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Offline Viljandi

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Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics
« on: November 03, 2017, 10:14:10 PM »

Official Name: Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics (UVSR)
Conventional Name: Viljandi or Viljandin Union (VU)
Adjective: Viljandan
Capital: Tuulekaabel
Population: 77,732,812
Government Type: Parliamentary Republic
Government Mandate: Authoritarian One Party Socialist Republic
Official Languages: Estonian & Finnish
Recognised Regional Languages: Lithuanian, Latvian & Polish
Head of State: President:
Head of Government: General Secretary
Calling Code: +47
Internet Domain suffixes:,,,
Driving side: Right
National Animal: Wolf
National Flower: Lily of the valley
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 10:58:51 PM by Viljandi »

Offline Viljandi

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Re: Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2017, 11:54:39 PM »

The Viljandan government is organised in the form of  a federation where the federation is headed by the President and General Secretary in the capital of Tuulekaabel, however there are regions within the nation that act as their own semi-autonomous political entities known as Member Republics”, colloquially known to outsiders as states which hve autonomy on their own policy areas on a case by case basis but with the federal government in the capital as a consulting body at the federal governments discretion. The federal government however has absolute authority in areas of the following:

•Diplomatic Relations with other countries
•Defence and the military
•Fiscal Policy (Includes Taxes and Central Banking)
•Trade Policy with external political entities
•Healthcare and Social Services

All other policy areas the federal government sets standards and provides funding for if the states cannot provide themselves, the federal government in that regard acts on a consultation basis. There are 6 member republics that make up the Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics who elect their own leaders who are known as Premiers and act as the General Secretary’s administrative arms within their own republics. The Member Republics are the following.

•The Free City of Tuulekaabel (Their own Republic as well as the national Capital)
•The People’s Republic of Ogień
•The Republic of Käännös
•The Zeme Democratic Republic
•The Socialist Republic of Geležis
•The Democratic Socialist Republic of Teräs

The Democratic Socialist Party of Viljandi

The Demoratic Socialist Party of Viljandi up until 1973 was known as the Socialist People’s  Party  (SPP) which used to adhere to a more militant and aggressive form of Marxism which favoured raprid industrialisation through the collective ownership of agriculture and industry and the overall means o production. State owned businesses were the only entities that were permitted and privately owned businesses were outlawed as they were perceived as selfish and decedent.  In order to maintain this collectivist state 3 casts were
relegated amungst the people o serve as arms of the state these castes were

Solldier: Serve in the military to protect the Viljandan Union from those wishing to destroy it.

Farmer: To work on the farms and feed the nation

Worker: Manufacture equipment and machinery in order produce equipmenr and devices to fuel the other castes and trade with other nations.

This variant o Communism would be known as ‘Vidalicism’, after the former leader Commissary-General  Radenov Vidalic who coined this ideology However the command economy and strict centralisation of policy making was  detrimental as the citizens would receive rather little in return as the wealth from their output amongst the farmers and workers  and went mostly to the military, this led to a wide scale famine of the 1960’s which culminated to a violent crackdown on a workers strike in Ljupval Square on April 3rd 1964  and the subsequent democratic revolution from 1964-1973 which was ended by the assassination of Radenov Vidalic the same year and a coup de tat the following year which saw transitional government overseen by General Jorman Olegsson.

General Olegsson was in power for 10 years after the collapse of the failed and nationally reviled Vidalic era. Even though he held no real political office and was more or less a military general his governance was widely supported by the people both within the Viljandan Union of Socialist Republics and abroad as being ruled by an “iron hand but with a soft grip” a phrase coined by many international political pundits at the time, this implied hat while the militaristic government at the time was on the outside ruled forcefully, the policies had a rather liberal and progressive flavour to hem. General Jorman Olegsson was rather liberal in terms o the people’s general right and made reforms which were the following:

•Free Press was encouraged and private ly owned media outlets were left alone.

•A more equitable minimum wage was implemented

•The unitary state was demolished and all ethnic groups and borders were drawn up by the people into their own autonomous republics which was on their own terms

•Vast spending on local and national infrastructure projects were implemented particularly in the area o mass transit and farming.

•Private property was granted with the renewal of permits forand newly grated rights to operate non-governmental private businesses.
•Reworking of the welfare system ws implemented for those who couldn’t support themselves financially.

These reforms however were implemented overtime and with the collaboration of experts under the Generals technocratic leadership. From the ashes of the old Socialist Peoples Party, many of the new members changed the name to the Democratic Socialist Part and have since adopted a more social democratic and reformist style of leadership emphasising a non-autocratic and democratic style of government where embers of the party are elected through means of general elections by the population and adopted more socially liberal policies as in free media/press, a strong supporter base for the secular state, and support of a more mixed economy  over the state owned centralised command economy, but with wth  strong emphasis on a social safety net to protect citizens form labour market failure and curb unemployment. While the new Democratic Socialist Party still rules the Viljandan Union as  a one party state, elections still occur due to factions appearing with different stances in certain policy areas. Thus the government isn’t truly democratic, but it is slowly becoming more so over time.

Branches of Government

Executive: The Executive branch is dominated by 2 positions of office that is the President of the Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics and the General Secretary of the Democratic Socialist Party. The President is an independent position from the lefilative process and is the head of state. The President is the supreme commander of the armed forcesand has te power to appoint the General Secretary and dissolve the government if circumstances came where the executive office was violating the constitution. The {resident can also be impeached wih the 2/3rds majority vote of Parliament.  The president is elected into office via a popular vote within th general election and is only selected for 1 term which is 10 years.

The General Secretary is head of the Democratic Socialist Party as well as acting as the Presidents administrative arm, they have the power to make legislation and appoint members of the cabinet to oversee the administration of government departments and agencies as well as co-operate with the President on policy making, as mentioned the General Secretary is appointed by the President and usually thy are former members of parliament, however unlike the President they are a parliamentary official as well so they can introduce new legislation in parliament as well as still retaining offie after th President finishe their term according to the new President’s discretion.

Legislative: The legislative branch is known as the Eduskunta (Parliament in English)/ The Parliament is made up of members of the Democratic Socialist Party who have been elected by their constituents in local and state elections. Parliament is ran on a unicameral basis with members from every state making up the seats. Parliament has the power to impeach the President with a 2/3rds majority vote, make, amend and repeal legislation as well, and approve international treaties. Members of parliament terms are every 5 years with no term limits, this however doesn’t include the General Secretary or the cabinet as they are appointed by the president, and parliament meets every 3 months.

Judicial: The Judicial Branch is headed by the High Court of Viljandi which are completely independent from the 2 other branches of government. The High Court Justices are appointed by the Federal Law Chambers (like a Bar Association) which they serve until the age of 70, the number of judges on the High Court benches is 7. They have the power to make law on the basis of case law if parliamentary statues don’t  apply to a particular case base on case law, have judicial review,  and act as the final court of appeal in civil and criminal cases as well as oversee disputes between individuals and the state or oversee cases involving disputing governing bodies

Legal System: Inquisitorial System based on German and Dutch Civil code.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 08:24:47 PM by Viljandi »

Offline Viljandi

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Re: Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 10:20:14 AM »
Economic Information

Population: 77,732,812
GDP Per Capita (PPP):$ 27,140.07
GDP per Capital (Nominal): $ 21,003.37
GDP (PPP):$2,109,673,958,976.84
GDP (Nominal):$1,632,651,011,576.44
Currency: Luba (ᴌ)
Exchange Rate:  ᴌ 1.00=$0.7738/$1.00= ᴌ1.2921
HDI: 0.901
Gini Coefficient: 26.3 (Low)
Unemployment Rate: 5.4%
Labour Force by occupation: 6% Agriculture,38% Manufacturing,56% Services
Income Tax Rate: 15%-33% (Progressive Tax Structure)
Corporate Tax Rate: 25%
VAT/GST (Sales Tax): 12%

Main industries

Primary: Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Gas.

Secondary Sector: Pulp and Paper Products, Industrial Plastics, Industrial Chemicals, Medicine & Pharmaceuticals, Transportation Equipment, Telecommunications Equipment, Energy.

Tertiary Sector: Education, Public Healthcare Services, Telecommunication Services, Building & Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport & Logistical Services, Waste Disposal.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 08:32:26 PM by Viljandi »

Offline Viljandi

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Re: Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2017, 11:30:26 PM »

Name: Anja Goraen
Age: 50 (1/5/1967)
Occupation: President of the Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics
Bio: Nothing much is known about President Anja Goraen, most documents of her past have either been destroyed or redacted over the past 2 decades which on the international sphere of foreign affairs  has seen her being received with a mixture of suspicion and a degree of apprehension.  However she prefers to let her policies and actions speak for her as she has made various reforms regarding economic freedoms and civil rights.  It is suspected that she served in intelligence befor she became the President, however that has never been confirmed.

Name: Maksim Jokūbas
Age: 48 (23/10/1969)
Occupation:General Secretary
Bio: Maksim is the General Secretary of the Union of Viljandan Socialist Republics. He has received great praise from home and abroad for his signature brand of democratic socialism of neoliberal trading policies with a progressive and comprehensive social safety net to protect from market failure. He is said to be a rather calm and collected man which has managed to steer course for Viljandi entering the world stage as a leading socialist power in terms of soft power, multilateral neogtiation. Before being the General Secretary he was Secretary of State under the previous government 5 years prior to his current office which has earned him a good array of foreign connections.

Name: Sonja  Gaulm
Age: 50 (12/4/1967)
Occupation: Secretary of State
Bio: Sonja before she was Secretary of State was an actress and comedian but very few actually knew of her qualifications in bachelor’s degree in law and masters of international relations and her work with various NGO’s. This got the Presidents attention and was made Secretary of State. She is rather monotone soft spoken and rather deadpan and sardonic, said to be her signature type of humor . It was at first unusual to have a celebrity in the cabinet, but she has proven in her time of office tht she is more than capable of fulfilling her responsibilities as the nation’s chief diplomat
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 11:42:30 PM by Viljandi »