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Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« on: August 28, 2017, 02:51:09 AM »

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« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 04:39:18 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 07:21:53 PM »

Empress Cautions Kadassa: 'The Clock Is Running Out'

"We shall do all that is in our power to stand by Lakhzovia, even in a situation where we may be incapable of standing by its Government."

As the crisis deepens in Lakhzovia Pyrena Castle has stated that the Republic of Lakhzovia is "in blatant violation" of the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord, with Empress Evanthe warning Kadassa that "the patience of the First Empire is not infinite; the clock will not grant President Kadassa countless moments." Citing the actions of Kadassa as weakening the free institutions of Lakhzovia and breeding instability the Empress made clear that Lakhzovia is in breach of Article II of the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord and promised that "should conditions not improve, the First Empire will be moved to consider all options available. We shall do all that is in our power to stand by Lakhzovia, even in a situation where we may be incapable of standing by its Government."

"Through weakening those free institutions that do exist in Lakhzovia we see not a vibrant and functioning democracy, but a de-facto dictatorship under Kadassa," the Empress continued. "Great patience has been shown towards the President in addressing the Election Crisis, further patience has been granted in the Embassy Crisis and, at present, yet more patience has been allotted for the Utman Crisis. While the First Empire remains confident that President Kadassa will act in the best interests of his People and engage the international community that patience does not spring from an eternal well. Eventually, should conditions not change, this well will run dry and we will be forced to re-evaluate Rokkenjiman ties with the government of President Kadassa."

The Empress is scheduled to meet with Emperor Peter on the crises, stating that "I have great faith in the ability of Rokkenjima and Achkaerin to work together on bringing a lasting resolution to the Lakhzov Crises. President Kadassa cannot be handed a blank check to openly deconstruct the Lakhzov democracy, nor is it tenable for President Kadassa to lay waste to his own People. I remain faithful that President Kadassa will see the wisdom in engaging with the international community and putting forth the best interests of his country in that process. However, we must be prepared for a situation where his voice no longer represents the will and interests of the Lakhzov People."

Mk II Warhead Tested; Century Test 'Possible'

The test of the Mk II themobaric warhead was ordered to ensure the continued potency of the arsenal, according to IHC sources.

A Mk II thermobaric warhead was detonated at the Platform Testing Facility in Kavania Prefecture, according to a release from Imperial High Command. The Mk II warhead performed within expected margins and was declared a success, with Imperial High Command announcing the possibility of a long-range test of the Century missile upon which the Mk II is delivered. "While some actors are capable of throwing their toys into the Krimeon the Century possesses a truly global reach. Engaging us in a test of arms is a quest we do not advise at this time, for you shall fall short," Marshal Admiral Cole said in remarks to the RBC.

"Through Century we may strike any target from any direction, at any time of our choosing," the Marshal Admiral continued. "The Century Program, utilizing the Mk II warhead, represents one of the most capable conventional deterrent forces presently in existence. We saw these capabilities demonstrated in Thomradia and Themata, capabilities which helped to bring those conflicts to a more speedy resolution. Routine tests are necessary to ensure the continued potency and ability of these platforms."

The RBC will bring you the latest on these developing stories.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:13:30 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2017, 07:36:26 AM »

ICON Upgrades Accompany Increased Regional Tensions

The upgrade program was largely overseen by Marshal Admiral Henry Cole and authorized by Empress Evanthe.

The Integrated Communications and Operations Network (ICON) is scheduled to undergo a series of upgrades, the first of which will see radar installations upgraded at JMF Tienanmen with additional installations to be installed along the coast of Aeternum and further inland. These upgrades are intended to increase ICON's global radar capabilities, with talks to be hosted in the near future for similar upgrades in Dartfordia. It is also speculated that Rokkenjima and Aeternum are nearing an agreement to construct at least one Century silo in Aeternum as part of Imperial High Command's strategy to "bolster the common deterrence."

The upgrades, which were planned prior to the increase in regional tensions, will be accompanied by a broader program to update ICON, the resources of which are shared by LISA signatories and, to a lesser extent, Major Non-LISA Allies of the First Empire. Imperial High Command has noted that upgrades to ICON satellites would be a move explored in the near future while not ruling out the possibility of coordination with partners such as Achkaerin, Aeternum and Dartfordia in respects to these upgrades. "As ICON resources are shared by our trusted allies Rokkenjima sees coordination as necessary to ensure the viability and continued interoperability afforded by ICON," a statement from IHC read earlier today.

In related developments Imperial High Command was considering further deployments to the region citing "a situation which is increasingly spiraling out of control." Such deployments are expected to be finalized following discussions amongst LISA allies. Rokkenjima maintains a military presence in the region in the form of QAMB which hosts the Imperial Rokkenjiman Illumic Fleet, assets of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Air Force, as well as 20,000 troops. Marshal Admiral Cole spoke briefly with the press, mainly addressing statements from Lakhzovian officials.

"Rokkenjiman policy towards Lakhzovia has been guided by the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord, and the spirit of friendship which exists between the nations. Military cooperation was suspended for a time in response to the Election Crisis, with the fear being that any tactic support for the Lakhzov military could worsen the situation; those concerns naturally remain as the results of the election have yet to see the light of day. The Empress has insisted on a diplomatic solution and presented several avenues for one to succeed; we've no desire for conflict and destabilization in Cotf Aranye, however, the present trajectory is most certainly not sustainable."

Asked if he had any advice for his counterparts in Lakhzovia Marshal Admiral Cole shrugged. "Unannounced missile tests are always a dangerous affair for many reasons, though I'm certain my counterparts would recognize that. Instead of provocative proclamations and actions they would find better results through engaging diplomatic channels. In the mean time our willingness to engage with our allies will not change, nor will our readiness or resolve. The Empress already cautioned President Kadassa to avoid the mistakes of Empress Emerita Beatrice and, sadly, it seems he is mistaking his friends for enemies just as she did; we all hope that he will not revisit that path of history any further."

The RBC will be following these developments closely.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:13:01 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2017, 07:05:28 AM »

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Imposes Lakhzov Travel Advisory

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has put into place a Travel Advisory in regards to conditions within the Republic of Lakhzovia. The move follows reports of increased unrest and chaos surrounding the Rokkenjiman Embassy, which has been under siege by rioters and protesters who believe the First Empire had granted safe harbour to Argan Tsagarai.

Travel Advisory: Republic of Lakhzovia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hereby advises against all travel to the Republic of Lakhzovia, where the political and security situation remains unstable and unpredictable throughout the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has determined that significant risks exist for increasing ethnic tensions and clashes due to the present state of affairs, while the siege of the Rokkenjiman Embassy highlights that the situation has deteriorated to a point where risks exist to t Rokkenjiman and Cross-Straits nationals traveling to or within the Republic.

The security situation throughout Lakhzovia has been recognized as highly uncertain, and could change rapidly. Rokkenjiman citizens presently within the Republic should monitor media reporting and plan their exit from Lakhzovia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate efforts with regional allies and partner nations to assist all Rokkenjiman citizens in their departure from Lakhzovia.

Citizens of the First Empire may remain up-to-date on any developments by visiting and following the Active Travel Advisories link.

The RBC will bring you the latest as this story develops.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:12:39 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2017, 08:15:19 AM »

ISEA Shares Images Of Mariner, Atmospheric Explorers

ISEA has been working on the Mariner Exploration Unit, which will explore the hydrocarbon seas of Titan.

The Imperial Space and Exploration Agency (ISEA) has shared the first images of the Mariner Exploration Unit and the Atmospheric Exploration Unit (MEU and AEU, respectively), both of which ISEA intends to launch to Sehkma's moon Titan. "Since ISEA announced the mission to explore Titan work has been hard underway on the probes which will explore Titan," ISEA Director William Nye shared with the RBC. "This long-term mission will be followed up by submarine exploration of Titan's seas, which will only further enhance our understanding of the most Mundus-like object in our solar system."

The Atmospheric Exploration Unit, which is set to gather data in the atmosphere of Titan.

"In the transfer from the Soluna Program to the Akari Program, work was undertaken to ensure the Titan Exploration Mission could be accomplished utilizing components of the Akari Program. The launch window enables us to utilize gravity in our reach for Titan; the time prior to this window opening has been utilized to the fullest to develop and improve the vehicles which will explore Titan as well as the vehicles which will deliver them. As with most ISEA missions the Titan Exploration Mission was designed with international partnership in mind, however, we have seen no international partners approach us to date. Should that change, I imagine we would have a wealth of information to share in our mutual quest to understand the cosmos," Director Nye continued.

In related ISEA news the Imperial Government has authorized funding for missions to Space Station Adora and further Lunar exploration. Adora's crew is set to return home in the coming months and will be replaced by a new crew, with space reserved for a foreign astronaut to join the crew upon Adora.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:12:21 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2017, 10:40:39 AM »

Sturgeon Compliments IRN In Peniche

IRN Sturgeon has arrived in Peniche Bay to join Rokkenjiman forces operating in the region.

The Sturgeon Class Assault Vessel Sturgeon has arrived in the Peniche, complimenting Rokkenjiman naval forces already operating in the region. Among the vessels of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy the Sturgeon Class possess anti-ballistic missile weaponry in addition to its offensive arsenal. The deployment was hinted at by Imperial High Command following the test of a medium-range ballistic missile by the Lakhzov Republic which was swiftly denounced as irresponsible and dangerous by the Imperial Rokkenjiman Government. According to Imperial High Command Sturgeon will remain in the region "until such a time its presence is no longer demanded."

The Rokkenjiman deployment to the Peniche, a component of routine patrols in the Krimeon, represents an increasingly expanding operation of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy which has some lawmakers concerned that the First Empire could be drawn into a civil war. "Having spoken with the Empress it is not the desire of the First Empire to see conflict envelop the Lakhzov Republic, indeed, she has on countless times offered her support to President Kadassa in ratcheting down the crisis within Lakhzovia to find a lasting solution. However, recent developments have demanded an increased presence to ensure that any such future tests do not threaten neighbouring states or international shipping in the region," Marshal Admiral Cole shared with the RBC.

Speaking on behalf of the Empress Lord High Steward Koizumi confirmed that the First Empire was operating "in the interests of peace and stability, though certain actions certainly make this task unfortunately more difficult. It is the continued position of the Imperial Government that President Kadassa has a responsibility to act responsibly in restoring calm to Lakhzovia." When asked of Lakhzovia's request for Empress Emerita Beatrice to head a mission of advice and mediation the Lord High Steward declined to comment, stating that "any action involving the Empress Emerita will be communicated by the Empress herself. I have no comment on that possibility at this time."

Pyrena Castle stated that Empress Evanthe was "weighing all options" in finding a solution to the crisis. "If the Empress Emerita proves willing and able we will work with all parties involved to find a viable and lasting solution. The Empress remains firm that releasing the results of the Lakhzov election would be a positive development in restoring faith and confidence in the Government of President Kadassa."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:11:53 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2017, 12:51:57 PM »

Lakhzov Election Results Face Scrutiny Following Release

"Unfortunately, the release of the results by the Kadassa Government does little to ease concerns." Lord High Steward Koizumi, September 10th.

Following a working session with the Imperial Diet Lord High Steward Koizumi reacted to the release of Lakhzovia's election results, calling the development "long overdue, yet perhaps much too late. I am very much reminded of reports earlier this year in which a coalition of thirty one international non-governmental organisations, known collectively as the International Electoral Monitoring Group, released a report which, to say the least, did not paint a favourable picture of the Government's respect for the institution of democracy. The report highlighted incidents of state media bias, intimidation throughout rural areas, as well as a process which was rushed which greatly hampered the ability of large portions of the population to cast their vote. If the results weren't already tainted by the incidents of electoral interference, the delay in their release has only increased their toxicity."

Mr. Koizumi also criticized the arrest warrant for Argan Tsagarai as "another area of concern in the manner which the Lakhzovian elections have been handled. Throughout the crisis surrounding the elections Mr. Tsagarai repeatedly called for calm and restraint as President Kadassa deployed his military to the Lakhzov heartland. These are not the actions of a government respectful or confident in the democratic process and calls for further scrutiny." Mr. Koizumi went on to address the nature of Kadassa's presidency, which would have faced a challenge in a Democratic Alliance-controlled government.

"President Kadassa's term is perpetuated through emergency powers," the Lord High Steward explained, "and it is widely recognized that the Democratic Alliance would seek to lift the state of emergency which allows him to do so. The likelihood of this development, however, is thrown into doubt with the LNC-ACP coalition conveniently giving him a majority in government. So, even with the release of the elections we remain at square one: a government we cannot trust to represent the will of the People, but one we can rest assured will represent the interests of Kadassa."

Electoral districts by controlling party: Green - LNCP, Blue - DA, Red - Shanata, Yellow - ANC, Orange - APP

"I remember the map which Lakhzovia didn't wish to be shown, though you must note the Shanata Party was outlawed due to their connections to the ULO," Mr. Koizumi continued. "While I will not delve into that aspect of the crisis at this time I will note that the disbandment of that Party gave President Kadassa's LNC a good number of districts it otherwise would not have won, certainly enough to deprive the Democratic Alliance of a majority government. Manipulation need not be grand, indeed, it is better that it is subtle so as to not draw great attention upon its existence. For these reasons the Imperial Government cannot, in good faith, recognize the results released as valid."

The Empress, whom is presently abroad in talks with Rokkenjiman allies and partners, is expected to return to Rokkenjima in the coming days in light of the developments.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:11:16 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2017, 08:08:56 AM »

Pyrettania-Nakim Accord "In Complete Tatters"

"It is hard to see a conceivable situation in which the Accord could survive at this point, a state of affairs which brings Rokkenjima no joy nor satisfaction."

Empress Evanthe presented a dismal picture of the Rokkenjiman-Lakhzov relationship, which has reached new lows in recent days as the treaty partners appear incapable of reaching a common understanding. "Instead of pursuing the assistance of her allies, Lakhzovia has instead determined itself upon a course of internal escalation which sees Lakhzov and Saheristani troops being deployed throughout Lakhzovia. The lack of effort shown by President Kadassa in addressing the deficit of trust and faith introduced by the Election Crisis, an effort which the First Empire offered its assistance as a friend in undertaking, is a development which is of utmost concern to the First Empire as it witnesses the deteriorating situation within Lakhzovia."


The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being.


The Parties will consult together from time to time regarding the implementation of this Treaty and, at the request of either Party, whenever the security of the Parties or international peace and security upon Ardia or Cotf Aranye is threatened.


Each Party shall agree to consult upon matters of common security and interests, whether they concern Ardia and/or Cotf Aranye, directly or abroad.

"President Kadassa has consistently weakened those free institutions which exist within Lakhzovia, even with a release of the results we have no verifiable manner in which to frame them, only the word of President Kadassa and his Government. To date the reports we do have available point a picture of an organised campaign of voter suppression and intimidation, coupled with the bias of state media and processes designed to rush the process in such a manner as to deny a large portion of the population their right to vote. The Hand of Emet militia, which is highlighted as having engaged in voter suppression as well as various hate crimes against those of Utman heritage, also spearheaded the assault against the Rokkenjiman Embassy."

"The perpetuation of a Government through fear is an institution which weakens the core of any free society, the methods to which it will go to perpetuate that existence are as reprehensible as they are shocking. President Kadassa, through ignoring the ample assistance offered, has left the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord in a state of complete and utter tatters. It is hard to see a conceivable situation in which the Accord could survive at this point, a state of affairs which brings Rokkenjima no joy nor satisfaction. It is clear that, in the coming days, a firm decision on the future of the Accord is certainly demanded."

IRN Enterprise was ordered to Peniche Bay to supplement Megitsune.

As the Empress spoke Imperial High Command confirmed that IRN Enterprise and her battle group were being diverted from routine patrols in the Krimeon Sea to supplement IRN Megitsune's presence in Peniche Bay. Fielding fifth-generation RK-80-Ns the air wing of the Excalibur provides further options should the Empress be pushed to act. "For an Empress who asked for two diplomatic solutions for each military solution to any given crisis, those few diplomatic options available are quickly being exhausted," one official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, shared with the RBC. "Discussions between the Empress, the Imperial Diplomatic Corps and Imperial High Command are increasingly tense as diplomacy yields few notable results."

Upon the Empress' departure she took a question regarding Al-Šāṭi, specifically concerning a "a pro-Utman Rokkenjima-Achkaerin axis." "Rokkenjima has not recognized the Utman Republic, so any notion of a pro-Utman Rokkenjima-Achkaerin axis is poppycock. Rokkenjima has made clear its concerns regarding the conduct of the Lakhzov elections and, as a treaty ally of Lakhzovia, has shown her concern for the situation developing within Lakhzovia. Rokkenjima and Achkaerin remain committed to a peaceful resolution, and I feel that if diplomacy is granted a chance by President Kadassa we may yet see peace prevail. However, unless President Kadassa shows commitment to that process, having seen the worst which lay within the human heart, Rokkenjima and Achkaerin must stand prepared for we may never see such tragedy transpire yet again."

 The RBC will bring you the latest as this story develops.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:10:29 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2017, 10:45:26 AM »

Imperial High Command Deploys RKB-71s, RKB-73s To Tienanmen

An RKB-73 Bomber flies near the Illumic.

RKB-73 bombers, joined by RKB-71 stealth attack aircraft, departed Queen Adriana Military Base earlier today bound for Joint Forces Base Tienanmen, according to a release from Imperial High Command. The deployment comes as Saheristani armed forces conduct various drills and missile launches in the region, heightening already dire tensions as the Lakhzov Crises show little signs of diminishing. "Certainly the irresponsible and reckless actions of Saheristani are being monitored by Imperial High Command and appropriate measures are being taken to address these challenges to peace in the region. If the Saheristani believe they are assisting the situation President Kadassa finds himself in they are woefully mistaken," Marshal Admiral Cole stated in comments to the RBC.

Speaking on the threats posed to the Iwi and Rokkenjiman installations in the region Marshal Admiral Cole offered to "open the lines of communication between the Rokkenjiman and Iwi armed forces to combat this mutual threat. Furthermore, Imperial High Command will be exploring options with regional partners and allies to provide a strong posture in the Matildas, ensuring these vital lanes are not threatened by Saheristani actions. This could very likely include the deployment of assets of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Kyne Fleet to the Western Kyne to dissuade any further brazen actions by the Saheristani. While relations between our nations (the Iwi and Rokkenjima) have been at times complicated the threat before us demands a cooperative approach, which the First Empire is willing and ready to engage in."

An RKB-71 pictured during exercises near Azukishima Prefecture.

Imperial High Command has not ruled out further deployments of aircraft to JFB Tienanmen while Pyrena Castle has stated there are "many options" in responding to the aggressive Saheristani moves. "The First Empire will continue to consult with its allies and Commonwealth partners to preserve the peace and respond to the reckless displays we've seen in recent days. A variety of options are on the table in responding to the actions undertaken by the Saheristani. Rokkenjima's world-class missile defenses, coupled with its capability to swiftly respond to any attack upon her People, forces or interests abroad at any time of our choosing, ensure a most decimating force to bear awaits those who would so foolishly attack Rokkenjima or her allies. Saheristan escalates tensions in the region only at its own peril."

The RBC will bring you the latest on this developing story.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:09:54 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2017, 06:41:07 AM »

Hand of Emet Militia Designated Terrorist Enterprise

The Rokkenjiman Ambassador to Lakhzovia, Jason Cole, has been confirmed as surviving the Siege and is no longer within Lakhzov borders.

In a formal review of the Rokkenjima Embassy Siege the Imperial Government has revealed that the Hand of Emet militia took a leading role in the Siege, resulting in four deaths, twenty injuries, and the total destruction of the Rokkenjiman Embassy. For its role in the Embassy Siege and alleged links to attacks and voter-suppression tactics seen in the last Lakhzov election, the Imperial Government has designated the Hand of Emet militia as a Terrorist Enterprise. The designation empowers the Imperial Government with a new set of tools to utilize against the militia and those who support it, with Pyrena Castle stating "all measures which can be brought to bear on the Hand of Emet militia will be utilized to neutralize what is quick becoming not only an enemy to the Lakhzov People, but also a threat which has its sights set upon the First Empire and her People."

The Rokkenjima Embassy Siege was recognized as a terrorist attack which "sought to target Rokkenjima's diplomatic presence in Lakhzovia and drive a further wedge in between the First Empire and the Lakhzov Republic. The Hand of Emet facilitated the attack against the Rokkenjiman Embassy, incited chaos and rioting and, once the Embassy had been evacuated, proceeded to loot anything of value they could find. Furthermore, four Rokkenjimans working at the Embassy are confirmed as having lost their lives while a further twenty face a variety of injuries as a direct result of the Hand of Emet's actions against our Embassy. These are actions which the First Empire recognizes as a terrorist attack against the First Empire, and one we are prepared to respond to in a proportionate response. This response will come at a date and time of our choosing," the statement read.

The Rokkenjiman Ambassador to Lakhzovia, Jason Cole, is confirmed as having safely left Lakhzovia. "We have received word from the Ambassador and he reports that he is in safe hands. While shaken he maintains high spirits and is thankful for the assistance he has received in departing the Lakhzov Republic." With the Review completed, the Imperial Diplomatic Corps are considering further security measures at Rokkenjiman embassies in troubled regions to ensure a repeat of the Siege is not seen elsewhere. Both Pyrena Castle and Imperial High Command declined to comment further on measures being considered against the Hand of Emet.

Speaking to reporters from Queen Adriana Military Base Commodore Rowe addressed concerns that the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces had refused to act. "Given the sensitivity of the situation Imperial High Command deemed any incursion into the Lakhzov Republic in response to the Rokkenjiman Embassy Siege off the table. A further loss of life and the possibility for escalating an already tense situation could not be risked. However, we are working with the Imperial Diplomatic Corps and Rokkenjiman intelligence on a variety of contingency plans should any Rokkenjiman embassy come under attack. We will not see what happened in Lakhzovia transpire again, I can assure you."

Serranidae To Visit JMF Tienanmen

Serranidae has reportedly been deployed to JMF Tienanmen according to unconfirmed reports.

IRN Serranidae is reported to have received orders for a deployment to JMF Tienanmen, joining Rokkenjiman forces in an increasingly volatile region. Joined by the Ruby Class submarines Hunting Girl, Whistler and Cydonia the deployment, according to unconfirmed reports, represents "the IRN taking a page out of the Seaforthian playbook. Archon Rhodes was known to refer to the Empress Emerita as "Queen of the Surface Fleet", while Seaforthian naval doctrine focused more on submersibles. It seems that Empress Evanthe has decided to take a page from the Seaforthian playbook, increasing the utilization of the Rokkenjiman submarine fleet in naval operations in different ways than her predecessor, who's influence is most seen in the continued deployment of the battleship in the Rokkenjiman surface fleet."

Sources who spoke with the RBC on condition of anonymity as they lacked the authority to comment publicly on the developments confirmed the refocused strategy was, in part, due to concerns over Kaitaine's Zircon missile. "While the IRN has avoided commenting on Zircon publicly it is a threat which has been taken seriously by IRN commanders. Rokkenjiman power projection has long relied upon her Navy; dating back to the 1600s when Rokkenjima dealt the Ardian Empire an upset defeat during an attempted invasion of Kavania Rokkenjiman strategy has been Navy-first. This turn to increasing focus on the sub-surface fleet, increasing the potency of Rokkenjiman torpedoes as well as deploying a greater variety of missiles upon Rokkenjiman submarines is one strategy the Empress deemed crucial to maintaining that capability while threats to the surface fleet are addressed."

In related developments Pyrena Castle is scheduled to release a statement regarding the Rokkenjiman military posture in the Peniche region later today. The RBC will be carrying that statement live.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:09:23 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2017, 03:37:03 AM »

Centre Party Gears Up For Majority

Shinjirō Koizumi has been giving a series of speeches across the nation ahead of the election.

The Centre Party is "cautiously optimistic" as present polling places the Party on track to win a majority in the Imperial Diet. If elections were held today the Centre Party would win at least 437 seats in the House of Commons and 35 in the House of Councillors, granting the Party a majority in the Commons while establishing itself as the single largest party in the House of Councillors. Such a majority in the Commons and a strong presence in the House of Councillors would grant the Centre Party a clear mandate, while easing its ability to implement its agenda. Empress Evanthe has indicated that elections will be held when the present session of the Diet concludes on October 25th.

"The Centre Party believes in a Rokkenjima that works for its People, just as much as one which recognizes and embraces its international roles and responsibilities," Mr. Koizumi said during remarks given at the International Trade Centre. "We've seen the wreckage wrought when Rokkenjima withdraws inward, a course we've seen corrected under the wise stewardship of Empress Evanthe. If the People allow us our trust I promise that the Centre Party will engage the Crown to continue to address these challenges while constructing a domestic policy which strengthens Rokkenjiman democracy and further broadens civil engagement with the Government. The prospects I have discussed with the Empress are truly promising, and set forth an optimism which harkens back to the days of Mr. Hartnell," he continued, referencing the first Centre Party leader.

Speaking to the RBC Premier Abe remained "optimistic" while recognizing that the Green Party would likely lose seats in the upcoming elections. "The Green Party remains focused on the progress we've made in our coalition with the Socialist Party and, personally, I believe the People will pick results over pretty slogans. Our Government charted a course through a most difficult period in Rokkenjiman history which is a fact which the Rokkenjiman People will remember when they go to the polls."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:08:18 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2017, 06:26:13 PM »

Sophisticated Malware Forces Shut-Down Of Azukishima-Ashinxao

The Azukishima-Ashinxao Nuclear Power Station has been forced offline following a malware attack.

Azukishima Power Corporation officials have confirmed that the Azukishima-Ashinxao Power Station has been forced offline following an apparent malware attack. While officials stated that there was no risk to public health or safety at this time all seven reactors have been taken offline "in an abundance of caution and concern." The Cyber Operations Directorate stated that the attack "caused an operational disruption to critical infrastructure following the introduction of a malware program into the security system. This program was likely inserted into the systems in preparation for a more large-scale attack."

The CDO statement continued, stating "This targeting of crucial infrastructure, in combination with the persistence of the attacker and a lack of monetary goal, when taken into consideration with the technical resources necessary for its creation suggests the source of this malware is a nation-state actor." A security alert has been issued for users of RenixSP, a safety program utilized in a variety of energy facilities as well as oil refineries.

Polaris Security Solutions says that Trinitron has been around since April. Trinitron targets specific safety instrumental systems with the goal of reprogramming them, after which it could cause the SIS to shut down operations at a plant. Experts state that with an attack of an increased sophisticated nature an SIS could be nullified, allowing for unsafe conditions to escalate into a widespread industrial catastrophe.

When Trinitron attempted to reprogram SIS controllers at Ashinxao-Azukishima, however, some systems instead entered a safe shutdown mode which alerted operators to the presence of the malware. PSS experts believe that the actor responsible accidentally triggered the shutdown in a broader probe of the security systems present at Ashinxao-Azukishima. "While there is a short list of actors who would posses the capability of this sort of attack the CDO cannot rule out the possibility that a state actor outsourced its capability to a terrorist enterprise. All avenues are being explored as we ascertain the origin of this malware while undertaking measures to secure RenixSP against future attacks of this nature," the CDO statement continued.

While it was within the realm of possibility for the attacker to shut down the plant PSS noted that they instead continued to repeatedly attempt to gain control of the SIS. "Such moves suggest that the intent of the attacker was to cause a specific outcome beyond a mere shutdown of operations at Ashinxao-Azukishima. We are working with Abstergo Industries, which maintains RenixSP, to ensure proper patches and other measures are in place to harden the software and systems at plants which utilize it."

Empress Evanthe has called an emergency session of the Imperial Council and is expected to address the nation pending the conclusion of the session.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:07:56 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2017, 09:10:27 PM »

Empress Emerita Returns To Nakumi; Empress Issues New Guidelines

The Empress Emerita spent Solstice celebrations with those less fortunate this year.

There was little fanfare or media presence when the commercial jet touched down in Nakumi where the Empress Emerita elected to spend a traditional celebration of the winter solstice. Arriving at the Nakumi Community Centre, a charity which provides board and meals to less fortunate residents of the Nakumi area, the Empress Emerita assisted in the preparation and serving of meals while donating र250k ($462.5k) toward the Centre's budget. The Empress Emerita stayed on the Centre's grounds for the weekend, serving upwards of 347 meals over the course of the celebration.

"As Rokkenjimans celebrate the return of longer days we must make it a daily effort to remember that there are those amongst us facing struggles each and every day. While we have done much to focus on poverty abroad it seems, at times, we have a more difficult time addressing those issues which impact communities here at home. At times our response has been to shame the poor, as seen here in Nakumi three years ago when Nakumi's government enacted policies which made charities such as the Nakumi Community Centre nearly impossible to run. While an important victory we have more work before us in combating domestic poverty and ensuring Rokkenjiman prosperity benefits all her Peoples," the Empress Emerita shared in brief remarks to the press.

Following her time in Nakumi the Empress Emerita will take up residence in Exuperia Palace, Azukishima. No public engagements are planned with the Empress Emerita stating her intentions to "focus on my family, as well as charitable and philanthropic endeavours. I shall look forward to helping and serving those with less. If each of us acts, even if it is but one small action a day, we can all work together to make Mundus a brighter place to live. Let us all strive to be better neighbours."

Questions were not taken by the Empress Emerita, including those regarding the Emperor Emeritus in light of a DBC article highlighting his travel and lodging expenses. Empress Evanthe announced the issuance of new guidelines mandating frugality in the utilization of taxpayer Ducats for transportation and lodging, provisions which the Emperor Emeritus will be bound by. "It is absolutely shameful that the Emperor Emeritus is staying in fine accommodations on the back of the Rokkenjiman taxpayers. The guidelines implemented today will mandate that anyone lodging on the taxpayers' dime always utilize the least costly option for their accommodations. I shall expect the full compliance of all agents of the Imperial Government, as well as that of the Emperor Emeritus, in the implementation of these guidelines."

The action follows a YourVoice.rk petition which received 175,000 signatures within the first 24 hours, a record-setting rate, calling on Pyrena Castle to act in response to "the frivolous spending of Rokkenjiman's hard-earned money by the Prince of Littlebrook." The guidelines issued by the Empress state that compliance "is expected within two weeks of their issuance. Accommodations already booked beyond this window are to be cancelled with less expensive alternatives pursued. The Ministry of the Treasury will arrange for cancellations and rebookings should individuals fail to act during this window."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:07:32 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2018, 04:00:12 AM »

Naval Posture Review Released

Artist's rendition of a Millennial Guided Missile submarine, a component called for in the Naval Posture Review.

The Naval Posture Review which was concluded recently and presented by Imperial High Command to the Imperial Council has been released, presenting a review of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy whilst realigning Rokkenjiman naval strategy. Following a full review and deliberation the Imperial Council accepted the Review and instructed Imperial High Command to "continue steps to implement the Review, including developments in the Millennial Guided Missile Project. This development will see four of the ten Millennial Class Submarines transitioned to fielding cruise missiles. These submarines will remain in service alongside the Millennial successor, the Azukishima Class ballistic missile submarine. Furthermore, Imperial High Command confirmed that it would be releasing a statement regarding further naval developments in the near future, including "a renewed spirit of partnership and coordination with an increasingly stalwart partner."

The Naval Posture Review also calls for a new class of supercavitating torpedo, whilst arming Millennial cruise missile submarines with hypersonic cruise missiles. "Increasing our utilization of the Rokkenjiman submarine fleet while continuing the transition from the Reverence Class Battleship as the centrepiece of the Rokkenjiman surface fleet will enable the IRN to meet the challenges of the present while preparing itself for the next era of naval combat. With a potent arsenal capable of engaging a potential adversary in any manner we see as fitting the IRN will continue to retain the capability to operate in any theatre in support of Rokkenjiman and allied operations on a Mundus-wide scale. The battleship-centred strategy is no longer compatible with the missions and goals which the IRN faces moving into the future," a portion of the Review read.

Abstergo Industries has reported that it will have prototypes of improvements made upon existing Rokkenjiman cruise missiles to meet the demands put forth by the Review. While performing preliminary work on the demands for a new class of supercavitating torpedo "there remain contracts to be awarded, with the best design being put forth being the final selection of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy." Rumoured to be in the pipeline of further developments includes a joint air-to-air missile project, the details of which have not been confirmed due to the nature of the project. Those willing to speak with the RBC stated that the project was of a bilateral nature with a traditional Rokkenjiman ally.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:07:11 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2018, 02:51:57 AM »

Ashinxao Class Acquisition To Accompany Reverence Class Phase Out

The Ashinxao Class, of which the Heyran Navy has agreed to purchase four, is expected to consist of eight units built in pairs.

A planned phase out of the Reverence Class has been initiated by the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy coinciding with new development and construction projects, according to Imperial High Command. The Ashinxao Class Frigate was selected as "an ideal candidate which fits the demands of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy for a more nimble surface fleet." The class will aim to field a vessel capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots, with a focus on affordability, automation and multi-mission capabilities. According to Rosa Shipyards the Ashinxao Class is expected to have a displacement of approximately 3,900 tons at a length of 130 meters and a width of 16 meters. Propulsion is set to be in CODAG arrangement with one Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbine and two MAN diesel engines.

In terms of armament the vessel will be fitted with a BAE Systems 5 inch Mark 45 naval gun system, VLS cells for surface to air missiles (16 or 24), 8x anti-ship missiles, a Raytheon SeaRAM short range missile launcher on top of the helicopter hangar, torpedo and decoy launchers. Sensors are expected to consist of the ICON suite, electro-optic sensors, variable depth sonar and passive towed array as well as a hull mounted mine countermeasure sonar. The capability to deploy and recover unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV), unmanned surface vehicles (USV), helicopters as well as mines.

An agreement has been reached with Heyra which will see the purchase of four vessels at a cost of र262.7m ($486m) per vessel. The first and third pair of vessels constructed will be delivered to the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy whilst the second and fourth pair will be delivered to the Heyran Navy, after which Rokkenjiman procurement of its remaining four vessels will resume. The Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy has confirmed that two Reverence Class Battleships would be preserved as museum ships with a third being retained for training purposes. The remaining vessels will be held in the Imperial Reserve Fleet pending a final decision on their fate. Re-purposing as artificial reefs is a proposal which is gaining traction, according to sources familiar with the discussions.

Cecelia Anselmo, Iona Azurewind and Josiah Rhodes have been confirmed as candidates for preservation, while the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy has elected to confer the names Alexander Vaughan, Edward Truden and Eliot Quin upon future vessels of the IRN.

In further defense news Imperial High Command has joined several other nations in banning the use of fitness trackers due to a release of heat maps which reveal a great deal of information about military installations and other sensitive locations. "Until further notice the use and possession of such devices by members of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces is prohibited," Marshal Admiral Cole proclaimed. The development has revealed the locations of two bases previously unacknowledged by the Imperial Government, one within an hour's drive of Bykrestan. No further response from the Imperial Government was available at press time.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:06:50 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RB7%C)
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2018, 09:23:56 AM »

BREAKING: Imperial Government Recognizes Beatrice As Empress

The Imperial Government has recognized Beatrice as Empress; Evanthe offers 'no contest'

The Supreme Court Of Judicature, following expert advice from Rokkenjiman intelligence familiar with matters regarding Beatrice Anselmo, has cleared the former Empress Emerita of charges related to the Borland Separatists. With the charges being cleared by the Supreme Court of Judicature the Imperial Council, headed by Empress Evanthe Rhodes, certified the result and declared that "with the Empress Emerita cleared of wrong-doing in the circumstances surrounding the Andean Genocide and the Borland Terrorism Case, the tenure of the Empress Evanthe is no longer necessary nor appropriate. The Imperial Council, in conjunction with the Imperial Diet, hereby recognize Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Beatrice, as Sovereign Protector of this First Empire."

The Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces, represented by Marshal Admiral Henry Cole, confirmed the military supported the developent and "shall not intervene in the legitimate processes of the Imperial Government. Empress Evanthe, Princess of Arovium, presented a statement of no contest to the decisions of the Imperial Council and Imperial Diet, stating "Having reviewed the facts presented to the Imperial intelligence community, Diet and Council, I have no recourse to pursue against this decision. As my last action as Empress of this First Empire, I recognize the rightful ascension of Beatrice Anselmo to Chrysanthemum Throne."

At the time of press some 67% of Rokkenjimans supported a return of Empress Emerita Beatrice to the Imperial Throne, casting off international suspicions surrounding Beatrice in regards to the Borlanders. In her first actions Empress Beatrice rescinded Rokkenjiman recognition of Bene Gesserit, citing "the concerns of Rokkenjiman intelligence as well as the body of information put forth by the intelligence services of East Moreland. We cannot allow our borders to remain open to those who would threaten us or our allies." Empress Beatrice also issued an international arrest warrant for former High Commander Lucinda Hadley, stating that the former head of Rokkenjima's premier intelligence and special operations agency had committed "high crimes against the First Empire, her interests and allies."

The RBC will contiue to bring you the latest on these developing stories.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:06:30 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2018, 10:48:40 PM »

Breaking News Brief: Austrana Arrives In Avalon

HMY Austrana has arrived in Avalon, a development confirmed by the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy.

HMY Austrana has arrived in Avalon hours after the announced international arrest warrant by the Holy Empire of Achkaerin. Speaking through Tomeka Araya, Imperial Media Liaison, the Empress shared a short statement prior to docking in Avalon:

Following the announcement of an international arrest warrant presented by Crown Princess Serenity I ordered Austrana to make full steam for Avalon. Duty, honour and the very integrity of the Crown demand that I meet those responsibilities before me, for anything less would be an abdication of not only my official duties, but my personal honour and standing obligations. While our words have been tense in the past I have never known the word of the Azurewind Family to be weighted by malice, nor dedicated to the causes of iniquity. I trust fully in the process set forth by Crown Princess Serenity and am cooperating willingly and fully.

Should anything further be demanded of me, Crown Princess Serenity knows that I am at her disposal.

Pyrena Castle state that for the duration of the Empress' absence her duties and authorities would be discharged by the Vicegerent, Euphemia. Further requests for comment were declined, however, Imperial Media Liaison called statements from Vaguizia "irrelevant and requiring no further comment by this Imperial Government."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:06:07 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2018, 06:51:22 PM »

Rokkenjiman Among The Dead In Brazen Terror Attack

Premier Abe condemned the acts of violence in Northfort as Vicegerent Euphemia spoke on behalf of the Imperial Council.

A Rokkenjiman woman is among the dead in an apparent Truthsayers attack against the East Moreland Rifle Companies HQ in Northfort. While Rosari Temple Northfort reported numerous bullet holes following the attack Rosari Faithful within the Temple evaded harm. The woman, identified as Haruka Saitou, was struck outside the Temple and was pronounced dead at the scene. In respect of the wishes of the Saitou family for as much privacy as possible the Imperial Government is releasing "only information as it relates to the attack in Northfort. This information will be released by the Imperial Government and members of the media should grant the Saitou family the space they desire as they mourn their loss."

Premier Abe has forcefully condemned the attack stating "in Northfort we are, once again, reminded of the depths possible in human depravity. Rokkenjima condemns the acts of violence which were unleashed upon Northfort in yet another incident of Truthsayer violence against not only the People of East Moreland, but against the civilized world itself. While some have claimed the decision of Empress Beatrice to rescind recognition of Bene Gesserit was a mistake all one needs to do is look to the actions carried out in Northfort; it was not a decision taken lightly, but one based upon very real concerns. The First Empire stands in solidarity with East Moreland and pledges her full support until threats such as these are put to a most resolute end."

Premier Abe said incidents of terrorism abroad "cannot just evoke sympathy anymore, they demand action. For those injured in the attack and those so tragically lost, sympathy is not enough. Our friends in East Moreland have faced this threat, just as the People of Kaitaine know it all too well and now the Truthsayers have upon their hands the blood of Haruka Saitou mere steps away from a Rosari Temple. We must also remember the People of Northfort, those injured and the brave soldier who was slain in the defense of his city. Rokkenjima offers its deepest of condolences as well as any and all support demanded to meet this common threat."

Vicegerent Euphemia, speaking before of the Imperial Council, stated that the time for "political friction in regards to Kaitaine has long passed. Rokkenjima went in search of an enemy which looked like the USR of old while ignoring the wolf in sheep's clothing and, in that ignorance, we cannot know if we allowed its reach within our own borders. The Empress took the first step in rescinding recognition of Bene Gesserit, now we must take further action and offer Kaitaine the same support and cooperation which would be accorded to any other nation facing the threat of terrorist violence. It is not Kaitaine's fight against the Bene Gesserit, nor East Moreland's fight against the Borlanders, but civilization's fight against those who kill without discrimination in the pursuit of their iniquity; in this fight, we all must stand together to ensure these cowards cannot claim even one more life."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:05:43 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2018, 03:44:04 AM »

Trinitron Attack Points To Lakhzovia

While operations have resumed at Azukishima-Ashinxao the cloud of the Trinitron attack lingers over the plant.

The quintet of Rokkenjiman intelligence agencies investigating the Trinitron attack which took the Azukishima-Ashinxao Power Station offline have traced the source of the malware, forming a consensus that it was developed in Lakhzovia. While initially the trail led investigators to Zimalia further 'fingerprints' discovered in a line-by-line analysis of Trinitron's code confirmed a Lakhzov origin of the malware, with the Quintet targeting the Lakhzov Development Corps Cyber Division as the developer of the malware. "In the weeks following the Trinitron attack our teams found that Trinitron was also 'phoning home' to a server in the greater Illumic region, sending various technical details of the power plant and its operations during the course of the attack. This has most certainly provided a deeper understanding of the nuclear technology behind Azukishima-Ashinxao to those harvesting this information," the Quintet said in a joint release to the press.

In response to the findings of the Quintet Pyrena Castle has called for measures to be prepared in response to the attack, saying "those who seek to undermine the public confidence of the Rokkenjman People and steal information crucial to our energy infrastructure must be met with the fullest response possible. The First Empire views Trinitron as a targeted attack against Rokkenjiman critical infrastructure, having the potential to result in the loss of life, and it must be assured that such an attack can never take place again." On the behest of the Empress Imperial High Command is taking an inventory of the logistic capabilities of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces, along with the state of readiness of the broader Armed Forces.

Departing QAMB for the Peniche the amphibious assault ship September Sun will soon place a compliment of 1,687 Marines off the Lakhzov coast. Vicegerent Euphemia, speaking on recent developments, cautioned President Kadassa against "reckless actions which would further deteriorate the state of affairs within his borders, and in the relationship with the First Empire. The eyes of the world are upon Lakhzovia and those refugees displaced by conflict, while breaches of international laws and norms will be answered swiftly. Actions which disproportionately target civilians will result in a response which sees that those assets are no longer able to be deployed."

The open-ended nature of the Vicegerent's remarks, combined with force movements in the region, have left many concerned that the IRAF is preparing for potential operations in the Lakhzov conflict, especially with the findings in the ongoing Trinitron investigation. Frigates and destroyers accompanying the September Sun carry the capability to strike targets Lakhzovia, providing a potent capability for enforcing Pyrena's red line. "The options available to the government of President Kadassa are simple: comply with international norms and law, or face a situation where your capability to cause harm are removed from your arsenal. From developments within Lakhzovia to the attack against Rokkenjiman infrastructure we have reached a most concerning point in the ongoing Lakhzov crisis."

In related developments the Imperial Government backed Achkaerin's condemnation of the deployment of napalm in Quintelia while calling for "an international consensus which sees napalm removed from all national inventories. This weapon of indiscriminate barbarity, to echo the words of our friends in Valtheim, can have no place in the modern era."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:05:18 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2018, 09:12:11 PM »

Kyne Patrol Diverted

Elsa and her Strike Group have been diverted from their routine Kyne patrols in light of increasing tensions.

Following an airstrike carried out by the Iwi against Royal Seleucid and rising tensions between the two states Imperial High Command has diverted IRN Elsa and her Strike Group from routine patrols to supplement an Achkaerinese force in the region. "We share the concerns of our Achkaerinese allies as to the concerns these developments pose for shipping in the Kyne, as well as the need for a peaceful resolution to the situation. Elsa and her associated vessels will be on hand to ensure the situation does not deteriorate any further, to ensure the safety of general shipping in the region, and to be on hand to support the operations of our allies who have also elected to deploy forces to the region in response to the growing tensions between the Iwi and Seleucid," said a statement from Imperial High Command.

Rokkenjiman liners, most notably the United States, rely on safe and open waters on the Kyne route as well as commercial shipping between the First Empire and the Kingdom of Dartfordia. "Actions which threaten the serenity and stability of the Kyne are considered most seriously, as they pose very real concerns for Rokkenjiman interests at home and abroad," Vicegerent Euphemia shared with the RBC. "We are not diverting our forces in an act of aggression, but in support of a traditional Rokkenjiman policy in supporting the peace and freedom all nations enjoy in the Kyne. I trust that both the Iwi and Seleucid will be responsible and recognize that a peaceful resolution is the preferred result for all parties in this troubling situation."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:04:37 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2018, 11:42:06 PM »

Breaking Brief: Truthsayers Classified Under Terrorist Enterprises Act

The Imperial Council was convened today to discus classification of the Truthsayers under the Terrorist Enterprises Act, with a majority of the Council voting to recognize the Truthsayers as a terrorist enterprise. This is a classification which has been applied to the Borland Separatists, Grand Republican Army (and associated Republican groups), as well as other organisations in operation domestically and abroad. Under this classification Rokkenjiman customs officials have been directed to employ increased vetting procedures for those applying for visas from nations which have recognized the Bene Gesserit as a religious faith, while those nations who hold reduced travel barrier agreements with the First Empire will also face increased vetting measures to ensure "the safety and security of Rokkenjima and her allies from these threats to our common and collective security."

"We have seen the acts of violence perpetrated by the Truthsayers, those which have targetted East Moreland and one of which recently claimed the life of a Rokkenjiman Citizen; these are actions which highlight the threat posed by the Truthsayers. We must recognize the risks inherent in allowing the Bene Gesserit to take root in any nation, denying them the further opportunity to cause harm to our People or our allies," Lord High Steward Koizumi said in a statement from Pyrena Castle. "Much like the Borland Seperatists, or the Republicans, these are people who have shown they know no peaceful or civil role in society. Rokkenjima shall not open her borders to those who would seek to sow the seeds of destruction and terrorism."

The move follows similar actions taken by the Kingdom of East Moreland in response to Truthsayer attacks earlier this year and comes as President Lavaud of Bretonnia recognized Bene Gesserit as a 'legitimate minority religion'. A full list of nations who can expect to face increased vetting measures for visas and other travel arrangements will be presented by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the coming days.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:04:55 PM by Beatrice »

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2018, 11:03:03 PM »

First Empire Addresses Seaforth Situation

The Vicegerent was quick to address recent developments in Seaforth, which had been feared lost, as it re-emerges upon the world stage.

As the world responds to the first word from Seaforth in years the Imperial Government confirmed it was gearing up for "any and all operations necessary to assist Seaforth as it emerges once again." Coordination with Somerset is being sought to ensure a stream of supplies, manpower and further manners of assistance can be rendered. "The absence of Seaforth is once which has been felt deeply within the First Empire; Seaforth has long been one of our most trusted friends and it is in this hour that we prepare all options at our disposal as they emerge from the Fall. Rokkenjima stands proudly aside Seaforth and welcomes a cherished friend and ally back into existence."

Speaking from Pyrena Castle Vicegerent Euphemia welcomed the news, stating "We've stood by the People of Seaforth prior to and during the Fall, granting our protection to Somerset so that it may stand as a refuge for a People who have faced great calamity. With the return of Seaforth these efforts begin a new phase: assisting in reconstruction, jump-starting the Seaforthian economy, and ensuring that any need of Seaforth is provided for. The Imperial Council has approved all measures the Crown sees fit in addressing this situation, and these measures will be employed by the First Empire in a swift and efficient manner. They would most certainly do the same for us."

A portion of the Rokkenjiman Mercantile Fleet has been called upon by the Imperial Government to establish a 'sea-lift' of resources to Seaforth, whilst QAMB has been ordered to prepare for humanitarian operations to begin. Furthermore, the Imperial Treasury has been instructed to provide funds for an International Developmental Grant to be used by Seaforth "as it sees fit" over the course of its re-emergence. "The full arsenal of Rokkenjima is at the disposal of our friends in Seaforth, with a multi-pronged operation being readied to support our allies as they stand once again."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2018, 01:39:12 AM »

Empress Clarifies State Of Morelander Relations

The Empress, who was on hand for the proclamation of King Andrew III, spoke to the RBC regarding the breakdown in Rokkenjima-East Moreland relations.

The Empress today declassified a trove of documents and various information which was released to East Moreland under the reign of Empress Emerita Evanthe stating "it is my belief that the Rokkenjiman People and all Peoples should be able to see for themselves that I, at no time, held no agreement nor accord with Mr. Barren or the Separatists, let alone any contact of any form. Rokkenjma has been clear and consistent in its approach to them, from the days where they sought legitimacy before the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation to today our stance remains the same: as a terrorist enterprise they must be brought to face the full force of justice and their ability to cause harm and destruction must be eradicated wholly. This consistent approach continues to this day and shall continue to do so until the Separatists face justice for their many crimes against humanity and decency itself."

An analysis of the body of information shows that the Anauša had become concerned about irregularities, including the diversion of funds, alternative channels of communication and a concentration of operations at home and afar. This led to an infiltration of Anauša by agents loyal to Mr. Offdensen, whom were positioned to enable a 'reprisal mechanism' in the event Mr. Offdensen failed in his objectives. Weakening Rokkenjiman foreign relations, especially wit East Moreland, were also secondary objectives of this operation. Elimination options of members of the Anselmo Family were pursued as a further layer of insurance, while the possibility also exists these elements could strike out of anger at the friends and allies of the First Empire and the Empress herself.

This leads up to an Anauša mission to gather intelligence against the Borland Separatists to be utilized in future operations, the information gathered to also be distributed to East Moreland. This, however, never transpired as Mr. Offdensen took charge of the materials for anything of value toward the pursuit of his own ambitions. As the Empress became aware of the situation she was in a position where Mr. Offdensen had effectively isolated her from the broader Government, though electronic records show that the Empress attempted several times to warn the Morelanders of the developing situation. When these attempts failed the Empress fell into despair and dismay, writing:

"Today I realized there is nothing left for me to do, the battle is over; even Lucy has forsaken me. There was always the risk that my communications would never reach David but, in that risk, I have kept them safe from Charles' long arm. While Charles may see this as his victory I have one card left to play, and while it will destroy me it will save all that I care about. If I accept the blame and proclaim my guilt I will be the one hated and reviled and, while damaged, Rokkenjima's friendship with East Moreland can at least be preserved and repaired in the future."

"To create a future with the glimmer of hope I will destroy my own. Sure there is much I will miss, people I will only be able to look upon from afar, but at least they'll be alive, and I would rather them be alive to hate me than see a progression of funerals by Charles' hand. If only they knew I was truly a prisoner, kept here and restrained by my "greatest friend" at the behest of Charles' treason? It could have been different, but if it is the hand I am dealt I must play it to the best of my ability."

"That East Moreland is incapable of processing new information and deems just to continue to claim my guilt was a large reason in the decision to terminate relations," the Empress said aboard the Austrana prior to the proclamation. "King David may wish to paint me as a devil, however, I shall be his devil no longer. This decision is about transparency with the Rokkenjiman People and the People of Mundus, to see that truth is presented and weighed accordingly against the picture painted by King David. In hindsight I should have been more considerate of the implications facing Ms. Hadley, and for that I will admit a deficit of judgement. But colluding with the Borlanders? I cannot, in good conscious, allow such slander to stand any longer."

The Empress also confirmed that the Anauša would be working with LISA and allied partners in "eradicating any lingering subversive elements whose loyalties lay not with the Rokkenjima People, but the Great Traitor. I've the highest of confidences in High Commander Lamperouge and our military and intelligence assets in meeting this threat and putting it to a swift resolution." Following her remarks with the RBC the Empress returned to the company of her cousin, Princess Evanthe Rhodes, and her husband General Rhodes in the proclamation of King Andrew III. It is expected the Empress will be in Seaforth for the foreseeable future as she takes a hands-on approach to Rokkenjiman assistance operations in the reconstruction of Seaforth.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 02:20:22 AM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2018, 04:01:07 AM »

Rishiri Flag Flies Again

With the end of the Confederation the Rishiri Imperial Overseas Dependency has reformed.

As the Somerset Confederation enters into the pages of history the Rishiri Imperial Overseas Dependency has been re-established through the mutual decision of the First Empire of Rokkenjima and the Kingdom of Seaforth. The flag of Somerset was lowered at government buildings across Rishiri to be replaced with the Flag of the Rishiri Dependency, marking a return to Rokkenjiman sovereignty over the area which 34,000 Rokkenjimans call home. Many who live in Urakawa City and Elpidiana either work in a civilian capacity at Queen Adriana Military Base or as staff at the Office for Illumic and Tripartite Affairs, which serves as the Imperial Diplomatic Corps' principle Diplomatic Office for Illumic and Cotf Aranye affairs. The Imperial Government will conduct further re-integration efforts over the following weeks, and months, as Rokkenjima resumes broader responsibilities over Rishiri which had been transferred to the Confederation.

"While the First Empire would be disappointed at the dissolution of a promising state the return of Seaforth, and King Andrew's calls for Seaforthians to return home, marks a glorious new dawn which should be celebrated across Mundus," Empress Beatrice stated during a break in her talks in Heyra. "Rokkenjima and Seaforth have reaffirmed their bonds, represented by the Pyrettania-Eventide Accord, and I am pleased to recognize the Kingdom as one of our most trusted and closest of allies. These are bonds which will continue to be built upon as the Kingdom rebuilds and beyond." The Empress also confirmed that new talks would take place to ensure movement upon Somerset Island would remain open between residents of Rishiri and Somerset.

"While an international border we have, in the past, seen travel between Somerset and Rishiri possible through mutual customs policies, a status I believe we'll be able to resume without complication. Just as Rokkenjiman and Seaforthian citizens enjoy visa-free travel between our countries so too shall this policy be mirrored upon Somerset Island. Furthermore, as the King and I discussed at great length, Rokkenjiman commitments on force and vessel amounts stationed at QAMB shall continue to stand as they have under previous arrangements, as shall requirements concerning military deployments from QAMB. The partnership our nations enjoyed prior to the Fall has been restored, along with it a vision of prosperity and friendship which has guided our nations shared path."

Michael Kensington, former Liaison to the Commonwealth, has been appointed as Governor of Rishiri. "While I didn't work with the Empress previously her cousin Evanthe put in quite the word for her, a move which made my acceptance of the appointment that much easier," Mr. Kensington shared with the RBC. "I'll look forward to working with her and the Duke of Somerset on mutual issues facing Somerset and ensuring the communities continue to maintain cultural and community links beyond the return of the Rishiri Dependency."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2018, 04:10:26 AM »

Rokkenjima And Seaforth Reach Nuclear Agreement

Empress Beatrice negotiated the deal with King Andrew of Seaforth to resolve the future status of the Rokkenjiman nuclear arsenal.

Following a meeting between Empress Beatrice and King Andrew III the Empress declared "the vision put forth by Empress Emerita Evanthe in committing Rokkenjima to the complete disarmament of its nuclear arsenal is ready to become a reality. King Andrew and I have produced an agreement which will see these former weapons of deterrence put towards the service of humanity. The Kingdom of Seaforth has purchased half of all Rokkenjiman warheads to be utilized for power generation, whilst the remaining half has been donated for further energy production needs. The Rokkenjiman Nuclear Arsenal thus has become the Seaforth Energy Reserve, which will be transported to the Kingdom over the coming months and years."

Seaforth shall then sell half of the energy produced, while half of the power produced will be donated to poor nations. "This arrangement sees the former arsenal become something which may truly benefit humanity, especially through the ability to help poorer nations who may face energy shortages which cannot be met otherwise," the Empress continued. When asked why such time had passed between the comittment of the Empress Emerita and a solution to disarmament the Empress pointed to the size of the Rokkenjiman arsenal. "The Republicans built many warheads, meaning it's taken a longer time to put forth a viable disarmament regimen. The partnership with Seaforth became the best option for our warheads and won over several other options for ridding ourselves of these weapons."

"Even with the disarmament of Rokkenjiman, Achkaerinese and Morelander nuclear arsenals our nations retain a key responsibility: working toward a robust, capable and enforceable non-proliferation program to ensure these weapons remain a chapter of the past. In this endeavour the First Empire will look to work closely with our friends and ally to produce such a program. We already have a blueprint for such a program and treaty, and through the combined efforts of our nations we may see that blueprint become the foundation of a Mundus which remains free of nuclear weapons. If we are to place the genie back in the bottle, to close the box of Pandora, we must accept the responsibility to ensure that these efforts are not overturned."

The size of the Rokkenjiman arsenal was as much a stumbling block as it is a fortune. "Due to the love the Republican regime had for building these monstrosities we're able to provide to Seaforth what King Andrew and I are now calling the Seaforth Energy Reserve. I believe it to be a most fitting end for our arsenal, that it shall provide power to hospitals and schools while keeping people cool in the warm months of summer. I believe this partnership furthers the trust and camaraderie shared between Rokkenjima and Seaforth, and can only look fondly upon what further projects we may embark upon. I thank King Andrew and his People for their part in dismantling the largest arsenal, a process which will take years but, effectively, removes these weapons from deployment from this moment forward."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2018, 01:54:40 PM »

Empress Dissolves Diet; Appoints New Vicegerent

Elections have been scheduled with the dissolution of the Imperial Diet.

In a move which was not expected so early in her return to the Throne the Empress has dissolved the Imperial Diet and set the stage for elections, citing "a growing need for a new direction in the Diet and the continued popular discontent with the Green-Socialist Government presently in power." Elections are slated to take place early next month, with the strong posibility for the Centre Party to claim an outright majority in the new Government. Shinjirō Koizumi, Leader of the Centre Party, welcomed the development and said his party is "ready and willing to lead Rokkenjima, with a strong mandate of the People, into a new era alongside the Empress. I firmly believe the Rokkenjiman People are ready for a new direction and welcome this chance to show that at the ballot box."

The Empress gave further shock to the Rokkenjiman political landscape by announcing that the appointment process for the individual who would succeed Princess Euphemia as she resumes service with the Imperial Rokkenjiman Air Force involved a foreign candidate. "As I searched for a candidate to succeed Euphemia my mind centred around one individual, perhaps two, someone I am confident will provide the leadership and honour the responsibilities which the position of Vicegerent holds. What was most important to me in this selection was a voice which would not only be principled and trustworthy, but one which would have the courage to say those phrases and words which are often times most important: "no, I cannot support this course, let us consider other options, you are wrong." In this pursuit, while I have not a final selection, I believe we shall have a Vicegerent capable of working with me through a period of reform and reorganization."

When asked why she would appoint a foreigner as the next Vicegerent of Rokkenjima the Empress explained, "A voice which will ensure that moderation, wisdom and compassion guide our policies and endeavours was most important to me. We cannot simply have a "yes-man" in one of the most crucial Offices of State, nor one with a heart impure who would pervert the Office for their own motives and endeavours. We've one chance to get this right, and while there are many Rokkenjimans capable and most certainly willing to serve, a pair of outside eyes will allow us vision we would otherwise be left without. Worry not, this decision is one I am making with full and careful consideration; it shall not be made in haste."

While the move may come as a shock, many have supported the Empress' prerogative to appoint who she feels is best to a position which forms a central pillar of the Imperial Government. Another convention which will not be upheld is that a member of the Anselmo Family, or a veteran of the Imerial Restoration will not hold the position, either. Many still recall the resistance within the Government and populace Emperor Alexander was greeted with initially, only to fade as the Emperor came into his own. "I expect the same shall transpire with our new Vicegerent, but we'll all grow together as time passes," the Empress added.

Continued coverage on these stories can be found throughout the RBC's various outlets.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 02:27:55 PM by Beatrice »

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2018, 09:56:27 AM »

Empress Stands With Paracambi Emperor

"Rokkenjima shall be neither silent nor complicit, and shall support those who take a principled stand to advocate for those who, at present, have no advocate," the Empress proclaimed in support of Emperor Benson II.

The Empress issued an Imperial Decree today which noted the concerns of the Imperial Government that "the unfortunate legacy of slavery remains a scourge in the modern era which refuses to retreat into history. As a nation which has stood for the rights of the oppressed, those who have no champion to voice their concerns, the First Empire cannot ignore the continued practice of slavery in the Empire of Tamora, or anywhere upon Mundus." The Empress commended Emperor Benson II, saying "We recognize Emperor Benson II for speaking out against this practice and for taking tangible actions against it. I, and this First Empire, stand beside Emperor Benson II and the People of Paracambi on this issue."

The Decree also announced the following actions to be taken in concert with Paracambi:

  • Asylum shall be granted to any Tamoran citizen who presents themselves at any Rokkenjiman Embassy.
  • Rokkenjiman corporations shall find alternative sources for materials if they are presently sourced from Tamora.
  • Tariffs shall be levied upon all Tamoran goods at a rate of 20%, while goods containing materials sourced from Tamora shall have a tariff levied upon them at a rate of 15%.
  • The First Empire reserves the right to search any Tamoran vessel within Rokkenjiman territorial waters suspected of carrying slaves.

"We have seen in the past what is possible when the international community shows courage in addressing the conduct of evil abroad," the Empress said following the release of the Decree. "When a chorus of voices cried out against the slavery imposed by the Trade Empire of Transvaal that nation was forced to address its policy, lest it face the force of international disapproval and the increasing weight of tariffs and outright sanctions. We must remember that all People hold the power to change Mundus, from the meek to those in power, and it is when we choose not to use the tools at our disposal that we become complicit, a part of what is wrong in our world. Rokkenjima shall be neither silent nor complicit, and shall support those who take a principled stand to advocate for those who, at present, have no advocate."

Empress Beatrice also stated that the First Empire would work to provide "alternative sources" for raw materials sourced from Tamora to soften the impact of sanctions upon foreign nations and business entities. "For example, we may assist foreign nations with decreasing their reliance upon foreign oil by providing sustainable alternatives, while also working with Rokkenjiman pharmaceutical corporations to ensure the supply of medications and other health care needs may be sourced ethically. As we saw in cases where the prices have been raised on medications Rokkenjiman ingenuity is capable of providing medications at rates which are affordable and within the reach of all Peoples, a challenge they may rise to again in this situation if need be. These are but two examples of measures we can take to ensure there are incentives for nations to source their imports from nations who do not rely upon the abhorrent practice of slavery to produce their goods and services."

In other Government news the Imperial Government has announced increased environmental controls within the Rokkenjiman Exclusive Economic Zone, stating "Vessels which pass through the Rokkenjiman EEZ may be subject to inspection to ensure they are not leaking oils or other toxic chemicals into these pristine waters, upon which Rokkenjima depends for its fishing industries. Rokkenjiman fishermen have cited increased concerns regarding the leaking of oil in the Rokkenjiman EEZ, thus this is a concern we must take seriously." Nations with which Rokkenjima maintains strong maritime relationships with, such as the Holy Empire of Achkaerin, the Kingdom of Dartfordia, the Kingdom of Seaforth (amongst others) are expected to be issued waivers "due to strong regulations which exist in these nations which ensure their vessels are in compliance with relevant and equivalent Rokkenjiman regulations."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2018, 11:54:16 PM »

Abstergo Pursues DNA For Data Storage

Abstergo pushes forward in unlocking the full potential of DNA as a medium for data storage.

The Future Technologies Division of Abstergo has been pursuing a variety of projects to improve computing power and data storage options as humanity generates an increasing amount of data as the years go by. Five years ago humans produced an estimated 4.4 zettabytes of data, an amount expected to explode to 160 zettabytes each year by 2025. Present infrastructure can only handle a fraction of that amount, which is expected to deplete Mundus' microchip-grade silicon as soon as the year 2040. "To solve this coming problem we've looked to nature and set ourselves upon the path of unlocking the data storage power of DNA," Abstergo CEO Patricius Bateson shared with the RBC whilst holding a 5ml vial. "For years we've been trying to innovate and figure out new technologies for data storage all while nature had already developed one some 3.5 billion years ago, and it's much more advanced than any storage device available to us: DNA."

Holding up a 5ml tube Mr. Bateson continued, "With DNA we could store over 1 billion gigabytes in the tube you see in my hand. Most data storage mediums we see today takes up a good deal of space and have a lifespan of, perhaps, ten years while becoming obsolete over time, increasing the danger that someday we may have these disks and tapes but no way to read the data which they contain. DNA does not have these limitations; DNA sequencing technologies may evolve but the structure of DNA won't, making it a medium of eternal storage as the technology needed to read it back will never become obsolete. Data we encode in DNA today could be extracted at any time, be it twenty or a thousand years into the future, without the loss of any information whatsoever. And space? Imagine the entirety of the data upon Mundus, stored via DNA it will be much less than a cargo container."

Security, another concern when discussing data, is another 'feature' Mr. Bateson focused upon. "When you look at DNA as a medium for storage it is essentially hack proof; being used in physical form DNA storage is not hackable practically from any digital source. This is lucrative, of course, for sensitive areas such as national security, intelligence, and a multitude of other security applications. Now there do remain challenges, such as retrieving data, speed and such, but we're working on those, too."

At present it is expensive and slow to write data to DNA, which involves converting 0s and 1s to DNA  molecules adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, while getting data back from DNA involves sequencing it and decoding files back to 0s and 1s. Finding and retrieving specific files stored on DNA is also a challenge. There is then the matter of random access, or the ability to selectively retrieve flies from DNA storage, without which you would need to sequence and decode an entire dataset to find and retrieve the few files you want. This is where Abstergo pursued a system under which it could create random access to reduce the amount of sequencing required.

In order to achieve random access the Future Technologies Division created a library of 'primers' that are attached to each DNA sequence. These primers, together with polymerase chain reaction (PCR), are used as targets to select desired snippets of DNA through random access. "So, prior to synthesizing the DNA containing data from a file, researches appended both ends of each DNA sequence with PCR targets from the primer library. They then used those primers later to select the desired strands through random access, and used a new algorithm designed to more efficiently decode and restore the data to its original, digital state" Bateson explained.

A new algorithm for decoding and restoring data more efficiently was also developed possessing more tolerance for errors in writing and reading DNA sequences, reducing the sequencing and processing required to recover information. Although it's not the first time random access on DNA had bee achieved Abstergo notes it is the first time it has been done at the scale they achieved.  Abstergo researchers encoded to synthetic DNA a record 200MB of data consisting of 35 files ranging in size from 29kB to 44MB. The files contained high-definition video, audio, images, and text. They've also encoded and retrieved files from 400MB of data on DNA and believe that the approach utilized for random access will scale to physically isolated pools of DNA containing several terabytes each.

In conjunction with its DNA storage research, which Abstergo is calling Eternity Drive, it is also preparing to offer data hosting solutions "once Eternity Drive becomes more practical for day-to-day purposes."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2018, 04:26:49 AM »

Tamora Dominates Imperial Council Session

The Tamoran Asylum Program again dominated the latest Imperial Council session, with the Empress calling for "compassion and understanding as we move forward." Citing the situation as "perhaps more complicated than prior instances we've witnessed, such as that of the Trade Empire of Transvaal, we cannot afford to move forward with haste whilst sacrificing due scrutiny." The Empress also called the developments in Slava Lavosk "demanding of the strongest of condemnations; targeting individuals based upon their heritage in such a manner is a situation which requires the eyes of the international community to bring accountability and ensure those detained are released in short order." The Empress also cited this development as one which caused a moment of pause in the Rokkenjiman approach to Tamora.

"While it is unfortunate the march of progress in society moves more slowly in some corners of Mundus. Tamoran society has developed over many centuries, just as ours has, though clearly some values have been pursued over others in each of our respective nations and cultures. To these ends I wish to offer the Tamoran Empire a chance for us to come to understand one another while providing an avenue for those under slavery to loosen their binds and pursue a life elsewhere if they so desire. Should such a venture prove successful I feel we may reach a humane and just resolution. Slavery is an abomination, a relic of a time which belongs to the history books, however we must also recognize that when certain traits are so ingrained in a society that it is not a simple, straight-forward path which may be pursued."

"As we saw with Seaforth and the issue of whaling we must come together, come to an understanding, and then perhaps find a path upon which we may move forward. Assailing a culture will only embolden hard-liners while making a path of understanding that much more difficult to realize. We can say that slavery is bad all day and pursue punitive measures, but at the end of the day, it brings us not one step closer to any sort of resolution. Recognizing that fact, I do not wish to make a situation worse by continuing a path without a full understanding of the elements at play."

"To these ends I wish to offer the Tamorans a chance for us to come together, educate one another and, upon finding a greater understanding, pursue avenues with which to allow those who wish to pursue a life of freedom to do so while addressing the concerns of the international community. In turn the First Empire, depending upon the results of any such meeting, will explore amending tariffs levied against Tamoran goods and services. Furthermore, regardless of the outcome, the First Empire will not remove its eyes from the situation brewing in Slava Lavosk, and will address any further abuses against individuals of Tamoran heritage just as we would any other situation of unjust detention and persecution."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2018, 10:34:07 PM »

Patricius Bateson Bids On Karapetyan Family

Abstergo CEO Bateson has placed a bid for the Karapetyan family.

Patricius Bateson has placed a bid on the Karapetyan Family of Tamora, recently forced into bankruptcy and slavery due to the weight of foreign tariffs, of $1.5m dollars. Speaking with the RBC Mr. Bateson said he felt "sympathy for the Karapetyans who built their business honestly, only to fall victim to the ramifications for actions they themselves did not partake in. For these reasons I have made a bid and, upon its success, intend to offer them a life in Rokkenjima. I know our Information Technologies Unit could always use insight into foreign markets, and I've a vacation home that would make a much better family home in Azukishima Prefecture."

"The Karapetyans will be afforded Abstergo's full benefit package along with a salaried position as Assistant Vice President of the Information Technologies Division. Naturally I hope the job offer will be accepted, however, they shall be free to pursue whatever course they wish in freedom in Rokkenjima, or elsewhere if that fancies them. I do feel Abstergo would offer a bright path forward and look forward to working with them if they feel a future with us is what is right for their family. My jet is ready regardless of their choice and will be at their full disposal."

The Imperial Treasury approved of the transaction, citing the "humanitarian grounds" upon which Mr. Bateson was pursuing. "This family is facing a life of slavery due to our tariffs," Mr. Bateson continued, "so I feel a duty to make this right for them. Building a search engine in this competitive landscape impresses me, and hopefully I will gain some insight for Abstergo's own efforts and another partner here at Abstergo. We've some interesting projects which will ensure these talents do not go to waste."

The RBC will bring you the latest on this developing story.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis