Press Office of the Great Kingdom of Asadal
Official Press Office of the Great Kingdom of Asadal confirms, as it has been published in the official legal gazette of the Great Kingdom and independent media, that the individual Gherf Fidil Tamatajba Bin il-Hallieq, who once held the honourable title of
Qassim Supreme Gherf II, under custody and charged of serious crimes, has been found guilty of the charges of knowledge and cooperation with a terrorist organization, involvement in a criminal network, protection of fugitives and suspects charged on criminal conspiracy, and involvement in the conspiracy of the crime of magnicide of chief government officials. For those crimes, along twenty-two other suspects, which guiltiness an independent court have found them guilty out of any suspicion, he is therefore sentenced to the death penalty, the judiciary authority has established, given the seriousness and immorality of the nature of the crimes.
Without devaluing and diminishing the gravity of such conduct, and considering the cultural and social circumstances, His Always Fair and Benevolent,
His Grand Majesty Grand King Wonhyo has granted to the mentioned individual, with the powers granted on his person and guided for the principle of mercy, the right to exchange the sentence of death penalty to permanent exile, with no right to return to the Great Kingdom, in case there was any foreign nation would accept the sentenced criminal within their borders without further responsibility for the criminal native jurisdiction, in relation of the conduct and means of the criminal offender and his possible relatives, before a period 100 days.
If there was no such condition, the punishment will be carried out as established in the legal ruling and the current legislation of the Great Kingdom, with no lessening in the fairness and equality in the eyes of the law.