Just over a year ago the Kingdom of Altona elected themselves a new King. With the Sülldorf dynasty having three siblings who could have inherited the throne many people were perhaps surprised when middle child Rutger Sülldorf was elected to the position of King over his elder brother Lukas. Since then the King has lead his nation on something of a charm offensive where they have completed several significant trade negotiations across Mundus. Today I am joined by the King of one of Mundus smallest nations to look back and reflect on his first year on the throne.
Krista - Thank you for welcoming us to your Kingdom. If we may begin at the start of your reign. Many experts had expected your brother Lukas to be elected to the throne. Where you surprised when you won the election?Rutger Its great to have this chance to speak to you. To be honest I think the fact that my brother perhaps epitimises what many view as the Kingly virtues Mundus seems fascinated with. Look at many of them, King David, ex-soldier, Emperor Peter, ex-naval officer, King Karlis, freedom fighter. It is clear people make a connection between military might at regal endeavour. Despite my national service I'm not viewed as a soldier, I'm viewed as an administrator. I'm viewed as a man who ran businesses, who ran ministerial departments. Altona is a nation at peace, we have no enemies and we are seeking to keep it that way. Why then should we be surprised the people of Altona thought a man with a track record of work within government was a better choice. That is not to say that my brother and sister would not have made excellent monarchs. I'm lucky to have them in my family to be able to utilise their skills in helping me with my duties.
Krista - While you did win the election you did so with 42%. Does it concern you that the majority of Altonans would have preferred someone other than you to rule the country?Rutger Of course I would have liked to be in a position with a clear majority. Our system though doesn't work that way. I'm confident that the people of the Kingdom have no complaints about the outcome. I see it that we were lucky enough to have three good candidates and the public in a way may have been spoiled for choice. The point is though to look at how successful people think I've been. In recent surveys around 70% of Altonans are satisfied with my first year and those that aren't point to things such as a lack of expansion into our vast woodlands as a criticism. This is something that will happen but naturally takes much longer than 12 months to arrange.
Krista - If we can start looking at the past twelve months what has been your best achievement since becoming King, what has been your biggest failure? Rutger In terms of achievements I'm proud that we have been able to build some connections with nations that might perhaps have made people rather surprised. I suspect if you had asked people which nations a new monarch would have invested time to do business with it would have been those of the CSC or CNN. Therefore I think when I was able to secure us friendship with Lijiang, my brother helped us build deals with Samantra and of course ship contracts with Arcaibh have been secured. We've built a rather nice network of friends and then more recently did take the step of heading into the MICA organisation. As for the biggest failure I think perhaps it was not capitalising on this first wave of diplomacy more. We have the SUN nations in our sights as people we think we could do business with and we simply let that pass us by. That will be changing in the next few months but I will now say we shall not be joining SUN.
Krista - A lot of these deals you talk about have included aspects of nuclear energy. The Altonan Electrical Syndicate, a largely Altonan government owned company, have positioned itself as a leading figure in nuclear energy, out competing any other in exports, and naturally plays a part in altonan foreign policies, what is that part, and how shall it evolve?Rutger As a monarch you utilise whatever tools your nation gives you to benefit your nation. We are blessed to have had engineers and scientists in the field of nuclear physics who have done great things. We've nations out there that are looking for less polluting energy and we've a track record in excellence. By exporting our knowledge in return for concessions, friendship and other arrangements we're no different to a nation like Rokkenjima or Ui Cenneslaig utilising the size of their economy. So long as the AES remain in government hands, and that shall be an extremely long time, and for as long as they maintain their track record we will utilise them as a part of our foreign policy.
Krista - With nuclear energy being a tool as you say how does your nation see the MAEA and do you imagine Altona being part of it in the next five years?Rutger - I can't imagine us doing so unless things change. I think the MAEA is fine in theory but the problem is we don't live in a world where an open system of information is always beneficial. Under the MAEA details of all projects involving nuclear material would need to be registered. Much of what we are doing is experimental and the inspection system in the MAEA would utilise scientists from other nations, some of whom may be connected to foreign businesses and institutions. As such I would be concerned about our edge being lost. I'd like to reassure the world though that we have no intention to use nuclear material or energy for anything other than peaceful means.
Krista - One of your achievements has been taking Altona into MICA. We understand some aspects of the negotiations were a little more difficult than others. A Heyran economist in the heat of the moment have said that you, and I quote, “was the greatest socialist pain in the bum since the USR” given the role that you have been rumoured to be playing at the Campford MICA summit, as it's been rumoured that you asked for changes in the charter that restricted free trade, what would you respond to this economist?Rutger - They are not rumours, its true. The charter to my eyes had some issues in the fact that I could envisage a scenario where in effect a trade deal between Vaguzia and say Chistopol would in effect be a trade deal between Altona and Chistopol. Don't get me wrong I have no issues with Chistopol but my duty is not to the people of Chistopol it is to the just shy of nine million Altonans. I do not believe in full free trade. I believe in making trade as streamlined as possible but only to a point of it not harming your nation. We're a small nation with some good entrepreneurs I want them to flourish and competition from nations with larger economies could be a problem. Take for example the fact East Moreland and Rokkenjima are tied through the CSC-East Moreland treaty, we could have ended up with a situation of a mega-corporation like Abstergo using it to their advantage against our smaller economy. I would be a poor king if I allowed that to happen. If that gives a Heyran economist sleepless nights I will not apologise for it.
Krista - If we turn more towards domestic policy. What has Your Majesty done for the poor of Altona during your first year as king?Rutger I am I suspect lucky. Altona is a nation with a small population and a strong economy. Our GDP per capita is close to $55,000. Thankfully we have few poor people in Altona. We've possibly the lowest population density on Mundus and as such farmers are able to utilise this to ensure crops are grown on scale and utilising the best mass production methods. Food is therefore cheap, energy is cheap, we live mainly in one city so getting around is relatively cheap. That though doesn't mean we shouldn't grow even more. Those towards the bottom end of the financial ladder must be helped to keep climbing. To do that we're looking at expanding opportunities by opening a second planned city, Baumstadt will be built with affordability built in to help every Altonan get a foot on the property ladder, be able to access a good standard of education and secure good jobs.
Krista -What has Your Majesty discovered that not even a king can do in Altona?Rutger A great many things not limited to getting a 13 year old Prince to do his homework. I can't do everything I would like. There are a great many projects I'd like to be involved in. I want to see Altona taking a leading step in many fields. I want us to begin work to prepare to host large cultural events on a regular basis. I have an eye set on a CETO Festival here. I would one day like to think of us hosting a major games like the Summer ones we are gearing up for. I would love it if we could become a kind of scientific capital of the world. The problem is my time is finite and I need to find the right people to support this. One of the great things about a small population is that we can be very close to the people, one of the draw backs is we sometimes lack the pool of talent compared to people like our MICA neighbours in East Moreland. I can't have us achieve our dreams overnight but I can walk towards them.
Krista -You talk about a pool of talent and earlier about utilising your family for such things. You currently have two children could we perhaps see you look to add of this and in effect increase your family business?Rutger - I'm blessed with two wonderful children. Karl and Matilda are not necessarily though the future of the Royal Family. I have five nephews and nieces. I think at the time of my death the Witan are likely to have a minimum of seven candidates. That is more than enough to keep them busy. It is therefore not as vital for me to produce children as say the Dragon-Emperor in Lijiang where his family are expected to be a reflection of the nations success. There a large family means more success. Here people expect me to get results. If we have another child then so be it but we are not going to be doing so at the moment.
Krista -Finally may I ask how are you planning to celebrate the first anniversary of your ascension to the throne??Rutger - As tradition dictates in Altona I will be spending the day before hunting with family and friends. The day of the anniversary itself we'll have a national holiday and a large party in Kasierplaza. Its hoped we'll have enough game to at least put on food for a great number of the people who attend. Other than that I intend to spend time among my people thanking them for their hard work since I've been King.
Krista -King Rutger. Thank you for your time and good luck with your hunt. Next week we are joined by Suketoshi Heishi, Prime Minister of Daito