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Valtheim 2023 - IC
« on: August 18, 2023, 08:32:08 PM »
Mundus Games 2023 - Valtheim

Ever since the bid had been successful, there had been a lot of anticipation in Achkaerin of what was to come from this event, the nation one of the world’s sportiest and ancestral home of the Mundus Games, albeit in a different guise, was finally hosting the great festival of sport - the Mundus Games had ‘come home’ the phrase had been trending in the build up and if anyone had felt the pressure in the build up it was Jemma Fox, the three time Ozzie winner was the person who had been asked to assume the great responsibility of the opening ceremony and now after all the rehearsals here it was at last opening night, the stands were packed, the performers assembled, the athletes waiting in the wings for their moment and the lights were down, the show was about to begin. The layout within the Djana Azurewind Stadium was something special, the set had a grassy meadow like scene in the middle of the stadium located on a platform, creating a lower level around the edge where the athletics track would be found, although it was covered for the evenings proceedings, off to one side of the stadium was what appeared to be a hill with a lake atop it, the low point of the hill and the central platform were linked by a bridge that initially at least looked like it was a stone dolmen, finally on a second platform at one side of the arena sat the Achkaerinese Youth Orchestra, picked to handle musical responsibilities for the ceremony.

It started with the countdown, for the minute before the ceremony started, the crowd involved and getting louder with each number they called and then the orchestra took over, playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, there were only eleven figures in the arena and all were female, ten of them were dressed in maiden sister robes of differing colours while the eleventh wore the attire associated with Triana, she had been the first High Priestess bearing the title “Keeper of the Songs.” and it was from her that the Maiden Sisters order had come, in her aging years she had according to legend given the knowledge of the Rhythm of Life, the ten songs to ten of her most skilled students as represented by the ten Maiden Sisters in the arena who had moved away from the Triana figure atop the hill, stepping across the dolem and onto the raised platform in the centre of the arena where they put themselves out into a circle and then out came the swords, the katana styled blades glinting in the stadium lights as the ten Maiden Sisters performed something not seen in Achkaerin for a long long time, each of the songs had a style of swordplay associated with it and now with the music playing in the background the ten songs came together as each style played its part in a sword ballet performance, each song’s individual dance was more commonly performed in isolation, but the ten combined alongside each other? This was rare but also very symbolic as this represented where Achkaerinese society got its underpinning. Once the ballet was done the music changed to Holst’s Jupiter as now more people flooded the arena, this now the story of how those teachings, those songs had created initially city states and then the nations of Rosemoor, Aelmoor, Greencliffe, Silverlea, Icebridge, Southvale and Rockmount before coming together as Achkaerin and the symbolism of that was on show as the “Hammer of Titus” was brought into the arena as the sequence reached its climax, it was one of the Achkaerinese crown jewels though given it was a simple blacksmiths hammer with the craftsman mark that the first Emperor had used marked in silver on the head it was probably odd to call it that, however the designation didn’t mean it wasn’t still a functional hammer. The music changed again this time to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyrie’s as noted Achkaerinese actress Rachel Kilkenny, dressed in light armour, the white cloth and the chainmail vest she wore along with the silver circlet atop her head were symbolic of the great Empress Djana Azurewind, this was the tale of how Achkaerin had grown from the nation in the north keeping itself to itself to international player and the sequence showed not only that but the evolution of Achkaerinese society through the industrial revolution, it’s civil war and then right up to the Great War, Rachel made her way up to the lake where a gong had been brought it and the Hammer of Titus was waiting for her, when the music came to its end Rachel took a breath and spoke “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” her words coming from the great author J.R.R Tolkien, she then struck the gong with the Hammer of Titus, the screens around the stadium brought up the images of poppies, it wouldn’t be right, especially here to not acknowledge that part of the history, silence fell in the stadium for a few moments.

Attention now shifted to the screens, this served a few purposes not least that of distraction with the audience watching this segment they weren’t watching the arena where a little bit of redecorating was taking place - the main platform was having the grass removed to leave it looking closer to a snow covered grass than a meadow. On the screens, the audience could see the Royal Guard Band standing in the courtyard of the Marble Palace performing the Thunderbirds theme before the segment moved inside the Palace, to the Empress’s study where Empress Serenity sat at her desk working, a television on in the background, then the phone on the desk rang, Serenity picked it up “Yes?” she asked before glancing at the television which was now displaying a breaking news story of an emergency situation “On my way.” she put the phone down and got up from behind the desk and walked over to the wall. What now followed was a very cleverly filmed version of the Thunderbird One launch sequence, to those watching Serenity did exactly as the character of Scott Tracy did in the classic television show, she used a rotating wall to access a secret high tech area and then used an extending bridge to step into Thunderbird One and then of course they would see the iconic rocket moving through the underground section to its launch position, they’d even see Serenity wearing the International Rescue uniform associated with the character of Scott Tracy when the little cut backs into the cockpit happened. There was however one difference - it wasn’t a swimming pool that was retracting, it was the ‘lake’ atop the hill in the stadium and then right on cue as the moment to launch came Thunderbird One came up out of there amid the smoke.
“Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Her Majesty Empress Serenity.” the stadium announcer said as Serenity, wearing the same uniform as she had in the filmed segment stepped out of the smoke smiling and giving the crowd a wave, she’d make her way to the Royal Box and as she did so members of the Achkaerinese military brought in the national flag of Achkaerin, parading it from one side of the arena, up the platform and across the bridge to the waiting flagpole where it was raised. “Ladies and gentlemen please stand for the national anthem of Achkaerin. Performed by Luke Evans” it was the announcer again and then it was all eyes on the arena as Luke Evans performed the Achkaerinese national anthem.

With that first of the formalities was concluded and now it was onto the next segment and attention went to Renee Azurewind stood at the foot of the hill, dressed in a flowing white robe, this was now the tribute to Achkaerinese literature with a little sprinkling of show tunes thrown in. “And don’t mention it to anyone else unless you find that they’ve had adventures of the same sort themselves.” she said “What’s that? How will you know? Oh, you’ll know all right. Odd things they say – even their looks – will let the secret out.” this time the quotation came from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe authored by the great C.S Lewis.

This section started with a small group of school kids stepping through a wardrobe and appearing out into the arena which now could easily fit the description of a cold and snowy Narnia. There was a short burst of the Narnia soundtrack as the children took in their surroundings and then various beasts began circling around them, then there was a moment where they bumped into the characters of Lyra Silvertongue and Will Parry along with others from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials but still the beasts swelled around them, then came the first number as the kids put on a performance of When I Grow Up from the musical Matilda, this was shortly followed by the emergence of the great antagonists of Achkaerinese fiction, there they all were - the White Witch, the Magisterium’s minions, Captain James Hook and his pirates and of course the Dark Lord Sauron, the Witch King of Angmar, a Balrog and a fair number of Orcs. Then the music struck up again this time to The Final Battle from the Lord of the Rings musical, the performers playing the bad guys actually singing lyrics written in the Black Speech of Mordor was interesting enough but as Renee, playing the role of Galadriel in vocal terms, provided the female solo a mass charge entered the arena performers wearing various costumes, the heroes from those same stories had turned up the heroes from Middle Earth, the Pevensies from Narnia, from the skies above Peter Pan, they chased the bad guys off and then as most dispersed, the two characters of Aragorn and Arwen being played for one night only by Prince Jack Azurewind and Lady Katyusha Andronikashivili respectively stayed with the children that had been there at the start of the sequence, the music began again this time The Song of Hope, also from the Lord of the Rings Musical. Normally sung almost as a conversation between the characters of Aragorn and Arwen but this time used as a fitting means to direct the children back to the wardrobe they’d entered through and bring the sequence to a close.

Not for the first time applause resounded around the stadium as the performers cleared the arena, and then into the arena drove three cars a silver-grey Aston Martin Vanquish, a White Lotus Espirit and a grey Aston Martin DB5, three cars associated with the James Bond franchise, they drove up onto the platform and stopped, six people got out of these cars, they were junior level Achkaerinese athletes from a variety of sports very much the next generation, one of them carried a folded up Mundus Games flag which between the six of them they unfolded and then paraded across the bridge to another flagpole and raised it alongside the Achkaerinese one, before they made their way back to the cars and drove away departing. “Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome performing a tribute to the Achkaerinese film industry Alfie Boe and Michael Ball” the stadium announcer said, cheers greeted the singing duo as they took to the stage and accompanied by the Youth Orchestra and backing singers performed a Bond Medley and no sooner had the applause for that finished than coming over the stadium’s sound system was “Space the final frontier, these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise, it’s continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.” this was followed by a video segment that paid tribute to the evolution of Achkaerinese flight, spaceflight and ultimately space exploration and of course this being to do with Achkaerin it was hardly surprising that Star Trek was used to weave it together, the purpose of this part was again multi purpose and again it was about keeping eyes off the arena floor as practically an army of drummers began to filter in ready for what was to come as well as a life size version of the Games mascot Flint the Fox, smaller versions of Flint would be given to the medalists in all the events. As the spaceflight segment finished, there was a flyover of the stadium normally this was the responsibility of the Flying Foxes display squadron of the Achkaerin Air Force but not tonight and it wasn’t typical aircraft either as instead of the Blackbird fighter aircraft it was actually drones made to look like the various different incarnations of the USS Enterprise that flew in formation over the stadium, letting the smoke out as they did, much like the Flying Foxes would have.

“Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the athletes of the 2023 Mundus Games!” the stadium announcer said. It was time for the athletes parade under normal circumstances the first nation out, the first flag out would be the Achkaerinese one as per tradition, but this year it was Abertone that led the parade out, then Aquitaine, then Asadal, then Clysperis, then East Moreland and so on. Each flag bearer got a high five from Flint as they went passed, and a fair few athletes did as well, plenty of pictures were being taken and with the steady and lively drumbeat going on it felt very much like a carnival atmosphere and then came the moment the crowd had been waiting for “The Holy Empire of Achkaerin!” the words sounded over the announcement system and the roar was deafening as Becky Brittaine, Achkaerin’s most successful swimmer and the second most decorated athlete in Mundus Games history led the Achkaerinese team out wearing the white and gold tracksuit that the team were wearing for the Games and carrying the Achkaerinese flag. Once the Achkaerinese team had made its way around the processional route and joined all the others in the centre it was time for the final run of formalities to begin, first things first the oath and this was where Achkaerin’s leading long distance runner Saaman Saaccid, manager of the Achkaerinese mens football team Julia McCabe and then the head Athletics umpire for the Games Stefan Wearne stepped forwards each taking hold of the Mundus Games flag.

“In the name of the athletes” Saaman said
“In the name of all judges.” Stefan said
“In the name of all the coaches and officials.” Julia said
“We promise to take part in these Mundus Games, respecting and abiding by the rules and in the spirit of fair play, inclusion and equality. Together we stand in solidarity and commit ourselves to sport without doping, without cheating, without any form of discrimination. We do this for the honour of our teams, in respect for the fundamental principles of these Games, and to make the world a better place through sport.” Saaman said

As the trio went back to join the crowd of teams Serenity, having traded in the International Rescue uniform for a dark blue dress and having come down from the Royal Box during the parade stood before the athletes smiling “Ladies and gentlemen, those from just down the road and those from the other side of the world welcome to Achkaerin, welcome to Valtheim, welcome to the 2023 Mundus Games.” she said “Centuries ago, back before Achkaerin was formally a nation, at a place called Moonvale the peoples of several nations at the time, the constituent parts of modern Achkaerin, came together and competed against each other to see who was the fastest, the strongest and able to throw objects the furthest. In 2013 after many post war decades of uncertainty, rising tension, conflict and sorrow the community of nations came together and rekindled this festival of sport and in the years that have followed we have seen it grow. It is a great honour and privilege to have each athlete, coach, umpire, physio and supporter here for these Games and like every sports fan I’m looking forward to seeing just what new heights you will take sport to over the next eighteen days of competitions. Now if I may be forgiven for addressing all those first time competitors out there, I’ve been where you are now I competed in the Games for a good few years, it wasn’t always easy, it didn’t always go to plan, I had to battle injury and personal demons but I wouldn’t trade the experiences the Games have given me for anything, embrace the Games and the Games will embrace you right back, enjoy yourselves, compete with a smile on your face, show the world the joy of sport, the togetherness it brings, and if I may borrow and adapt the words of Rudyard Kipling “If you can dream and not make dreams your master; if you can think and not make thoughts your aim; if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same; if you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says ‘Hold on!’ If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, then yours is the world and everything that’s in it, and which is more you’ll be whatever you’ll whatever it is you want to be my friend.” she took a breath “Take up the challenges before you over the next eighteen days in that fearless spirit, show us what raising the highest level of elite sport looks like and together put on a show on this stage that inspires future generations of athletes, coaches and umpires, not just in your own nations but across the world, let’s raise the level of sport in this world and let that be our legacy.” she smiled “Good luck to each and every one of you and it is now my great honour and privilege to declare the 2023 Mundus Games open.”

There was just one single formality left to observe and that was the torch lighting. Over the previous weeks since it had been announced that Valtheim would be hosting the torch had been on its traditional relay, historically likely to be the longest it had ever had owing to a few days on Enterprise while it did a run round the moon, without that little trip into orbit this would have in truth been the shortest trip for the torch due to geography. The Youth orchestra struck up one last time, and most would likely think Jemma Fox had decided to have some fun at this point, the piece was the extended version of the Star Trek Deep Space Nine theme as it started the torch was carried into the arena by Amy Bell, an Achkaerinese womens footballer who’d be playing at the Games, she jogged for about a hundred metres before passing it on to David Holst, the retired captain of the Achkaerinese rugby team, he took his turn taking the torch around to where Megan Harrison, two time Formula Mundus drivers champion was waiting, she took it on her leg around to the foot of the ramp of the platform where she handed over to Ren Nekhaga, he’d be in the Medieval Mixed Martial Arts towards the end of the Games, he took the the torch up the ramp and about halfway across the platform down the aisle, athletes formed up on either side, he would then hand over to Eleanor Hendry, a sailor with a few records to her name and rumour was she wasn’t done yet. Eleanor took the torch and carried it across the rest of the platform and over the bridge where the final torchbearer was waiting. Who was it? There was no real surprise about this, the responsibility for this moment could only really be given to one person and that was Sammy Lawson, the most decorated athlete in terms of Mundus Games medals, taking the torch from Eleanor Sammy carried it up the hill, past Serenity and stopped up at the top next to the foot of where the Thunderbird One still stood. At this point some might ask where the flame actually was but it would soon become obvious, during the various distractions the red nose cone of Thunderbird One had been removed, so now when a panel opened at the foot for Sammy to place the flame in, the reaction was near enough instantaneous, the flames burst out of where the nose cone would have otherwise been and there were some smaller flames coming from the top edges of the wings, it looked almost like a phoenix which was the whole point, according to legend the Mundus Games torch was the flame of Yve the Phoenix one of the great beasts of Achkaerinese legend, one of the guardians of the nation. And now with a flurry of fireworks the opening ceremony was over, the festival of sport was on and the competition could begin.

Medal Table

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2023, 09:56:24 PM »
Day One Results

Current Standings

1st - Daito - 1 Gold
2nd - Achkaerin - 1 Silver
3rd - Preoria - 1 Bronze

Current Medal Table


Mens Road Race

1. Daito - 6:35:11
2. Achkaerin - 6:35:47
3. Preoria - 6:38:02
4. Abertone - 6:42:19
5. Jugland - 6:42:20
6. Jugland - 6:42:23
7. East Moreland - 6:42:33
8. Rokkenjima - 6:42:38

Mens Football Last Sixteen

Achkaerin 3-0 Lodja
Clysperis 0-1 East Moreland
Quintelia 1-2 Daito
Jugland 3-1 Kaitaine
Aquitaine 1-5 Preoria
Kalasin 0-4 Rokkenjima
Seaforth 1-2 Royal Seleucid
Abertone 4-2 Mktvartvelo

Mens Hockey Last Sixteen

Quintelia 3-0 Kalasin
Jugland 4-2 Rokkenjima
Marseilles 1-3 East Moreland
Achkaerin 3-0 Seaforth
Abertone 1-5 Mktvartvelo
Kaitaine 3-0 Clysperis
Aquitaine 1-2 Daito
Preoria 4-0 Lodja

Mens Beach Volleyball Last Sixteen

Royal Seleucid bt East Moreland 25-12 25-21
Daito bt Aquitaine 25-19 21-25 25-23
Lodja bt Seaforth 25-21 25-22
Mktvartvelo bt Achkaerin 25-23 20-25 25-17
Rokkenjima bt Quintelia 25-21 25-20
Jugland bt Marseilles 16-25 25-21 25-23
Abertone bt Kaitaine 25-21 25-23
Clysperis bt Kalasin 25-11 25-23

Badminton Doubles Last Sixteen

Mens Doubles

Royal Seleucid bt Clysperis 21-18 21-16
Kalasin bt Abertone 21-17 21-11
Rokkenjima bt Marseilles 21-16 21-19
Preoria bt Quintelia 23-21 21-17
East Moreland bt Kaitaine 21-17 19-21 23-21
Jugland bt Achkaerin 21-18 21-17
Lodja bt Seaforth 21-17 21-13
Daito bt Mktvartvelo 23-21 21-18

Womens Doubles

Kalasin bt Clysperis 21-13 21-17
Mktvartvelo bt Seaforth 21-17 19-21 23-21
Achkaerin bt Lodja 21-18 21-18
Quintelia bt Royal Seleucid 21-17 21-12
Abertone bt Daito 21-18 22-24 21-17
Rokkenjima bt Kaitaine 21-18 21-17
Jugland bt East Moreland 21-17 21-14
Preoria bt Marseilles 21-18 21-16

Mens Cricket Quarter Finals

Seaforth (180-7) bt Kalasin (110-all out)
Preoria (171-4) bt Rokkenjima (167-8)
Achkaerin (211-7) bt Abertone (179-all out)
Clysperis (166-all out) bt Quintelia (162-6)

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2023, 05:06:53 PM »
Day Two Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 6 Golds
2nd - Lodja - 3 Golds, 1 Silver
3rd - Preoria - 3 Golds

Current Medal Table


Mens 50m Freestyle

1. Rokkenjima - 21.07
2. Abertone - 21.55
3. Daito - 21.57
4. Lodja - 21.60
5. Rokkenjima - 21.72
= Preoria - 21.72
7. Daito - 21.78
8. Quintelia - 21.79

Mens 50m Backstroke

1. Lodja - 25.77
2. Rokkenjima - 25.80
3. Abertone - 25.81
4. Abertone - 25.83
5. Daito - 25.84
6. Jugland - 25.93
7. Rokkenjima - 26.02
8. East Moreland - 26.23

Mens 50m Breaststroke

1. Achkaerin - 30.07
2. Rokkenjima - 31.12
3. Rokkenjima - 31.13
4. Abertone - 31.16
5. Daito 31.30
6. Lodja - 31.37
7. Daito - 31.40
8. Mktvartvelo - 31.78

Mens 50m Butterfly

1. Abertone - 23.44
2. Rokkenjima - 23.47
3. Abertone - 23.49
4. Lodja - 23.68
5. Daito - 23.85
6. East Moreland - 24.00
7. Jugland - 24.12
8. Seaforth - 24.52

Womens 50m Freestyle

1. Preoria - 23.81
2. Daito - 24.07
3. Lodja - 24.21
4. Abertone - 24.30
5. Rokkenjima - 24.32
= Daito - 24.32
7. Achkaerin - 24.36
8. Kaitaine - 24.41

Womens 50m Backstroke

1. Abertone - 29.33
2. Rokkenjima - 29.42
3. Lodja - 29.66
4. Preoria - 29.80
5. Achkaerin - 30.12
6. East Moreland - 30.30
7. Jugland - 30.32
8. Clysperis - 30.45

Womens 50m Breaststroke

1. Rokkenjima - 36.77
2. Daito - 36.78
3. Abertone - 36.80
4. Jugland - 37.10
5. Mktvartvelo - 37.16
6. Preoria - 37.25
7. East Moreland - 37.35
8. Kaitaine - 37.39

Womens 50m Butterfly

1. Abertone - 27.20
2. Lodja - 27.34
3. Rokkenjima - 27.37
4. Achkaerin - 27.40
5. Preoria - 27.42
6. Daito - 27.50
7. Daito - 27.52
8. Mktvartvelo - 27.60

Mens 100m Freestyle

1. Daito - 47.02
2. Daito - 47.08
3. Daito - 47.44
4. Abertone - 47.72
5. Lodja - 47.82
6. Rokkenjima - 47.86
7. Rokkenjima - 48.04
8. Abertone - 48.10

Mens 100m Backstroke

1. Lodja - 51.98
2. Rokkenjima - 52.00
3. Abertone - 52.19
4. Abertone - 52.30
5. Achkaerin - 52.51
6. Preoria - 52.78
7. Daito - 52.79
8. East Moreland - 52.95

Mens 100m Breaststroke

1. Abertone - 57.37
2. Quintelia - 58.00
3. Lodja - 58.33
4. Rokkenjima - 58.84
5. Kaitaine - 58.96
6. Rokkenjima - 58.99
= East Moreland - 58.99
8. Aquitaine - 59.36

Mens 100m Butterfly

1. Lodja - 49.45
2. Abertone - 49.68
3. Preoria - 50.74
4. East Moreland - 50.88
5. Preoria - 50.92
=  Daito - 50.92
7. Rokkenjima - 51.09
8. Quintelia - 51.49

Womens 100m Freestyle

1. Preoria - 51.96
2. Abertone - 52.27
3. Rokkenjima - 52.52
4. East Moreland - 52.59
5. Lodja - 52.68
6. Achkaerin - 52.79
7. Mktvartvelo - 52.83
8. Daito - 53.23

Womens 100m Backstroke

1. Abertone - 57.47
2. Mktvartvelo - 57.72
3. Abertone - 58.05
4. Daito - 58.43
5. Rokkenjima - 58.45
6. Lodja - 58.70
7. Preoria - 59.11
8. Clysperis - 59.53

Womens 100m Breaststroke

1. Abertone - 1:04.95
2. Abertone - 1:05.22
3. Daito - 1:05.54
4. Rokkenjima - 1:05.90
5. Lodja - 1:06.02
6. Achkaerin - 1:06.07
7. Quintelia - 1:06.19
8. Preoria - 1:06.94

Womens 100m Butterfly

1. Preoria - 55.59
2. Abertone - 55.64
3. Rokkenjima - 55.72
4. Lodja - 55.73
5. Rokkenjima - 56.22
6. Daito - 56.27
7. Mktvartvelo - 56.91
8. Daito - 57.05


Womens Road Race

1. Achkaerin - 3:32:48
2. Daito - 3:43:26
3. Achkaerin - 3:43:34
4. Jugland - 3:45:16
5. East Moreland - 3:46:39
6. Lodja - 3:49:06
7. Abertone - 3:50:04
8. Quintelia - 3:54:47

Womens Football Last Sixteen

Lodja 3-1 Kalasin
Rokkenjima 5-1 Mktvartvelo
Daito 1-4 Jugland
East Moreland 3-0 Clysperis
Quintelia 3-2 Preoria
Theocracy of Kaitaine 3-0 Asadal
Achkaerin 4-1 Seaforth
Abertone 2-0 Kaitaine

Womens Hockey Last Sixteen

Clysperis 3-1 Lodja
Achkaerin 4-0 Seaforth
East Moreland 2-4 Mktvartvelo
Abertone 3-0 Marseilles
Preoria 3-4 Daito
Kaitaine 2-3 Rokkenjima
Quintelia 0-3 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Jugland 6-2 Aquitaine

Womens Beach Volleyball Last Sixteen

Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Kalasin 23-25 25-21 25-18
Kaitaine bt Lodja 25-21 25-27 26-24
Achkaerin bt East Moreland 25-20 25-16
Royal Seleucid bt Mktvartvelo 25-19 20-25 25-22
Clysperis bt Aquitaine 25-11 25-14
Quintelia bt Marseilles 25-18 25-21
Abertone bt Daito 25-21 22-25 25-23
Rokkenjima bt Seaforth 25-18 25-21

Badminton Mixed Doubles Last Sixteen

Rokkenjima bt Marseilles 21-18 21-18
Preoria bt Daito 13-21 22-20 21-17
Clysperis bt Royal Seleucid 21-18 21-18
Abertone bt Jugland 19-21 23-21 26-24
Achkaerin bt Aquitaine 21-10 21-12
Quintelia bt Mktvartvelo 21-19 18-21 21-19
East Moreland bt Seaforth 21-16 21-13
Kalasin bt Lodja 21-18 21-12

Womens Cricket Quarter Finals

Achkaerin (177-5) bt Kalasin (141-6)
Preoria (189-6) bt Abertone (185-8)
Rokkenjima (153-7) bt Quintelia (127-all out)
Mktvartvelo (182-5) bt Clysperis (172-all out)

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2023, 01:35:07 AM »
Day Three Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 10 Golds
2nd - Preoria - 7 Golds
3rd - Rokkenjima - 6 Golds, 10 Silvers

Current Medal Table


Mens 200m Freestyle

1. Lodja - 1:44.22
2. Rokkenjima - 1:44.26
3. Abertone - 1:44.66
4. Rokkenjima - 1:44.68
5. Daito - 1:45.01
6. Achkaerin - 1:45.12
7. Clysperis - 1:45.26
8. East Moreland - 1:45.78

Mens 200m Backstroke

1. Rokkenjima - 1:53.27
2. Abertone - 1:54.15
3. Abertone - 1:54.72
4. Lodja - 1:55.49
5. East Moreland - 1:56.15
6. Preoria - 1:56.39
7. Daito - 1:57.32
8. Mktvartvelo - 1:59.06

Mens 200m Breaststroke

1. Abertone - 2:06.38
2. Daito - 2:07.01
3. Rokkenjima - 2:07.13
4. Lodja - 2:07.24
5. Achkaerin - 2:07.93
6. Preoria - 2:08.19
7. Mktvartvelo - 2:08.42
8. Quintelia - 2:08.88

Mens 200m Butterfly

1. Preoria - 1:51.25
2. Rokkenjima - 1:53.73
3. Abertone - 1:54.45
4. Lodja - 1:54.52
5. Daito - 1:54.93
6. Daito - 1:55.19
7. Achkaerin - 1:55.46
8. Quintelia - 1:55.88

Womens 200m Freestyle

1. Abertone - 1:53.50
2. East Moreland - 1:53.92
3. Lodja - 1:54.70
4. Abertone - 1:55.01
5. Daito - 1:55.21
6. Rokkenjima - 1:55.45
7. Preoria - 1:55.91
8. Clysperis - 1:56.39

Womens 200m Backstroke

1. Daito - 2:04.68
2. Lodja - 2:05.42
3. Abertone - 2:06.17
4. Preoria - 2:06.39
5. Rokkenjima - 2:06.40
6. Rokkenjima - 2:08.24
7. Abertone - 2:08.26
8. East Moreland - 2:08.48

Womens 200m Breaststroke

1. Abertone - 2:18.95
2. Lodja - 2:19.92
3. Rokkenjima - 2:20.84
4. Daito - 2:20.88
5. Mktvartvelo - 2:22.06
6. Preoria - 2:22.65
7. Achkaerin - 2:23.72
8. Quintelia - 2:24.57

Womens 200m Butterfly

1. Daito - 2:03.86
2. Abertone - 2:05.30
3. Preoria - 2:05.65
4. Rokkenjima - 2:06.53
5. Lodja - 2:07.70
6. Rokkenjima - 2:07.85
7. East Moreland - 2:07.90
8. Mktvartvelo - 2:09.48

Mens 400m Freestyle

1. Rokkenjima - 3:43.36
2. Lodja - 3:43.52
3. Rokkenjima - 3:43.94
4. Preoria - 3:44.07
= Abertone - 3:44.07
6. Mktvartvelo - 3:44.88
7. Quintelia - 3:45.20
8. Daito - 3:45.39

Mens 400m Backstroke

1. Abertone - 3:52.44
2. Abertone - 3:52.46
3. Rokkenjima - 3:53.88
4. Daito - 3:54.24
5. Lodja - 3:54.27
6. East Moreland - 3:54.30
7. Achkaerin - 3:54.50
8. Marseilles - 3:55.12

Mens 400m Breaststroke

1. Daito - 4:05.62
2. Rokkenjima - 4:06.41
3. Lodja - 4:06.50
4. Abertone - 4:06.74
5. East Moreland - 4:06.80
6. Achkaerin - 4:06.88
7. Preoria - 4:07.36
8. Kalasin - 4:07.64

Mens 400m Butterfly

1. Rokkenjima - 3:50.21
2. Quintelia - 3:50.25
3. Abertone - 3:50.28
4. Lodja - 3:50.31
5. Daito - 3:50.36
6. Preoria - 3:50.45
7. Achkaerin - 3:50.56
8. Clysperis - 3:50.60

Womens 400m Freestyle

1. Achkaerin - 3:56.69
2. East Moreland - 3:57.36
3. Achkaerin - 4:01.08
4. Abertone - 4:02.42
5. Rokkenjima - 4:04.10
6. Daito - 4:04.98
7. Abertone - 4:06.81
8. Preoria - 4:08.01

Womens 400m Backstroke

1. Lodja - 4:07.78
2. Rokkenjima - 4:07.99
3. Abertone - 4:08.13
4. Daito - 4:08.20
5. Abertone - 4:08.25
6. Achkaerin - 4:08.60
7. Rokkenjima - 4:09.57
8. Quintelia - 4:09.79

Womens 400m Breaststroke

1. Rokkenjima - 4:20.66
2. Abertone - 4:20.70
3. Abertone - 4:21.22
4. Quintelia - 4:21.25
5. Preoria - 4:21.30
6. Lodja - 4:21.31
7. Daito - 4:21.40
8. Achkaerin - 4:24.70

Womens 400m Butterfly

1. Lodja - 4:06.28
2. Rokkenjima - 4:06.32
3. Abertone - 4:06.33
4. East Moreland - 4:08.59
5. Daito - 4:08.71
6. Achkaerin - 4:08.95
7. Preoria - 4:09.23
8. Clysperis - 4:09.41


Mens 56kg

1. Kaitaine - 265
2. Abertone - 261
3. East Moreland - 254
4. Rokkenjima - 252
5. Quintelia - 251
6. Daito - 246
7. Lodja - 237
8. Seaforth - 235

Mens 62kg

1. Quintelia - 293
2. Mktvartvelo - 278
= Kaitaine - 278
4. Daito - 276
5. Achkaerin - 271
6. Abertone - 270
7. Rokkenjima - 265
8. Marseilles - 260

Mens 69kg

1. Mktvartvelo - 298
2. East Moreland - 296
3. Achkaerin - 290
= Quintelia - 290
5. Kaitaine - 289
6. Abertone - 280
7. Kalasin - 255
8. Lodja - 248

Mens 77kg

1. Kaitaine - 333
2. Quintelia - 332
3. Daito - 317
4. Abertone - 308
5. Achkaerin - 304
6. Rokkenjima - 302
7. East Moreland - 295
8. Mktvartvelo - 290

Mens 85kg

1. Kaitaine - 364
2. Clysperis - 361
3. Abertone - 354
4. Achkaerin - 344
5. Daito - 340
6. East Moreland - 335
7. Mktvartvelo - 315
8. Seaforth - 312

Mens 94kg

1. Kalasin - 391
2. Kaitaine - 388
3. Abertone - 371
4. East Moreland - 370
5. Mktvartvelo - 317
6. Achkaerin - 297
7. Daito - 286
8. Seaforth - 274

Mens 105kg

1. East Moreland - 403
2. Quintelia - 398
3. Kaitaine - 369
4. Abertone - 361
5. Daito - 360
6. Clysperis - 340
7. Achkaerin - 330
8. Preoria - 310

Mens 105+kg

1. Kaitaine - 394
2. Preoria - 377
3. Kalasin - 359
= Abertone - 359
5. Clysperis - 326
6. East Moreland - 314
7. Rokkenjima - 310
8. Royal Seleucid - 307


Team All Around Rhythmic Gymnastics

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 272.950
2. Kaitaine - 268.650
3. Rokkenjima - 267.050
4. Mktvartvelo - 265.250
5. Achkaerin - 260.600
6. Royal Seleucid - 251.950
7. Preoria - 216.900
8. Daito - 212.700

Mens Football Quarter Finals

Achkaerin 5-0 East Moreland
Daito 2-4 Jugland
Preoria 1-2 Rokkenjima
Royal Seleucid 2-5 Abertone

Mens Hockey Quarter Finals

Quintelia 3-1 Jugland
East Moreland 0-5 Achkaerin
Mktvartvelo 2-6 Kaitaine
Daito 2-3 Preoria

Mens Beach Volleyball Quarter Finals

Royal Seleucid bt Daito 25-21 25-23
Lodja bt Mktvartvelo 25-11 13-25 25-19
Rokkenjima bt Jugland 25-14 21-25 25-22
Abertone bt Clysperis 25-23 25-21


Mens 10m Rifle

1. Preoria - 587 102.4 689.4
2. Abertone - 585 102.8 687.8
3. Royal Seleucid - 585 102.4 687.4
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 585 101.8 686.8
= Jugland - 584 102.8 686.8
6. Achkaerin - 585 101.3 686.3
7. Lodja - 582 103.2 685.2
8. Mktvartvelo - 582 102.0 684.0

Mens 50m Prone Rifle

1. Royal Seleucid - 588 103.2 691.2
2. Preoria - 587 103.6 690.6
3. Daito - 587 103.4 690.4
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 587 103.3 690.3
5. East Moreland - 585 104.0 689.0
6. Abertone - 585 103.6 688.6
7. Marseilles - 583 103.2 686.2
8. Lodja - 581 103.9 684.9

Mens 50m Three Positions Rifle

1. Preoria - 1151 94.5 1245.5
2. Royal Seleucid - 1149 95.7 1244.7
3. Rokkenjima - 1148 95.3 1243.3
4. Aquitaine - 1146 95.5 1241.5
5. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 1146 94.6 1240.6
6. Achkaerin - 1141 95.2 1236.2
7. Abertone - 1139 94.6 1233.6
8. Lodja - 1135 94.5 1229.5

Womens 10m Rifle

1. Royal Seleucid - 391 102.8 493.8
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 388 101.6 489.6
3. Preoria - 389 99.9 488.9
4. East Moreland - 387 101.8 488.8
5. Kaitaine - 388 100.5 488.5
6. Abertone - 385 101.3 486.3
7. Daito - 386 99.4 485.4
8. Jugland - 382 101.0 483.0

Womens 50m Prone Rifle

1. Preoria - 583 99.5 682.5
2. Royal Seleucid - 577 99.6 676.6
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 575 99.8 674.8
4. Mktvartvelo - 574 100.0 674.0
5. Royal Seleucid - 574 99.1 673.1
6. East Moreland - 572 99.3 671.3
7. Kalasin - 572 99.2 671.2
8. Daito - 570 99.7 669.7

Womens 50m Three Positions Rifle

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 570 100.2 670.2
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 569 99.9 668.9
3. Royal Seleucid - 569 99.8 668.8
4. Preoria - 564 100.1 664.1
5. Abertone - 564 99.9 663.9
6. Daito - 563 100.6 663.6
7. Rokkenjima - 560 99.9 659.9
8. Mktvartvelo - 559 100.6 659.6

Tennis Doubles Last Sixteen

Mens Doubles

Achkaerin bt Quintelia 6-4 6-2
East Moreland bt Lodja 6-7 6-4 6-3
Seaforth bt Mktvartvelo 6-4 6-4
Clysperis bt Daito 7-5 7-6
Preoria bt Royal Seleucid 6-4 3-6 6-3
Jugland bt Abertone 6-4 6-4
Kaitaine bt Rokkenjima 6-4 6-2
Kalasin bt Aquitaine 6-4 6-7 6-3

Womens Doubles

Preoria bt Kaitaine 6-4 6-2
East Moreland bt Aquitaine 5-7 6-3 6-3
Achkaerin bt Royal Seleucid 6-3 7-6
Kalasin bt Rokkenjima 6-4 6-4
Abertone bt Lodja 6-3 5-7 8-6
Clysperis bt Quintelia 6-4 6-1
Jugland bt Mktvartvelo 6-3 6-2
Daito bt Seaforth 6-3 4-6 6-4

Badminton Doubles Quarter Finals

Mens Doubles

Kalasin bt Royal Seleucid 21-14 12-21 21-18
Rokkenjima bt Preoria 21-17 21-18
Jugland bt East Moreland 21-18 21-9
Daito bt Lodja 19-21 21-18 21-15

Womens Doubles

Kalasin bt Mktvartvelo 23-21 21-17
Achkaerin bt Quintelia 19-21 21-17 21-19
Abertone bt Rokkenjima 21-18 21-23 21-11
Jugland bt Preoria 21-18 21-14

Mens Pool Quarter Finals

Preoria 1 3-6 Kalasin
East Moreland 5-6 Mktvartvelo
Daito 1-6 Quintelia
Preoria 2 6-4 Achkaerin

Mens Cricket Semi Finals

Preoria (194-9) bt Seaforth (188-5)
Achkaerin (184-8) bt Clysperis (173-all out)

Rock Climbing

Mens Rockclimbing

1. Kalasin - 13.48
2. Asadal - 13.50
3. Kalasin - 13.58
= Asadal - 13.58
5. Abertone 13.66
6. Rokkenjima - 13.67
7. Achkaerin - 13.67
8. Lodja - 13.72

Womens Rockclimbing

1. Asadal - 14.66
2. Achkaerin - 14.71
3. Kalasin - 14.72
4. East Moreland - 14.77
5. Asadal - 14.83
6. Kaitaine - 14.93
7. Kalasin - 14.97
8. Abertone - 15.25

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2023, 09:51:55 PM »
Day Four Results

Current Standings

1st - Preoria - 14 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 12 Golds
3rd - Kaitaine - 8 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens Marathon

1. Clysperis - 2:08:38
2. Achkaerin - 2:09:58
3. Kaitaine - 2:10:00
4. East Moreland - 2:10:02
5. Mktvartvelo - 2:10:16
6. Abertone - 2:10:41
7. Daito - 2:11:35
8. Quintelia - 2:11:41


Mens 800m Freestyle

1. Daito - 7:41.87
2. Daito - 7:42.11
3. Abertone - 7:42.33
4. Rokkenjima - 7:42.68
5. Preoria - 7:45.00
6. East Moreland - 7:45.11
7. Mktvartvelo - 7:49.14
8. Lodja - 7:53.31

Womens 800m Freestyle

1. Achkaerin - 8:12.57
2. Mktvartvelo - 8:13.83
3. Lodja - 8:18.35
4. Daito - 8:19.38
5. Kaitaine - 8:21.93
6. Rokkenjima - 8:22.25
7. Quintelia - 8:24.56
8. Aquitaine - 8:26.30

Mens 1500m Freestyle

1. Abertone - 14:39.65
2. Daito - 14:40.66
3. Lodja - 14:40.91
4. East Moreland - 14:45.01
5. Rokkenjima - 14:55.48
6. Daito - 14:55.85
7. Preoria - 15:03.47
8. Kalasin - 15:04.26

Womens 1500m Freestyle

1. Lodja - 15:37.34
2. Rokkenjima - 15:41.41
3. Achkaerin - 15:42.91
4. Daito - 15:46.37
5. Abertone - 15:53.97
6. Mktvartvelo - 16:00.36
7. East Moreland - 16:00.38
8. Quintelia - 16:05.81


Womens 48kg

1. Achkaerin - 196
2. Kaitaine - 191
3. Abertone - 180
4. Kalasin - 172
5. Preoria - 166
6. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 158
7. East Moreland - 150
8. Clysperis - 145

Womens 53kg

1. Preoria - 204
2. Abertone - 196
3. Kaitaine - 194
4. Quintelia - 193
5. East Moreland - 192
6. Achkaerin - 185
= Daito - 185
8. Lodja - 182

Womens 58kg

1. Kaitaine - 224
2. Quintelia - 220
3. Mktvartvelo - 215
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 206
5. Clysperis - 205
6. East Moreland - 204
7. Preoria - 200
8. Rokkenjima - 194

Womens 63kg

1. Kaitaine - 192
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 187
3. Kalasin - 147
4. Preoria - 142
5. East Moreland - 138
6. Lodja - 131
7. Rokkenjima - 127
8. Kalasin - 121

Womens 69kg

1. East Moreland - 220
2. Kaitaine - 219
3. Abertone - 209
= Achkaerin - 209
= Preoria - 209
6. Daito - 208
7. Clysperis - 206
8. Mktvartvelo - 200

Womens 75kg

1. Quintelia - 254
2. East Moreland - 244
= Kaitaine - 244
4. Clysperis - 240
5. Rokkenjima - 233
6. Achkaeirn - 222
7. Preoria - 220
8. Lodja - 196

Womens 75+kg

1. Kaitaine - 263
2. Lodja - 248
3. Mktvartvelo - 245
4. Daito - 240
5. East Moreland - 238
6. Kalasin - 233
7. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 230
8. Clysperis - 225


Mens Team 470

1. Preoria
2. Clysperis
3. Abertone
4. Achkaerin
5. Lodja
6. Daito
7. Rokkenjima
8. Quintelia

Mens Team Star

1. Clysperis
2. Quintelia
3. Preoria
4. Rokkenjima
5. Daito
6. Abertone
7. Marseilles
8. Seaforth

Mens Team 49er

1. Preoria
2. Clysperis
3. Abertone
4. Quintelia
5. East Moreland
6. Achkaerin
7. Daito
8. Rokkenjima


Individual All Around Rhythmic Gymnastics

1. Mktvartvelo - 112.300
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 112.100
3. Royal Seleucid - 111.100
4. Rokkenjima - 108.300
5. Kalasin - 108.200
6. Kaitaine - 107.750
7. Abertone - 107.150
8. Preoria - 106.100


Mens BMX

1. Jugland
2. Achkaerin
3. Quintelia
4. East Moreland
5. Mktvartvelo
6. Kaitaine
7. Daito
8. Mktvartvelo

Womens BMX

1. Achkaerin
2. Jugland
3. Clysperis
4. Daito
5. Quintelia
6. Rokkenjima
7. East Moreland
8. Jugland


Mens 58kg

1. Aquitaine - 6
2. Daito - 4

3. Rokkenjima - 3
4. Mktvartvelo  - 0

Mens 68kg

1. Preoria - 7
2. Achkaerin - 6

3. Quintelia - 6
4. Abertone - 2

Mens 80kg

1. Rokkenjima - 4
2. Mktvartvelo - 2

3. Mktvartvelo - 5
4. Lodja - 1

Mens 80+kg

1. Abertone - 10
2. Rokkenjima. - 4

3. Achkaerin - 7
4. Daito - 5

Womens Football Quarter Finals

Lodja 2-5 Rokkenjima
East Moreland 1-3 Jugland
Quintelia 1-2 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Achkaerin 2-0 Abertone

Womens Hockey Quarter Finals

Clysperis 1-5 Achkaerin
Mktvartvelo 2-3 Albertone
Daito 1-3 Rokkenjima
Theocracy of Kaitaine 3-0 Jugland

Womens Beach Volleyball Quarter Finals

Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Kaitaine 25-27 28-26 29-27
Royal Seleucid bt Achkaerin 25-21 23-25 25-20
Clysperis bt Quintelia 25-16 25-21
Abertone bt Rokkenjima 25-21 25-27 25-22


Mens 10m Pistol

1. Preoria - 572 99.1 671.1
2. Mktvartvelo - 572 98.3 670.3
3. Royal Seleucid - 570 98.7 668.7
4. Quintelia - 570 98.0 668.0
5. Achkaerin - 566 98.5 664.5
6. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 563 100.4 663.4
7. Daito - 564 98.9 662.9
8. Seaforth - 562 98.4 660.4

Mens 25m Pistol

1. Preoria - 575 197.4 772.4
2. Mktvartvelo - 575 195.6 770.6
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 569 201.0 770.0
4. Royal Seleucid - 567 202.7 769.7
5. Jugland - 575 192.7 767.7
6. Daito - 569 197.0 766.0
7. Clysperis - 565 198.0 763.0
8. Quintelia - 568 191.6 759.6

Mens 25m Rapid Fire Pistol

1. Marseilles - 563 199.5 762.5
2. Royal Seleucid - 566 193.4 759.4
3. Preoria - 564 194.7 758.7
4. Kaitaine - 561 193.5 754.5
5. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 559 193.5 752.5
6. Rokkenjima - 557 194.3 751.3
7. Abertone - 555 195.5 750.5
8. Daito - 542 195.0 737.0

Mens 50m Pistol

1. Preoria - 549 96.1 645.1
2. Rokkenjima - 548 95.0 643.0
3. Royal Seleucid - 547 95.8 642.8
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 548 94.5 642.5
5. Mktvartvelo - 545 95.4 640.4
6. Kalasin - 543 94.5 637.5
7. Kaitaine - 537 94.5 631.5
8. East Moreland - 535 94.6 629.6

Womens 10m Pistol

1. Royal Seleucid - 376 97.2 473.2
2. Preoria - 379 92.4 471.4
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 374 96.8 470.8
4. Achkaerin - 374 96.6 470.6
= Abertone - 374 96.6 470.6
6. Seaforth - 371 98.4 469.4
7. East Moreland - 374 94.4 468.4
8. Jugland - 374 92.0 466.0

Womens 25m Pistol

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 578 98.7 676.7
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 572 99.0 671.0
3. Preoria - 570 100.3 670.3
4. Royal Seleucid - 570 100.0 670.0
5. Achkaerin - 568 97.7 665.7
6. East Moreland - 565 100.6 665.6
7. Rokkenjima - 567 97.8 664.8
8. Kaitaine - 563 98.7 661.7

Womens 25m Rapid Fire Pistol

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 580 198.3 778.3
2. Royal Seleucid - 575 201.7 776.7
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 568 204.9 772.9
4. Jugland - 572 197.4 769.4
5. Preoria - 571 196.5 767.5
6. Kalasin - 564 199.8 763.8
7. East Moreland - 567 196.2 763.2
8. Daito - 563 197.3 760.3

Womens 50m Pistol

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 550 96.1 646.1
2. Royal Seleucid - 546 96.3 642.3
3. Abertone - 547 94.6 641.6
4. Preoria - 543 94.6 637.6
= Achkaerin - 542 95.6 637.6
6. Daito - 543 94.5 637.5
7. Clysperis - 540 94.6 634.6
8. Marseilles - 539 94.9 633.9

Tennis Mixed Doubles Last Sixteen

Preoria bt Quintelia 6-4 6-2
Daito bt Kaitaine 6-3 6-2
East Moreland bt Clysperis 6-7 7-5 6-4
Rokkenjima bt Kalasin 6-4 6-2
Royal Seleucid bt Seaforth 4-6 6-4 6-1
Jugland bt Aquitaine 6-4 6-3
Achkaerin bt Lodja 3-6 7-5 7-5
Mktvartvelo bt Abertone 6-3 6-1

Badminton Mixed Doubles Quarter Finals

Preoria bt Rokkenjima 23-21 18-21 21-16
Abertone bt Clysperis 21-17 20-22 21-12
Achkaerin bt Quintelia 21-16 21-16
East Moreland bt Kalasin 21-17 21-23 27-25

Womens Pool Quarter Finals

Achkaerin 6-2 East Moreland
Quintelia 4-6 Abertone
Preoria 6-0 Kalasin
Daito 6-3 Mktvartvelo

Womens Cricket Semi Finals

Preoria (211-7) bt Achkaerin (208-7)
Rokkenjima (186-6) bt Mktvartvelo (180-4)


Mens Halfpipe

1. Clysperis - 26.5
2. Kaitaine - 20.8
3. Jugland - 18.6
4. Marseilles - 14.9
5. Achkaerin - 13.7
6. East Moreland - 13.3
7. Quintelia - 5.5
8. Seaforth - 4.3

Womens Halfpipe

1. Kaitaine - 27.7
2. Rokkenjima - 25.4
3. East Moreland - 18.6
4. Kalasin - 14.1
5. Mktvartvelo - 14.0
6. Aquitaine - 10.8
7. Achkaerin - 7.1
8. Daito - 2.4

Mens Freestyle

1. East Moreland - 96.0
2. Kalasin - 94.7
3. Clysperis - 94.6
4. Kaitaine - 89.7
5. Jugland - 87.5
6. Achkaerin - 87.0
7. Rokkenjima - 81.0
8. Mktvartvelo - 80.8

Womens Freestyle

1. Achkaerin - 94.0
2. Mktvartvelo - 93.8
3. Lodja - 91.6
4. East Moreland - 91.4
5. Rokkenjima - 90.2
6. Mktvartvelo - 90.1
7. Daito - 88.9
8. Seaforth - 88.7

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2023, 03:55:32 PM »
Day Five Results

Current Standings

1st - Preoria - 19 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 15 Golds
3rd - Rokkenjima - 11 Golds, 16 Silvers

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Womens Marathon

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 2:27:20
2. East Moreland - 2:27:36
3. Achkaerin - 2:27:46
4. Clysperis - 2:28:38
5. Achkaerin - 2:29:06
6. Kaitaine - 2:29:16
7. Abertone - 2:29:36
8. Preoria - 2:30:13


Mens 200m Individual Medley

1. Daito - 1:55.00
2. Abertone - 1:55.28
3. Lodja - 1:56.17
4. Mktvartvelo - 1:56.22
5. Achkaerin - 1:57.31
6. Rokkenjima - 1:57.49
7. Quintelia - 1:57.68
8. Clysperis - 1:57.70

Womens 200m Individual Medley

1. Lodja - 2:08.52
2. Abertone - 2:08.65
3. Daito - 2:09.04
4. East Moreland - 2:09.15
5. Achkaerin - 2:09.57
6. Quintelia - 2:10.05
7. Mktvartvelo - 2:12.38
8. Preoria - 2:12.86

Mens 400m Individual Medley

1. Preoria - 4:09.42
2. Mktvartvelo - 4:10.28
3. Rokkenjima - 4:10.38
4. Daito - 4:10.59
= Abertone - 4:10.59
6. Kaitaine - 4:11.16
7. Aquitaine - 4:11.22
8. Quintelia - 4:11.32

Womens 400m Individual Medley

1. Achkaerin - 4:32.08
2. Lodja - 4:32.76
3. Abertone - 4:34.90
4. Rokkenjima - 4:35.13
5. Daito - 4:35.98
6. East Moreland - 4:37.75
7. Quintelia - 4:38.30
8. Preoria - 4:40.65

Mens 800m Individual Medley

1. Rokkenjima - 8:12.55
2. Lodja - 8:12.68
3. Abertone - 8:14.57
4. Daito - 8:15.22
5. Preoria - 8:15.47
6. Mktvartvelo - 8:17.66
7. East Moreland - 8:17.72
8. Daito - 8:17.80

Womens 800m Individual Medley

1. Achkaerin - 8:42.00
2. Daito - 8:42.07
3. Daito - 8:42.10
4. Rokkenjima - 8:48.58
5. Abertone - 8:48.61
6. East Moreland - 8:50.66
7. Lodja - 8:50.75
8. Mktvartvelo - 8:51.11


Womens Team 470

1. Preoria
2. Lodja
3. Clysperis
4. Abertone
5. Quintelia
6. East Moreland
7. Daito
8. Seaforth

Womens Team E6

1. Mktvartvelo
2. Preoria
3. Clysperis
4. East Moreland
5. Lodja
6. Achkaerin
7. Daito
8. Aquitaine


Individual Clubs

1. Rokkenjima - 29.400
2. Royal Seleucid - 29.100
3. Mktvartvelo - 28.600
4. Kaitaine - 27.800
5. Mktvartvelo - 27.700
6. Rokkenjima - 27.550
7. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 27.300
8. Abertone - 25.450

Individual Hoop

1. Rokkenjima - 28.700
2. Royal Seleucid - 28.300
3. Kalasin - 28.200
4. Kaitaine - 27.750
5. Mktvartvelo - 27.100
6. Achkaerin - 26.000
7. Rokkenjima - 25.800
8. Aquitaine - 25.700

Individual Ribbon

1. Royal Seleucid - 27.800
2. Mktvartvelo - 27.550
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 27.500
4. Rokkenjima - 27.200
5. Achkaerin - 26.500
6. Preoria - 25.700
7. Mktvartvelo - 25.300
8. East Moreland - 24.600

Individual Ball

1. Mktvartvelo - 29.700
2. Mktvartvelo - 29.050
3. Mktvartvelo - 28.800
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 28.600
5. Daito - 28.400
6. Royal Seleucid - 28.200
7. Kaitaine - 26.600
8. Preoria - 26.500


Mens Individual 3m Springboard

1. Abertone - 467.00
2. Rokkenjima - 456.65
3. East Moreland - 456.20
4. Kalasin - 452.70
5. Daito - 450.95
6. Achkaerin - 442.90
7. Quintelia - 437.30
8. Kaitaine - 423.30

Womens Individual 3m Springboard

1. Kaitaine - 363.45
2. Achkaerin - 361.35
3. Preoria - 328.15
4. Daito - 316.30
5. Mktvartvelo - 315.05
6. East Moreland - 308.20
7. Clysperis - 299.35
8. Abertone - 298.20

Mens Individual 5m Springboard

1. Lodja - 462.75
2. East Moreland - 461.95
3. Abertone - 458.50
4. Quintelia - 454.50
5. Achkaerin - 437.55
6. Kalasin - 429.65
7. Preoria - 426.40
8. Daito - 424.20

Womens Individual 5m Springboard

1. Rokkenjima - 336.80
2. Preoria - 322.30
3. Abertone - 316.85
4. Achkaerin - 311.55
5. Kaitaine - 310.85
6. Quintelia - 310.40
7. Lodja - 308.75
8. East Moreland - 302.85

Mens Individual 10m Platform

1. Achkaerin - 491.30
2. Daito - 464.05
3. Abertone - 451.95
4. Quintelia - 451.45
5. East Moreland - 444.40
6. Kaitaine - 444.10
7. Preoria - 438.90
8. Mktvartvelo - 415.80

Womens Individual 10m Platform

1. Achkaerin - 326.20
2. Lodja - 326.15
3. Royal Seleucid - 311.95
4. Abertone - 305.45
5. East Moreland - 297.80
6. Mktvartvelo - 296.90
7. Preoria - 295.05
8. Kalasin - 293.85


Womens 49kg

1. Kalasin - 7
2. Quintelia - 3

3. Preoria - 5
4. Rokkenjima - 1

Womens 57kg

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 6
2. Clysperis - 4

3. Mktvartvelo - 5
4. Kalasin - 3

Womens 67kg

1. Preoria - 5
2. Mktvartvelo - 4

3. Abertone - 7
4. Quintelia - 3

Womens 67+kg

1. Abertone - 6
2. Kaitaine - 3

3. Preoria - 8
4. Daito - 4

Mens Football Semi Finals

Achkaerin 3-1 Jugland
Rokkenjima 1-2 Abertone (AET FT 1-1)

Mens Basketball Quarter Finals

Quintelia 74-60 Jugland
Royal Seleucid 59-66 Lodja
Daito 48-70 Mktvartvelo
Kaitaine 64-68 Preoria

Mens Rugby Sevens Last Sixteen

Marseilles 3-18 Preoria
Daito 21-12 Kaitaine
Mktvartvelo 15-18 Abertone
Royal Seleucid 9-21 Achkaerin
Clysperis 12-18 Quintelia
Jugland 21-7 Lodja
Rokkenjima 18-10 Aquitaine
Seaforth 12-24 East Moreland

Mens Hockey Semi Finals

Quintelia 4-2 Achkaerin
Kaitaine 3-3 Preoria (Kaitaine win 2-1 on pens)

Mens Beach Volleyball Semi Finals

Lodja bt Royal Seleucid 25-21 19-25 25-22
Abertone bt Rokkenjima 25-21 25-20


Individual Dressage

1. Lodja 71.950
2. Royal Seleucid - 71.550
3. Achkaerin - 71.350
4. Abertone - 71.250
5. Daito - 71.150
6. Mktvartvelo - 70.800
7. Seaforth - 69.950
8. Aquitaine - 69.350

Team Dressage

1. Royal Seleucid
2. Abertone
3. Lodja
4. Mktvartvelo
5. Achkaerin
6. Rokkenjima
7. Daito
8. Seaforth


Mens Trap

1. Royal Seleucid - 111 21 132
2. East Moreland - 108 23 131
3. Preoria - 109 21 130
4. Quintelia - 107 22 129
= Theocracy of Kaitaine - 107 22 129
= Clysperis - 106 23 129
7. Achkaerin - 109 19 128
8. Kalasin - 103 22 125

Mens Double Trap

1. Preoria - 133 42 175
2. Rokkenjima - 131 40 171
3. Royal Seleucid - 126 44 170
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 129 40 169
5. Daito - 125 42 167
6. Abertone - 131 35 166
7. Seaforth - 122 43 165
8. East Moreland - 120 45 165

Mens Skeet

1. Preoria - 110 22 132
2. Royal Seleucid - 108 23 131
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 108 21 129
4. Daito - 109 19 128
= Achkaerin - 107 21 128
= Jugland - 105 23 128
7. Clysperis - 102 21 123
8. Quintelia - 97 21 118

Womens Trap

1. Abertone - 63 18 81
2. Preoria - 63 17 80 (shoot-off: 1)
3. Royal Seleucid - 60 20 80 (shoot-off: 0)
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 60 19 79
5. East Moreland - 61 16 77
6. Daito - 55 19 74
= Rokkenjima - 54 20 74
8. Lodja - 53 16 69

Womens Double Trap

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 103 33 136
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 100 35 135
3. Preoria - 102 32 134
4. Seaforth - 101 31 132
= Royal Seleucid - 100 32 132
6. Abertone - 98 28 126
7. Achkaerin - 91 32 123
8. East Moreland - 89 31 120

Womens Skeet

1. Mktvartvelo - 64 22 86
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 67 18 85 (shoot-off: 1 1 1 0 1)
3. Preoria - 63 22 85 (shoot-off: 1 1 1 0 0)
4. Royal Seleucid - 65 19 84
5. Daito - 60 23 83
6. Rokkenjima - 59 23 82
7. Achkaerin - 59 19 78
8. Kaitaine - 57 19 76

Tennis Doubles Quarter Finals

Mens Doubles

Achkaerin bt East Moreland 4-6 7-6 6-2
Clysperis bt Seaforth 6-4 6-2
Jugland bt Preoria 6-3 4-6 6-2
Kalasin bt Kaitaine 6-3 6-2

Womens Doubles

Preoria bt East Moreland 6-4 6-7 7-5
Kalasin bt Achkaerin 6-4 6-3
Abertone bt Clysperis 6-4 4-6 6-2
Jugland bt Daito 6-2 6-1

Badminton Doubles Semi Finals

Mens Doubles

Kalasin bt Rokkenjima 21-10 21-12
Jugland bt Daito 21-16 19-21 21-17

Womens Doubles

Kalasin bt Achkaerin 21-16 23-25 23-21
Jugland bt Abertone 21-17 19-21 21-18

Mens Pool Semi Finals

Kalasin 3-6 Mktvartvelo
Quintelia 6-2 Preoria 2

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2023, 05:33:06 PM »
Day Six Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 23 Golds
2nd - Preoria - 21 Golds
3rd - Achkaerin - 15 Golds

Current Medal Table


Mens 4x100m Freestyle Relay

1. Daito - 3:08.97
2. Lodja - 3:10.11
3. Abertone - 3:10.22
4. Rokkenjima - 3:10.82
5. Mktvartvelo - 3:11.06
6. Achkaerin - 3:11.09
7. Quintelia - 3:12.20
8. Preoria - 3:13.41

Womens 4x100m Freestyle Relay

1. Rokkenjima - 3:29.69
2. Preoria - 3:32.78
3. Lodja - 3:32.81
4. Abertone - 3:33.70
5. Achkaerin - 3:33.96
6. Daito - 3:34.69
7. East Moreland - 3:34.76
8. Kaitaine - 3:35.70

Mens 4x200m Freestyle Relay

1. Abertone - 6:58.58
2. Rokkenjima - 7:01.81
3. Daito - 7:01.84
4. Mktvartvelo - 7:02.43
5. Lodja - 7:03.24
6. Preoria - 7:06.12
7. Achkaerin - 7:06.51
8. Aquitaine - 7:08.22

Womens 4x200m Freestyle Relay

1. Achkaerin - 7:40.33
2. Daito - 7:40.73
3. East Moreland - 7:41.29
4. Preoria - 7:43.77
5. Rokkenjima - 7:52.15
6. Lodja - 7:53.89
7. Abertone - 7:56.62
8. Mktvartvelo - 7:58.15


Mens Single Sculls

1. Abertone 7:09.16
2. East Moreland - 7:17.23
3. Quintelia - 7:22.21
4. Rokkenjima - 7:26.56
5. Mktvartvelo - 7:27.46
6. Royal Seleucid - 7:27.79
7. Lodja - 7:39.49
8. Kalasin - 7:54.53

Womens Single Sculls

1. Lodja - 7:53.97
2. Mktvartvelo - 7:55.73
3. Abertone - 8:04.98
4. Achkaerin - 8:10.81
5. Quintelia - 8:14.98
6. Rokkenjima - 8:17.25
7. Preoria - 8:25.51
8. East Moreland - 8:56.10

Mens Double Sculls

1. Abertone - 6:29.29
2. Rokkenjima - 6:30.65
3. Achkaerin - 6:33.06
4. East Moreland - 6:34.14
5. Quintelia - 6:41.04
6. Lodja - 6:44.47
7. Mktvartvelo - 6:46.17
8. Aquitaine - 6:49.34

Womens Double Sculls

1. Abertone - 7:07.42
2. Quintelia - 7:10.25
3. Clysperis - 7:12.52
4. Daito - 7:13.98
5. Rokkenjima - 7:15.24
6. Achkaerin - 7:19.49
7. Seaforth - 7:24.08
8. Kalasin - 7:29.32

Mens Quadruple Sculls

1. Abertone - 5:46.47
2. Kalasin - 5:51.06
3. Royal Seleucid - 5:51.88
4. Mktvartvelo - 6:00.96
5. Achkaerin - 6:01.97
6. Daito - 6:03.58
7. Quintelia - 6:11.04
8. Rokkenjima - 6:11.06

Womens Quadruple Sculls

1. Daito - 6:26.56
2. Lodja - 6:27.08
3. Abertone - 6:27.59
4. Mktvartvelo - 6:32.81
5. Quintelia - 6:35.42
6. Achkaerin - 6:37.18
7. Clysperis - 6:44.98
8. East Moreland - 6:46.80


Mens Pairs 3m Springboard

1. Abertone - 408.76
2. Preoria - 407.96
3. Rokkenjima - 405.61
4. Mktvartvelo - 405.47
5. Kaitaine - 404.69
6. Achkaerin - 402.42
7. Clysperis - 401.92
8. Quintelia - 398.68

Womens Pair 3m Springboard

1. Aquitaine - 318.09
2. Daito - 306.32
3. Quintelia - 304.79
4. East Moreland - 302.71
5. Lodja - 301.71
6. Preoria - 299.98
7. Kaitaine -297.23
8. Clysperis - 276.27

Mens Pair 5m Springboard

1. Preoria - 416.88
2. Mktvartvelo - 405.37
3. Rokkenjima - 404.95
4. Kalasin - 403.96
5. Kaitaine - 403.35
6. Abertone - 402.69
7. Achkaerin - 401.09
8. East Moreland - 399.59

Womens Pair 5m Springboard

1. Abertone - 316.85
2. Achkaerin - 315.09
3. Rokkenjima - 314.09
4. Mktvartvelo - 299.44
5. East Moreland - 295.92
6. Quintelia - 295.53
7. Daito - 277.52
8. Lodja - 277.28

Mens Pair 10m Platform

1. Lodja - 444.00
2. Abertone - 426.70
3. Clysperis - 421.80
4. Quintelia - 421.65
5. Achkaerin - 419.85
6. East Moreland 418.31
7. Daito - 411.25
8. Seaforth - 409.64

Womens Pair 10m Platform

1. Achkaerin - 320.39
2. Preoria - 308.31
3. Quintelia - 307.23
4. Abertone - 306.23
5. Mktvartvelo - 305.79
6. Kaitaine - 305.58
7. Daito - 304.92
8. Rokkenjima - 304.46



1. Achkaerin
2. East Moreland
3. Quintelia
4. Kalasin
5. Daito
6. Jugland
7. Clysperis
8. Preoria


Mens Individual Recurve

1. Asadal - 294
2. Rokkenjima - 292

3. Daito - 289
4. Lodja - 281

Womens Individual Recurve

1. Abertone - 290
2. Daito - 280

3. East Moreland - 287
4. Kaitaine - 286

Womens Football Semi Finals

Rokkenjima 2-2 Jugland (AET FT 1-1 Rokkenjima wins 3-1 on penalties)
Theocracy of Kaitaine 0-3 Achkaerin

Womens Basketball Quarter Finals

Quintelia 68-60 Preoria
Mktvartvelo 76-52 Jugland
Lodja 66-74 Rokkenjima
Daito 70-67 Kaitaine

Womens Rugby Sevens Last Sixteen

Clysperis 10-18 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Daito 12-15 Jugland
Kaitaine 12-24 Achkaerin
Seaforth 10-15 Rokkenjima
Quintelia 7-14 Abertone
East Moreland 21-0 Marseilles
Aquitaine 3-18 Lodja
Mktvartvelo 9-18 Preoria

Womens Hockey Semi Finals

Achkaerin 3-2 Abertone
Rokkenjima 4-5 Theocracy of Kaitaine

Womens Beach Volleyball Semi Finals

Royal Seleucid bt Theocracy of Kaitaine 25-17 21-25 25-22
Clysperis bt Abertone 25-21 22-25 27-25

Tennis Mixed Doubles Quarter Finals

Preoria bt Daito 4-6 6-3 6-4
Rokkenjima bt East Moreland 7-5 6-3
Jugland bt Royal Seleucid 6-4 6-1
Achkaerin bt Mktvartvelo 6-3 6-2

Badminton Mixed Doubles Semi Finals

Preoria bt Abertone 21-17 10-21 21-15
Achkaerin bt East Moreland 23-21 22-24 21-19

Womens Pool Semi Finals

Achkaerin 6-4 Abertone
Preoria 6-2 Daito

Cricket Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin (230-9) bt Preoria (228-8)

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Clysperis (205-8) bt Seaforth (191-all out)

Womens Gold Medal Match

Preoria (226-7) bt Rokkenjima (218-all out)
Womens Bronze Medal Match

Achkaerin (210-6) bt Mktvartvelo (208-8)

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2023, 09:58:52 PM »
Day Seven Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 25 Golds
2nd - Preoria - 23 Golds
3rd - Achkaerin - 17 Golds

Current Medal Table


Mens Synchronised Swimming

1. Abertone - 198.3000
2. Daito - 196.0000
3. Rokkenjima - 193.8000
4. Preoria - 193.4000
5. Mktvartvelo - 192.3667
6. East Moreland - 190.3667
7. Kaitaine - 188.7432
8. Seaforth - 185.0000

Womens Synchronised Swimming

1. Lodja - 196.0979
2. Rokkenjima - 193.5310
3. Preoria - 190.3018
4. Mktvartvelo - 188.3106
5. Daito - 184.1372
6. Abertone - 184.0325
7. Achkaerin - 181.9113
8. Quintelia - 157.9147


Mens Lightweight Pair

1. Abertone - 6:32.99
2. Lodja - 6:33.42
3. Preoria - 6:39.14
4. Quintelia - 6:40.92
5. Achkaerin - 6:43.37
6. Rokkenjima - 6:46.76
7. Royal Seleucid - 6:49.52
8. Mktvartvelo - 6:57.11

Womens Lightweight Pair

1. Mktvartvelo - 7:06.58
2. Abertone - 7:08.33
3. Preoria - 7:17.45
4. East Moreland - 7:24.58
5. Rokkenjima - 7:25.81
6. Quintelia - 7:27.33
7. Lodja - 7:36.57
8. Marseilles - 7:38.64

Mens Lightweight Four

1. Achkaerin - 5:53.47
2. Abertone - 6:02.57
3. Daito - 6:07.24
4. Preoria - 6:07.57
5. Quintelia - 6:07.94
6. East Moreland - 6:09.80
7. Kalasin - 6:12.73
8. Mktvartvelo - 6:18.23

Womens Lightweight Four

1. Preoria - 6:43.81
2. Abertone - 6:44.18
3. Mktvartvelo - 6:47.14
4. Quintelia - 6:47.58
5. Clysperis - 6:47.67
6. Achkaerin - 6:49.20
7. East Moreland - 6:50.99
8. Lodja - 6:52.70


Mens Individual Trampoline

1. Royal Seleucid - 61.715
2. Preoria - 61.235
3. Kaitaine - 60.675
4. Mktvartvelo - 60.565
5. Mktvartvelo - 59.600
6. Kalasin - 58.235
7. Rokkenjima - 57.815
8. Quintelia - 24.955

Womens Individual Trampoline

1. Kaitaine - 56.635
2. Royal Seleucid - 56.350
3. Mktvartvelo - 55.735
4. Rokkenjima - 55.460
5. Daito - 54.655
6. Preoria - 54.350
7. Abertone - 54.290
8. Quintelia - 48.345


Mens 60kg

1. Kaitaine - 11
2. Abertone - 1

3. Mktvartvelo - 10
4. Kalasin - 2

Mens 66kg

1. Kaitaine - 100
2. Daito - 10

3. Achkaerin - 20
4. Mktvartvelo - 10

Mens 73kg

1. Kaitaine - 20
2. Achkaerin - 11

3. Quintelia - 101
4. Rokkenjima - 0

Mens 81kg

1. Achkaerin - 110
2. Rokkenjima - 20

3. Quintelia - 10
4. Aquitaine - 1

Mens 90kg

1. Quintelia - 11 (golden score)
2. Rokkenjima - 10

3. Kalasin - 100
4. Abertone - 10

Mens 100kg

1. Rokkenjima - 21
2. Quintelia - 10

3. Kaitaine - 20
4. Clysperis - 10

Mens 100+kg

1. Kaitaine - 100
2. Daito - 0

3. Preoria - 21
4. Mktvartvelo - 11

Mens Basketball Semi Finals

Quintelia 64-52 Lodja
Mktvartvelo 78-64 Preoria

Mens Rugby Sevens Quarter Finals

Preoria 18-15 Daito
Abertone 10-12 Achkaerin
Quintelia 6-18 Jugland
Rokkenjima 12-27 East Moreland


Individual Cross Country

1. Mktvartvelo
2. Royal Seleucid
3. Lodja
4. Daito
5. Achkaerin
6. East Moreland
7. Quintelia
8. Clysperis

Team Cross Country

1. Royal Seleucid
2. Mktvartvelo
3. Daito
4. Lodja
5. Quintelia
6. Achkaerin
7. Clysperis
8. East Moreland

Tennis Doubles Semi Finals

Mens Doubles

Achkaerin bt Clysperis 6-4 6-7 6-1
Jugland bt Kalasin 6-7 6-4 6-2

Womens Doubles

Preoria bt Kalasin 6-7 6-4 6-4
Jugland bt Abertone 6-4 5-7 6-3

Badminton Doubles Medal Matches

Mens Doubles Gold Medal Match

Kalasin bt Jugland 21-18 21-23 26-24

Mens Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Daito bt Rokkenjima 21-16 19-21 21-11

Womens Doubles Gold Medal Match

Jugland bt Kalasin 24-22 21-23 21-18

Womens Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Abertone bt Achkaerin 21-19 23-21

Mixed Doubles Gold Medal Match

Preoria bt Achkaerin 18-21 23-21 21-19

Mixed Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Abertone bt East Moreland 21-19 17-21 21-12

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2023, 09:14:23 PM »
Day Eight Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 30 Golds
2nd - Preoria - 23 Golds, 12 Silvers
3rd - Achkaerin - 23 Golds, 9 Silvers

Current Medal Table


Mens 10km Open Water

1. Abertone - 1:48:33.7
2. Lodja - 1:48:59.0
3. Daito - 1:49:01.1
4. Lodja - 1:49:24.9
5. East Moreland - 1:49:29.2
6. Rokkenjima - 1:50:23.0
7. Preoria - 1:51:30.8
8. Achkaerin - 1:51:32.7

Womens 10km Open Water

1. Daito - 1:59:30.8
2. Daito - 1:59:31.7
3. Lodja - 1:59:32.5
4. Abertone - 1:59:34.8
5. Rokkenjima - 1:59:35.1
6. Mktvartvelo - 1:59:36.9
7. East Moreland - 1:59:37.9
8. Rokkenjima - 2:00:10.1


Mens Coxless Pairs

1. Abertone - 6:45.34
2. Mktvartvelo - 6:47.53
3. Royal Seleucid - 6:53.49
4. Achkaerin - 6:54.39
5. Quintelia - 6:56.40
6. East Moreland - 6:57.13
7. Clysperis - 7:13.92
8. Kalasin - 7:17.58

Womens Coxless Pairs

1. Achkaerin - 7:29.50
2. Lodja - 7:29.99
3. Abertone - 7:30.01
4. Daito - 7:31.64
5. Rokkenjima - 7:33.29
6. Mktvartvelo - 7:33.31
7. East Moreland - 7:34.25
8. Kalasin - 7:37.75

Mens Coxless Fours

1. Achkaerin - 6:04.81
2. Abertone - 6:05.24
3. Royal Seleucid - 6:05.61
4. Rokkenjima - 6:07.06
5. East Moreland - 6:07.29
6. Daito - 6:07.34
7. Mktvartvelo - 6:12.12
8. Aquitaine - 6:15.73

Womens Coxless Fours

1. Abertone - 6:50.06
2. East Moreland - 6:52.73
3. Achkaerin - 6:53.22
4. Lodja - 6:53.40
5. Daito - 6:53.57
6. Mktvartvelo - 6:54.65
7. Kalasin - 6:57.94
8. Quintelia - 6:59.94

Mens Coxed Eights

1. Mktvartvelo - 5:35.62
2. Abertone - 5:36.76
3. Quintelia - 5:36.89
4. Daito - 5:38.51
5. Achkaerin - 5:40.48
6. East Moreland - 5:41.27
7. Lodja - 5:42.79
8. Royal Seleucid - 6:36.25

Womens Coxed Eights

1. Abertone - 6:09.11
2. Rokkenjima - 6:12.50
3. Mktvartvelo - 6:12.73
4. Achkaerin - 6:12.79
5. East Moreland - 6:13.00
6. Lodja - 6:13.06
7. Kalasin - 6:13.92
8. Daito - 6:14.17


Mens Pairs Trampolining

1. Royal Seleucid - 34.40
2. Kaitaine - 34.20
3. Mktvartvelo - 33.90
4. Rokkenjima - 33.60
5. Achkaerin - 33.40
= Daito - 33.40
7. Abertone - 33.30
8. Quintelia - 33.20

Womens Pairs Trampolining

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 32.30
2. Kaitaine - 31.30
3. Quintelia - 29.00
4. Royal Seleucid - 24.60
5. Lodja - 21.60
6. East Moreland - 20.50
7. Achkaerin - 13.20
8. Rokkenjima - 11.90

Mens Team Trampolining

1. Kaitaine - 48.80
2. Royal Seleucid - 48.20
3. Abertone - 47.70
4. Achkaerin - 47.10
5. Quintelia - 46.90
6. East Moreland - 46.50
7. Daito - 39.70
8. Clysperis - 34.20

Womens Team Trampolining

1. Rokkenjima - 44.00
2. Royal Seleucid - 43.60
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 43.20
4. Abertone - 30.60
5. Kaitaine - 30.50
6. Achkaerin - 21.90
7. East Moreland - 20.80
8. Kalasin - 14.00


Mens Mountain Bike

1. Daito - 2:03:33
2. Jugland - 2:07:54
3. Achkaerin - 2:08:12
4. Jugland - 2:10:23
5. Preoria - 2:10:41
6. Kaitaine - 2:11:22
7. Mktvartvelo - 2:15:37
8. Rokkenjima - 2:15:55


Womens 48kg

1. Quintelia - 100
2. Kaitaine - 20

3. Achkaerin - 11
4. Kalasin - 1

Womens 52kg

1. Mktvartvelo - 20
2.  Abertone - 10

3. Clysperis - 101
4. Quintelia - 20

Womens 57kg

1. Daito - 10
2. Mktvartvelo - 0

3. Kaitaine - 21
4. Rokkenjima - 1

Womens 63kg

1. Kaitaine - 30
2. Rokkenjima - 11

3. Abertone - 10
4. Quintelia - 1

Womens 70kg

1. Abertone - 100
2. Daito - 10

3. Clysperis - 21
4. Kaitaine - 10

Womens 78kg

1. Kaitaine - 30
2. Mktvarvelo - 10

3. Daito - 20
4. Achkaerin - 0

Womens 78+kg

1. Mktvartvelo - 110
2. Abertone - 20

3. Daito - 21
4. Kaitaine - 10

Football Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin 3-2 Abertone (AET FT 1-1)

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Jugland 2-0 Rokkenjima

Womens Gold Medal Match

Rokkenjima 0-5 Achkaerin

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Jugland 1-3 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Womens Basketball Semi Finals

Quintelia 78-76 Mktvartvelo
Rokkenjima 68-72 Daito

Womens Rugby Sevens Quarter Finals

Theocracy of Kaitaine 15-7 Jugland
Achkaerin 21-12 Rokkenjima
Abertone 9-24 East Moreland
Lodja 12-18 Preoria

Hockey Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Quintelia 4-3 Kaitaine

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Achkaerin 3-1 Preoria

Womens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin 3-2 Theocracy of Kaitaine

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Abertone 1-3 Rokkenjima

Beach Volleyball Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Lodja bt Abertone 23-25 26-24 25-23

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Royal Seleucid bt Rokkenjima 25-23 26-28 25-23

Womens Gold Medal Match

Clysperis bt Royal Seleucid 22-25 25-23 25-22

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Abertone 18-25 25-23 27-25

Tennis Mixed Doubles Semi Finals

Preoria bt Rokkenjima 6-4 6-7 7-5
Achkaerin bt Jugland 6-4 4-6 7-5

Pool Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Mktvartvelo 7-10 Quintelia

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Kalasin 5-10 Preoria 2

Womens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin 10-8 Preoria

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Abertone 10-9 Daito

Chess Last Sixteen

Kaitaine bt East Moreland
Achkaerin 1 bt Kalasin
Asadal bt Jugland
Rokkenjima bt Mktvartvelo 2
Daito bt Royal Seleucid 1
Preoria bt Lodja
Mktvartvelo 1 bt Achkaerin 2
Royal Seleucid 2 bt Mktvartvelo 3

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2023, 10:42:55 PM »
Day Nine Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 30 Golds
2nd - Achkaerin - 27 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 25 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens Individual Triathlon

1. Achkaerin - 1:45:04
2. Kaitaine - 1:45:15
3. East Moreland - 1:45:24
4. Preoria - 1:45:52
5. Clysperis - 1:45:53
6. Daito - 1:45:54
7. Achkaerin - 1:45:56
8. Clysperis - 1:46:00

Womens Individual Triathlon

1. Achkaerin - 1:55:36
2. Achkaerin - 1:56:50
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 1:57:03
4. East Moreland - 1:57:48
5. Clysperis - 1:57:49
6. Abertone - 1:58:05
7. Quintelia - 1:58:22
8. Achkaerin - 1:58:24


Mens Solo RSX

1. Achkaerin
2. Clysperis
3. Preoria
4. Daito
5. East Moreland
6. Quintelia
7. Mktvartvelo
8. Lodja

Mens Solo Laser

1. Clysperis
2. Preoria
3. Mktvartvelo
4. Abertone
5. Lodja
6. East Moreland
7. Achkaerin
8. Quintelia

Mens Solo Finn

1. Preoria
2. Daito
3. Clysperis
4. Quintelia
5. Lodja
6. Mktvartvelo
7. Abertone
8. East Moreland


Mens Epee

1. East Moreland - 15
2. Mktvartvelo - 12

3. Preoria - 15
4. Daito - 11

Womens Epee

1. East Moreland - 15
2. Achkaerin - 10

3. Abertone - 15
4. Clysperis - 6

Mens Foil

1. Preoria - 15
2. Abertone - 13

3. Mktvartvelo - 15
4. Quintelia - 14

Womens Foil

1. Clysperis - 15
2. Lodja - 11

3. Abertone - 15
4. Mktvartvelo - 10

Mens Sabre

1. East Moreland - 15
2. East Moreland - 14

3. Achkaerin - 15
4. Daito - 12

Womens Sabre

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 15
2. Kalasin - 11

3. Seaforth - 15
4. Quintelia - 13


Womens Mountain Bike

1. Daito - 1:54:41
2. Achkaerin - 1:55:13
3. Achkaerin - 1:55:15
4. Quintelia - 1:57:23
5. Rokkenjima - 1:57:52
6. Jugland - 1:58:09
7. East Moreland - 1:58:21
8. Jugland - 1:59:01


Mens Team Recurve

1. Daito - 874
2. Asadal - 870

3. Kaitaine - 867
4. East Moreland - 860

Womens Team Recurve

1. Rokkenjima - 876
2. Daito - 872

3. Achkaerin - 870
4. Asadal - 864

Mens Rugby Sevens Semi Finals

Preoria 18-15 Achkaerin
Jugland 9-21 East Moreland

Mens Volleyball Last Sixteen

Mktvartvelo bt Kaitaine 25-21 21-25 25-18 25-21
Achkaerin bt Daito 25-17 25-21 27-25
Lodja bt Quintelia 25-18 25-21 25-14
East Moreland bt Seaforth 21-25 25-23 25-17 19-25 25-21
Clysperis bt Preoria 25-16 25-21 19-25 25-20
Kalasin bt Aquitaine 25-18 25-13 25-17
Royal Seleucid bt Rokkenjima 25-17 19-25 25-21 25-10
Abertone bt Jugland 25-18 25-11 20-25 28-26


Individual Showjumping

1. Royal Seleucid - 0
2. Lodja - 5
3. Achkaerin - 7
4. Royal Seleucid - 11
5. Quintelia - 17
6. Mktvartvelo - 18
7. Rokkenjima - 19
8. Achkaerin - 22

Team Showjumping

1. Royal Seleucid
2. Achkaerin
3. Quintelia
4. Lodja
5. Mktvartvelo
6. Rokkenjima
7. Daito
8. Abertone

Tennis Doubles Medal Matches

Mens Doubles Gold Medal Match

Jugland bt Achkaerin 6-2 5-7 6-4

Mens Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Clysperis bt Kalasin 6-4 6-7 6-2

Womens Doubles Gold Medal Match

Jugland bt Preoria 7-5 6-7 9-7

Womens Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Abertone bt Kalasin 6-4 3-6 7-5

Mixed Doubles Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin bt Preoria 6-3 6-7 6-4

Mixed Doubles Bronze Medal Match

Jugland bt Rokkenjima 6-4 6-3

Chess Quarter Finals

Kaitaine bt Achkaerin 1
Rokkenjima bt Asadal
Daito bt Preoria
Royal Seleucid 2 bt Mktvartvelo 1

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2023, 10:14:44 PM »
Day Ten Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 30 Golds
2nd - Achkaerin - 28 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 25 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mixed Team Triathlon Relay

1. Achkaerin - 1:23:41
2. East Moreland - 1:23:55
3. Preoria - 1:24:04
4. Daito - 1:24:34
5. Clysperis - 1:24:36
6. Lodja - 1:24:40
7. Abertone - 1:25:27
8. Kalasin - 1:26:23


Womens Solo RSX

1. Clysperis
2. Achkaerin
3. Preoria
4. Rokkenjima
5. Quintelia
6. Abertone
7. East Moreland
8. Marseilles

Womens Solo Laser

1. Clysperis
2. Preoria
3. Lodja
4. East Moreland
5. Daito
6. Mktvartvelo
7. Abertone
8. Quintelia


Mens Individual Tumbling

1. Mktvartvelo - 42.60
2. Rokkenjima - 42.20
3. Royal Seleucid - 41.20
4. Clysperis - 41.10
5. Kaitaine - 41.00
6. Achkaerin - 39.80
7. Daito - 38.90
8. Abertone - 38.50

Womens Individual Tumbling

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 32.20
= Kaitaine - 32.20
3. Achkaerin - 31.40
4. Rokkenjima - 31.30
5. Abertone - 30.60
6. Quintelia - 30.30
7. East Moreland - 29.70
8. Lodja - 28.60

Mens Team Tumbling

1. Kaitaine - 48.70
2. Rokkenjima - 48.40
3. Abertone - 47.80
4. Mktvartvelo - 47.70
= Daito - 47.70
6. Royal Seleucid - 46.50
7. Lodja - 44.30
8. Clysperis - 41.00

Womens Team Tumbling

1. Mktvartvelo - 44.70
2. Rokkenjima - 43.90
3. Kaitaine - 42.60
4. Quintelia - 38.10
5. East Moreland - 18.00
6. Preoria - 17.60
7. Achkaerin - 13.80
8. Seaforth - 10.50


Mens Individual Kendo

1. Daito
2. Preoria

3. Rokkenjima
4. Quintelia

Womens Individual Kendo

1. Rokkenjima
2. Daito

3. East Moreland
4. Mktvartvelo


Mens Time Trial

1. Jugland - 1:05:11
2. Achkaerin - 1:05:14
3. Abertone - 1:06:17
4. Preoria - 1:06:32
5. Kaitaine - 1:08:20
6. East Moreland - 1:08:24
7. Daito - 1:08:29
8. Clysperis - 1:08:38

Basketball Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Quintelia 68-71 Mktvartvelo

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Lodja 65-70 Preoria

Womens Gold Medal Match

Quintelia 78-60 Daito

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Mktvartvelo 72-64 Rokkenjima

Womens Rugby Sevens Semi Finals

Theocracy of Kaitaine 10-21 Achkaerin
East Moreland 24-3 Preoria

Womens Volleyball Last Sixteen

Achkaerin bt East Moreland 25-18 25-21
Kaitaine bt Seaforth 25-18 25-20
Jugland bt Royal Seleucid 25-21 23-25 25-11
Rokkenjima bt Daito 25-21 24-26 25-23
Preoria bt Quintelia 25-20 25-18
Lodja bt Abertone 25-21 25-17
Clysperis bt Mktvartvelo 25-19 21-25 25-21
Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Kalasin 25-21 17-25 26-24

Mens Badminton Singles Last Sixteen

Kaitaine bt East Moreland 21-13 19-21 23-21 21-16
Clysperis bt Mktvartvelo 1 21-18 21-17 19-21 18-21 23-21
Jugland 1 bt Lodja 23-21 21-16 21-15
Achkaerin bt Rokkenjima 21-19 21-16 18-21 23-21
Abertone bt Royal Seleucid 21-17 21-12 21-18
Preoria bt Mktvartvelo 2 13-21 22-20 21-17 21-16
Daito bt Quintelia 21-18 21-16 21-12
Kalasin bt Jugland 2 21-18 19-21 23-21 23-21

Chess Semi Finals

Kaitaine bt Rokkenjima
Royal Seleucid 2 bt Daito

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2023, 08:07:46 PM »
Day Eleven Results

Current Standings

1st - Abertone - 31 Golds and 28 Silvers
2nd - Achkaerin - 31 Golds and 20 Silvers
3rd - Preoria - 26 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens Individual Cross Country

1. Preoria - 29:17
2. Clysperis - 30:06
3. East Moreland - 30:13
4. Achkaerin - 30:17
5. East Moreland - 30:18
6. Quintelia - 30:45
7. Mktvartvelo - 30:56
8. Quintelia - 31:33

Womens Individual Cross Country

1. Achkaerin - 33:48
= Theocracy of Kaitaine - 33:48
= Clysperis - 33:48
4. Lodja - 34:23
5. Preoria - 34:30
6. Abertone - 34:47
7. Achkaerin - 35:16
8. Daito - 35:22

Mens Team Cross Country

1. East Moreland
2. Preoria
3. Quintelia
4. Achkaerin
5. Clysperis
6. Abertone
7. Lodja
8. Rokkenjima

Womens Team Cross Country

1. Achkaerin
2. Clysperis
3. East Moreland
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine
5. Daito
6. Preoria
7. Daito
8. Lodja

Medieval Mixed Martial Arts

Fortress Battle

1. East Moreland
2. Preoria

3. Achkaerin
4. Seaforth


Mens Team Kendo

1. Daito
2. Achkaerin

3. Rokkenjima
4. Mktvartvelo

Womens Team Kendo

1. Daito
2. Achkaerin

3. East Moreland
4. Preoria


Womens Time Trial

1. Achkaerin - 37:01.01
2. Achkaerin - 37:36.92
3. Achkaerin - 37:44.92
4. Daito - 37:48.02
5. Jugland - 38:31.77
6. Jugland - 39:00.56
7. Quintelia - 39:42.15
8. Lodja - 40:28.00


Mens 49kg

1. Abertone (on points)
2. Daito

3. Quintelia (on points)
4. Mktvartvelo

Mens 52kg

1. Quintelia (by KO)
2. Kaitaine

3. Preoria (on points)
4. East Moreland

Mens 56kg

1. Kalasin (on points)
2. Quintelia

3. Kaitaine (on points)
4. Rokkenjima

Mens 60kg

1. Quintelia (on points)
2. Quintelia

3. East Moreland (on points)
4. Abertone

Mens 64kg

1. Jugland (on points)
2. Abertone

3. Kalasin (on points)
4. Achkaerin

Mens 69kg

1. Quintelia (by KO)
2. Seaforth

3. Kaitaine (on points)
4. Mktvartvelo

Mens 75kg

1. Kaitaine (on points)
2. Quintelia

3. Rokkenjima (on points)
4. Kalasin

Mens 81kg

1. Quintelia (on points)
2. Achkaerin

3. Kaitaine (on points)
4. East Moreland

Mens 91kg

1. Mktvartvelo (on points)
2. Kaitaine

3. Quintelia (by KO)
4. Rokkenjima

Mens 91+kg

1. Quintelia (on points)
2. East Moreland

3. Achkaerin (on points)
4. Abertone

Mens Handball Quarter Finals

Royal Seleucid 34-32 Preoria
Jugland 28-35 Lodja
Theocracy of Kaitaine 34-42 Mktvartvelo
East Moreland 31-34 Kaitaine

Mens Baseball Quarter Finals

Marseilles 3-8 Daito
Quintelia 6-2 Clysperis
Achkaerin 4-7 Abertone
Rokkenjima 5-0 Kalasin

Mens Volleyball Quarter Finals

Achkaerin bt Mktvartvelo 25-19 25-21 23-25 25-23
Lodja bt East Moreland 25-21 25-20 25-17
Kalasin bt Clysperis 25-17 25-21 25-22
Abertone bt Royal Seleucid 25-17 19-25 21-25 25-21 25-23

Womens Badminton Singles Last Sixteen

Abertone bt Jugland 1 23-21 21-18
Mktvartvelo 1 bt Daito 21-18 17-21 21-11
Lodja bt East Moreland 23-21 21-16
Rokkenjima bt Kalasin 21-19 13-21 21-17
Achkaerin bt Royal Seleucid 21-19 21-15
Quintelia bt Kaitaine 13-21 23-21 21-17
Clysperis bt Mktvartvelo 2 23-21 21-17
Jugland 2 bt Preoria 14-21 21-17 21-16

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2023, 10:28:39 PM »
Day Twelve Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 33 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 32 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 27 Golds

Current Medal Table

Mens Water Polo Quarter Finals

Royal Seleucid 3-0 Mktvartvelo
Daito 1-3 Lodja
Theocracy of Kaitaine 2-5 East Moreland
Jugland 3-4 Kaitaine


Team Surfing

1. Clysperis - 88.70
2. Achkaerin - 69.35
3. Quintelia - 55.45
4. Abertone - 53.70
5. East Moreland - 50.25
6. Lodja - 44.95
7. Daito - 44.70
8. Aquitaine - 37.35


Mens Individual Rings

1. Kaitaine - 15.500
2. Abertone - 15.300
3. Rokkenjima - 15.200
4. Royal Seleucid - 14.900
5. Mktvartvelo - 14.866
6. East Moreland - 14.833
7. Daito - 14.600
8. Mktvartvelo - 14.133

Mens Individual Parallel Bars

1. Mktvartvelo - 16.233
2. Mktvartvelo - 15.700
3. Rokkenjima - 15.633
4. Preoria - 15.466
5. Kaitaine - 15.200
6. Lodja - 15.000
7. Royal Seleucid - 14.533
8. Jugland - 14.500

Mens Individual Pommel Horse

1. Royal Seleucid - 15.583
2. Rokkenjima - 15.400
3. Kaitaine - 14.900
4. Achkaerin - 14.833
5. Kalasin - 14.600
6. Mktvartvelo - 14.566
7. East Moreland - 13.100
8. Quintelia - 13.066

Mens Individual Vault

1. Rokkenjima - 14.783
2. Kaitaine - 14.770
3. Mktvartvelo - 14.733
4. Quintelia - 14.716
5. Daito - 14.700
6. Seaforth - 14.449
7. Clysperis - 14.066
8. Royal Seleucid - 13.683

Mens Individual High Bar

1. Kaitaine - 15.066
2. Mktvartvelo - 14.900
3. Mktvartvelo - 14.533
4. Rokkenjima - 14.200
5. Royal Seleucid - 12.466
6. Preoria - 12.333
7. Mktvartvelo - 12.266
8. Abertone - 11.266

Mens Individual Floor

1. Royal Seleucid - 14.933
2. Kaitaine - 14.800
3. Rokkenjima - 14.766
4. Mktvartvelo - 14.233
5. Lodja - 14.133
6. Abertone - 13.533
7. Daito - 13.066
8. Marseilles - 13.000


Horseback Archery Circuit

1. Asadal - 3:42.66
2. Preoria - 3:42.89
3. Preoria - 3:43.12
4. Daito - 3:43.38
5. Rokkenjima - 3:44.75
6. Quintelia - 3:46.41
7. Daito - 3:47.65
8. Achkaerin - 3:48.11

Horseback Archery Cross Country

1. Achkaerin - 36:12.71
2. Asadal - 36:36.88
3. Quintelia - 36:50.46
4. Abertone - 37:10.21
5. Daito - 37:24.25
6. Clysperis - 37:24.58
7. Preoria - 37:37.07
8. Jugland - 37:43.84

Horseback Archery Cross Country Relay

1. Asadal - 1:25:50
2. Achkaerin - 1:25:53
3. Daito - 1:26:24
4. Preoria - 1:26:36
5. Abertone - 1:27:05
6. Rokkenjima - 1:27:20
7. Jugland - 1:27:46
8. Quintelia - 1:28:00

Horseback Archery Time Attack

1. Preoria - 331
2. Asadal - 327
3. Daito - 325
4. Preoria - 322
5. Achkaerin - 316
6. Rokkenjima - 310
7. Quintelia - 300
8. Seaforth - 293


Womens 51kg

1. Quintelia (on points)
2. Kaitaine

3. East Moreland (on points)
4. Daito

Womens 60kg

1. East Moreland (on points)
2. Mktvartvelo

3. Quintelia (on points)
4. Abertone

Womens 75kg

1. Abertone (on points)
2. Achkaerin

3. Quintelia (on points)
4. Aquitaine

Mixed Martial Arts

Mens Lightweight

1. Royal Seleucid (by submission)
2. Kaitaine

3. Preoria (on points)
4. Abertone

Womens Lightweight

1. Achkaerin (by KO)
2. East Moreland

3. Rokkenjima (by submission)
4. Lodja

Mens Middleweight

1. Rokkenjima (by KO)
2. Kalasin

3. Kaitaine (on points)
4. East Moreland

Womens Middleweight

1. Kaitaine (by submission)
2. Quintelia

3. Mktvartvelo (by submission)
4. Abertone

Mens Heavyweight

1. Kaitaine (on points)
2. East Moreland

3. Quintelia (on points)
4. Daito

Womens Heavyweight

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine (by KO)
2. Kaitaine

3. Abertone (by submission)
4. Mktvartvelo

Rugby Sevens Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Preoria 12-27 East Moreland

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Achkaerin 18-7 Jugland

Womens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin 21-24 East Moreland

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Theocracy of Kaitaine 15-9 Preoria

Womens Handball Quarter Finals

Lodja 32-36 Kaitaine
Jugland 29-34 Mktvartvelo
Royal Seleucid 33-34 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Preoria 38-31 East Moreland

Womens Baseball Quarter Finals

Achkaerin 6-3 Quintelia
Clysperis 5-1 Marseilles
Daito 2-5 Kalasin
Rokkenjima 5-6 Abertone

Womens Volleyball Quarter Finals

Achkaerin bt Kaitaine 25-21 23-25 25-18
Rokkenjima bt Jugland 25-18 19-25 25-23
Preoria bt Lodja 23-25 28-26 27-25
Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Clysperis 25-21 25-20


Individual Puissance

1. Lodja - 6.68
2. Royal Seleucid - 6.67
3. Daito - 6.64
= Abertone - 6.64
5. Seaforth - 6.61
6. Rokkenjima - 6.57
7. Marseilles - 6.50
8. Kalasin - 6.44

Mens Tennis Singles Last Sixteen

Jugland 1 bt Preoria 2 6-4 6-7 7-6 7-6
Kalasin 1 bt Kaitaine 6-4 6-3 6-1
Lodja bt Kalasin 3 6-3 5-7 7-6 6-7 6-3
Preoria 1 bt Jugland 2 6-4 6-3 4-6 7-5
Abertone bt Achkaerin 6-4 6-3 6-7 6-2
Mktvartvelo bt East Moreland 6-4 6-2 6-3
Clysperis bt Kalasin 2 6-7 7-6 7-6 6-4
Royal Seleucid bt Daito 6-4 6-4 6-4

Mens Badminton Singles Quarter Finals

Clysperis bt Kaitaine 21-18 19-21 23-21 21-17
Jugland 1 bt Achkaerin 23-21 21-17 14-21 23-21
Preoria bt Abertone 21-17 21-16 21-12
Daito bt Kalasin 23-21 21-17 18-21 19-21 24-22

Mens Snooker Last Sixteen

Abertone 6-3 Achkaerin 2
Preoria 1 6-1 Mktvartvelo 2
Rokkenjima 1 6-4 Kalasin
East Moreland 6-3 Daito
Achkaerin 1 6-2 Quintelia 2
Clysperis 5-6 Jugland
Quintelia 1 6-4 Preoria 2
Mktvartvelo 1 6-3 Rokkenjima 2

Chess Medal Matches

Gold Medal Match

Royal Seleucid 2 bt Kaitaine

Bronze Medal Match

Daito bt Rokkenjima

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2023, 12:32:58 AM »
Day Thirteen Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 38 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 33 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 27 Golds

Current Medal Table

Womens Water Polo Quarter Finals

Rokkenjima 3-1 Lodja
Mktvartvelo 2-3 Kaitaine
East Moreland 0-5 Abertone
Daito 1-3 Theocracy of Kaitaine


Mens Individual Surfing

1. Abertone - 14.250
2. Clysperis - 14.200
= Achkaerin - 14.200
= Quintelia - 14.200
5. East Moreland - 13.900
6. Daito - 13.650
= Lodja - 13.650
8. Mktvartvelo - 13.175

Womens Individual Surfing

1. Achkaerin - 14.575
2. Mktvartvelo - 14.425
3. East Moreland - 14.375
4. Lodja - 13.850
5. Abertone - 13.775
6. Rokkenjima - 13.400
7. Daito - 13.075
8. Seaforth - 12.425


Womens Individual Vault

1. Mktvartvelo - 15.083
2. Mktvartvelo - 14.916
3. Mktvartvelo - 14.733
4. Kaitaine - 14.716
5. Rokkenjima - 14.683
6. Achkaerin - 14.666
7. Royal Seleucid - 14.550
8. Quintelia - 12.416

Womens Individual Balance Beam

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 14.633
2. Rokkenjima - 14.233
3. Mktvartvelo - 14.000
4. Royal Seleucid - 13.866
5. Kaitaine - 13.866
6. Abertone - 13.733
7. Daito - 13.133
8. Kalasin - 12.733

Womens Individual Uneven Bars

1. Rokkenjima - 15.200
2. Preoria - 14.833
3. Royal Seleucid - 14.500
4. Kalasin - 14.400
5. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 14.200
6. Mktvartvelo - 14.033
7. Kaitaine - 13.900
8. Mktvartvelo - 13.066

Womens Individual Floor

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 14.366
2. Achkaerin - 14.200
3. Mktvartvelo - 14.166
4. Royal Seleucid - 14.100
5. Rokkenjima - 14.033
6. Kaitaine - 14.000
7. Preoria - 13.233
8. Mktvartvelo - 12.400


Mens Katana

1. Daito - 15
2. Preoria - 13

3. Achkaerin - 15
4. Rokkenjima - 11

Womens Katana

1. Achkaerin - 15
2. Daito - 14

3. Rokkenjima - 15
4. Mktvartvelo - 11


Mens Team Pursuit

1. Achkaerin - 4:00.470
2. Jugland - 4:05.703
3. Daito - 4:05.775
4. Preoria - 4:08.257
5. East Moreland - 4:10.706
6. Mktvartvelo - 4:10.996
7. Kaitaine - 4:11.115
8. Rokkenjima - 4:11.638

Womens Team Pursuit

1. Achkaerin - 3:19.061
2. Daito - 3:19.111
3. Abertone - 3:22.975
4. Mktvartvelo - 3:24.187
5. Jugland - 3:25.177
6. Quintelia - 3:26.769
7. Lodja - 3:27.592
8. Marseilles - 3:27.703

Mens Team Sprint

1. Jugland - 44.075
2. Achkaerin - 44.133
3. Daito - 44.303
4. Rokkenjima - 44.594
5. Quintelia - 44.704
6. Kalasin - 44.735
7. Preoria - 44.747
8. Mktvartvelo - 45.051

Womens Team Sprint

1. Achkaerin - 49.052
2. Daito - 49.113
3. Jugland - 49.129
4. Kalasin - 49.233
5. Clysperis - 49.362
6. Lodja - 49.421
7. Mktvartvelo - 49.662
8. East Moreland - 50.461


Mens 58kg

1. Asadal - 21
2. Abertone - 10

3. Achkaerin - 11
4. Clysperis - 0

Mens 68kg

1. Rokkenjima - 13
2. East Moreland - 10

3. Asadal - 7
4. Seaforth - 3

Mens 80kg

1. Daito - 12
2. Asadal - 8

3. Kaitaine - 11
4. Quintelia - 6

Mens 80+kg

1. Asadal - 20
2. Quintelia - 17

3. Abertone - 16
4. Clysperis - 5

Mens Handball Semi Finals

Royal Seleucid 32-29 Lodja
Mktvartvelo 38-30 Kaitaine

Mens Baseball Semi Finals

Daito 6-2 Quintelia
Abertone 3-6 Rokkenjima

Mens Volleyball Semi Finals

Lodja bt Achkaerin 25-14 25-21 23-25 29-27
Abertone bt Kalasin 25-18 24-26 21-25 25-19 25-21

Womens Tennis Last Sixteen

Lodja bt Kalasin 3 6-4 6-7 6-4
Kalasin 1 bt Jugland 1 6-7 7-5 6-2
Clysperis bt Daito 6-4 6-3
Preoria 1 bt Kaitaine 4-6 6-4 6-2
Kalasin 2 bt Abertone 6-2 4-6 6-1
East Moreland bt Preoria 2 6-3 6-3
Achkaerin bt Mktvartvelo 7-5 7-6
Jugland 2 bt Royal Seleucid 6-4 3-6 6-0

Womens Badminton Singles Quarter Finals

Abertone bt Mktvartvelo 1 18-21 21-18 21-16
Rokkenjima bt Lodja 23-21 14-21 21-17
Achkaerin bt Quintelia 23-21 21-18
Jugland 2 bt Clysperis 21-14 17-21 21-17

Polo Last Sixteen

East Moreland 4-1 Kalasin
Seaforth 3-7 Lodja
Achkaerin 2-4 Abertone
Marseilles 1-3 Mktvartvelo
Royal Seleucid 5-2 Clysperis
Aquitaine 1-5 Daito
Quintelia 3-0 Jugland
Preoria 4-1 Rokkenjima

Mens Snooker Quarter Finals

Abertone 3-6 Preoria 1
Rokkenjima 1 6-3 East Moreland
Achkaerin 1 5-6 Jugland
Quintelia 1 6-4 Mktvartvelo 1

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2023, 10:27:51 PM »
Day Fourteen Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 43 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 34 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 29 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Womens Heptathlon

1. Achkaerin - 6791
2. Mktvartvelo - 6689
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 6590
4. East Moreland - 6571
5. Abertone - 6508
6. Clysperis - 6420
7. Kaitaine - 6419
8. Achkaerin - 6403

Mens Decathlon

1. Kaitaine - 9018
2. East Moreland - 8726
3. Preoria - 8649
4. Abertone - 8611
5. Achkaerin - 8604
6. Daito - 8435
7. Rokkenjima - 8414
8. Mktvartvelo - 8413

Mens Modern Pentathlon

1. Preoria - 1482
2. East Moreland - 1477
3. Abertone - 1470
4. Achkaerin - 1466
5. Clysperis - 1462
6. Kaitaine - 1461
7. Daito - 1458
8. Quintelia - 1455

Womens Modern Pentathlon

1. Clysperis - 1385
2. Achkaerin - 1370
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 1368
4. Daito - 1363
5. Quintelia - 1350
6. Mktvartvelo - 1347
7. East Moreland - 1343
8. Abertone - 1342

Mens Water Polo Semi Finals

Royal Seleucid 2-4 Lodja
East Moreland 3-0 Kaitaine


Mens Team All Around

1. Royal Seleucid - 262.500
2. Mktvartvelo - 262.397
3. Kaitaine - 261.894
4. Achkaerin - 255.760
5. Abertone - 254.594
6. Rokkenjima - 250.927
7. Lodja - 246.394
8. East Moreland - 238.495

Womens Team All Around

1. Rokkenjima - 169.528
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 166.096
3. Achkaerin - 164.096
4. Abertone - 163.638
5. Quintelia - 163.280
6. Royal Seleucid - 163.264
7. Kaitaine - 161.196
8. Mktvartvelo - 159.965

Medieval Mixed Martial Arts

Mens Single Blade Sword Dance

1. Preoria - 15.150
2. East Moreland - 14.325
= Daito - 14.325
4. Abertone - 14.175
5. Achkaerin - 14.150
6. Clysperis - 14.025
7. Quintelia - 13.925
8. Seaforth - 13.700

Womens Single Blade Sword Dance

1. East Moreland - 14.700
2. Achkaerin - 14.650
3. Abertone - 14.525
4. Preoria - 14.250
5. Daito - 14.225
6. Rokkenjima - 14.150
7. Clysperis - 13.750
8. Quintelia - 13.175

Mens Twin Blades Sword Dance

1. East Moreland - 14.600
2. Preoria - 14.425
3. Kalasin - 14.175
4. Rokkenjima - 13.950
5. Abertone - 13.750
6. Daito - 13.625
= Achkaerin - 13.625
8. Mktvartvelo - 13.175

Womens Twin Blades Sword Dance

1. Abertone - 14.925
2. Rokkenjima - 14.675
3. Preoria - 14.625
4. Daito - 14.200
5. Rokkenjima - 13.775
6. East Moreland - 13.550
7. Quintelia - 13.450
8. Kalasin - 12.700


Mens Individual Pursuit

1. Achkaerin - 4:24.605
2. Quintelia - 4:25.401
3. Daito - 4:30.071
4. Abertone - 4:31.331
5. Jugland - 4:31.946
6. Kaitaine - 4:33.202
7. Seaforth - 4:33.326
8. Clysperis - 4:35.765

Womens Individual Pursuit

1. Achkaerin - 3:34.041
2. Daito - 3:34.648
3. Jugland - 3:36.940
4. East Moreland - 3:37.533
5. Quintelia - 3:37.588
6. Mktvartvelo - 3:41.742
7. Jugland - 3:51.077
8. Preoria - 3:56.953

Mens Individual Sprint

1. Daito
2. Jugland
3. Achkaerin
4. Abertone
5. Preoria
6. Quintelia
7. Daito
8. Achkaerin

Womens Individual Sprint

1. Achkaerin
2. Rokkenjima
3. Daito
4. Jugland
5. Kaitaine
6. East Moreland
7. Abertone
8. Quintelia

Mens Points Race

1. Daito - 49
2. Jugland - 46
3. Achkaerin - 44
4. Lodja - 43
5. Kaitaine - 41
6. Quintelia - 40
7. Abertone - 39
8. Clysperis - 38

Womens Points Race

1. Jugland - 57
2. Abertone - 52
3. Achkaerin - 48
4. Daito - 45
5. Preoria - 43
6. East Moreland - 40
7. Quintelia - 39
8. Lodja - 38


Womens 49kg

1. Quintelia - 17
2. Daito - 11

3. Asadal - 13
4. Mktvartvelo - 10

Womens 57kg

1. Achkaerin - 18
2. Asadal - 13

3. Mktvartvelo - 12
4. Rokkenjima - 4

Womens 67kg

1. Asadal - 11
2. Quintelia - 7

3. Preoria - 10
4. Marseilles - 7

Womens 67+kg

1. Asadal - 14
2. Achkaerin - 12

3. Abertone - 11
4. Daito - 8

Womens Handball Semi Finals

Kaitaine 28-35 Mktvartvelo
Theocracy of Kaitaine 34-32 Preoria

Womens Baseball Semi Finals

Achkaerin 4-1 Clysperis
Kalasin 2-7 Abertone

Womens Volleyball Semi Finals

Achkaerin bt Rokkenjima 25-27 25-21 25-23
Preoria bt Theocracy of Kaitaine 25-14 25-21

Mens Tennis Singles Quarter Finals

Jugland 1 bt Kalasin 1 6-4 7-5 6-7 6-3
Lodja bt Preoria 1 6-4 6-2 6-4
Mktvartvelo bt Abertone 7-6 6-7 6-2 7-5
Royal Seleucid bt Clysperis 6-4 6-2 6-7 6-2

Mens Badminton Singles Semi Finals

Clysperis bt Jugland 1 21-18 17-21 21-23 24-22 21-18
Preoria bt Daito 21-18 19-21 21-17 21-19

Polo Quarter Finals

East Moreland 2-5 Lodja
Abertone 4-2 Mktvartvelo
Royal Seleucid 3-0 Daito
Quintelia 1-4 Preoria

Netball Last Sixteen

Rokkenjima 52-45 Jugland
Daito 49-46 Marseilles
Quintelia 38-54 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Abertone 52-49 Mktvartvelo
Clysperis 47-53 Lodja
East Moreland 51-50 Seaforth
Aquitaine 48-53 Achkaerin
Royal Seleucid 55-40 Kaitaine

Womens Snooker Quarter Finals

Daito 2-6 Jugland
Quintelia 5-6 Preoria
Kalasin 4-6 Achkaerin
Mktvartvelo 6-1 East Moreland

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2023, 08:28:29 PM »
Day Fifteen Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 50 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 35 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 31 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens Shotput

1. Kaitaine - 23.30
2. Preoria - 22.65
3. Achkaerin - 22.47
4. Rokkenjima - 21.88
5. Mktvartvelo - 21.41
6. Kalasin - 21.00
7. Clysperis - 20.89
8. East Moreland - 20.73

Womens Shotput

1. Clysperis - 20.58
2. East Moreland - 19.79
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 19.62
4. Daito - 19.57
5. Achkaerin - 19.14
6. Preoria - 18.98
7. Quintelia - 18.91
8. Abertone - 18.88

Mens High Jump

1. East Moreland - 2.37
= Clysperis - 2.37
3. Achkaerin - 2.37
4. Abertone - 2.35
5. Daito - 2.35
6. Kaitaine - 2.35
7. Lodja - 2.33
8. Quintelia - 2.33

Womens High Jump

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 2.04
2. Clysperis - 2.02
3. Daito - 2.00
4. Achkaerin - 1.98
5. Mktvartvelo - 1.96
6. Kaitaine - 1.96
7. East Moreland - 1.96
8. Kalasin - 1.96

Mens Long Jump

1. Quintelia - 8.43
2. Daito - 8.41
3. Preoria - 8.21
4. East Moreland - 8.18
5. Rokkenjima - 8.15
6. Abertone - 8.10
7. Achkaerin - 8.08
8. Kaitaine - 7.99

Womens Long Jump

1. Achkaerin - 7.00
2. Kaitaine - 6.98
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 6.97
4. Clysperis - 6.91
5. East Moreland - 6.88
6. Daito - 6.84
7. Preoria - 6.83
8. Mktvartvelo - 6.80

Mens Triple Jump

1. Clysperis - 17.98
2. East Moreland - 17.57
3. Abertone - 17.47
4. Mktvartvelo - 17.44
5. Preoria - 17.43
6. Kaitaine - 17.25
7. Lodja - 17.18
8. Seaforth - 17.01

Womens Triple Jump

1. Kaitaine - 15.67
2. East Moreland - 15.01
3. Achkaerin - 14.87
4. Daito - 14.84
5. Clysperis - 14.70
6. Clysperis - 14.60
7. Abertone - 14.59
8. Jugland - 14.51

Mens Discus

1. Daito - 68.90
2. Kaitaine - 67.39
3. Preoria - 67.07
4. Rokkenjima - 67.02
5. Clysperis - 66.37
6. East Moreland - 64.11
7. Quintelia - 64.08
8. Lodja - 63.88

Womens Discus

1. Preoria - 68.98
2. Daito - 66.86
3. Achkaerin - 65.72
4. Clysperis - 65.01
5. East Moreland - 63.93
6. Quintelia - 63.70
7. Abertone - 62.12
8. Mktvartvelo - 62.02

Mens Hammer Throw

1. Mktvartvelo - 82.52
2. Clysperis - 81.58
3. Kaitaine - 81.53
4. East Moreland - 80.39
5. Achkaerin - 79.39
6. Kalasin - 78.15
7. Lodja - 77.08
8. Preoria - 76.72

Womens Hammer Throw

1. Kaitaine - 78.48
2. Preoria - 77.03
3. East Moreland - 75.49
4. Abertone - 74.41
5. Clysperis - 74.35
6. Mktvartvelo - 74.18
7. Daito - 73.83
8. Quintelia - 73.09

Mens Javelin

1. Achkaerin - 87.58
2. Kaitaine - 86.67
3. East Moreland - 85.44
4. Clysperis - 85.30
5. Preoria - 84.62
6. Mktvartvelo - 83.71
7. Daito - 83.30
8. Achkaerin - 83.28

Womens Javelin

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 66.34
2. Achkaerin - 64.61
3. Clysperis - 64.56
4. Kaitaine - 64.00
5. East Moreland - 63.41
6. Preoria - 61.82
7. Mktvartvelo - 60.06
8. Kalasin - 59.96

Mens Pole Vault

1. East Moreland - 6.02
2. Rokkenjima - 5.97
3. Preoria - 5.87
4. Kaitaine - 5.80
= Daito - 5.80
6. Mktvartvelo - 5.80
7. Abertone - 5.80
8. Achkaerin - 5.70

Womens Pole Vault

1. Achkaerin - 4.90
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 4.85
3. Kaitaine - 4.85
4. East Moreland - 4.80
5. Clysperis - 4.50
= Mktvartvelo - 4.50
= Preoria - 4.50
8. Rokkenjima - 4.40

Womens Water Polo Semi Finals

Rokkenjima 3-0 Kaitaine
Abertone 4-2 Theocracy of Kaitaine

Mens Individual All Around

1. Abertone - 88.465
2. Mktvartvelo - 88.065
3. Kaitaine - 88.031
4. Rokkenjima - 87.798
5. Daito - 86.698
6. Royal Seleucid - 86.248
7. Achkaerin - 84.798
8. Preoria - 84.598

Womens Individual All Around

1. Achkaerin - 57.433
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 57.298
3. Preoria - 57.199
4. Royal Seleucid - 56.966
5. Rokkenjima - 56.032
6. Quintelia - 55.965
7. East Moreland - 54.498
8. Daito - 54.199


Mens Scratch Race

1. Jugland
2. Abertone
3. Jugland
4. Daito
5. Achkaerin
6. Kaitaine
7. East Moreland
8. Mktvartvelo

Womens Scratch Race

1. Achkaerin
2. Quintelia
3. Rokkenjima
4. Jugland
5. Daito
6. Quintelia
7. Abertone
8. Jugland

Mens Elimination Race

1. Jugland
2. Daito
3. Abertone
4. East Moreland
5. Kaitaine
6. Quintelia
7. Mktvartvelo
8. Achkaerin

Womens Elimination Race

1. Achkaerin
2. Achkaerin
3. Daito
4. Abertone
5. Jugland
6. Preoria
7. East Moreland
8. Clysperis

Mens Flying Lap

1. Jugland - 10.263
2. Jugland - 10.274
3. Jugland - 10.297
4. Quintelia - 10.380
5. Kaitaine - 10.424
6. Achkaerin - 10.441
7. Daito - 10.508
8. East Moreland - 10.943

Womens Flying Lap

1. Daito - 11.400
2. East Moreland - 11.418
3. Rokkenjima - 11.459
4. Abertone - 11.485
5. Achkaerin - 11.494
6. Jugland - 11.515
7. Kaitaine - 11.593
8. Quintelia - 12.108

Mens 1km Time Trial

1. Preoria - 1:23.100
2. Jugland - 1:23.124
3. Clysperis - 1:24.424
4. Daito - 1:27.684
5. East Moreland - 1:28.148
6. Mktvartvelo - 1:28.299
7. Achkaerin - 1:36.083
8. Rokkenjima - 1:36.084

Womens 1km Time Trial

1. East Moreland - 1:30.660
2. Daito - 1:39.034
3. Kaitaine - 1:39.705
4. Jugland - 1:48.902
5. Achkaerin - 1:49.000
6. Quintelia - 1:49.190
7. Preoria - 1:53.909
8. Mktvartvelo - 1:53.946

Mens Keirin

1. Kaitaine
2. Jugland
3. Daito
4. East Moreland
5. Abertone
6. Quintelia
7. Achkaerin
8. Seaforth

Womens Keirin

1. Achkaerin
2. East Moreland
3. Royal Seleucid
4. Kaitaine
5. Rokkenjima
6. Daito
7. Mktvartvelo
8. Preoria

Mens Madison

1. Daito
2. Preoria
3. Mktvartvelo
4. Jugland
5. Abertone
6. Achkaerin
7. Rokkenjima
8. Kaitaine

Womens Madison

1. Jugland
2. Achkaerin
3. Kaitaine
4. Daito
5. Mktvartvelo
6. Quintelia
7. Kalasin
8. Aquitaine

Spikeball Quarter Finals

Jugland bt Kalasin 15-11 15-13
Achkaerin bt Kaitaine 15-12 15-13
Lodja bt Royal Seleucid 15-17 15-11 15-10
East Moreland bt Daito 15-10 13-15 15-13


Three Day Eventing

1. Seaforth  - 133.70
2. Lodja - 138.20
3. Abertone - 144.40
4. Royal Seleucid - 148.40
5. Achkaerin - 150.80
6. Daito - 156.40
7. Quintelia - 158.60
8. Mktvartvelo - 162.20

Womens Tennis Singles Quarter Finals

Kalasin 1 bt Lodja 6-3 6-7 7-5
Clysperis bt Preoria 1 6-4 6-7 6-1
Kalasin 2 bt East Moreland 6-3 6-2
Achkaerin bt Jugland 2 6-7 7-6 6-4
Womens Badminton Singles Semi Finals

Abertone bt Rokkenjima 21-18 14-21 23-21
Achkaerin bt Jugland 2 23-21 24-22

Polo Semi Finals

Lodja 4-2 Abertone
Royal Seleucid 6-1 Preoria

Netball Quarter Finals

Rokkenjima 53-51 Daito
Theocracy of Kaitaine 52-46 Abertone
Lodja 59-42 East Moreland
Achkaerin 52-48 Royal Seleucid

Mens Snooker Semi Finals

Preoria 1 6-4 Rokkenjima
Jugland 2-6 Quintelia 1

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2023, 06:23:43 PM »
Day Sixteen Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 52 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 37 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 33 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens 5000m

1. Clysperis - 12:58.15
2. Mktvartvelo - 12:58.61
3. Kaitaine - 12:59.05
4. Daito - 12:59.17
5. Royal Seleucid - 13:02.40
6. East Moreland - 13:03.20
7. Rokkenjima - 13:04.38
8. Quintelia - 13:06.60

Womens 5000m

1. East Moreland - 14:36.79
2. Daito - 14:38.36
3. Lodja - 14:38.87
4. Rokkenjima - 14:39.62
5. Achkaerin - 14:41.24
6. Clysperis - 14:45.11
7. Preoria - 14:46.29
8. Mktvartvelo - 14:46.49

Mens 10,000m

1. Achkaerin - 27:43.22
2. Clysperis - 27:43.63
3. East Moreland - 27:43.88
4. Daito - 27:46.16
5. Abertone - 27:46.39
6. Kaitaine - 27:47.76
7. Mktvartvelo - 27:50.06
8. Royal Seleucid - 27:52.03

Womens 10,000m

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 29:55.32
2. Achkaerin - 29:56.18
3. Abertone - 30:01.72
4. Kaitaine - 30:24.27
5. East Moreland - 30:41.93
6. Clysperis - 30:44.00
7. Preoria - 31:00.71
8. Daito - 31:01.97

Medieval Mixed Martial Arts

Mens Individual Lightweight

1. East Moreland (by disarming)
2. Preoria

3. Daito (by disarming)
4. Seaforth

Womens Individual Lightweight

1. East Moreland (by KO)
2. Preoria

3. Abertone (by disarming)
4. Quintelia

Mens Individual Middleweight

1. Preoria (By yield)
2. East Moreland

3. Achkaerin (on points)
4. Daito

Womens Individual Middleweight

1. East Moreland (by disarming)
2. Achkaerin

3. Daito (by KO)
4. Rokkenjima

Mens Individual Heavyweight

1. Achkaerin (by yield)
2. East Moreland

3. Daito (by disarming)
4. Preoria

Womens Individual Heavyweight

1. East Moreland (on points)
2. East Moreland

3. Preoria (by KO)
4. Abertone

Handball Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Mktvartvelo 36-32 Royal Seleucid

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Lodja 31-33 Kaitaine

Womens Gold Medal Match

Mktvartvelo 35-36 Theocracy of Kaitaine

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Kaitaine 31-33 Preoria

Baseball Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Daito 7-5 Rokkenjima

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Quintelia 3-8 Abertone

Womens Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin 4-6 Abertone

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Clysperis 5-2 Kalasin

Spikeball Semi Finals

Achkaerin bt Jugland 15-12 13-15 17-15
Lodja bt East Moreland 15-12 15-10

Volleyball Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Lodja bt Abertone 25-17 21-25 24-26 27-25 25-22

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Achkaerin bt Kalasin 25-18 19-25 25-23 25-22

Womens Gold Medal Match

Preoria bt Achkaerin 25-23 27-29 27-25

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Theocracy of Kaitaine bt Rokkenjima 24-26 25-21 25-21

Mens Tennis Singles Semi Finals

Jugland 1 bt Lodja 6-3 6-4 6-4
Royal Seleucid bt Mktvartvelo 5-7 6-4 6-7 7-5 6-3

Badminton Medal Matches

Mens Singles Gold Medal Match

Clysperis bt Preoria 15-21 21-12 19-21 23-21 21-18

Mens Singles Bronze Medal Match

Jugland 1 bt Daito 23-21 19-21 23-21 21-17

Womens Singles Gold Medal Match

Abertone bt Achkaerin 21-19 22-24 23-21

Womens Singles Bronze Medal Match

Rokkenjima bt Jugland 2 23-21 19-21 21-18

Netball Semi Finals

Rokkenjima 52-54 Theocracy of Kaitaine
Lodja 51-52 Achkaerin

Womens Snooker Semi Finals

Jugland 3-6 Preoria
Achkaerin 5-6 Mktvartvelo

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2023, 09:42:59 PM »
Day Seventeen Results

Current Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 55 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 40 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 36 Golds

Current Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens 800m

1. Preoria - 1:45.06
2. Daito - 1:45.23
3. Clysperis - 1:45.39
4. Achkaerin - 1:45.92
5. East Moreland - 1:45.96
6. Abertone - 1:45.98
7. Kaitaine - 1:46.41
8. Lodja - 1:46.53

Womens 800m

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 1:55.21
2. Achkaerin - 1:55.88
3. Kaitaine - 1:56.81
4. Daito - 1:56.90
5. East Moreland - 1:57.00
6. Preoria - 1:57.56
7. Mktvartvelo - 1:57.66
8. Seaforth - 1:58.26

Mens 1500m

1. Mktvartvelo - 3:28.32
2. Clysperis - 3:29.01
3. Clysperis - 3:29:05
4. East Moreland - 3:29.56
5. Achkaerin - 3:30.77
6. Quintelia - 3:31.40
7. Abertone - 3:31.91
8. Daito - 3:32.67

Womens 1500m

1. Abertone - 3:53.11
2. Preoria - 3:54.50
3. Achkaerin - 3:55.86
4. Mktvartvelo - 3:57.60
5. Clysperis - 3:58.93
6. Quintelia - 3:59.01
7. Kalasin - 3:59.80
8. Lodja - 3:59.95

Mens 3000m Steeplechase

1. East Moreland - 8:08.90
2. Kaitaine - 8:10.38
3. Rokkenjima - 8:11.45
4. Daito - 8:14.97
5. Achkaerin - 8:15.34
6. Preoria - 8:16.03
7. Quintelia - 8:16.90
8. Kalasin - 8:17.44

Womens 3000m Steeplechase

1. Achkaerin - 9:01.45
2. East Moreland - 9:04.79
3. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 9:05.39
4. Preoria - 9:06.16
5. Daito - 9:14.00
6. Abertone - 9:14.84
7. Daito - 9:16.33
8. Rokkenjima 9:16.41

Water Polo Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Lodja 3-1 East Moreland

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Royal Seleucid 0-4 Kaitaine

Womens Gold Medal Match

Rokkenjima 4-5 Abertone

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Kaitaine 2-4 Theocracy of Kaitaine

Medieval Mixed Martial Arts

Mens Lightweight Duo

1. Preoria (on points)
2. Daito

3. East Moreland (by KO)
4. Rokkenjima

Womens Lightweight Duo

1. East Moreland (by disarming)
2. Achkaerin

3. Abertone (by yield)
4. Preoria

Mens Middleweight Duo

1. East Moreland (by KO)
2. Preoria

3. Quintelia (by yield)
4. Seaforth

Womens Middleweight Duo

1. Preoria (by disarming)
2. Mktvartvelo

3. Abertone (by disarming)
4. Daito

Mens Heavyweight Duo

1. East Moreland (by disarming)
2. Preoria

3. Mktvartvelo (on points)
4. Quintelia

Womens Heavyweight Duo

1. Abertone (on points)
2. East Moreland

3. Preoria (by yield)
4. Rokkenjima


Mens Omnium

1. Jugland - 27
2. Kaitaine - 29
3. Achkaerin - 30
4. Daito - 33
5. Jugland - 34
= Rokkenjima - 34
7. Abertone - 48
8. Quintelia - 49

Womens Omnium

1. Achkaerin - 18
2. Abertone - 19
3. Rokkenjima - 24
4. Daito - 37
5. Jugland - 45
6. East Moreland - 50
7. Kalasin - 55
8. Kaitaine - 57


Mens Jousting

1. Seaforth - 2
2. Preoria - 1

3. Achkaerin - 3
4. Abertone - 1

Womens Jousting

1. Achkaerin - 3 (victory by unhorsing)
2. Daito - 0

3. Lodja - 2
4. Rokkenjima - 1

Womens Tennis Singles Semi Finals

Clysperis bt Kalasin 1 6-4 5-7 8-6
Achkaerin bt Kalasin 2 6-7 7-5 6-4

Polo Medal Matches

Gold Medal Match

Lodja 4-3 Royal Seleucid

Bronze Medal Match

Abertone 3-1 Preoria

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Re: Valtheim 2023 - IC
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2023, 04:52:22 PM »
Day Eighteen Results

Final Standings

1st - Achkaerin - 62 Golds
2nd - Abertone - 41 Golds
3rd - Preoria - 37 Golds

Final Medal Table

Athletics and Field

Mens 100m

1. East Moreland - 9.80
2. Clysperis - 9.84
3. Abertone - 9.89
4. Achkaerin - 9.93
5. Kaitaine - 9.95
6. Achkaerin - 9.98
7. Clysperis - 9.99
8. Preoria - 10.01

Womens 100m

1. Achkaerin - 10.61
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 10.74
3. Kaitaine - 10.76
4. Rokkenjima - 10.91
5. Clysperis - 10.97
6. East Moreland - 10.99
7. Quintelia - 11.02
8. Kalasin - 11.12

Mens 200m

1. Clysperis - 19.62
2. Kaitaine - 19.68
3. Daito - 19.74
4. Achkaerin - 19.93
5. Preoria - 19.98
6. East Moreland - 20.20
7. Abertone - 20.21
8. Quintelia - 20.39

Womens 200m

1. Achkaerin - 21.53
2. Achkaerin - 21.81
3. Achkaerin - 21.87
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 21.94
5. East Moreland - 22.27
6. Clysperis - 22.28
7. Mktvartvelo - 22.30
8. Clysperis - 24.00

Mens 400m

1. Mktvartvelo - 43.85
2. Daito - 44.08
3. Achkaerin - 44.19
4. East Moreland - 44.21
5. Rokkenjima - 44.31
6. Abertone - 44.79
7. Lodja - 44.94
8. Kaitaine - 45.07

Womens 400m

1. Daito - 48.36
2. Achkaerin - 49.20
3. Clysperis - 49.46
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 49.61
5. East Moreland - 49.87
6. Mktvartvelo - 49.97
7. Achkaerin - 50.88
8. Kaitaine - 51.00

Mens 110m Hurdles

1. East Moreland - 13.04
2. Abertone - 13.09
3. Kaitaine - 13.10
4. Mktvartvelo - 13.14
5. Preoria - 13.16
6. Achkaerin - 13.22
7. Royal Seleucid - 13.30
8. Rokkenjima - 13.38

Womens 100m Hurdles

1. Clysperis - 12.37
2. Achkaerin - 12.52
3. Daito - 12.55
4. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 12.60
5. Kaitaine - 12.73
6. East Moreland - 12.74
7. Quintelia - 13.01
8. Preoria - 13.24

Mens 4x100m Relay

1. Kaitaine - 37.50
2. Achkaerin - 37.70
3. East Moreland - 37.79
4. Preoria - 37.84
5. Clysperis - 38.12
6. Daito - 38.16
7. Mktvartvelo - 38.20
8. Quintelia - 38.24

Womens 4x100m Relay

1. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 41.02
2. Daito - 41.45
3. Achkaerin - 41.88
4. East Moreland - 42.08
5. Royal Seleucid - 42.12
6. Mktvartvelo - 42.71
7. Clysperis - 42.89
8. Abertone - 43.01

Mens 4x400m Relay

1. Abertone - 2:55.70
2. Clysperis - 2:57.18
3. Kaitaine - 2:57.27
4. Mktvartvelo - 2:57.88
5. East Moreland - 2:58.46
6. Abertone - 2:58.76
7. Achkaerin - 2:58.81
8. Aquitaine - 3:00.85

Womens 4x400m Relay

1. Achkaerin - 3:16.85
2. Theocracy of Kaitaine - 3:20.53
3. Clysperis - 3:31.24
4. East Moreland - 3:21.84
5. Kaitaine - 3:22.59
6. Abertone - 3:23.74
7. Quintelia - 3:23.96
8. Mktvartvelo - 3:26.92

Medieval Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Lightweight Duo

1. Achkaerin (by yield)
2. Preoria

3. East Moreland (by KO)
4. Abertone

Mixed Middleweight Duo

1. East Moreland (by KO)
2. Abertone

3. Preoria (by disarming)
4. Seaforth

Mixed Heavyweight Duo

1. East Moreland (by yield)
2. Achkaerin

3. Mktvartvelo (by yield)
4. Daito

Spikeball Medal Matches

Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin bt Lodja 11-15 17-15 19-17

Bronze Medal Match

East Moreland bt Jugland 15-12 15-13

Tennis Medal Matches

Mens Singles Gold Medal Match

Jugland 1 bt Royal Seleucid 6-4 6-7 6-7 7-6 8-6

Mens Singles Bronze Medal Match

Lodja bt Mktvartvelo 6-4 3-6 7-6 7-6

Womens Singles Gold Medal Match

Achkaerin bt Clysperis 4-6 7-6 10-8

Womens Singles Bronze Medal Match

Kalasin 2 bt Kalasin 1 6-4 6-7 6-4

Netball Medal Matches

Gold Medal Match

Theocracy of Kaitaine 54-55 Achkaerin

Bronze Medal Match

Rokkenjima 51-54 Lodja

Snooker Medal Matches

Mens Gold Medal Match

Preoria 1 8-10 Quintelia 1

Mens Bronze Medal Match

Rokkenjima 10-6 Jugland

Womens Gold Medal Match

Preoria 10-7 Mktvartvelo

Womens Bronze Medal Match

Jugland 4-10 Achkaerin

And that Concludes the 2023 Mundus Games!!!