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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2019, 11:10:45 PM »



Following an investigation by a group of wildlife protection activists what has been described as a "Whale Farm" has been discovered close to  the villages of Mikberg and Spitwald. Yesterday a group of activists managed to force entry onto the site and filmed their searches and the conditions inside. In total the search discovered 90 Belugae Whales, 16 Orcas and 12 pilot whales. The animals were kept packed in pools, some of which had begun to freeze over. The creatures were also discovered to be covered in skin lesions and flipper deterioration caused by contact with the sea ice, furthermore many seemed to be suffering from hyperthermia. One marine biologist who we showed the footage collected to stated, "In the wild the animals deal with the temperature change by moving on their migration routes, this keeps them in regions where the water temperature is bearable but also helps them keep warm by moving. They have barely enough room to swim in a straight line and so have little chance of living anything near a normal existence."

Originally it was believed that the farm was being used as a way of supplimenting the annual pilot whale hunt that takes place in Mikberg and Spitwald however paperwork shown in the footage taken by activists shows that at least some are being scheduled for sale. One document was written in Seleucid and was details for the sale of an Orca for a private aquarium owner meanwhile a pair of Beluage Whales seemed destined for a theme park in Lodja. Our marine biologist explained, "Whales while providing valuable food for our people in harsh winters can also be very profitable, I believe a Orca can be sold for around $3million while a Beluga Whale fetches around $200,000. If we look at this farm we can imagine it being a multi-million dollar operation."

The whale farm was being operated by Teraval Fisheries who stated, "This was an experiment to see if large scale whale farming is possible. We have seen other nations pull off similar schemes with Tuna and other species of Marine life. We realise that the farm experiment is hitting a sensitive period and we are learning we've made mistakes. The actions today by these wildlife terrorists endangered our workers and the animals. We naturally comply with all legislation regarding the captive farming of Whales and all other food standard laws. We shall also now having heard expert opinions, be making changes to our farming operations."

The Ministry for Farming and Fisheries stated, "We have no system in place to licence such farms, but then we have no licences for most fish farms which is as similar as we can think of. This seems to have been done clandestinely in order to avoid the attention of activists. In the coming days we shall be exploring the legal stances open to us in this regard."

Local Police were called to the farm and 16 arrests made for the crimes of trespass, criminal damage, threatening behaviour and assault. Those accused are expected to attend court for charges to be formally read in the morning. Film Star Krista Rosendahl-Sunbrek, who is a local ambassador for the Wild Mundus Organisation, has stated that she intends to pay the legal fees of those who have been arrested stating. "Whales and species like them have been shown time and again to be highly intelligent creatures. They are threatened in the wild and now we are essentially imprisoning them halting their natural life. They play a vital part of the oceans ecosystem and this is a huge problem. The hunt this year needs to be postponed and the practice halted altogether."

The Head Gothi waded into the debate following the actresses statement saying, "I agree that the way these creatures is being treated is unacceptable, Odin would not like to think of a majestic creature destroyed in such a manner. Miss Rosendahl-Sunbrek however is wrong, the practice of whale hunting is an age old tradition, something that makes Nya Åland the wonderful nation it is. It fills an important social, economic and cultural role within our society. This year I can understand a case for postponing the hunt as it was always controlled via a quota and while not familiar with the numbers in most years the number of whales imprisoned seems high, I believe they should be included in the quota to ensure we do not overfish, so to speak, the whales this year."

Offline KrisNord

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2019, 10:02:19 PM »



With mega-studio Marvel set to release their latest blockbuster based on a comic book the film, "Avengers:End Game" has been banned in Nya Åland. The ban doesn't come as much of a surprise as Marvel have found other films featuring Thor also banned. The ban comes despite the films such as Iron-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy having been shown and topped box office charts for months at a time. The ban was supported by the Head Gothi, Stein Ulfsson, who explained, "The films showing Thor give the interpretation that he, Odin, Loki and other Gods are not Gods at all, they are merely aliens of some sort blessed with mighty powers. This message runs contrary to the truth of our faith and in much the same way as people agree we must wage war against "fake news" we must do the same against that when it appears in film format. There is one seen in one of these films where a character states when informed about Thor's existence on Mundus that "There is only one God" and therefore shows the films push a Christian agenda and that breaks down the culture of our nation."

It is highly likely however that many people will attempt to stream the film illegally as there are many fans of some of the previous Marvel films. It is possible that as has happened with other banned films people found to be illegally streaming them or downloading them will face having their internet speeds reduced or blocked entirely.



The recent discovered "Whale Farm" will be closed within the next 14 days. The news comes from the Ministry of Fisheries and Farming following an initial investigation. The spokesman for the Ministry said, "We have no laws on the books that legislate for this process, as I am sure many nations don't. What we have found however is that the operators of the farm, Teraval Fisheries, did not have planning permission for building some of the facilities. This therefore gives us grounds to close down the operation and as a result it falls to Teraval to find alternative provision for the whales. As they have been unable to show they can do this for all but a handful of the animals the government have the right to step in." It was confirmed that those whales which had been sold to aquariums in Royal Seleucid and Lodja, sales which totalled $3.4million, however it was later in the day confirmed that Teraval Fisheries were to be fined $3.5 million for illegal construction practices. The Ministry spokesman went on to explain. "In the coming day, in the final days of the current Odinic Council we'll see legislation to stop this ever happening again."

In related news it was confirmed that this years impending whale hunt at the villages of Mikberg and Spitwald have been granted a quota of 110 pilot whales. It had been estimated that the quota would be set at 80 however the number has been increased as there are uncertainties of the winter this year as the impact of global warming means weather patterns have become less predictable. The annual ilot whale migration is likely to hit home waters in the next two weeks.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2019, 09:00:35 PM »



The so called Whale Farm between  Mikberg and Spitwald has today began to be shut down. The facility was being run by Teraval Fisheries and was discovered to contain 90 Belugae Whales, 16 Orcas and 12 pilot whales. Several animals were discovered to be purchased by foreign investors and this has been honoured following checks into the purchases. Today this saw a pair of Beluga Whales being moved to Lodja, the shipment was handled by a group of marine biologists from Krokom University as well as a team of military Naval divers. The process will take around 24 hours and at the end the pair will be part of a newly built sea life centre. Dr. Leo Bakke of the Krokom University facility of Marine Biology stated, "We normally would not have taken the decision to move the whales however the issue is they are now very unlikely to survive long in the wild. The best chance these animals have for the future is to move to a centre where they can be looked after." Dr.Bakke had also visited the park in Lodja to ensure that the facilities were ready for the transfer.

The Whale Farm will also be sending an Orca to Royal Seleucid where originally it was designed for a private investor however following negotiation the investor the whale will be making its way to the new animal park being connected to the Seleucid Palm development project. Dr.Bakke explained, "A whale is not a pet, no matter how rich you are. The Orca is just a few months old and has spent a good 75% of its life in captivity. If we simply release it then its sure to die." The remaining whales are going to be released over the next few days following health checks, sadly Dr.Bakke has not ruled out euthanasia some. "There is a large number of them and they may be suffering from irreperable ill health. I'm aiming to make a decision on them in batches of four and then we can release them and see what happens, only however if they have a fighting chance."

Spoiler: Features End Games Spoiler • show



Despite being banned it is thought hundreds of thousands of Ålanders have watched the Avengers:End Game film. The film, the latest in a series of films based off comic book characters, has been banned for the way it portrays the Gods of the Odinist faith. The most recent two films (Avengers:Infinity War and End-Game) an entity called Thanos kills several Gods including Heimdall and Loki. The film shows the God Thor failing to save them and then falling into a depression hiding from the world on a remote island and becoming a drunken slob. The film was described by Stein Ulfsson, the Head Gothi who ordered the film be banned, as being "a disgrace. Imagine the outcry should the Manist dietes be shown as fat drunken slobs neglecting their duty. I can guarantee if Helus was shown in such a manner the Cultists of East Moreland would be up in arms. Yet we are seemingly fair game to be mocked. The entire concept of our Gods in the Marvel Universe is disgusting. They are portrayed merely as some kind of alien species, and not even the most powerful in the Universe."

The film was banned by the government and it was reported that four people have been arrested for distributing a banned film. The four people include two University students who have also been suspended from their University having apparently hosted illegal screenings of the film. The four will be appearing in front of a magistrates court on Friday and if found guilty can be sentenced to up to 2 years in prison as well as being fined up to $20,000.



The small towns of Mikberg and Spitwald are expecting to carry out their annual whale hunt in the next few days. The two towns are permitted to each year hunt a set number of whales as long as they conform to a set of traditional rules. This year it has been determined that 110 pilot whales may be hunted and the meat distributed among the population of the two towns and no whale meat may be traded or sold. The rules of the hunt dictate that once a pod of whales is detected that two boats carrying no more than four people each may attempt to herd the whales into a bay. Once the pod is in the bay an appointed marshall will indicate which whales may be killed, this means they have to indentify the correct species and only mature adults may be taken. The Marshall also attempts to leave a mixture of male and female whales. The whales are herded into the shallows at which point townsfolk who have been specially trained use specially designed hooks to drag the whale by the blowhole onto the beach and into the correct position while a colleague uses a dedicated spear to sever the animals spinal cord killing it instantly.

The method had in the past been criticised by foreigners who utilise picture of the bays water bright red with blood. One local resident said, "The method we use is quick, its no different to when we kill cattle, pigs or sheep for their meat. They are herded into a slaughter house, manhandled and then killed as swiftly as possible. Blood pours from them yet we do that with a whale, which has lead a life of freedom, not pumped full of drugs or growth hormones, but for some reason we are painted as evil. Its a true double standard. The pictures of course look bad, blood in water goes a long way and it does look horrific but thats just the nature of the location we do this."

It is expected that local protesters will once more be kept out of the area as members of the Armed Forces are dispatched to help with security.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2019, 02:46:02 PM »



The former Queen of East Moreland, Matilda Osman, has today been refused entry to the nation despite relaxed visa regulations between Nya Åland and East Moreland. Matilda Osman is a marine biologist and is head of the world wide animal protection agency called the Wild Mundus Organisation. She had planned to visit Nya Åland to work with local Wild Mundus Organisation activists during the upcoming Whale Hunt in Mikberg and Spitwald however this will no longer take place. The decision was made on the grounds of "National Security" and was explained by the soon to be retiring Allsherjargoði Jin Odinsson. "We have always reserved the right to deny entry to anyone we feel will not benefit our nations security and stability. This is perhaps the highest profile refusal we have had so far but it is a daily case that travellers both ways between East Moreland and Nya Åland are refused. East Moreland refuse more people than us as they have perhaps some of the most high security entrance checks of many nations. We viewed Miss Osman's prescience at this time as on that potentially could disrupt our nations law and order. In the past she has encouraged activity which disrupted peoples lives and created work for our nations police and military. At this time she is not welcomed in Nya  Nya Åland however should she wish to visit another time her entry will be reviewed."

Local members of the WMO have called it an attempt to stop freedom of speech saying. "The government are trying to stop us holding protests. They are trying to put us off our moral mission to save the lives of beautiful and innocent creatures. Matilda Osman is an expert in marine life and her evidence and testimony at our conferences, talks and demonstrations is heavy evidence for why this hunt should not happen. By leaving her outside of our nation they are denying her wisdom an audience. She is a former Queen of one of our closest friends and yet they disrespect her by saying she's a threat to national security, putting her on a similar footing to that of the terrorist group the Gungnir."

So far Matilda Osman and the East Moreland government have not commented on the situation.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2019, 10:56:41 PM »



Following the departure of Jin Odinsson as Allsherjargoði the Head Gothi has called for fresh elections. The Odinic Council has now been suspended for 21 days as campaigning takes place leaving the nation under the sole guidance of Stein Ulfsson the Head Gothi. It is expected that the Odinic Rite party will retain their overall majority which would mean the new Allsherjargoði would be Cathrine Nyström. The Party currently control 62% of the Odinic Council and are expected to maintain that in the new elections which people have been preparing for now for around two months following Odinsson's resignation as leader of his party. The former Allsherjargoði has already said that he will campaign for his former party and encourages people to vote for them. "The Odinic Rite are the heartbeat of every Nord and voting for anyone else would almost be like betraying your Gods and no self respecting Nord will do such a thing."

The only real rival to the Odinic Rite is the Nords First Party, a right wing party that are the second largest in the Odinic Council. Their leader is Astrid Stigsson who has already prepared herself to be runner up. "Our party is popular and shares many ideals with the Odinic Rite. We will seek to ensure that the nation has in place a government that will protect the Odinist nature of our nation and I hope to play a prominent part in that."

The party expected to come last is the People's Rights Party lead by Lilly Berg. The party also existed in the Union of Nordic People and enjoyed wide support however since Nya Åland's independence the party has seen a marked decline in the parties fortunes. It is expected they'll struggle to gain more than 10 seats as they campaign to get the nation to sign the MCUR. Historically speaking the Nords of Nya Åland have rejected the concepts of the MCUR as being designed to, in Head Gothi Daniel Stenberg's words, "erode the rockbed of the Odnist Republic by stating the falsehood that all religions are equal."



The annual whale hunt in Mikberg and Spitwald has taken place over the last three days with a total of 112 pilot whales being caught. The number is two more than the accepted quota and as such will see am investigation by the Ministry of Fisheries and Farming. It is thought that the overcatch came about because of a breakdown in communication between the two hunt sites which meant one was not aware of the true number caught at the other site. Should it be discovered that the overcatch came about through some underhand method then criminal charges may be brought against those involved. This is the first time the two settlements have gone over their quotas as usually they fall under them.

During the hunt 32 people were arrested, 20 of them members of the Wild Mundus Organisation which is fronted by the former Queen of East Moreland Matilda Osman. Several of the protesters used small boats and windsurfers to try and get in among the hunters and disrupt their herding of the whales into bays, members of the nations Navy arrested the protesters who came from a variety of countries, 8 were Ålanders. The news has prompted Katrin Björk, the new deputy leader of the Odinic Rite party, to call for the Wild Mundus Organisation to be banned from Nya Åland. "The group have shown themselves to be terrorists. They have used violence to stop citizens going about lawful business. Most of those arrested were not from Nya Åland and shows foreign nations attempting to impose their world view of food production on us. I believe that the first steps the new government should take is to ban any member of WMO from visiting Nya Åland, even if they are ex-royals or even current royals. The group are not a legitimate special interest group or they would utilise peaceful means."

Former Queen of East Moreland, Matilda Osman, was banned from Nya Åland during the hunt season. She had been expected to attend a rally in Krokom hosted by the WMO however her travel ban on grounds of "national security" prevented her from doing so.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2019, 04:22:06 PM »



Cathrine Nyström has today launched the Odinic Rite's manifesto for the upcoming elections. The successor to Jin Odinsson admits that the party have made very few changes to their legislative agenda stating. "For years since the formation of the first government of Nya Åland we have followed a single unified path guided by our faith. Unlike other parties we have put traditional Odinism at the centre of everything we try and do. Sadly over that time we have not had a stable nation to build upon. Now we have stability and it is time to implement the plan our party has been mandated to deliver but never truly had the chance."

If elected the party have promised to introduce national service in the military. This has been something that has gained widespread popular support and the nation has always turned away potential recruits instead having always fielded a fully voulenteer force. Explaining this measure Nyström explained "we are descended from warriors, our Gods are warriors but today we do not reflect that our people must be ready to stand to defend our nation. Imagine the shame when we had to rely on foreign forces to help us defeat the Gungnir when the great disaster took our nation to the brink. We should have been able to easily handle that situation had we been able to call upon practically every fit and able individual. We do have a proud and well trained military, they carried the fight to our enemies in Marseille admirably despite foreign obsticles put in our way. Side by side with the people of Marseille we helped achieve victory and today they have a nation that is at peace. We can do great things but must have greater resources to call upon." It is thought around 72% of the electorate support this policy however some have questioned how it would be run without comprimising the standards of the current military.

In terms of the economy the Odinic Rite want to begin a series of trade deals, "Beyond our agreements with some Albion nations and East Moreland we have very few free trade deals. This is something that needs to be carefully balanced we have some amazing businesses in our homeland that we must support. Things like geothermal energy, boat building and technical manufacturing we are perhaps the greatest at in the world. We must ensure these industries maintain their high standards and have a chance to compete globally. Additionally we need to keep alive the traditions of the self-employed craftsman, and we shall be looking at taxation breaks to help them in that regard." It is thought businesses employing less than 10 people can look forward to a huge reduction in taxes as well as perhaps being offered support with cash flow.

With the environment in mind the party have stuck by the pledge to try and have the nation free of Fossil Fuels by the end of 2020 but have labelled it "ambitious" they have however committed that from 2020 a scrappage scheme will be in place that will see the government pay people $1000 to scrap petrol and diesel powered cars in favour of electric ones as well as put in place a total ban on sales on new petrol and diesel cars the following year. Additionally the party has pledged to create five new national parks based around centres of significant religious and cultural sites.

The group have ruled out joining any system of alliances other than the Albion Council. "Working with your neighbours is a wonderful thing. We do not however need to work with distant nations on all manner of things. On a point by point basis we can make things work. It is clear we owe JET a debt of gratitude and we shall be the most active member of that organisation it is possible to be. We shall look at other groups such as that but not one forcing Nords to go and die for another nations agenda." The party also maintains its stance on not signing the MCUR calling it "a liberalist love fest designed to make certain powers on Mundus feel high and mighty."

Polls suggest that the party will gain 223 seats meaning they will require 27 to have an overall majority but with the Nords First Party having 101 seats at present and sharing many policy ideas it is unlikely this will be a problem. The Liberal Alliance is likely to be the biggest losers with them currently expecting to get just 19 seats according to polls, down from their current number of 39.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2019, 07:53:18 PM »



As things begin to heat up for the upcoming elections the People's Right Party have introduced their manifesto with an emphasis on protecting minority religious groups. The parties leader Lilly Berg currently represents 34 elected officials however it is expected that the party will find their share of the Odinic Council reduced significantly in the upcoming elections. Berg however is hopeful, "In the recent month or so we have seen censorship of a film by the government, the younger generations will want more liberal societies and so I think their likely to vote for us." The party have also promised that if they gain power they will lower personal tax rates significantly while increasing business and corporation tax. The Party have also promised that they would offer other nations a reciprocal free trade deal. The Party have also promised to lower the age of education from 18 to 16 stating, "The young people quiet often want to get into work, earn some money and can learn skills that they don't need to be in school for. By lowering the compulsory education age it should be possible to get more people into work, improve the quality of education by using the extra funding to help youngsters get free education at University."

The Party have also aimed to improve the environment by introducing some incentives to recycle. Individuals not recylcing properly will be fined while companies will receive tax breaks for being more sustainable. Most significantly however the party aim to increase the size of the Council to 740 Councillors with 140 seats being reserved for non-Odinists. The party also aim to increased the legal drinking age to 21.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2019, 07:08:55 PM »



The Odinic Rite Party has increased their prescence in the Odinic Council following the latest elections. The result means that the new Allsherjargoði will be 44 year old Cathrine Nyström. The party added 19 seats to their existing total however remained 12 short of a total majority and have agreed to once more bring the Nord First party into their coalition. The right wing Nords First party also added to their existing representation by taking a single seat more than previous years leading them with 102 seats. Meanwhile the People's Rights Party also increased their representation with three extra seats leaving the centre left party with 37 seats in the Odinic Council. The biggest losers of the night were the Conservative Future Party who lost eight seats leaving them with 63, the Liberal Nord Alliance also lost eight seats reducing them to 31 seats. The Nya Åland Socialist Alliance Party also lost seats seeing defeat in 7 seats leaving them with 29 seats in total which means they are the smallest party in the Council. The new Allsherjargoði meet early this morning with the Head Gothi and formally accept the position.

As she left the Head Gothi's residence she laid out broadly what to expect in the first few weeks. " The nation has been making steady progress from the recent disasters we have faced. That is largely down to the hard work and industriousness Nords possess in their souls. While we thank the various nations who came to our aid it is important that we now stand upon our own two feet. In the next few weeks I shall be presenting the Council with proposals to introduce national service. The Nords historically embodied a warrior spirit of devotion to their people, that is lacking in some of the youth and we must always be ready to defend ourselves. Next we shall seek to make 10 different sites across our nation National Parks ensuring that the Holy Sites sat among them are protected forever. We will also be seeking by September to ensure that the top 10% of students every academic year receive free university education therefore ensuring the best and brightest among us shall be be able to succeed regardless of their family background. I also intend to make sure that the Odinic faith is supported in ensuring we are capable of serving Odinists living around the world. Our faith was mainly contained close to home however since the great disaster I am aware of many people venturing across Mundus and those people must have their spiritual nourishment. Likewise we shall make it easy for any Odinist to come to our lands to live, study, work and prosper. The outgoing Allsherjargoði is a prime example of that, the son of an immigrant who embraced our faith and our way of life and helped create the state we love so much today. We will be seeking to lower the requirements to claim citizenship from five years to three should a person demonstrate a loyalty to the Odinist faith."

Jin Odinsson formally handed over the keys to the Allsherjargoði residence to his successor by saying. "Our nation today enters a new chapter. For the first time the leading individuals of our nation are not ones who helped negotiate the amicable divorce from the Union of Nordic People, nor pull the nation together after disaster. Myself and the late Daniel Stenberg believed that we had a foundation for the future that was prime to build upon. It is now fitting that the reigns are handed over and I pray that together Stein Ulfsson and  Cathrine Nyström will march us towards that bright future."

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2019, 01:17:25 PM »



In Krokom the Mundus Atomic Energy Agency has come into existence. The MAEA will feature safeguards about the sale, use and disposal of nuclear materials ensuring nuclear safety. The talks were overseen by the Head Gothi who explained, "This is an idea kicked around as part of a larger Rokkenjiman process. For several years the government there have talked about pushing to have some kind of arrangement to ensure that nuclear weapons disappear. For that to happen Rokkenjima correctly stated that a kind of independent non government controlled series of safeguards needed to exist. We have today meet as a community of nations and come to an agreement on how that process is to be done. I'm honoured to have had Krokom host the event because of our scientific love but now the serious business of enforcing and abiding by it comes into play and we must have global support. This is why it is important to now have the global nuclear nations of East Moreland, Achkaerin, Rokkenjima and Slava Lavosk sign up. So far we have three of the four but the ink is still drying and in the conference hall people are still awaiting instructions from home."

The MAEA is now likely to become part of the Rokkenjiman wider proposal for a global ban on nuclear weapons, while talks over the future of Slava Lavosk's nuclear programme continue. Ulfsson also stated, "When it comes to manpower our nations experts will be on hand. We have a fine tradition of scientific involvement and whether this organisation is based in its conceptual home of Rokkenjima, or anywhere else on Mundus, then we will naturally step up and shoulder our load." Nya Åland operates four nuclear power stations and had plans for a fifth before it was cancelled in favour of using more Geothermal energy, additionally the nation operates several nuclear powered naval vessels meaning the nation will now have to trade nuclear material under MAEA rules. Ulfsson explained, "It will change nothing for us, we simply locate a nation we wish to trade material with such as the Morelanders. We agree a fee, we pay the MAEA, the MAEA pick up the material and several days later they release the material to us having ensured we have adequate security safeguards in place for its use. If anything it means a few days added onto delivery between orders and movements"

The first order of business for the MAEA however will be to determine its home location. Ulfsson ruled out Krokom saying, "As a nation we already have several international and regional commitments. With a rebuilding politically still ongoing now would be a bad time to put the responsibility for what will become a large organisation on our own shoulders. I would expect one of the nuclear powered nations to perhaps host this as they are likely to have more need of the day to day use of it rather than an occasional client such as us." With the MAEA coming about because of moves made by Rokkenjima it is highly likely this shall be the location of the HQ however it is yet unknown whether other nations would support a HQ.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2019, 06:51:58 PM »



In an announcement made today Foreign Minister Birgid Strand has confirmed that Nya Åland will begin measures to divert Joint Emergency Team assets from Noobia to Tytor. News reached the world that a storm is expected to hit the Tytorian island of Floodwater soon. As such Minister Strand stated, "We have at points had JET personnel based in Floodwater and as such our people feel connected to the people there. JET exists to support any people in need because of natural disasters, war or other factors and if Noobia are denying they need help we must put assets where they are needed. While the hurricane has yet to hit Floodwater we do have the equipment and manpower on standby to respond to a similar disaster all that would be needed is to switch their location. Once we are made aware of needs on the ground we will naturally deploy should the Tytorian government accept the support."

Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson was asked about why the nation would offer aid to a nation that has long standing sanctions against Nya Åland, he responded by saying, "When our nation needed help many nations came to help regardless of their views of our nation. Human life is sacred and must be protected so as such when a disaster strikes Odin would expect us to help people who need help. Tytor are continental neighbours and Odin told us "Wherever you know of harm, regard that harm as your own." As such it is neccessary that we do not wait for a call for help, it is important we stand ready to just act."

With that in mind the Head Gothi has dispatched the aircraft carrier Hringhhorni to the Kyne ready to respond as soon as required.


Following an announcement from Derusmia Wide Broadcasting Service which explained that supersonic passenger flights will soon commence between New Derusmia and Tytor the Minister of the Environment has ruled out such a service coming to Nya Åland. Speaking at a conference Ulrich Svensson stated, "We signed the Wellow Treaty for the Environment which states that nations should aim to " Reduce pollution caused by air travel by 35% by 2030" however it is well known that using current technology supersonic jets will burn five-to-seven times more fuel per passenger than subsonic jets. The engines also produce around 40% more Nitrogen Oxides than a sub-sonic engine for the same journey as well as carbon dioxide.[1] Add to this issues with noise and there is no way utilising current technology these routes should be utilised. As New Derusima is a signatory nation of the Wellow Treaty I am actually surprised they are authorising a commercial flight that goes against what they have actually signed. Supersonic passenger flights are potentially a useful thing, however at the moment they are a vanity project at the expense of the environment. Only once technology has been improved will we permit such aircraft to enter our airspace and we urge other nations to do likewise."

 1. ICCT "Environmental performance of emerging supersonic transport aircraft" 2018

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2019, 11:52:08 AM »



Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson today sent the Riksdag home until the 3rd of January in order to allow them to celebrate Yule. The festival has many significant meanings to the Odinist faith and among them is the Wild Hunt of Odin as well as the rebirth of the sun. The Head Gothi spoke to the Riksdag prior to dismissing them for two weeks and lighting a large candle which shall remain burning in the Riksdag while the representatives are back in their constituencies. "Today we dismiss this organisation to allow it to mark the rebirth of the sun. The organisation will, just as the sun will, return in the New Year re-energised ready to bring new life to the world of mankind and I look forward to the measures that the new year will bring. I wish all of you a glorious Yule, happy new year and restful holiday, just as I wish our citizens and fellow Odinists around the world." The Head Gothi was making reference to the way that the Riksdag had spent much of the last year readjusting laws and institutions to account for the addition of what was left of the Union of Nordic People into the Theocracy. Explaining as he spoke to the press the Head Gothi stated, "It has taken close to two years to merge everything, reorganise our RIksdag and declare the state of emergency over. Add to that the decision once the crisis was over for Allsherjargoði Jin Odinsson to retire from politics and then for his replacement to be found in the guise of Cathrine Nyström it has been a turbulent period for our nation. The Triumpherate emergency panel of Head Gothi, Allsherjargoði and Minister of Defence running the nation has been fully dissolved and democracy has been done through the election of the new Allsherjargoði. We must now trust that things can start focusing on the future direction of the Theocracy and no longer resolving issues from the past."

The period has so far been unique in that there have been no recorded arrests of Christians. As Yule conincides with their Christmas festivities is it not unusual for each year to see a handful of arrests from those flouting religious display laws. Last year a group of Christians were fined and given community service for cutting mistletoe for decorations from a sacred Odinist grove and others for singing Christmas songs on the street. There have been cases reported of where police have warned people however under the law those displaying or demonstrating Christian decorations, songs or other recognisable religious symbols are first given a warning and asked to remove the offending items or cease their behaviour. Those failing to do so are arrested and can face up to five years in prison or up to a $1000 fine, however in most cases the sentence has been a fine of around $100 for the first offence and community service of 10 hours charitable work. It is only for repeat offences or offences that directly "damage Odnism" that heavier sentences are given, for example when the group cut the Mistetoe from the sacred grove they were sentenced to 6 weeks in prison, a $500 fine and 30 hours community service to be served in woodland management. Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson commented on this years report saying. "I am pleased we have a nation dedicated to Yule. I know Christians will no doubt have their homes decorated inside, will be enjoying their Turkey dinners, exchanging presents and singing to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Silent Night. I wish them an enjoyable day and Happy New Year. Their festival shares some similarities with our own and I hope they can join in many of the festivities we traditionally have such as the firelight torch parades, children's hunts for sweets and the like."

The capital of Krokom will celebrate it's Wild Hunt on the first official day of Yule which is the 22nd of December. A paddling of Ducks will be released from the city square in front of the Head Gothi's residence. Each duck will have a bag of sweets tied about its neck and children will race to try and capture the ducks and retrieve the bags. Additionally in the afternoon a ceremonial parade through the cities 12 districts will take place with each district expected to bring an offering to the Head Gothi who will lead the parade. This often culminates in a great party in the city centre. This year the Head Gothi has already announced at the conclusion of the parade he will confer the title of Jarl on four people following the passing of the Nobility Act of November 2018 which allows the Head Gothi to make a new nobility so long as the Jarldom granted is not held for more than five generations. So far two have been granted ,Dr. Ragnar Momssen, the head of the Longboat 3 space programme was named Jarl of Uppsala while Birgit Strand was named the Jarl for Krokom.

The various embassies across Mundus will be reduced to a skeleton staff over the period allowing those working there to return home to the Holy Land of the Theocracy during the festival.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2019, 04:47:33 PM »



There was speculation today that new "security screens" that have appeared at a number of embassies across Krokom are being utilised as a way of stopping foreign nations exploiting loopholes in diplomatic standards in order to circumvent the nations laws on the display of religious symbols. In the last 24 hours a Christian diarama showing the Christmas Nativity scene appeared at the Tytor embassy gates, that evening however blue "security screens" were erected around the embassy. In addition similar screens were installed at the East Moreland and Soviet Kaitaine Embassies. The screens stand around 2.5 meters tall and are made out of a modular metal frame covered in thick wood. They are set up around a meter away from the embassies official perimeter and have a pedestrian entrance off-set from the official entrance. In addition a section is operable where the vehicle entrance is. The barriers have also been supplemented with a four man military presence watching the pedestrian gate and the vehicle gate. Soon after Minister of Defence Martja Larsson explained the decision saying, "Sadly we have seen in the past terrorists target our nation and these have worked with foreign powers. East Moreland and Soviet Kaitaine have long been a concern with the links to terrorist groups in the shape of the Borlanders and the Truthsayers. Sadly we recently saw Tytor become the target for one of the largest terrorist attacks in history. As such we believe we need to ensure the safety of these guests in our nation and can't be soft targets. What people need to remember is that unlike many nations we have not had a chance to establish embassies over decades and develop them in line with changing security threats. We therefore need to perhaps beef up things so our guests can operate in safety." When the Defence Minister was asked whether this had any connection with the religious display of Tytor she said, "If this was about the religious display why have we put them around the Soviet Kaitaine embassy, they are a nation with no religious affiliation. The Morelanders have long held religious services in their gardens and we have never had these built before now. The answer is simply because of security. The harder we make it for the groups that dislike these nations to hit the soft target in Krokom the better it is for our residents who live here and for foreign nationals working at the embassies. We are always happy to work with others, as was seen when we offered support to Tytor during their recent tragedy. Should these barriers make the embassy safer we may role them out to others."

A reporter for this paper found that when they attempted to enter the East Moreland embassy to set up a meeting with the ambassador for an upcoming interview regarding the upcoming royal marriage in Northfort they were not challenged by the Nya Åland military and had to walk between the fence and this new barrier. About ten meters later they turned through the main gate where East Moreland soliders under took their usual routine checks before being able to proceed into the embassy. "Yes it may on the surface seem a little intimidating but like anything its something people will get used to." Speaking to the East Moreland embassy they said "We're concerned it went up quickly with little warning but we can see the value in it for security purposes. As a result we will work with the Nya Åland government to beef up security if they feel it is needed. We have also asked for permission to make the barrier more aesthetically pleasing as at the moment its a bit of an eye sore. We have asked if it can be decorated with some kind of East Moreland themed art work, maybe scenes of our nations history, the beautiful Morelander countryside or something else."

Some critics however have said they believe it is nothing other than a way of maintaining the nations religious purity laws. One local Christian priest called Gilbert Limpar said, "Its hard being a Christian priest in Krokom. You have to constantly think about your words and dress in public, generally though we are free to just be Ålanders. I understand many of our faith leave but I for one will stay to ensure that the faithful who live in Krokom can seek spiritual nourishment either at our small chapel built in a former store or in our own homes. I am suspicious that no one talked of security barriers until this wonderful scene was erected and I do believe it was done in response to the government of Tytor constructing their display."

The government have claimed that the barrier will be in place until the end of Yule allowing more security personnel to have time at home.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2020, 09:31:18 PM »



Following reports that the government of Nya Åland is discussing some kind of partnership with the organisation known as the Treaty of Unity for Nations of the Alucard, also usually known as TUNA, members of the terrorist group known as the Gungnir have made a video statement issuing threats. The Gungnir declare themselves to be "Warriors of Odin"and "Guardians of the True Holy Land" and have in the past taken steps to try and cleanse Nya Åland of foreign citizens as well as non-Odinist religious influence. They have also carried out terror attacks against key sites of other religions such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Vanora. This time however they have said that they intend to ensure that the government do not permit the Water Nomads to gain Ålander citizenship. One of their self proclaimed leaders Ragnar Odinsson posted a video on the internet in which he said, "The ancestors of our people are sailors and warriors in our heart so are we. Should these people from the ocean try and set foot in our sacred lands we will tear them apart. Their faith is foreign to our groves and their stench is unwanted in our land. The Gungnir have shed blood across Åland to ensure that our faith remains strong. We have much work to do. The meek children of the nailed god of Christianity have already infiltrated our lands, the prostitute Goddess of Lodja has found a toe hold and the we shall not permit this." The group have not yet said how they intend to carry out their threat however Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson has increased the nations security stance.

The new Allsherjargoði, Cathrine Nyström, has also spoken to the media stating, "We have shown before that we will not stand for the Gungnir claiming to be the voice of Odin. While we consider those with differences to our culture to be guests in our land it is important that for as long as any person wishes to be a guest of the Ålanders we extend them our protection and hospitality. While talks are still on going regarding our relationship with TUNA it is too early to comment on what our stance on the citizenship of the Water Nomads shall be. We shall however prevent them from being targeted by a group of misinformed and misguided individuals who are as far away from Odin's children it is possible to be."

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2020, 09:26:36 PM »



Today a new video made by the leader of the terrorist organisation known as the Gungnir, Ragnar Odinsson, has appeared across the internet. The new video issues a warning as the nation has joined the Treaty of Unity for Nations of the Alucard (TUNA). Ragnar Odinsson has declared himself "Head Gothi of the Warriors of Odin" and has already issued warnings to foreigners residing in the nation. This new video however focuses on what Odinsson has called the "surrender" of Nya Åland. "Today our nation has joined an alliance which is not worthy of our prescence. We have the Paracambians, a nation that weaken the human spirit worshipping a God that permits them to, no demands of them that they consume drugs. Next we have the Lodjains, a nation of whores, the Bakkermayans, a nation that some would think we share ideals with as they revere warrior ways but let us not remember they tolerate the whores and junkies of their neighbours. Now we find ourselves in their company and have to put up with these strange Water Nomads. There was a time the ancestors of Åland made alliances with their bretherin, and we would welcome an alliance with the Cenneg, their Gods may have different names to ours but their stories are similar, they are a nation that is salvageable. The Odinist faith has been weakened by a desire to fit in, we have allowed our Gods to become comic books, we have seen our heritage twisted and now we are expected to grant foreigners the right to set foot on sacred soil. We therefore today launch the new constitution of Nya Åland. We shall enforce it with the blood of the outlanders should we need to."

Later that day a document was released to several media outlets claiming to be the new constitution of Nya Åland.

Quote from:  The New Constitution of Nya Åland according to The Gungnir

On this day henceforth we declare the following to be in effect in the territory of the Gods.

1. No person not born on Ålander soil and able to trace their ancestry back to Ålander born grandparents may claim to be citizens.

2. Nya Åland shall be ruled by a King. The first King shall be elected by the citizens of Nya Åland but must be able to trace their ancestry back to Ålander born great-grandparents.

3. The King shall appoint 12 hereditary Jarls who shall form the Council.

4. The Council must give approval to all decrees issued by the King.

5. Every two years The Thing must be held. Here each settlement with a population of more than 100 people may send a representative. The representatives at The Thing must be a citizen and may propose any law they wish. All proposed laws will be voted on by The Thing with those gaining a majority becoming law at the beginning of the next calender year. The King may not remove a law passed by The Thing without a 3/4 majority of the Council.

6. The King shall appoint judges known as Lawspeakers who shall hear disputes and rule on their settlement.

7. If both sides of a dispute agree Trial by Combat may be used to settle disputes with no legal repercussions should death or injury occur.

8. All non-citizens living in Nya Åland must pay a special tax to remain residents of Nya Åland and must swear an oath of loyalty to the King.

Further articles shall be determined by the first Thing.

Naturally Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson spoke out about the claims saying, "The Gungnir clearly wish to build a time travel machine and go back to darker times. Perhaps while we are allowing laws to be settled to favour the most physically strong we should also permit the Plague to run rampant. Times change and our faith can survive those changes without us having to hate others. This so called constitution is a document fuelled by hate and I do not recognise it as representing what is best about Odinism."

« Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 10:42:01 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2020, 08:57:34 PM »



The Joint Nordic Space Programme has today announced that they are to undertake testing of a new vehicle which they hope will pave the way for easier launches of micro-satellites. The Dolk, as it will be called, is designed to be able to eventually reach speeds of around Mach 4 as well as being "ultra-quiet" by not producing a traditional sonic boom. The head of the project is Mathias Bjalmir who has said, "There are a number of issues with super-sonic aircraft, mainly the damage caused at ground level by sonic booms and then the associated issues that go along with it. To be able to launch micro-satellites effectively high speeds are required and so being able to break the sound barrier is vital. It is our hope that within a few months our full sized version of The Dolk can begin testing."

The vehicle is being constructed by EMAC and will be shipped to Krokom in two sections where an EMAC team will work alongside the technicians of the JNSP to piece it together. Mr.Bjalmir explained, "While the JNSP has a host of experience building vehicles for space exploration this is more like a traditional aircraft  and EMAC have a track record of innovation and speed. We will be able to use the vehicle they build to gather all manner of data which will enable us to produce superior low orbit vehicles." The issue of supersonic air travel is likely to become more significant as several nations including New Derusima and Tytor[1] have announced routes featuring supersonic passenger flights. The Nya Åland government however has banned overflight of the nations airspace by any supersonic passenger plane on environmental and safety grounds. It is feared any sonic boom could damage people's property and it is well recorded that supersonic passenger travel is even more damaging for the environment than regular aircraft.

 1. Hope I recalled this correctly

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #45 on: March 19, 2020, 08:41:11 PM »



Over the last week or so there have been complaints about the nation experiencing what many are calling a "Signal Black Out." It has been apparent that everyday between around 10am and 11am TV, GPS and several other types of signal are being lost. In most occasions this has come in the form of static or as some reports have described a "Black Hole of noise". To date no one has worked out what is causing this phenomenum which has left engineers puzzled. Professor Bran Olvid of Krokom University has stated, "It is something we know can happen but we have no leads as to what is causing it. We would maybe see such things caused by things such as certain solar flares or increases in solar winds but these would be extremely brief losses lasting just a second or two. Something is happening which is causing these to be much longer." It has been suggested by some that faults in satellites could be causing the problem or alternatively that some form of blocking is being undertaken by hackers. "We are beginning to ramp up security on the systems we have in place in orbit to try and secure the signal however this will take several days to work out."

The problem has impacted several key industries such as TV news which has seen screens go blank or jumbled. Meanwhile the fishing industry have voiced their concern that at times their GPS network goes down meaning they are incapable locating their position accuratley. Several aircraft have also experienced a loss in communications. At the moment it seems that  Nya Åland is the only nation experiencing such a outage.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2020, 11:41:26 AM »


The annual whale hunt in Mikberg and Spitwald have been the only locations in Nya Åland where the traditional whale hunts could take place however yesterday the Head Gothi, Stein Ulfsson, announced that this year he is removing all limits in terms of geography or numbers. Despite this lifting of limits certain rules do still remain, no vessels may be used other than those powered by oars or sail, all whales must be hunted using the old traditional "drive method" and kills may only taken place using the traditional Grindaknívur whale knife. Tradtitionally once a pod of whales is spotted boats are used to make them turn into bays with each hunt being presided over by a marshall. Once the hunters are satisfied they have herded the pod into the bay a rope is extended across the bay and any whale falling behind the rope must be let go. The remaining whales are driven towards shallow water where other hunters wait armed with hooks and Grindaknívur. There the whale is hooked and dragged into the beach where a single blow from the Grindaknívur splits its spinal cord killing the whale. Traditionally only Mikberg and Spitwald have been permitted to take part in the hunt as they are often isolated for much of the winter and the whale meat becomes a vital part of the communities diet however this year preparations are even being made by parts of Krokom where bays exist. The meat may not be sold and each member of a community must be given an equal share of the meat.

The Head Gothi explained his decision. "Our nation has carefully looked at various forms of data. It is clear the pilot whale which the ones targeted are in abundance globally. Those of other nations just hear the term "whale" and assume we're somehow dragging Orca's up the beach, or hacking up Sperm whale. This type of hunting specifically targets the pilot whale and any species such as dolphins or other neighbouring species are herded back out to sea to continue their migration. The Alucard has a huge number of Pilot Whale since the world essentially halted the practice of whaling decades ago. That was at the time a decision made badly as we can't just talk of whales as a species, they are a diverse family of creatures. We are being lead by the science, there is no threat of the pilot whale even becoming under threat and so our people should be free to gather food just as we would Cod or Haddock. Each year we shall undertake a study into numbers and make recommendations based on what the data tells us. This year our people may freely hunt within the rules of the activity as governed by our traditions. I myself shall be helping with a hunt in my childhood home of Westerhafen and look forward to making my own Tvøst (boiled and salted whale meat)

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #47 on: May 22, 2020, 09:54:51 PM »



The Odinic Council has today announced that within the next three weeks it will have a debate on changes to the Euthanasia laws of the Republic. Currently the practice is banned however in recent years Police have become concerned about the number of "honour duels" and people committing suicide at old ritual Ättestupa. Head Gothi Daniel Stenberg was killed during an "Honour duel" having been diagnosed with Motor neurone disease. The former Head Gothi's death is typical of many of these "Honour duels" were a close friend symbolically fights the victim with swords, spears or axes until the person wising to die permits their defence to be broken and they receive a fatal injury. Often the deceased either writes to police via courier or records a message absolving their opponent of blame. While these people have been prosecuted in the past it is becoming more difficult to find jury's who are willing to see the situation as murder. While this is one way those of older years or with serious illness end their lives others resort to the ancient rite of throwing themselves from the Ättestupa. The Ättestupa are cliff faces where in the past those too old to support themselves or who had become a burden on their family would throw themselves to their deaths. It was believed that both these ways of dying showed courage and therefore ensured the deceased a place in Valhalla. Police at several cliff sites across the nation have reported over the last two years an increase in suicides and have often found the deceased person's car nearby with a note explaining their actions inside.

The Allsherjargoði Cathrine Nyström confirmed that the government will begin the process of reviewing the nations euthanasia laws. "Currently euthanasia in any form is illegal in the Republic, however having spoken on the matter with the Head Gothi I can see how a theocratic arguement could be made for the practice. It therefore is something I think we should consider reviewing. My concern is that the new law if changed to allow the practice could see the old and the ill pressured into accepting it. We must also consider the way such a measure is put into practice if we do elect to proceed. I would not wish to place our medical professionals in a situation where they are torn into conflicts between their patients wishes and their own morality. However we do it must allow all to follow both a legal ruling and their own conscience."

The Head Gothi has not spoken on the matter saying, "This currently is now a debate to be had in the Longhouse and Riksdag. I will happily attend either body if requested to provide spiritual guidance on the matter but the nature of the legislation is for Cathrine and her government to draw up independent of my opinion." The Head Gothi has also indicated that he believes that the matter could end up going to referendum, "The Allsherjargoði is keen that this law reflect the wishes, needs and thoughts of the people of the nation. The best way of doing this could be a general referendum however that is for her to determine and whichever direction they go in I shall support it."

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2020, 10:24:04 PM »



The Allsherjargoði, Catherine Nyström will visit five countries in just a little under a week in order to look at strengthening the nations relationships overseas. The elected Head of Government's visits will not be official state visits as those are undertaken by the Head Gothi and these have been described more as a "touching base" exercise. Mrs.Nyström will first head to Lodja before heading to Marseille, Bakkermaya, Zimalia and finally East Moreland, all nations the country has existing relationships with. The move has been praised by the Minister of Defence, and longest serving cabinet Minister, Martja Larsson who has said, "As a nation we do not do enough to keep ourselves in touch with nations that we would consider our friends. This visit is just hopefully like visiting a friend for coffee. With some nations there are things we wish to discuss but nothing will be ground breaking. With Lodja we have some ideas about their recent satellite initiative, with Bakkermaya we want to discuss their environmental projects, Marseille are a nation we've not spoken with for a while despite our shared history from a few years back. Then its off to Alba Karinya, following our own issues with natural disasters we wanted to return the favour so to speak and a lot of our citizens have got involved in projects there, I'd obviously like to see that. Finally I'll stop in Northfort to discuss with the Morelanders a few projects and we also realise that despite the massive amount of help given to us over the years by Morelanders no formal thanks has been given in their nation." Mrs. Nyström added, "This is the first of several short tours we want to take part in. Some times it will be me going, other times it will be the Head Gothi. Should something have a chance of resulting in a formal treaty of agreement then we'll maybe both need to go, but that is some way off."



At the age of 19 Olivia Robertsson shot to national recognition for leading a group of injured survivors from the Uppsala Disaster which damaged a large part of the Eastern part of the nation to safety. At the time Miss Robertsson was a first year medical student and with the aid of a military radio and first aid kit was able to save the lives of several of her party. This however was not a stop to her adventures, if the aftermath of the Uppsala Disaster she signed up for duty with the Joint Emergency Team during her University breaks and saw stints in first Mavrosia and then the Krokom Chemical Leak as a medical assisstant. During the Krokom Chemical Leak she was one of a number of medics who, when caught in the chemical cloud refused to leave patients despite protective equipment failing. She spent several weeks in and out of hospital following that with chemical burns on her arms and hands. For her actions she was granted several awards and commendations some of which included financial rewards, all of which she invested in setting up mobile health clinics in Zimalia. Today however she has achieved her ambition of qualifying as a doctor. The 23 year old graduated from her medical degree from Krokom University and will now begin a probationary period as a junior before being officially recognised as a licenced doctor. As she graduated with her classmates a special video message was played from the Head Gothi who sent his congratulations to all those graduating before making a special announcement regarding Miss Robertsson.

"Today we recognise a class of individuals who have made the decision to dedicate their lives to making others better. I wish every single graduate today a long, successful and happy career and thank you in advance for the great work you will do on behalf of the nation. One individual among this graduating class however already as made a legacy many of us strive to emulate. Olivia Robertsson is too many in Zimalia a hero and I echo that belief. The Longhouse last year approved the creation of 20 new Thanes for the nation based on merit, so far we have only approved 2 of them but today I am honoured to name Olivia Robertsson the Thane of Jokkmokk. The title shall remain in her family for two generations. We believe that Thane Olivia will continue her tireless efforts to follow the Eight Noble virtues and we thank her for her dedication to the country and its people."

Thane Olivia now joins Ragnar Momssen (Flight Director of several JNSP missions) and Birgid Strand (Foreign Minister and Diplomat) as the new Thanes for the Republic.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #49 on: June 20, 2020, 12:20:48 PM »



Today the nation has taken to the countryside to celebrate the festival of Midsommer and give thanks to the God Baldur. The Head Gothi, Stein Ulfsson held a ceremony to welcome the sun at around 3:30am this morning. As the sun made its first appearance over the horizon he appeared in the square before his residence in the capital and addressed the gathered crowd, many of whom were dressed in white carrying mistletoe. "Today we remember the death of the God Baldur. Tales tell of how he was a generous God who brought joy to those around him. We celebrate the goodness that he brought to the world. His death was mourned by all things in creation except Loki, thus confining him to Hel until Ragnarok." The Head Gothi then carried out the traditional sacrifice of a lamb in the square before asking the Gods to grant the nation "security from harm, a bountiful future and warmth of friendship" Ulfsson then used the blood to bless around 200 members of the various Odinic shrines across the nation, these people will then take the blessing back to their own shrine and thus it will filter down.

People then began heading out to the countryside in order to be in a place of nature for the midday rituals of saluting the sun. Across the nation people stopped at midday and raised a hand towards the sun and recited a traditional prayer to Baldur. This being over people enjoyed large outdoor feasts and picnics. A tradition saw young unmarried girls pick 7 different varieties of wild flowers in silence, it is believed that if these are woven together and put under the girls pillow that evening the man she dreams of that evening will be the person they marry. During the suns descent the people took to river and lakes to bath. It is believed that this will help wash away the evil of the prior year and cleanse the spirit. People will then build bonfires and sit around them until sunrise the following morning.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2020, 10:16:40 PM »



The remote inland province of Rolsbaek has for centuries been home of large herds of domesticated Reindeer. These animals are used as both transportation in parts of Nya Åland  during heavy snow falls as well as being eaten as a part of the nations culinary delights. The news of an outbreak of a deadly virus among livestock called Yellow tongue however has seen the Ministry of Agriculture state that they intend to inspect herds of animals for signs of the disease. While this has been largely co-operated with by typical animal farmers the Reindeer herders of Rolsbaek have refused to co-operate. The remote area sees almost all year round snow making reindeer the most suitable for of livestock. The farmers there are rather traditionalist and believe that the disease will not have been able to reach their herds. They are however concerned that during the elections the now Allsherjargoði, Catherine Nyström talked about the need for areas like Rolsbaek to modernise their agriculture to better protect the environment and diversify the regional economy. In one speech the Allsherjargoði stated, "Reindeer require huge tracts of land to roam and that is land that could be developed for a vast array of industry that would bring much more money into the economy than the pittance reindeer herding does. The Reindeer are also in such numbers that they actually harm the environment, rampaging through woodlands and damaging the more lucrative sustainable lumber industry."

Mads Thomasson is one of the Reindeer farmers and has had a herd for 30 years as of yesterday he was refusing to allow inspectors from the Ministry of Agriculture onto his land. "I know what their aim is. They will look for the smallest problem, a lame Reindeer who has probably just been kicked hard by a rival in the herd. They'll use that to say my herd have this made up virus and then kill the hundreds I have. This Yellow-Tongue is something we've seen before just given a new name. People are saying its a high mortality rate, but lets look at the nations that are reporting problems, The Allied Ardian States, Solemani, Achkaerin and several others. These are all nations that farm intensively and have lost the traditions of proper animal husbandry. Our Reindeer are as close to naturally reared as possible. All we do is protect them from predators and in times of severe weather do our best to shelter them, not a single drug or chemical enters their body while a ASA cow will be shot full of a chemical soup. Is there any wonder the Gods have unleashed a virus on them. Those of us who cling to the old ways toil much harder but enjoy much sweeter rewards, and of course the protection of the All Father." Thomasson and his four sons were seen blocking access to their homestead with farm machinary and were visible throughout the day riding Reindeer around the edges of their land armed with shotguns.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture stated, "Its important we ensure Mr.Thomasson's animals are not ill and potentially spreading this disease. To claim its some kind of man made illness is ridiculous and his antiquited belief can not be allowed to jeopardise his neighbours herds. We think it unlikely that we would find anything but we would not be doing our jobs if we did not carry out checks." This newspaper visited the six farmsteads closest to the Thomasson one and each of them said they would also not allow what they called the "Allsherjargoði's Animal Assassins" onto their land. As nightfall fell the Ministries staff left the area but only after two Ministry cars were found to have had their tyres slashed and another had a set of antlers set into the grill. The Ministry have stated they shall seek a court order giving them the right to force an inspection if the farmers don't comply.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2020, 02:03:13 PM »



Allsherjargoði Catherine Nyström has today commented on claims made by the head of the Rosari faith along with several others. Yesterday the Grand Master of the Rosari faith called upon different faiths to support action aimed at Nya Åland's religious laws stating they intend to fund legal cases and offer finances for people convicted of crimes. The nations Head of Government and leader of the nations largest political party, the Odinic Rite, spoke out about this steps saying. "The Rosari Grand Master and those who have called to support the programme are in effect encouraging criminality. To put a sympathetic hand on a persons shoulder and throw money at them once they have broke a law legally passed by a nation is unheard of and amounts to nothing more than an attempt to carry out an assault on the Holy Land. Through our nations history the Union of Nordic People's various composite parts each suffered at the hands of Christianity making inroads, thankfully the Ålanders stood fast against that storm and preserved the Odinist faith in its truest sense and managed to restore it. Now as an independent nation once more we will not make the same mistakes again however it now appears that a multitude of religions wish us too. It is interesting however that places like Mecca which have had a rule of no non-Muslims for centuries have not been talked about, nor have the fact Fleur which has almost the exact same laws as us been mentioned. We see this being a "Nord" issue therefore leading us to conclude that for some reason we are being targetted."

Among several other comments include that by the Pharoah of Clysperis, the High Priestesses  of the Cult of Helus and the Cult of Namis and the High Priest of the Ishitic Faith. Mrs.Nystrom went on to explain, "As a nation we do not target people by faith. We ask them to respect the Holy Land in the same way that a follower of the Cult of Helus would expect me visiting the Temple of Helus in Northfort to show respect. This land is the land upon which the saga's of Odin and his kin took place and so to us is no different to the Temple of Helus. I'am sure the people of that faith would not tolerate me walking in and damaging it, we do the same only our Temple is the whole of Nya Åland. We do not bare ill will to any of those who have spoken out, it is naturally they wish to weaken other faiths to advance their own just in the case of the followers of Odin they will find our shield wall is strong."

The Allsherjargoði and Head Gothi are said to be meeting regularly and will "steadfastly protect the land of Odin"


Two years ago the N-AX the nations first domestically produced fighter in over 40 years entered service. The aircraft is slowly phasing out the Angurvadal fighter which entered service in 1974 and to date 45 out of a total of 130 have been delivered. The aircraft is capable of being both launched from conventional airfields as well as flying from carriers thanks to its unique approach to vertical and short take off and landing design. It is hoped that showing the aircraft off at such a large international event could lead to interest from elsewhere.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2021, 08:13:57 PM »



Following completion of her first year as a qualified doctor Olivia Robertsson, who was made a Thane last year, has signed up to go and work in Waddan for six months. Robertsson sprang to national and then international prominence for her successful rescue of a large number of victims of the UNP Disaster when aged just 19. She single handedly established a medical post at a remote airfield where around 20 refugees had fled. At that time Robertsson had only just finished her first year of medical training. She was then responsible for guiding her group of survivors to a military outpost where they received further medical care. Around twelve months later she voulenteered to work with the Joint Emergency Team when the Uppsala Chemical Leak caused thousands of deaths. Robertsson recieved several awards for her actions which saw her refuse to leave a medical aid post despite recieving chemical burns to her hands and experiencing breathing difficulties of her own. As part of one of her awards she was given an annual pension from the government which she has never accepted and has instead used it to fund mobile health clinics in Zimalia where she has spent a great deal time promoting public health, vaccinations and providing health clinics to remote areas.

Robertsson has now completed a year of working as a doctor in the Accident and Emergency section of Grunwald Hospital and is now going to move to Waddan for 12 months. She has stated that, "Waddan has a rather interesting society and that presents some unique medical challenges. They have one of the lowest life expectancies on Mundus and I suspect that is connected to issues such as access to health care in remote areas. I'd be interested in seeing what similarities there are between the situation we've seen in Zimalia where we've made some major steps forward in terms of helping their medical systems." Thane Olivia will be joined by two other medics from our nation who will spend time in the capital as well as taking health care to remote areas. 

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2021, 03:18:40 PM »



The Joint Nordic Space Programme have today confirmed that following successful wind tunnel trials the prototype of an ultra-quiet supersonic aircraft built by EMAC. The design was put together by scientists at JNSP however utilising ideas from EMAC's "Ghost Dragon" programme it was determined the East Moreland based company would be seen as the best construction partner. The aircraft has undergone several scale model tests including a half size remote control model having been flown for around 400 hours. Now the full size prototype has completed wind tunnel checks and will be examined by the Åland Aviation Authority over the next few days to be given an airworthiness certificate. Once that has been issued the Dolk could be flying as early as next Friday.

The aircraft was initially designed to fly at Mach 4 however at present the JNSP have confirmed the first tests will not allow the aircraft above Mach 1.6. The Dolk was developed as a way of trying to reduce the impact supersonic passenger flight may have on people living near ground routes following a surge of nations planning on reintroducing supersonic passenger routes. Currently no Supersonic passenger aircraft is licenced to operate from Ålander airports. If successful the aircraft would produce a 75 Perceived Level decibel (PLdB) thump on ground, as loud as closing a car door, compared with 105-110 PLdB (comparable to music at a pneumatic drill) for existing supersonic aircraft.

The JNSP have also confirmed that the first five flights will be remotely piloted. 
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 05:58:29 PM by KrisNord »

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2021, 06:16:39 PM »



The  Interplanatery Cube-sat Analysis Vehicle mission is due to launch this Friday. The mission is designed to complete a series of hierachal objectives designed to test the various potential uses of miniture satellites for space exploration. The launch will see a pair of satellites, each weighing around 1.5kg into a path that will see them escape Mundus' orbit and head towards Nergal. The primary focus is the ability to communicate with satellites such as these over large distances. The satellites will also collect data on solar winds similar to that obtained by the 2014 mission of Longboat One and later Longboat Two. This will allow the teams at mission control to compare the data produced by the satellites in terms of their accuracy. The satellites will also be expected to be able to act as communication relays passing information back to Krokom where the mission will be controlled by the JNSP. It is hoped that should this test mission be successful that Cube-Sat's could be used for a variety of missions such as providing multiple roles in support of deep-space human missions, e.g., external inspection of flight systems, "third viewpoint" observation of operations, advance reconnoitering of exploration sites, and continuous monitoring observations after humans depart a site.

Should the programme work it is expected ICAV will be adapted to a mother-ship style probe which will deposit a network of Cube-Sats across the solar system as a foundation for more ambitious projects down the line.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2021, 12:49:35 PM »



Following a successful launch the JNSP has today confirmed that the two small cube satellites are on track heading for Nergal. The satellites are part of a programme that will undertake a variety of tests aimed at, among other things, improving communications through the solar system as well as improving data accuracy on a variety of connected projects. It is hoped that if the initial pair show promise that a further 25 will be launched in short order. Speaking to the media today a spokesman of the JNSP said, "These types of satellites have a great potential for deep space exploration and so we are keeping our fingers crossed. We plan to launch a version of them in the next six months that can be used to inspect the exterior of spacecraft easily and even potentially be recovered and reused."

It is understood a JNSP crew will be venturing to the East Moreland "inflatable space station" for a two week series of experiments in the coming weeks. This crew will become part of the communications tests with the ICAV launch.



In an attempt to help reduce carbon emissions farmers across the country are being asked to take part in an experiment utilising Biochar. The project is being backed by the Ministry for the Environment and the University of Saurri. The idea is to take agricultural waste such as parts of crops left behind after harvesting or failed crops. Normally on many occasions these are simply burnt releasing a significant amount of carbon in the process. Under the new programme a farmer can call for a Biochar kiln to be brought to their site where the waste can be put into a kiln where temperatures reach  400–500 °C. The process produces a form of carbon rich charcoal which can be turned into pellets which can be ploughed into the fields as a form of fertiliser but also locking away carbon for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. In addition to the charcoal the process can also be used to produce a bio-oil which can be used as a fuel as well as a gas, known as syngas,  which can also be used for a variety of purposes. On a typical processing run a burn will produce  60% bio-oil, 20% biochar, and 20% syngas however changes in temperature can be effected which will change this make upto favour more biochar.

The process has however been criticised as some as to burn the waste energy is required, however Professor Ullich from the University of Saurri explained, "The process see's us gain more energy than we use. Our mobile plants can use the syngas output and yield 3–9 times the amount of energy required to run. While we still will be releasing CO2 the amount is cut by at least 50% as the biochar is returned into the earth and the oil and gas mean we require less fossil fuels which produce much more CO2. In addition we are now utilising something that would normally have been wasted CO2, by that we mean carbon dioxide that is just released, we now get multiple uses out of this CO2. The Biochar helps create a   habitat for beneficial soil micro organisms and we hope that it will produce higher yields in farms allowing us to also tackle food production issues. We also hope to prove we will have a process that will reduce soil emissions of greenhouse gases, reduce nutrient leaching, reduce soil acidity, and reduce irrigation and fertilizer requirements, all things that will help the planet."

So far six of the mobile kilns have been given the go ahead with the Environment Ministry hoping to see a much larger fleet in the near future.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2021, 09:40:39 PM by KrisNord »

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2021, 10:04:17 PM »



Captain Noak Heikke who lead operations by Ålander special forces units known as Huscarl's has today spoken publically of the units growing demands for Marseille's former military officer General Cartier to finally stand trial. During the conflict in Marseille several units of Huscarl's infiltrated Marseille and working with local militia forces managed to help liberate large areas of the capital. Following the conflict it was one of these local militia leaders, Jean-Pierre Cantona, who became the newly created Republic of Marseilles first President. The bond between Nya Åland and Marseille has remained strong with regular visits between the two nations militaries. Today after returning from one such visit Captain Heikke spoke out about the situation.

"In 2016 we were promised that Cartier's crimes would be investigated and justice would be done. Stupidly our nation left that in the hands of the CTO never expecting that a war criminal responsible the execution of POW's would outlive the organisation that ended his actions. Cartier has sat in Achkaerin custody for years and now myself, and those of both Åland and Marseille who served in that conflict demand that he is handed over for trial. His crimes took place in Marseille and as such a now stable Marseille should have any of their citizens who committed crimes handed back to face justice."

Heikke won the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions in Marseille and then the Silver Spear for service during the Uppsala Crisis. He is considered one of the nations most decorated military voices and has also spoke about the conflict saying. "The case against Cartier is open and shut. Many Ålanders wore cameras when we were on operations, we made frequent use of close air support via aircraft and drone. One of the victims of the execution of POW's was Jonas Ekdahl, a pilot whose aircraft was shot down over Marseille during our attempts to prevent mass executions at a prison in the capital. His execution was witnessed by UAV's. This case smacks of a hold up by the CTO and former CTO members who not only tried to keep us out of the conflict despite us being struck by missiles, but then threatened up with violence and then made separate settlement deals without including key members of Real Marseille, our own forces and other militia groups. The CTO, now in its decay, owes Marseille and Åland a debt and Cartier must pay for it."

It is not yet known whether Marseille or Nya Åland will make a formal request for extradition however a meeting is due to take place between the President of Marseille and the Head Gothi in the coming days.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2021, 12:49:56 PM »


Following over a month of waiting for action over the return of disgraced Marseille military officer,  General Cartier, the Odinic Council today voted on a symbolic protest over the action. The Council voted to withdraw recognition of the Uppsala Convention, a document authored by Willa Sunbrek, Birgid Strand (nations current Foreign Minister) and King David of East Moreland. The gesture was made with the statement that, "Withdrawal is neccessary because the Convention, a cornerstone of international diplomacy, has been utilised in a manner never intended. The Treaty was designed to prevent criminals getting away with the most horrendous of crimes. We now see it actively protecting such a person. Article 1.2 states. "National Governments must ensure that all military personnel comply with this document at all times.". Marseille have been denied the oppurtunity to ensure an example is set for their own, and other nations soldiers across Mundus. Cartier is most likely guilty of the crime of murder in Marseille and as they are not refusing to prosecute him he should face trial. At present we are seeing the ghost of the CTO "Big Nations" imposing their authority on a nation who is more than capable of handling this situation themselves."

Following the statement being read by Allsherjargoði Catherine Nyström a second vote was taken an hour later where the Council voted 82-11 to rejoin the Uppsala Convention. This time it was left to Minister of Defence Martja Larsson to make a statement saying. "As a veteran of our nations armed forces I am only too aware of the importance of this treaty, especially as its bares the name of one of our cities, the fact we have felt a need to take this action should show the anger we and Marseille have in the current process. Cartier should be standing on trial for murder of citizens of Marseille and soldiers of Nya Åland. The Uppsala Convention was designed to bring those who had committed war crimes to justice when there was no other course of action. It will now be six years since the killing there ended and nearly as long since Marseille repaired itself. Those who have died need justice."

At almost the same exact time as this action was taken in Nya Åland similar actions were taken in Marseille where their own government voted to leave before also resigning the treaty.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2021, 02:16:39 PM »


The Joint Nordic Space Programme (JNSP) have today announced that they have formed a new policy that may influence future space operations. The agency have announced following reviews of several decades worth of data from various missions that potentially space exploration itself could damage future discoveries. Speaking to the media ahead of preparations to launch the Nergal Trekker in the new year. "Following reviews of several of our own missions to other planets or their moons we have come to the realisation that the discovery of some form of life out in the solar system is possible. That though is very likely to be nothing more than bacteria or small single celled organisms. The scale of this life may not be spectacular but they will be vital to protect. As such we are now committing to take action to protect this kind of life by taking extra precautions when exploring several regions which will be called Special Protection Zones."

The Nergal Trekker will be the first mission to utilise these rules. An area will be classified as a Special Protection Zone if it has a water activity level of between 0.6 and 1.0. It must also have a temperature of at least -25 celsius. The JNSP classification will also apply if it is likely the region has experienced these conditions at any point in the last 500 years. While these rules will now only apply to the JNSP missions it is hoped other space exploration programmes will also utilise these measures. A spokesperson explained "We have the Outer Space Standards and these have been an excellent foundation for space exploration. They though are now being faced by changes in technology and knowledge which will mean that the Standards must change eventually too. We will be using these criteria as a judge and anytime we think of operating there the probe or lander will have extra precautions to ensure no contamination takes place, this will see certain materials not used, strict use of -100,000 clean rooms, gas sterilisation and various other safeguards."

At present no zones on any planet or moon that fulfil the criteria have been discovered but as more exploration begins to take place it is thought that eventually some will be.

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Re: Nya Åland News
« Reply #59 on: December 04, 2021, 06:22:22 PM »


Following the resignation of Roger Heldstam as the Odinic Council member for Southern Uppsala it was expected that Nord First Party would retain their seat however a surprise increase of around 8,500 votes saw the People's Right Party take control of the position. Lily Bergstrom was elected as the areas new representative running on a ticket of campaigning for more rights for minorities, a rejoining of the MCUR and referendums on all international institution memberships. In the last election, which came just after the joining of former UNP territory into Nya Åland, the Odinic Rite took the seat with 10,003 votes, meanwhile the People's Right Party had 1,483. It was therefore expected that the Odinic Rite would take the seat again in this election however that has not been the case as the People's Right Party gained  10,837 votes compared to the Odinic Rite getting 3,821. The vast shift was explained by the reopening of Universities in the city which have attracted a large number of younger citizens who are considered to be more liberal and internationalist in their outlook. Additionally many of the former citizens of the Union of Nordic People have returned home and the PRP had always traditionally done well in the elections before unification.

After the result was announced the new Councilwoman Bergstrom spoke with the media to say she was looking forward to taking her seat. "We still have the Odinic Rite with a huge majority in the Council. We are still the smallest party within the Council but as more elections are due over the next 12 months we are hoping to make inroads into that majority and be a vocal opposition." Bergstrom courted controversy during her campaign by finding a loophole that permitted the long banned Avengers series of films to be shown. The film series was banned as it portrays the God Thor as more of an "alien" than a God and also see's a character deny his divinity. The film was banned because it's "message runs contrary to the truth of our faith". Having consulted with a lawyer and then tested in court it was revealed that by editing out that line and several others the film would not meet that threshehold. Bergstrom hosted a "Avengers Movie Marathon" which saw large scale protests while still attracting several thousand people.