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Topics - Aegera

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Factbooks and Maps / Kingdom of Aegera
« on: June 19, 2018, 03:44:05 AM »

Μην αφήσετε κανέναν να εισέλθει χωρίς γεωμετρία
'Do not let anyone enter without geometry'
National Anthem:- Hymn to Liberty


The Aegeran Kingdom has been a long lasting and continuous polity in the area. Being one of the cradles of civilization, particularly in the continent. The modern Aegeran Kingdom arose after the War of Independence in 1721 after which Aegera gained full independence after a brief occupation of seven years.

Aegera appears an anachronism, particularly because of the attached importance to lineages despite the society mostly becoming an urban and advanced. Anthropologists theorize that this is a result of the extremely diverse country. The Kingdom of Aegera is officially a constitutional elective monarchy, although most scholars would not strictly categorize as such. The Aegeran constitution and government have influences stemming from Ancient Aegeran philosophy, Hellenistic philosophy, Christian philosophy and the Renaissance. As such most political scientists would properly categorize the government as a: Constitutional Elective Monarchy in the tradition of the Renaissance. Rather than replace it, the Enlightenment supplemented Aegeran political philosophy.

Government Type:- Constitutional Elective Monarchy
Population:- 81 million
Capital City:- Kallipolis (8.514 million)
Demonym:- Aegeran


Currency:- Drachma
GDP per Capita:- 36,988
Unemployment Rate:- 3.1%
Main Industries:- Miscellaneous; Information Sector


Ethnicity:- Aegeran
Languages:- Aegeran
Religions:- Christianity, Neoplatonism, Islam, Aegeran polytheism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism.

Average Life Expectancy:- 74


King: Alexander II
President: N/A
Name of Legislative Body:Consultative Assembly

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