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Messages - Lyeia

Pages: [1]
International News Networks / Re: The Lyeian Times
« on: September 27, 2018, 03:49:16 PM »
Armed standoff leads to arrest

An armed standoff in Lyeia's capital has led to the arrest of notorious criminal Rosdom Geladze. Believed to be responsible for a string of robberies and heist, with ties to various gangs, he is now firmly under police captivity.

Gabele's police comissionar issued a statement earlier today "with Mr Geladze behind bars, the community can breath a sigh of relief.

With interrogation to commence any day now, we eagerly await the verdict

To Tamora

As a large producer of oil off the bay of Sargon, Lyeia would like to put forward their application to become a member of OPEN.

I look forward to hearing about the process of our application.

-Haman, minster for natural resources

Economics and Industry / Re: International Development Grant Program
« on: July 21, 2018, 04:25:11 PM »
Applicant Nation: Lyeia
Projects Seeking Funding: Endangered and extinct environmental recovery project
Estimated Amount Needed: 1.2 million
Target Dates For Completion: Nov 2018
Any Relevant Details To Be Taken Into Consideration: A rare and almost extinct species of fern has been discovered in Lyeia's east, and the funding would allow our scientists to collect seeds in order to recreate the species when it dies out, as well as sustainability maintain it's existence

Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« on: July 21, 2018, 03:27:52 PM »
Please add B80 to my claims please

International News Networks / Re: The Lyeian Times
« on: July 21, 2018, 10:33:35 AM »
Discovery of Oil in the Bay of Sargon

Exciting news today for the mining industry in Lyeia as oil was discovered off the bay of Sargon earlier last week. Oil has not been discovered in Lyeia before, leaving the government in a sense of disarray as they laws are hastily proposed in an attempt to regulate the newly formed oil industry before the various oil companies get to it first.

The discovery has also drawn great commotion from various animal and environmental protection groups who have started to protest against the discovery. With the government and police trying the best not to appear to favour a side, it looks like it will be awhile before anything comes from the discovery.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: A Request to nations of Albion
« on: July 21, 2018, 09:10:26 AM »
To the Queendom of Lodja

Lyeia recognises the part that slavery played in the history of all our nations, and while we do find Tamora's continuing policy of slavery abhorrent, we also recognise the importance trade plays in the prosperity of both our nations and Tamora's peoples. Unfortunately we cannot stand alongside you in placing sanctions on Tamora. We feel that it would only worsen the people of Tamora's welfare and prosperity. While this does not mean we agree with Tamora, however we will continue as per normal in trade with Tamora


Diplomacy and Events / Re: Tsunami in Barnacle
« on: July 14, 2018, 03:11:32 AM »
To the Heyran government

I am truly sorry to hear of the disaster that has befallen Barnacle, please accept our sincerest condolences. However we have quickly convened and have decided to move some of our foreign aid budget to the Heyran relief fund to assist you in your repairs and recovery. Also, we would like to extend the offer of a state visit from our heads of government to also provide assistance.

We look forward to your replay

Vartan, Lyeia's head of foreign affairs

International News Networks / The Lyeian Times
« on: July 08, 2018, 04:18:03 PM »
Major Archaeological Discovery

A team of archaeologists from the university of Gabele have made an exciting discovery this week. Renewed archaeological works on the site of what is believed to be one of Lyeia's oldest surviving settlements has revealed what appears to be the foundations of a church! While not as old as the settlement itself, the church dates back to the introduction of Christanity into Lyeia. The discovery has excited both scholars and priests alike, with many visiting the site.

With excavation still ongoing, it is likely that more discoveries will be made. Regardless of your religious conviction, this discovery opens a door to our nations history.

Factbooks and Maps / The Commonwealth of Lyeia (WIP)
« on: July 08, 2018, 03:40:02 PM »
The Commonwealth of Lyeia
The commonwealth of Lyeia is a constitutional democracy located in the south of Albion, by the sea of Antalin and the bay of Sargon. It's capital is Gabele, which is the seat of the Lyeian Apostolic Church.
Motto:- Forwards in Unity
National Anthem:- WIP[/center]


Type some of the history/background of your nation here.

Government Type:- Constitutional Republic
Population:-:- 56 Million
Capital City:- Gabele (6 million)
Demonym:- Lyeian


Currency:- What money do you have
GDP per Capita:- A measure of wealth
Unemployment Rate:- 5.2%
Main Industries:- Tourism, natural resources, agriculture


Ethnicity:- What background do you people have
Languages:- Lyeian
Religions:- Lyeian Apostolic Church (78%) Catholicism (18%) Various religions (4%)
Average Life Expectancy:- 92


Head of State:- Temur Apakidze
Head of Government:- Temur Apakidze
Name of Legislative Body:- Upper House, Lower House

Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« on: July 08, 2018, 11:16:01 AM »
Nation Name: Commonwealth of Lyeia (name may change)

Nation Link:

Provinces you wish to claim:

Proposed colour of your nation on the map:Dark Green

I, Lyeia, have read the rules set down above, and agree to follow them.

Pages: [1]