Back by popular demand, this is essentially the region's version of the Eurovision Song Contest, obvious difference being that Mundovision is a global contest whereas in reality Eurovision is a continental based contest, or at least it's supposed to be
glares at Australia. Basically this is the application topic for this years version which should be held in Dartfordia as they won the last edition of this that got a result - subject to CGJ being happy to host.
ICly there will be a broadcast show and a results show - due to the global nature of the event coupled with time zone differences (if it's mid evening in East Moreland it's going to be midnight if not later in day I'll do a time zone map). The winning country earns the right to host the competition next year.
Details as to the voting process will be made known at the time of the competition.
Rules- Any song submitted must be from the Eurovision Song Contest, ABU TV Song Festival, Caribbean Song Festival, Intervision Song Contest, OTI Festival or any other similar contest. (my advice is stick with Eurovision since it's over 60 years old there will be something there for you).
- A 'similar contest' would mean a contest in which a group or person has to write their own song, or perform a unique song, for the contest (e.g. Competitions like X Factor or American Idol, where people sing existing songs, do not count)
- You, as the RPer, get to decide how votes are distributed, so take into account what your 'people' would think – trust me, Eurovision voting is quite complex on the public side - full voting explanation to come at the time of competition.
- If anyone has IC claim on an artist that has performed in RL at eurovision but not ICly and someone claims them for this please politely point it out to that person.
- I reserve the right to hold semi finals if required.
- Following the closing of applications I will randomly determine the performance order for the final (and semi finals if required)
- I'm setting an initial application deadline of the 5th of June, which subject to numbers may be extended.
[b]Full country name[/b]:
[b]Shortened name[/b]:
[b]Three lettered initial[/b]:
[b]Broadcasting company[/b]: Full Name (Initials)
[b]Song submitted[/b]: [url=YOUTUBELINK]Name of Song (Name of Artist, YYYY)[/url]
Helpful LinksList of Eurovision WinnersList of All Eurovision Song Contests