Author Topic: Daily Doyen  (Read 1362 times)

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Offline skipper99

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Daily Doyen
« on: August 28, 2019, 04:07:17 AM »
Lieutenant Alea stands on the edge of the NNS Bournetsfi, Novincias massive aircraft carrier, in the middle of the Sea of Kyne. The waters are white, perfect for a swim call. Alea will be swimming, but this is not a swim call. He is about to undergo his 3rd phase in training to become apart of Mundus' most feared aquatic force- TRIDENT GROUP. This phase of training is called "Sea Week", where all TG candidates must exhibit total confidence in swimming. Failing Sea Week would mean a roll back to Day 1 of TG training, and that would mean undergoing the infamous "Fire Week" again, where the attrition rate for candidates is well above 60%.

Lt. Alea, 26 years old, dons his SCUBA gear and prepares to leap 60 feet into the bone chilling waters. The instructors double check to make sure all candidates properly donned their gear. "Boys, this will be your only attempt at this! So make it count! When I say three, extend your legs and jump! Do not hit the ship, not only will you probably die but our precious SCUBA gear will have to be replaced!" Alea looked to his side to see Lt. Doziz, a friend he had made since the beginning of Fire Week. "This is it." Alea said under his breathing apparatus. Noziz glanced and grinned, looking back down to the leap.

"One, two, three! Jump jump jump!"

Alea jumped and felt the weight of the gear shift towards his neck. He freefalled for what seemed like forever, never looking down, only toward the horizon. He splashed in the water and felt his mask slip, however swiftly fixing it and began to swim away from the Bournetsfi. The cold waters of Kyne were unforgiving and pierced through his suit, but he kept on swimming. When surfacing, he saw Noziz face down, unresponsive. "Noziz! What's wrong?" he called. No answer. He swam toward his friend, and an instructor leaped into the water to help as well. Alea got to where Noziz was and lifted his face out of the water. His mask had been shaken off his head, and he looked as if he was lifeless. "Alea! Bring him to the latter!" Without hesitation, Alea dragged Noziz to the side of the boat 70 feet, meeting an instructor to hoist him up. "Go complete the evolution, we got it from here." he was ordered. And he did.

Later, Alea would find out Noziz suffered a punctured lung and was airlifted to a Novincian Hospital, however, he would die before the helicopter reached Novincian territorial waters.

Casualties were common in TG training. It was hard, ruthless, and comparable to hell. Only the strong survive, and the weak minded go home. But Lt. Alea did not expect his own friend to be apart of the statistic. Throughout the rest of his training he would bear in mind that Noziz was counting on him to complete it, and so he did. Lieutenant Alea would be assigned to TRIDENT GROUP 2, also known as SEA EAGLE and serve for 10 years in the Navy.

"Hello there, Chris." Mr. Vagin walked into the Doyens study with a cup of coffee and an envelope. "Mr. Vagin, as much as I'd like to be called 'Chris', you know the rules, in the Domsily I am to be referred as Doyen." Uri sipped his coffee with a grin. "Oh! My apologies your highness!" Alea laughed. "Good to see you Mr. Vagin, how's it going?" The Doyen sat across from Uri as he set his cup of coffee down. "Pretty hectic, sir. The 2nd Pavilo is, as you know, remodeling everything. I'm just letting them do what they want. It's almost as if my position is useless." He grabbed the envelope and slid it to the Doyen. "That's our plan. We're gutting our military and putting in more modern things. This will take lots of money so I will have to ask for a slight increase in our budget. But this will be sustainable, and a great investment, I assure you. You and I both know the importance of a strong military." The Doyen looked at the envelope and placed it under his butt to read later. "You know, I haven't really asked you about your military days, Mr. Vagin." Uri nodded, "Well they are certainly not comparable to what you did, but I think I did an honorable service, I mean, I am" The Doyen smirked, "I was just thinking about my days in the service, before you came in." Uri cocked his old head and asked "Anything I'm allowed to hear?" Alea laughed and got up with a sigh. "I didn't do much honestly. My days with the the TG's were mostly admin work. I was a war machine being forced to input data and push pencils. Every once in awhile we were deployed but only to make sure we didn't get complacent." Uri thought over his days in the service during the World War, as General of the Novincian Army he deployed to the front lines and lead thousands of men during the Novincian invasion of Themata, which would later be known as Operation Colossal Ajax. "It's not about what you did, it's about what you signed up to do. And that, my Lord, was to give your life for this nation without thinking twice." Alea smiled. "Besides, look at yourself today, the TG's didn't just teach you how to kill someone 6 different ways. You're running a nation now, a Kingdom." Alea cut him short, "Oh stuff it, old man, if I had a nickel every time I heard that I'd have enough money to give you your budget you're asking for." Uri smiled and walked toward the doors, "I just came by to clue you in what's going on, and... also as an excuse to get out of that place." The Doyen was fixing himself a cup of coffee, "Well you're welcome to use this place as a refuge, if you'd like. I have to get my bags packed. John and I are traveling to Pyrena Castle. We were invited by the Empress herself. "Well why wasn't I invited?" Uri asked with a fake sad face. "Well I don't want the military guy coming with me. People will think I'm some kind of dictator. Plus, you'll probably embarrass me." Uri held in a chuckle. "I like to drink before meeting people, it helps me loosen up," Uri said as he felt for his flask in his breast pocket. "You're lucky you're my favorite cabinet member, old man." The Doyen exited his study.

Mr. Vicente was waiting by the door with the Doyeness, Deborah Alea. "All packed up, sir?" he asked. "Just some toiletries and I'll be good to go." Deborah pulled him to the side, whispering "I have good news." Her eyes lit up and her smiled widened. "Honey, can it wait?" Deborah strengthened her grip on his arm, "No, this is big." Chris looked at John, who was just as confused. "One moment."

They went into the study to see Uri frantically putting his flask away. "Your Highness, forgive me I-", he was cut short by Chris. "Step outside Uri, just for a moment." Uri shuffled toward the door and closed it carefully. He walked away to speak with Mr. Vicente.

"Honey, sit down, now I know we haven't had a conversation about it, but, it's too late for that anyway. I'm excited and I hope you will be too." Chris looked into his wifes eyes baffled. He had no idea what she needed a quiet room for. "Deb, what is this about? Tell me." Deb held Chris' hands together and leaned toward his ear. "

"I'm pregnant."