The Independent Order

Roleplay => Convention Centre => Topic started by: Achkaerin on March 07, 2020, 03:38:35 PM

Title: Flying Fox's On Tour OOC Ref
Post by: Achkaerin on March 07, 2020, 03:38:35 PM
I'll keep this nice and simple (and blame binge watching the odd tv show on catch up for the idea).

The Flying Fox's are the Achkaerinese Air Force's display squadron (think Red Arrows, Blue Angels etc) and they tend to perform at significant events such as birthdays of the Achkaerinese Royals, Memorial Day or other appropriate gatherings. Anyway to give them a little more fleshing out I'm sending them out on tour across Mundus. So anyone who wants them for an event or anything just provide the following information below:

When the event is (i.e. date) - I appreciate RL may delay RP posting but ballpark appreciated
What the event is - Self explanatory
Where it is - town/city location