The Independent Order

Roleplay => Convention Centre => Topic started by: DaveIronside on March 02, 2019, 06:05:49 PM

Title: Ostlake Movie Awards Best International Short Film
Post by: DaveIronside on March 02, 2019, 06:05:49 PM
Voting is open for four days. You may vote for two films. In event of a tie the East Moreland panel will cast the determining vote.


Name of Film: The Call
Genre: Drama
Nation: Krimeon
Brief Outline: This Shortfilm is about a call between father and daughter. During the call you can feel the deep and emotional relationship between them. Due to a shocking incidence the call gets a sudden turn, which unfortunately had to suffer a lot of families all over the world.
Link to the trailer: LINK (


Name of Film: The Gunfighter
Genre: Western Comedy
Nation: Krimeon
Brief Outline: In the tradition of classic westerns, a narrator sets up the story of a lone gunslinger who walks into a saloon. However, the people in this saloon can hear the narrator and the narrator may just be a little bit bloodthirsty.
Link to the trailer: LINK (


Name of Film Chasing the Infinite Sky (a Star Trek Short Film)
Genre Science Fiction
Nation Achkaerin
Brief Outline Stardate 2288.42, Starfleet is conducting warp speed experiments pushing existing boundaries. The USS Albatross leaves spacedock to conduct quantum warp experiments.
Link to the trailer Film (


Name of Film Lego Camping
Genre Animated Comedy
Nation Achkaerin
Brief Outline A couple goes camping and find themselves terrorised by a skunk, cue much hijinks as they try to rid themselves of the menace. The film made by students of Lady Brianna High School won a domestic school animation project in Achkaerin.
Link to the trailer Film (


Name of Film A Step
Genre Romance
Nation Achkaerin
Brief Outline Based on a true story of a high school girl, the film tells the story of how Vivien chases after love despite the consequences of her choice.
Link to the trailer Film (