or may not.

The House of Justice
The House of Justice provides judges, arranges court dates and juror service, runs prisons, provides state lawyers for those unable to hire private and manages distribution and regulation of Licenses to Practice Law . The House of Justice is internally managed and divorced from the rest of government. The current Lord of Justice is Saul Dobar-čovek.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 10:55:12 AM by Geo »