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Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« on: September 28, 2022, 09:31:43 PM »

Men's Tour of Ardia 2022


The Tour of Ardia is a stage race held in the Allied States of Ardia, one of the most important cycling events of the continent.

Teams participating:
  • Solace Cycling Club (Solace)
  • Sebastian's (Zaporozh / Samantra)
  • Rogue Cycling (Achkaerin)
  • Hochinobu Seisei (Daito)
  • MTK-ZSD (Mktvartvelo)
  • AABL-AD (Mktvartvelo)
  • Koryonggang (Djabidjan)
  • Sinus Cycling (Ardia)
  • Canthus Cycling (Ardia)
  • NisSam Racers (Samantra / Nis)
  • URET Bikers (Samantra


General classification

The main classification, the one by which the winner of the Tour of Ardia is determined. It is decided by totalling the time each rider takes on the daily stages. The rider with the lowest overall time at the last stage is the overall winner of the Tour of Ardia The leader of the general classification wears the pink jersey.

Points classification

The Points classification is a secondary competition, with points being given for high finishes in each stage. The rider with most points overall at the end of the Tour of Ardia becomes the overall winner of the Points classification. The leader of the points classification wears a green jersey.

Youth classification

The Youth classification is another secondary competition. It works as the same as the General classification, only that for riders aged 25 or younger. The leader of the youth classification wears a white jersey.

Team classification

The team classification is a secondary prize given to the best team in the Tour of Ardia. The team classification is calculated by adding the times of the three best riders of each team per stage. Only teams that finish the Tour with three or more riders can win the classification.

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 06:23:22 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 1

Stage 1 results

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 6:25:17
2 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 00:00
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 00:00
4 - Liberu Caelinus (Canthus Cycling) + 00:00
5 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:00
6 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) + 00:00
7 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 00:00
8 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 00:00
9 - Dean Carter (Rogue Cycling) + 00:00
10 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
11 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 00:00
12 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:00
13 - Kozo Egashira (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:00
14 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 08:21
15 - Vespasiano Nissus (Canthus Cycling) + 08:21
16 - Daniel Longbridge (Rogue Cycling) + 08:21
17 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:21
18 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:21
19 - Hakaru Akiyama (Hochinobu Suisei) + 08:21
20 - Ramaz Gamkrelidze (MKT-ZSD) + 08:21

General classification

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 6:25:07
2 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 00:04
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 00:06
4 - Liberu Caelinus (Canthus Cycling) + 00:10
5 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:10
6 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) + 00:10
7 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 00:10
8 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 00:10
9 - Dean Carter (Rogue Cycling) + 00:10
10 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 00:10

Points classification

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 50 points
2 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 30 points
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 22 points
4 - Liberu Caelinus (Canthus Cycling) 15 points
5 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) 12 points
6 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) 10 points
7 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) 8 points
8 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) 6 points
9 - Dean Carter (Rogue Cycling) 4 points
10 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) 2 points

Youth classification

1 - Liberu Caelinus (Canthus Cycling) 6:25:17
2 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 00:00
3 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 08:21
4 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:21
5 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 08:21

Team classification

1 - Canthus Cycling 19:24:02
2 - NisSam Racers + 00:04
3 - Sinus Cycling + 00:06
4 - Solace Cycling + 00:10
5 - Hochinobu Suisei + 00:10

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 11:14:32 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 2

Stage 2 (ITT) results

1 - Kozo Egashira (Hochinobu Suisei) 12:59   
2 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 00:23
3 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei ) + 00:27
4 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 00:28
5 - Martial Giove (Canthus) + 00:29
6 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 00:32
7 - Alesandr Borisov (Sebastian's) + 00:33
8 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:33
9 - Alakesh Bhutiva (Solace Cycling) + 00:33
10 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 00:34
11 - Paul Newcombe (Rogue Cycling) + 00:35
12 - Hakaru Akiyama (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:35
13 - Sizyèm Préske (Koryonggang) + 00:35
14 - Kim Hyung-min (Koryonggang) + 00:36
15 - Vadik Kovalchuz (Sebastian's) + 00:37
16 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 00:37
17 - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling) + 00:38
18 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 00:39
19 - Daniel Longbridge (Rogue Cycling) + 00:39
20 - Marius Avilia (Canthus) + 00:39

General classification

1 - Kozo Egashira (Hochinobu Suisei) 06:38:16
2 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:27
3 - Marius Avilia (Canthus) + 00:29
4 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:33
5 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 00:35
6 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 00:40
7 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) + 00:43
8 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 00:46
9 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 00:58
10 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 01:00

Points classification

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 50 points
2 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 30 points
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 22 points
4 - Kozo Egashira (Hochinobu Suisei) 20 points
5 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) 15 points

Youth classification

1 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) 06:39:14
2 - Libero Calinus (Canthus) + 00:02
3 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 07:49
4 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 08:04
5 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 08:07

Team classification

1 - Hochinobu Suisei 20:04:11
2 - Canthus Team + 00:48
3 - Solace Cycling + 00:54
4 - URET Bikers + 01:00
5 - NisSam + 01:07

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2022, 08:58:34 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 3

Stage 3 results

1 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) 6:26:23
2 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 00:00
3 - Seneca Rufus (Canthus) + 00:01
4 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 00:02
5 - Vespasianus Nussus (Canthus) + 00:02
6 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 00:25
7 - Amartya Gupta (Solace Cycling) + 00:45
8 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 01:03
9 - Martial Giove (Canthus) + 06:54
10 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) + 07:07
11 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 07:18
12 - Sizyèm Préske (Koryongang) + 07:33
13 - Eduard Markov (NisSam) + 08:06
14 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 08:08
15 - Fidèl Vitès (AABL-AD) + 08:24
16 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) + 08:29
17 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 08:38
18 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 08:41
19 - Shalva Kvachantiradze (MKT-ZSD) + 08:43
20 - Alakesh Bhutiva (Solace Cycling) + 08:45
DNF - Kozo Egashira (Hochinobu Suisei)
DNF - Libero Cailinus (Canthus)

General classification

1 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 13:06:10
2 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 07:08
3 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 07:45
4 - Marius Avila (Canthus) + 08:26
5 - Amartya Gupta (Solace Cycling) + 08:57
6 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 08:59
7 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 09:16
8 - Tariel Kapiani (MKT-ZSD) + 10:54
9 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) + 11:16
10 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 11:38

Points classification

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 50 points
2 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 22 points
4 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) 15 points
5 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) 15 points

Youth classification

1 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) 13:21:02
2 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 02:40
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 08:08
4 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:42
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 11:50

Team classification

1 - Canthus Cycling 39:31:01
2 - NisSam Racers + 01:51
3 - URET Bikers + 12:05
4 - Solace Cycling + 13:19
5 - MKT-ZSD + 22:29

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2022, 09:13:36 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 4

Stage 4 results

1 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 6:26:18
2 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 00:00
3 - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling) + 00:00
4 - Cassius Appia (Sinus Cycling) + 00:00
5 - Paul Newcombe (Rogue Cycling) + 00:00
6 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 00:00
7 - Kazushi Eto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:00
8 - Givi Sopromadze (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
9 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 00:00
10 - Asketyl Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
11 - Shalva Kvachantiradze (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
12 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 00:00
13 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 00:00
14 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 00:00
15 -Naozumi Iga (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:00
16 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 00:00
17 - Yuli Melnik (Sebastian's) + 00:00
18 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 00:00
19 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 08:06
20 - Marius Avila (Canthus) + 08:06
DNF - Seneca Rufus (Canthus)
DNF - Martial Giove (Canthus)

General classification

1 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) 19:39:36
2 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus)  + 00:37
3 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 06:45
4 - Marius Avilia (Canthus) + 09:18
5 - Amartya Gupta (Solace Cycling) + 09:49
6 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 09:51
7 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 10:08
8 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 10:31
9 - Yuli Melnik (Sebastian's) + 10:54
10 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 11:06

Points classification

1 - Marius Avilia (Canthus Cycling) 50 points
2 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
3 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points
4 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 35 points
5 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) 34 points

Youth classification

1 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) 19:56:02
2 - Asketyll Omdahl (MTK-ZSD) + 01:56
3 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 03:08
4 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 07:26
5 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 12:10

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 59:01:54
2 - Canthus + 04:01
3 - MKT-ZSD + 10:30
4 - Solace Cycling + 18:10
5 - NisSam + 20:59

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2022, 10:57:51 AM »
Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 5

Stage 5 results

1 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) 6:25:33
2 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 00:14
3 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 00:45
4 - Mainio Salminen (AABL-AD) + 00:46
5 - Danish Malik (Solace Cycling) + 00:48
6 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:51
7 - Ramaz Gamkrelidze (MKT-ZSD) + 00:52
8 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 01:01
9 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 01:56
10 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 02:01
11 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 02:56
12 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 02:56
13 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 02:56
14 - Dean Cartar (Rogue Cycling) + 02:56
15 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 02:56
16 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 02:56
17 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 02:56
18 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei) + 02:56
19 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 02:56
20 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) + 02:56
DNF - Vadik Kovalchuz (Sebastian's)
DNF - Alesandr Borisov (Sebastian's)
DNF - Marius Avilia (Canthus)
DNF - Vesper Cnaeus (Canthus)

General classification

1 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) 26:08:05
2 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 03:57
3 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 07:03
4 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 09:13
5 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 09:51
6 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 12:10
7 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 15:23
8 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 16:17
9 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei) + 18:16
10 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 18:22

Points classification

1 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
2 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
3 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points
4 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) 34 points
5 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) 30 points

Youth classification

1 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) 26:26:27
2 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 10:14
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 11:18
4 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryongang) + 18:28
5 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 22:46

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 78:24:33
2 - MKT-ZSD + 09:19
3 - Solace Cycling + 16:57
4 - Hochinobu Suisei + 28:48
5 - NisSam + 29:13

« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 04:08:04 PM by paralipomena »

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2022, 12:54:41 AM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 6

Stage 6 results

1 - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling) 6:26:21   
2 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 00:01
3 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) + 00:01
4 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:04
5 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 00:07
6 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 00:43
7 - Shalva Kvachantiradze (MKT-ZSD) + 02:01
8 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 02:17
9 - Walden Gjeldnes  (AABL-AD) + 02:17
10 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 02:17
11 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 02:17
12 - Dima Boganov (Sebastian's) + 02:17
13 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 02:17
14 - Paul Newcombe (Rogue Cycling) + 02:17
15 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 02:17
16 - Kazushi Eto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 08:13
17 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:13
18 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 08:13
19 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggong) + 08:13
20 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) + 08:13

General classification

1 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) 32:43:46
2 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 06:10
3 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 08:06
4 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 08:27
5 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 11:32
6 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 11:50
7 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 12:19
8 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 18:20
9 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 20:47
10 - Sizyèm Préske (Koryonggang) + 21:01

Points classification

1 - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling) 52 points
2 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
3 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
4 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 37 points
5 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points

Youth classification

1 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) 33:05:19
2 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 00:12
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 01:04
4 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 01:27
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 09:05

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 97:54:01
2 - Solace Cycling + 23:02
3 - MKT-ZSD + 23:06
4 - NisSam + 37:21
5 - Rogue Cycling + 39:23

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2022, 08:20:08 AM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 7

Stage 7 results

1 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) 6:26:01
2 - Alakesh Bhutiva (Solace Cycling) + 00:19
3 - Ramaz Gamkrelidze (MKT-ZSD) + 03:34
4 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 03:35
5 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 03:37
6 - Paul Newcombe (Rogue Cycling) + 04:01
7 - Givi Sopromadze (MKT-ZSD) + 04:03
8 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 04:16
9 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 05:15
10 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 06:20
11 - Cassius Appia (Sinus Cycling) + 07:04
12 - Kazushi Eto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 07:10
13 - Filat Orlov (URET Bikers) + 07:25
14 - Kim Hyung-min (Koryonggang) + 07:52
15 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 07:55
16 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 08:08
17 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 08:37
18 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) + 08:49
19 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 09:15
20 - Cornelius Thracius (Sinus Cycling) + 09:41
DNF - Gustav Nykvist (Sinus Cycling)

General classification

1 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) 39:23:52
2 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 00:00
3 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 06:10
4 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 07:30
5 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 13:23
6 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 13:31
7 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (AABL-AD) + 14:10
8 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 14:14
9 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 14:18
10 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 14:53

Points classification

1 - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling) 52 points
2 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
3 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
4 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 37 points
5 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points

Youth classification

1 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) 39:38:45
2 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 04:36
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 11:09
4 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 12:13
5 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 13:16

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 117:41:58
2 - MKT-ZSD + 07:10
3 - Solace Cycling + 15:49
4 - Rogue Cycling + 17:46
5 - Koryonggang + 29:29

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2022, 02:30:13 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 8

Stage 8 results

1 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 6:26:18
2 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 00:00
3 - Shalva Kvachantiradze (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
4 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 00:00
5 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 00:00
6 - Kyrylo Sokolov (Sebastian's) + 00:00
7 - Evandrus Giano (Sinus Cycling) + 00:00
8 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 00:00
9 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 00:00
10 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 00:00
11 - Eduard Markov (NisSam) + 00:00
12 - Naozumi Iga (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:00
13 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 00:00
14 - Danish Malik (Solace Cycling) + 00:00
15 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 08:02
16 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 08:05
17 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 08:05
18 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 08:05
19 - Kazushi Eto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 08:05
20 - Hakaru Akiyama (Hochinobu Suisei) + 08:05
DNF - Dima Boganov (Sebastian's)
DNF - Ramaz Gamkrelidze (MKT-ZSD)
DNF - Domitian Avilius (Sinus Cycling)

General classification

1 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) 45:55:20
2 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 02:55
3 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 02:55
4 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 07:21
5 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 08:00
6 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 09:25
7 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 15:18
8 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 16:06
9 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 16:13
10 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 17:46

Points classification

1 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 51 points
2 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
3 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
4 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 37 points
5 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 46:13:06
2 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 02:13
3 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 06:32
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 07:16
5 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 09:15

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 137:08:47
2 - MKT-ZSD + 07:16
3 - Solace Cycling + 14:36
4 - Rogue Cycling + 16:30
5 - Koryonggang + 36:24

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2022, 12:00:33 AM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 9

Stage 9 results

1 - Cornelius Thracius (Sinus Cycling) 6:25:35
2 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 00:45
3 - Kim Hyung-min (Koryonggang) + 00:46
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 00:49
5 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 00:52
6 - Fidèl Vitès (AABL-AD) + 01:11
7 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) + 01:13
8 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 01:51
9 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 01:51
10 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 01:51
11 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 01:51
12 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 01:51
13 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 07:56
14 - Danish Malik (Solace Cycling) + 07:56
15 - Paul Newcombe (Rogue Cycling) + 07:56
16 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 07:56
17 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 07:56
18 - Sizyèm Préske (Koryonggang) + 07:56
19 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 07:56
20 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 07:56
DNF - Dean Carter (Rogue Cycling)

General classification

1 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) 52:21:34
2 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 09:12
3 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 10:12
4 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 10:12
5 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 10:37
6 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 17:25
7 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 17:27
8 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 23:23
9 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 25:03
10 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 25:12

Points classification

1 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 51 points
2 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
3 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
4 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) 40 points
4 - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling) 37 points
5 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 35 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 52:46:37
2 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 00:09
3 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 00:27
4 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 02:13
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 07:07

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 156:37:10
2 - MKT-ZSD + 06:17
3 - Solace Cycling + 20:48
4 - Rogue Cycling + 22:52
5 - Koryonggang + 36:34

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2022, 07:44:11 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 10

Stage 10 results

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 6:26:18
2 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 00:04
3 - Mainio Salminen (AABL-AD) + 00:06
4 - Hakaru Akiyama (Hochinobu Suisei) + 01:10
5 - Sizyèm Préske (Koryonggang) + 01:15
6 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 01:18
7 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 04:10
8 - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei) + 04:56
9 - Vespasianus Nessus (Canthus) + 06:02
10 - Vadimir Kuznetsoy (NisSam) + 07:16
11 - Kim Hyung-min (Koryonggang) + 07:38
12 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 08:01
13 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) + 08:16
14 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 08:46
15 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 09:32
16 - Cassius Appia (Sinus Cycling) + 09:56
17 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 10:02
18 - Alakesh Bhutiva (Solace Cycling) + 10:03
19 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 10:09
20 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 10:05
DNF - Felix Balbus (Sinus Cycling)
DNF - Evandrus Giano (Sinus Cycling)

General classification

1 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) 59:04:06
2 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 03:00
3 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 03:05
4 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 04:26
5 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 08:39
6 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 09:44
7 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 10:26
8 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 10:46
9 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 13:30
10 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 16:40

Points classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 52 points
2 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 51 points
3 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
4 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points
5 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) 40 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 59:12:45
2 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 08:51
3 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 12:01
4 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 12:06
5 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 17:11

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 176:14:51
2 - MKT-ZSD + 12:24
3 - Rogue Cycling + 23:22
4 - Koryonggang + 35:43
5 - Solace Cycling + 38:23

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2022, 11:31:51 AM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 11

Tour 11 results

1 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) 6:25:55
2 - Fidèl Vitès (AABL-AD) + 00:00
3 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) + 00:23
4 - Amartya Gupta (Solace Cycling) + 00:25
5 - Cornelius Thracius (Sinus Cycling) + 00:30
6 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 00:32
7 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 01:49
8 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) + 03:25
9 - Danish Malik (Solace Cycling) + 03:32
10 - Vadimir Kuznetsoy (NisSam) + 05:16
11 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 06:24
12 - Yuli Melnik (Sebastian's) + 06:57
13 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 07:17
14 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 08:02
15 - Eduard Markov (NsSam) + 08:07
16 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) + 08:39
17 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 09:14
18 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 09:27
19 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 09:44
20 - Cassius Appia (Sinus Cycling) + 09:57
DNF - Masanao Hatsuda (Hochinobu Suisei)

General classification

1 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) 65:43:51
2 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 00:53
3 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 01:04
4 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 06:24
5 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 07:57
6 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 09:11
7 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 13:58
8 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 14:53
9 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 18:24
10 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 22:13

Points classification

1 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 63 points
2 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 52 points
3 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
4 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) 48 points
5 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 45 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 65:50:15
2 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 08:29
3 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 12:00
4 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 18:19
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 26:56

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 195:42:00
2 - MKT-ZSD + 30:43
3 - Solace Cycling + 41:36
4 - Rogue Cycling + 45:49
5 - Koryonggang + 47:56

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2022, 07:19:25 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 12

Stage 12 results

1 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 6:26:38
2 - Kazushi Eto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 00:43
3 - Givi Sopromadze (MKT-ZSD) + 02:16
4 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 02:23
5 - Eduard Markov (NisSam) + 02:40
6 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 02:43
7 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 02:44
8 - Tariel Kipiani (MKT-ZSD) + 02:49
9 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 03:21
10 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 04:11
11 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 04:30
12 - Ivan Sokolovsky (NisSam) + 04:38
13 - Amartya Gupta  (Solace Cycling) + 06:26
14 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 06:31
15 - Makar Popov (NisSam) + 07:43
16 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 08:08
17 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 08:11
18 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) + 08:30
19 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 08:33
20 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 08:43
DNF - Mainio Salminen (AABL-AD)

General classification

1 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) 72:20:29
2 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 01:34
3 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 04:34
4 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 04:57
5 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 06:36
6 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 08:35
7 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 18:01
8 - Andrew Mason (Rogue Cycling) + 19:23
9 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 19:45
10 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 19:57

Points classification

1 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 65 points
2 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 63 points
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 52 points
4 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
5 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) 49 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 72:25:26
2 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 02:39
3 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 15:46
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 23:27
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 24:54

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 215:14:59
2 - MKT-ZSD + 34:58
3 - Rogue Cycling + 52:09
4 - Solace Cycling + 53:34
5 - Koryonggang + 01:03:31

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2022, 12:21:32 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 13

Stage 13 results

1 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) 6:25:08
2 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 01:10
3 - Amartya Gupta (Solace Cycling) + 01:13
4 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 01:13
5 - Fidèl Vitès (AABL-AD) + 01:15
6 - Vadimir Kuznetsoy (NisSam) + 01:16
7 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 01:17
8 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) + 02:47
9 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 03:43
10 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 07:56
11 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) + 08:50
12 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggong) + 09:17
13 - Daniel Longbridge (Rogue Cycling) + 09:30
14 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 10:41
15 - Hakaru Akiyama (Hochinobu Suisei) + 10:46
16 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 10:56
17 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 10:57
18 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 10:58
19 - Yuli Melnik (Sebastian's) + 11:06
20 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 11:07

General classification

1 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) 78:49:58
2 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 01:49
3 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 06:11
4 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 10:09
5 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 14:31
6 - Asketyll Omdhal (MKT-ZSD) + 16:12
7 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 16:16
8 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 21:00
9 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 22:34
10 - Fedot Smirnov (Sebastian's) + 27:32

Points classification

1 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 65 points
2 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 63 points
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 62 points
4 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
5 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) 49 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 78:51:47
2 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 14:23
3 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 14:27
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 25:57
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 39:59

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 234:53:41
2 - MKT-ZSD + 36:58
3 - Rogue Cycling + 43:17
4 - Solace Cycling + 49:18
5 - Koryonggang + 56:08

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Re: Tour of Ardia 2022 - Men's
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2022, 04:19:00 PM »

Tour of Ardia 2022 - Stage 14

Stage 14 (ITT)  results

1 - Naozumi Iga (Hochinobu Suisei) 32:00
2 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 00:34
3 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) + 00:35
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cyclng) + 00:35
5 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) + 00:52
6 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) + 00:53
7 - Danish Malik (Solace Cycling) + 00:59
8 - Eduard Markov (NisSam) + 01:00
9 - Snorr Gunvaldsen (MKT-ZSD) + 01:05
10 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 01:05
11 - Germund Strand (AABL-AD) + 01:09
12 - Givi Sopromadze (MKT-ZSD) + 01:11
13 - Dasiaku Fujimoto (Hochinobu Suisei) + 01:19
14 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) + 01:22
15 - Alakesh Bhutiva (Solace Cycling) + 01:26
16 - Yakim Nikolaev (URET Bikers) + 01:27
17 - Cornelius Thracius (Sinus Cycling) + 01:31
18 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 01:33
19 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 01:33
20 - Kyrylo Sokolov (Sebastian's) + 01:45

Final standings

General classification

1 - Vadim Viktorov (URET Bikers) 79:25:02
2 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) + 00:59
3 - Thanh Chau Huynh (Koryonggang) + 05:38
4 - Vespasianus Nissus (Canthus) + 09:30
5 - Amechi Toplis (Koryonggang) + 13:24
6 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 13:42
7 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 16:35
8 - Kang Young-chul (Koryonggang) + 19:29
9 - Surinder Singh (Solace Cycling) + 21:45
10 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 25:17

Points classification

1 - Adam Kostantinov (NisSam) 70 points
2 - Aleksei Zima (URET Bikers) 63 points
3 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 62 points
4 - Ronaldo Dsouza (Solace Cycling) 50 points
5 - Timur Filippov (URET Bikers) 49 points
6 - Walden Gjeldnes (AABL-AD) 43 points
7 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) 43 points
8 - Kimmo Peltonen (AABL-AD) 39 points
9 - Makar Popov (NisSam) 39 points
10 - Krish Ram (Solace Cycling) 39 points

Youth classification

1 - Timothy Coulter (Rogue Cycling) 79:26:01   
2 - Asketyll Omdahl (MKT-ZSD) + 12:43
3 - Filat Orlov (NisSam) + 15:36
4 - Luke Riley (Rogue Cycling) + 24:18
5 - Ermolai Rasputin (URET Bikers) + 39:53
6 - Khariton Isaev (URET Bikers) + 54:56
7 - Lars Aaltonen (AABL-AD) + 58:07
8 - Cornelius Thracius  (Sinus Cycling) + 01:00:14
9 - Galbeyte Egal (Koryonggang) + 01:02:48
10 - Shalva Kvachantiradze (MKT-ZSD) + 01:11:29

Team classification

1 - URET Bikers 236:33:35
2 - MKT-ZSD + 35:54
3 - Rogue Cycling + 43:34
4 - Solace Cycling + 48:24
5 - AABL-AD + 57:17
6 - Koryonggang + 01:02:19
7 - NisSam + 01:14:40
8 - Hochinobu Suisei + 01:55:52
9 - Sebastian's Team + 04:05:01