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Messages - Achkaerin

Pages: 1 ... 101 102 [103] 104 105 ... 134
Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Lodjain Court - IC
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:44:15 PM »
"Now now let's play this fair." Emalet said approaching Rudolph and Lennox, she'd overheard the conversation and found it intriguing as it was a bit of fun and presented a decent friend making opportunity "It would be a little unwise to ask someone who actually has a say in the final decision to participate in such a wager, compared to we ambassadors who don't have that capacity, I'm not a fan of gambling but this would appear to be a more friendly wager. So a bottle of forty year old whiskey from Ui Cenneslaig, Raspberry spirits and a bottle of gin from Neu Uburzis. If you gentlemen don't mind let me add something to that, I managed to bring a few crates of Mossflower honeyed mead from home in my chambers. So I'll add one crate to the pot and I'll bet on Natalia."

Vignettes / Re: A Palace of Music
« on: January 15, 2018, 09:05:20 PM »
Off On An Adventure

Another day at the Marble Palace and the same old routine near enough, which was always welcome as it meant that nothing new had come up that demanded attention. So as normal here was the Emperor Peter Azurewind sat in his study with his Foreign Affairs Advisor Nettie Taylor, Chief of Staff Kumiko Arkwright and Press Secretary Hannah Cartwright, they'd been all around the houses - Kaitaine, Phuebra, the Vaguzia issue and of course Lakhzovia. They did this practically every day.

"Is there anything else?" Peter asked looking at the three women who sat in the study with him, they'd just finished their discussions on Kaitaine.
"Not today." Kumiko said "Unless you want to discuss the upcoming Garden Party."
"I trust you to handle that." Peter said
"You always do that." Kumiko said
"Nettie anything?" Peter asked
"Not really." Nettie said
"Hannah?" Peter asked
"Well there's a group of University of Artaxia students deciding whether or not they can sue some company." Hannah said
"That's a joke right?" Peter asked
"Nope." Hannah said "It's not something we need to address but I thought you'd find it amusing."
"How are students even going to fund a lawsuit?" Kumiko asked
"No clue but it should be entertaining." Hannah said
"Ok that's it for today then." Peter said

Once the three women had stepped out of the study, Peter waited a few minutes before following, he went into the open plan kitchen diner and found Serenity eating her breakfast which was simple toast.
"Morning." Peter said
"Hi." Serenity said
"What's the letter?" Peter asked noticing an open letter on the counter top next to where Serenity was leaning
"My transfer orders." Serenity said "Took them long enough, you know I transferred out of sea duty for family reasons well I've got a spot at JAG."
"So that's you over in Avalon." Peter said
"Seems like it." Serenity said "Got to get Lisa into a primary school over there and Astrid a nursery spot. I'll have to have Helen along."
"This is the best opportunity to give them a decent childhood away from the public eye. Never happened for you, never happened for me, make it happen for them. Go live at the Avalon Estate." Peter said
"Thanks." Serenity said
"And tell Admiral Rankin hello from me when you start work." Peter said
"I will." Serenity said

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:30:02 PM »
Kaitlin Parker
EducationFirst Class Honors Degree in Law and History from the University of Artaxia
Officer Graduate Achkaerin Army Academy
High School Qualifications from Artaxia High School
Positions Held

Major, Aelmoor Watch (Achkaerin Army)
Posting: Representative to the CAC of the Uppsalla Convention
FamilyFather - Max Parker †
Mother - Abigail Parker †
Sister - Melanie Parker
Links to Important events?Late Cold War Engagements
BiographyA skilled soldier with plenty of experience under her belt. She brings all that experience to the CAC, prior to which she did some time as a JAG officer.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: A Letter to Solonia
« on: January 15, 2018, 06:35:38 PM »
"I guess we should probably discuss some aspects of cooperation, not in the military sense...yet. Our nations don't know each other well enough for that at this point." Rhian said "What I'd propose is that we discuss the grounds for things such as extradition, cooperation in combating crime and how we may build upon this over time.

Additionally we could consider some cultural events."

Diplomacy and Events / Re: A Trip to the Illumic
« on: January 15, 2018, 06:29:20 PM »
"We can't speak for Futurist beyond outlining the general idea, if you want to discuss specifics then I would suggest you talk with the CEO of the company." Nettie said, there was little doubt that this part of the conversation had run its course given that Peter and Nettie weren't privy to the specific details of what Futurist would want to do in terms of location and such, plus that was something that Nemerie and Futurist would have to work out between them it wasn't Peter's place to stand between them.

"With that said I think we should leave that metaphorical ball in your court as it were and allow you to contact Futurist if you wish." Peter said "At the end of the day they're far better placed to answer your questions than we are. So if we may move on to other matters? I believe we could discuss things such as trade, travel between our nations, maybe some cultural stuff."

Diplomacy and Events / Re: The Lost Cradle
« on: January 15, 2018, 02:41:22 PM »
OOC- ok this has languished for over a month so moving this on massively now.

There may have been plenty of suspicion and distrust among the group but they all understood the same thing, whether they liked it or not they were bound together on the journey until motives were known and people made their moves. Building a raft had been easy, well it always was when there were plenty of people to help out. And now they were sailing down the river, Melanie was lying down on the wood at the back of the raft her eyes closed and baseball cap over her eyes, she was without question asleep, there wasn't much else she'd been able to do for the close to a week they'd been sailing except eat, sleep and research.

Melanie was used to dreams like this, she had them quite frequently, memories of conversations with her late father Jonathon Bell. So here she was her thirteen year old self sat in his study doing some homework for High School while he regaled her with the stories of his trips abroad, in this case his very first trip.

"I got into archaeology when I went travelling in my youth, I went all over the place much like Paul the Explorer of East Moreland. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the world because if you understand something then chances are it's far less scary, such is the way of diplomacy and tolerance. And there's some weird stuff out there let me tell you."
"There's always weird stuff Dad just look at this algebra" Melanie said "Letters in maths?"
"Ok I'll grant you that's weird." Jonathon said with half a smile "Anyway there are plenty of weird beliefs and cultures out there. Nya Aland and their warrior Gods, broadly similar to the Himeyaman's, then of course there's the Cult of Helus which you know back to front. Christianity is standard and probably the best known but oddly it was in Mountjoy that I picked up a rather strange book a few years ago."
"Really?" Melanie asked
"Interesting one at that." Jonathan said "Talked about these legendary creatures, one of them being if you can believe it a giant sand worm."

On the raft Melanie's eyes snapped open Oh Dad you didn't... she thought before scrambling for the map of the country they were in she looked at it.
"So that's it." Melanie said "In about a day we're going to hit a fork in the river we need to take the one that heads north. Best not to stray to the Sun by straying too far east isn't it?" Her eyes looked over the map again if this was right then their path would take them into the mountains...well that made sense didn't it? Where else could the eyes of Mortals not see except in the mountains?

Vignettes / Re: The Final Frontier
« on: January 15, 2018, 01:43:50 AM »
Back in the Saddle

Sophia Stark and David Anderson were finishing one of their regular runs around the Space Agency Complex, which in truth was something like a large village itself as it embodied accommodation for the astronaut and staff, hangers and laboratories, mission control and a launch site, though naturally the Achkaerin Space Agency maintained launch sites across Mundus. The pair wore typical exercise clothes Sophia a red sleeveless top and black shorts, David wore a pair of white shorts and a dark blue t-shirt.

"Why do I never win?" David asked as the pair stopped by the Astronaut Memorial that commemorated all those astronauts who had died in space while on missions for the Achkaerin Space Agency, there had been mishaps especially in the early days back in the 1950's and 1960's but no disasters for a long long time.
"Because you over pace yourself before agony hill." Sophia said, referring to the hill to the south that they always ran up "You slow down going up and that lets me catch up but you've used up so much energy so I win a sprint finish."
"One of these days I'll remember that." David said
"I've said that to you at least fifty times." Sophia said smiling as she was bent over her hands on her knees getting her breath back
"Here." David said handing her a sports bottle of water that Sophia drank from.
"Thanks." Sophia said
"Not a bad day is it?" David asked
"You know it's just the calm before the storm." Sophia said "Back end of storm season and then we get spring." there was something of a routine the regular Nywaln storm in August that started storm season, last year compounded by the Morris Ice Shelf, then came the first series of storms over the autumn period finishing just before Christmas, then there was something of a break before a usually more severe series of storms over a shorter period hit in January and February. At that point their phones went off - a text message.
"Nicola's office?" David asked
"Let's go." Sophia said

Ten minutes later the two astronauts were in the office of Nicola Fernley, oh wait it was officially Dame Nicola Fernley now as she'd been knighted in the New Year honors list.
"Have a seat." Nicola said, the two astronauts sat down
"What is it boss?" Sophia asked
"What do you know about the Virgil probe?" Nicola asked
"About as much as anyone else." David said "It's a scout probe for the Keaclite asteroid."
"It's ready to be launched" Nicola said looking out of the window of her office "There's a routine Athena launch, a run around the block scheduled for a weeks time. It's nothing special just get up do a couple of orbits and then back down. However it's a two for one deal."
"Meaning you want us to take Virgil up and deploy it from orbit?" Sophia asked
"Yes." Nicola said "Do you want it?"
"Hell yes." Sophia said "Been getting a little frustrated with having to kick my heels down here."
"David?" Nicola asked
"I'm in." David said
"Ok then go see Samantha and get checked out." Nicola said

Sophia and David left the office smiling broadly it had been months since they'd been up in space
"So we get to launch Virgil." David said
"Looks like it." Sophia said "It's been so busy with SCION launches lately that I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get a chance to get back up there."
"Well we're going back up now." David said

Sporting Hub / Re: Formula Mundus 2017 IC - Continuation
« on: January 14, 2018, 11:10:20 PM »
Round 20 East Moreland: Silverhills Grand Prix


1. Sam Halliday (Rytol-EMAC Racing)
2. Marcus Apollonius (Tifosi)
3. Ryo Yokazura (Chiyoko Motorsports Division)
4. Mark Lindley (Rytol-EMAC Racing)
5. Megan Harrison (Riviere Corporation Racing)
6. Quintus Varusi (Tifosi)
7. Takeshi Nakanishi (Chiyoko Motorsports Division)
8. Z Kennedy (Riviere Corporation Racing)
9. Enric Tomΰs (Magpie Racing)
10. Mathis Oleksow (Furious Honeybadger)
11. John Gever (Furious Honeybadger)
12. Quentin Yanone (Scuddor Ornati)
13. Willow Buurlap (Molo T Racing)
14. ΐlex Andreu (Magpie Racing)
15. Jorgaah Vasaaq (Molo T Racing)
16. Tιo Arrivacca (Scuddor Ornati)
17. Branislav Pietrov (Natalka)
18. Alexi Smenko (Natalka)
19. Madeleine Kromer (Umbrella Corporation Racing)
20. Andre Nolte (Argus Corporation Racing)
21. Monim Sabbagh (Bassanid Airways Racing)
22. Louai Nazari (Bassanid Airways Racing)
23. Ivanoe Parco (Umbrella Corporation Racing)
24. Marcus Pilskin (Argus Corporation Racing)

Sporting Hub / Re: MFA World Cup 2017 (IC)
« on: January 14, 2018, 10:48:57 PM »
Match Day Five Results

Group A

Vafleon 2-2 Lodja (at Yuzukemyouji Lightbox)
Victoria 1-0 Saheristan (at Marumaru)

Lodja win Group A

Group B

Rokkenjima 1-1 Ecclesiastical State (at Marumaru)
Weremark 0-3 Kerajaan Agung (at Ise-Kokoda Hub)

Kerajaan Agung win Group B and advance to the last sixteen
Ecclesiastical State advance to the last sixteen

Group C

Achkaerin 4-0 Herrunbucht (at Ise-Kokoda Hub)
Rodina 2-2 Ui Cenneslaig (at Marumaru)

Achkaerin win Group C and advance to the last sixteen

Group D

Zimalia  2-0 Germanic Kingdoms (at Yuzukemyouji Lightbox)
Nya Aland 3-1 Foxtrove (at Isemura Club)

Group E

Hygelac 1-0 Solonia (at Marumaru)
Iwi 1-2 Cantabria (at Isemura Club)

Hygelac win Group E and advance to the last sixteen

Group F

Borland 3-1 Phuebra (at Yuzukemyouji Lightbox)
Vaguzia 0-5 Arda Tuluva (at Isemura Club)

Group G

East Moreland 2-0 Nemerie (at Yuzukemyouji Lightbox)
Rhand 1-5 Kaitaine (at Ise-Kokoda Hub)

Kaitaine win Group G

Group H

Himeyama 2-1 Mountjoy (at Ise-Kokoda Hub)
Akhabnil 1-2 Quintelia (at Isemura Club)

Current Standings

***Reply to this post by personal message to Achkaerin and not on the forum to keep your choices private***

The following is the list of third round replays in the FA Cup:

Leicester City v Fleetwood Town
Mansfield Town v Cardiff City
Sheffield Wednesday v Carlisle United
West Ham United v Shrewsbury Town
Reading v Stevenage
Chelsea v Norwich City
Swansea City v Wolverhampton Wanderers
Wigan Athletic v AFC Bournemouth

1 point for each correctly picked winner and a bonus of 3 points for getting them all right.

This is the last round of boosts.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:52:17 PM »
Lucas Murray
EducationPassed Astronaut Training
First Class Honors Degree in Engineering from Valkyria University
High School Qualifications from Unison City High School
Positions HeldAstronaut
FamilyMother - Diana Murray †
Father - Vincent Murray †
Links to Important events?Athena Project
BiographySolid engineer, spends a lot of his free time studying the latest specs and developments in the field so that he can keep the people he goes up with alive. He's a perfectionist.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:40:24 PM »
David Anderson
EducationPassed Astronaut Training
First Class Honors Degree in Astrophysics from Solaria University
High School Qualifications from Hearth High School
Positions HeldAstronaut
FamilyMother - Jasmine Anderson †
Father - Charlie Anderson †
Links to Important events?Athena Project
BiographyA talented pilot, reliable in a pinch though he hopes to never be in such a situation. He's always checking out the latest aerospace news.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:33:11 PM »
Sophia Stark
EducationPassed Astronaut Training
First Class Honors Degree in Astrophysics from University of Artaxia
High School Qualifications from Valtheim South Lane High School
Positions HeldAstronaut
FamilyMother - Jennifer Stark †
Father - Rupert Stark †
Links to Important events?Athena Project
BiographyShe never intended to be an astronaut, but one day she watched a speech by Nicola Fernley and was inspired to try. She's since become one of the brightest younger astronauts in the program.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:11:59 PM »
Charlene Brightwall
EducationStudying part time at College of Law, Avalon
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Queen's High School, Gowu
Positions Held

Ensign (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyMother - Michelle Brightwall
Father - Gary Brightwall
Links to Important events?Phuebran Conflict
BiographyYoung, eager and idealistic, she's a quick study on most things. She enjoys swimming, running and cycling so it comes as no surprise that she does the Imperial Navy triathlon challenge.

Sev'Rance Star awarded for "Heroic or meritorious achievement or service"

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:02:37 PM »
Emilia Morgan
EducationStudying Law & Criminology at the College of Law, Valtheim
Graduate Officer Cadet from Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Avalon Central High School
Positions Held

Ensign (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyMother - Clarice Morgan
Father - George Morgan
Brother - Robert Morgan
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyStreet smart, trustworthy and clever. She also enjoys surfing.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:59:50 PM »
Ariel Lightfoot
EducationOfficer Cadet Graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Cambridge Street High School, Artaxia
Positions Held

Lieutenant Junior Grade (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyHusband - Steven Lightfoot
Son - Alex Lightfoot
Father - Jason Thompson †
Mother - Tracy Thompson †
Father in Law - Billy Lightfoot
Mother in Law - Jennifer Lightfoot †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyRuns the JAG office in Avalon, highly organized, slightly obsessive compulsive at times but always means well.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:56:55 PM »
Imogen Wheeler
EducationUpper Second Class Honors Degree in Law from the College of Law, Avalon
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Fimbultown High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Kylie Wheeler †
Father - Aneurin Wheeler †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyAmbitious, she'd do anything to help her career prospects especially if it gets her close to being the first female JAG in Achkaerinese history. Sees herself as Lt Foster's rival, though it isn't mutual.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:49:06 PM »
Steven Lightfoot
EducationLower Second Class Honors in Law from Lakeside University
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from St Mary's Faith School
Positions Held

Lieutenant (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyWife - Ariel Lightfoot
Son - Alex Lightfoot
Father - Billy Lightfoot
Mother - Jennifer Lightfoot †
Father in Law - Jason Thompson †
Mother in Law - Tracy Thompson †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyDiligent but perhaps occasionally over analytical, he has good research skills and capacity for storing knowledge as such he has number of areas of law within his scope. Specializes in the Uppsala Convention, Fair Seas Concordat, Property Law, Criminal Law and Contract Law.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:46:38 PM »
Nell Foster
EducationFirst Class Honors Degree in Law & Criminology from the College of Law, Avalon
Officer Graduate, Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Lady Morgana High School, Valtheim
Positions Held

Lieutenant (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyFather - Wayne Foster
Mother - Danielle Foster
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyA rising star, thorough, creative and a good orator, tries to see all the angles before acting in a legal sense. She specializes in Uppsala Convention Cases, MCUR violations and Fair Seas Concordat issues.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:42:21 PM »
Ashton Sutton
EducationUpper Second Class Honors Degree in Law and Sociology from the University of Freshwater
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Freshwater High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Mary Sutton †
Father - Jake Sutton †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyThorough and supportive. Plays a straight bat in the courtroom and as such is highly respected by his colleagues.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:38:19 PM »
Lexi McCarty
EducationUpper Second Class Honors Degree in Law from the Central Foxton University
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Leonaise High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Linda McCarty †
Father - Gordon McCarty †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyQuiet, contemplative and intelligent. She's a gifted lawyer who knows how to handle the pressures of high profile cases and isn't easily ruffled. She specializes in the Uppsala Convention and MCUR.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:34:56 PM »
Stella Pierce
EducationUpper Second Class Honors Degree in Law from the University of Freshwater
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from South Valkyria High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon - Internal Affairs Counsel
FamilyFather - Alan Pierce †
Mother - Katy Pierce †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyA strong investigator who relentlessly pursues justice, she always seems like she's got a point to prove to everyone.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:31:57 PM »
Terri Dyer
EducationDoctorate in Anthropology and Pathology from Medical College Valkyria
First Class Honors Degree in Medicine, Anthropology and Pathology from Medical College Valkyria
Graduate Officer Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Artaxia South University
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Kelly Dyer †
Father - Gregory Dyer †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyMethodical, inquisitive and thorough. Terri is assigned to the JAG office in Avalon as a medical expert, she helps both in court and during investigations.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:29:01 PM »
Helen Baines
EducationDoctorate in Psychology from Artaxia University
First Class Honors Degree in Law & Psychology from Artaxia University
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Ivyfield High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Luna Baines
Father - Maurice Baines
Brother - Carson Baines
Cousin - Norman Makin
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyHumble, careful, analytical with an eye for detail and a great capacity for understanding, she's the welcoming ear in the JAG office, her psychology qualifications make her a valuable expert witness to have on hand. She specializes in the Uppsala Convention, the Fair Seas Concordat and the MCUR

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 08:00:55 PM »
Richard Turner
EducationUpper Second Class Honors Degree in Law & Georgraphy from Freshwater University
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Lakeside High School
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Heather Turner
Father - Bruce Turner
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographySmart, zealous, focused and ultimately ruthless. Regarded as the best 'game playing' litigator in the JAG office. Specializes in the Uppsala Convention, CSU Law and the MCUR.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:57:26 PM »
Amara Yuki
EducationFirst Class Honors in Law from the College of Law, Avalon
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Lady Brianna High School, Valtheim
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyMother - Harriet Yuki
Father - Karl Yuki
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographySmart and keen, covers all her bases though is probably better and fact finding and negotiation than courtroom questioning. Specializes in the Uppsala Convention, Fair Seas Concordat and Family Law.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:53:59 PM »
Patrick Sterling
EducationUpper Second Class Honors degree in Law from the University of Gowu
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Lady Brianna High School, Gowu
Positions Held

Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyMother - Terry Sterling
Father - Joanne Sterling
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographySharp, inventive and a pretty good reader of people. He specializes in the Uppsala Convention and the Fair Seas Concordat.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:45:23 PM »
Andrew Conway
EducationUpper Second Class Honors in Law from the University of Solaria
Officer Graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from South Lane High School, Foxton
Positions Held

Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Avalon
FamilyFather - Nathan Conway †
Mother - Zoe Conway
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyA by the book lawyer, determined, focused and an excellent orator. Specializes in the Uppsala Convention and Criminal Law.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:40:27 PM »
Melanie Armitage
TitlesYour Honor
EducationGraduate of Judicial College Valtheim
Upper Second Class Honors Degree in Law from the University of Dovah
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from St Mark's Faith School
Positions Held

Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: Judge, JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyHusband - Samuel Armitage
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyFair minded with a lot of common sense, she bases her instructions and decisions on the evidence before her and does her job diligently.

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:32:52 PM »
William Rankin
TitlesJudge Advocate General
EducationUpper Second Honors Degree in Law from the University of Dovah
Officer Graduate Achkaerin Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Southern Bridge High School, Azureton
Positions Held
The Judge Advocate General

Admiral (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: JAG HQ, Valtheim
FamilyEx Wife - Megan Rankin
Daughter - Bethany Rankin
Father - Terrence Rankin †
Mother - Lucy Rankin †
Links to Important events?Andean Genocide Trials
BiographyEven handed and confident in decision making, a strong litigator though not usually forced into the courtroom these days.

Liberty Cross awarded for "Gallantry during active operations against the enemy at sea."

Character Guides / Re: Achkaerin Who's Who
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:21:37 PM »
Melissa Bird
EducationFirst Class Honors Degree in Law and Politics from College of Law Valtheim
Officer Graduate Imperial Naval Academy
High School Qualifications from Summerfield High School, Valtheim
Positions Held

Lieutenant Commander (Achkaerin Navy)
Posting: Designated Officer, Military Defence Initiative
FamilyHusband - Gareth Bird
Links to Important events?None
BiographyShe's the one officer you hope to never have to bring into an official conversation, that's because her job requires her to state whether the strict criteria for the deployment of the more powerful weapons in the Achkaerinese Arsenal have been met. As a former JAG officer this is a role she is well suited to.

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