Author Topic: Rosendahl Report S02 E02 - Emir Sulemain of Rayyu  (Read 1524 times)

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Rosendahl Report S02 E02 - Emir Sulemain of Rayyu
« on: July 11, 2022, 08:27:06 PM »

In last weeks feature we were joined by the Kings of East Moreland and The Commonwealth of the Unified Iwi, both fresh off the success of the Historic Crimes Treaty, a document that they each hope will become the cornerstone of the international communities approach to righting wrongs of the past. This week we start our conversation around another new document, the Abrahamic Declaration. The document is an attempt, starting in Midaranye, to place human rights on a footing seen acceptable by some nations who have traditionally struggled to marry up the MCUR and their culture which is often deeply rooted in their faith. The Declaration today has gained support from several other nations including Samantra, Kodima and rather surprisingly Kermah. Perhaps then as we begin our conversation with what could be considered its founder Kermah would be a good place to start.

Krista - Lets begin with Kermah, they are the first non-Abrahamic nation to sign the treaty, does that surprise you and do you think more will?

Emir - If I'm being up front with you I was never expecting a nation outside of Judaism, Islam or Christianity to sign the Declaration. I am aware though that there is a significant minority of Christians in Kermah but still never enough to make me believe their nation would approve of it. The document is a very clear attempt to codify rules of faith that many of us hold true. The fact that a nation where what I suspect would best be described as folk faiths dominate share these concepts is important. It shows that despite huge differences there is much to unite the world. I though think we may not see others follow in their wake. Nations like say Nya Aland where you are from have significant cultural differences that means perhaps this approach would not fit them yet but that does not prevent a friendship.

Krista - Nations such as Nya Aland would argue that this Declaration is actively going to diminish rights. For example I'm a bisexual woman, previously married to a woman yet your Delcaration would potentially mean that this right could be taken away from me. Your declaration states "Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from exercising this right.?" This would allow nations to effectively ban same sex marriage, something the MCUR has enshrined in law. Is the Abrahamic Declaration therefore a danger to the LGBTQ+ community?

Emir Far from it. As a Muslim I believe that marriage is a blessing from Allah and that Allah wishes us to marry so we can form families. As such I am sad to say your late wife and yourself could not have done this naturally so therefore you could not fulfil the purpose of marriage in Allah's plan. We are not going out and hunting down members of the LGBTQ community or anything like it. I believe Christians use a phrase of "Hate the sin but love the sinner". Allah creates us all but he has also given us rules for life. A scholar called John Wicks describes human existence as a "Vale of Soul Making" a place and time where the creator gives us an opportunity to develop our souls and become good moral people. It is possible to be gay and be moral, that goes without saying, but that is the Greater Jihad, to face our desires, our problems, our challenges in life and remain as close to Allah as possible.

Krista - Are you satisfied with how Mundus received it so far? Was there any reaction or lack of reaction that surprised you ?

Emir I'm delighted with how its been received. I had expected maybe ourselves and Kodima to be signatories, and if that had happened that would have been the will of Allah. To see nations like Samantra not just sign it, but under Patriarch Alexy be a real guider of its formation, has been exciting. While I was the politican who was able to gather together those who created the words it was people like the Patriarch, Bishop Cheon Suk-won, Rabbi Shalev, and Mansur Karimi that breathed life into the idea. Your introduction said I was the founder of this, its a great honour, but those holy souls who gathered with me are its founders as compared to them I am just a man trying to understand the Almighty, these men are living vessels of knowledge. Naturally we expected criticism, and we have seen that come from various corners of Mundus. Clysperis being a good example. It was to be expected as not all nations embrace the God we of the Abrahamic faiths do. What does though concern me is a lack of understanding of faiths such as mine. The Pharoah stated she was concerned "when religion is intermixed with international politics" , yet to me Islam is intermixed with everything whenever we make a decision one of the first things we do is consider what would Allah wish us to do. She herself said the MCUR is more in accordance with her own faith, this too being a display of religion and international politics mixing. While criticism is inevitable of any treaty or charter it will not prevent me dealing with those who see our view as not compatible with others. While people like the Pharoah may not share our views but we share common aims, she herself has just begun to share our view on slavery having outlawed the practice, the Declaration clearly states "Everyone shall be free to choose the work that suits them best and which serves their interests as well as those of the society." something I believe both our nations agree on. It is these shoots that show that our nations aren't too different.

One of the greatest demonstrations that has pleased me though is in Abertone, the population confirming this document is the one they wish to act as a protection for their life. Further still the democratically elected Duma of Samantra doing likewise is for a stamp of approval from the ordinary working man so to speak. I am blessed by their show of trust in what we put together.

Krista - Historically there has been talk of Midaranye being a region viewed as a form of outsider to global affairs. Is this a view you believe in ?

Emir - I think historically perhaps much of our region was involved with inward looks and seeing people of differences as a problem rather than oppurtunity. To our West we have Tamora, an Empire with a less than stellar reputation, we have Royal Seleucid, a nation with a tarnished past following their occupation of the Iwi and the recent Cultist genocide. Even our friends in the north Kodima have a side to them that to those unwilling to delve would seem expansionist with their saying of "From Jerusalem to the Kyne". These things may make the region seem old fashioned, problematic or "evil". But lets look at more modern times. Royal Seleucid have done a great deal to try and bring nations in the region together and has become a hub of Midaranye co-operation. Tamora have carried out vast aid projects in Alba Karinya, the opposite side of the world. We are a region that perhaps suffers from a bad press but look at place like Elysium, my ongoing conversations with Heyra, Royal Seleucid even had a Lodjain Queen for a short period. We are not outsiders but we are perhaps more introspective than many areas.

The Empire of Tamora have been routinely sanctioned and seen as a pariah by some nations outside of MidAranye, destabilising the overall region by its policies and well-known legal slavery; what is the current stance that your Majesty have over Tamora, and the ambitions it have regarding them?

Emir The recent Declaration shows my stance on slavery. The charter of that clearly states "Everyone shall be free to choose the work that suits them". Slavery takes away that choice. Slavery is something that I would not allow in Rayyu, it is consigned to the past. Tamora will one day come to the same realisation and I will utilise peaceful means to help guide that way. When we trade with them it will be for slave free products, their Kingdom of Attica I believe is doing a fine job there. There are tools internationally such as the Freestone Mark that allow us to police it. I hope one day Emperor Abbas will see that his nation can be just as prosperous, maybe even more so, without slavery. But faith is a difficult thing to overcome and I believe one day the Manists will, just as Islam has, come to see slavery as an injustice. We will not embrace Tamora as brothers like Royal Seleucid, but neither will we see them as the outcasts many have. They are neighbours and you should treaty them with love and respect.

Krista- You've had a rather unique international relations problem following an incident over a historic tribute payment from your neighbours Kizard, could you perhaps explain this and what the future holds for your relations.?

Emir - Historically each year the Emir of Kizard pays our Emir, in this case me, a tribute. It dates back to their first Emir being granted the island by my ancestors. It may appear to many as a quirky issue but to us it is a matter of significance. Since the foundation of Kizard as an Emirate it has relied on Rayyu as a source of many of its needs. We arrange today for its fresh water, we ensure it has produce beyond what it grows, we supply it with oil and gas. Even down to the fact that many of its people come to us seeking employment. We do a great deal to support and maintain the island, work that costs us millions each year. Our tribute this year was $214,525.23, a mere fraction of what we spend supporting them. By refusing to pay this year at first they embarrassed us and themselves. It disrupted trade and positive relations. Thankfully their Emir has straightened out the problem and normal relations have resumed following payment in the form of land. We will now develop that land to ensure it creates jobs and prosperity for the people in its area and already I have invested around $2million there with a further $10million planned over the coming years. It is safe to say a payment of around $200,000 to receive a $12million investment makes sound business sense. Kizard are our cousins and families occasionally fight, but always come back together as families. Our future is one where I believe both of us can become great places to live.

Krista - Thank you for your time. Please join me next week when I travel to Altona to reflect on King Rutger's first 12 months on the throne. - invite to leave questions for Rutger