Author Topic: The Skalvian-Vynish War (1992-1997)  (Read 5446 times)

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Offline Viljandi

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The Skalvian-Vynish War (1992-1997)
« on: September 18, 2023, 10:31:35 PM »
OK, so Baal and I will use this thread to hash this out in a more public sphere. So basically any surrounding powers in Albion or further away actors who want to contribute are welcome. We'll be posting a background of everything this weekend.

Offline Baal

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Re: The Skalvian-Vynish War (1992-1997)
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2023, 01:28:35 PM »

Fall of the Zaydrovich Dynasty

The Zydrovich Dynasty lasted 300 years but eventually lost power in Skalvia on 30/04/1970 after nearly a decade of economic freefall and lack of care and represseion given to the northern regions of Skalvia which house many of the nation’s ethnic minorities such as the Chavekians, Yazedis, Lavonians, Estozans and Lithanians. This region that houses the political entities known as Lavonia, Estoza and Lithania is collectively referred to in modern Skalvia and Vynlandia as Balthnia due to their common coastline in Balthnian Sea, formerly known as the Balthnian lake due to the 3 regions being a part of Skalvia that surrounded it.

Balthnia prier to 1920 were 3 different nations, the former nations known as Kingdom of Lithania, the Grand Duchy of Lavonia and the Republic of Estoza where all conquered in the War of Skalvian Succession; where the royal house of Jagelyn ruled both Lavonia and Lithania in a personal monarchical union was purged and the Zydrovich Dynasty took over the two kingdoms in their own personal Union and outright conquered the Republic of Estoza.

The Balthnian region was fully amalgamated by 1934 under Emperor Alexander Suverik Zydrovich VI. The Zydrovich Dynasty’s rule in modern history is usually described as abject neglect. Taxes were higher in the regions with ethnic minorities, and their economies were extracted to further the standard of living for Skalvia’s Rus majority including the Uralic and mostly Protestant Estoza and Balthnian nations of Lavonia and Lithania who are mostly Catholic.

By 1970 the Skalvian economy was in free fall, years of economic mismanagement and unfair tax policies on the nations working class and under class in the nations urban areas leading to a cost-of-living crisis and famine in northern region of Yazedistan bordering Bahia, and the Tashgir region west bordering eastern Rhand. The two regions got to a breaking point leading to rebellions across the nations ethnic minorities including the region of Balthnia. To prevent a full-scale rebellion, a seasoned General named Sergey Vladislav Grogorvich led a coup against Emperor Suverik Zydrovich VI, however the Emperor’s life wasn’t taken, instead a deal was made. The emperor and his family will get to live if they leave the country, the emperor agreed.

The Rise of Sergey Grogorvich

A week later General Grogorvich assumed power by dissolving the Imperial Duma and led a military dictatorship under the short lived Skalvian Federal Republic. For 5 years General Grogorvich began strong arming his way towards absolute power by promoting a loyal cadre within the military, eroding civil society and strong arming the Skalvian Orthadox church. He restored civilian rule in 1975 after getting to much negative attention from the international community including his immediate neighbours, most notably the Union of Vynlania due to an influx of refugees and the stories of repression of ethnic minorities and crushing of dissent.

To placate his neighbours concerns he restored the Imperial Duma, in 1975, the same year he founded his own political party simply known as “Skalvia United Party” a right wing party with an emphasis on nationalism and economic renewal. Five years later in the 1980 federal election the Skalvia United Party with Sergey Grogorvich at the head won an absolute majority on 74% of the national vote under the slogan of “One Nation, One People.”

 Vague as it was he won the people over by appealing to the fact that all within Skalvia should be taxed and treated equally including the nations ethnic minorities and everyone having an equal stake in the economy including living standards, he expressed his wish to implement this by stating that he wanted to adopt the more humanistic and welfare friendly policies practised in Vynlandia, however not everyone in the international community was convinced.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 08:47:07 AM by Baal »