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International Organisations / LISA Headquarters
« on: September 11, 2017, 03:28:02 PM »
Headquarters of the League of International Security and Aid

The League of International Security and Aid is an alliance of many spheres and elements born out of the union of the former CIS and CSTO respective membership. It is based in the city of Gowu at Dragonspire Citadel.

Spoiler: LISA Charter • show
[center]Charter of the League of International Security and Aid[/center]

[center]Hosted at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu: 31st January - 1st February 2017
Signed at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu: 1st February 2017
Proclaimed by the Signatories: 5th February 2017
Entered into force: 6th February 2017


We the member states of the League of International Security and Aid (LISA) are determined:
  • To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.
  • To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained.
  • To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, of all races of all ethnicities, of all sexual orientations and of nations large and small.
  • To promote social progress and better standards of life.
And for these ends:
  • To practice tolerance, respect and to live in peace with each other as good neighbours.
  • To unite our strength in relevant areas to maintain international peace and security and to uphold international law.
  • To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of alternative dispute resolution, that military force shall not be used save in the common interest and as a final resort.
  • To employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

Article One

The purposes of the League of International Security and Aid are:

To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention, containment and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace. And to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which may lead to a breach of the peace.

To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.

To achieve international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

[center]Rules and Principles[/center]

Article Two

The Parties undertake to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved in such a manner that the international peace, security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the principles set forth by this Treaty.

Article Three

The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.

Article Four

In order to more effectively achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Article Five

The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.


Article Six

The supreme authority within the League of International Security and Aid shall be the LISA Council. It shall comprise one representative per nation and be led by a Praetor.

Article Seven

The Praetor shall be elected for a term of one year, renewable, by those member states who are full members of the organisation. The Praetor shall be regarded as the chief administrator of the organisation.

Article Eight

Decisions of the LISA Council shall require a majority vote, each member shall have a single vote. In the event of a tie the Praetor shall have the casting vote.

Article Nine

In the event of a conflict of interest on a matter the casting vote authority of the Praetor shall be vested in another member of the Council for that matter. Such conflicts of interest must be declared before discussion of the matter begins and in the case of it involving the Praetor the Council must first resolve by majority vote the matter of the casting vote authority for that matter. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest shall result in reprimands that may extend to both an individual and national level and may render a vote unsafe.

Article Ten

Amendments to this document shall require a two thirds majority of members voting to come into effect.

Article Eleven

The Organisation shall be headquartered at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu.
Diplomatic and Cultural Policies

Article Twelve

LISA Members agree to act whenever possible in the spirit of the Mundus Convention on Universal Rights, the Fair Seas Concordat, Treaty of the Protection for Hygelac and Hrothgar and Outer Space Standards Convention.

Article Thirteen

There shall be visa exemptions for citizens of member states travelling between member states.

Article Fourteen

There shall be held annually a summit between the member nations for the purposes of developing deeper cooperation in the fields of; science, cultural understanding, industry, economics and any other such area the members determine.This summit shall celebrate the diversity of the Organisation and the collaborations of it. The venue of each summit shall be determined by the LISA Council.

Article Fifteen

The member states of LISA agree to maintain active embassies with each other.

Article Sixteen

The member states of LISA agree to utilize private diplomatic channels when matters involving or potentially involving multiple members arise before taking anything public.

[center]Economic Policies[/center]

Article Seventeen

All signatories to this Treaty shall be entitled to fast track membership of the
Cross Straits Union.

Article Eighteen

There will be no tariffs on goods transported between member states.

Article Nineteen

There will be no land taxes levied on landowners of member states who set up businesses in another member state on condition that the contracts relating to construction and manufacture are given to local companies.

[center]Intelligence Policies[/center]

Article Twenty

The signatories to this Treaty agree to the creation and maintenance of the LISA Intelligence Agency (LIA)

Article Twenty One

The LIA’s responsibilities shall be as follows:
To determine threats to the national security of members and dangers to global security as a whole.
To facilitate cooperation between the intelligence agencies of member states and expedite intelligence sharing.

Article Twenty Two

If a threat is determined the LIA may recommend that the threat level be raised accordingly to address the threat.

[center]Military Policies[/center]

Article Twenty Three

All decisions of an operational military nature shall be delegated to LISA Military Command (LMC) each member shall have a single representative on this body though outside specialists may be requested as circumstances dictate.

Article Twenty Four

All members of LISA, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to LISA, on its call and in accordance with any special agreements that exist within the membership; armed forces, assistance and facilities including- rights of passage that are necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.

Article Twenty Five

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all. Consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self defence will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the region in question.

Article Twenty Six

For the purposes of Article Twenty Five, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the territory of any of the Parties, any territory under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties, or any asset under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties.

Article Twenty Seven

Article Twenty Five shall be invalidated if the said armed attack was in response to unprovoked military action by the LISA state involved.

Article Twenty Eight

To preserve international peace and security the LMC may recommend military action in a non LISA state. This shall only be employed should the state in question agree to the deployment or if to not deploy forces would be in the circumstances presented contrary to the principles of the Organisation.

Article Twenty Nine

All military agreements regarding the deployment of LISA military forces will be agreed upon at the time the force is needed. They shall be concluded between the LISA members and any contributing observers and independent nations, and shall be subject to ratification by the states in respect of their own constitutional processes.

Article Thirty

LISA members agree that the use of military force both collectively and individually shall be a last resort.

Article Thirty One

When on operations all forces operating under the LISA banner shall act in accordance with the provisions of the Uppsala Convention.

Article Thirty Two

LISA members agree to follow the alert levels as laid out by the organisation (found in annex one) and delegate control over those alert levels to the LMC.

Article Thirty Three

LISA members shall at all times refrain from intervention in the internal affairs of another sovereign state subject to the circumstances of articles contained in this section.

Article Thirty Four

LISA members agree to annual military exercises and ad-hoc exercises as required. The LMC shall determine the location of each exercise.
Relationship with the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation

Article Thirty Five

The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments. Nothing in this Treaty shall affect, or be interpreted as affecting in any way, the rights and obligations under the Charter of the parties which are members of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisations, nor of the primary responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security. In matters of international law and conflicts between this Treaty and that of the Commonwealth, the Charter of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation shall take precedence, being recognized as the senior document.


Article Thirty Six

Membership of the League of International Security and Aid is open to all nations who share the stated values outlined in this Treaty. The membership application process shall comprise the following stages:

Exploration Stage- the LISA Council shall determine a delegation to visit the applicant nation and conduct a fact finding interview to determine the suitability and nature of the application and make a recommendation to the LISA Council accordingly.

Interview Stage- Following the recommendation the LISA Council may summon a representative of the applicant nation to answer questions raised as a result of the exploration stage. At the end of this session the LISA Council shall vote on the admission of the applicant nation- a majority either way shall carry the decision.

Signature Stage - The applicant nation formerly joins LISA by signing this Treaty.

Article Thirty Seven

A nation may apply for observer status within the organisation, such an application shall comprise the first two stages of the process outlined in Article Thirty Six; Observer nations shall not be entitled to the provisions of Article Seventeen and may not receive other benefits enjoyed by the full members this shall be determined by the LISA Council.

Article Thirty Eight

A nation may withdraw from LISA by delivering in writing to the LISA Council a notice of their intention to leave the organisation. The mandated notice period shall be 30 days.


Article Thirty Nine

This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin, which will notify all other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories including the Holy Empire of Achkaerin and the First Empire of Rokkenjima have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Forty

This Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin. Duly certified copies shall be transmitted by that government to the government’s of the other signatories, and to the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation in compliance with Article Sixty Seven of the Commonwealth Treaty.


Done at Dragonspire Citadel, Gowu on the 1st of February 2017


Emperor Peter Azurewind on behalf of the Holy Empire of Achkaerin

Vice President Amika Aracan on behalf of the Public Corporation of Meche

Vice President Sakura-Yagami Sanzo of The Republic of Satanica

Supreme Commandant Issac Wesley on behalf of the Sovereign Empire of Revana

Empress Evanthe Anselmo-Rhodes on behalf of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

The Rt. Hon Daniel Cleaver MP, on behalf of the Kingdom of Dartfordia

Prime Minister Madeline Thatcher on behalf of the Kingdom of Tytor[/list]
    Spoiler: LISA Threat Levels • show
    [table=3,]Level and description[c]Diplomatic and Economic Approach[c]Military Approach[c]0 - No conflict exists[c]Maintain open lines of communications with all organisations and countries[c]Routine LISA military exercises[c]1 - Nations make statements about others in a "unfriendly manner"[c]Diplomats sent to ascertain nations stance. Attempts are made to open up means of future dialogue.[c]Routine LISA military exercises[c]2- Nations make statements that could be perceived as a threat.[c]Notice of intention to bring in basic sanctions should escalation occur.

    Offers to act as intermediary between nations/alliances involved[c]Military recalled from exercise and put on standby. Joint planning to begin considering possible military options should the need arise.[c]3 - Nation makes aggressive move either economically or militarily. Military action does not have to constitute military incursions , for example illegal boarding of marine transport.[c]Sanctions imposed on all trade with offending nation. Except for medical and food supplies into the nation.

    Assets held by the government of that nation frozen.

    Notice of possible military action sent through diplomatic lines.

    [c]Mobilise military assets to a Forward Operations Base in the nearest safe nation to the potential conflict zone, if LISA member is victim then to that nation (civil wars exempt)[c]4- Nation ceases to halt actions causing Level 3 response within 3 days of Level 3 being declared OR Nation begins military incursion into LISA associated nation [c]Full sanctions imposed including food and medical supplies.

    All shipping from nation to be halted within LISA members territorial waters.

    Assets of all citizens from hostile nation to be frozen by LISA members.[c]Limited strikes to be carried out as deemed appropriate by the LMC. For example air strikes against key targets either in the conflict area itself or against the home nation. This should avoid at all costs civilian casualties and should include but not be limited to attacks against military installations, SAM missile and RADAR sites, Naval shore facilities, air bases and oil facilities.[c]5 - Nation fails to halt Level 4 activity with 2 days or visibly escalates invasion[c]Closure of all embassies.

    One LISA diplomat to remain in nation as a potential route to negotiations. [c]Formal offer of military aid made to nation being attacked. This will result in LISA military action within nation being invaded. Increased strikes against transgressor nation permitted this will now include attacks against government infrastructure, road and rail networks and other targets of military value.

    Spoiler: Resolution Archive • show

    [table=4,][center][big]Resolution Number[/big][/center][c][center][big]Subject Matter[/big][/center][c][center][big]Status[/big][/center][c][center][big]Result[/big][/center][c]#1[c]Vaguzian Membership Application[c]Concluded[c]Approved

    LISA Press Office

    Current Membership

    (* denotes founding member)

    The Holy Empire of Achkaerin *
    The Bretonnian Republic
    The Kingdom of Dartfordia *
    The Empire of Revana *
    The First Empire of Rokkenjima *
    The Kingdom of Vaguzia

    Observer Members

    Former Members

    The Public Corporation of Meche *
    The Empire of Satanica *
    The Kingdom of Tytor *
    The People's Republic of Aeternum

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: Utman Declaration of Independence
    « on: September 10, 2017, 05:32:43 PM »

    On The Utman Situation

    The Grand Duchy finds itself increasingly concerned by the unfolding situation in Lakhzovia. With serious questions and convenient coincidences surrounding the results of the Lakhzov election I am concerned that the path to self-determination sought by the Utman People is one of challenge, especially with reports alleging that the Utman Liberation Organisation holds ties to terrorist elements. That I have never heard of the Lalishi Liberation League or their exploits to this point may be a coincidence itself, however, I shall wait until I have the full body of information before me before making a judgement on this development.

    Prior to the release of these reports the Civil Administration, acting as the legislative branch of the Duchy until the convening of Parliament, voted in favour of extending diplomatic recognition to the Utman Republic. It will be my pleasure to meet with representatives from the Utman Republic so that we may discuss a wide range of issues, foremost the ties which are being alleged between the ULO and the LLL. Should this situation be resolved in a satisfactory manner I will look forward to an Utman Embassy in Bethesda.

    As the Grand Duchess has determined that it would be inappropriate for her to act on behalf of Somerset until her responsibilities to the First Empire have been attended to I have been appointed, and confirmed, by the Civil Administration to represent the interests of Somerset at home and abroad. Any affairs concerning the Grand Duchy should thus be directed to my office until the formal return of the Grand Duchess to Somerset.

    Gregory McKenna
    Governor of Somerset

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: In the Cause of Hope and Peace continued
    « on: September 10, 2017, 01:39:26 PM »
    "Speaking of which," Evanthe said as she viewed her phone before handing it to Peter, "I do believe we have a new set of issues with the formerly withheld results now seeing the light of day. In all senses of the word they're toxic; though my insistence upon their release was less of what they actually revealed. We're very much in agreement that the refusal to release them when they were current places a large cloud of doubt above them, and while the results are as expected they're disappointing nonetheless. I had so wished to grant Kadassa the benefit of the doubt."

    "I understand well the situation before us," Beatrice added, "though I can offer no guarantee as to what results my involvement will have in this. President Kadassa may be predictable in some respects, however, in others his actions are not so clear and I can't be sure that his motives in wishing for my involvement are as they appear. I am only reassured that while I am engaging him in discussions we will be preparing a response for any contingency." Following her view of the news reports she sighed, "Hope for the best, though prepare for the worst. On another note, you made a fine selection in Koizumi."

    "Thank you," Evanthe replied, "I know how dedicated he was in his service to your mother and our nation, and he's been of immense assistance in righting the ship. We'll proceed as agreed and, so long as everyone pulls their weight, I believe we have a strong chance. As Beatrice said we're dealing with an element of unpredictability in Kadassa. Utilized correctly, however, I believe this could be used to our advantage. Naturally with the release of the results I can't expect Koizumi to coddle Kadassa, pressure is most certainly warranted. Beatrice would certainly have more latitude in this respect and, if you must, I won't hold it against you if you bad mouth me a bit: Kadassa would likely appreciate the fact that you hate me just as much as he does."

    "You know that's not true," Beatrice said as she stood in immediate protest. "I am well aware of that, however, Kadassa views you as some sort of martyr while viewing me as a pretender to the Throne. Use this to your advantage, walk in there as the rightful Empress of Rokkenjima, it's a role which he respects to this day. If it places you in a better position to handle him it's a tool which should be utilized."

    International News Networks / Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
    « on: September 10, 2017, 12:51:57 PM »

    Lakhzov Election Results Face Scrutiny Following Release

    "Unfortunately, the release of the results by the Kadassa Government does little to ease concerns." Lord High Steward Koizumi, September 10th.

    Following a working session with the Imperial Diet Lord High Steward Koizumi reacted to the release of Lakhzovia's election results, calling the development "long overdue, yet perhaps much too late. I am very much reminded of reports earlier this year in which a coalition of thirty one international non-governmental organisations, known collectively as the International Electoral Monitoring Group, released a report which, to say the least, did not paint a favourable picture of the Government's respect for the institution of democracy. The report highlighted incidents of state media bias, intimidation throughout rural areas, as well as a process which was rushed which greatly hampered the ability of large portions of the population to cast their vote. If the results weren't already tainted by the incidents of electoral interference, the delay in their release has only increased their toxicity."

    Mr. Koizumi also criticized the arrest warrant for Argan Tsagarai as "another area of concern in the manner which the Lakhzovian elections have been handled. Throughout the crisis surrounding the elections Mr. Tsagarai repeatedly called for calm and restraint as President Kadassa deployed his military to the Lakhzov heartland. These are not the actions of a government respectful or confident in the democratic process and calls for further scrutiny." Mr. Koizumi went on to address the nature of Kadassa's presidency, which would have faced a challenge in a Democratic Alliance-controlled government.

    "President Kadassa's term is perpetuated through emergency powers," the Lord High Steward explained, "and it is widely recognized that the Democratic Alliance would seek to lift the state of emergency which allows him to do so. The likelihood of this development, however, is thrown into doubt with the LNC-ACP coalition conveniently giving him a majority in government. So, even with the release of the elections we remain at square one: a government we cannot trust to represent the will of the People, but one we can rest assured will represent the interests of Kadassa."

    Electoral districts by controlling party: Green - LNCP, Blue - DA, Red - Shanata, Yellow - ANC, Orange - APP

    "I remember the map which Lakhzovia didn't wish to be shown, though you must note the Shanata Party was outlawed due to their connections to the ULO," Mr. Koizumi continued. "While I will not delve into that aspect of the crisis at this time I will note that the disbandment of that Party gave President Kadassa's LNC a good number of districts it otherwise would not have won, certainly enough to deprive the Democratic Alliance of a majority government. Manipulation need not be grand, indeed, it is better that it is subtle so as to not draw great attention upon its existence. For these reasons the Imperial Government cannot, in good faith, recognize the results released as valid."

    The Empress, whom is presently abroad in talks with Rokkenjiman allies and partners, is expected to return to Rokkenjima in the coming days in light of the developments.

    Introductions / Re: I'm not new here
    « on: September 09, 2017, 10:45:26 AM »
    Hello there, not new person! I think you'll find good company in the not-so-new club.  ;)

    International News Networks / Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
    « on: September 09, 2017, 10:40:39 AM »

    Sturgeon Compliments IRN In Peniche

    IRN Sturgeon has arrived in Peniche Bay to join Rokkenjiman forces operating in the region.

    The Sturgeon Class Assault Vessel Sturgeon has arrived in the Peniche, complimenting Rokkenjiman naval forces already operating in the region. Among the vessels of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy the Sturgeon Class possess anti-ballistic missile weaponry in addition to its offensive arsenal. The deployment was hinted at by Imperial High Command following the test of a medium-range ballistic missile by the Lakhzov Republic which was swiftly denounced as irresponsible and dangerous by the Imperial Rokkenjiman Government. According to Imperial High Command Sturgeon will remain in the region "until such a time its presence is no longer demanded."

    The Rokkenjiman deployment to the Peniche, a component of routine patrols in the Krimeon, represents an increasingly expanding operation of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy which has some lawmakers concerned that the First Empire could be drawn into a civil war. "Having spoken with the Empress it is not the desire of the First Empire to see conflict envelop the Lakhzov Republic, indeed, she has on countless times offered her support to President Kadassa in ratcheting down the crisis within Lakhzovia to find a lasting solution. However, recent developments have demanded an increased presence to ensure that any such future tests do not threaten neighbouring states or international shipping in the region," Marshal Admiral Cole shared with the RBC.

    Speaking on behalf of the Empress Lord High Steward Koizumi confirmed that the First Empire was operating "in the interests of peace and stability, though certain actions certainly make this task unfortunately more difficult. It is the continued position of the Imperial Government that President Kadassa has a responsibility to act responsibly in restoring calm to Lakhzovia." When asked of Lakhzovia's request for Empress Emerita Beatrice to head a mission of advice and mediation the Lord High Steward declined to comment, stating that "any action involving the Empress Emerita will be communicated by the Empress herself. I have no comment on that possibility at this time."

    Pyrena Castle stated that Empress Evanthe was "weighing all options" in finding a solution to the crisis. "If the Empress Emerita proves willing and able we will work with all parties involved to find a viable and lasting solution. The Empress remains firm that releasing the results of the Lakhzov election would be a positive development in restoring faith and confidence in the Government of President Kadassa."

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: Rokkenjiman Embassy Siege
    « on: September 09, 2017, 10:08:57 AM »
    "Ambassador Jason Cole, pleasure to meet you," Jason replied with a handshake. "If you're offering a ride we'd be grateful to tag along, as you can see Lakhzovia is not quite the welcoming place these days," he continued with a chuckle, welcoming the offer of refreshments. "While we have naval forces in the Peniche I wouldn't wish to tip off that we've slipped away, so this seems to be the best course available to us. Once in Orania I will contact my Government, whom I am sure would be grateful for the assistance of President Underwood. After all, I will likely be in need of a new assignment soon as I don't see myself returning here."

    "It is settled then....though I don't believe I've seen one of these before," Cirice said as she snacked casually, taking notice of one item in particular. It was an awkward moment for Jason as Cirice had always maintained a facade, never too cold but never too personable either. "I don't believe anyone saw us enter, though we can't be sure that the Lakhzovians didn't notice individuals breaking off from the main group. If we're to depart we must do so soon. Ambassador Friedman, you have our gratitude."

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: In the Cause of Hope and Peace continued
    « on: September 09, 2017, 09:51:58 AM »
    "I'm in full agreement," Evanthe replied, "At present the Imperial Government is preparing to bolster forces at Tienanmen whilst QAMB is on notice to deploy should the situation warrant it. This places 30,000 troops, stealth and conventional aircraft, not to mention the Illumic Fleet at our disposal. If Kadassa does take to the force of arms we must be prepared with a force capable of checking him with swift and determined action. Furthermore, once it's determined to be of no advantage to us in the sense of negotiations, the Imperial Government is prepared to recognize an Utman government for the purposes of the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord; should we ever get a glimpse of those elusive election results I imagine a partnership with Tsagarai would not be out of the question."

    "Kadassa isn't a foolish man," Beatrice added. "No one undertakes actions such as this without a provisional plan from which to operate. This is where things become difficult as whatever book we are playing from is most certainly not the book Kadassa is playing from. The one advantage we hold is the spirit of support for democratic governments and the force of self-determination; utilizing both to their fullest extent to apply pressure upon Kadassa is necessary."

    Evanthe nodded as Beatrice continued, "I'm fully willing to do all that I can to assist. Kadassa and I have a connection, hearing advice from me will be much different than hearing it from you," she said as she looked at Evanthe. "No offense intended, but you don't give him much reason to hold faith that you're acting as an ally with his best interests at heart. If we're to succeed you need to work on that poker face of yours."

    "Duly noted," Evanthe sighed.

    Diplomacy and Events / Sing For Absolution
    « on: September 08, 2017, 08:40:07 AM »

    Lelouch Lamperouge, High Commander, Anauša

    "You certainly thought you were clever, didn't you?" Lelouch said as he eyed the screens within Citadel Alpha, "covering your tracks, diverting funds and resources through discretionary budget accounts, but you couldn't wholly erase the trail. Especially when you involved the traitor. Why you did it, I can suspect, though we'll have plenty of time to discuss that upon your return. One way or another, this mess you've created will be cleaned, though I can only hope for a sympathetic ear; whether your actions have poisoned it too greatly are about to be seen."

    Following the push of a button he welcomed the rest of Unit Seven into the room, "We proceed under the assumption that Ms. Hadley will be, shall we say, less than cooperative. However she became misguided, whatever drew her to this path, I wish to be uncovered. Ultimately I suspect her loyalties to the Empress Emerita remain, too strong perhaps for her to even see how her actions have been so utterly wrong. How she can even show her face to her, and how the Dartfordians allow her to remain with the children...." he continued, trailing off into thought.

    "You all know your orders, I wish to see Ms. Hadley returned to Rokkenjiman soil in no less than forty-eight hours. Dismissed."

    To His Royal Majesty King David III
    This message meets the highest of encryption standards and is intended for your eyes only.

    Your Majesty,

    Please forgive me for contacting you in such a direct manner, however, the matter which I write you is one which I felt was one which demanded such a message.

    Following my assumption of duties as Anauša High Commander I ordered a top-down review of the agency to further its efficiency, capabilities, and address any shortcomings which may exist. What I did not expect to find, however, is a trail of inconsistencies in the files and paperwork of outgoing High Commander, Lucinda Hadley, especially in the later days of her tenure. Furthermore, a diversion of resources and personnel to operations which do not reflect the core mission of Anauša have been uncovered, and the trail which these leave lead to some concerning coordination and cooperation between Ms. Hadley and one Charles Foster Ofdensen.

    Records uncovered during this review indicate that the High Commander traveled to the "Principality of Borland" during which she conducted operations of her own volition. The details of her mission profile called for an intelligence gathering operation to ascertain conditions on the ground, secure information as to the (then) present capabilities of Borlander forces in Zimalia, and explore any leads in regards to King's Blood which may have been of use to forces securing her release. Upon her return she was to have compiled a dossier for release to Rokkenjiman and Morelander intelligence, however, this dossier was never disseminated within Rokkenjiman intelligence, nor was it shared with Morelander intelligence. Instead, it seems to have been intercepted by Mr. Ofdensen, where it was then re-purposed.

    Once returning it seems that Ms. Hadley held a meeting with Mr. Ofdensen where details regarding her mission were shared, along with the dossier, disappearing until their later release by Mr. Ofdensen in the lead-up to revelations regarding the Crown Princess and her rescue by the Borlanders. Following my initial assessment of the information, it appears that Ms. Hadley dealt with Kyle Barren using the guise of her operation to secure his assistance in the rescue of the Crown Princess. This information was buried and withheld from official accounts of the mission she undertook. It is believed at this time that the information presented to Mr. Ofdensen was then incorporated into his designs for the Mentorship, being held as a 'card' to be used against the Empress who, to our present understanding, had no knowledge of the activities being undertaken by Ms. Hadley.

    We are still investigating why the Empress Emerita has, thus far, remained silent on this matter. If it would please Your Majesty I would wish to meet face-to-face with you and your intelligence services so we may address these concerns. I do not feel I have any other recourse as the implications these developments potentially hold for the safety and security of the Throne are of much concern to me. Furthermore, our findings have cast doubt on the implications of the Empress Emerita in regards to Borland. I will be reaching out to Dartfordian authorities to secure the extradition of Ms. Hadley to Rokkenjiman soil, as I do not believe she will return willingly.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Lelouch Lamperouge
    High Commander

    A Message To White Widow
    This message meets the highest of encryption standards and is intended for your eyes only.

    To whom it may concern;

    Anauša formally advises that it seeks the return of Ms. Lucinda Hadley, former High Commander of Anauša, to the First Empire of Rokkenjima. While I understand such a request may come as a surprise I have reason to believe that Ms. Hadley has been involved in activities which bring the safety and security of the Imperial and Royal Family into risk. The details surrounding this situation will be made available to you as our investigation continues.

    I have forwarded this request to you as I understand Ms. Hadley has insisted on continuing her duties to the Empress Emerita and Princess of Littlebrook and her family, if in an unofficial capacity. Your assistance and cooperation in securing Ms. Hadley, as well as providing for her swift extradition to Anauša custody, will be greatly appreciated.

    Lelouch Lamperouge
    High Commander

    International News Networks / Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
    « on: September 07, 2017, 08:15:19 AM »

    ISEA Shares Images Of Mariner, Atmospheric Explorers

    ISEA has been working on the Mariner Exploration Unit, which will explore the hydrocarbon seas of Titan.

    The Imperial Space and Exploration Agency (ISEA) has shared the first images of the Mariner Exploration Unit and the Atmospheric Exploration Unit (MEU and AEU, respectively), both of which ISEA intends to launch to Sehkma's moon Titan. "Since ISEA announced the mission to explore Titan work has been hard underway on the probes which will explore Titan," ISEA Director William Nye shared with the RBC. "This long-term mission will be followed up by submarine exploration of Titan's seas, which will only further enhance our understanding of the most Mundus-like object in our solar system."

    The Atmospheric Exploration Unit, which is set to gather data in the atmosphere of Titan.

    "In the transfer from the Soluna Program to the Akari Program, work was undertaken to ensure the Titan Exploration Mission could be accomplished utilizing components of the Akari Program. The launch window enables us to utilize gravity in our reach for Titan; the time prior to this window opening has been utilized to the fullest to develop and improve the vehicles which will explore Titan as well as the vehicles which will deliver them. As with most ISEA missions the Titan Exploration Mission was designed with international partnership in mind, however, we have seen no international partners approach us to date. Should that change, I imagine we would have a wealth of information to share in our mutual quest to understand the cosmos," Director Nye continued.

    In related ISEA news the Imperial Government has authorized funding for missions to Space Station Adora and further Lunar exploration. Adora's crew is set to return home in the coming months and will be replaced by a new crew, with space reserved for a foreign astronaut to join the crew upon Adora.

    International News Networks / Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
    « on: September 07, 2017, 07:05:28 AM »

    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Imposes Lakhzov Travel Advisory

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has put into place a Travel Advisory in regards to conditions within the Republic of Lakhzovia. The move follows reports of increased unrest and chaos surrounding the Rokkenjiman Embassy, which has been under siege by rioters and protesters who believe the First Empire had granted safe harbour to Argan Tsagarai.

    Travel Advisory: Republic of Lakhzovia

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hereby advises against all travel to the Republic of Lakhzovia, where the political and security situation remains unstable and unpredictable throughout the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has determined that significant risks exist for increasing ethnic tensions and clashes due to the present state of affairs, while the siege of the Rokkenjiman Embassy highlights that the situation has deteriorated to a point where risks exist to t Rokkenjiman and Cross-Straits nationals traveling to or within the Republic.

    The security situation throughout Lakhzovia has been recognized as highly uncertain, and could change rapidly. Rokkenjiman citizens presently within the Republic should monitor media reporting and plan their exit from Lakhzovia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate efforts with regional allies and partner nations to assist all Rokkenjiman citizens in their departure from Lakhzovia.

    Citizens of the First Empire may remain up-to-date on any developments by visiting and following the Active Travel Advisories link.

    The RBC will bring you the latest as this story develops.

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: Utman Declaration of Independence
    « on: September 05, 2017, 10:27:18 AM »

    An Encrypted Message To Mr. Uttaman
    This message meets the highest of encryption standards and is intended for your eyes only.

    Mr. Uttaman,

    For some time the plight of the Utman People has been a concern of the First Empire. While we have long hoped that President Kadassa would be a partner in dealing with the Utman situation responsibly and with wisdom that hope has quickly faded. It is the fears of my Government that Kadassa, when faced with the realization of an independent Utman Republic, will respond in perhaps the only way he knows how to. This is a development which the First Empire cannot, and would not, support.

    Rokkenjima views its relationship with Lakhzovia via the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord as one of friendship and solidarity with the People; this most certainly includes the Utman People. Actions of President Kadassa which harm the People will be wholly opposed by the First Empire. At this stage I do hope you understand that a public statement of support would harm Rokkenjima's ability to help the Utman, however, I can assure you that the People and Government of Rokkenjima recognize your plight and stand alongside you in your quest to improve the lives of your People.

    I wish to further the lines of communication and coordination between us so as to effect a resolution to this crisis which meets the concerns of the Utman and preserves the cause of peace. It is unfortunate that we cannot trust Kadassa to act in a responsible manner, however, our duty and loyalty to the People demands us to do whatever we can to assist in this time of crisis. History has not been kind to those who rule through fear, seeking to suppress the free voice and will of those who rise up in self-determination. We saw this in the fall of the Federal Republic, which had oppressed my People for nearly a century, laying waste to Rokkenjiman culture and prosperity in their rule of self enrichment.

    Do not hesitate to contact me at any hour, for I will always answer the call of a friend.

    In friendship and solidarity;

    Evanthe Rhodes
    Empress of Rokkenjima
    Duchess-Regent of Somerset

    OOC: This didn't really get a reply when originally posted, so I thought I would post it again here. :)

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: Rokkenjiman Embassy Siege
    « on: September 05, 2017, 09:50:18 AM »
    Cirice didn't waste one moment to act; her first priority was clearing Jason of the embassy grounds. With the dispersing looters and rioters that wasn't too difficult a task, while her subordinates coordinated the policies of the embassy to see that the staff were looked after. Following a group which was making its way away from the embassy Cirice took note of each building they passed, Achkaerin would not be an option at this time, though Dartfordia would be a welcome refuge. As they moved the need to get away from the crowd and off the street remained ever present, a group of rioters pushing through had thrown them to the ground as they pushed through, her face inches away from a gate.

    As she looked up she could see a concerned guard looking back upon her, quickly she removed the t-shirt she had wrapped around her face earlier. "My friend and I seek refuge," she said swiftly as she motioned to Jason. "Jason Cole, Rokkenjiman Ambassador to Lakhzovia, I have reason to fear it isn't safe for us on the streets, as you can see," she continued, pointing to the fire and smoke rising up from the Rokkenjiman Embassy. "If you could grant us safe haven, and the use of a telephone, we would be thankful."

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: In the Cause of Hope and Peace continued
    « on: September 05, 2017, 08:52:47 AM »
    While it was true that the air which existed between them wasn't the best as of late Evanthe was, in some ways, glad to see Beatrice again. It had been the first time in a while for both of them, having enjoyed what could only be described as a sister-like bond before the difficulties which piled themselves upon Beatrice. Seeing Nettie came as more of a surprise, though Eva was pleased to see she had found herself in good company. With these later arrivals out of the way Evanthe considered the information presented, as well as those measures Rokkenjima was preparing.

    "Rokkenjima shares the desire to prevent this from devolving into a war, however, the winds of conflict do seem to be finding strength as the days pass. In the coming days I will be clearing a deployment to Tienanmen, while forces at QAMB remain on heightened alert. Cooperation with Arstotzka will provide further avenues for action, though I pray they are not necessary. Still, to wade further into this situation without all options available to us would certainly tie our hands from the beginning."

    "I am inclined to agree," Beatrice added, "though I hate to think President Kadassa would be so determined to cast aside all that we've worked for. There remains much promise in Rokkenjima and Lakhzovia cooperating, and I think he should be capable of seeing that avenue is the one most beneficial for Lakhzovia to follow." "However," Evanthe said before Beatrice could speak further, "the signs increasingly point to Kadassa's legitimacy being brought into serious doubt. Does anyone else here remember the release of the election results? I didn't think so."

    "We need to pursue a renewed effort before the Commonwealth, bring ever greater light on the fact that the elections remain very much in doubt, and undermine yet further whatever credibility Kadassa may cling to. This is an aspect where I feel the assistance of Mr. Tsagarai should prove most crucial in achieving. Meanwhile, once our people are clear of Lakhzovia, I fully intend to revisit the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord."

    Press Offices / Re: Imperial Rokkenjiman Office of the Press
    « on: September 02, 2017, 10:30:36 AM »
    Pyrena Castle
    Office of the Imperial Media Liaison

    For Immediate Release
    September 2, 2017

    Statement From Empress Evanthe On Lakhzovia

    It is highly concerning to me that Maj.-Gen Haleva believes that Rokkenjima, a treatied ally of Lakhzovia, has been working to undermine the Lakhzov State. These statements could not be further from the truth, as Rokkenjima has stated its position clearly before the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation. This is a position which I have further made clear, at great length, in my Statements on the brewing crisis in Lakhzovia. At present, and at no time in the past, has the First Empire conducted operations geared toward supporting an 'infrastructure of opposition' towards the rightful government of Lakhzovia. Indeed, the First Empire has endeavoured to see faith restored in the Lakhzov Government following the Election Crisis, offering a hand of partnership to our Lakhzov friends and allies.

    In the international arena Rokkenjima has made clear that the Utman Crisis is one which must be resolved with a strong voice representing Lakhzovia. As a matter of the internal stability of Lakhzovia, I have made our support clear. However, with the lack of meaningful developments in the joint crises in Lakhzovia I have also made clear that our patience is not infinite. If we are to be of assistance to our allies we must see progress, initiative and dedication towards a resolution on their part.

    The recent test of a Mk II thermobaric warhead is a routine test of the thermobaric arsenal to ensure the continued potency and operational state of the arsenal. I have spoken with Marshal Admiral Cole regarding statements he made in apparent connection to Lakhzovia and it is our mutual understanding that such statements do not serve the best interests of our mutual concerns.

    Rokkenjima will continue to offer its support to our Lakhzov allies, however, we must see greater action and determination from Nakim if we should hope to see these crises brought to resolution. One cannot assist another who is unwilling to heed the advice of their allies or, worse, look for enemies amongst their allies. The disconnect between Pyrettania and Nakim must be bridged, lest an outcome all of us wish to prevent is realized before our eyes. I remain faithful that my words shall not be wasted breath, and that our friends in Nakim will address with haste and wisdom the challenges which stand before us.

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: In the Cause of Hope and Peace continued
    « on: September 02, 2017, 09:40:56 AM »
    A visit to the Marble Palace was always in Evanthe's plans, though perhaps not under these circumstances. Certainly the stakes were high, not only for the Utman and Lakhzovia directly, but towards broader stability in Cotf Aranye and abroad. She couldn't help but to think of those things which Beatrice could have done which may have yielded a different outcome but to think of such "what ifs" always returned her to the question of why those actions had not taken place. Why had she granted Kadassa the latitude which allowed conditions within Lakhzovia to fester to this point?

    After an enjoyable ride to the Palace Evanthe prepared her notes for the meeting. Their discussions would be determined as the developments came in, and to this point it didn't give them much to look forward to. While it was a risk to challenge Lakhzovia's dedication to the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord it was one which had to be made; at times, the application of pressure could prove a most valuable tool. She had made clear that Rokkenjima's patience was not infinite, however, she had left the door open for Kadassa to redeem himself and engage towards a solution before conditions spiraled any further.

    A year ago, not even, she couldn't imagine the tension which would hang in a room with representatives from Rokkenjima and Achkaerin. It was as much a testament to the strength of their alliance as it was to the skill and efforts of Count Emerson, with whom she had designs in mind upon concluding business at the Palace.

    "My thoughts," Eva said as she sat, "We've few options, and even fewer palatable options. We can both see just how easily things can easily deteriorate and, to be honest, I've little reason to trust Kadassa. I don't believe Beatrice fully considered conditions in Lakhzovia when she signed the Accord, though I'm hoping it can still provide some leverage as we try to find a solution. In any case we'll have to be determined and careful, though I know you already knew that."

    Press Offices / Imperial Rokkenjiman Office of the Press
    « on: September 02, 2017, 09:12:46 AM »

    Imperial Rokkenjiman Office of the Press

    Tomeka Araya, Imperial Media Liaison

    Greetings and welcome to the Imperial Rokkenjiman Office of the Press or, for short, the Imperial Press Office.

    All inquiries for members of the Imperial Government shall be welcomed and, from time to time, the opinions and statements of government members will be released here for dissemination to the international press.

    Economics and Industry / Re: ISEA - Akari Program
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:47:22 PM »

    First Akari Adora and Lunar Missions

    The Imperial Space and Exploration Agency is proud to announce preparations for the first Space Station Adora and Lunar Missions of the Akari Program. These missions will each include one Rokkenjiman astronaut, and two foreign astronauts, one from the Kingdom of Dartfordia while the remaining seat has been left open for a foreign astronaut. In the coming days we shall contact our partner nations and determine whom shall take the remaining seat, however, any interested parties may make their interest known here for consideration. It is hoped that these missions will serve as an example for future international Akari missions, increasing our ability to work together under one Program.

    Further details will be released over the coming week.

    Economics and Industry / ISEA - Akari Program
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:44:05 PM »

    Announcing the Akari Program

    The Akari Capsule

    The Imperial Space and Exploration Program (ISEA) has concluded its transition from the Soluna Program to the Akari Program. This modular spacecraft will be able to assume various configurations to fulfill a variety of roles, including further ISEA misions to the moon, and beyond. The Akari Program will be accompanied by a separate probe program which will expand our understanding of the heavens above.

    The Akari Capsule will be capable of delivering a crew of three astronauts into space, returning them to Mundus via a high angle of attack. This will generate lift and reduce stress on Akari crews at an extimated four gravities.

    Akari Standard System

    The Akari Standard System is designed for flights of a duration of one month as well as Lunar orbital operations. It is expected that as the program continues to advance and mature the Expansion Module (EM) and Propulsion Module (PM) will be capable of sustaining missions beyond Luna, including a manned mission to Nergal, and flights to asteroids.

    International Participation in the Akari Program:

    ISEA will, naturally, be pursuing cooperation with our partners in LISA and the Cross-Straits Union. It is our hopes that through mutual cooperation we may expand the capabilities of the Akari Program, allowing it to grow with the needs of our space programs as time progresses. The option for states beyond LISA and the CSU to rent seats aboard the Akari capsule for voyages to space stations is also being considered.

    Foreign interest may be noted here, and updates concerning the Akari Program will be posted regularly.

    Economics and Industry / Re: International Trade Centre
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:34:57 PM »


    One International Trade Centre:

    In addition to hosting the offices of foreign institutions, businesses and governments One International Trade Centre also hosts the Exuperia Stock Exchange (ESE). The trading floor of the ESE, along with associated offices of the Exchange, occupy the first floor of One ITC.

    Spoiler: Seaforth • show
    Company/Organization Name: The Kingdom of Seaforth
    Nationality of Company/Organization: The Kingdom of Seaforth
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category A, One International Trade Center
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Two consecutive floors.

    With growing relations between our nations and the need for an embassy, the Kingdom of Seaforth wishes to establish it's government offices in the ITC Complex. The Floor will consist of:

    Top Floor

    The Ambassador to Rokkenjima
    Deputy Minister, Finance
    Deputy Minister, Trade
    Private Offices of the Royal Family
    Seaforth Embassy

    Bottom Floor

    Seaspan, Inc
    Halifax Shipyards
    Juggernaut Propulsion Systems
    Scotian Metalworks
    Seaforth Hydro
    Geomancer Geothermal Power Company
    Scientific Liason to the City of Rhodesia
    Illumic Shipping

    Other business TBD, some offices will be held available for use by any company wishing to do business with Seaforth in the area.

    Spoiler: Tytor • show
    Company/Organization Name: Worldview Restaurant
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Tytor
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category A, 1 ITC
    Additional Options (to suit your needs): Two consecutive floors, top two if possible

    Owned and operated by Tytorian billionare Richard E. Daniels, the Worldview Restaurant (associated with his nationwide fast food chain, Moby Dick's) would be a one-of-a-kind formal establishment serving a wide array of international cuisines, particularly those of Rokkenjima's fellow CSTO members

    Spoiler: Dartfordia • show
    Company/Organization Name: MercerLabs International plc
    Nationality of Company/Organization:  Kingdom of Dartfordia
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category A, ITC 1
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Requires additional internet capacity

    Spoiler: Quinntopia • show
    Company/Organisation Name: Quinntopian Airlines
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Communist Quinntopia
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category A, ITC 1
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Will require additional internet capacity and good communication services. Will also require conference facilities.

    This office shall serve as the Rokkenjiman hub of Quinntopia's government-owned national airline, Quinntopian Airlines. It shall be the control hub of all Quinntopian Airlines flights in and around Rokkenjima and the Kyne. Furthermore, the office can also be used for meetings/conferences should other national airlines wish to become involved in a partnership with the airline or wish to purchase planes from or sell planes to Quinntopian Airlines.

    Spoiler: East Moreland • show
    Company/Organization Name: OsmanTech
    Nationality of Company/Organization: East Moreland
    Pricing Tier/Building: Cat C
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): ITC 1

    Spoiler: Achkaerin • show
    Company/Organization Name: Riviere Corporation
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Holy Empire of Achkaerin
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category A One International Trade Centre
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Will require preferably three consecutive floors one of which we would prefer to be converted into several large rooms so they can be used as research workshops (nothing hazardous will be worked on within the complex most of it will be theory work and small level).Though we would like to know if there's a medium to large sized warehouse on the site or within easy travelling distance that we could have access to.

    As for the other two floors we would use one for general administration i.e. offices and such while using the other as a branch of the Riviere Corporation Technology College (student accommodation where necessary will be found elsewhere).

    In addition to living accommodation for seventy staff we will require a seventy first accommodation apartment which will accommodate our Managing Director whenever she decides to visit.

    Simply put Riviere Corporation specializes in Research and Development and is at the very cutting edge of this field on Mundus as such this would serve as the regional outpost for the Corporation and possibly due to proximity to other Companies and Corporations be where some new ideas are conceived.

    Spoiler: Aeternum • show
    Company/Organization Name: Cognoscenti Technologies
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Aeternum
    Pricing Tier/Building: ITC 1 T1
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): -

    International Trade Centre Two:

    Spoiler: Dartfordia • show
    Company/Organization Name: WorldRail Investments Ltd (subsidiary of LS-Railways plc)
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Kingdom of Dartfordia
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category B, ITC 2

    International Trade Centre Three:

    Spoiler: Transvaal • show
    Company/Organization Name: Transvaal Research
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Transvaalian
    Pricing Tier/Building: A, ITC 3
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Is the National Research Company will need 5 floors, two floors will also need to be changed to large rooms for all the medical research, this company is more for medical research, accommodation will be paid for by our government if provided, another floor will need to converted into meeting/conference rooms, It is also requested that this company be stationed on the top floors.

    Company/Organization Name: Transvaal Shipping Co.
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Transvaalian
    Pricing Tier/Building: A, ITC 3
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): needs 3 floors, not National Company, one floor will be need to transformed into a management floor. Since this is the companies overseas branch.

    Company/Organization Name: Shine Jewelry
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Transvaalian
    Pricing Tier/Building: A, ITC 3
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Will need 3 floors, One floor will need to made into management floor/recruitment floor, this company is one of the biggest mining companies in Transvaal and will be actively looking for new workers.

    International Trade Centre Four:

    Spoiler: Dartfordia • show
    Company/Organization Name: The Mundus Amnesty Organisation 
    Nationality of Company/Organization:  Kingdom of Dartfordia
    Pricing Tier/Building: Category C, ITC 4
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Charity

    Spoiler: Aeternum • show
    Company/Organization Name: Sungnyemun Auto Corporation
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Aeternum
    Pricing Tier/Building: ITC 4 T3
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): -
    Company/Organization Name: Alliance Airlines
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Aeternum
    Pricing Tier/Building: ITC 4 T3
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): -

    International Trade Centre Five:

    Spoiler: Nueva Ardia • show
    Company/Organization Name: Nueva Ardia's Union of Agricultural Producers
    Nationality of Company/Organization: Nueva Ardia
    Pricing Tier/Building: Intl Trade Centre 5, Category E
    Additional Options (to suite your needs): Contact with food distributers and retail to organize the selling of agricultural products from Nueva Ardia

    International Trade Centre Six:

    International Trade Centre Six (ITC 6), also known as the Rokkenjima Trade Commission Building, serves as the headquarters of the RTC. Charged with the promotion of consumer protection, as well as the elimination of anti-competitive business practices, the RTC was established through the Rokkenjima Trade Practices Reform Decree (TPRD) of 2014. Since its inception the RTC has enforced several key antitrust statutes, while seeing its duties expanded to include the enforcement of additional business regulation statutes and provisions. The RTC is an independent institution of the Imperial Government.

    International Trade Centre Seven:

    International Trade Centre Seven (ITC 7), also known as the Imperial Offices Building, houses either main or branch offices of the Imperial Government. These include:

    • Office of the Attorney for the Crown
    • Imperial Mail Service
    • Food Standards Agency
    • Rokkenjima Export Finance
    • Imperial Savings and Investments
    • Rokkenjma Meteorological Agency
    • Nuclear Regulation Authority
    • National Public Safety Commission

    - National Police Agency
    • Rokkenjiman Statistics Authority
    • Labour Relations Commission
    • Commission for Accountability

    Oceania Residential Towers

    The Oceania Residential Towers are purely residential; open to both foreign and national citizens who work or hold interests at the International Trade Centre. Options to purchase, or enter into a long-term lease, are available on suites and smaller apartments, depending upon the needs of the tenant. The buildings include their own shopping and entertainment facilities, as well as child care and educational services for children living in the towers. A dedicated, state-of-the-art medical facilities is housed in a separate building to provide for the health care needs of ORT residents.

    Diplomacy and Events / Re: Rokkenjiman Embassy Siege
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:33:41 PM »
    Eva remained tense and attentive as the events unfolded, dividing her attention between various screens and the voices filling the room. A count-down on the fuel which maintained power for the safe room, streams of intelligence as well as the blueprint of the Embassy. Her people were competent, those endeavouring to reach them she trusted with every fiber, by now all should be in order to buy them precious moments, yet she couldn't help but to worry. She remembered well the countless hours during the imprisonment of Rokkenjimans in Transvaal, pacing alongside Beatrice as she weighed her options and could only stand by as the events unfolded before her.

    Cirice placed her hand on Jason's shoulder, she could tell the stress was mounting upon him with each passing second. "You needn't wear such worry on your face, for even should they breach that door I promise to you I shall hold this ground to my dying breath. Look," she said, pointing to the dimmed ICON display. "Just off the shores of Lakhzovia sit several tonnes of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy, and they're not alone either. On board those vessels are people working their damnedest to bring us home safely; collect yourself and focus on what you will do once free of these walls."

    "A fine point," Jason said with a smile, turning to Tsagari. "Speaking of which you must be curious as to the present state of affairs outside," he said as he brought up various summaries and reports on the developments since they had entered the room. "If we make it out of this I have it on good authority that Megitsune has one of the prize stocks of mead you can find anywhere on Mundus. I'm certain the Empress wouldn't mind putting us on her tab."

    "Mr. President, the files should be transferring as we speak," Evanthe replied. "The location of the room should be highlighted," she said with a smile to Lelouch, "Let us all pray that this concludes safely for all."

    Economics and Industry / Exuperia Stock Exchange
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:30:07 PM »

    Exuperia Stock Exchange

    Spoiler: Rules • show
    • There will be a limit of three submissions per post. Please allow some time to pass in between submissions.
    • There will be a limit of five corporations and types of commodities per nation/entity.
    • There will be a purchase limit: a maximum of 30% of a corporation's stock may be for sale. If the corporate stock is under one million shares the remainder may be purchased.
    • Please make all posts IC and keep OOC discussion out of this topic. A separate topic will be made for the discussion of this, and any future stock exchanges.
    • I reserve the right to reject any applications on an IC and OOC level.


    The Exuperia Stock Exchange is the First Empire's premier stock market within Rokkenjima. Founded in 1750 the ESE has played a pivotal role in the Rokkenjiman Economy, spanning across three governments. With increased trade and economic activity following the fall of the Federal Republic the ESE has, once again, opened its floors to foreign corporations and entities.

    The ESE's trading floor is located at One International Trade Centre, Onedari Square, Exuperia and takes up the first floor. Following its revitalization the ESE was redesigned from the ground-up to incorporate electronic and networked systems into the trading system. Annually the ESE Board of Directors reviews the operations of the ESE and determines if upgrades or other changes to the systems are necessary.

    How do I register with the ESE?

    To register your corporation with the ESE, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of corporation[/b]:
    [b]Name of CEO[/b]:
    [b]Nation of origin[/b]:
    [b]Price per Share[/b]:
    [b]Shares for sale[/b]:
    [b]Total Number of Shares[/b]:

    To purchase shares, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Organization/Nation[/b]:
    [b]Shares for Sale you wish to purchase[/b]:

    To sell shares, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Organization/Nation[/b]:
    [b]Shares you wish to sell[/b]:

    If you wish to register your currency with the ESE, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Nation[/b]:
    [b]Name of National Currency[/b]:
    [b]Units for Sale[/b]:
    [b]Total Units[/b]:
    [b]Value of Currency[/b]:

    If you wish to purchase an available currency on the ESE please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Nation[/b]:
    [b]Currency You Wish to Buy[/b]:
    [b]Total Units of Currency You Wish to Buy[/b]:

    If you wish to sell commodities on the ESE, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Organization/Nation[/b]:
    [b]Commodity to Sell[/b]:
    [b]Price per Unit[/b]:
    [b]Total Units for Sale[/b]:
    [b]Total Units[/b]:

    If you wish to purchase commodities on the ESE, please use the following form:

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Name of Organization/Nation[/b]:
    [b]Commodity to Buy[/b]:
    [b]Commodity Host[/b]:
    [b]Total Units to Buy[/b]:

    OOC: I've based the ESE off of the stock exchange operated by Xanixi on the NationStates forums, who's granted permission. The ESE is open for business!

    Economics and Industry / International Trade Centre
    « on: September 01, 2017, 07:26:52 PM »
    International Trade Centre
    Exuperia, Azukishima Prefecture, Rokkenjima

    The International Trade Centre of Exuperia, located in the financial heart of the First Empire, provides a safe, convenient and secure location for businesses and their daily operations. With many transit options available (including air and rail) businesses will have access to a variety of options to keep them connected with the world around them. A growing hub for Cross-Straits Union trade and commerce the ITC provides a conduit to the largest common market on Mundus.

    The ITC is less than an hour's drive from the City of Ashinxao, which hosts the Azukishima Free Trade Zone. Centred around the ample port facilities of the City of Ashixnao the Tri-City Free Trade Zone offers many advantages to corporations and businesses moving goods and materials into and out of Rokkenjima. Further benefits are afforded to businesses moving goods beyond Rokkenjiman borders who meet Certified Trade Partner (CTP) status, seeing those benefits extended to businesses transporting goods and materials beyond Rokkenjiman borders further into Ardia.


    One International Trade Centre:

    150 Floors, 665m

    International Trade Centre 2 & 3:

    120 Floors, 437m
    70 Floors, 378m

    International Trade Centre 4:

    90 Floors, 385m

    International Trade Centre 5:

    40 Floors, 268m

    Oceania Residential Towers:

    56 Floors, 189m

    Reserved Buildings

    Rokkenjiman Trade Commission Building (ITC 6):

    60 Floors, 333m

    Imperial Offices Building (ITC 7):

    55 Floors, 188m

    Pricing Tiers:

    Category A: Whole Floor, top-third of Building: $100,000 per Month
    Category B: Half Floor, top-third of Building: $90,000 per Month
    Category C: Whole Floor, mid-third of Building: $85,000 per Month
    Category D: Half Floor, mid-third of Building: $70,000 per Month
    Category E: Half Floor, lower-third of Building: $50,000 per Month
    Category F: Quarter Floor, lower-third of Building: $25,000 per Month
    Category G: Single Office/Eighth Floor, lower-third of Building: $10,000 per Month

    Non-profit organizations and charities receive a 15% discount on these prices.

    Internet services are provided by Imperial Standard Communications (ISC); each pricing tier includes a 1gb/s connection. For customers who need additional Internet options the are available upon request, but these additional options will not be included in the pricing.

    Code: [Select]
    [b]Company/Organization Name:[/b]
    [b]Nationality of Company/Organization:[/b]
    [b]Pricing Tier/Building:[/b]
    [b]Additional Options (to suit your needs):[/b]


    ICON Upgrades Accompany Increased Regional Tensions

    The upgrade program was largely overseen by Marshal Admiral Henry Cole and authorized by Empress Evanthe.

    The Integrated Communications and Operations Network (ICON) is scheduled to undergo a series of upgrades, the first of which will see radar installations upgraded at JMF Tienanmen with additional installations to be installed along the coast of Aeternum and further inland. These upgrades are intended to increase ICON's global radar capabilities, with talks to be hosted in the near future for similar upgrades in Dartfordia. It is also speculated that Rokkenjima and Aeternum are nearing an agreement to construct at least one Century silo in Aeternum as part of Imperial High Command's strategy to "bolster the common deterrence."

    The upgrades, which were planned prior to the increase in regional tensions, will be accompanied by a broader program to update ICON, the resources of which are shared by LISA signatories and, to a lesser extent, Major Non-LISA Allies of the First Empire. Imperial High Command has noted that upgrades to ICON satellites would be a move explored in the near future while not ruling out the possibility of coordination with partners such as Achkaerin, Aeternum and Dartfordia in respects to these upgrades. "As ICON resources are shared by our trusted allies Rokkenjima sees coordination as necessary to ensure the viability and continued interoperability afforded by ICON," a statement from IHC read earlier today.

    In related developments Imperial High Command was considering further deployments to the region citing "a situation which is increasingly spiraling out of control." Such deployments are expected to be finalized following discussions amongst LISA allies. Rokkenjima maintains a military presence in the region in the form of QAMB which hosts the Imperial Rokkenjiman Illumic Fleet, assets of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Air Force, as well as 20,000 troops. Marshal Admiral Cole spoke briefly with the press, mainly addressing statements from Lakhzovian officials.

    "Rokkenjiman policy towards Lakhzovia has been guided by the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord, and the spirit of friendship which exists between the nations. Military cooperation was suspended for a time in response to the Election Crisis, with the fear being that any tactic support for the Lakhzov military could worsen the situation; those concerns naturally remain as the results of the election have yet to see the light of day. The Empress has insisted on a diplomatic solution and presented several avenues for one to succeed; we've no desire for conflict and destabilization in Cotf Aranye, however, the present trajectory is most certainly not sustainable."

    Asked if he had any advice for his counterparts in Lakhzovia Marshal Admiral Cole shrugged. "Unannounced missile tests are always a dangerous affair for many reasons, though I'm certain my counterparts would recognize that. Instead of provocative proclamations and actions they would find better results through engaging diplomatic channels. In the mean time our willingness to engage with our allies will not change, nor will our readiness or resolve. The Empress already cautioned President Kadassa to avoid the mistakes of Empress Emerita Beatrice and, sadly, it seems he is mistaking his friends for enemies just as she did; we all hope that he will not revisit that path of history any further."

    The RBC will be following these developments closely.

    Office of the Chancellory / Re: A Fireside Chat
    « on: August 30, 2017, 09:06:15 AM »

    Fellow Orderians,

    I wished to take a moment to recognize and thank the members of our Government (C, Ach, Dave, hobbes), our friends from abroad who have worked on our behalf, as well as each and every one of you. We've had a most unimaginable storm bearing down on us and a situation which has brought great dismay and disbelief. However, we've all proven that the spirit of our Order is strong and, no matter what is thrown our way, we will not only persist but we will prosper.

    While we remain locked out of our original forums and our region is being held hostage, I wished to begin this Fireside Chat with the optimism, hope and strength our community has shown these past few days. As I stated on the RMB, and what has been a bit of a recurring theme, the Order is because of you, its ownership belongs to you all. Have these past few days been trying, frustrating, and very much rage inducing at times? Yes, most certainly, but they will pass. Each day, each post, every conversation is a confirmation that we're still here, walking proud, never stumbling.

    To C, Dave, Ach and hobbes, thank you for your continued efforts, time, and dedication. It was through quick action, communication, time and effort that the Order has weathered this crisis in excellent shape and high spirits. Let August 26th not be remembered in infamy, but a day remembered for the actions, dedication and resolve which was shown.

    I invite everyone to take a moment to share positive words and energy and, of course, if you have any questions feel free to ask those as well.


    Empress Cautions Kadassa: 'The Clock Is Running Out'

    "We shall do all that is in our power to stand by Lakhzovia, even in a situation where we may be incapable of standing by its Government."

    As the crisis deepens in Lakhzovia Pyrena Castle has stated that the Republic of Lakhzovia is "in blatant violation" of the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord, with Empress Evanthe warning Kadassa that "the patience of the First Empire is not infinite; the clock will not grant President Kadassa countless moments." Citing the actions of Kadassa as weakening the free institutions of Lakhzovia and breeding instability the Empress made clear that Lakhzovia is in breach of Article II of the Pyrettania-Nakim Accord and promised that "should conditions not improve, the First Empire will be moved to consider all options available. We shall do all that is in our power to stand by Lakhzovia, even in a situation where we may be incapable of standing by its Government."

    "Through weakening those free institutions that do exist in Lakhzovia we see not a vibrant and functioning democracy, but a de-facto dictatorship under Kadassa," the Empress continued. "Great patience has been shown towards the President in addressing the Election Crisis, further patience has been granted in the Embassy Crisis and, at present, yet more patience has been allotted for the Utman Crisis. While the First Empire remains confident that President Kadassa will act in the best interests of his People and engage the international community that patience does not spring from an eternal well. Eventually, should conditions not change, this well will run dry and we will be forced to re-evaluate Rokkenjiman ties with the government of President Kadassa."

    The Empress is scheduled to meet with Emperor Peter on the crises, stating that "I have great faith in the ability of Rokkenjima and Achkaerin to work together on bringing a lasting resolution to the Lakhzov Crises. President Kadassa cannot be handed a blank check to openly deconstruct the Lakhzov democracy, nor is it tenable for President Kadassa to lay waste to his own People. I remain faithful that President Kadassa will see the wisdom in engaging with the international community and putting forth the best interests of his country in that process. However, we must be prepared for a situation where his voice no longer represents the will and interests of the Lakhzov People."

    Mk II Warhead Tested; Century Test 'Possible'

    The test of the Mk II themobaric warhead was ordered to ensure the continued potency of the arsenal, according to IHC sources.

    A Mk II thermobaric warhead was detonated at the Platform Testing Facility in Kavania Prefecture, according to a release from Imperial High Command. The Mk II warhead performed within expected margins and was declared a success, with Imperial High Command announcing the possibility of a long-range test of the Century missile upon which the Mk II is delivered. "While some actors are capable of throwing their toys into the Krimeon the Century possesses a truly global reach. Engaging us in a test of arms is a quest we do not advise at this time, for you shall fall short," Marshal Admiral Cole said in remarks to the RBC.

    "Through Century we may strike any target from any direction, at any time of our choosing," the Marshal Admiral continued. "The Century Program, utilizing the Mk II warhead, represents one of the most capable conventional deterrent forces presently in existence. We saw these capabilities demonstrated in Thomradia and Themata, capabilities which helped to bring those conflicts to a more speedy resolution. Routine tests are necessary to ensure the continued potency and ability of these platforms."

    The RBC will bring you the latest on these developing stories.

    International News Networks / Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
    « on: August 28, 2017, 02:51:09 AM »

    Welcome to the Rokkenjiman Broadcasting Corporation - RBC: your leading source for professional coverage of the leading domestic and foreign stories that matter most to you. Whether it's the latest developments from Pyrena Castle or breaking events abroad read it first on RBC.

    Domestic news is available online (rbcnews.rk), via radio (RBC-3, RBC-5) and on television (RBC News One).

    RBC World is your leading international news organization. Our network of journalists and correspondents provide timely, impartial news, reports and analysis. Services are available online (worldservice.rk), via radio (RBC-7), and on television (RBC World Service). Our coverage is available in all major languages, including specialized services such as the Cotf Arayne Service.

    Introductions / Re: Welcome to SMF!
    « on: August 27, 2017, 10:16:03 PM »
    Welcome!  :)

    Office of the Chancellory / A Fireside Chat
    « on: August 27, 2017, 09:08:47 PM »

    Fellow Orderians,

    It has been quite some time since I last had the opportunity to speak with you in such a manner. As your Grand Chancellor, however, I feel it's important to maintain an open line of communications, one where we may exchange ideas, tackle concerns, and also what I hope will be engaging and thought-provoking discussions. I am pleased to make this chat a permanent fixture of my Office, and encourage everyone to ask questions, present concerns, and engage in discussions about our regional government.

    Our Vice Chancellor, CGJ, may also be joining us from time to time.

    Before we proceed, allow me to present a few ground rules:

    • You can ask about anything regarding NationStates, the Independent Order, its Government or roleplay matters.
    • You should be respectful when asking questions; being offensive beside a warm fire isn't nice, and really throws off the feng shui of the Chancellery Office.
    • The Vice Chancellor and I shall answer all questions presented, though if they are not relevant to the Order, its Government or roleplay we reserve the right to decline.
    • Discussions which take place in this topic should remain respectful and calm.

    Foreign diplomats and guests are also welcome to take part.  :)

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